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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1941, p. 5

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TRURSDAY, NOVEMBÉR 27, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE PE Blackstock Rector Port Perry, Canon C. R. Spence PassesAfter Bowmanville Rev Patterson and PassezAfterothers from fvlono'Mils, Rev. Dr. Brief Ilmets. R. P. Bowles, Nestleton, Rev. S. Littlewood, Orona, andi 1ev. D. Althughin oar eaifi orM. Stinson of the Unitéd-Church, Althugh n por halthforBlâckstock, were in attendance. Boane time, the suddezn death of At the graveside in St. John's Rev. Ernest Percelval Wood on Cemetery, the Royal Black Pre- November, l8th camne as a great ceptory held tbxeir imeressive ser- shock ta the members of his con- vice with Worhipul Master Stan gregation as weil as ta the corm- aCmanRe.SLitwod munity as a whole. Mr. Wood cVanaip ofan ev. d C. L Htllo, .was born in England, at Stafford- mchal.Mr.offooiatn, shire, son of the late Charles andmrha.M.Wodeyrjid Ellen Wood, He came to Canada the Orange'Order before coming in 101 nd radatefr~ ~ here ta reside, yet, in the short .lfCin egeanarate, in 1917. space of time he had gone as high Mr.ffeood athe order as is possible in this Mr.bWoovad wife, (the formr Ganddistrict. The Imperial Granid bitzgeraîcw fe thforno)mervGed the Lodge of the world was represent- Fitgerld f Trono),sered heed by Grand Sec'y. Loftus Reid, Anglican Church in Toronto, et Toronto, Grand Lodge B. A. by the Church of the Resurrection Wm,. Armstrong, editor of the before taking aver their first Sentinel, Toronto, and Russell charge, which was in Aiberton, Nesbitt, K.C., Toronto; Prov. Prince Edward Island, where he Grand Lodge, by Neil Porter, had the parishes of O'Leary, Ama Grand Lect., Orono; County Loçige and Kildare Capes. They remain- by Counity Master N. Porter; Past Sed there for 4 years. Then ta Mul- Masters b y Albert Morton and grave, Nova Scotia, Strait of E. Hamm, Orono; County Lect. by Canso district for 3 years. From Geo. Morton; Chaplain, Rev. S. there ta the Parish of Falkland, Littlewood,' Orono; District Ma$-1 Nova Scotia, in order that he ter by R. R. Byers; Tyrone L.O.L.a could study further at Dalhousie by Leslie Thompson; Past Mas-t University, Halifax. They lived at ters by Ernie Hamm and Freda Herring Cave for 3 yeàrs and Ellis; Purpie Hill L.O.L. by Sandy f Qyster Pond was another of their Moore, W.M.; Devitt's L.O.L. P. i parishes. In 1927 they returned M Ws,~. Fitze, O. MeQuade and ta Ontario and Mr. Wood was Her. Hooey; Lotus by W.M. Her- rector of Washago Parish for 4 man Wilson, P.M. Wm. McCabe; years, going to Township of Mona Prov. Grand Lodge Sask., P. G. East from there where he hadl Chaplain Albert Brooks. another seven years of hard work, Among the floral tributes were: especially in the wintertime when the Wardens and congregation; St. he often was obliged ta travel by John's W.A. and A.Y.P.A.; L.O.L. tc foot ta five different services. and X.B.P.; Wycliffe College; the c Owing to his condition of health cangregation of MonQ Mills, andq at this time, he was sent ta Skt. others.0 John's Anglican Church, Black- Bearers were Fred Willan, t stock, Township of Cartwright, Thos, Smith, Harry McLaughlin,w where he would be relieved of ira Argue, Dr. J. A. McArthur, l outside parishes, in the hope that Levi McGill. a he would have more leisure and __________ might possibly recover his failing MAPLE GROVE MAN si strength. He served in this comn- munity for 3 % years and was HAS NEWSPAPER ze r, He was always eager and will -__or_ tag ta help in any good cause. At Hny rgt al rv,0 the time of his death, he was HnyWihMpeGae President of Cartwright Branch who recently moved into a house dt of the British and Foreign Bible he purchased fromn Noble Metcalf, fO Society, and Secretary of the lo- made an interesting ftad when re- VE cal Branch of the Red Cross, in decorattagz the walls. Part of the ta: both of which he was intenseîy paper attached ta the plaster Co inerstd.proved ta be copies of The Albion, le Sutrvitagt ounhs asa or, The Foreign Weeklyý Gazette; tei are his widow and three sisters, the dates, respectively, Nov. 5, Mrs. Wm. Wood, Los Angeles, 1846, and April 24, 1847. Vol. 5, 'z Mrs. Priest, San Francisco, and No. 49, establishes the paper's ari- lh Mrs. Smith, Salmnis, Cal. gin precisely 100.years ega. h