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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1941, p. 3

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TMeY OE m 7 THE CANADIAN TA'rW.RMAM nunEAPAGE¶7?? dqEw rccord ai contributions f_ in ic wu IH same book. An employer should mi" flot issue a new book ta a worker Ucthen who has been ln insured employ- people *,~ijU ment elsewhene, wouhd1 There are sevene penalties pro-thfa RIIN MTOIN FUNNOvlded ior hi the Act for any wil- tefr AL Y AV R UN fui an fraudulent minuse cf an ed ta t] ________________________________________Insurance bock. Howeven, theomi regulations respecting the use cfcust the£Ui book, are easily followed and usa £ £ S N A IO A L If this la donc Uic uystem willl not al fr bbundensome. amy fo veyo - -------- and'Vichy-France Our *etr s li LLeiter £~hdk M * than they were for the one and ___ ~ m*.only reason that at long last we From Cpi. Hunt, E. S. BY CaPt. Elmore Philpott told them in plain blunt word, Headquarters Ca. that it was either fight or quit. No. 1 Can. Inf. Holding Unit **U~ UM U U=U MU~ UOpen "collaboration" of Vichy- Canadian Army Overseas. LIBYA CROS8ROADS fought In the- past-land power France with Germany would in Otbr1 versus sea power. Britin anddlher my opinion slmilariy improve the Dear Moe,- Otbr1 This article is written as reports allies now have theïr eneny-the wvorid Picture because we would. Just a uine ta thank yau for the fromn Libya dlaim sweepmng Bn-_ Axis-caýdoped up in the continen- smmediately be able ta get tough 300 Sweet Caps which I received. tlsh Successes. Before it can ap- tai land bloc which stretches from aIR take steps which we were un- They sure were welcome as I had perin print onc of the decisive the Atlantic ocean an the west ta wling ta take while the pretence been out of Canadian cigarettes batties of this war mnay have been the battieline near Moscow on the of ncutraîity was màintained. for twa weeks. It wçLs the first won oir lost. Ta speculate an the east. An open break with Vichy- time I had been out for quite outcome of a battie while lit i5 ownti arGrayms France would, of course. meansoetebtelstawes f.1 ih Ittil l pro ressi human ut 'break out of that stranglng ring many mre things than the rup mail in August and I know I lest3 fallh.Itislie ryngtaguss of sea power plus the Soviet land ture of consular relations which some cigarettes and parcels. But vabther Joe Louis will or will not force. Canada has se far maintained- I guess we shouldn't kick as litt aMk ut another victinl.-.while To win the war Esitain and her for same reason neyer adequâtely was the first time we had lost any3 ffiJoe and his opponent are t allies must first keep Gernuany explained. It wauld mean pro- mail for about eight months. the peak of the struggle itself. from breaking out of the encircle- tective custody occupation of 1 saw Ed. Hooper and Elgie What one can do lis ta explore ment-and later close that strang- French~ possessions outside Eu- Harnden. It Àras sure good ta se the situation which will exist if ling circle ever tighter and tlghter rope, where those possessions are them once again. Ed. and I had on the one hand, Britain lis com- -stripping Germany of her allies -of a nature ta be made bases for quite a chat about the good old pletely successful..and otherwise. and slaves one at a time-and German action. day, when we were playing hoc-v Thib war is but another example finally appiying the principle af Dakar lis, of course, the most ýey together. Ed. is doing well of those which Britain ha, always divide and conquer within Ger- outstandingexample. But French nsotovreehhawn many itself . Tunisia lis a key point. There are fquiteaad.fewmedaIts andecupseink Transîated into terms af simple forces which couid be released in fommdetrcpets. oIngsepwhere miiitary action this means that: French North Africa which might TmyDpwi on apa -1. Britain and her allies must well transiorm that whole areafr saw enerals this year. a at ail costs prevent Germany from inta a base for opérations on the Hope he has a chance ta play on n breaking out af the defence ring ,ide ai the free peoples. We have Miemorial Cup team. I sure would - ta sme area. where she could get hitherto been unable ta aid those like ta be in the Oshawa arena h the ail se vitally needed. Speci- farces adequately because of the ta see the opening game this year. tI F T S