TH!YESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1941 TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAIqVILLE, ONTAJITO PAqE FIVN .~ -. I - - -. LARGER STOCKS April Showers Perfume 29c-55o Weed's Mllk Foam 80c-55e-$1. Velvetta Bath Salto, 8 lbs 69o Johnson's Baby Sets 50o - $1. HMir Brushes -500 t. $4.0q, Wood's Bath 011 85e-OO-$1.00 Noxsema Glft Sets -- 29c-79o Bubble Bath S5c-50c-75o Playlng Card.. Single deoka 45o -81.15 Double dechs - 11-22 Photograph Albums Leatherette Covers $1. - $2. %IUlmlp«U&u e. u U Perfumes ..30e up Bâtis Sa îts .soc up Gifts for Smokers Xmas Cigarettes 55c, 51.10 & up Xmas Cigare soc to 55.00 i Xnuas Tobaccos *55c, $Se& up Tobacco Pouches - 50o Up pipes - - 500481.00-$1.25 Ronson Llghters -- $6.00 DunilU Llghters -88.00 up Other llghters -49e Up un VALUES Here are zone of the hlghllghts from our stocks of smart4 practical gift suggestions. We have a wide range to choose fron-omething for everyone on your glft lât and through co-operative buylng we offer you economy prices. SHOP RICNT AWAY FOR THE DEST CHOÎCE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F OUR LOW MONEY.SAVING PRICES GIFTrs by YARDLIEY as illustrated $ 1. 10 Ladies' Sets -- -$1*5 to, $5.00 Lavender Perfume-- 65e up Compacts $1.25 up Men's Sets $1.30 te, $7.50 Shaviug Bowl $1.25 Shavlng Lotion 85e to $1.45à CAMERAS BROWNIES and KODAK$ Baby Browule - 81.35 Slx-20 Browuie Jr. - 83.00 Target Brownle six-16 - $4.35 Kodak Bantam -- $5.50 Kodak iVigilant - 12. to $14. SHAVINQ SETS CHRISTMAS CARDS Speclal Boxed Assortunent, 10 carde 19e Other Boxed Assortments 25e t. $1.19 lI dlvîdual CARDS 2 for Se, Se, 10c, 25c Stationery lni cedar chaste .... 51.00 up CH PI1STMAS HAVE * CVE SEND the FPoous CANDIES CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES STATIONERY Neilsou's, Page & Shaw lu speclal holiday boxes 25 - 50e- 600- $1. andup 25c-50oe-75c- $1.00 PEN and PENCIL SETS Watennan's Sets 52.25, 54.25, 55., 58. Eclîpse Sets $... 1.00,5$1.50,5$2.25 McGregor DRUcS PHONE72 - WE DELIVER LOWEST PRICES Hot Water Bottles 49e Up CHRISIMA-..S Flashllgbts - - 950 - $lm8 Buh folda ____350 - 590 * UV Deven Shavlug Kit -- 550 Buckingham Sbaviug Bowl 75a BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS D ~ Special SetsD $3.50 value $1.9 AcddItionai Three Plece Sets $2.99 to $7.50o Q7 &l0Pece Sets ... $7.50 to $14.50 Ail better grade sets are tiret grade, open stock desigus. Extra pleces may be parchmaed at any time. j Cutex Sets Travel Kit wlth Brushes, Holder, Toeth et $4.95 - $6. =0=0=0=0I= PA=IS=0= SETS $1.10 to $5.00 * PETALTONE GIFT SETS 300 - 0e- $1.0and up Il~ 3SECRET GM TSETS D 25c to $5.00 il Evenlfag ln Paris BATH I fl POWDER with free Cologne'I ~~~~=0=0=$1.35 I hmM pf. ml ffZMM mM MB MU M SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Phonle 663 A 1~ Pte. Henry Rodd, Kingston, was home on leave. Mi. Gardon Ashton, B.S.A., Macdonald College, St. Aune, Quebec, spent the weekend with lis parents, Mi. and Mr$. W. C. Ashiton, on lis way ta Cicago ta attend the annual convention Of Animal Nutrition. While there lie flew ta st. Louis and visited the large Experimental Faimn. Mi. and Mis. Norman H. Tay- loi and Ernie and Mi. R. McCoy, Whitby, Mi. and Mis. Sain Allen, Orona, visited Mi. and Mis. Harry Taylor, Napanee. Mi. and Mia. Clarke Taylor, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mi. and Mia. N. H. Taylor, Whitby. IMi. and Mis. J. H. SwindeUls had the pleasure ai welcomling their nephew, Aircîaftmnan W. H. Collicutt, redently arrived frain Winnipeg and stationed at Mann- ing Pool, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. Fred'Hugles and