TEURSDAYDBCIM4, 1941 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN ~OWMAN1m.T.I~ flM'PA~TE~ Revuew« ofMilutary.Activities 0F."The 'Mad. Midland' Req't Reserve Arniy to De- revived, there have been alls up- fend Canada If end Rn The Statesman for anexplana- W h e n - Criticises seeS or duty ta inform aur Treatment of Veter- reas ±ps what rnay be learned ans, Guard tes. We shall give belaw a sum- mary of the milltary aspect and c judgnient and the attitude developments in tis district. as elStatesman in respect ta they' have eccurred since Canada T st ail phases of aur national cntered the war. Whether this aeffort derives ahniost whoily may, be talien as representative fromi the local scene. To a degree of ail Canada, wc have na means itever before excmplified asit is o. knowuni. to-day, the pulse af the natian, Une Reserve Units hndeed af the world, can eit dra "new plan" aniiounccd ini every last community ini tis in thc press recently, Canada's country. What has happencd in Reserve Ai'n1 y Battalions wiil ini Europe is naw icît, in some de- future get definite tlaining for grec, by evcry last soul ini Canada. the defence af Canada. They wil What happens in-.Ottawa as re- be on calfor "rush mobilizatian"' prcsented by decisions af thc gov- 24 houri a day. Veterans af 1914- lerniment and cansequent Orders- 18 will be encourgged ta join and In-Council is naw thc conccrn of medical standards wil be lawer- thc lowliest in every hanilet. To cd ta bget them ini. Men up ta 50 al af tis there is reaction. There wjl bc acccptcd. Gxuarding of la talk and questioninga and calis vital centres if subi ected ta enemy upon Uic local paper for informa- attack will*be taught. Blank amn- tion. There is doubt and con- munition 'will be supplied and fusion. From al af this aur esti- tactical scilemes developed. Em- mate ai thc wisdam and actions af players wil bc asked ta let off governnmnt stems dircctly from men on reserve for drill purpases. Uic public. The local cammunity In short there is a half column le Uic epitome ai Uic nation. You devotcd ta just what the govcnn- cànnot fool ail the people all the ment is going ta çlo ta build up time. and train reserves ta "defcnd" Local Confusion Canada and provide replacemients Morcover, as it happens, we for averseas units. have Uic benefit ai thc knowledge Ini Uiis lacality, Bowmanville af a fcw who can be considered and district, together with the as having special acquaintance United Counties af Northlumber- with variaus af aur wartimc ac- land and Durham, we have or tivities. Because the matter af have had, Uircc niilitary units: conscripting the 30-day boys off IChe First Midland Battalian (The the farms has again beeri decrecd Mad Midlands), an active service and word has gane forth that the unit now an guard duty same- ureserveP armyr is again ta be whcre in the Niagara area; the PHONE: PORT PERRY 106-21t Our Motte: Quality and Servicec ALEX. GILBERT t General Merchantr BLACKSTOCK, ONT. THE STORE WITH A COMPLET! STOCK D VisIt our store and sec thc many useful gitse on dlsplay I- l ciudhng pyrex-ware, lampe, Westeiox dlocks and watches, pli- iow cases and table*cioths EXTRA SPECIAL. VALUE One welrony 4thtetoUb HAMPTON 3X FLOUR . for better pastryv 6W 24 lb bug t MANY GIFTS FOR MEN ai Socks, tics, bill bide, seaf., pipes, cigarettes and tobaco. a] J c( A 9 - t] SEEg OUR CHIRISTMAS CANDY a by MeCormicks. M1any limes to cliocue frem at money savlng ni prices. ai We Welcome YOU to OUR StoreM tE Our clerks are weil tralned and courteous and are willng te hi help you In your numerous purchases. Yen wili notice the th difference. c - -- -~ -- - - tit soo: "'Oc 2nd Midlands (Militia, or Re serve); and Uic 32nd Infantry Re