WIth Which Are Incorporated The Bowmnanvllle News, fhe Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 87 IFIST SECTION BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4thi, 1941 PAGES ONE TO EIGHTNUBR4 Concil Buys $25,OO Bonds Çhen Retires To Auditorium Looking Yor .Bird. -and Diri Echoes From' Recent future revenue from it, Entertaloment Heard uJ. HL Abernctliy: "Straigliben it When W. R. Harrison Gle Martyn: >"Why not appro. Complains-A b o ut priate nome maney ta fix up Uic Condition of T o w In Arthur Hait: "The janitor ine Hall -~ No One Offers responsible for this." Fo tMayor Joncs: "'He ccrtainly i- to Spend Money Fr tis anc of bis duties ta sec that Clean-up the hall le absalubecl ean." Up to thse Police Bowmanvillc Council dccided The now-faniaus unafficial let- 1 Maonday niglit ta inveet $25,000 by ber ta Uic Police Dcpartmenb lias E trnfer from Uic current account been put on Uic record. This was f ta gQvrnmcnt bonds. This repre- dane 4t a special meeting some d sente a substantial portion of Pro- wecks cga and at the sainie tume d ceeds from Uic sale of Uic McGII it was agrced ta ccli c meeting b Building at' Washinigton, D. C. of the police coniittec ta straigli-v From hie vent pocket Mayor R. 0. ten out certain p hases of the i- Joncs extracted a littlc baaklct structions which wiil ccrtcunly Whlcli gave, Uic facte and figures 'take same stnaigbtening out. To et a glance. Two monthsacga, date this bas not been donc and i $14,000 was ocncd ta Uic Public. it la naw doubtful if it wlll be Utilitie Commission on demand hcld until after nomination niglit. notes, lcaving e balance of $31,- Fred Pattinson was called inta 448.28. Some members of council Uic meeting ta make c report on wauld bave liked, ta inveat Uic dog tex and poli tex collections. entire amount and in a manner He said that funde arc coming in Of that fia folhowig counil could apace this year. "Arc these cancve toucli it, but that plan was nat collecteble?" someone asked. "If Cc' found feasible. Dcpuby Reeve tbey aren't surcly the dog is Pal Morris claimcd no cauncil lias c sbootable," Glen Martyn respond- tas] nghj tot use this money for any cd. Council scemcd ta Uink it ls efe spcfic purpose wlthout a man- up ta Uic police departmenbta the date from Uice electors. collcct fram delinquente, but Mn. and Aftcn giving Uic financial ne- Pattinson said lie 'bcd not yet tei port shawlng cxpendlture of asked any charges ta be laid. tai $1,392 for Uic month, Mr. Morris Textle flua. Rjtedj . ticr aie anancd tatcl bnk Bowmanvilie Faundry Ca. las i loans have been retircd this yccr rcntcd Uic old Textile building Eug -a record loudly cpplauded by (formcrly Uic Foundry building) bee Uic councillars. for thein cxpanding needs fai-thUic r. on Uc Sage modest suni of $25.00 per mat. pur Council o h tg Next year tbcy wrnl be csked o t W.R. Harrison, Uic only active pcy $35.00 and Uicy bave agnecd hav Goodyear Union representative ita pay insurance prcmiums. PilJ coundil, rase ta scy that the fiithy The subject of Uice treet liglit casi condition of the town auditorium in front of bbc Higli Scbool bcing 1 bcd been called ta bis attention. out Was mcntianed and the saine mi Then the 'tclk' began! Thraugli- dire thrcats moobcd against those refi out it ail no anc suggcsted, baw- wbo did Uic deed-if and wbcn o even, that eny moncy could be thcy can .be apprehendcd. ton spent on rcctifying -thc condition. Bylcws for Uic cppointmcnt Of Th( Mayor Joncs: "That bal lias town cuditars and ta ievy an theî been an eycsorc fan ages andi I Occupcncy tax werc pcssed. W. ticr guesa lb always wiil be. Witli E. Jolinston le auditor at $350 per Dr. came of Uic counillors -rve bcd cnnum for Uic tawn and $150 for tri came fn knocking aven pigeons tlie Public Utilities. *ta up there. . . . The wlndow-slIIs "Wil Uice fire brigade attend a of arc badiy tattoocd." -cali ta theiternment camp?" a shi W. J. Martyn: "Let's turfithUicocunejldr asked. ta hall intoa cpgcon-loft. There In n i ab dc wiflnot cnswer sén abisk dmcnd for Uic birde anycIlpt ftwnuleesoùb now.'ParrangeMaent le made i dvancc sci Clcnk Alex 'Lyle: 'II believe for payments,"11 MisWarshlp ans- Rager Bird wonked In Uic bail for *ered-. two days' cieanîng it for Uic en-. AishsUcmeigcddthi bcraimcn." . ith anl cauncil rctiring upabairs of1 W. R. Harrison: "ýWececrtcinhy ta sec fan themeelves thecoCndi- pro shouid fix lb up if we léxpect any 1 tiqn of thc. tawn liai. Wur Drings.