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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1941, p. 6

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the sol part in the anthem in the ÉH yd nEnnfiskillen e"e nyohe° uBounty "t as Miss Rosena Edgar entertamned place. As when Capt. Blig ar- the Junior choir on Thursday eve- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Visitors: Misses Grace and May Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. rived the natives put out to meet nmng, with practice for Nov. 30th, Gunning, Miss Gladye Gunning, T,rewin, Toronto, Miss Verna Tre- Sanderson and family at Mr. A. uis. They were a villainous lookip .ocaltiter Ru n e cage Toronto, at Mr. J. R. Metcalf's.. win, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Trewin's Harris', Orono. Miss Olga San- crew but proved to be kinid and cialeaseeye.t h Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman and . . Mrs. Theron Mountjoy wit derson'remained. .. Mr. and Mrs. Triendly. Admiral Bird had been friends in Toronto. .. Mrs. R. Me- A. Barron, Hampton, at Mr. J. there a few weeks before and No. 4 Mission Band elected Master Glenn Freeman, St. Cath- Neil at Mr. C. Soper's, Harmony. Slemon's. . . Mrs. E. C. Ashton told of our coming". Miss Bailey these officers: President- Bill1 arines, at H. G. Freeman's. . . Mr.. . Mr. W. Cowling and family, wit hhber daughter Mrs. S. May, continued. Rundle; Vice Pres.-Elmer Down; John Snowden, Mr. Thos. Snow- Salemn, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb and Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahmn An interésting dweller, of that Press Sec.-Bob Vinson; Treas.- tden, Mr. ,and Mrs. Lou .Hockin family, Tyrone, at Mr. T. Cowl- and family at Mr. C. Rahm's, fabulous island is Fred Chriâtian, Murray Osborne; Rec. Sec.-Billy with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, ing's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Gar- Burketon. .. Mr. çnd Mrs. 0. C. great, great grandson of Fletcher Devlin; Peace and Temperance Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. Norman rard, Toronto, at Mr. C. Garrard's. Ashton and Mr. .E. C. Ashton at Christian. He is six feet six inch- Sec--Bodk Perce Coresond TickonMis Ka Thcksn, r.. . Mr. Jim Grant, Miss Kay Dean, Mr. I. G. Travell's, Oshawa. ...e al h said, and pstively has Iné Sée.-George Osborne.. Vernon Trimb le hawgAia t-R Toronto, at Mr. A. M Neil's. ' .Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, Mr. tebig est fe'Iv en h D. Trimble'...ednAicat Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Ro'y and Mrs. J. Borrowdale, Oshawa, was:baefoot, of course even the man Fed Secret Dafoe, Sask., at and Jim Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Masters Billie and Grant Werry Sears-Roebuck catalogue which is M. Stphen Jefry's. A. Read and Clayton, Mr. H. Ash- and Joe McGill at Mr. J. A. Wer- standard equipment with vr Salem About a dozen ladies of Base ton at Mr. R. J. Ashton's, Port ry's. . . Mr. F. Wright, Tyrone, family there being unable t Line met at Mrs. Roy Metcalf's Hlope. . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mr. H. Wright, Lakefield, at*Mr. serve him with shoes. ' 1 Plan to do your Christmas shopping now we o a e Dr. Armour and daughtersMrnRd quilted four quilts for the SandersonSandersam11y, Toronto, E. W r iee,'s..Miss E. Soue The interesting natives of the . variety and quality at lowestprcs tndMrs. BrycedStimson, oronto, Brotherhood meets tonight, Nov. Congratulations to Rev. and wmvaanville. . . Mr. and Mrs, t arn I iss and rede ty burg. 7h tMpeGoecuc. Ms ln ntemrig. Ror ald, Ebenezer, t Mr. F. Dand singers. While the speaker was SHAVING SETS SAINR -Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat and A pot luck supper and quilting latnd's. Mr ,d r. R oric- there she witnessed the colorful E ea family, Orono, visited at the was held at Mrs. A. McNleil's onars VarceadB ea celebration pageant of the 150th - Yardley's._ $1.00 to $5.00 I ea hss$.t 25 Sur'. Friday. A beautiful cross stitch aGd,.Me e d Mr i, t r anniversary of. landing of the Fancy Boe50,7,$15 "urst ntuiam"ws teCtieton quit donated by Mrs. R. McNeil and Mics Èva . os Willia sN 1ms Bounty., Woodbury's 29c, 55c, $1.10 Correspoenc ad subject of Rev. Gardner's splen- was quilted. .Tickets are beinganMrWilaT.CakLit NetsowaThtavlcic oga's..5,$11,2502co50 did discourse Sunday. Miss D. Visitors- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie sold on it-in aid of our local war Bain Mr. F T rkeOrchard's island said to be visible at sea 90 Pamlv 9e1.5250em-oeapr5co50 Burrus and Miss D. Winter rend- Lang, Misses Leona and Maizie work branch- n r.Mlo Sano's Msnile adfrmwhccfarac o$1- ered a fine duet. Lang, Lifford, at Mr., Henry Bloomfield, Windsor, and MVr. Wil- flowers wafted far out to sea to SY. P. U. meeting was opened Thompson's. . . Mrs. Lewis Fitze liam T. Clarke, Little Britain, at greet- the traveller. There they Ladies' Brush, Comb and MirrSt by the president. F. Blackburn with Mrs. R. M. Hoskin. . . Mr. Mr. Geo. Reid's. , met and were entertainied by had charge of the program: Topic and Mrs. Kenneth Samells in Mion Lady members of Mary Street James Norman Hall, co-author of New styles and colors 3 - 5 - 7pee by Mrs. L. Squair; readings, M. Lindsay. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. school staff, Oshawa,' were n "Mutiny on the Bounty"l, etc. He Marchent, Dorothy Winter and D. Steele with Mrs. Vertil McMul- John Stainton has gone to Ham- tertained by Mrs. 0. C. Ashtn- entertained royslly serving a feast $2.39 - $2.49.- $4.49 up t1 57 Pollard;. song, by school children; len. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. Malcolm, ilton to take a course to fit him Rev. Geo. Williams, Toronto, of old Tahitian dishes such .-a piano solo, Daphne Burrus; Miss- Laurence, Neil and Jean, with for the Air Force. , occupied the pulpit on the Ennis-' men'u as might have been taken r ing Word contest for recreation. friends at Brooklin. .. Mrs. R. M. M aeo netie killen charge in the interests of from the pages of one his books. Gillette Raror & Blades ChristmasTbco Presentation to Mrs K. Tennant evie chrsa e .her lttle girl friends at a birth- teM adM un atSna.decr1 ed rmust be passed overait elinon - 9 - 80o$.055cto $2.5 and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Osh- day party on Saturday.. not the least Was a hair-raising en- WlknoRar-- .0 MltryPnes$.9-$. øFriday evening a community awa, with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Ray Cameron is working at Solm counter with. dragons (and they Rolls Razor '$7.95 Cutex Sets 3ct 50 social evening was held at the Samel.s . . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Pickering. used a pig for bait!) Autostrap Raçor 98c Crsm ant ( eei a enor os. . en-W elerand famil, Port Perry The choir 1ed a crokinoles ooAaagenubeynjyeWte at a fellw gets slbpe a cor Key Cabes -._ 69c to$1.00 CrsmsCgr6 t 12 ht n happy maishes for a Ms C. H. PO uC1 dagod ihEe ybavalcade of Er doe"oesentedplment in Brazil,beangMiss Bailey Buf is -- 39e t 2.0 Perfumes -.2c 5c 10 tofrward the same to her hus- Bowmanville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Warren won the ladies'" prize and der uspie thoa the ch.Ru.ichdseealtme.Atte n Sain ruhs -39 5. Boxed Soas9ct 1 Kendwod bl etne overseas.A Garnet Brown, Ruth and Warren, uhrPso h et'pie .I ru of her talk she showed a splendid Shaving Bowls - 69a -'$1.25 Pen and'Pni es 8 9 Kenoodblake, silver cream Mr. Grant Campbell, Peterboro, Consolation prizes we'nt to Jean Ho . . set of colored pictures of the trip uTRA SmARTf STEEÎ, and sugar 'and server were pre- Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen, Cameron and Chas. Naylor. Pro- da m nd ScwihoM olLubmean- . Flowers For The Ladies CAEWT.RIE 7 endpsonndrsTennntMiss Mari and Beth, 'Lotus, at Mr. ceeds $16.60. .. maid presidin.Acms tet As the ladies entered the ban- Men's. Military Sets, Zippe Ca s NUMERAL DIAL in$h2peetain4rsTn7e5m Visitors: Fred'Màrtmn, Toronto, motivate the skating rink, wfasquthlteywreahand $AME.sT1†LE, RADIUM DIAL 29rs nant made a fitting reply of arin owes sae as uie tomPee. . . Msremc Stm-appointed. Rev. A. R. Cragg, a gloinnglesthaopst-st- .