PAGE FOUR THECANADIAN STATESMAI4. BOWMANVIILLE. ONTARIO TRUR8DAY, DECEME 4. 1941 Christmas shoppers are remind- At present most merchants are cd that Bowmanvllle stores wi]l undecided whether to stay closed be open on Wednesday afternoons oigDy until Christmas to give customers BxgDy extra time to make purchases. Flight Sgts. Don Cameron and Most stores also will remain open Art Fisher, Trenton, spent the evenings from Monday, Dec. lSth weekend with the former's par- until the night before Christmas.1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron. BRUSHP COMB FRESHRPACK ANDCHOCOLATES MIRRO SETSCHRISTMAS WRAPPED FOR LADIES 5 New Shades and Patterns 3 -7 mnd 10 pieces FANCY BOXES 12.39 up to $15.75 75o te $2.50 Relia Raor -___- $7.95 Shavint Brushes 3o - $5.00 Wilkinson Raser --$3.00 Shavlng Bowls 39c-69c-$1.25 omlette Raser Set 98c - $2.50 Autostrop Razor ---98e COMB and BRUSH LADIES' SETS SETS -Weodbury's --29e to $2.50 FOR lMEN yardley --- $.10 te $4.50 Gen ipeLeter se vt Cashmere Bouquet 60e - $3. 980 te $6.95 Jertcn's Set --- $1.00 ECigars, Cigarettes MEN'S SETS and Tobaccoes Woedbury's 29o - 55o 11 Christmas Wrapped Celmolte6o - $1.20 - $2.25 at Clae 0 12 22 regular prices Yaffley's - $1.10 te $4.40 8TATIONERY ln lancy boxes and cedar chesta 25o te $2.50 PEN and PENCIKVSETS _________98e te $9.00 CAMERAS, box uni teldlnt $1.35 te $11.75 Peeket Llghters- 45o - 95e Key Case, wtth lght - 75c Biliffohs- 39o - $1.00 - $2.50 Electrie Pais - $4.49 Flashlights 85b - 1.50 -.2.50 Key Cases 69c - $1.00 Cutex Manicure Sets, new shades 35e - $5. Military Pen and Penicil Sets .. $ 1.98 - $5. r9 PR. COW LINGI Phm. B.Premptr A Csu.pIut Bakg Needs at Rea Loy Pue 1SOUPb Cîark's Assorted 2 -20 cou Delcig CLEANSER a PURE LAID PEAGIS D.eon OATS tbuho MILE P l".IOÇ the. 13Ç TIR 1V Pka.18 le-oz. Steaks snd ]Rosets PORTERHOUSE4 SIRL.OIN, WI*NG, CUBE OR FACE RUMP»à 7 - Bouless Rtound .................... lb .............. L27e Shoulder or Chuck Roast 15e Prime Rib Roat 25e BIaIe Roast ..................................... lb. 18e Short Rib R>ast................................. lb. 19e Veal Roast, boneles............... lb 19c Pork Tenderloin................... lb 29ci a P COFFEE fRrSHLY GROUND Vigoceus & WInoy m u ses 39$ Mli and Melow .01 Bau-k 35# Uh and Full Bedied C1hà le1-1b. * Texte e-mmledeu p~pl.m Io.bmrg ÀP BREAD ANN PAGE WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKEO WHEAT i 4- or. Wrapped ý . Louves 15ç A &P XMAS CAKE 1!/t.1b.81. Cake Cake5 ý1. doz. 21» a f" , doz.29e 3 lm& 17 Nemi 74 ZIbo. 32p Solina Visitera: Mi. and Mis. Everctt Jones and Jacqueline, Bawman- ville, Mi. Walter Blackburn, Jan- etville, at Mi. Bryce Brown's.. Mi. and Mis. J. R. Kiveil, Miss Pearl Leachi at Mi. S. McElray's, Peterboro. . . . Herbert Wright, Lakeficld, at Mi. N. Wotten's.. Mi. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Kin- sale, at Mi. H. E. T. . . ...oscoe Baker, R.CA.F., 0taa at Mr. Will Baker's. . . Rabt Scott, R.C.A.F., Tarante, at Mi. R. C. Scott's. . . Mis. J. D. Hogarth, Mis. Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, Misa Jessie Hogarth, Bowman- ville Hospital, at Mi. Thas. Ba- kr's.. .. Mi. and Mis. George Bray, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Rus- seli Thampson, Tarante, at Mi. S. E. Wenry's. . . Mi. and Mrs. Will White and sons, Orona, Mrs. C. Johns, Kathleen, Margaret and Mamaon Tink, Hampton,, Mi. Charles White, Maple Grave, at Mi. Gea. White's... Mi. and Mis. John Baker with Kathleen Baker wha is piogrcssing tavarably at Niceils Hospital, Peteibero.... Mi. and Mis. A. L. Pascoc viaited friends at Broaklin. .. Hnrry and Edgar Phillips, Taranto, with Mi. F. C. Shortridge... . Mi. C. E. Shortridgc with has aunt, Mis. Neal, Pickring. .. Mi. and Mis. Harvey Harris and Billy with her mother, Mis. Mowbray, Brooklin. ..Mr. and Mis. J. Yellawlccs at Mr. Donald Yellowlccs', Colum- bus. . . Misses Ella ad Verna Millson, Toronto, at Mi. E. MUi- son.... Mi. and Mis. E. R. Tay- lor ad famlly at Mi. Russel Wright'si Tyrone. . . Mis. N. C. Yellawlecs with friends in Ta- rent.. . Mi. and Mis. A. J. Bal- son, Harold and fleen, ut Mi. Ernest Larmer's, Blackstack... Mi. and Mis. John Challia, Miss Mabel Chals, Bawmaxiville, Mi. Frank Cowling, Hampton, at Mi. S. Heckaday's. The Farm ýForum met at Mi. Wes. Yellowlees' Manday niglit. Sec report in another celumn. Mi. Clifford Naylar is acting as jurer at Cobourg. Oui Y. P. U. wcre favored with the fellewship et Ebenezer Y. P. Tuesday niglit. An excellent pie- gram Jas providcd by the visiting Union and a social sequel was enjoyed. jEbenezer The ie-openlng and 75Ui mini- veisary services et Ebenezer United Chuich was ail that cauld be desired on Sunday and Mon- day, Nov. 30th and, Dec. lat. Ideal weather and a church fillcd to tahUi doors on Sunday, ad Uic off erings away over thc top, which is meat pleasing for Uic committeca in charge. Dr. James Semple, Belleville, gave twa vciy inspiring addresses. The choir contributcd sultable music, with Mi. James Hancack taking Uic sole part in the nnthcm in Uic morning, ad a vocal duet by Mis. G. F. Ainis and Mr. Frank Wal- tars. The Junior Chair providcd thc music li Uic evening, with Mi. Jim Hancock and Miss Elsie Oke taking the solo parts li thc anthem. The quartette, Messrs. Walter Rundie, Jim Hancack, Lloyd Down and Bob Rundle, favorcd with a loely number "Steal Away." The ergan and piano selectians by Misses Ada Minis and Hazel Rundle wcre especialiy well reccived. The ncw- ly decaratcd church and bouquets et rases and varieus kinds et 'mums gave a mostiviting ap- pearance. Menday evening a bounteaus supper wns seîved by thc ladies, and a jolly crowd en- ioycd Uic get-together. The pro- gram consistcd et rcminiscing by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Oshawa, Rev. H. C. Walfraim, Lindsay and R. E. Osbornec. Harry Staff'eid alse contributed twa readings. Misses Ellcen Pickqll and Louise Pearce favared with thc duet "On te Victary" ad a general sing-song was indulged in. Rev. W. C. Smith was chairman. Sunday Schaol session was hcld with Mi. Evans, Toranto, giving n talk. Couitice-Maple Gzrave Brather- hood met at Maple Grave Nov. 27Ui, and opcned with prayer by Clarence Pcnfouxid. Pýesident Wm. Lycctt, in hits epenrng ad- dress, expresscd symfpathy te Uic famiies latcly beicaved-Snaw- den, Caurtice ad Parker. Speech- es wcrc given by G. F. Annis, R. R. Stevens, Rev. W. C. Smith; stary by Ivan Law, and talk- by Howard Foley. Lawrence Wragg entertaincd with has magic. At- tendance 78. Newly clected off 1- cers arc: Prcs.