The service at the church -on, The mApthead is an oak leaf de- ti Thursdey was largely attended. sign, probably a waod-cut and the sic Bishop (Suffragan) A. R. Bever- type 6 point Roman, exception- ilt ly represented the Bishop of the ally clean. The contents genenaily Pa: Diocese. Mr. McDonald, Field wene of literary and neligiaus or Sec 'y. of Wycliffe College, nead character. Spelling and script had vir the, Bible lesson. Also in the lost ail characteristics of olden chancel were Arcbdeecon Simp- time publications. It would be in- bai son Milbrokwh wa inchage teresting were anyône ta recaîl eel Dr. C. E. Whittaker, Toronto, aweeti ora a ulse i former recton of St. John's, Rev. for these fragments are so torn thE Mason, Bethany, Rev. Wmn. Stocks, that this information is lacking. tii You Can Stili Say gog "Charge It, Please" I r Announcement coneerning the changes in our terms necessltated by the order of the Wartime Trade and, Prices Board affecting instalment sales. 1-An Instaimnent Sale- Down paymeut 1-3 of the cash price and uoe les. than $10.00. Regular payments net leag than $5.00 per month (or $250 bi-weekly,- $1.25 weekly). 2--Lay-A-Way Plan- You can choose your goodo. Pay 10% of tbe cash pria. and make regular iustalmeut pay- ments and delivery wl! be m$de wheh yen have paid a suni equal Wo 1-3 of the. cah price.. Can b. considered as part of the down pay- ment. 4-Un Cis. of Slckn.sis- In cases of bardship or sioknesu wè- eau till, au before, make arrangements to defer regu. lar payments for a short time. S-Articles Bougit paymient Any article can be bought without payment at thé time of the sale (and delivered) if you have a Uýne of credit with us. Ch"rg sales are due and muet be paid iu full at the end of the iollowing month, that i. November pur. chases are due and payable on the 3Mt of Decemnber. Our Coods Are PrIced For Cash On instabnieut purchases a smail carrying charge wifl be added t t. balance owlng atr the down payment la made. This charge will b. 1/ of 1% per month. F. F.MOIIRIS COMPANY FURNITURE PHONE 480 I Am t OI F BERIE John Atklns Former weekly newspaper eé and now a farmer in the Br bridge district, who is the au, of a tlmely series of articles farm probýems which are app ig in The Statesman. Township School Ari (Continued tram page 1 tory speech, few could remata coAvntced, but Chief Inspec Çzreer, in charge cf ail schoo]E Ontario, perfectly familiarm the plan and where and hom works, eleborated upon ah Pc likeiy ta be obscure, and is answered questons. Mr. Green paid tribute ta Pi ;issons as Canede's foremostc zen in the matter of Ryerson research; that for 20 yearsà more he bas been gatbertag fa on Edgerton Ryerson, father )ntario's Scbool System, whi h due course wil eppear in, b frm. It ws-in tracing thet velopment of educatibn inC Laria, witb. exact ltnowhedge conditions ta Clarke Twp., Il led Dr. Sissons ta open the m, ýr for public discussion. Mn. Greer suggested that ,va et the meeting merely ta ci ,ne the ides of School Areas, hey have came to be knowri; tl ;e intention was one of disci on and understanding. It a hen a matter for decisian of ni )ayers and council, with but o Stwo reservetions,. where pi rincial. laws mey openate. The speaker went beck ta 179 oack itt the woods wbere pio ers sought some fomm aof tastru in for their children. First we he Grammer Sc .hools, original Le prerogative of the "Up] rust," the members and fnien fthe old Famîly Compact. B radually came the eamly ai rimitive rural schools wbi lundered along until the dev ftheir emancipetion in 18 ihen Dr. Edgerton Ryenson w painted Cbief Superintende fEducation for Upper Canada. Eaniy Hlstory' Of intemest ta people of Durbi nd retepayers cf Clarke it ai enoted that tasight itt edu.i onal needs of rural Ontario wi Rthened by Dr. Ryèrson, mig] irugh this very district. In 182 22 years of age, he was appoix 1assistant minister for this c. dit and pmeached ta Darhfngto id Clarke, wbere primitive fi lties ta these sparse settlemeri ust have set bina' thinktagc ýgreat need for better educî :nel edvantages. In 1841 he be rie the first Principal cf Vic ria Coilege (whene Prof. Sià ns naw teaches) but from 184 1876, be founded, fatbered, de .oped and defended probebl e best system of primary edu tion in the world. Just as i .arged and impnoved aven riod of 32 yeans, so be woul living tociay, recommend Town ip Scbool Areail. M1r..