$2.75 - $3.7S -$4.25-$60 thanks. Rev. Gardner made a asce.toPerrM.Lloyd Stain- Bowmanville, delivered an excel- Brown. higlde rss .J joval harma fo aproramof Nestleton W. A. met at Mrs. ton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ross lent address on ways and means onThoughout the dinner reading,.music and a mock wed- Wm. Steele's Nov. 21st, with the Lee, Diane and Brian, Kedron, of improving our educational sys- spriftswrenindycpos You are assured perfect satisfaction when w etyu ys din sktchwhih ws pt o bymeeting in charge of Mrs. Allan Miss Marguerite Trevail at A. T. tem, based on impressions of drfso, the Lions particular Mesr. .Iuru, .1lakbr Suggitt's group. Sixteen ladies Stainton's.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray methods .used in England and berandoi uo n xelnn MesG.archmen, L. BCoombs,L were present. Scripture was read Scott, Oshawa, at F. B. Glaspells. Europe during his sojourn there. tranment was given in two Phone D nI Po, Richards and E. Doidge. Reading. by Mrs. G. Panke; readings by.. Mr. Jas. McMaster, Miss Jean Mrs. John Baker favored with a gop fslcin yMs a-65 I•.U Dlvr were - given by Mrs. L. Squair, Mrs. John Williams and Mrs. A1- McMaster, Toronto, at home. . .. vocal solo and Mrs. S. E. Werryion Hickingbottom, Toronto, tal- Pst463er.1VisBuDteBurrus faoredwt ave the churcLa ecorae dby M1 aughterMr Maple Groveat Wes. os Ils een at readLurich, eOthers wo materially assisted ]one46 KingSt apansloanB.Drhwh Walker, Janetville. Dainty lunch Cameron's. . . Miss Jean Leach, served. ma'3i the program were Chas. Car ter intespesedwit gaes.Ticet Young People met on Friday.. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoskmn,1Harm program which adhered toth the adies aneMrs. L. J. C, Langs Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey, Toronto, color picttureporm"icvr was drawn by Mrs. Tennant for night to re-orgamize. President 1s mony, at Hans Geissberger's. . .. theme "Books" throughout, being andchrspndedmnequally clever with relatives and atténded the and EarliestHsoyo ot the winner of a very pretty quilt Frank. Emerson and Jean Mal- Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ayre at Lloyd in charge of Mrs. Bryce Brown. adcamgmne.Bfr h Doidge-Horn wedding on Satur- America," as te itrso Èbenezer which had been made by the la- colm 1s secretary. Metcàlf's, Bowmanville. . Rev. W. Rackham led the worship eening ended Wm. Oliver, Alex day. . . Mr. and Mrs. D. Barton, Hampton anicntoa dies of the community to raise period, Jessie and Neil Yellow- attGregor and A. M. Thompson Oshawa, with the Misses Horn. ._ did audienceo dut n money for Mrs. Burrus to use in lees sang a duet. Topic "Value of - rtenedto hdistributioñ·. of favor Mrs.aTomWilas a nd aMiS.Eva dren, ine UiedCurh Services on Sunday were well herr w ork of sewing for wa B Good Reading and Suggestions for pi otelde.- WlimCeaea r .Wl a nedavr neetn n atndd. Mhy isses GwentOsborevictims, whichnttd$2.5.M.S tnT rn uh a peae yHlnDisongctheguvest e.eDputy liams'... Mrs. Emma Bennett, educationalprga.Mnbeu and orohy iggis cntrbue W. ork Gib S., Ohaw, ws -Baker and given by Muriel Lang- bott LetGovernor and Mrs. Ab- Bowmanville, with relatives. tiflospicture eeshw n vocl ue a te ormgse-- the winner. A dainty luncheon Visitors: A.B. Seaman W. Oxto- Woe'IntuemtatMs maid. Vocal solo by Harold Bal- denP Hand Mrs. D. H. Wal- F. Rogers, E. Wilbur and E.thswoweepilgdtob vce, and Miss Velma Pearce took was served.' by, R.C.N.V.R., with W a 11I a e e S. Hoar's. Mrs. N. Woodley, 1st son. Readings were given by Bill Jail e r n r.Hr noe hnigti rsn eewl ead Mrs. Breck. .. Harold Wilson, who is