-Wm. Lyccît; Sec. -Elton Werry; Treas.-Cecil Jet- fery; Sang Leader-Walter Run- die; Pianist-Leslie C alla c eu t t; Publicity Com.-Lawrexice Wiagg, Clifford Swallow, Glen Plckell, Douglas Courlice; Pîogram-R. R. Stevens, Ivan Law, Lloyd Met- calf,. Bert Mutton, K. E. Courtice, Wm. Higglna, Bert Wilkins; Wel- ceming-Wm. Lycett, W 11f ril d Brown, Howard Foley, G. F. An- nia, -cenvener; Social - I v 1 a o n Munday, Ross Stevens, Stewart Morton, Seward Tyler, Blake Short, Jim Mctcalt, Howard Cry- derman, Roy Fowlcr, Bill Bickle, Ed. Pidduck, Clarence Hockxn, W Sewrt Pflo we r s-L. J.4 CouriceLouHockin; Cotfec At- tendant-Clarence Penfound. Many visitera werc ut the Sun- day and Monday opening, inçlud- ing Rcv. and Mia. Wolfralm, Lind- ayMs W. R. Courtice, Mia. Dunlop,r Mis. Clare Courtice, Mise Willlims, Mr. Ronald Courtice, Mi. and Mia. Elmer Rundle, To- ronto, Mr. and Mis. Empringhamn and Glenna, St. Catharines, Dr. and Mia. Norman Pound, and son, Toronto, Mr. Jack Plekeil and "m Jack Jr. and Marshall, De- i& and many frem Oshawa, Bowuianvllle and surundlng countsfy. Best wlshes to James H1ancock as he takes a new position ni Wooduteck. He will be, much mlgdlx I the choir and churcli bore. IDurham County 13h o rth o rn Iredr Association will hold cultural Office, Bowmunvlfle, on De . i Salem Rev. Gardner gave a wondeneul sermon on Sunday and thc choir rendered suitable music with Mr. W. Taylor as soloist. Y. P. U. meeting Nov. 26th was opened by President . G. Barrie and prayer by Rev. Gardner. B. Darch had charge of Uic prograni: Bible reference, Mrs. L. Coombes; topic and discussion, Mrs. R. Win- ter; readings, MIýsý G. *and H. Thompson, D. Pollard and C. Cowling; iano solo, Miss D. Win- ter; a taU, E. Doidge. Miss T. Werry, F. Blackburn and Bey. Gardner wifl bring in a siate ot officers for election at nert meet- ing. A spelling match was con- ducted for the recreational perlod. Mr. Ewart Poilard, Toronto, viited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Poflard.* 1 Hampton W. I. East Group met at "The Maples". for sewlng. Courtice Misses Pauline Antil and Mary Konapachi hcld a nuscellaneous shower for Miss Mary Riznek at Mr. and Mis. Paul Antil's on Nov. 24th. The rooms were prettily decorated %yith pink and white streamers, centred with a large balloon. The bride-to-be was seat- cd under the central point of Uic decorations, Énd while untying the numerous parcels she was showcred with confetti by thc bursting of thc balloon. Around thirty persons presented gift. Dancing was enjoycd with Mrs. Wm. Wade as pianist and refresh- ments were served. Miss Jean Axitil, tap dancer, successfully fulfilled an engage- ment to entertain at Uic Masonic Temple, Oshawa, on Nov. leth, When John Coflingwood Reade was gucst speaker. Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Gcnald Balson (nec Ethel Wil- kins), on the birth of a son. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pollard, Newcastle, (nec Mary Riznek), whose marrage took place Nov. 29th. Mr. and Mr. Riznek's home was beautiful- ly deconated for the wedding of their daughter, at which Rev. W. C. Smith, Courtice, officiatcd. At the luncheon Mfisses Mary Kena- pachi, Loraine and Pauline Antil and two Oshawa girl fricnds scrv- cd the gucsts. Signaller Ernest Gcaring has arrived safely ini England. Airciaftsman George Pidduck, Haggersville, was home on leave. Mrs. S. Paternoster. visitcd Mrs. Wm. Hobbs, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Curtis Gearing are moving into their ncw house on thc aide road north of Preston- vale. Mr. and Mis. Clyde Saunders' new home was broken into dur- ing their absence by school chil- dren, last week, and thc contents badly damagcd. The police have been investigating. Haydon Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Stan. Wolings Sr., Mis. Wm. Lumbers, Toronto, ut Mr. H. Ashtons... Mr. and Mis. Louis.Ashton and Mary Lou, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's... Mr. and Mis. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, at Mi. A. Mc- Ncil's. .. Mr. and Mis. C. Siemon at Mr. H. Brooking's, Wesleyville. ..Mis. Henry Werry, Ross and Marie Ashton, at Mi. Milton SPENCER CORSETS FOR CHBISTMAS Girdles - Brasleres We Create A Design Spclly for Ton Mr*. Joie. A. Richards Registerci Spencer Corsettere 3 maiJst. P.O. Box 33 Orone, Ont. Phone 27rl6 TABERACLE Corner Division - Qucen sts. Sunisy, Dec. 7th, 10.00 am. sunday ScheeL. 11.00 a.m. Communion Service. 7.30 p.m. Specil SubJeet 'Tmy Kîngdom Corne' The luti ln a s»ries et "What wc believe and teach'l REV. CARNIAN LTNN $100300 PC w RRD For sur information Iesdins Up to the amuet und convie- tien et the person or persons who eemmitteil a rebbery ef a mum oetmoney trou Uice Arcade Store on Uhe nlght et Thursday', November $1. M«. Drealin Bowmanvife Tamblyn's, ....... Mr. and Mis. C. Avery at Mi. H. X.ahm's, Burkcton. . . Mr. Walter Black- burn, Janetvillc, and Mrs. Walter Folcer, Maple Grove, at Mi. . B1ackbr's. Adult Bible Class met ut Mi. 3Cecil Slcmon's Friday evcning. Meeting opencd wlth prayer. by Mrg. C. Siemon. Mr. C. Avery read Uic Bible lesson and Mis. C. Garrard Uic devotional. Reading was given by Mis. T. Cowling. 7These officers were electcd: Pre- sident-Mrs« C. Slemon; Vice Pre- sident-Mr.,H. Ashton; Secretary -Mis. C. Garrard; Tîcasurer- Mis. E. Bradley. A social time was had and a dainty lunch was servcd. Clarke qUnion t Mr. S. D. Souch, Is under thc doctor's care with a lame foot. Mr. andt Mia. Harry Bailey, Miss Eilcen Souch, Miss Mary Jewell, Bownianvllle, visited Mi. and Mrs. Harry Jackman, Peter- boro, on Sunday. *Archie Watson, School of Phar- macy, Toronto, was home. Alvin Faster, Barrie, who is tvisiting Mi. S. D. Souch, has en- listed for home defence. Mis. Thomas Batterson. con- tinues in very poor hcalth. James Nixon was to Rice Lake on Monday. Newcastle PUBIJC SCHOOL PUPIELS RECEIVE PRIZES Murray Walton Again AdJudged Bust Orator For thc third time in a littie over a ycar Murray Walton, younger son of Councillor and Inapector E. A. and Mis. Walton, has been awarded highest honors as Uic best public speaker ini New- castle public school. The first