Mi. Oliver, Rand, Toronta,. Mis. E. Bennett, Mi. and Mis. Chas. Baîl and Freddie, Oshawa, sCnt Sunday wifh Mi. and Mis. G. E. Pritchard. .Sgt.jObserver Harold K. Cal- mer, son ai Mis. F. C. Colnier, was in the big R.C.A.F. contingent whose arrival overseas was an- nounced last wcck. Mms. Thomas Tod is visiting 1er daugîter, Mra. A. G. Wright, Hamilton. Mis. Gerîy Hughes, Toronto, wus weekend guest ai Mis. R. H. Westaway. Mi. and Mis. J. Brougli werc gusaat the K. & W. Aluminae dance Friday niglit and spent the weekend with -Mr. and Mns. C. Pequegnat, Kitdhener. Seventeen more shopping 4laYs tlll Christmas. Bowmanvllle merchants an- nounce the Wednesday half holi- day wlll mot be observed In the month ai December. T. C. Glaspeil, anc ai the dis- trict's mosf auccesaful shecp breder hu ben lionored by being se ectcd ta judge Cotswold, sheep at the International Live Stock Exposition at Chicago whlch , ggns fIs week. f &2Mlss Louise Ccx was guest ai )< .,Pd,Mro. Bud Hay, Toronto. RORichards and* Joe White won Le Lions Club hockey tickets ta sec fthc Maple Leai Garden garne Safurduy. SAn utfempf was made ta break itt Jolinafon'. Bookatare the nl4 lt before Breslin's Arca4c ws ro bcd ai $750. A ruar wlndow lad been piled open but Mr. Jolininlka the thieves took figîf Ï--befor fIey lad tini. to enter. Mr. and Mis. W. L. Elotf and Mr. and Mis. Hurry AllUn vislted mi. Elliott's mother ut Bolton on Sunday. Mi. Chia. Botter, manager ai Wlker Stores in Tillsonburg, and Misa Virginia Ycomans, Sizncoe, spent Sunday with Mi. amd Mis. Wray McCready, George St. Mi. and Mis. J. C. Carns have taken up residence in the home ai Mis.W. H. Sparga. Mis. Calrna ha resigned from hler position on the staff aifIe Ontario Training School. Myessrs. 'Fred Muttan and Jack Ridli, Hamilton vlitc d Mi. and Mis. Charles I¶utfan. Mis. Frank. Taylor Hanmilton, was gucat ai Mis. TedBird. Mi. and Mis. C. A. Sitih and Russell, Toronto, called an ey- eral ai their old frlends Sunday. Mi. and Mis. W. P. Purdy and Bill, P'eterboro, Mi. and is. Claie Gaiton, Bobcaygeon, Miss Mary Duncan, Oshawa, spent Sumday with Mi. and Mis. T. A. Gartan. Amomg former students of B.H.S. home for the Commence- ment were Helen Williams and Reita Cooke, Peterboro, Don Ven- tan, KeifI Slemon and Jimnmy Clarke, Toronta. The Black and White breeders af Durhamn Caunty have prabably fIe beaf organlzed livcstack or- ganisation i fIls aiea. Certalnly they have the moat money and aways do tigs ln a big way. If la rcported tlt Canadian breed- ers have shped somnething like 18,000 head ai pedlgreed stock out aifIe country during the p ast yecar.. Durham County breediers have 'cotributed a number ai quality Hoîsteins ta flat quota. Prices have been iunning higli but fhis drain ai quality bîeeding stock la questionabie uttfIls time. In "Caming Events" will be found announcemept f aitheir annual meeting. The goose supper la an event. We lape ta be there. The Carter Famlly gathered Sunday at flic home ai Mr. antI Mis. Clarence Oke for flic chril- tening of grandson Donald Carter Oke. Miss Jerry Coulter aiflice Bell Telepbone Ca., Osliawa, lias been lame enjoytag un eniorced'holi- day wlit laryngitis. ,Misa Marion Mutton, lut ely pro- moted t. gîoup leader ut Defencei Industries, Pickeig, vl.lfed fr1- ends iOshawa. Mis. Melbourne Hawley vislted Mis. B. Stevenson, Cobourg, and exclunged news from their lus- banda, bath overseus.. Mis. Muriel Dunn las given up her war services runinage sale1 rooms inthfecHorsey Block. Bowmunvllle, lut ely, las been blossoming ouftanbeautiful aliades ai paint, enahiel and vitrolite.1 Mention las been mnade oi many1 stores and residences fIat have1 