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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1941, p. 16

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PAGE s!x'rE~N TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM&NVILLE, ONTARIO TRUESDAY, DECflI~E8 4, ~ -~---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - j! ý -, v- - 4 T IFor The Best CHRISýTl Treat the Family to BAKERY TREATS! BMIC PIES-oh boy' walt 'fil you get a teste of tilese Christmies specials tiiey're ]REALLY irood. P1e serves f ive. Decil30e WmU add that daluty tocilh k ICE CREAM To top off your Christmas, dessert! BR CK .. .. .. . .............250c NIJT RO L . . ................ es ICECREAM PIES.......,40e WHIPPED CREAM DAINTIES Chocolate Eclairs Cream Pufft . Marguerites Cream Tarts Cream Bons TARIS, PIES, BUNS, LAYER CAKES, FRUIT BREAD PLACE ORUERS EARLY TO ENSURE DELIVERY T HE- CARTER FAMILY FOR YOUR TREE CHOCOLATES Annie Laurie Holiday Wrap lbn 50C FRUIT CAKE PUMPKIN PIE EMade from thie fine"t or Ihrelenti Ff led wlth Bis, extras eclal bi1e Edellolous frits and Bets criait that melts li your plai ......50C moutil. O Id fashloled Decorated 60e 30C mCANDY CANES - - CELOPHANE SHORT' BREAD' The Real Thing In Holiday Molds 15c 25c.50k Wie AFIERNOON- TEA AT CARTER 'S Wleshopping drop le to -Carter's Tea Room, daity-you'll flnd It refreshing. PLACE ORDERS EARLY TO ENSURE DELIVERY FIyimg .Through Hostile Skies CanadianEditors Reach Euglaud This is Uic third af a series af articles about conditions la Great Britain sud other caun- tries visitcd during six weeks ia Europe sud aven Uic At- lantic. Writtcn speciaily for thc wcekly ncwspaers af Canada by their own repre- sentafive on- Uic tour, Hugh Templin af Uic Fergus News- Record. Tic firat close contacts with wam came et Bermùda. Because of bad weather et Uic Azores, Uic Dixie Clipper furned back during thc niglit sud Uic firsf six Cane- dian edifors spent aver a day on that Island. Not only are thore fwo naval bases on Uic isîsudi, anc Britilsu d Uie other Ameni- can, but fthe big American PBY flying boats (Catalluas, Uic Bri- tuis cal theni), took off regularly cvery two houri cor 50 fa patrol Uic nearby ocesu. It was obviaus thet Uic U. S. Navy was dcflaitely in Uic war even then. During my stay lu Bermuda, I had a chance fa sec several slips of thet navy. TIc first hint of personal dan- ger came wîen we returned ta thc customs office on pne of Bermu- da's liffle isîsuda. Tc word went out thet aur luggage was fa be seanced, because there was a danger that someone in Bermuda niighf have secmted a bomb among aur clothing sud if anc of them cxploded whie Uic Clipper was hi Uic air, if would lic just toc lied. One of my bagi lad been broken open durlug Uicefinie 1 was lu Bermuda, so I insisfed on e thorougi secndofaiifs contents. There was no bomb, and nothing sccmcd fa be mising. A FIit Grim Exemple of War The. firat grim exemple off-e wonld et war came Uic morning' affer Uic Clipper lad left Ber- muda. I wakened sud stretcled Cn mcomfortable bcrth, and then Mockdouf Uic liff le windaw. Ei h iusand f cet below, there was a great patch of ail upan Uic waer, with long streaks oufta- wards Uic west. Neamby, fwa lit- f1, lifeboafs iioatcd on Uic greaf expanie of ocesu. Froni that liciglt, they appeared fa be cmp- fy, but periepa I was mstaken. I wondcred what to dor No doubf fli crcew, wefdlilag al Uic tume; lied seen fthe sanie thing I *ead dlscovered. Wiet woùld Uiey do about