tixne was a year ago when he Was sectcd to represent, Newcastle ing contcst in Orono. The second was li October when he was again awarded Uic samne honer at an climination contest at Uic achool, and thc third was on November 28th, when thrce competent eut- aide judges named hlm Uic best of six who compcted for thc Nora E. Colemnan public spcaking prize at a special school function. This was a musical and- aratorical pro- gramme gotten up by Uic teachers and pupils, as a background for the presentation of thc annual prizes, li lieu of a more elaborate evening Commencement in the comniunity hall. The exercises were held in Miss Hattie A. Ma- son's reom with quite a number et ladies, mostly mothers of pu- pila, present. Rev. D. R. Dewdney acted as programi chairman. Other pupils taking part in the public speaking contest were: Neil Britton, Marie Cotter, Mary .I)ewdney, Joan Duck. and Mary Toms. Each reccived a book as an appreciation prize. Murray Walton, the winner, was present- cd with $4.50 in cash, Uic ycar's revenue from the Nora E. Cole- man cndowment ot $100.00. Other prizes prescntcd and the recipients wcre: Intermediate note book prizes, te Mari orie Toms and Rodgcr Mellow et Grade 3; Grace Axnn Preston and Stanley Powell of Grade 4, and Betty Gray and Bob Hoffman of Grade 5, by Miss Hat- tic A. Mason. Grade 4 genenal proficicncy prize-Rodger Mellow, by Mis. H. S. Britton. The Stephen Jose Memorial prize for proflciency in Grade 5- Betty Gray, by Mis. J. H. Jose. Grade 6 proficicncy prize-Joan Duck, by Principal T. A. Rodger. Music prizes for boys-Bobby Purdy, Grade 6; Balfour LeGres-' lcy and Buddy Bonathan, Grade 7; and Francis Jose, Grade 8; do- natcd by Mi. J. Anderson Smith. Music prizes for girls-J o a n Duck, Grade 6; Jacqueline Smith and Mary Purdy, Grade 8; donat- cd by Dr. J. A. Butler. Wm. Hooper Meniorial Music prize et $5.00, for beat original mclody-Neil Britton. Masanic prizes for highest standing, higli achool entrance- Marie AlIjn and Francis Jose, by Durham Lodgc A. F. & A. M. Womcn's Canadian Club prize- Francis Jose, by Bowmanville Club. Punctuality and Attendance prize-Ernest Spencer and Jean Duck, by H. E. Hancock. Interspersing Uic public speak- ing and th~e presentatien ef prizea Farm Fom Held At ProvIdence The Farm Forum et Providence met at the home etfP. E. Monifil on Mondny cvenlng. The toplc et th. radio broadcast was "Mon and Machines." The discussion thut foilowed was led b y Uic Con- venor J. P. Heyland. Aznong other points brougbt eut was thc tact that tarm production hi this communlty bas been reduced duc te lack et labor. This la Uic resuit et mcen enterlng factorise because et hlghcr wages, and ot othera cnllatlng. There seema te be very little that the faimer can do about this, but nîl felt that the goveiximent could hclp solve this problem if Agriculture were p ut on an economiae level wlth Indus- try. Next meeting wIll be hèld ut F. S. Phillipa'. R. P. Wlght,. secretary.a USEFUL ARTICLES FOR THE HOME Lace Table Cloths $1.59 - $6.95 Dantask Linen Towels 45e - $1.00 Bed Spreads front $1.95 Blankets, pair front $1.95 Embroidered PiIIow Cases 95e.,- $2.25 Tray Cloths each 50e Ouest Towels front 25e Bath Towels front 25e Lace & Line Runners 59e Damask Table Cloth front $1.49 Candlewlck Bedspreads $3.00 and up FINE HOSIERY Quality hosiery AUl Shados AU Sises 35e -$1.25 VISIT THE STORE Sec unusual Christuas stocks -ne ebligatien te buy but here you cau obtain gitta fer every member er thc tamily. LINGERIE SiIk Slips, for .... 