PAGE EIGHTTHCAAANSAEMNBWAVLOTAO M.. I MIXING - &y ANNE ALLA N hydre Hoe. conemlst War Time Fruit Cake and Mincemeat Hello Homemakers! After pack- aging parcels for the lads over- seas, and giving toward the Christmas War Benefits, there are f ew extra pennies for luxuries these days. You may feel that the large Christmas cake full of nuts and imported fruits should be eut out. But the motta *iniCanadians homes is "Carry On"--and in this spirit the Christmas of 1941 wifl be celebrated. Some of the gar- nishings of the traditionali dinner may be dispensed witlh; there may flot be quite the variéty of nuts and fruit in the cake, nor will the cake be as large. But the festivi- ties must go on. Preparations for Christmas us- ually start with the ,mxing of the cake and mincemeat a month ahead of time to allow for mellow- ing and ripening. With the third successive wartinme Christ~mas ini mind, we suggest an inexpensive cake-but at the request of sev- eral readers the rlch fruit cake recipe la also printed. One-haif the recipe will make enough to serve for several occasions. Some homemakers write that they are For esch picture deslred, send a complete "Crava Brand" lab4l with your name and ad- dreu. and the nmne cf the pfrture you want wrtten onth bo. Mdzreu.Dexit K.D. Tbe Cansita Starcb Company Ltd.. 49 Wel- vunton st. IL ornto #,,__ BACKACHE? .Slugah kidcS"otten causeme badk. Gm Pia-he aid reliàble kiney "emd-wiilelp Iscondition. Sold en a money back -a Bo$M ab%40PU6 " Law. as, U mPM (la tht e ..aok fer "Gluo PMe-)" not using aJ.nond paste - just frosfing. Others tell us thasttheiy will mahe n gaod cake and dcc- arate it with pieces of cherry and alices ai citron this year. The wartimc Christmas cake is flot; very rich nor la it expensive -but sPicey and festive loohteg. 1This cake may be made a wcek previaus to Christmas Day. (But do nat forget ta file this recipe if 1you are not. gaing ta ninhe it tis 1weeh.) A plain butter icing'mny 1be used as frosting. The, carrat pudding-it's dcli- ciaus any time, and if la really econotnicai ta mahe and bahe. 'Yau just put a layer ai wax paper over flic bakteg dish; tic a strteg araund the rim and place oh a stand in the well-coaher of flic eiecfric range with aniy anc cup ai hat water iteicutensîl. Why not try carrot pudding in place of plum pudding thia year? Reelpes Wartlmc Christmas Cake %k cup lard 1 cup granulated sugar 1 egg <weli beaten) 1 cup unsweetened applesauce 13/4cupsalal-purpose ilour 1 tsp. bakteg soda 'k tsp. Salt 1 cup Sultana, raisins 1/4 tsp.llapice 'tsp. nutmeg 'tsp. ctenamnon Y4 cup chopped citron peel 1/4 cup chopped orange peel %k cup cherries (eut in thirds) %k cup almohds (blanclied cliapped) Cream lard until soit. Add su- gar gradually and cream thor- oughly. Add beafen egg and beaf infa mixture. Add applesauce and mix well, again. Suft Uic dry in- gredients together and mix half- cup af this mixture with flic rais- ina, citron peel, cherries and ai- mands. Add thc remainieg dry tegredients f0 flic cake mixture and iold int o tflfoured fruit and nufs. Turn inte a boai pan lOx5x 3%' ladies lined with 2 layera of oiled paper. Bahe te an ciectric aven at 300'F. far 1l/4liaurs or until donc, if you are puffing flic baffer itt different sizcd pans. Carrot Pudding 1 cup grafed raw carrats 1 cup grated raw poitfes 1 cup cliopped suet 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup.raisins 1 fsp. graf cd leman rind- 1 tsp. cianamoft %k tsp. nutmeg 1/4 tsp. claves %k tsp. saît c 1%' cups fiaur1 1 tsp. sodaa Mx and su t dry ingredients and f add te ather igredicnts. Blend t ureil. Put inta buttered pudding s. di. Arrange in steamer or well- c cooker of ciectric range and stcamn 4hours. Deliciaus witli lemon or b nufmeg sauce and thc leit-overs fl may be warmned up and servcd a with a different sauce. f] Ridli Frult Cake f 1 lb. cliapped pîtted dates b 1 lb. seeded raisinsb 