serve (Vctcran's Guard ot Can Rda) authonlzed ta July, 194C 'hese constitute Uic bodies o men wiich Uic conimunity wis] Lbe proud of. Two Years, ef Idlene Let us sec what has happcnec ýthem sincé their firat unit itcpped forward. and offerc hemsclvcs for service anywheri Uicheworld. Here hi thc story ffhen war broke out ln 1939 1 'w ai Uic mcien f Uic lst Mrld. Lnds were acceptcd as guards a& tn airpert 'somcwherc betweer are and Montreal. Fýiom tinne tc ime, others ai tic Midlands weni o jota tic athers as guards. The3 tuck at tis until Uie ipring ai 140 and earneda splendid repu- ation at an irkiome task. Orders for mabllizatiqn af Uie st Midlands early in 1940 soau et with satisfactory results. But .ey were trained in detacirnents, ýre and Uiere, witin thé imme- late counties. Ticir commanding ificer, Lieut.-Col. J. C. Gamby, ias recalled irom averseas. It eas ioped Uiey would be brought Dgether as a battalion ta thus istrict and trained for overseas. .stead Uiey were sent ta Uic out- kirts af Ottawa for tic wunter anUhs and learned something ai rill and ceremanials, and Uic ýe.military technique af ski- ig; but little ta Uic nature ai ie needi ai to-day's wanfare. Shhfted Again Next Uicy were shifted ta tic st coast, itnictly dii guard duty. rw they have been retunned ta itania, still on guard duty. These an enlisted ta fight. Now, gotag r two years, Uiey have only a mattering ai modern wanf arc. lany ai them are fed up absolute- rfinaily and campletely. Wheli iy will get "mcchanized" train- ig no anc scems ta know. Their )nterùipt for suci tneatment is roound when thcy compare air movemrents with other units. The 2nd Midlands wcrc sup- Dsed ta be trataed as replace- ents for Uic lst. Enthusiaini m higi lait spring and suniner 140) and thc complen'ient at Uic ial barracks ran as high as 120 .sa, ail ranks. Training, with hat meagre equipmcnt was zailable, was enthusiastic an two Ihts perý week. Then, f ailing iactmcent ai conscription, resort as made ta voluntary enlistment ttivc) and the men of the 2nd idlands werc tavited ta jota or ând in their unifarms. Strong Arn sMcthods On this leverage ai compulsion, ic came Uic uniforins. There as, tao, dissatisfaction that thc 4day "conscrîpts" should be ýwed as equal ta those ai Uic id wio iad voluntcered for auning. Tic net result.was that ý2nd Battalion dnted up ta cee or four privates and train- gceased altogether. Now, ta last week's Statesman, notice states that Uiey resunie aining and recruits between 18 Id 50 years af age wiil be wel- nied. To date, it appeans, about have reappeared. It i leit ta ereader ta determine whether is ic h way ta get and enthuse en. AU Uice above was govern- ent "palicy". Now wc corne to Uic final unit ihorized, Thc Veterans' Guard. atings were hcld in July 1940 organize and enit meni wha d servcd in Uic lait war. Au- )rity was granted ta mobilize a npany wtthln Uic United Coun- sunder cammanid ai Col. L. T. ,Laugin and Uic ranki were )n comnfortably fiiled. Training sta be twice a weck and Uic a, presumably, was ta be for rnc defence, for supply ai ac- eservice units ai the Guard ostensibly, ta set an example mcen ai tic 2nd Midlands. No iorms, texts, cquipment non labus was îupplied tiil Decemn- %The "aId sweats" worc out àr own clothes and sioci. Thcy rned ta "9slopc arma" and ceh in column ai tirees. Be- id that Uiey had lectures in prcading and scouts and pat- s. It was mcrcly a rchash ai .gs ai Uic lait war; nat a single Ti applicable ta Uic needi ai ay. There were the social and emaniai a*ccts. In tic mat- ai supplying replacements, its etion was soon cxhauîted. Ne Sbootlng .ere was always thc hope that nigit develop along Uines that ild be useful in cases ai emer- ty, but