- Greer pointed ta the ex rience of Toronto, wbich, esi >eimented .wltb savings ant iciency in education, finally ni ced a setup of 15 seperalt ords, ta one, single, efficient presentative body, e v olv e rely In a democratic manne s same principle now is spreec. ysîl aven Ontario. Under Dr ,rson, two cardinal principe)4 re empbesized: (1) We should re equal advantages't alah; (2) should bave standard teacher alifications. People mey argue twe aow have that ideal. We iy bave that "1principle"l but we .short of the "fect." Rural 'eas" get much dloser ta thal al. From Fee to Free ýearly days, when anly the 1-to-do could psy, we had the e" system, which was beyond reach of ploneers. Between 0 and 1871, said Mr. Greer, we .ved from the 'fee' to the 'free' tem. Graduaily, levies became «ral and compulsory, with its wbicb laid burdens mone Jtebly, and aow, today, 'Areasl ferred further equlteble, fita. ial diffusion. There was no .ght of funther centralzation; from IL. The idea and objeci ather to streagthen and stan. dize. he speaker toucbed on Con- dated Scbools, polnttag out they were iatroduced a. quar- of a century ega.* Ia 1916 we 23 la Ontario. Today there oaly 28. Chief weight cf these e expenslve buildings and iment. It takes 20 years or eta retire debentures. By time furiber capital expen- res may be requlred. Ho0me Rnis t the "Area"l system is nat ecanfused wlth Consalideted ols. The "Area"l system, for kce la Clarke Twp., would Ivo closlng, say 4 or 5*achools imaIl atteadance, and then eprovision for transportation 'se pupls to the neareet im- ed school. This wllprobably 'jected ta by those of us wbo )ut for "home mule"la inachool M. Trustees wll not like ta their euthonlty in the&e dis- 1That lo naturel and «nder- cmt of f h of W. api of ané De ticr get thn et2 ed cu:l and cil:i the tian cexr tori sore ta ve]c the CRt enle peri ahip peri exi ef f i duct Boai repr pure This ing Rye. werE give Wei quel thal May are "Are ideal well "fee' the 1850 evol] syste geni grari equit confe ancia thoui dardi solidl thatt ter oc had ý are oc were equip: more that1 diture But ta be schocl Instan of sir make cf tho pr ovec are ou affaire essessment were explalned, but detala in this regard were leter discussed by Inspector Carlton. NoRalI dntBUY]1 gsigthet Jenuary lot would be a gaod time ta commence the plan aad work ut a scbeme f trans- portation wlthta the "Area." J H M KE V R Ponigout thet the general ne- .H M K E E RADESMIEN URGENTLY NEJEDED for CANADA'S ARETY 8 standablev but the tbousends of venue fund of the province draws d ol laIrssaved, plus corrasponding lîttie fnom rural areas, it pays, crease i,.n educationel standards therefore ta get every lest dollar and fiincy, sbouid offset al of ."grants" for its "found', money. abjections. It hias been the bis- This, on top of savings running TI tory of alnefonm movements thet into several thousends, was theI theres needless fear of change. economic arguments for the plan. To stand still is ta retreat. He stressed that nothing would In regard ta reduction in the be "railroeded" tbrough; that the number of schools in the past.four Depantxnent of Educationi fevors years in Ontario, these fects may the democratic way 0of effecting be presented: It was found that neforms, but stili hias the right ta there were 250 scbools with'aver- close out sub-standard schools age attendance of 8 or less pupnls. with 8 or fewer pupils, and there Under the provincial act, the De- is a possibility it may bie naised > pentmnent of Education bas power ta 10 or 12. ta close ail such, but every en- The final admonition was, and deavor is made ta do so in a de- Mr. Greer spoke witb province- macretic manner; that is, trustees wide knowledge and experience, are advised that If attendence in 'study and discuss, examine the two successive yeans faîls below "Anea" scbeme from every angle; an average of 8, then the govern- I will provide a list of ahl town- ment lias powe.r ta close and in- ships witbin Ontario that have stitute the principle of the "Area." the plan in operation; go 'and en- But that is ranely resorted ta. The quire, write letters and get al better plan is ta explain ta rate- possible information; then decide. payers and tritstees and have If you, as ratepayers, desire the them, democraticalîy, effect the change, then you should let your change. Under this plan, duing council know ta no uncertain the