-Special Problems, For* Children's Aid Society Remseth Hodgcrt, P&rt Hope, may draw twao conélusions-that Cildren'Io Aid Head f o Ir a higli pérceptage of unmcrried Unit.ed Coiitics Speake àt mothers are flot financiaily able Rotary Club I o maintain their chlfdren, and _______that Uiesee <hldren miust have It Was expected that war con- be omli vr a te ditions would increase work of Wisec their adoption would fiai -the Children's Aid Society in thc have been recommended. «United Counties in looking aftcr On Uie Home Front Uic Society chlfdren af unmarrîed parente, is making an important contri- but the opposite la actually the bution, he continued. Some tirne case and this phase of -bis work aga when Uic Bnitishi Child guest la an Uic decrease, IenneUi Hod- movement was bin consldered, i gert, Chldren's Aid Superinten- it was deccded, after ivestigation, dent, Part.Hope, tald thé Rotary ta turn Uic work over ta thié Club last Friday. CAS. if Uicy wcrc willing. But But other phases of hie work the original plan of evacuating arc increasing and voltantary fin- thausande was neyer carnîcd out. ancial assistance lsaflot forth- Then came Uic enlistmcnt af coming ta enalle proper handling men. Investigation for Uic grant- of many ca"es whicll swamp the ing of llawanccs had ta be made. Society. Then followed requests ta super- "We have 52 socleties i the vise the familles of cnlistcd mcn prQvice which spent $1,400,000 wherc it was feit conditions war- duning Uic year 1939-40. The pro- rantcd admlinistration of allaw- vince contributed in the ratio of ances whcrc Uic mother sbowe< onc ta ton. Over 11,000 cases of henseif incapable. Wc are admin- child negiect rcccived attention istenlng allowances from Bow- during -that year, 5,800 of which manville. ta Brighton. .wcrc ncw and rce-opened cases. Here Mr. Hadgcrt spent samE Though 15,361, chiidrcn. were i- tume on quatig actual cases lu volved ic he new complainte it which Uic Childrcn's Aid Society la interesting ta note. that it'was have carricd out dlicate work ir only necessary ta commit 1,095 ta corrccting eamlly relations. the care of tbc sacicty as'wards," . Wc are agai bing approaclic said Mn. Hadgert. . -tat.to give furUier assistance on tht Mr. Hodgert aisoepaindt Home Froxàt, lic concludcd. In. every effort. la made where pos-vesigation bas ta be made of re. sibl~e th sec that familles maintciii queste for leave or &1ischarge frair theur place as- a. unit in Uiecocm- active service on campassionati munlty. TIbe program of preven- grounds. We would like ta tekt tiofitot this end nat only keeps Uic on bis wark, but just as ancoian family together but saves municl- not buy war savingu stam§s an. palities cansiderable sums in certificates wlthout money, nei maintenance payments.bd ther can wc shouldor marce e Howevcn, lhe continuedtUic pense wlien moncy la not forti, wbole pragram af f amlly rcad- comîng.% justment lias meant. that thc type Oeohritrsigpi of chidren belng commttd to SOne other trgtlnoutair -thc Socety as wards lias increas- Supt.hoidginrt b rauglt tl U lngly been of those who have t ita ci chld a hi"c e ltroai be mainbined ipay cane. Eliter 75cinaerd at h herfo n througli pbysscal oÈ mental lbandi- 7Tche Rr a wo nro ,caps, or beccuse ota ge or lmp- ThRtaanwhitodc -ýVer trainlng. they arc not easlly and tcndercd a vote of tbanks ti ~plcea~lein frce or adoption Uic speaker werc Ross Strîke anq 'Wbomeu D. R. Marrison, rcspectively. At the end of the ycar Uic Twa visitor. t Uic meçtini Socictles bcd in carc aven 10,500 wcrc Gea. Austin and M. E children. 