in its year and a half training, 80 fat as marksman- pwas concerned, the only f a- ies îupplied werc anc 22 tar- rifle and amniunition whici used ini shoating down in Uic ement ai Uic local barracks. lday, in face ai Uic govern- then retunn ta await tic mca whom these fiiry pQstcni wauld inspire ta action. Purther ta slow up Uic drive, Uic tdlephane was removed froni hcad q uj rt rs. There its been neither encour- agbment, facilities, non official backtng ... no real drive in the matter ai getting valunteens. Conscription Volced At a huge picnic ai faniners at Orono lait summuer anc ai Uic officers came out flatly in public and said that conscription was Uic only hope ai ever gctting Uic needed number ai mcen. Sa farnin- titi canipatgn, Uiis summer, only a corporal's guard has been cen- listed. Now, simultazieously wli conscipting Uic 30-day mcen for tic second time, cames à iriaill 15- Uine advertisèment for volunteens between 18 and 50, married or single. Tic outcome ai titi tactic wMl be awaited witi interdit. Burketon Visitons: Mn. Alden Hubbard, Oshawa, at home. Miss Ruby Bailey and Mr. Or- land Bailey, Oshawa, with ticir parents. Mns. J. GUi, Mn. and Mns. H. GUi with Mns. Brock, Coîbanne. Mr. Edwand Richards, Baw- manville, with Uic Gill's. -Mn. and Mns. A. Dean and Eliza- beth, Oshawa, wvith Mnî. L. J. Gatcheil. .Mn. and Mns. Rosi Oke, Oha- wa, with Mns. E. Adamis. Mn. and Mns. S. Moffatt, Osha- wa, with Mns. T. Brcck. Mn. and Mns. D. Gatchdil and Bobby, Oshawa, with Mns. J. Gatcheil. Mns. Byron Rahm, Oshawa, Mns. C. Rahm, Union, Mn. and Mns. C. Avery, Haydon, witli Mr. IH. Rahm. ,Mrs. P. Caughiil and MnI. J. Sinclair, in Toronto. Mns. T. Trick la confined ta bcd and is quite fil. Nestieton Nestleton Young People met at Mr. Stanley Malcolm'i an Thurs- day evýening. It was "Recreation", nigit tm charge ai. Mn. Beverleyj Veale. A collection was taken and dainty lunch served. Hcarty vote af Uianks was given Mns. Malcolm and ail i charge for a pleasant and profitable evening. Visitars: Mnî. John Hooey with her sis- ter, Mns. Herman Saniels. Mr. and Mns. Kcnneth Samel1s and family at Mn. John Hender- son's, Lindsay, wio la on Uic sick Lust. Mn.* and Mns. Harold Ncsbitt, GEDISONth 1Garry and Ross, Bowmanvillc, 1with Mn. C. H. Parteaus. r Mn. and Mns. Gea. ksowers and 3fanily at Mn. L. Joblin's. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Hlunter and Jamie, Port Penny, at Mn. Ivanx Proutt's. Mr. and Mns. Melville Henry, Mn. and Mns. Melville Tnaccy, Oshawa, at Mn. R. M. Hoskin's. Mn. Ralpi Emerson, ýToront,,' Mr. Prank P1aý,'oot, Lindsay, at Mn. Henry Thompson's. > Mns. Robt. Jackson, Mn. and LMns. Henry Sheffield and family, Oshawa, at Mn. Wîlfned Jackson's. . Mns. D. Davidion, Mns. M. Em- Lerson and Miss Ruth Proutt at- tended tic W. I. Convention ini Toronto. Mn. Launie Hoskin is visiting iii Minesing. Enfield Mr. and Mns. Chas. Henry, Lindsay, visited Mns. D. Hall. Miss Grace Stark, Toronto, Mn. Jamie Stark, Trenton, visîted at Mn. J. Stark's. Mr. and Mns. L' C. Pascoc and Miss Elizabeth Pascoe visited at Mn. C. L. Mackey's, Brooklin. Will Ashton, Hoskin Smith and Harold Ormiston have accepted positions in Bowmanville.. John Hamen had a very succesi- fuXI sale Friday. Thene was a large attendance and good prices were realized. F(Intended for lait week) Manday nîgit a presentation was held at Mn. Norman Scott's for Mn. and Mns. John Hanier who arc moving away. Mnrs. Ac- ken nead tic address aid Mn. Cecil Hubbard pnescnted Uicmn with a mantel dlock. The eveming was spent ini contesti and candi. Mn. L. C. Pascoe attended Coun- tics Council at*Cobourg. Mns. A. Prcscott, Mns. W. Pas- coc aid Mns. W. Ormiston have had Red Cross quiltingi. Visitons: Miss Cansna Samis, Oshawa, at Mn. Milton Samis'.. Mr. and Mns. Laverie Stinson,i Hamilton, with Mns. John Stin- son..