PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE; ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEI~ER 4, 1941 u..~.. .~uuuzu mUU=UUmUUUmmUU. IThe Newcastle Independent Phono Clarke 1114 Miss Evelyni Alun bas joinod tic Bank af Commerce staff here. Mr. sud Mrs. Harry McBain, Ida, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin AllUn. ýBandsman H. C. Allun of the iÏO.O.C., Kings-ton, is having six days' beave of absence. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Walton were in Taronto and attended somo big sports Meatures. Miss Steer, Betbany, who has been cmployed witb the J. Ander- son Smith Ca'., bas taken a posi- tion i Mellow's Drug Store. Evelyn Fostor, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. Noah Foster, was talc- on to thc Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, to be treated for appondix trouble. Reeve C. R. Carveth entortain- cd Uic inmates of the County Homo to a motion picture show of bis awn production on Nov. 25, and thon on Friday cveniug ho was in Elizabethville presenting motion picturos i heUchcurch in aid ai the Red Cross Bombed Vic- tims, Fund. A kitchen shower for Mrs. Jno. Rickard, bride of recent date, was bold at the hame of ber cousins, Mr. sud Mrs. W. T. Lake, Lake- shore Road, Nov. 27tb. Aniong Uic guests were the bride's mo-j ther, Mrs. W. G. Hay, Toronto, and Mrs. W. F. Rickard, Newcas- tle. Refreshments were servod after the sbowcr and a pleasant social evening spent by ail the marriod sud unmarried girl fri- entIs ai the bride who were lu attendanco. Wben Mrs. Cbaplin's cbimney caught fire on Monday morning sho phonod Newtonvillc central and it was not long before thc fire truck, with Ernest Alldread driving, was on Uic scone sud about ton men accompanying. Aniong the number were Roove C. R. Carveth, Fire Cbief Gea. Gaines and Constable Jno. Gar- rod. It was not necessary ta pump any water but Uic mon took cvery precaution ta koop the fire under contral and ta see that no sparks started fires in the roof. "Thumbs Up" Meeting The Senior Canadian Girls i Training group met Nov. 25th i the kitchen of the community hall with Prosident Betty Enwrigbt lu the chair. Roll call was answered with a verseoaf scripture. A Christmas Vosper Service, hold across Canada by C.G.I.T. groups, will be beld jointly by Uic Junior and Senior graups lu Uic Unitedr Suitana RAISINS ............. 2 Ibo 25e Australian CURRANTS.....2 Ibo 25c Bleached Sultana RAISINS........ lb 20c Assort.d S.ed.d RAISINS...pkg. 19e SheîîeXD SheII.d WALN UTS .............. lb SOC' PINEAPPLE RINGS ...........«1/4 lb I5C stuffed -Md Plain OLIVES.......r bottle 15c to 59c LUX, large ..25c Overseas Club Bouse OXYDL....~ PEANUT . tin 15c OXYDO.... Zsc Maple Leaf RINSO....25iBUTER U tn 50e Maple I.eaf Boxes for Overseas .... $2.00 rWe stM have a good stock - of tang>', olh Canadiau OLDu CHEESE ____- _ lb 45o ALLIS The Corner Grocery We Deliver , DEATIIS HOOEY-In Bowmanville, on De- cember 2nd, 1941, Jane Hather- ly, beloved wife of Harry H. Hooey, age 77 years. WILMOT-At Guelph, Nov. 26th, 1941 in his 60th year, Seymour s. 'Wflnot, youngest. son of tic late Samnuel Wihuiot, Newcastle, Ontario. Interment St. George's Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM CLARKE-In loving memory of my dear mother, Hannah Eliza- beth Clarke, wbo died tbrec years ago on December 3, 1938. I have only your memory, dear mother To remember my wbole lice througb, But your dearnoas will linger forever, As I treasure the image of you. --Sadly nissed by daughter Hilda and family of Rochester. N. Y. 49-1* GRAHAM-In loving memory of our dear husband and father who passcd away Decemiber 4, 1928. More and more each day we miss hbu, Friends may think thc wound is healed, But they littie know Uic sorrow Lies within our bearts conceal- cd. -Ever remembered by Wife, Edna, Geo., Marjorie, Ethel and Norman. 