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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1941, p. 14

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PAGE YOURTEEN BAHS, COMMENCEMENT Programmeand Prize Winners Thuis, FPis and SaL, Nov. 27.2i-29 »OA»0F EDUCATION Dr. G. C. *onnycatle, Ch airman Mr. W. A. Edger Mr. Aléx McGreor Or. H. Ferguson Mr. W. L. Paterson Mr. H. L. Goddard Mr. J. R. Itutt Mr. A. M. Hardy Mr. C. H. Masan, Sec. TEACHING STAFF Mr. L. W. Dippeil, B.A. - Principal and Teacher of Science. Mise B. R. B.rnaby, B.A. - Phyhical Traini and Lower 19chool Subjects. Mr. W. Carpenter, B.A. - Latin and Greek. Mr. G. R. Eiott, B.A. - History and Lower School Subjeti. Mr. F. M. Gardner, B.A. - Commercial Subjects. Mr. G. B. Goulding,* B.A. - Physical Training and Lower School Subjects. Mise D. Jeffery, BA. - Englith and Art. Mien H. J. Lennox, B.A. - French and German. Mr. 0. Van Sickle, B.A. - MathematIca. Mr. W. E. C. Workman, L.L.C.M. - Director of Muslc. Programme Orchestral Solutions, 7:45 -8 p.m. Address - Girls' Chorus -«0 CANAA" -- Dr. G. C. Bennycaille Chairman -"ILit t Thine Eyes" - - - iindelssohn TEURSPAY Presentation cf Athietic Prizes and Commercial Awards - Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Mix A. M. Hardy, Mr. W. L. Paterson, Mr. L. W. Dippeil. FRMAY Presentatioti of Acadcnuc Prizes and Graduation jo Diplomas - Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Mr. Stuart JaineOt Canon Spencer, Mr. L. W. Dippeil. Girls' Chorus - "Down in the Dewy Doil" mart "Luflaby cf an Infat 'h, Gensen Act 1 - 'June Mad" ' Valedictory Address - - - Mitchell Solo - Miss D: Creasser Act 2 - Scene 1 - "June Mad" Brian Flaherty Act 2- Scene 2 - "June Mad".. Dance -Kate and Duplikate.i - Barbara Rehder Helen Roach Act 3 - "June Mad" dda.GOD SAeVE THE KING availa day. li pone his quirement From the "June Mad" !tý COMEDY IN THREE ACTS CAST 0F CHAKACTEES: ___________ -EriceMdilveen Ruth James ___BillEdger Carl Fisher ___-____Ruth Hutchinson Joyce Richards Ls-_ __ _Glbert Mcflveen * Jim Nokes - ..~Scott Densem Ruth Stevens Howard Sturrock Dolly Purdy HeRw s y DmwTerni 1 Act Orne Way Te Udh1R.ÉW1 ednesday afternoon in June. of outing and esse mis Act Tw. the oldthewdWyelymd =î .-* Boni soimswater.-; One: The following Friday night. ovAM a W-i Two: Saturday afternoon. int.hsat-am- 1m-d-Act linos with every réé Yeo!ubl- - eilSaturday evening. 01" ý fe action cf Uhc play takes place in thc living room cf M ' i>tc Woods' house in Lynbrook, a smail town in thc ti- Middle-West. Ni * lime The present. d"produced by special arrangement with Samiuel French (Canada) Limited, Toronto." Drapes and cushions were designed and blocked bY Uic Second Year Art Class. The proceeds from one performance shallI * donated tRe Bd Cross. TM BDANK 0F MONTREAL OUP For speed and accuracy i Typcwrlting. Winner - Peggy Moss. TM BDAN<K OFCOMMERCE PRIZE To Uic student obtaining Uic hlghest standing in Uic Commçrclal Forin. $5.00 in cash. Wnner - Hazel Aider. COUMERCL4,L DIPLOMAS HOmnl Ader, Mabel Clemence, Audrey Comstock, Vivian Duck, Marlon McDonald, Audrey McQuade, Peggy Moses, Laura wagson, Loulse Wilson, Jean Woodward. ATHLETIC PMIES .UoV enorChmponship - - 