Grmanyfrom reaching the Cau- the French Empire as such. Chief ta the Canadian sports highiights. % cssorPersia, or Arabia. In any of these forces is the Pan-Arab Is Bowmanville gaing ta have. ag ofteeplaces Germany could movement which looks ta the day hokey team this year? t getPlety fail ta make herseif of fneedomn by ahl Arabic peopies. I had a letter from Arnold Labb blockade-proof. What happened in Synia ha, net ti week and hope ta go down dc 2. avng uceeed n hebeen averiaoked by these poten- ta see him shortly. Weil the way te 2. Having Èucceeded in the thigs look rightnwli emasw abave Britain and her allies must tialiy mighty forces. When the thouin t anaw, i ee a begin ta narrow the circle on Ger- BfihanoneFnnhw re Iou e Bowanlon g i -tu many - probably beginning by farced ta avercome the Vichy- fore said ow avile agin. knokin Itly eanoutai heFrench forces, by castly military .e ae aIl hoping thatw iiCo war and ending by causing dîvi- sai o ntey did what Lawrence aiehmoofhismsl~2 sion and chaos in Germany itself Aai had pramised the Arabs will close for now, thankinfg you th -first symptom of whîch would ta do when hie got them ta revoît once agaîn for the smokes. It surefo Pleae te mn Wh drves be aquarelbeteen ermn aains th swell af you ta remember us a', Plea e t e m n w o d ive he a q anr l b tw e n G r m a ag îns th T u ks.ov er h ere an d w h en w e g et a ti 5 Ca .(ven f yu ar he generals and party gang- To me it is a wonderfui and cac ad u i ewntltc bY glg ENC 'enorain hig owte ogcyou down. Cheeria for now. P somehingof eentslisforcing us, a this Yours icrl, b tuse hIo on bis car. You E NC ATTACK war proceeds, ta be true ta the Ernest Hunt. mi ideals ta which toa long we have ____ WIU flnd lots af suggestions In the immediate sense the Bnî- paid From Cpi R.eS.vHcCa:dSee at aur showrooms. tish attack in Lîbya is a defen- buFroeri e Cp.R SS.tnde, u sive measure. It lis obviousi made We now demand, hands off I Troop "A" Sqn. e ta remove 'a force which is like aChn-dCiafoteCi- 4 Cdn. Recce. Bn. (4P.L.D.G.) sk dagger painted at the back of the ese, but lit taok an imminent threat I Cdn. Division, lac CAR HEATERS whole Bfritigh position in the Mid- ta aur awn interests ta makus Oeea die East. As long as Hitler can see the point. kus vesead coe 1,14 h DEFROSTERS maintain a strong force in Libya We are for Ethiopia for the Dear George,- a lie ha, the means ta apply hi, Ethiopians now-but it cost thou- Just. thought I wauld drap you w FLASHLOIGHTS favorite tactics when sands of lîves and hocards of trea- a few limes ta let you know that Th the time cames for him ta hit at sure ta enable us ta redeem aur The Statesman is still a welcome bai SE LDOLBritain in or near Palestine and own negligence of a few years panceli n the mail. It does the at the Suez. t before. heart goiod ta keep up with the aI BU PE herefore, ta frustrate Hitler's We are for hands-off-Russia happenings back in the home ne BUMPERGUARDS long range designs, and ta fit into now, because Russia', ability ta town. We histonic pattern ai British stra- stand is ai vital importance ta aur There sure are quite a few af il tegy, Britain must knock the Axis own war in1erest. the Bowmanviile boys over here forces ciean out of North Africa. Experience is a good if harsh now, but due ta being stationed se To achieve the réel objective in teacher. What te world is îearn- in the field all the time I neyer awu ~4-{1H this battle, lit i, net oniy necessary ing, tarleeTbu, ms ak, it by bit, li, that an' aggres- get a chance ai being anywhere thr te elive obrk, mas takssien anywhere is an. aggression Inear them. I have seen Denny mi capture pisaners and so forth. It everywhere; and that in the long Densem a number ai times on E ability ai the Axis ta threaten an- gavernment, freedom, and demo- Spencer. I met Jim Woodwardto is nee sr ta dstro iy fo ev r he run the m arel e opie o e t s n elf m anoeuvr e s, aiso Lie t.h e iB y mch A camplete British succes, rnore prosperous are similar sys- ver Club and we had a real aid u wauld be one whieh swept all tems wherever established. get-tagether.1 qul Libya so dlean of Axis farces that We have enjoyed a grand Fal c FaRmous 15-plat. that country cauld anly be, min over here, hardiy any rain which the Bafttry...52 0 future, a Jumping off place for is quite a miracle, and lit still ne- Biihattacks an Italy--and 'nev- CommissionIAttends mains quite