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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1941, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1941 IN iTHE DM AND DSTANT PASTj 'rom The Statesman Files ~~~*-------- ------m=rnu FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, December 9, 1891 A large number of friends gathered at genial John N. Kiv- ell's Wednesday ta give lie and his wife a surprise. It was their 2th wedding anniversary. W. H. Williams made a speech and pre- sented them with a dinner set. Bey. W. J. Jolliffe of Simcoe St. Church, Oshawa, is ta preach anniversary services at Trinity here. The congregation have de- cided flot ta hoid a tea this year so a large collection is expected. Bro. Sig. Landmann gave an accaunt of his trip ta Germany andi of the Kocr treatment at the A.O.U.W. meeting. He warned CET HUIM READY FOR NUS FIRST SNOWMAN SoIdly repaired shees and gologlipewMi proteot your boy, or girl againat tie rigors ofi thse first cold snap 1i CHECK UP TODAY For Expert Repalring Sec JOHN LENZ ]KI" st. at Silver Oshawa, Ont. LAST TWO DAYS! Frlday and Saturday Thse most ateundlng dranxatic story ever told-with SPENCER TRACY "IDR. JEKYLL and MR. HYDE"' Ingrid Bergmn-Lana Turner Revilval Friday Nite Fred Astaire SECOND CHORUS Paulette Goddard Monday and Tuesday 'lTargets for Tonight' A story of Brltain's air prowes her valiatflght for vtctory- la Uic R.A.F. Its locale - Dritain, Germany, France - Plus - FRED MaeMURRAY MARY MARTIN ROBERT PRESTON hi tie dizzicat bualest city on carth "NEW YORK TOWN" COMING NEXT Wednesday FOR PgOUR BIG DAYS JEA1NETfE MacDONALD GENE RAYMOND 'SMULINF THROUGH' lis heaners ta abstain fromn the use af ail alcaholic stimulants. He is in New York this week ini connectian with a wedding. John T. Stokes, engineer ai tic bridge being built at the west ai the tawn, died suddeniy in Ta- ronto. James MacDougall has been appainted ta campiete thc work. The liandsome new residence ai Alexander Smith, Con. 8, Darling- tan, lias been iinished. It is a two- story brick cottage; the founda- tion is ai dressed stone. The architect ia John Stovin, Whitby. The cast about $4,000. Providence: Carpenters have just complcted Mr. Smale's and Mr. Aiiin's stables. . .. Mns. Raipli Dowson fell out aoflier buggy breaking lier coilar banc.- Master Fred Blackburn is suffen- ing from a lame leg. . . . Miss Al- lin wio lias taught our sdlioai ieaves ta take a position in the public sdhool at Uxbridge. . .. W. C. Osborne lias purchased a fine Dominion organ. Hampton: Mrs. James Clarke is seriously Mi. . . , F. J. Groat took charge ai his sdhool again aiter bemng seriously ill..- . . Thad' B. Hoidge returned fnom Dakota last week. Enniskillen: An aid settier, Peter Barclay, 64, passed away Dec. lat. . .. Jas. Osborne passed away an Dec. 2nd, in his 85th year. Rev. L. Plips ai Tyrane canducted the ceremany..-- Leonard Tardif f died Nov. 29th aiter a iengtiiy iliness. Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Thas. Cornish, South Oshawa, were nearly suffacated with gas escap- îng fram a coal stove. Mrs. Cor- nish has recovered but Mr. Cor- niali is tlireatened with partial paralysis. . . . Emplayees ai the Malicable Iran Ca. have farmed a niutual benefit saciety. Murder and Suicide: News lias readlicd Bawmanviile ai a ter- rible tragedy by which John Hockeridge, one-tinie proprietar ai the liotel at Port Darlington,I lost lis lufe. A boarder shat hi then cammitted suicide. Domestic trouble and religiaus excitement are causes whicli led ta the ter- rible deed. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Thse Canadian Statesman, December 7, 1916 Front page ai this issue ai Thc Statesman has pictune ai Pte. Harry D. Edgerton, 19, kifled in action ta France, Nov. 18ti. He was a son ai Mn. and Mns. H-. Edgertan, Wellington St. His f a- then la also serving in England. Methodiat thankoffcning anni- versany speaker was Lieut.