0f these over 5,400 wcre Staples, Orono. In froc homes, wagc homnes, or Sccrctary M. A. Neal wcs In adoption probation bomnes et no sructcd ta direct c letton c char ge ta Uic munlibaplity. The blianka ta Dcrlington Councl Iof .çhldren i care continue ta bc use of bhlcr scraper i levellin *vlsltcd et regulan Intervals. Perla- Rotary Park. die bcalth examinations and regu- lacr cbccking of achool .ttcndance ensune that the chuîdren enjay a proper and normal home life. "Ail tax.payera should tiglite Ia that same year over 1,200 their bot,' urges an official. I legal adaptions wene compltod, many *a case, tbls cdvice wi .939 of Uic chidren beingc of un- given too late, tlic taxpayor bgi -rnarriod parents, fram wh icli we lng already lait bis ponts. )t i- it i 1- Lt Lt e- fl en ras ky- we ta we of al cias me til Spi ser. bi vil bhE ac hol W: fin if no, Fil w! mi lisl w] ,y, Pc ai i' wi fii da afi ci ini in bE o: ce fi an t' pq ng a] ti goal i leeimu Wed.MIg To give men ini the Bow- manville district authentie information tegarding the gavernnient's National De- fence program and palicy a public meeting le being held in the Bowmanville Armour- les an Wednesday, Dec. lOth, 'at 8 p.m. D.S.T. It's the duty of evcry man ta -attend thie meeting and get the facts. It has been faund that taa many men are being influenced by false statements and misun- derstandings regarding Cana- da's war effort. Questions bearing an this important work wil be welcomed. mspectors Report HighIy Pralses Work nt B. H. 5 Perforniing the arduous dutiq 9chairman during thc tbrE venings of the annual B.H., ommcncemcnt; Exercisce Prinb al L. W. Dippeilll iEed t] Lk with lais usual cfficiency. E !erred ta thc achievementsc ie schalars during thc past yei ad particularly ta the rugi tm which won thc Central Or io Championship ini compel on witli larger schools aver Ïdc area, a -£est accomplishe th no lbas ta- acadcmic standini ight members of Uic teamn haN en awardcd acadcmic prize [.Dippeil oberved that 11 apila of the school are now in tû sied farces. Over ciglity of theà ve been under bis tuitian. On iot Officer Murray Butler, Ncv itie, was killed. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, chat ka of Uic Baard of Educatiai derrcd ihie address tthUicr rt of Secondary Schaal Inspe rs G. L, Gray and C. W. Rabl hcir rcmarks about B.H.S.1 ie Ontario Departmcnt of Educi on cmbodied unusual prais r.Bonnycastie rcad these ci acts from thc repart: "We wù )spcak of Uic ordcriy condu, EUtc pupils and of Uic courtec iown ta us. It was a pleasu )meet them in thcir dally a rnbly, a gathering which mu ea factor in crcating a strai iool spirit." "Wc wish ta spcak of Uic ou~ indig record of the achoalj ie Upper Schaol examinatia' iE at year. It is much above tl rovincial average and Uic prii pcl and his staff of at yeari ,ll as the successful pupils ai be warmly congratulatcd. Suc record can only corne from waz ell planned and cxccutcd." Assisting with Uic presentatic Êathletic prizes and commercii wards were Dr. G. C. Bonn2 itle, A. M. Hardy, W. L. Patei )n and L. W. Dippeli, wlile otli smbers of the Board of Educi on were present ta sec thc cerg jny. S. R. James, Presidenti ie Lions Club, and Canon C.1 pencer aiea assieted in the prg !tation of prizes and gradui on diplomas. Lindsay Mitchell, son of lM d Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Bowmai le, outstanding prizewunner4 ie year, gave the valcdictoi dress, whlch The Statesme pes ta publish i full next weel itb case in delivery lie gavc ne exposition of achool ife du, ig hie attendance. Lidsay ow a student in Commerce ai lnance at University of Toroni Report of the play "June Mai ith accompanying progrcmg jsical and literary numbers au st of prize