warni out despite the Ia er again a base for Axis attacks To Une ' .me,% cool evenings. Hoç on Egypt. m.y~n We returned last week fram a bali A British neserve wbuld be an Insuranoe Work nine day -scheme, in which aur the incanclusive battie which would____ troaps taak part. We enjoyed in find the main British farces en- seeing some new 'country for aan tangled in Iibya while Hitler had Lettens ai enquiry indicate that chneanmnge ake ogd stuc trug Trey.ReonlOfcasith Unm up until the 8th day when at that tâkE TiAt the moment, there are twa Ployment Insurance Commission time when I sneaked araund a III oodreasns or hpim fortheare encountering a good dèàl ai corner i an armoured car, four n best autcome. The British seenu misuinderstanding among warkens 25 lb. field guns apened up on us. He1 now ta have what it takes in the and employers in regard ta the We sure neceived a razzing iromsa way ai superior equipment. The propen functions ai the wonkens' thsoswc entre aw Locl Ink skid Russians aiso seem ta have Hit- insurance books and stamps. H.Qý.'s with a large white "C" huri ler's forces in such a firm grizziy In an effort ta clear up these (casualty) written ofi the'car. real chans ... .5850 bear grip that he could net, even difficulties, locally at least,. Mn. In closlng may I add my thanks W if he would, stnike down through Edmunds, Manager af the Em- ta the Lions Club for their won- noor Turkey withaut risking a major ployment and Claims Office, gave denful support ta the cigarette lette disasten in hi, awn rear. the following statement ta The Icampaign for the lads aeven here; and GARTON'S Fn ~ i ne-Statsm:ancebosad:ap they sure are a needed luxury. se0 GART IF S ICH CAUHT Te isurace boksand tarp Myvery very best tean ail stcff Wel Farfro binga bd ign I e-pravide a simple, inexpensive and even Uiough it is rathen eanly this .f I Ugard the removal af Weygand a means ai keeping records af con- I do want ta wlsh you ail a Menry close hopeful factor as lit speeds up thc tibutions macle, ta thc insurarqce Christmias. GARAGEIJ whole process ai showdown in fund by bath employer, and wonk-ý1 Yours tnuly, Phone 26660tThere' have beeni twa ens. They are supplied ta em-R.SH.Cdlr gret coud inthe gerîerai war ployer, by the Unemployment Ini- picture in.récent months-Japan surnce Commnission and the .FromCharles Smith, B11472, F Post Offices by employena hold-lFrank A. Wenry, Bethesda: ing necessary permit,.* *Octaben 12, 1941 0Every worker, upon entering Dean Mrs. Wery,- insurable empîcyment lis assigned I have had several thrilllng ex- M A R Aan insurance bock by bis employ' periences since I last wnote. I arn W er. This book will bear a senial in aur' regimiental chair cf 50 iran numben which will designate that voices. On Sept. 29th we went ta Fana tachthefrot cverfro thecoringwhih ýi11go on thc air lems. boqk, fil in thc 'information ne- in Canada. We ail sent a little readi quirèd and fonward lit ta the Un- message home. The CBC tneated ownE employment 'Insurance Commis- us sweil. When we got ta London ieied, sien. The books are designed -ta they gave us tea and after thc fiectic caver a year's records and are show we were taken ta a swanky States renewabie only once -a year. If restaurant and given the best meai the lo anc is lest or mislaid lit may be I have had in many a day. A iew and neplaced, uapon the persan ne- oi us visîted the aid places in says: sponsible taking a declaration and London. It was a thrnl beig in ItV paying a fée ai $1.00. It is im- front ai 11,000 pal!Aothk ponantt-a t -s b1doc.s.son a .waybac pople!ou w e lo leave and cam-ne back 8 day, lai One had married an English gi Last Suinday the padre tald us1 had penfonmcd 2001 manrages Canadions ta English girls abo a manth previaus. When I. was in London I sa somethmng ai what Uic people ai Putting up with. The aisies ar platornus ai the subway we crammed with aid and yaung az chlldren bombed out ai the homes. Some had sprng bcd,- others just had a mattres, or bIsr kets laid on the colti cernent; fIee What with Uic crowds and fii ai trains how they slcep is bE Ynd me. Thank you, Mrs. Werny, for a' the kindness bestawed on me1 Cheerio, Chanlie, Smil Letter frorn Gnr. Allin E. Rov whose parents'live in Newcastl Dear Mther:Octoben 18, 1941 Well, as you wfll probabl knaw, i arn marnied. October 1ý was the fatal day. You wil prol ably have had Alice', letter befoi now so you wiil know