if? Anxlously, I watched the shadow af thc mater on thc wing fo e If we would circle spd oi#.r aid, thougi juif whatf tbe < rcewçudose d uiücoeWi.Later,"I learnc"dmfiat thle in ww operefor lied senf word te aum Aerlcan destroyer, wlilch -vas aJa*XW on ifs way ta give1 lel, <snrecelving su S.O.S.c ..I I~.yknew Uic name or% ~ steamer, or Uic g. Eneaur wg-çqwe i loser soiy. Portugal tiet 'ispiesS .ofai peo- 20c wosOnow t c V e nçage 70# ulda a~pP yÇ A*To i £L.. 4 tflf O Hugil Tepiil da, but it doesn't make a stay in tPortugal any more pleasant. Those who go to Lisbon now are flot on holidays. Our stay in Lisbon while on the way to England was brief. It Ewas midnight when our group .cleared the Pottugese Customs. tOut ini a tiny courtyard, taxi dri- Svers pushed and jostled and shouted in a strange language. The -British Embassy people igot us placed in a big car, supphied us with Portugese escudos and' sent us away ta the Estoril Pala- cia. That 15-mile drive to the sea- side resort of Estoril was the most cxciting of my life. It was, per- haps, a taste of things ta come. Most Lisbon streets are narrow but two- cars can pais with care. But 4here is an added complica- tion when there us also a street car running down the centre. Ini places, an automobile couil fot pass a street car. That did flot; seem to worry the driver. He would go at 60 or 70 miles an hour until he saw a street car coming; then he would jam on his brakes and turn into thie nearest side street. Once he barely*zmadè the turn, running Up on to the side- walk . Atter the street car had passed, he backed out again afid contiued on his way to tlic hotel. It-is sald that Lisbon ýtaxi drivers have just mie accident--theàr lait. The porter at fthc hotel coileet- cd our preclous passports and azdigned room, numbers, whhle slecpy waiters servcd our firut European nlcal which was ex- cellent. B. K. Sandwell and I went Up to aur rooms in thc ce- vator wlth a German and an Italien. An International Ahrport' I was away again, long before dgylight,. to Cintra alrport. The Portugese, farmers must have spent hundreds of years building atone wafl along 'Uic roads, and if was a foggy M~orn1ng but this time the taxi dri,'er was cautlous antd crawled along over greasy pavements. Ini a Europe at war, Cintra air. port lu surely a unique place. 1 Out on fthc field stood tliree plança, one Dutch, orub Portugcae and one Spanjili. The Spanish one looked, au if if would not lift offfi th gro und; Uic Dutch plane waa bevycaznouflaged. ImMuite ticket offies of the. piti ah ôvoesas Arwiya aud the KÇLM <which is thc Royal Dutch Over the c Oeaali a Land Plane Airlines) arc on one aide of fthc The route aftcr, leaving thc hallway, and thc Lufthansa (Ger- norfhwcst, corner of Spai l man) and Uic Italian Lines on Uic probably a secret and no doubtiti other. The passengers ail go out varies somewhat wiUi each trip. to thc field through thc sanie We no longer flew 10w, but sa doorway and arc weighed on thc far abovc the clouds thet thcy same scales, in, kilogramas. A looked like the Prairies i wm- young Portugese scrvcd us fea ter-an even, giaring white. The and cakes. He spoke English. He piot chose a height of more than lived three years in New York two miles above thc water, and and went to school there, but he after that Uic altinicter needle strnl had a grievance against lis neyer varled for hours at a timnc. teacher. She did not know that It was a littie too hlgh for coin- Portugal was a