-Cal. C. G. Williams, Chef Recruiting Officer for Uic Dominion. Ini Uic evening thec durci was packed with evcry available sent taken and many stapding. The B.H.S. art class ai Miss I. K. Smithlih disttaguislied by a pupil Miss Mary Mildred White winntag a prize in the Faculty ai Educatian campetîtian. Fnienda ai Major C. H. Ander- son wili be pieased ta hear lie has been pramated ta second in command ai the lst Casualty Training Batt. Engiand. Pay roll ai Onono Caning Fac- tory, whidh had a busy seasan, waa nearly $600 a week. Forty ta 50 men and women were cmploy- cd. It is rumored At las been purdliased by Uic Trent Valley Canning Ca. Mrs. Gea. Rice lias been bercav- ed in the death aiflier sister, Miss Lizzie Ltafield ai Godenidli. Dr. E. W. Sisson, Whitby, lias joined the Can. Anmy Dental Corps. Bowmanvilie lias a lady 92 years ai age in the persan af Mns. Thas. Creeper wlio is industniaus- ly knitting for the saldiers. Sic neides with lier daugliter Mns. J. T. Hooper and la cxceptionally biglit and amant. Salemi: Saphia Jane Prance. wife ai James Dardh, passed away Nav. 29th, in her 75th ycar. Opcning ai the ncw enclosed dÉurci shecd was celebratcd wli special services. BRAVO! OUR, NAVAL GUNS FOR THE WAR WEAPONS DRIVE ARE A REALITY Creating Soldier-Tmdesmen High SchooU Play "J.un. Mad"l (Continued from page 1) shc was excellent. Every tawn has its wholcsame, lavable, Milly Lau. Tuttle. and Bridget Compieting the Wood's menage were Tuttie (Bill Edger), the pseudo butler, but in reality, Uic overalled handy-man who was nat for a moment overawed by Sheik Van Vleck. This part was played ta a manner reminiscent ai the best ta icgit. Bill was O.K., but ta Uic "domestic" reaini, Uic gai who taok Uic cake was Effie (Ruthi Hutchinsan), irrepressible, natural, anid aitagether inimitable. She took full advantage aiflier camnedy part, and dressed i toto, witli a perpetually unhitclied pet- ticoat and wrang saying at Uic iglit time. Shirley and. Raîpli Wcntwonth, (Ruthi Stevens and Howard Stur- rock), as supers, interpreted their parts witli Uic right taucli, aiten s0 difficuit ta minar parts. Of thc Hars family, safi Cluck <Enic Mcllveen) was teUic"t" aif Uic maie juveniles and played ta Perfection Ui', inventive.,gen jus wha scorned dresa ciothes 'and spent al l is time tinkcring with his liome-made glider. His father, an iracible widowen, was deter- mined lis son shouid become a lawyer. This led ta loud voiced quarrels. Scott Densem carricd this part very realîstically. The daugliten Julie (Dally Purdy), veny effcctiveiy, and demureiy, partrayed Uic teen-age vamp, garnering other girls' beaus. Poetry Complex This campletes a cast whidli many believe ta be Uic beat ta, take part in Commencement for many moans. The play gives am- ple scope for many seri8-comic interludes. Penny and Cliuck, as boy and girl dhunis, realize ail taa little tlke affection that binds tliem. Tlicy spat and argue. Pen- ny gets thc paetry compiex and tien gocsalal a-iluttcr when wouid-be libertine Van Vleck ap- pears. She practises higî-finance and blackmail ta get a new red baîl gawn, cut "1C" in front and "V" bchind, ta make a ht witli Van at thc party. Perfect Hostesa Julie vamps Van and Milly Lau doca lier bcst ta buffer every contretemps. Effie breaks in ta nelieve scenes fnom becoming toa climactic. Thc "Dac" remains gen-1 craily neutral, while Mrs. Wood,1 neyer obtrusive, neye r t h el e s s manages everyone. and especially, Penny, ta perfection. The perfect liostcss. witli the iamnily budget not tic least aiflier warnies, *she iinally faresees thc outcame ai Penny's