'Keith Billett ~os'Ineredat Caniplonship -- Tom Cowan Boya, Junior Chmionship -É - ric Mcllveen Girls' Senior Championshlp Dorothy Downey Girls Junior Champlonshlp - - - Doris Goulah Florence Chartran 4,Olrjg' Juvenile Ch*mplonshlp - Betty Spencer ON 5 VEAR GUARANTEEED O TRUST CERTIFICATES çe..yboords, e*acuforsau oler truite«. PQRATIONTORONTO THE CANADIAN STATESMA, BOWMANVILL, OnýTARIJO EOWXIANVILLE HZIGS UCHOOL INTER-SCHOOL TRACK MEET ý S Whitby, Uxbridge and Bowmanville Senior Boys' 11unner-up -, - - - KeihBlllett Senior Girls' Chaxnpionship - - Dorothy Downey DAVIS CUP Donatcd by thc late Mr. James W. Davis te Uic student who has coutributed most te Junior Rugby. Winner - Eric McIlveen. RUGBY MEDAL onatcby.iltr WfL .->aterson te Uic atudent who bas' A d buteAAbdfi<f te the Senior Ruby Team: 40 per -cut - rugby, ,0 per cent academic. -Cr ihr ,Winncr -Cr ihr JMEN'S CANADIAN, CLUB HISTORY PRIZES Awardcd te Uice students in Foran II obtainig Uic highest s tanding in Canadian History. Douer: The Men's Canadian Club, Bewmanvillc. $1.50 each. Winers- Girls, Eunice Jackman; Boys, Jack Rutter. THE GILFULLAN PRIZE The GiUfilan Prize in memory of Uic late Principal James' Gilfillan, for the highest standing in tic Middle School Examina- tiens. $10.00 in bocks. Winner - Gordon Slemon. THE BAITON PRIZE Fer highest standing in English Literature on Uic Upper Scheol examinatiens. $5.00 in books. Donor: Mr. Douglas D. Barton. Winner - Barbera Rehder. CHAIRMAN 0F BOARD 0F EDUCATION PRIZE For highest standing in Upper School Biology. $5.00 in cash. Winner - Helen Werry., UPPER SCHOOL CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOS PRIZE For the highest standing in these subjects at Uic midsummer examinations. $5.00 in cash. Doner: L. W. Dippeil. Winer - Lindsay M1itchell. THE FAIRBAJEN PRIZES The Fairbairu General Proficiency Prizes arc awardedte studenta cbtaining Uic highest standing in Formas I anid IL. $10.00 in bocks. Denors: Mr. T. M. Fmirbairn and Mr. Shirley Denison, K.C., i memory cf Uic late J. B. Falrbairn, Eaq. Winners - Forrm I, Donald Quick; Form II, John Butter. TIIE MOGREGOR PRIZE To Uic best atudent iClassica in Uic Upper School. $10.00 in cash. Donors: Misa Helen McGregor and Mr. Alex McGregor. Winner - Patricia Dustan. THE LIEUTENANT REGINAL» HEDER JOLLIFFE cIe In memory cf Uic late Lieutenant Reginald Jolliffe,' killed at Vimy Ridge; awarded te Uic students writig Uie best essaya on a tec cf imperial itereat. Income frein $300.00. Douer: The bate Ers. Elvira A. Jollit e. Winers - bat, Catharine Munto; ind, Winifrcd Smith; 3rd, Alan Fergusïon. THE SQUAM lu=I The Squair Prize for Uic best student in French. $5.00.i bocks. Douer: The late John Squair, Esq., M.A., Professor of French, University cf Toronto. Winner - Sidney Rundlc. THE COUCU PEIZES The Couch Writing Prizes for competition in Form 1. $5.00 i bocks, Iu memcry cf Uic late W. B. Couch. Douer: bis daugh- ter, Mrs. C. W. E. MeaUi. Wincers - Girls, Dcrothy Bedford; Boys, Robert Lockhart. DRAMATIC AWARD To Uic student who hai shown meut promise in Drgmiatice. $5.00 in books-Mrs. M. Gould Winner - Helen Tlghe. ROTARY CLUB PRIZE To Uic student wihUic highest standing i Upper Schoeî subjects, who i