1 lb. seedicas raisins a 1 lb. currants-b 'lb. chapped candied pine-9 appie S 'lb. slivered candied citron3 'lb. chop'd candied cherries P 'lb. split almondsorpanr halves oIpca 4 cupa siftcd pastry flaur -or i 3%' cups sifted ail-purpase flaur S 1 tsp. baking powder3 %k tsp. baking soda i tsp. sait 1 tsp. ground mace 3 tsp. graund cinnaman di 32 tb. (11lb. les. 4 tb.) soft S butter yg 1 lb. brown sugar 9 eggs tc 113 cup cranberry sauce or cur- L rant jelly. St Prepare ain tic fruits and nuts; hn he dates sliouid be chopped, thc b] seeded raisins separated, the seed- less raisins and currants washed, drained and spread out on a shal- Low pan to dry slowiy in the aven. Chop the pmneappie, sliver citron, chop the cherries and cut t'he peels fine. Combine these fruits and add the nuts. Measure the flour and suft 3 times with the baking powder, soda, sait and spices. Use part of the- flour ta oat fruits and nuts. Cream the butter and gradually blend in the brown- sugar. Beat the eggs until very thick and light and add, combining well. Mix in the dry ingredients, then the rruits and nuts. Add the cran- erry sauce or currant jeily. Cam- Dne the mixture very thoroughiy in dturn into pans which have >een lmned with three layers of reased heavy paper. Eake in a îlow aven, 275* to 300, for 2%k ta 'k hours (depending on size of ans). This amaunt of batter nakes 4 deep six-inch squares or he equivale:nt; 2% hours baking ssufficient for the six-inch ;quares. For large cake, allow 'ta 4 hours. Question Box Mrs. M. Mc. asks: "Will a gum- lorp cake be rich enough ta sub- titute for a Christmas cake? Can rou use large ýgumdrops? Answer: We think you are wise ýo serve this economical cake. arge gumdrops may be used but tir in just as the batter is poured nto the bakmng-pan. (Neyer use iack gumdrops, however.) IIT'S THE GIRL, NOT TE CLOTHES 'l watched that girl wlth the silkcn socks, And the powdered face and the babbed, blonde locks, And the low-cut neck and the high-cut aleeves, A.nd the silken wnist of thinnest weavcs; And the late style shoes, and the skirt so high, And a fox fur round her neck, t two-ely. She sat in the car just acrass fram me, And I said to myself: "What a sight te sec!" And I pntted myseif upon the back, >That I hadn't a daughter to faiiow her track. The car was crowded, running o'er, When an oid bent woman cntered the door; Hier face was wrinkled with age and care, And she'd just enough ta pay one fare. There wasn't a joy-mark on her face, Not a hmnt of a smile had left its trace. Nobody seemed to notice her stand With her gray strcaked hair and shnky hnnd, When ail at once, that girl of tyle, Wiha tender look and the sweet- est smiic, As quick as a flash, jumped to her .feet, And gave that dear oid soul her seat. Then softiy said: "Now you sit there, For maybe you have a son some- where, And maybe you have a daughter, too, So 1ll be a daughter, now ta you2" Then a'er that aid and wrinkied face, There came a smîle of richest grace, And she thanked that girl in the waist 50 sheer, While her eyes grew dim with a grateful tear. I like that girl with the silkcn sacks,1 And the powdered face axAd the bobbed, blonde lochs, And the law-cut neck and the high-cut sîceves, For beneath that waist of thin- nest weaves There beats a heart that is kind and sweet, 1 knaw by the way she gave her seat. - -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Torante. ROYAL' THEATRE =:1 BOWMANVILLE I Thurs., Fr!., Sat. NOV. 27, 28, 29 Double Feature Program It'. iaff-tlme! ABBOTT and COSTELLO in The lNa" and The Getaway Bee these two fine pictures Mon., Tues., Wed. DEC. 1, 2, 3 Santa Fe Trail starrlng ERROL FLYNN Shorts and News e. - - HOW TO JOIN UP! URIG ULT FIVE RULES FOR WOMEN'S CORPS The Gavernment of Canada cails Cariadian wamen ta enroll with the Canadian Women's Arrny Corps. The Corps is orgnnized on a miiitary basis, but daca flot form part of the military forces of Canada. It i. arganized for the purpose of replacing Military Per- sonnel ienan-cambatant activi- ties, thus aliowing 'A' and 'B' men ta perfarm other duties; ta supply trained, efficient and disciplined women for duty in various bran- ches of the public service ini this time of wnr. To be eligible for enrolment a recruit must be:1 1. Between the ages of- 21 and 40 years <age limit fôr cooks la 45 years). 