ahi tha We wene married at a place mes hcre in the aiternoon and wer to Newcastle the next morninI Howard had gome in ta sec W-.A.A.F. and stayed aul ni.ght an, got 7 days C.B., so was flot ah] to be best man. Jack < taok mu down in the mine. It was very ini teesting. There are places ther, irhere men work eight hour shift ling fat on the stomach ini tunnel 8 inches high, diggimg ou coal. They keep ponies awa' own under the ground. Some a: tem have neyer seen dayligh- r ten years. They are remark. ably well kept, tho' they are prac. Jcalhy blimd. I set off a feu riarges af dynamite. They arE )oonly paid, too. It would kiW us, ut those people have been coal- mers for generations. They Iart when they are, 14 and woni ttil close ta 60. Then they get a ansion. Most of them arc smahi knmy men. There arc same nice ooking girls in the north country. The night we arnived up there here was a bad raid on a place few miles fronu Seghihl. We ïere outside watching the show. %e Germans shot down a few imrage bahloonis. The Ak-Ak shot ta plane directly aven us and bout hahf dozen pieces af shrap- el, lamded mot ten feet from us. 7e didn't have aur tin hats on iter. Alice had. ta go in the A.T.S. I stayed until she had ta, go way. She has ta, stay in depot iree weeks and then they pro- dsed to send her mear me. Hoaward went on draft the Loming I came back, 50 we arcn't ýether any mr. I havn't Dard from hirn yct. Up in Seghill a Canadian is ite a sensation, ahi the people nme ta watch you going down ýe street. I sec Howard has a pancel here. Lmn out ai tobacco naw. I miss Dward a lot. I was affered a ttman job hene. I don't cane for ýeidea but I1 can be sure ai stay- gin anc place for a few months, A then I can maybc get Alice îwm here, so I have decided ta, ke it. Sa Howard and I miglit ýbe tagethen again. saw Vic Garrod the othen day. ?had scen Charlie Rogerson. I w Alf. about two momths aga. We are getting real fail duck- nting weather here now and it lly makes me homesick. Well this is mow Sumday aiter- n so 1 guess I will finish this ter and post it. Wc had Ralston 1a fcw big shots here this weck A'e were sort ai in an uproan. had a special church service smarning. Well I guess I wilh e. Rememben me toalal. Love, as ever, ter hg anE tn. e id in- er. 1 ,e ut ir th. le: Il1 ts ýb- ýre at. an n't ýg. a le I- e a 't it ,e irmer's Advocate Say* Luck in 1941 On Farmer'. Side 7e print beiow some extracts n the editoniai page ai Uic mcn's Advocatc, than which *e i none more penetrating informative on farrn prob- s.Wc print these sa that aur lrs may note how cioseiy aur editoniai columins have parai- 1for the year past, Uic ne- oms ai the Advocate. The sman has reiied soiely upon lcal scene for its information conclusions. The Advocate wili be folly to sit arounti Micawben and wait for thc ur probiem ta be soived min- Dusly in 1942. The farm heip ion will mot get better; it get worse. Farmers in Cen- Canada were just plain lucky ttimg their crops off in 1941. is quite unlikely that amy me ai suitable farm, help will 'ailable next year. Govenn- ;and farnu organizations Id begin naw ta prepare for nergency and ta train secam- helpers for jobs which they d .0 the first place some improve- cari be eifected thraugh do- tive effort amomgst pnoduc- enuselves. It would be help- a sunvey wcre made in orden id out how vanlous kinds ai Iates amongst farmens arc :ced, just how beneficial they rd how Uiey mnight be im- 1.- Now that combines and .bg tractor-drawn impie. sare i quite genenai use plans might be devised ion effective ncighbonhood co- tion Bother plan that has possi- s la a tnaied wamen's land such as they have in Bni- i there arc the youth ai )Wns andi villages andi olden aPartlly rctired who 1b. ai considerable help, if 'm programme were adapt- the dindumstances andi pro- swauld submit ta a marne id i hanmony with Uic cir- ances. ths la centalnly nat desir- rm the. vlewpoit cf econa- agnicultural expansion. It of the 'Jank 's ANNUAL STATEMENT 31st October, 1941 01 being ralizea pon. Customners' Liability under Acceptances and L e t t e r s o f C r e d i t . . . . . .1 8 7 , 4 8 2 RePresents liabilities of custorers on acoua o Letters of Credf î5sued and Drafts accepted by debc ti fr cer account. Other Assets not included in 'u oeoig . . 2,606,322.43 Making Total Resources of $ 1,046,551,479.25 LIABILITIES Due to the publie Deposits $.. . 928,387,889.51 In Canada . $. . 