separate nation, fort. Looklng down at my figer She insistcd he was a Spaniard. nails, I saw Uiat fhey haed turgd No wonder it rankled. a bright blue, and there was a A deep ditch separatcd Uie air numbness in my hands and f cet. field from a shecp pasture. On That wasn't important then. Fer one side were Uic planes, backcd more important was Uic fact that by a group of ultra-modern build- an cncmy plane could have been ings. On the other side was an seen 25- miles or more away old shepherd with a staff and against that snowy backgrounid. long flowing robes. As he walk- It hs said that planes have been cd, lie called f0 hlm sheep and molested on that route, but none Uiey followed hlm. He. mlght las ever been lost.; have stepped right ouf of Uic Old At noon, onc of Uic Dutch boyrs Testament. Behind him, Uic gave me a box lunch and a light mountains of Portugal were tip- tray. The lunch was huge, but so ped with sunrise pink. was my appetite. There was a Flylng Over Portugal large cut of some kind of fowl, I was glad when Uic plane rose whicl intrigued most of the Cen- from Uic bunipy runway of Uic adians. One editor vcntured Uic Cintra airport anid lef t Uic soil of opinion fIat it was ostrich. Poo-, Portugal behind. Somehow Uic sibly it was a Portugese turkey. air seemed more free and more 4'AIl lunfthe Front Line Now!» safe, though really it was a dan- Before Uic British Islçs were in gerous trip Uiat lay ahead. The sight, Uic windows of Uic plane Dutch crew looked like mere were covered wiUi lockcd shuf- Sboys, but theyr seid Uiey would fers and fIe passengers saw no- reacl Englend at flirce o'clock thing of Uic land until Uic plane Uiat aftcrnoon and they brought cm onwf sacl ui us down at anc minute ta flire on British soil. iThere hs no waiting for perfect; I stepped out into Uic sunlight tweather on Uiat trip: Uic planes and looked around curiously. The run on a fine ichedule. low buildings were camouflaged. Grattan O'Lcary and- I sat in Walls of sandbags were built lu Uic front seat of Uic Douglas. The front of Uic doors and windows. L Ottawa editor slept much of the A big Wellington bomber, Uic f inie, but I was infcrested in Uic first one I had ever scen, wes talmost perfect performance of taking ta the air and passed over Uitat young crew, f aking a land -my head. The buildiffl Of a clfy 1plane on a long sea voyage. I shawcd oVecr a low hi11 and above could sec Uic altiniefer and I the 1111 floatcd several brrag knew with what skil Uicy flcw balloons. Tley lookcd exactly, their Douglas through Uic dan- like the photographs I lied scen tgerous air opposite Uic unfricndly so offen-frorn that distance like caast of Occupied France. silvcry hot-dogs iý the sky, wlth As long as we travdled beside a piece of thc sApssege hanging Uic coasts of Portugal, the plane out anc end of flic bun. stayed low and I cauld secUic This was aur first sjghf of Eng liff le white houses with their rcd land in wartiifeé! Wewer "il tiled roofs, the white stone fences the front Uine now!" Lalong the roads, fthc churches on the hlii, and an occasional city. Near Oporto, we came in over Uiheni swampy caast and landcd on an ù sdle airporf which was littie more tIen a pasture field. Whillc fhe Congratulations to Rev'.* and Douglas was bcing rcfueled, a Mns. J. A. Plant on their mer- train of finy cars drew up beside r4age. a'sugar refincry flot far away. Thursay affemnoon 31 -ladies Along Uic bordera of tIc airpant gàthered af Uiec durci and =cap was a streani. At a broad pool, pleted four quilta in aid of i Partugese women wcre busy do.