lad beuuty parlai frcutmenf. Con-( s tu twa more: The fucade of r ,jewefl's "Big 20"1 stutionery1 and gift shop now glows in the marning sun, richly in dark mna- roon and silver; the artiat, James Abernethy and associates. By the way, who can tel us by whom and wlen the "Big 20" got its naine? One citizen informa us it was in the turne ai R. B. Aidrew's accu- pancy and the store was the 20th ane from the main four corners. Then the Carter residence, Silver St., bas a new trim ai creamn and crimsan. We shail be proud aif thc tawn when the great influx ai tourists stop over next sunpner ta view the transformation at the B.T.S. We are developing enter- prise. Rev, W. P. Rogers conducted the worship services for the Port Perry charge ai United Church last Sunday. Sgt. Alex Calville, aiter visit- ing home, has returned ta New- iaundland. His brother Sgt. Pilat W. F. Colville lias been transfer- red from Picton ta Rivera, Mani- toba. Misa Mamie Todd, Regina, Sask. in renewing the subacriptian for her father Rev. W. J. Todd ai Belfast, N. Ireland, farmerly min- ister ai St. Andrew's Preabyterian Church, Bowmanville, w ri t es: Please continue sending The Statesman in 1942, the family en-. jay keeping in touch with Bow- manville, wlere tliey spent a few very happy years. It wasa happy family gather- ing ai 35 relatives who assembled at the home ai Mia. Sam Glan- ville Sunday &ftrnaan ta hanar 1er father, Mi. Thni-as Pingle, an lis 91st birtlday. Many aid citi- zens also called ta extend per- sonal gaod wisles and congratula- tions ta tis venerable nonagen- arlun who enjoys remarkably goad healt hand la as smart as a cricket. Letters and post carda were also received from distant relatives and frienda. The editar called fhe next day ta sec how lis aId iriend had weathered the testivit les. "Neyer felt better," was his reply. "But, George, you misaed if as you shauld have been upyeaterday ta see Jack Glan- 8il' prize chlckens next doar which were *a great attraction." Mn B niîl people were g leuset sec the photo ai Bom- ardier G. M. (Mack) Hait, for- mer Goodyear employee, In Sut- urday's Toronto Star. Mack was shown,ù with a Canadian unit wlth their 25-pounder field gun ready for action somcwlere In Kent Count y, England. Rev. and Mis. Chus. Jeffrey, Toff)iXQ, spent the weekend wlth thelr son Mr. Howaid Jeiirey and daugliter Misa Dorothea Jeifrey.- The editor ai The Statesman rccelved lits filia Christmas card for 1941 on Dec. lat. If was from Capt. Tom Breck ai Burkefen, who lauttacled ta the Royal Canadien Amy Pay Corps (Over- seau> samewlere in the British Isles. The card whlcl isl a very pretty one tîed wltli the corps colora and the R.C.AP.C. emblem embassed In gold andp&urple, wus posted on Armistice D ay. - ENGAGEMENTS Bi. and Mis. Jos.' Seymour, Manvers Road, wish to announce the engagement of her daughter, Ruth Irene, to Reginald G. Gib- son, R.C.A.F., Alymer, eldest son af Mr. and Mis. A. - A. Gibson, Newcastle, the marriage ta take place quietly the latter part af December. 49-1* Mr. and Mis. Norman C. Yel. lowlees, Enniskillen, announce the engagement af their eldest daughter, Jessie Susanna, ta Ivan Rendal Ellicott, Trenton, second son af Mr. and Mis. R. T. Ellicatt, Braugham. The wedding to take place cauly in January. 