809,110,87552 Elsewhere .. . 119,277,013.99 Payable on demand or after notice. Notes of the Bank in Circulation * . . 17,890,850.50 Payable on denand. Acceptances and Letters Of Credit Outstanding. 18,772,428.22 Financ'ial resPonsibilities undertaken on beaif of customer, (see of.-setting amoun: in "Resources"). Other Liabilities. . . . . . . 4,594,440.73 Item s i bic h do not co re under the foregoing eadings._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Liabi#ties ta the Publit * . .0 . 969,645,608.96 To meet wbicb the Banik bas resources as indicated above amoLnting to. 1,046,551,479.25 Leaving an excess o f Resources osier Liabilities, iwbicb represents thie Sbarebolders' ins'erest over wbicb Liabilities f0 tthe Publie take precedence. Capital . . . . . $36000000.oo Reserve Fund, Profit & Loss Accaunt and Reserves for Dividends . . 40,905,870.29 $76,905,870.29 PROFIT and LOSS AICCOUNT Profits forthde yeaq ended 3 lât October, 1941, after making appropriations ta Contingent Reserve Fund, out of which Fund full proèjsion for Bad and Doubtful IDebts has been made, und after deductjng Dominion Government Taxes arnounting ta $2,242,905.10.............3,437,26.60 Dividends paid or payable to « Shareholcjers . S 2,880,000.00 Appropriation for Bank Picouises............00,000.00 3,380,000.00 S -Î 57,026.6-0 Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 3list October, 1940 $1,321,642.15 Less adjustment of previous years' taxes.... 225,000.00 1,096,642.15 Balance of Profit and Loss carried forwad...................1,13,668.75 l-IUTLYR. DUMMNDJACKSON DODDS, H U N T Y R . D R U M O N D ,G . W . S P I N N E Y , - Pre.rident joint Gentra.l Managers ifThe strengik of a bank is determined by its history, its polic its management and t/hé extent of its resources. For 1r24 eer z Bank of Montreal bas been in t/Je forefront of Canadian finance. J $ 92,755,884.45 38,972,993.05 54,960,697.77 498,740,536.76 20,041,72 2.55 REOURCES Cash iits Vaults and Money on Deposit with .Bank of Canada . - . . . Notes of and Cheques an Other Banks Payable in cash on presentauion. Money on Depasit with Othen Banks . Available on demand or at short notice. Government and Other Bonds and Debentures ýNol exceeding market vale. The greter Portion consists of Dominion Govertiment and high-grade Provincial and Municipal securities which mature at early dates. Stocks . . . . . . . a Industrial and other stocks. No eeiarket 'valu. CalLoans . . . . . In Canada . . .S 4,472,437.64 Elsewhere . . .i 5,569,284.91 Payable on demand and secured by bonds, stocks and other negotiable colilteral of greater value than the loans. Bankers' Acceprances . f 9. . Prime drafts accepted by other banks. TOrAL 0F QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (equal fa 7301 of all Liabiities to thie Public) Loans ta Provincial and Municipal Governments including Schoci Districts . - . Commercial and Other Loans. In Canada $ 254,427,218-03 Elsewhere .'aa' 21,271,754.14 To manufacturers, farmers, merchantsan others, on cogditjons consistent with sound hanking. Bank Premises . . . . Two pro parties only are carried in the names o! holding com- Panies; the«stock and bonds of these companies are entirely ou'ned by the Batik and appear on is books at $ 1.00 in each case. Ail other of the Bank's Premises, 'the value o! which largely exceeds $13,900,000.00 are included under this heading. Real Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold by the Bank. . . . . LB made necessary by an emer- tmng back and waiting for a kind tempting ta help out to, the oxtesit gency situation which resolves it- Providence ta pull us out of the their strength permit. .if there jà self into more production with trouble. any all.out war effort in Canada Iess farm help. Farmers are working long hours if will be found up and down the It Is flot; an easy prQblem ta ta produce goods for which the countryside. lolve but certaily more headway prices are flot always satisfactory. can be made by Planning and Women and children are warking It pays to read the Classlfled preparing for it, rather than sit- in the fields. Old men are at- Advts. in The Statesman. N -~ .941 1 $705,662,010.59 28,964,546.45 275,698,972.17 13,900,000.00 4 THE CANAIDL4».STA=SMAN..nOWUAMMTV É%WIPAII'rl% 4.-.; 1 183,364.86 6,811.15 947,199.39 B3ANK 0F MON T REAL Established 1817

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