79e Silk Gowns, front . 98e Sllk Bloomers 39e $ 1.39 Silk Vests 49e to $1.00 Silk Panties 29c-$ 1.25 Dance Sets, from. 98e satin Dance Sets. front $1.25 Bed Jackets .. $1.35 FOR THE KIDDIES Coats ...........$3. Flannelette Pyjamas 69e -$1.49 Kimonos, front . $ 1.25 Coat, Leggîng and Bonnet sets .. $5.95 Sweaters, front .98e Wool Mittens pr. 29e 50eO Ski Suit&, front . $3.95 Phone 886 Shorthorn Sales, Show BrIsk Dem.nd MonUi after month Important 1salas and shlpmcnts et pedlgreed Shorthorn cattle take place local- ly" ut only occaalonally doca The Statesman get s pot et ws of this prime industry et Durham Countyr ànd district. Filîdman Jack Ba- Shop Here FOR THAT ARE SURE TO I'LEASE Everyone loves new cIothes-Cbi0It. mias ls the Ideal tinte to replehlsh the famlly wardrobe and solve the gi problem at the same tinte. We rn stili selling at low prices. ConteliD and look around. Foi Dad, Son or Brother Dressing Gowns ..... $3.50 - $7.50 lnitialled Scarves, plaids and knltted 98e - to - $2.50 Pyjamas, smart new styles......... $1 .25 Dress Shirts, Arrow ntade . . . .'...$2.95 Fine Sox ............. . .pr. 39e to $1.50 Suspenders, work and dreas ... 50e to $ 1. Garters or Arm Bandsa........ 25e - 50ë Gloves, warnt kid and cape, lined& unhined $1.0 and up TIES TIES MEN'S TUES 50ec- 75e - $1.00 Nothlng eau be more celorful, acceptable or useful than neck- wcar for Christmas. Choose from Uic ahadea et Uic ialnbow. 'Give smuart gift. GLOVES ipeclal wool-klt, wool-lined gloves . $1.00 - $1.50 Fabrie xand Kid GLOVES trou 49o t. 5$M5 SOCKS GaY Plaids, silk, fine hie, or ail weel soc to $1.50 SLIPS Ever welcome gift slI1ps. Tallored, ibey styles . .. bru-top, fit- ted mldrlff' types. Ray- ou crepes, satins. White. tearose, blaek, 32-40. FOR WOMEN Flannelette Pyjamis 98C to $ 1.95 Flannelette Gowns front 59e Wool Panties & Vest front 35C Fabrie Gloves front 49e Kid Gloves, front$ 1.25 Handkerchîefs 5e - $1. Pullover Sweaters front 98e Fine Wool Twin Sweater Sets $ 4.95 Ski Suits, 2 plece front $6.95 Scarves .........49e Flowers. front ... .15Ce Umbrellas, front $1.50 Purseis ... 69è. i d - ker reports reent sales which indicate thal despite tcmporary recession ibeet prices ut Uic steckyards, purebrpd Shorthorn are alwnys I deniand at goad pruces. Lat Frlday two aristocratie calves werc shlpped tram Oshawa te Uic Deputy Minister et Agri- culture, Dr. W. R. Shaç% Char- lottetown, P.E.I. Both wqe et Flowcergirî breed and were cou- tributed ut fancy prices by Capt. Cyril Muistord anid Edgar Leask,, rcsPecîîvcîy. An lmported cow, tramn Grant Chrlstle'a herd. went te Gea. Donaldson, Packcnham Ont. Anather was puichasecf tram Bcath faimns by Capt. Muni- fard, who aloe aold a bull calft ta Stuart Denaldeon, Mhflbmek. N COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LJMITD * - -~. ~ -~ 4 LF 1RUITS .4,,,ýVEGETABLESS]