past five yeers, 260 schools ternms. Prairie provinces are away dtrhave been closed. The saving and ahead of Ontario in adopting the hea ýdtrgeneral efficiency hias been enor- idea, and it may bie pointed out Tea race- mous. that matters of transportation oU.t ithor Boards' Authorlty thene are far more. drastic than ?s on eeThsipemte sha pear- In al of this, let it bie. under-he.Tesipemtrista staod that the local authanity is it saves money, tacreases effi- retained; 'the local Boards may cxency, and is purely democretic." -remain ta arrange and direct Experlencé Eisewhere transportation, but a Central The speaker was acconded a asBoard of five, responsible ta the wanm applause for his peinstak- wbole Twp., looks after finance ing and lengthy exposition. In- and details of the whole Twp. spector McEwen, in a carefully The great, central and strictly wonded, concise and canvincing un- forward-laaktag idea, is.that pu- speech, outlined the experience OTTAM ctor puls leaving school without going he had in helping ta organize Is in funther in ecademics, may have "Areas" in Lennox, Addington, OTTAI with the very best of a well rounded and Frontenac Counties. The plan w it education. The many will prob- hie foliowed was that of "sales- OTUAM ints ably return ta farms; the excep- manship," simply e xp la ini ng H LL later tions will go out and up, as many briefly and ciearly, the whole idea U L have in the past, fartunately, ta ta separate Boards. This led na- PEMBIR 'raf. lead this country in tîmes of peace turally ta a general meeting and citi- and war. In ail key positions in final decision. He mentioned the nian Canada taday, civil or military, experience, particularly, on Am- and the prime question asked before herst Island. The people them- racts appaintment is, "What are the selves went abead and studied it rof appllcant's educational qualifica- out and it spread alI aven. Re- li In tions?" visiting these districts much later, 00ok If this modemn idea bie adopted hie found that none would return de- there would be, as there hias been ta the old systeihi. Mr. McEwen 4 p-in many districts, a graduel trans- had not anly facts but a manner 0 f formation ta a generaily unifarmi that carried conviction. bhat rate where all resources are pool- Elaborate Brief nat- ed. In the matter of, tasurance, there would bie a -large. saving Inspector W. H. Carlton, the sl"adta hie when the 10w-attendance schools cancluding speaker, had gane to a od" ng wt ut- are elimtaated. From the pureîy great pains to prepare an elabor- ptracbng w as ate ialsti st ndp tat th 5e - te, three page, brief em bracing sti ed bs ateii stag 0f mone , the nnils andnat only an argued thesis, but a Questions% us- applicationeof the sriche ando whole statistical analysis of the readily answe ,usb assliaioedn o eefits ave schoals of the township, including bath isolated w ite been idced; tho eeeimorae.attendance, salaries, grents, assess- Generai sumin ae For tstacea exc hare oe- ments, miii mates, witb exact com- ed may be si neo- chestcancbeefanece ft abeparsons as between the present yand thosea tr- her at n alscholcloed, e temache system and the praposed Town- ý'Area" may co '90, o unsa l lensedma beatrs ship School Area. It is unfor- sections; et le 790, ferredu talwenes mos etned tunate that space will nat permit abe. Twp. C( uc- Thaedtos eewheexperieneele inclusion of this masterly corli- Twp. "Area"t ere wher t isoversthepartiec l an pilation ta these caiumns et this fore, July ist, îîîy phe irtalioe s. riu rad time.Some opposition arase,due, fective after ýpel Inueffielent Sehools which the speaker maintained his organized the1 nd In a school of 10 pupils or less, thesis. The general feeling was January. The Btthe great drawback is that there that the matten was being "Dver- $100 per secti ich is no cgmpetition. There may le âc anly onepupil ta senior grades ýw leadmng to "entrance", and other 844 grades migbt be neglected for the Arnt teacher w~tould strive for a pas classnoom and et play, leck of as- sociation and competition bas a iay that falis far short of what may SEE I1 es. bie echieved ta larger classes. Thet vas is a psychologicai fect within the ght purview of every parent. And 25 that is tbe prime "essence" of the - nt- "Area'l plan; ta develop and pro-P LM ir- mate al of the latent talents an bighly taherent ta the youtb of a- the countryside. How simple