2. Be a British subjeet. 3. Be medicaily fit, nat lowcr than Category 'B'. 4. Have completed Grade VIII or equivalent. 5. Have no dependent children. A woman worker in the Brawns- The trainig course of the burg, P.Q., small arma ammuni- C.W.A.C. includes sqund drill tion plant, la shown inspecting without arms, saluting drill, re- shells. Canada i. now turning out cognition of badges loi rank Of shells. and bomba of al aizes in His Majesty's Forces, -First Aid, large quantities. Gas Defence, Fire Drill, and other ________________ training nccessary te make an efficient Corps. C.G.I.T. PORTRAY Al rembers ai the Corps are elîgible ta receive medical and NIGHT IN CHINA dental attendance at the public expense. Personnel of the C.w. Gaily festooned with multi-cal- A.C. are entitled ta the same fare ored lanterna, birds, flawers, kites an railways, buses, etc., as other and ather Chinese decorations, members of the Active Forces. Trinity Sunday Sehool formed the The eguatins lid ownforsetting for The Festival of the Pull TheReglaton lad dwn orMoon-a night in China-present- the C.W.A.C. are admirable and ed by niembers af the Canadian juat; the clathing equipinent is Girls i Training on Nov. 19th. very smart..0 As the guests arrivcd they werc Furlough not exceeding four- announced by girls in Chinese teen days with pay, may be grant- costume ta the sound of a Chinese cd on completion of six months' gong. The heavy scent of incense cantinuaus service in the Corps. filied the -air and aided ia giving Recruits are attached te the the settlng an Oriental atmas- Corps for a period of probation phere. flot exceeding three months. A The Department -President, Recruit may be enrolled asa Val- norma Wilcox, opened the pro- unrteer at any time after the ex- gram with a short address of wel- piration of the first thirty days' came ta Parents and friends. A probation. quzdbn yie l and Ls, ona The Training S'chool for the dct mbYIez proerad con- C.W.A.C. M.D. No. 3, ia at present Majerrison brought forth much at the Gananaque Inn, Ganan o- laughter ns thosé unable te que, Ont. The course is Mf three answer the question were pre- weeks' duratian. The quartc±s are sented with a amall black Chinese comfortabie and those whe have hat which thcy had ta wear. enrolled are enthusiastie about Rev. J. E. Griffith commended the lii e, with few exceptions. thc work being carried onan ed.G. as th br fa A] b1 ci wi ai roi wy ho at BU TME TiaULE CM OU Effective <JNDAY NOVEMBES 30, 1941 ul Wnormtion Prom Ageu CAnamAN NATIONAL RAILWAfl ___________ T-MO World Ohrlmlanlty Dlscuséed by St Paul'. P aster At Trinity Young Peoplc',s Union on Monday ýevening wlth Doris Dudley, Missionary Conven- or ii; charge, a helpful and inter- csting programn was presented. De- votional service was taken by Doris asslsted by Thelma Schlicv- ert and Jack Dunn. Two humorous rendinga were given by Joan Longman and solos by Donnîda Creasar were mucli enjoyed. Thespeaker Rev. A. IR. Cragg, Minister of St., Paul's Church, dcalt with the subject of "IWorld Christianity". There was a tinie said Mr. Cragg. when we could mit at home and feel we had donc aur dut in sending nisalonaries ta foegn lands, sending, as it wcre, light into the darkness. But now nisaionares have much te teach us. We have* begun te discaver that the proportion of light and darkness is flot s0 différent tei those forelgn lands as here. Mis- sianaries, as in China, have re- mained there in spite