winncrs appearseli rere in thie issue. sour Cars Invoived in Thre. Accidents At SaMe !T'm Occurring almost simnultaneai. ytbrcc traffic accidcnts ke olice busy for an hour frams 'slock Monday nigbtl, In twa he cases freezing ramn was blar, cfor the miahap. At the Raspital corner Herbe ancock, a Rawleigh salcama as in collision wli Arthur Sir ck. Bath vehicles wcre bac lmaged and Hancack lii 1ter the accident. Crossing 'Vcnetone's bridge, ir drîven by J. B. Morrisan, TI ,nta, skidded an the ice, cras ng Uirough ten gur poste do' to a 15-foot gully. The lo: >cupant of Uic car wcs nat liv The third car ta be damnai slongcd ta Scott Madli, R. R ffhitby. He skldded mbt the re )f a pcrked transport on VO hiCommencem ent 'Play Scores Rait h:achs Ojective j cil District in bbc War Sav- show inge Certificabes drive bave As H.S._Pàp"lsPut on 'Pro' Show vil their objective of ( ',Tue Md" FndaFavo - ernon ad . $5,000 e Month. This means 1 1p"r trnoo andSaturday cvenmng. that bbc citizens of hiIs cam- LightiMg and Sou.nd Efeu Time, bbc prescrnt. munity by buying War Sev- Good-Teachens Assist Lucky Thfrteen iga Certif icates neguherhy, ______The cast of thirteen (flot un- according ta bliir pledgcc, lucky i this case> concistcd of wilh be bhc means of supply- The yager genesation la safe. the Wood's nienage, bhcHarrnis' ing sufficient money ta, pur- Not only is this truc, but lb le in mobhcnlccs famihy, Uic tôwn tom- dbase e Naval Gun eci safe band..theb bande of corni-boy, a City Shcik, and two supers. montli ta fight Ribler on bhc pebent eacliers. This was demon- The wholc action accurred in Uhe. ceas in hie nuthlcss and biaody ni straedquie, o ths rvieerneat Wood's living rooni, kitchen, carnpaign for wanld dictebon- W etra , q ie a tiyc i w r * upebirs, exits and en- sip. to Scudyniglit, Novemïber, 29, trances convenient for bbc script. Ib is intcncesting and cani- th 1941, litbthe Higli Scbooh audi- Drapes and cushions wcre design-' mendable ta note that Good- fi bonluni. (Date and place arc ne- cd and blocked by bbc second year cmployees bave agein st conded fer bbc Dim and Distant ycar Art claca, faultleccly neat. taken the lcad in Uhic drive in Dr.Wod(aiFce)l' by subscribing slightiy aven sicubli, 50 years bence). It was Woctc d ecn-tcmpshrd, ai half the total amount contri- e High Scliool Commencement. The weys on call, espcmcîîy for ever bitat this fund eccli auditorium wcs f illcd for Uic expanding bouschold expenses, "BaoBw nvle" s moth thurd cuçcecivc evcning with tries vainhy, in spare moments, t b avntsm br as on c Les pupils, parents, fricnds, strangers campaose a speech in hie tudy, ather ae.smn ed n C ce and liard-bailed rptes ome bt bhc boisteeous gang of young aohrpg.E -S wcrc bliere for treort 101kever present-.in such c home, cp ci Thab was tnibute bbc thd time aves hum in a perpetual state of G lided. miîmng exasperation. ?&s. WoodCicNo naos le Teen-age puril of unusual tal- (Ruthi James) bas bbc difficult i oitnraton ght of ente, coaclicd y teechers of su- raie of portraying bhc ahways Fia ih i ~.pciq mnt bd oneicd eoven-tempered hostessetUc wisehy . bt pg1famnme of superlative excel- indulgent mother of been-age Like Chrictmnas, civic nommna- th by lenc, which hypentdwh n-yprsnedwt Penny (Joan Newton) about blanscocme jdct once e year, and ti metrapolitan eclat, ta an audience whom centres bbc "emotions" 0of evcryonc sceme ta agrec that is gr cof apprecictîve dirnentioins and thc play. ftn nug.T-îrwm gr, adscmtio n If wlied moe Fine Acting (Friday) bbc annual civic stock- nc aesdc ttive ur wcpue Whe.taking will be licard et bbc coin- n 19w. i ro hn u, eac i Mrs. Wood mcy be characteriz- clroifhoigtenmn-' chl vening was, ini thc wonds cd as bbc prc-madcrn type, ceuglit ians hlwigth oin-T eof anc diminutive co-ed, ,Utterly bctwccn bbce lioop-skirt andtin.h 15 whoop-le age. The charactesize- Mînmumrings are going on about wi !se scupuos"bon was unaffecbedly