-. Mn. and Mns. Wilfrid Bow- man, Mn. and Mns. Godfney Bow- man and Mary Helen at Mn. T. Bownian's, Port Penny... Mrs. D. Hall in Toronto..-. Mn. and Mrs. W. Mollon, Toronto, at Mn. Hos- kin Smith's. . . Mn. and Mns. Hos- kin Smith and family at Mn. Ed- win Ormiston's, Maple Grave. Mns. John McCulloch, Miss Ida McCulloch, Mns. L. C. Pascoe and Miss B essie Pascoe at Dr. and Mns. W. G. McCulloch's, Onono. Blackstock Visitons: Mr. aid Mns. Osmond Wright and Editi at Qucenîville witi Mn. and Mns. Goldwyn Paint. Miss Ruth Marlow, Toronto, with Mns. Jas. G. Marlow. Dr. and Mns. McArtiur aid family at Stratiord. Mr. Coleman, Wycliffe Collège, at Mn. Hanry McLaughin's. Miss Olive VanCamp, Toronto, .t home. You iaven't read ail Uic Black- stock news yet. Turn ta page 13 and you'll sec Alex-Gilbert, aur popular general merchant, has an dvt. in which lie offers some extra special values. Annual meeting af Uic United Chunch W. A. was at Mns. Leiti Byers' on Monday cvening with 20 present. RaIl caîl was answer- cd witi 6" square wool blocks r an afghan for war work which grs. Harny VanCamp kindly af- lred ta put together. Tic society fecided ta buy war saving certi- cates for Uic W.A. as Uiey had lrcady baugit some for tic ,unch. Tiese officens wcrc elect- t: Pres.-Mnî. Clarence Marlow; st Vice-Mrs. Norman Mountjoy; ac'y.-Jean Wright; Ass't.-Mrs. 'ecil Hill; Trcas.-Mrs. H arr y ;anCamp; Gnoup Leaders-Mes- mmes Percy VanCamp, Gordon trong, O. Wright, 0. Graham, C. Vright, T. Samelli; Fruit and lower Com.-Mrs. R. Bruce and Ens. M. Graham; Pansanage Com. -Mesdames Jas. Henry, H. Van- 'amp, M. Graham, O. Wright; i ianist-Mns. Ada Jones-Sadler, ns. Gardon Strang; 'Auditos- nrs. John Nesbitt, Miss Gertrude i lenry. St. John's W. A. met at Mrs tbt. Parr's on Nov. 27th. Mr:. s. Farder Sr. read Uic Bible saon. W. A. Lttany and Mcm- ýers Prayer was led b y Mns. V. fArcher who preslded. A short I -, Fails. FBoxed Handkerchiefs 25e to 79e Always welcome and useful We have a splendid assortmcent ln fine lawns or lunen with hemuned or hernstltched bord- crs, lace corners or lace edged self whitc or prettlly jpatterned Gifts for Baby Whether you want "A littîs something" for a baby'. "stock- ing", or a royal git for His lghness hlmself (or his baby sister) our baby department can m1tyu edprety i ie 69 King Street Dressing Robes For M en Hlaadsome, durable aii-wool ENGLISE FLANNEL ROBES wlth corded lapels or tilky Popih faclng lln a tood aasort- ment of coleurs Ploor Ruga .1. _____________________________________________ I 1 wM I i llPL I u i New styles in Ladies' Umbrella Lovely fabries lai ogIsllkor rayen taffeta; prints, cheeks, and self tons. adau attractve assortusent of handies From $2.29 to $3.98 Gifts for Mother 0fte tmmuething for Uic bouse gives mout pleasure to mother. We Suggest: SStch Lace Tabloolotbs Kgenwood Blankets Plllow Cases Tow.l Seta LqWALER SORES f,,MITl J - 181*70 Yeors of Security to Poiicyowneri , a 1941 ý"My Husbancl andi I agreecl 1àmily had a hard struggle .. . it's a nmghtmare to look back upon. Ycars ago my husband and I agreed that thîs must flot happento our children, 8s e pntbulani isurance esopte wfth theConféderatea Life Association. -Sixice then my hueband ha& bought thtee other Confederation Life Polide for larger amaunts, and today 1 have ne owarry so faàr as aur finacial future i. concerned. Befof c Tou Irnuve ConsUlt Côn11federation Life HEAD OFFICE TORONTO There really isn't any Problem if you bring your gift s ist straight to the WALKER STORE. t We have aiready sent you our Christmas Shopping Guide Mfus1 trating many choice gifts at very attractive prices. Literally hundreds of other useful gifts are on display throughout the store, making the task. of choosing both easy and delightfui. We cordially Invite you to corne ln and look around -we do flot press you to buy. Lovej Lingerie Aflurlng laii ts appeai toey.e > ~and touch--.sleek satin, dahnty 4 crcpp or celosuede, ln bioenrs I panties, slips, gowna or pI'- a Smartly styled and tI beautifully fhnlshed. and sur- ,.