- -work. After an affcrnaon of sew- .ing Uie family Avasling, beafing ing, latghter and social chit-cet flic lothes on' Uic atones and ail begen ta uing "lHapfpy Bir~i langlng them tof, dry on Uiec day" to Mn. Chas. Boydif beli bushes growing algng thc banil. hem birthday'. e If may be of inferesf fa know that lanflic course of a ycar tlipt ton couples from this communlty ?have been unit cd in marriagâ. raf~Iiv Six couples live in ouryillage iat TIRE ASILY present, two coupiqa 'lai Toron.ts, Take Gin PM--hem a nc couple in Vancouver, B.C.,1 Ormo" end anc cou.ple in Cartv»iglt. bal' ksdaY ey aady-to help reunov We welcome Mr. sud Mrs. theezasuacidathat Wright end Mr. and Mrs. C. Brnsd- d may be flheuseOf ley ta aur cernmunlty. that iazy, logyfeel. " Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke - ing. Moucy bak celved a cable from flair son Spr. Cameron Olce, that lie arrivbci a a no saisfed.safcly in England.. Vlslt ors:a Mr. sud Mrs. D. Lewis, Jo< and Donna, et Mr. A. Wlllen7a, Ceesarea. Mr. and Mns. W. Smi, Osha- wa, Mr. Walter SmIi, Toronto, et Mrm. Elle Sminiba. ;- d M brs. J. Plant lu visiting betr M parents in Nothani.h Mn. O.. Aultout wlihcouuie &au ~~p Medames G. E. Johnston an J (leanU eU&*1« 4GUPJ'> J. liapier, Torpnfo.1 ar H voi7, Woodstock,Ut Murray and Roy Senderson at Mns. Wm. Oke's. Mrs. Wm. Oke et Mm. A. Oke's. Mr. Wm. Robinson, Kendal, et Mr. W. E. Sanderson's. Mr. H. Wright, Lakeficld, et Mr. N. E. Wrighf's. LAC Donald Mauntjoy, LAC Harry Grcgg, R.C.A.F., Guelph, Miss Irene Sharpe, Tarant o, Mis- ses Jousie' Hogarth and Iana Wood, Mr. and Mmi. F. Ferguson, and Fay Mountjoy, Bowmanville, et Mr. A. Sharpe's. Mr. sud Mrs. N. E. Wright et Mr. J. Wrlghf's, Blackstock. Privafo John Oke, Halifax, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bryant and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. B. Parkins, Burketon, Mr. and Mms. J. Millan, Bowmanvlle, Mr. A. Carrington, Mr. H. Oke, Oshawa, et Mr. Wal- fer, Oke's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bccch and Miss June Ashton et Mr. S. May's, Ta- ronta. Hamipton A number frani bore attended Commencement Exercises in Bow- manville. Sorry f0 lose Mr. sud Mrs. Jno. Mils and Clifford from aur vil- lage. They have faken qup resi- dence et Pickering. North Group of the W. I. met et the parsonage and Uic West group et Mrs. T. Selfer's wien Uic ladies wcre cngagcd lu sewing and quilting. - Aftçrnoon tee was served. Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Raymond Burns and daugliter Barbare, Oshawa, with relatives hero. Miss Rosellen AnUiale, Brant- fard, with lier parente. Mr. and Mis. W. W. Horn with flheir son et Port Hope. Lewis TruIl and Bud PlagIe,ý Peterboro, et home. Mr. sud Mis. Chas. Wood and grand-daughter Gweneth Phasey, accampanied by Mr. and Mis. R. E. Logan, Orono, et Mi. L. TruUis. Mm. and Mrs. Edwin Wood and children, Mr. and Mis. Rac, Baw- manville, et Mm. S .Williams,. Jack Cowling, Toronto, with lis parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. IR. Qreenaway wifh relatives in Toionfo. Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Willis, Mis. Jno. Willis and grendson, Toron- fo, wi Miss'Beatricc Colwlill. Mr. W. J. Cole, Dr. F. L. Colo, Toronto, Mr. Cecil Philp, yelver- ton, Mi. and Mis. C. Clemence and Mr. and Mis. D. Bana, Ouha- we, were Sunday guestp et, Mr. Miss E. MéMillasu pent Uic weeknd wli her cousin, MUn. Wiggins. Cobourg. .Zion Mis. FL. 