49-1* PINGL-In loving memory of a doar wif e and mother Frances Pingle who passed away Decem- ber 3rd, 1932. We think of her ini silence, And oft repeat ber name. What would we give te hear her voice And sec ber smile again. --Sadly missed by husband and f amily. 49-1* Card of Thanks Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplin wishes to thank Uic members of Uic Newcastle Fire Brigade for their promptness lu responding to her cail for belp last Monday morning when ber kitchen chimne*y was on f ire and for their kindness in re- maining till ail danger was over and cleaning out Uic chimney af- ter the fire had subsided. Cburcb, on Sunday evening, Dec. 14tb. Recreation was conducted by Gwen Hooper's group. School Secretaries Get Instruction In uCobourg November 28tb, secretaries of bigb and continuation school boards of Uic United Counties of Northumberland and Durhami as- sembled in Cobourg at the re- quest of the Schools' Coniittee of the Counties Council to receive instruction on making out school requisitions to the Counties Coun- cil and te discuss any problenis in connection therewith. Secro- taries Jos. Farder, Blackstock, C. H. Mason, Bowmanville, Rud- dick R. Waddell, Orono, and H. R. Pearce, Newcastle, were prosent froni the two continuation scbool districts and the two bigh school districts ini West Durham. The mombers of the special Schools' Comrnittee, T. G. Sbield, R. R. Mallory and C. R. Carvoth, were ail present to direct the discus- isions of the sessions. Mr. Uffen of the Department of Education, Toronto, 4was in attendanceas a consultant. Wanted HORSES WANTED - DR. C. W. Henders has taken over thc Mink Ranch, north of Tyrone, and has secured Uic services of Jimn Lacey, experienced mink rancher. Persons havlng old or disabled horses they wish to dispose of contact Mfr. Lacey who will pay top pricos. ' Phone Bowmanvllle 2859. 49-4 Auction Suàs Bowmanville Property The undersigned bas rcceived instructions te soU by public auc- tion the Real Estate property situate near the north-east corner of Cburch sud Ontario Streets, Bowmanville, ta close Uic Estate of the late Richard Hobbs, do- ceased. The propcrty, consisting oi bouse and lot, is knawn as part of Town Lot No. 7, Block 'IZ',, with a frontage on Ontario Street of 51' with a doptb af 50'. Sale ou Saturday, December 13, 1941, at 2.30 p.m. -sharp, D.S.T., on the promnises. The property may be inspected at reasanable hours by intending purchasors. The sale wrn hoe subject to a rosorvo bid. Ternis cash. 20 % of Uic pur- chaso money to be paid dc*n at the timne of sale, balance ta ho paid upon completion of sale in accordance witb Uic Conditions of Sale. Far further particulars and Conditions of Sale apply ta Law- ronce C. Mason, Barrister, King Street, Bowmanville. Dated at Bowmanvillo this Qnd day ai December, 1941. William J. Chals, Auctioneer. Auction Sale The undersigned bas received instructions fram Charlie Gadfrey, Lot 11, Con. 9, Darlington (11/ miles nortb of Woodlcy's Mil, ITyrone), ta seli by public auction on Saturday, Dec. 6th, 1941, at 3 o'clock, immediately aiter Mis. IStrutt's waad sale, Uic followmng: ITeam of horses, 8 yearling hems, wagon, 3-section harrows, aide- board, table, drosser, 2 rockig chairs, 6 chairs, coucb, iran bcd aud springs, bedsteads, writlug dosk, dishes, Québec beater. Sale at 3 o'clock standard Urne. Terms cash. Cliiford Petbick, auctioneer. 