perpiexities, and uses the rcd dress episade ta bring lier daugliter ta a realizatian ai truc proportions. Their dramatic suni- matian ends in '"a moat wonderfui evening." The Climax Chuck contributes his part ta Uic sequel. He fially gets lis glider it thUi air, stays up 4 % hours, crosses and recrasses the lake and finally cracks up in thc dark i an appie trec. Alarmed, thcy searcli and bring liii, bruis- cd and patdlied, it thUi living raom where Penny, tearfuily, ia biaming lierseif for lis death. There Uiey leave tliem. Penny remembers that lier father toid lier lic feu tinlove witli her ma- ther wlien she slapped him. Ar- gument starts. Penny slaps Chuck and slowly, wonderingiy, wide- eyed at last, he discovers lis Lave . . . and does his stuif like a man. Everything i ovely ever afterward. Prelude The cvenng's programnrecm- menced with orchestral sciectians (Debussy) by pupils uiýder direc- tion ai Mr. W. E. C..- Workman, L.L.C.M. O Canada preceded ta- troductory remarks by Principal Dippeli. He announced extension af the playing f ield thraugli pur- chase ai land ironi Dr. Fergu- son; announced, regretiuily, the death ai Murray Butler, firat fromn B.H.S. ta pay Uic supreme sacri- fice in this war, and urgcd ail ta work liard during the comig year and do their fuliest ta strive forward in serving Canada and civilization in this criais. 'Tween Acts The adhool-gini chorus ai 25 sang, most cxcellcntly, Lift Thine Eyes. The play commenced sharp on time, and that's wliat every audience appreciates. At the close ai act one, slim Donalda Creasser sang the Victary Sang, lately camposcd by Lena Taylor, R.N, witli arrangement b3ý Reta Cale Dudley, A.T.C.M. <Uic iatter's birthday Saturday toa). M i s s Creasser, exceptianaliy talented, with strong dlearnbntes empliasiz- cd the martial qualities ai this fine composition. After Act 2, Brian Flaherty perfarmed a "Charlie McCartliy" ventriloqulst act that Charlie himacli wauld envy. If Bian gets any better lie mugît be sued for plagiarism- for FIFTFIN YZAR PIN Joc Levett Heel Inspector at Bawmanviiie Goodyear Plant wlio campletcd 15 ycars ai service on Sept. 28tli. Here lie is sliown witl is son. Jae's chef intercat outside wonk is in sport. lie is gaod enaugli for Orplicum or Keitlis any day in the week. Thanks Due Teachers Last but not ieast ai these as- tanishing interludes was Uic bill- tag, "Kate and Duplikate," a wood-nympli pantomime penfarni- ed gracefully by Barbara Bei- der and Helen Roacli. .Bhythm ai Uiis superb "mime and dance" could have been attaincd only with moat painstaking rdlicarsal by these pupils under Uic direc- tion ai Miss B. R. Burnaby, B.A. To lier and ta Miss D. Jeffery, B.A., must be accarded a vote ai thanks froni this whlae cammuni- ty for Uic tume they have devoted ta prove that these home tawn yaungstcrs have talents Uic equal. ai any, anywliere. If this review-ý er lias averlaoked anyanc, cither teacher or pupii, let it be cliarged ta genuine regret that nat a seat was avaiable for reporters Thura- day and Fniday eveninga, and thus mudli was missed. Different Versions Joncs: "Herc's that iast pair ai trausers yau made for me. I want tliem re-seated. Yau knaw, I ait a lot." Taliar: "Yes, and I hope yau'vc brauglit the bill ta be receiptcd. Yau knaw I've staod a lot." DO WMAN VILLE. Here ! Complet.! GOOD WORK Now keep it upe 1000/ Hou,,Your Pledges We must keep seading a Naval Gun a M ont b! * ,Wis .douaitl Our communie> bua resched Saviup Certifices month iu, month out, for iu objcuiveini the War Weapoas Drive. Our te dura"o. But, rmembe, tdii a.oui>'a wespo.pls.pruug to life, Bvoeybody who muniaium commitment. Our job se far from ueba1Wph uaud be proud of our*achieve. fiuished. We muet euh utrîve to do bettr aud ment Ngo,,w mmu keep kt