49-1 Mi. and Mis, W. A. Edger, Bow- manville, wish to annaunce the engagement af their elder daugh- ter, Mldred Dorothy, ta Lieut. John Masan James, af the lst Midland Regiment, yaunger son af Mis. James and the late N. S. B. James, Bawmanville. Marriage ta take place quietly the middle af December. COMING EVENTS In St. Jahn's Parlsh Hall an Friday, December 5th, aiternoan teat and sale ai wark at 3.30 p.m., under auspices af Jr. W. A. 49-1 Concert will be given In Hamnp- ton Church basement on Tuesday evening, December 9th, at 7.30 S.T. under auspices af West Graup ai W. I. Excellent pragram by autside talent. The fruit cake will be presented tcô the winner. Pro- ceeds for war work. 49-1 A Blanket Tea, under the aus- pices ai The Newcastle Red Cross, will be held at "The Elins", home ai Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Graham, from 4 ta, 6 p.m., fridgy, Dec. 5th-25c. 49-1 Caniadian Order ai Foresters are sponsorlng a dance in Pid- duck's Hall, Caurtice, Wednesday. Dec. 10th. Admission 30c. Net proceeds for British War Victims' Fund. 49-1* Holstein Breeders Annual Meet- ing will be held in the Orange Hall, Orono, with banquet in the basemýent af the United Church, an Wedneaday, Dec. lth. 1941. Meeting at 10 a.m. Standard Time. Banquet at 12.30 noon. Guest speaker, Rev. W. J. Johnston, minister Eglinto n Unit'ed ChUrch, Toronto. Goose dinner. J. T. Brown, Pres. H. C. Muir, Sec'y. 49-1 A dance wifl be held In Tyrone Hall on Frlday, Dec. 5th. under auspices ai SaLem Girls' Basebal Team. Good music. Dancing from 9 ta 1 D.S.T. Admission 25c. 48-2* Round and Square Dancin everyflday at Pldduck's Hl, Cutice, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Alec Bar- clay's Orch. Admission 30c.482 Trinity W. M. S. Elects Off icers Christmas meeting ai Trinity W.M.S. was held Tuesday alter- noon with Mis. A. W. Pickard's group in charge. Mis. Frank Cry- derman read "Christmnas in His- tory." Mis. Hircock read the Christmas lesson, and Mis. T. G. Mason led in prayer. Brahms "Christmas Lullaby" was sung by Mis. V. Ott, accampanied by Mis. D. Marrison. The second chapter ai the Study Book "The Ooming af Canadians ta Canada" was tak- en up by Mrs. L. W. DiDpell. Business session was in charge ai President Mis. M. J. Hutchin- son. Reports were given by the secretaries. A list ai shut-ins was made out, ta, which Christmas cards will be sent. These officers were elected for the caming year: President-Mis. M. J. Hutchinson; lst Vice Pres.- Mis. J. E. Griffith; 2nd Vice Pres. -Mis, C. Wight; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. H. Jeffrey; Cor. Sec.-Miss Leta Jackson; Treasurer-Mis. C. A. Bartlett. Sec. ai Christian Stewardship- Mrs. L. W. Dippeil; Mite Box Sec. -Mis. W. C. Ferguson; Assoc. Helpers Sec.-Mrs. Blake Pollard; Supply Sec.-Mrs. E. V. Hoar; Com. F r i e n d s h i p-Mis. W. R. Strike; Literature Sec.-Mrs. J. H. Bateman; Miss'y. Monthly and World Frîends Sec.-Mis. D. R. Alldread and Miss A. Bragg; Press Sec.-Mrs.. W. P. Rogers; Pianist -Mis. W. C. Workman. Advisory President oai-Mission Circle-Mias V. Spargo; President Mission Cirle-Miss B. Gay; Supt. C.G.I.T.-Mis. R. Cale; Pies. Ev- ening Auxiliary-Mis. Clare Al- lin; Supts. Sparling Mission Band -Miss L. Sleep, Miss M. Foley; Supts. Alice Jackson Mission Band -Miss E. Pickard and Mis. D. Rackham; Supt. Baby Band-Mlss ATTENTION SPORTING FRATERNITY! I wish ta announce that Mai- tyn's Bowling Ailey la open ta the public frômIniorning tili midnight. Renewed enthusiasm la being tak- en in bowling. We aie now book- ing the ailcys for clubs or special parties. Rlght now a team bowling match la arranged for a paultry roll off. Teams already entered inlude Courtice, A. & P., Cancllla's Julcy Fruits, Pickering Factory, Goodyear Local 189. There's raom for a couple mare entries, s0 get busy. The alleys are in perfect con- dition providlng good dlean, heal- thy spoart. We invite you ta brlng your lady frends. Two alys are kept for lady bowlers. W. J. Martyn, 49.1* Proprietor. F. Werry; Asat. Supt. Baby