and excel- came sitting members aspiing ta ni e Great Comedy lently carried blinougliaut. Pen- higlier positions, witb othens in- W-Le n, in the estimation of this ne- cie o rpoto h ii - JueMcd, e rollicking, modem viewcn, deserves "top kudos", for arene, and a few names of citi- comedjy,' was tbc vebicle about cime cenied bbc greater burden of zens williuig ta off er blicir talents s ir whicb waa brouglit into Play tbc dialogue witli an accomplieli- and tume in bbc administration of ), those individuel talents whicb mient tnuly remankabie. Hers wes public affairs. Eacb anc wil bave .e- foîcd e wll-roundcd prograni. thc prof essional touch. In the an opportunity to-morrow nîght c- The entrees -and interludes final scene, Mns. Wood and Penny ta bell bbc electons iust what is g )b. bnougbt fonward pupils of sur- combîned in reel drematics of on their mind ta make Bowman-r ta prisng accamplisbmcnts who as- bigh talent, ville a better place i which ta a - tonislicd even nean neiglibars- G. Menvin Roberts (Gilbert live and work. se. witb bhc cheer excellence of their Mclvecn), brother of Mrs. Wood, Since practically no anc attendsM xpresentebione. And back of al a college junior on holiday, treAts conjeetnsduigteya [s thie, of course, is bbc excellence 15 yeen old Penny wibb superian it becamnes a duby ae well as a ,t of teachers. Yet, "the play's Uic condescension when cie exhibits chiance of spcnding a profitable th sy bling" was exemplif md; June paîpibttng intencst in lie ncws evenmng lisening ta bbc adminis- ne Mcd bcld bbc spoliglit. at n that lie bas invited a college cbum breatons of municipal affairs. W 32- This comcdy of blre csan for a Party, icli, supen-sophisti- . Balloting, la schcduled faon-o ist four scenes was idcdlly adapted Mo ae a ick(iidy cc Sh hu n c- h Ionbbcocasin.The localei h e Nàles). These boys play their bo encsay etya in sîclitawn f Lynnook(pro- Parts wcll. Fou fan Mervin,adwsalgitvewthbcmn1 t-bably a cauntenpart of Sinclair general tag-aag i a ncnnoffis abigfvoted byacclama-n h Lewi'"Gophes Prairie"); bbc of thc Wood home, was tombay tien. Indications arc that Uic op- isctting in the home of Dr. Wood, Milly Lau (Joyce Richarde) -and pasibe mey be truc this year t Scountry physicien, and bbc action The financial record of bhc 1941 Ln_ centres bctwcen Wedncsday cf- <ontnu.d on page 6) couicil is excellnt. Ib did flot ne fortunate ini having ample ne-B C venue, not forgctting collections Goodyear Club Proggam a 'Wow' on fines from siot-machine'licen ces. Howevcr, it is nat wliat lias e ni as.been d&ne but what lias been lcft m ial undone wbici is likcly io- draw G on Diz o Ch e i ro p n ertains ire fnom some imate taxpayen. Sa - _ _T ou ebe on hand to iten-nd ta P erExcellent Entertaimnent M".ax bbcTheepst n h la C bigig-popuarly:conceiv:d, for bbc audi- Board of Educabion and anc on cf - red bY Cloudc of Dust as ence slioutcd for encones whicb tbc Public Utilities will cao have Ri .*- Acrobats Tiunble on age aiea greetcd evcny lcst number on1 ta be filled. * - Congratulations arc due ta cannat be cccorded Uic pianiet, c- those responsible for b gigta usuaily bbc fangotten man. Walked In DoorI la- Bawmcnvillc ca galaxy of talent, Opcning sala was by blonde *~ £ 5 Cs The Cheenia Vericty Entestainens Mamaon Alton, in paie blue silk, WIW vu$,0.Cs r. of Toronto, which Uicedth Opera decollette, "Swcctbcart" from lrmM uic rsin m- House Friday niglit. Many wcre "Maytimc," papulanlzed by Jase _______i* re of turnnd awcy but 789 fillcd secte, Collins et Daly's; bbc encore "My Over $750 was stolen frai Uce îry aisles and even wungs. The billing Heso" frai bbc "Chocolate SOl- Arcade Clothing Store came tume an mighb bave necd "Fromr Six ta dier."t Mamaon la camedienne in during bbc niglit of November k. Sixteen" for bbc ententaines wene lber acide about gentlemen rcject- 25Uh. lb was teken troni a box c within those bnackete. It wcs anc ing