vice president, took charge of the Westlake and Harvey Yellowlees, Mrsk Brough, Miss Pearl Lumby, on ratulaiont r n Mrsirepny presient ofth W taking a course at Hamilton, with devotional. Mrs. Gordon Brent and the roll call was answered No. James, and Miss onrtuaiostoM. adr.I.unewhsaspcster- Mrs. A. Wilson. . . Mrs. L. Mof- sang "Does Jesus Care."1 Presi.. with one's favorite book and its Nra Searle. ueo Gerald Balson ohethe gift of a son. sentation wasmdcnee fatt, Oshawa, Miss Elsie Rahm, dent Mrs. F. Dudley presided for ato. Ruth conducted some the er plasnte satreof e ass ,a le so ein eetankMs adapeiaint r Union, Mr. and Mrs. D. McTag- the business session. Reports were contests. eengwa t e resen atioiat s . msendseng es- an Ms.ilimafrthidefr gg AsPs BWg eSRESS BVEssgart, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane, 1received from Comfort and RedoKiatl oein aruntre nt' lsan mel y bouqut tores. Sntuate aMeand 1 s. A. Blanchard were adgnrst npoiigsc Bowmanville, at Mr. H. Rahm's. Cross Committees. Roll call was Coptical operationtatrt enNicoonsoCh by ast PresidenthTde .a splendidenrtimt.Po .& Mr. and Mrs. H. Barber and answered by describing an inex- Hospital, Peterboro, on Monday. . Preside ntStar James m Trlo r Aon.atnin h ceeds over$2.0frW Iwa iBernice Toronto, with Mrs. E. pensive Christmas gift.. Mrs. Earl Mrs. W. Leask and Mrs. S. E. prsed Mrs. Annie Colwi1l who has charities work MCaughili. .. Mr aýnd Mrs. H; Ad.: Luke, group leader, presentetMhr Werry attended the W. I. conven- been confined to Bowmanville W.M.S. mer tMsrH ees amns with Mrs. J. Adams who has progi'am: Talk by Mrs. Hughson tion mn Toronto. Hsia o eea otswt on Tuesday fenon alt been quite ill. .. Miss Ruby Baile explaining the work of the Army Mr. A. L. Pascoe attended the Hoiaoke rh svrn o be ingcae worship wasgvnb r.H and Mr. Orland Bailey, Oshawa, Chaplain. She read a letter re- funeral of Rev. A. P. Brace, To- cH n1pton afo ttenh oe of M r ael atradMs.H oe Te at home. . . . Mr. and Mirs. W. ceived from an overseas chaplain ronto, Saturday. Mr. Brace was Taor . *h hmeo Mrs. Salter , ornolddi Slingerland with Mrs. B. Hub.. who had gone fromWodre well known here through his un- Viios:Msaontnelan onratltost.r n Mrsa. Theprgam wsai bard. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennett, Church, Toronto. Mrs. E. White limited efforts with Sons of Tem- comb, Toronto, with her paents. Gordon Hills (nee Betty Rogers) charge of Mr.H1etr.Ms y Pag e Oshawa, with the Gill's. <avored with a solo and Lorna peracewr.:PrvtBrcHoatNgra hoeemridNv.1han Sepnsadhreofhe wor- whole wheat ANN PAGE Congratulations and best wis hlooper a reading, and Mrs. Gor- Vstors: Mrs. L. C. Snowden, and Miss Jessie Hogarth, R.N. will reside at Hamilton; also to ship service.MsDa ntfvr Cr 1kdwheat Sufd LV S esaeeteddtoRvndMsdon Brent and Mrs. HowardBrn Maple Grove, at Mr. Thos. Bak- Bowmanville Hospital, with their Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Doidge (nee ed with a voclsl. tdbo 24-o2. J. 'Plant on their marriage. an instrumental duet. Lunch was er's . Mrs. Ralph Davis mn To- paren4s.. Misses Mary Wilkins Lottie Horn) whose marriage took "The Sons ofSu"wstenb 2 .oaves 8-os 11J-oz. A45 ,Résidents of the village held a served by Mrs. Luke's group and rento. . . Ms Lerra Taylor, Bo*- and Josie Courtice, Maple Grove place at the United Church Miss ReynoldMsWis ad Jr Jar 33Çkitchen shower at the home of a social half hour spent. mavil atMr E. R. Taylor's. .. with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald- Bal- Hampton, on Nov. 22nd. They wii Mrs. W. W. Hr.Rlh tr Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter Friday Visitors: Mr. anC} Mrs. Aked in '.'o..Reynold, Jean and Fae, son. . . Jim- Mills, Peterboro, at reside in Oshawa. favored with in oo h evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Eileen, Toronto, at .McCaronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. homne.. . Miss Ruby Clatworth On Wednesday evening, Nov .secretary cale h rl hc PEANW 10T ER ^"" 24.. 