pp. We've mode Latter, wbile this war laits. Pua h dealde of a mimaa pp,po *e bi th4ugüirugh to War Savinu Cerfificate., wherever aud when- VIca««y. Thio mmuss uiular purchases of War evar you cm. Weddi.ngs Chapman-Heoper Tic marriage. ai Miss Luctada Grace Hooper, second daugliten ai Mn. and Mns. Richard Hooper, Blackstock, ta Mn. Urny Lavern Chapman, son ai Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Chapman, Bethany, took place at Biackatack Parsonage on November 29th. Bey. D. M. Stin- son officiatcd. The bride was dnessed in a ginger brown crepe, brown hat, black coat, trimmcd with bnown fur and brown acces- sanies. Mn. and Mrs. Perey Pres- tan, Bethany, (latter is sister ai tic groom), stood up with them. Aiter a wcdding supper at Uic bride's home, the hiappy couple icit 'for a niator trip ta Niagara and St. Catharines. They will live an the groam's farm near Bctli- any. Wilson-Brown Thc United Churcli Parsonage, Newcastle, was thc scene af a quet but pretty wedding an Sat- urday aiternoon, November 29Ui, whcn Esther June, -daugliter ai Mrs. Clifford Brown, Newcastle, became the bride ai Thomas Wil- liam Wilson, son ai Mn. Bichiard Wilson, Kendal. Bey. R. E. Mor- tan performed tlie ccremany. The 'bride laoked iovelyin aa Maîden Line green Englisl waol dreas witli brown accessaries and brown icit liat. Her corsage was ai baby. mums, carnations and bouvardia. Thc bride wore the groam's gi.ft, a gald lacket with amber stone and goid bracelet ta match. Thc bride's attendant, Miss Bessie Law, R.N, Oshawa, was attircd in black crepe dress with turquoise accessanies and ware a corsage ai baby mums. Mn. Sidney Brown, brother ai the bride, acted as groamsman. Foilowing Uic cercmony the receptian was hled at the home ai the bride's mather witli oniy the members af Uic immediate fami- lles present. For the wedding trip ta Niagara and points wcst, thc bridé dhang- cd ta a sky-iine blue crepe dres witli empire blue carduray coat and navy accessories. On their rcturn Uic happy couple will ne- aide in Newcastle. Fair-Bartan Gaid and mauve dlirysanthe-' munis decorated, St. Josepli's Churcli for Uic marriage an Sat- urday, November 29tli, ai Dorothy Agnes Barton, daugliten ai Mn. and Mns. Nelson Bantan, and James Albert Fair, son of Mn. and Mns. Reginald Fair, Bowmanville. Revercnd Father Caffey officiat- cd. Tic bride, given In marriage by lier father, worc a dresai nase and sapplire blue sheer crepe, with matdiing accessonies. She wore-a corsage ai white and nase carnations and bauvardia and cannied a white prayer book, Uic git af tic groom. Tic bride's at- tendants were Mns. Dean Bickeli as matron aiflionor and Miss Doratliy Fair, aiter ai Uic groom, as bridcsmaid. Tiey wcre gawn- cd in liarmonizing dresses ai sheer crepe and wane corsages ai car- nations. The best man was Wil- liam Fair, brother ai the groom.j A dainty wedding breakfast was served at tic home ai tic bride's father, alter whidli the happy couple leit by mator ta Y os east amid showens ai con- ttii Tliey will reside in Bow- manvilie. Out ai town guests wcre Mrs. Mary Benson and Janet, Osha- wa, Mns. Ted Johns, Miss Darotliy Bickell, Misa Viola Russell, Mn. Ronald Banton and Mr. Nelson ýBartaon Jr., Toronto. If gratitude is due from, man ta man, liaw mudli more frcm man ta is Makerlý-Josepli Addison. It la strange men cannot praise thc bridge tic y go aven, or be tiankful fan favors tliey have iad.-Rogcr Northi. Nothing is possessed, Bave in appreciation, af whldh thankfui-I nesa Is thc indispensable ingre- dient; but a tliankful licant lath a continuai feast.-W. J. Cameron. Gratitude ion benefits Is eter- nal.-Quintus Curtlus. PrUc.