brunettes. under thc couniter wbcrc Maurice ir- of those happy cffairc conccived BillWbibtehead, juvenile reader Breslin somebimes kept sume of is by bbe Goodyer Recreation'Club, wibb rugby shoulders, treincd in mancy before banking. nid froc ta emplayeea and familles, bbc art of declamebtion, toid of III neyer bcd kcpt sucli c large!1 o. and cbildrcn were thene carly ta "Wetcbin' bbc Spankin"'" wibbc amount there before,"» lie told The i d" fil front scats and cliesr like mcd. encore "Frencb." A big hcnd fan Statesman.m of Ib wcs a "wow" for blici and Bill. Wainc Sberidan, sîim h igli Wbcn Mn. Bncslin came ta work 1 id cvcrybody cIsc. Rigli Sdlool echool junior, di&' c masculine Friday mornnhig lic didn't notice 0 se- Commencement dnew c capacity tep, witb buck-and-wing bliat enytbmng wrang eit firat. Laberr audience bbc sème evcning. Ail rivalled Bill Robinson et his bcst, going bebind bbc counter lie saw f Bowmanvillc Wes out ta cheer. and got an ovation frain front row cancelled cheques and pepers on e Club Welcome scouts. Next came Jcckie Rennie thie flooir and calied bhc police. e Mns. Elearion Durno, 244 Mil- <Continued on Page 3) On investigation it was dccided i vertan Blvd., Toronto, who spcnds someone bad uscd e key ta enter0 summers eit Bawmanvillc Beach, by bbc front door. Some amal I le universaily populer director af change in bbc cash regisber was i bbc "Cheenia E n ber bainecr s", WINGSPREAD 63" untoucbcd.C as brouglit aven 40 parents and art- S OWY OWL SHOT Police are checking for finger- i 3 icte by cbertcned bus and bbhe SMprints and checkig on other e si prograi commcnced an tme. IN DARLINGTON dlues. 0 of The guests wcre wclcomcd let the ____ M.councîl chamber by Messrs. Reg. Wben John Rundie, R. R.6, Harding and H. M. Nanson for Bowmanviîîc, heard Andy Clarke, West Durham tbc Recreation Club and by Miss Nighbarly I4cws commenbatar, Miniuters Organize ert Helen Norwick, frîecid and Beach tell about e bmg owl whicli lid____ an,' neiglibon of Mns. Durno. been capbuncd in soie part of f tc Ly Coundil roorn wcs uscd as a Ontario, lic cxchcimed: "Wliat tUicWest e lapse of soei ycassbbc cd dressing naam. Only ircuistance heck!" or words ta that effect.Ws ubn iitra co ta ian e perfect evening was bbc And no wondcn foran ceflwdays citiaJon'smectodycfTherenan in adusb, dirb and grime in rooms, ega hie shot a Snawy Owl whlcl igh Jobn' ecryprTscr ever , ha* ýwns prahst h beat Andys ffty-înch bird by Canaon C. R. Spencer presidcd.0 o0 stage. Acrobatic dancers came off quite c lot. -n"W il-sage wlbb bande, faces and cas- John abat bbc bird frai its ery - t Rosigers coprhen -8] wn turnes smcancd wiUi dirt; a dis- gcnch 'atap a barn and ncctly vcyitrsigadcmrbn me0 grace ta Bowmanvlhle and its brouglit it o ambli. lb was 63 sîve paper on "Afbcr This Wa- im. coni.ice awl-at?" The "resentabion of bbc couricil inchesacrassaend tippcd bbc scalese gcd Now biat this necesiary obser- eit e prcbty figure. Ite curved pal pe w cusfo iodb n infor-c L2, vation le made on behclf of an talons bcd c veny wickcd look. maPpndsuslnm hc saraudenc atspkcny hmlicbd, rnllilogat oneb ilhn ,~ vcny member book part. Very car udinceoutpoknlyhumliaed, rniholgis FoestDilingg ot.splendid refreshients werc serv- 1ý--spece will pnesmit af an clibooa_ wînd of tbc capture and asked for cdA b, M. Spner. 4à liewsmen Called To Ottawa To Conf or On New Price Ceiling Plan Itatesman Editor Âmemg Group Hearing Dotais of Oov't BOhome Explained Over bwo bundned publishers and newsmen fnam caat ta coast in cnda, met Prime Ministes Macckenzie King and veniaus nembers of bis cabinet in Ottawa on Nov. 27th. Thcy came et bbc requcat of bbc governient ta get mart bend information of its new economic polîcy, in other wonds, lie sevene Prices and WaeCcii- .ng scbeme, instituted recently by Order in Council and scliedulcd to became effective Dec. i. Meet- ings wcre hehd in bhc Railwey Commnitbce noani. The