44 R.Rwn(neEhl atr.Mr. Robt. Hodgson's.. Mr. Lorne 'c ,,a !.Whitby, at Mr. Bryce R.N, Bowmanville HItal a 1th, gr friends of Miss Lottie a epne ob hr e Page Jar Wesley oski neacte aarman).Mortson,BomnilaMr.JBwns.. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Trull'. s. . . -oleta, Bow Iorr gatredatth Sn a teeprae.Netieeiga An46 . Ab t e teades os's .an s e hitJo. ,nMs.Eer mayeA . oale, o. oorn. whe nscia l e Sendg fi rwi a pac.eseio SALMON °"a'" '"'1lt.'and. **""il""","angMmny beau-toBdrrC awnit s. JBMcKe osha- Donald and daughters Corinne senté with a beautiful occasional Fancy Sockeye Tin ~Tin 37 tiful and useful gifts was brought gsofteVtrnGadFr..M.nd r.WsYlwes adPtyKcher, at Mr. C. E. chair. Lottie feelingly expressed E1A.z.L4¢ge "i'Aftr^the^gits wereonedHamn ue.,w r n faiy... orot..r. .anB rsGeo Ho W eriooanith iss M nieMor n .thavnithasg pn n a . GODTHNKN andadmiredAbothPMr.nand8Mrs'twasGhoe Pte.wal Pter Park orohie Mr.and MresRusell .hil here for the wedding of conducted by Mrs. A. E. Billett The great tikri edr Rowan suitably replied and r.RselMs St. Catharines, at Mr. F. L. By. Balson at Mr. A. J. Balson's. {s ottie Horn... Mr. Giffler, and music, after which refresh.. dispqItant. Henwr te e' ANN PAGE • .ende an mnvitation to all to ams..Mrunnr.dilBoos9'. erland, at Mrs. S. Mount- ments were served. arguments bysaigteruhs PLAIN. SPECIAL visit them After aE r o and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sleight and Leading Cannibals o'...Ms e.Frcm n O ody vnn r .B ese t-ailMrh 16. ~~~~~~~~~~bounteous lunch was served. (sL ero n c(otne rmp Ca6e02. Hayward and Mr. C. McCormick, Miss Bailey, charmingly intro- Coke Oak,29Ç Cak sa.29ÇPickering, at the former's home. duced by her friend Dr. Mary I. Cad us··Mrs. Floy sDudley in St. Cath- Northway, Toronto, 'recently had Cadmus arin . Mcl ic son, Torontotectotally remarkable expeience Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler en- man Thompson, St. Catharines, small schooner,. the "Yankee". RefresEà%gl tertained friends at a dinner party Miss Marie Thompsòn and Miss Leaving in the 92 ft. boat in, Oc- FrsyGrudSatut'day might. Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, Miss Myr- tober 1939 for a trip of 18 months Fred*GromdThe shower held at Mr. and tle Dunlop, Petetiboro, Mr. Frank Miss Bailey signed on as sail- SPECIAL VALUES! Mrs. Flem Thompson's in honor Thmpo, m anile torsmkr.Tebotcaredaxiir :1BONELESS of Hector Thompson and bride AliTopso n'.h Mr. and motive power and 350 gallons of Vel ost ... .Ie1c inas Numa tos usefuandaprettHarltonetHlsan esem ol1s supplie for six When such an unparalleled offering of gift selections i aea Genuine Spring Lamb brdentandweroomei dand the Bow anv i ospital.hom' fomthprtydthswost wethr of ahe at Couch, Johilston and Cryderman, this year. See grand eecin MJV I _1 ib. LEGS LOINS FRONTS guests. The evening was spent in ,r. .J. Goodman attended ti u h itecatsrie g ggggSteks nd oass b 2c srv rs:Mr.- nd rs.Rob. Aihelier k ponGeoge nd a rs fbutthe fge rea d the cavlm bu bake orte wár victims. TAHth night with contemptuous Program was in charge of Mrs. sEC' neering expression. The famous Marwood McKee and consisted of SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a.m. red stone hats which once topped devotional taken by Mrs. A. E. off the idol now lie on the ground. McGill. Readings were given by JnoChrh7.mFr day anyar in an incompleted con- Miss Thelma Sweet, Mrs. Gal- dtin hwin tatwrkmutUcII braith, Mrs. McKee and Miss A. Your are Welcome have been suddenly halted.Phn83 to maket cangesMountjoy. A sumptuous pot luck RLEV. CARMAN LYNN Westward to the Pitcairni Is.Pe 8 supper was served. A hearty vote lands, known now to miost Enis of tank wa givn Ms. tinsn. eope asthelocle f the novel 'PAGE SI THE CANADIAN STATEMA, BO'WMANVILL, ONTARIO THURSA OEBR2

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