-Peg Rule WiiI Mot Apply On Many Products Revisions in consumer credit order now under corilderation by Wartime Prices Board will permit~ greater elastlcity in credit terms for farmners and ather pnimary producers. Board announces that ceiling will not apply on sales af wide range of farm praducts and fisli between primary praducer and dealer or processor. List ta be announced later. The maximum rentai. for any liousing accommodation la the rentai which was in effect on Octaber 11, 1941; or, if there was no written or oral lease in force on that date, the maximum is the rentai under the iatest lease in effect sinceJanuary 1, 1940. These "Maximum Rentais Re- gulations", as' tliy are known, appiy ta the rentai or Ilany im- proved or unimproved land, any furnished or unfurnished store, shop, office building, fa7tory, wareliouse, suite, office, or other place ai business, hotel, house, apartment, flat, raom, or other place af dweiling, or any structure or part of a structure used for combined business and dwelling purposes, together with ail appur- tenances beionging thereto, and such heating, lighting, water, gar- age, janitor and ather services and such plant, equipment or facili- ties, as are supplied by the land- lord." After December 1 the maxi- mum rentais regulations make iA an offence ta demand or offer ta pay a rentai in excess ai the maxi- muni. Violators are liabie toaa penalty up ta $5,000 or to im- prisonment for a terni not exceed- ing twa years, or bath. Any amount.of rentai paid i excess ai the fixed maximum is recover- able by the tenant. Every landiord or agent is henceforth required ta keep available for inspection a record "describing clearly and fully"ý praperty affcctcd by the regula- tions, the amount ai the fixed rentai, the name ai the tenant on October 11, and the names ai succeeding tenants., National Labor Board announ- ces that cost ai living bonuses naw being paid are to- be adjusted effective November 15 ta the Oc- tober 1 index ai 115.5, represent- ing a wartimne increase ai 14.6%. This means that maximum cost- of-liing bonuses will be adjusted ta $3.65 per.week. Civil servants in Federai em- play earning up ta $3,000 per year, naw get bonus. Order Youn caunter check books at The Statesman office. The sud m Wme.d d fomule 8o i skdamesu.ntcl momyu. bbe t tb. '= 14-1-l~~. Thec Public loves to be humnbugged said P. T. Barnum. But not when icornes to coZ say w. Thaî's why you'Il want our REDtrademirkedcoa:l.Those RE3D ttade mark spots guar.. anîe yougnun amous Rcading Atrcte low ash,ý Premu br oal that couîs you flot a penny extra. lu Ja. FLETT MIELS Res.: Ontario St. Yard: C.tN.R. Phone Z695 Phone e673 BOWMANVILLE %%' 011 ÀOL 4 soi q A FEW SPECUALSI BOOKS --BOOKS --BOOKS This year-the best seleetton we have ever stocked. Dot't 1miss tQee "best-sellers". Keys 0f The Kingdom ---- A. J. Cronin Berlin Diary--------------. Wm. Shirer Reading Il'y.Llked ---- ClIfton Faddlman Standard juveniles, Cutouts and Paint Books New Game Smart, plaid "dWARZONYY Handkorcui.fs Every hqme shouli have $3.00, 5 GREETING CARDS Spread the Christmas spirit with a greeting card. Our assort-' ment Includes boxed carda 15e per box and up Single Cards 15e ver doz. to 35cech A TYpe for Every Persan Christmas Wrapplngs, Tage and Seals Iho Je W. JEWELL Pne 556 d"BIG 20"Bomavil YOUR PROPERTY la exposed to lofis when any door in left unlocked. You are expos.d to fimnnoal lois when your property is not fully lnured. Ack thia agency to review your inauranc poli..e NOW. It wlfl be too late tW do so after a louai Je Je MASON, & SON INSURANCE AGEN' Phone 681 TS BowmanviIle I I BOWMANVILLEu WAR SAVINGS COMM JTTEE Bipyr more and more WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES REGULARLY q . THURSDAY, DICCEMBER 4,1941 THE CANADIAN STATICSMAN, BOWMANVII.LE. ONTARIO PAGE SIX

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