Band -Mis. H. Cryderman. Finance Committee-Mesdames L. W. Dippeli, C. A. Bartlett, H. W. Foley, C. H. Mason, S. R. James. Group Leaders -I, Mis. Sid. Rundle- II Mis. G. L. Wagar, Mis. H. W. *aater; III, Mis. G. F. Pur- dy; IV, Mis. Frank Cryderman, Mrs. H. Jamiesan; V, Mis. C. W. Slemon, Mis. G. C. Morris; VI, Mis. H. W. Foley. BRADLEY'S SCHOOL " DISTRICT FORUM The Federation ai Agriculture group in the Bradley's Schoal dis- trict is now organized for discus- sions under the Faimn Radio Forum plan. Monday nigît, six- teen enthusiasts met at the home Chain Sets Travel Kits soc 53.50 »u p and up Silverware Service fer elght $10-95 Initial Ring lu Sterliug Silver- any Initial - $5,00 In Gold 89.50 up ai Mr. and Mis.. Wesley Yellow- lees ta listen ta the broadcast "Men and Machines" follawed by f ull graup discussion. There was talk, toa, about faim labor shar- tage and general problems ai the day. Next Monday evening the graup will meet at the home ai Mi. and Mis. Maurice Baker. The pro- gramme will foliaw the usual limes but the radio tapic lias not yet been annaunced. If sugges- tions are in order, profitable dis- cussions miglit linge about the Price and Wage ceilinga, lengthy paiticulais ai whicli will be found in this week's Statesman. It might be helpful also ta debate the pro- position in the editarial, same issue, "Ia Agriculture 'Doomed?" A correction in the report ai the Ebenezer group in last week's Statesman la due. It is staated that Lockets 51.00 and up Bridai Sets $19.50.. aad up .Mis. Wesley Yellowlees la preui- Ldent. The fact is, she la secretary. Darlington is now nearly 100% organized. If anyone knaws the address of Frank Lethbrldge ini Torant will they kindly notify The Statesman office. This request is made as Mr. Lethbridge joined the Dur- ham County Club and the treas- urer failed ta get his addrees. Druglese PracttioneK ]ROBERT COLVILLE Drugiess Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowauvifle Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 46-7 TROJAN ... hI$1275 N.wWadi$250 As SHOWN 53.79 DOY'S WATCHES 5.5 Gift selectlons ln China, Glassware, Clocks, Noveltles SIE CHRISTMAS STOCK PUPMPP~ddomVAL. Perfume atomisera 49e te 82.00 Leutherle GII t Sets for Men 82.50 t. 83.25 Shavlng Brushes 39. 59, 89e Up Key C".eâ, lather 25c, 50e, $1., wlth flashllght --- 75o Cigarette Cases 50c, 81.00, $2.50 Gillette Tech Essor --. 49e Shavlug Lotions - 39e - 50e CHRISTMAS SEALS, TAGS, TISSUE, ENCLOSUEE CARDS Twlne, rlbbon, etc. 5e-lOc-lSe viennene OlftBox for muen $1.65 value 51.35 " ely SP Boys: " lillotto Toch lazor* 0 rcti adgenerout ,e ri=htlu*tep with taday's * sedleus to save amr"* mrgram. Fumons Gillette à 33e t. $5.00 * %=sorasd 15 Dine* ts for Men * adpleuty of them* 3Comb, Razor* * -give package for anly 98Ç i rush Holder, * * * * * * 4c. .50 - $7.95 Electie Essors $ 9.95 Up Canada Dry Ginger Aie Marvelous Sets ln handy cartons .. 69e 51.50 - 52.25 3 famlly ime btls. plus containers Cashner. Bouquet GIF? SETS 30c, 60c, 9Oc, $ 1.05 Manicuie Sets Cutex Glft Sets 33c, Usc, $1. & up Revion Quartette Set' $1.00 Other Revion Sets' SSc 5150$2.50,5 Peggy sage Sets 51.35 Up. COLOGNES Petaltoue -___60o - $1.25 Evenlug lu Paris - 65e - $1.25 Lentherle - 81.25 - $1.65 Lentherle with atomiser 81.50 - $1.90 - 85.00 I Palmolive 59e t. 81.15 Colgate's 59e t. 81.15 Woodbury's --29e, 55e, 81.10 willams --60c, 81.15, 82.00 Lentherle 82.00 t. 85.00 Alex LAURA SECORD CANDIES PRE19CRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY oeoeoe~w 1 .m TRUMAY, DECEMBER 4,1041 :rAQE Il V THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWW.NVMLE, ONTARIO m ~&& »1-- je--