'B. Gbespl liead e W. A. uiltlug on . Mondey, sud Mrs" usseil Perkins lied enoflier a -ae Robt. Killen entertained a fe aiset e quiltlng on Thurs- 'an.~ Fred Cameron sud Helen ete dd .U.S. Commencement ef Bwmanvllle. Mr Luther Pasco. lias'hlid an aftack of stone lic hekli1ney and bcen under flic docfor's cane, Vlstor*: MA ýn. "ni1. F. B. Glaspell et nsi alson'a, Celedon East. Mr. md Mrs. -John Knox sud leughter*, Columbus, Mns. Jas. Knox, Tdfonto, et Ecbf. Kiflen's. Mru. Jas. 4Cnox remalned lierc. Mn. and, Mis. Wou. Cameron, 'a c s d 3 yce tanl y Cover- Ju thtpsdGreco et, Bruce Buck's, Oshawa. Mr. sud Mis. Newton J. Lander, Toronto, Mrs. H. Hemsucourt, Oshawa, et Russell Stainton's. Mr. sud Mis. Russeil Pcrkins sud Margaret et Wilmot Scott's, Blackstock. Misses Marguerite Martin, To- onta, sud Shirley Martin, OsIa- we, et Thos. Mamfin's. Mr. and Mmi. Thos. Martin sud family et Bort Cookes, Cherry- wood. Misses Emnily sud Pcggy Killen, Oshawa, et Robf. Kiflen'.. Pte. Michael Nemis, Halifax, et Robf.,Kiilen's. Mr. sud Mrs. Russell Rabbins sud Ruthi et Mis. Herry Alllns, Bowmanville., Mr. sud Mis. George Sonley sud Tcddie, Tomonto, Mr. sud Mis. Alfred Sonlcy, Whifby, Mr. Geo. Hymera, IHymens, Ont., et FYed Cmrns.# Mr. sud Mis. Lloyd Met oalf, Bowmenville, et Aif. Ayre's. Mr. sud Mis. Fred Harding, Oshawa, et Rusell Stainton's. The world's shorfest mailmoed la e 25-foot sfnlp ai .treck lA Wyom- lng, used ta f eadli Anmy drivers how toaepproacli a crasslug. TOur Obligations Any obligation whlch yau make -perforn iti. If if be for money- pey if. If yau cannat pay it-re- riew it, but neye r neglcct if and neyer default on if. Youm credit, not for mancy aloneg, but for good felUi, dependi upon If. Tic credif of Uic nation, Uic vahiè ,'of our currcncy, the conduct cf business, 'aur very living% depeud, upou< fli senctlfy cof po3 ansd pivete ob- ligefions.-.Owen D. Young., 7 - - 4" I -27j No Christmas la com)pIete wlthout a ýt;dl-stocked. larder of specialelcacies' Carter' a can help you with Christmas food probleMe. -R eview the suggestions offered below. De. -¶ cîde *hot you; bîeed and order 00W. SPECIAL, BAKINO - We are ,equipped. to MI1 any requirements STILL -LOTS, OF TIME To make up a parcel for soîdiers le 4mUuWda. They'll appreciate a speclal assortmcnt of Christmas delicacies from Carter's. Let us help you plan the parcel. SPECIAL gCMUBMIs; FRUIT CAKElbSOC PETIT FOIS WRAPPED PACKAGES A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F THE OLD FAVORITES SEND' The.Deys la Unlforna The. Igeme Town Papero The are cager to know what'ta going on the old home surroundingu. Nohig wiU aatisfy that longing for local news like The Statesman. iSubsonibe today by srniding it direct to thee SPECIAL OFFER TO ALL MEN IN UNIFORMI The Stateujuan wl be scemt te aussmanlaundalorin, lunemy lpart ai the worl, at a peclal early Rate cf $1.50. <Tilainoluiles postage>. Regular suliorîption la $2.00. We make tilla offer sflic publ"sers are obllgcd to discontinue seullng froc copies. MAIL OR BRINQ IN THIS COUPON THE STATESMAN, Bawmenvlie, Octatia. Pleàms end Thc Stateinien for anc yeem eit youm Speclal R#te ai $1.50, <ludludling postage), ta Uichelowlng eddreus: Regt. NO. Rank and Name Unit Naine of Sender ~ Addreua 77ew - PAGE SEKIIM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIIM, ONTARIO TWJEMAY, DICEMM 4, 1041 lm-MIM IWIWW

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