Prime Min- abter, as cliainman, opened pro- needinge which continued tlirough- out bbc day, He gave an imprea- sive oubline, welconcd and set witb bbc ncwsmcn. Chie! teck in expleining bbc whoic plan wes dclegatcd ta Donald Gardon, latcly clevabcd La, bbc cbcirmmnsbip o! bbc Wcr- ime Pnices and Trede Board, vice Hector MacKinnon wli a d for so long been its iecd. Mn. Gardon, an execubive an lban frai bbc Bank of Canada, spake on behal of thc Mînieten of Fici- ance, Hon. J. L. Ilsley, wlio cao spake. Mn. Gardon, bamn in Scobhand, educeted in Canada, rase rapidly fnom humble cincumebances toae place of power in benking. Six feet four, in hie early forties, lb is likely lie was cliosen for bliose qualibies of drlvig farce so nec- cssary in i gvlng effecbt oae policy sa revolubioncry. Extracte frai, bis forthilgbt speech follow bere- witb. A* few wccks cga The States- man made brie! referenc o tae meeting et thc Uniiversity Club, Toronto, whcmc bbc editan and bwa assoclabes frai Bowmanvlille took part in discussions on this subi cb foliowlng an oubline by anc of bhc chief econonuic advls- ors o! bbc Depantîccit, Dr. Mac- kintosh, wlio bcd e large ahane in layig bbc basic for lb. At bbc: tume, blie suggestion was made that Uicepublic aliould be Infani- cd, and formed isucli a wcî * blt every last citizen would un- dcrstand the reesons for it and wby lb la vitally important that evenyonc sliould co-opesate ta lin- sure ite succeas. The gavcrnment became convinced of Uce wisdomn of blia course and bence this con- fenence wiUi ncwcmcn et Ottawa. The power of bbc press was thus officiaily nccognizcd. Mn. Gardon caid in part: Great Danger To bbc Wartimc Pnices and Trade Board bas been entrustcd bbc responsibility of arncsting Uic mise in prices whicl i in ecent months bac been going farward et a consbantiy accclescting jpace. We are csked, i other worde, ta contrai wliat can be clcarly ne- cognizcd as an inflatioary mave- ment. I cm bere to ouline ta you the action wc propose ta taise ta arncst, anc of Uic grecbest dangers bliat lias ever tbrcctencd tItis country. Inflation warka pretty midi as a poison hi thc body politlc ta diii perception so that otherwlse i- telligent men cdvoccte mebbodu whlcb wlien carefuliy analyzed mccii blat an increase hi Uic dose of poison le propounded for Uce cire of Uce diseus .e. I suggest, Uiescfore, Uicb Uic prcss in gulding and beading pub- lic opinion lias a prime duty to (Contlnued on Page 3) Kcep yaur purpose honcat and clean.-Dantch Fard. Shirt and pai ame manufactur- ers now campiain they can't get as many pins ce Uhey require ta stick into new garmentg. Now ai'b thet juat ba d! A Ncw Jersey manufactures dwho bhreatcned ta close down bis abniking. plant for good lias been pensucded ageinet lb by humani- ytarlan cocisidcrcbiocis. Ib would 9throw bbc pickcte out of wark. n The ncwest af bbc neparbed It shorteges is in paper bags in Uic se langer size-Ue once that splît idown bbc side as anc rusesthe ,groceries frai bbc garage ta Uic à- back door. j; 4 -r', i. .4. TOWN MERCIfANTS FEATURE MANY CHIRISTMAS GIFTS taman BpcialEdion Con- tains Shopping Ne"s - ave Money, Bave Mine, Read The. Ada This Week That The Statesman cernies leess news and marce dverblsing this wcck is no reflection on bhc cdi- torial depantment. The tnubl isl thet local nierlicants arc giVn first considerablon in plcing thei stare ncws about Christmas buy- ing befone Statesman neadere. That la why, you shauld rcad evcry adventiscmcnt bbcs weck. lb tends ta reason thet merchante wiii flot spcnd moncy an cdver- ising unleas tbcy neally want ta cli attention ta special items. Every merchant; wb lias taken space in the Christmas Shopping Guide lias carefully prcpared special values ta naist you in solving youn gifb shopping. Every customner knows that by buying eariy yau get thc pick of thc goada and cen cvoid bbc wonry and hast minute rush near "the great day." As