Of heavy warfare*and.their own lives being iri danger. It la aour duty ta shate twith these people the thingÉ we aknow.te be good. The grentest dlfficulty in mad- crn times is that evcryone is drawlng in ta hiniself. Particular- lY la this truc Ia the church. Wc iVe in a amall town and social and church life seem ta be relqtively camplete, therefore we arc cm- cd te live ta ourselves when we 9shouid be arising te the great challenge ai the church. jA much quotcd Phrase "Pence lindivisible" la truc ineveryr sense. It is impassible ta secure pence if we only ait bnck and thik about it. And te have pence in anc country and not; in another is a greater impossibility. Times have speeded up inimensely and by way of contrast, Mr. Crngg pointed Out that in 1854 it toak his grandiather 6 weeks ta cross froni England to Canada whereas recently the Prime Minister cos d thc Atlantic. in ony10 orss. With this spceding up ai living, tawns cannat be self-sufficient. Imports must be brought in fram Other countries. Wc are dependent an thc ends of the earthr for thc things we est and wear. Each little tawn or village ila aPart ai anc anaOther. AUl live together. Dur country la affected by what takes1 place in other Parts af the world. Those living in degredation will greatîy affect others in other parts of thc worid. The wonderfui story of Madame Currie and her husband, who though poverty stricken thens- selves, refrained from. making money thraugh the*l grent dis- covery of radium, *but gave ta the worid what wauld be of benefit te the warld, should be an inspir- atian and revelation toalal. Wc cauid nat exist taday withaut- the mediciné, science, and ather gifts that'the warld gives te us. As this is truc in aur social life it is more truc as regard the church and Christian lii e. We are a part aifa. fellowahip- and- an -institution which is over 2000 years old. When wc attempt ta live nione we eut aurseives off from fthc church and not thc churchi fram us. Dur vision aif thc churcli must be a vision of the whoic wide Ichurcli in thec world, secking to serve it-whercvcr it may be. The war began in China and spread Over thc world. Bier'people have suffered ong and yet in face ai .thest treiendaus odds fthc Chris- tians carry an and are a grent in- fluence ta China and ail the world. [t is. therefore, important f0 us Uiat China la Christian. As members af Christian Y.P.U., twa. tasha lic before us. We must bufld up thec church of which we are a Part, be avital, dynanilc wvitness for thec churcli. Then, wc Inusf build up the'wider church ai A'hich aur own churcli is a part. Juat ns pence la indivisible so la ChriStianity. Wc mnust reacli ouf aoshare what wc have and fa re- celve others gifts ta us, then wil Our Christlanify be effective. rliere will neyer be pence until nen and women are United, ina - Christian brôthprhoad. # Rev. J. E. Griffith. extendcd a vate af Uiaxiks ta Rev. Cragg for his thaught. provohlng addresa. Loia Majerrisôn and Joan Grcenfieid,favored with f wo piano [uets and Susie VanCamp led the sizg sang. Weddi ng, symes-WlIkln Princ A&lk- ar-4 gewa Six persans will have a wondenful bread pudding- treat when you serve the dessert made from this week's recipe. You'il md thc cocon gives tis type ai pudding an cntfrcly 'ncw' teste. Macla Bread Pudding (Serves (si: 1 plat milk, 1-3 cup granulated sugar, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanila extract, 1/4 cup raisins, 16 sices white bread, %k cup Fry'a Cocon. Cut white bread ln half -Inch slices. Remove Uic crust and but- ter weil. Cut la fours f0 make squares. Arrange these fleatiy 50 as- ta line a shnllaW baking diali. Sprinkie with raisins; add another rolw of buftercd bread and sprikle with cinnamon. Mix cocoa and sugar together dry and add mixture ta liat miik. Beat eggs and add slowly ta tic cocon milk. Strate througli a finie sieve, pour over bread. add Uic vanilla. Blace in, oven 400 degrees unitil Uic cus- tard is set. If you enclose 10e you will ne- ceive thc latesf Fry illustrated Re- ceCBookiet, "lClocolate Around UC Clock." If'. packcd with scores of easy te foiiow recipes -for mak- ing ncw, deliclous, cliocolafe- fiavoured desserts and beveragcs. Adaress: Jehane Patenaude, Fry- FORE WARNED IS FOREARMED Be prepared for the School Day. just ahead by havinig Oshawa Laundry .