the ats wbole proposition reaily is! Of Area Aivantages a-A metter of mtaor ftaancial im- )e- part, yet something wbicb wili ic- save hundreds annually, is the 's purchese, through one Board, of 44 ali tbe 'supplies needed, even ta le- pencil, heik, work-books, etc. dY It w'as painted out that, outside u- Toronto' the government gives as- lie sistence in these purcheses to the a extent of 25 per cent, with the Id local councils giving like grants. n- That is anothen savtag. It reduces generel expenditure for these x- tbtags ta an important degree. it Supercedtag ail of the points nais- d ed, under the "Area" scbeme, you ecen have al of tbe features that e single schools çan't, sucb as mod- ern buildtags, senitetion, school d nurse, dental attention, manuel rtraining,'music, domestic and ag- r iculturai, science, etc., et less cost r.n money and with the, prime ideal os f better healtb and a nounded decucetioa. ~i 0,In Clarke Twp. for instance, ta isteed of having 50 or mare trus- ttees, thene would bie but one exe- r c u t i v e B o a r d f f i v e , u n p e i d s e v e1 9 2 P y w h S e W * u z i a m d rfor, possibly, mileage ta attending 192P.ot x.l2DLa l-asCoups. Il meetings; with an hononarium for It the secretery. Everywhere suchPym tl' Fiet s ma i Boards operate, there 1iha en - nout' iet s M si iove are only a f.w of the. 175. trades required by the. Ar.y. AGE 18 1-2 te 50 YEA1W MCAL CATEGOIRIES AIL, A29I, l, 2-ýCL RECRUITING OFFICES ATai DRIVERS FITTERS TOOL MAKERS TINSMITHS COOKS INSTRUMENT MECHANICS LINEMEN VULCANIZERS WA, 93 Sparks Street VA, 246 Dalhousie Street VA, Lansdowne Park ,Que., 139 Main Street and Headquarters of any Reserve Force, Unit. KINGSTON, fort Frontenac Bar- racks KINOSTONoiAmrnines PETERBOROUGH, Arunouries (Re H. Waddell) Major District Recruiting Officer 48-4 Military District No. 3 - p Lt midnight was ap- ith question time re- were few and were vered and opposition ýd and superficial. nation of points rais- :ated as follows, be- above outlined: An comprise two or more least five are desir- Council can create a through by-law, be- Lwhich becomes ef- SDec. 25. Trustees ti the new Board is third Wednesday of oe special grant of l.DRIVEI UTH'S FINESTI duce trustee tex rate. The aver- age reduction will be fromn 3.1 Imills ta (approx) 1.2. Teachers will form Twp. groupa, thus pool- ing knowledge and experience al ta the edvantage of better educa- tion. World Wlde Move Finaily, the plan has been en- dorsed and la in operation al aven the English speaking world, la commended everywhere by those whom we cali the well taformed in educationel practice, and la directly concerned with efficient econamy. And as bas been stress- may be emphesized wliich might Inot have been made clear ta, the, audience: first, transportatioùa la nat an tategral part of the "Amea" scheme; and second, tex redue- tion does not depend on closing. of schools. The Statesman la Placing on file the variaus data secured et thie meeting, for general refemence and it mey be that Inspector W, H. Carlton, Cobourg, cen pravide copies of bis bnief far those who Miay wish cerefulhy to study the facts. We commend toalal rural readers this ail too brief report of an important meeting. The situa- ive, commanding, Iow-slung, long and wide. The àpower, with new eeolioIly. It's your Wise Buy ! This Plymouth isu ecPtionally wide and roomy ... brilliant ia style and ln performance. Its new lownos contribute, ta a szoot, gente ride and road-hugging stability. You cnjoy a fine new driving ,feel"... new safty and handling ase. Plymouths Finest givea you great addcd power- now a fun 9 5 H. P. It in smooth, quiet power at al speeda and in aU geais. And you enjay new econ- amy: Plymouth's big engine puits ulong with fewer revolutiona per mile ... saves gas ... adds ta engine life. This la definiteiy Plymoutli's Finst ... with ail the great Chrysier Engineering features that have made Plymouth famous an the best-engner.A low-priccd car. PLYM OUTH PUODUCISou CHRYLU CORPOUAIIN Amoy Tanks 0 Oua ports *0Ai" 0 Aamy Tnmhs* 0Spedal Amay Puis.5.,Cm s0*Paguegs am send elmauruohi ia AfyServicescSlo 0Spatial Tce Amy S U.W *g=. l ,.Cars a 0Mur nemend Irndustrisla. S!2s ader à Phone 641 ME BOWMANVILLE MOTOR MECHANICS WIRELESS & RADIO MECHANICS ELECTRICIANS BRICKLAYERS BLACKSMITHS ARTIFICERS WELDERS FURNERS nu 1 W 48-4

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