addition has. wou Uic ichool crest for aUletics sud tirst clais houcurs in at Icait six subjects. $25.90 ii' cash, 'In Uie cuent Uich crest net having been won by Uic student with thc highest standing, $15.00 ilaiwarded to Uic student and the remainlng $10.00 te Uic AUletlc Societies. Wlnner - Lindsay Mitchell,,$25.00 I cash. THE HOSKIN riE The Hoskin Prize for Uic blghest standing on Uic Upper Schooi exainatlons. $5.00 i books. Douer: The lite John Hookin, Eiq. LL.D. Winer - Lindsay Mitchell, by reversion to Donald Ventei.- TEE LIONS CLUB PRIZE For highest standing i Upper Schoel Mathematlcs. *5.00, in cash. Douer: The Liens Club, Bowmanvifle. -Wlnner - Lindsay Mitchell. LITERARY SOCIETY Honorary President - Miss D. Jeftery; Presideut - Alan Fer- guscu; Vice Presideul - Edi White; Treasurer - Donald Fer- ro;Srtar - Joyce Richards; PianisI - RuUi Hutchinson; or Rprsentatives: 1A - Louise Sellers, Glen Thertell; lB - Audrey Venton, Bill Knox; 2A - Betty Stevens, Tom Cowan' 2E - Audrey Grant, Junior Nemi; lU - Dorothy Snowden, Howa Sturrock; I V - Dorothy Adamson, George Cawker* V - Caba- ricý Wight, Bruan Flaherty; Commercial - Denilda Creiu"e, Lorne Price. GIRLS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY President - Shirley Campbell; Vice Presideut - Ddlly Pury Sec't.Teasurer - Margaret Storey; Forzn Representatives: 1k' Bet ty.Kltrlck; lBr - Dorothy Faulkner; 2A - Margaret Staccy; 2B Joan ewtn 3rd - Margaret Rowe; 4th - Lurna Sleep; ôUi - Elleen Couch; Comm. -Marion Foley. BOYS' AT13LETIC SOCIETY President - Carl Fisher; Vice Presîdent - Donald McGregor; Secrctary Treasurer - Gilbert McIlveen; «Form Representatives: lA - Alan Strike; lB - Donald Gllhoely, 2A - Gerald Purdy; 2,B - Eric Mdllvccn; Srd - William Spencer; 4th - Robert Rundle; 5Ui - Scott Deuscm. GRADUATION DIPLOMAS >' William Brown, Shirley Campbell, Jin Clark, Eilcen Couch Donalda Creasser, Merlan Dudley, Mark Lambourne, Gilberï McIlveen, Grant MettaIt, Barbara Rehder, Thomas Rehder,' Margaret Storey, Alan Timblyn, George Underhill, Cathariie Wight.1 Bank of Montreal Report Shows War Actvti.s Loans Up $42,000,000- Stron LIqIdPosition Sho n AnMeto Exceed Billion Doiàr Mafk - Profita Show Little Change .îThe extent te which Uic Bank ,6bf Montreal la participating in thc war-timc activity cf industry and commerce through its branches In cvery part cf the %ominion is' inxpresslvely cxemplified by its annual statement, issued to-day, wh.tch reveals operations during Uic past year Uiat in volume are at Uic highest levels in the history cf Uic institution. The Bank's resources at Octo- ber 3lst last, Uic end cf its finan- cial yegr, are shown at $1,00q,- 551,000, which la an increase cf $85,216,000 over last year, Uic total assets being the highcst shown in any annual statement cf the bank in its 124 ycars cf operation. As against these resources, the liabil- ities te, thc public stand at $963,- 645,000, lcaving> an excess over such liabilities of $76,906,000 which represents the shareholders' equity. How strengly Uic Bank is entrenched in respect te meeting contingencies is further show>i by the total cf its quickly available assets, which at $705.662,000. an increase cf $42,476,000 as com- parcd with