-. >1 prlslngly iew in price. Be sue idj te sec our splendid assortment. v. pcriad af silence was abservcd in memory of aur late Rectar ai whom it can be said "He was faithful, even unto death." Mns. McArthur repôrted on financial autcamc ai thc recent amateur night. Mrs. R. Parr gave the Don- cas Dept. repart and also read Uic list af articleÉ sent ta Uic twa bales, also four compîcte layettes for British babies. Mns. C. Parr, Cor. Sec., rcad thc Diocesan Board Bulletin, also read a letter iram Mns. C. E. Whittaker. Mns. John Carter rcad and dlscusied tnaa capable manner thc new study book "In His Service." Ncxt meet- ing wiil be at Mns. V. A. Bailey's with Mns. H. McLaughhin in charge ai prograt. During Uic past week Uic Cart- wright Twp. Red Cross shipped ta headquarters: Seamen's Coin- forts-7 scarves (14x66), 3 pr. whale mitti, 2 acro helmets, à turtle-neck sweaters, 1 pr. long stockings, 1 pr. seamen's socks; Army and Airfrte-36 pr. nien's sacks, 5 alternative caps, 2 pr. 2- way mitts, 1 turtle-neck sweater.1 Parochial Board ai St. John's Anglican Church *met at Mrs.i Robert Parr's Thursday evening and decided ta invite Mr. Cale- man, student at Wycliffe College, Moronto, ta take the Sunday monning services for the winter montis, praviding the Archbishop ai the Diocese hs favorable. Mr. and Mns. Richard Rowan (nec Ethel Carter) were tendered a -shower in the cammunity hall on Tuesday evening. Laverie Devitt was chairman. Mns. David Wilon payed the wedding mancil while UipeYoung couple took their places on the platiorm. Miss Jean Wright favored with a reading; Mns. D. Wilson, a piano instru- mental a reading by Mrs. Wri. I VanCamp dedicated ta Bachelor Chairman Laverne "On How ta Choose a Wife."1 Misses Gwenyth Marlow, Kathleen Wright and Helen VanCamp, with Pearl Wright at the piano, ang a sang af their awn composition which wag of ineeta oLaverne. Danc- Kendal Earl Burley is attending the Vocational Scilool in Oshawa. W. A. met Thursday at Mns. M. Soper's with a good attend- ance. A joint meeting ai the W. I. and the W. A. will be held ta tic Sunday scilool room Dec. loth when aificers wil be elected. Visitons: Miss Annie Wright waes home. Mns. Milton Robinson was ini Toronto. Pte. Albert Mavin is home on leave irom Vancouver. Miss Edna Grant, Toronto, was gueit ai W. Mercer's. Pte. Wlllys Wrighit, Toronto, and Gnn. Pete Martindil, Kings- ton, wene home. Mr. Herb. Paeden, Mns. J. Pae- den, Wesleyville, and Mns. Carl Paeden and babe, Halifax, visited Mns. D. Bostock and Mns. Fred GIFIS for the CAR Instead of giving hum soinething he doesn't need or want, give hlm sonîething for the car. He'll appreciate a n y one of these accessor- les. Buy on Our Easy' Pay- ment Plan AMBER F00 LIGHT Complets with bulb, wire and clamnp. SEAT COVERS For ether sedan r coaeh. lu- staliid BLAST HORNS priced from ....... $4. Chrome flnlshed. Co*mplets wlth brackeLs TIRE.S Guaranteed te rive super servie longer Sealed 011 Garton 's Garage PHONE 2666 during the black-out test, sir. . un-officiai manoeuvre, sir .. P THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOV;NM,ýE. ONTARIO aa 19 fI a a, st a pý ei c B 2( ec fo m fe dE fii al Ch ed ls SE CI VI de St w Fi Ci Pi Wi Ul ai %c To ,eE )e IDAt'IV- Iltil nMMMT E Bowmanville Phone 45 t 1