e courtesy ta aven- worked cdenscustomene should .ab leave shopping ta Uhe last mute. Thenefore bhis edition of 'lie Stetesman la designcd ta hep. Caneful ncading of bbc cdc wilh ensume needed wartimc eco- aomies,tbo. Sovina Night At Trinity Y.P.U. Mrs. Roy Lcngmaid, Saline, was gucat speaker et Trlnity Union meeting Mondey cvening. Ib be- ing Christian Citizenship niglit, /Irs. Lcngmeid took as ber sub-ý jet "The Singing Churcli." Sir A.rthur Sullivan's composition, 'Onwerd Clinistian Saidiers" was thc furet byn theb speaker dealb wibh. A short synopsis of blthe of thc greet composes of bat hyns and operettas wes given togeblier with commenta on other well known hymne. Under tbc hcading of Canadien writcrs, Mrs. Langmaid told thc stary of thc lde of Joseph Scrlvcn, writcn of thc favorite bynin "Wbat e Fricnd iTc Have mn Jesus."1 Twa bumonous.ncadings by Mr. Blake Stevens, Saline, and c de- lightful piano solo by Miss Ileen Balson, Salina, wcre rnuch enjoy- ed. A vocal solo by little Miss Mary Alldreed, and solo "Little Grey Horne in thc West" by Miss Dorotby Nicholc concludcd this part of the pragncm. Worship service wcc in charge of Russell Balcon essistcd by Jean Rundle and Mebel Balson. LIBERALS RALLY TO HEAR MEMERS REPORT ON WORK "Canada's war effort lias not been wcii enougli told," scid W. F. Rickard, MP. at a meeting of Darlington Lieal Association in Hampton Fnidcy niglit. "If there wcrc more meetings like this wbcn membens have an oppon- tunity ta discuse matters wc wouid flot hear so mucli cnitlcismn in bhc press, much of wbicb I tnuly believe la a hindrance rather than a belp ta bbc government. To mc Caneda's effort withi this short time bas been littlc less Uian c miracle." Mn. Rickard continued quoting facte and figures ta back up bis stabement.* "Canade's contribu- tion cen be said ta total tbree times as mucli as any other dema- crabic countr3f, iat exccpbing Uic United States." About the conscription issue lie seid: "We muet nemember Canada la not a reservoir of men but of matenials. If many more men arc taken it may bcea serious mettes."1 In affirmation of hic trust i Mn. King's leadership be com- mentcd: "There le not a man in Canada wba cen take King's place toay." To questions about pricc-fixing, Mn. Rickard confesscd lie was fiat as well posted an this tccbnical matter as lic wisbed, but express- cd Uic wlsli that fan .pnices bcd been allowed ta go higlier befone thie "peg" took effect. "But I be- lieve thc feeling at Ottawa wcs that if farm pnices wcrc cliawcd ta go higlier everything cisc wouid have soared as well."1 Mr. Rickard thinks now that lic was wrong in teking thc stand lic did on bbc wheat bonus principle. "But thc stand I took et the Unie was my own anid I bcieved it. I was nat influenccd ta vote othen- wisc blian I bclievcd as came people bave intimatcd," lie de- clared. .Ncxt speaker called was Cecil Mercen, M.P.P. Insbcad of launcli- ing into an addrcss li caclled fan questions and Uic me et in g pnamptly boggcd down into a pensonai, argument bctwecn hini and eaniember of thc audience. Chairman C. E. Sliortridge said bbet tbc association bas c balance of $2.50- an hand (flot cudited). He cao bcid aloft a copy of Uic Financiel Post whicb was cam- mended ta ail wbo would keep abrcast of Canada's industrial and financial war effort. Quoting fig- ures lie ehowed that other indus- tries' bcd becnrjustms-bard bit as bbc farmes. Mr. Shantridge cao expresscd a desire ta see beer parlons close at 6 p.m., but basten- cd ta expiain lic is fot c 'temper- ance crank'. Officers elected in Uic Darling- tan Liberal Association arc: Pre- sident-C. E. Sliortridgc; Vice President-'W. R. Pickell; Secre- tary-A. L. Pcscoc; District Chair- men -Mcl. Wightb, Providence, Gea. Miller, Tyrone; Lloyd Craga, Meple Grave; John Balson, Hamip- ton; Wm. Tncwi, »Enniskillen; Roy NichaIs, Courtice; BentGlas- peUl, Mitchlli's Corners; Leslie Pascoe, Enflcld.