last year, are equal te 73 per cent cf all liabilities te the public. The statement, which la pub- lished in another column, is in Uic "easily undcrstandable" formrf which it has been Uic bank's practice in recent years te present toi Uic public. This year Uic cx- planatory notes which accompany Uic varicus totals contain addi- tional information. Thus, instead cf merely giving Uic totals cf Uic deposits and commercial and oUier loans, Uiese Itemns arc ac- ccmpanied by tabulations show- ing Uic totals for Canada and Uic totals for elscwhere. Large Increase In Deposits The deposits hius year reach thc large total cf $928,387,000, an increase over last year cf $79,- 522,000, sud of Uic total, $809,- 110,000 are ln Canada sud $119,- 277,000 cisewhere. In financig Uic cxpandlng operations cf manufacturers, for- mers, merchants and others, Uic trend cf Uic Bank's commercial sud oUier loans continues up- wards.- The total of such loans, at $275,698,000, is an advance over lait year's figures cf $42,138,000. Of Uic total loans $254,427,000 are i Canada and $21,271,000 cisc- where. On Uic oUier hsud, boans te .poiniland municipal govern- by $6,349,000, whlch 'may be ta- ken ai a cf unprovement i the finances cf Uiesc public bcd- les. Call loans remain 'in Uic* moderate figures cf recent years. Iu Canada Uiey stand at $4,472,000 slightly down from lait year; eh.- where Uiey stand at $15,569,000, a reduction of uearly *4000,000. 0f te'U iic:En' lud assets, reterred to 1,i UUi tement as 11qulckly, avallable resources," Uierc are ilacreases ln cash sud i Dominion Goverument and other bonds. The cuasnd de- petits with Uic Bank cf Canada at $92,755,000, là higher by $9,721,000 than lait year. Notes cf and chun on ot0 bank aiat $38 >- 972,000, and money on deposit wlth other banka at $54,960 ,000 show ne siguldficînt change. In- vestmentsi Government aud ocher bonds sud debentures amount ta $498,740,090, whlch lu hlgher by $36,913,000. It la ex- plained that the grcater pore{m of Uiese lnvestmenta lainào minlon Goverument and hlgh- grade provincial and'municipal securities whlch matl4re ýai early dates, a ttement whlch Indicates that the Bmnk la continunfl Ias Follcy cf conflnlg its portfoloo Investments maily toshort-term securities. 11GW TO COMBAT Rheumatic Pains D.hsm*a cp"i are @" .cuad by uic addin d iMo Tii Wood lumbw aluudd b. ozocâidby âdu lduqs.M »P fu, uni nceu unde acdi rmeuu, I WW h. .uadad J"i .1m oea mou.d"9g pea. &Trat whma* mai" Dodd's Kdniy Pls r, for AAASA ELECTrRICIANS, BLACKSMITHS WELDËIRS TURNEÈRS SAWYERS TMURSAY. DECEMEEII4,1)41- Y NEEDE» aiNT DRIVIERS FuTUrRS TOOL IMAKERS TINSUITHS 4 COOKS. INSTRUMENT MECHANUCS LINEMEN VULCANIZERiS iAWFILLERS. The. above are onlya f.w of tie 175 trades requlred by Mei Arnmy.. AGE 1.14 te 50 TECARS NE£DICAIL CATEGORIES AiAZI 33,B29CI RECRU ITINQ OFFCES AT: OTTAWAP 93 sparks street KINGSTON, Fort Frontenac Bar- OTTAWAY M4 Dalhousie Str..t racks OTTAWA, Lansdowne Park KINGSTON, Armourles HULL, Que., 139 Main Street PETERBOROUGH, Ahrmourles PEMBROXE, Armourles CORNWALL, Armourles and Headqurtrs of Ufly Reserve Force Unit (R. Kl. Waddelî) Major -District Recrulting Officer Mllitary District No. 3 THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: Anderscn's Drug. Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. Enniskillen: T. M. Siemon & Son Burketon: Harold Gill. Blackstock: Alex. Gilbert. Nestîcton: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: W. fi. Hooper. Orono: Tyrrell'a Drug Store. Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Ce. Tyrene: F. L. Byam. Courtice: Frank Walter. Cadmus: Eliott's Store. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell. J. H-. Johnston, Jury & Lovell. Bend together your spare heurs by Uic cord cf some detinite pur- pose sud you know net how much you may accomplish. Gather up Uic fragments of your time that nothing may be lostw-Wifliarn M. Taylor. The Your What War. Savingi Can Do! $15 j@my brlng down a Gierman plane for It will bur orne round of 40 mm.L anti-aircraft sheils. $5 WlIl stop a Hun wlth five mnachine gin bursts. $5 wIll let a soldier flght for you wlth 100 rounds of rifle ammunition. $10 wll stop a tank with one round of 18 or 25 pounder sheUls. $20 buys a cannohade of four '2.7-lnch anti-alrcraft shela. $20 buys two complete rounds of 4.5-inch Howitzer sheils. $50 buys enough fuses to epýode 20 sheila or three complete rounds of 6-i Howitzer shells. $75 wil provide a depth charte te, drop on a German 1)-boat. $75 will provide a 500-lb. bomb ta drop over Berlin or Berchtesgaen. $100 buys three 9.2-lnch Howltzer shela or 2,000 rounds of Service ArmimnmunltIon. Buy War Savings Stamps 'and CeTtificates Value,,of Local N e wspaper 1'in Local Business The Canadian staiesmian play& au important part in ail local aifairs. It employs wage-earners whose honms arc in the town froin which It secures busin. Theue wage.emren pay taxes, support churches, make ihefr contribution b local appuIs take part la commmaity organisations, and &pend MORT OP TR WAGES W=T LLoo,"EROnAWU. It inno 1debeboutthat it bas been th. Mui of givlng weil- dlrected publWcty to ibis to'wn and district. There in no business institution whlch gives .so much Iires service as a local news- paper. Were a merobait aaked 10, give the equlvalent lingoods ihat gie cwsp&per gives in froeervmice to ail local organisaions, ho would find it impossible te mcci 1the domand. Whou meney la spent for prlnting Or advertising wlth your local prlning Office, you anre lplng local priniera te help yen. You niake it possible for thein to serve yen better. O)ut-of-town printlng salesmen take money eut of the oommuniy - payig ne taxes, buyig noting freon local stores, gctting all ihcy eacan ad net cauïng whother yen slnk or swùLm As achants expeci onutemers te be loyal te their own ommunlty i buylng gooda frein. thon%, se mlght marchants remember ihey, tec, should foflow the lame ideals i regard te their local priti offlce. ITS OOOD BUSINESS FOR ALL 0F USI Custemp godwlflin hibis tewn and district can best b. &eveloped by rmmuz advetligin your local communlty hewspapor. Tho money spet for zar4si and printed matter, gousbock te local merolauts iicreascd irade.' Tour dollar do double duiy wheu spont wih your local ncwspaper - thcy help yen dircctly mnd others indirecily. Rh~r (~U tai t e tronmat YOUR HOME TOWN NEWSPAPER E ~ mil

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