& Dry Cleaning Company, Limlted ON TO DO WM A VIcToRYI VLLE THE CANADIAN STATESMAX, BOWNLààý ý, ONTARIO Mlldly laxative. A vrnI aid t. keeplng fit - ondI lr. 241 What then remamns? Courage, and patience, and simnpllcity, and kindness, and, last of ail, ideas remain; these are -the thmngs to lay hold of and live with.-A. C. take care ef your Laundry sud Cleaalag requirementa "now, PHONE 4»9 and our driver wil auL j ., 7 % COMPLETEFDI1 A NAVAL GUNEVEITMNT FOR THE DURATION Tius s uimavileu bjctve intheNatioual Wai Weapou Dii, 0 We've mualy doue il Our commuaity la close to les Let'& dli get behind eh!. drive for te .lms puai to succeu. objective in the. Wàr Wempoms Drive. But more pl.dgusem rz--prenne objective la jue a sent. Our jor; ore urgen1> needed- Our soliles, our adore, our afrmen for te war is far from fin"sed. W. mms do beteer and better aue counting on us. More regular purchases of War Savinp utl Victory sa chieved. TM!.mm a rger, lnvestments m Cetifiate. mai more wei o ur Our forces. Eh of usw War Savingi Certificates - mouth in, u mo out, for &0i mmss do lait pore - n«oone of ms mue "hl ie duey. duration. Let a ae our eEfouç a power drive for Victoey. UNOMVLLE WAI SAMIOS COMMTE sange of pInk anapdragona. She was assisted by the groom's; mother ln navy - sheer with corsage of plnk sinapdragon. The lunch waa servcd by girl friends of the bride. Fallowiig the reception the happy couple left by mater to visit Northern Ontario. They wlll re- ai at 29 Slincoe St. North, Osh- awa. Previous ta her marriage, thé bride was guest af honar at sev- eral lovely showers whcn she was the recipient of nny beautiful a1 sflgfa agement te bpth thc girls and their leaders. An interesfing talk on China, presenting nialaly Uic wark tUal i. being donc there by Uic Mis- sionaries and Uhé changes that have taken place during the pnst 50 years, was given by Miss IUelen Pritcliard. This was followed by a short play enfitied IIWaihWmgs ns Engles" with. Joan Longman capably faklng tic ieading part ai a yaung American girl wliasn parents were in charge ai a com- pound and liospital in China while she had been working in New York. If was her first visit te China and -aftèr aeêlfg* hnf was taking place over thee i spite ai sevene Japanese bombings, she decided te remate with lier par. enta and become a Chri$tian Mis- sianary Uius dolag lier part to -blelp alleviafe pain and suiferlag in that over populafed country. Other important parts werc ably faken by Lurana Sieep as Mrs. Dadge, flic mather; Loin. Majerri- son as Dr. Dodge, Uic inther; and Helen Nelies portraycd Uic role of a young Chinese Christ ian ia t charge of reiugee women. Imme-f diafeiy ait er Uic play Uic de.-1 vofional service, with H e 1 e nt Neiles te charge, was given with Bernice Lawrence, Margaret Sf a- t cey, lacs Biekie, Marie Moise,t Barbara Rogers and Fay Fry assisting. Fine Cliteese costumes loaned by local people were madelled byV four girls who carefully explainedj flic intricate liandworked designs c and stafed whaf class oi people tg wauld wear sucli a costume. Other c demonstratians ai Cliteese worh, 0 pictures and curias as well as '7 articles mnde by Uic girls, werc r inspecfed by Uic guests.c 'This evening's enfertainnient gave flic girls' parents an oppor- v funify ta sec Juat wliaf i. bcing h donc in C.G.IT. and provcd ta be inferesfteg and , exceedingly 1G educational. -d ----------- m IUIRSDAY, NOVEMER 27, 1941 IRED, LI-Tg uniE"Iem- 17kfm CQ MUIDS PRiVE 1