49-1l WOOD SALE Saturday, December l3th, 1941, Miss N. McLaughlin, Lot 12, Con. 9, Dariington, (21A miles north of Haydan), will soîl by public auc- tion 3 acres of mixed standing tumber in 1/ acre lots, mare or boss. Purchasers will be given un.; til April 1, 1943, ta remove tumber. Sale at 1 p.m. standard trme. Tcrms cash. Clifford Pothick, auctianeer. »49-2 WOOD SALE Norman Collacutt, Lot 5, Con. 6, Darliugtoni, (one mile oast of Tyrono.), will sen 4 acres oi codar, elm sud mixed wood, in 1/ acre lots, more or loss, on Wed- nesday, Dec. lth. Sale at 1.30 p.m. standard time. Ternis cash. Elnior Wiibur, auctioneor. 49-1 WOOD.SALE The undorsigncd will sen by public auction for Mis. Elias Strutt, Lot 9, Con. 9, Darlington, (Tyrone), on Saturday, December 6th, 1941 - 2 acres standing bard- wood, 1 acre standing pine, ta -be sold inu1¼-acre lots more or less. Purchasers will be given until April 1943 ta removo timber. Sale at 1 o'clock Standard Time. Termns cash. Cliffard Pethick, auctioneer. 48-2 Wilson's Furniture Co. Novembor Furulture Salo Wise shoppers would do well to avail themscîves ai aur bow priccd specials. Very large solection froni aur two stores. Wilson's values lead Uic market. Xmaa01f t Suggestions Codair chesta, bock cases, lampa, fancy cushions, end tables, che. nille bedspreads, smokora, coffo. tables, occasional chairs, 0o1 pra. Hundreds of othergft at WlIlson's lower prices. huner Sprint Mattresses $9.95-Spring filled mattresses In havy striped tlcklng, roll edge, handies and ventilators. Ail gises. Wonderful values. Floor Covoring Spoclals $1.49-Now borderles. rugs, 6Oit. by 9 f t. 'You will fid at Wilson'a. everything i floor coveringu Personal attention to ail your floor coverlug problems. Inlaids, congolcums, feltols, beavy lino- leum. Anl wldths. Wilson's prices are lower. Trade-In Departînent Jammed full - hundreds cf good used furniture bargains. We must make room at once regardîs of price - Chesterfield Suites, Dlu- ing Suites, Kitchen C a blin etsa, Dressera, Beds, Rugs, Stoves, Couches, etc. It wlll pay you ta visit our stores. Wilson's Purniture Co. do Ki"g W. 20 Church 8t. OSHAWA. 40-tf Garnes 50c. Empire Novelties, Peterboro, Ontario. 49-2* FOR SALE-1929 FORD ROAD- ster i good condition. Apply J. T. Cooper, Lot 13, Con. 3, Darlington, phone 2820. 49-2* FOR SALE - DURO ELECTRIC pump, small size, good condi- tion, price $35.00 for quick sale. Eric Lllley, R. R. 3, Courtice, phone,295J11, Oshawa. 49-1* FOR SALE - UPRIGHT PIANO in good condition, $25.00 cash. Apply Mrs. Geo. Heath, Duke St., phone 877. 49-1* FOR SALE -R AN GE, REAL good condition, 6 lid, coal or wood, modern att aeh me ntsa. Cheap for cash. Apply C. L. Moore, corner Wellington aud Brown Sts. 49-1* FOR SALE-NEW SIX-PLY SIX by sixteen tire, cutting box, Beatty vacuum hand power wasbing machine, kitchen range witb water front, two cisteru pumps, ten-inich Fleurry grind- or. C. Payne, Newcastle, R. R. 3. 49-4* CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE -Basam, ail sizes, prlccd from 25e to $1.00. Roy Porter, Con- cession St. E. Phone 2332. 49-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually i stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 158 Slrncoe South, Osh- a wa. 46-tf FOR~ SALE - COMFORTABLE, commodiaus iesidence on Mill St. North, Newcastle. Any rea- sonable off er will bo consider- cd. Enquire P. O. Box 45, New- castle, Ont. ., . 48-2 FOR SALE-BEATTY ELECTRIC wasber may ho had for bal- ance owing. Ternis can ho ar- ranged if so desired. Enquiro about this washer at Mason & Dale's Hardware. 49-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding sud floor covcrings a specialty. Quality merchandise at cani- petitivo pricos. Before buying visit Bradley's New rurniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh-[ awa. 46-tf 1FOR SALE - BEATTY ENGII'E drive washer, factory rcbuilt and guaranteed same as new machine. This is an opportunity to get a real good washer at a 1 greatly reduced price. It will more than pay for itself in the hard work saved oAà eacb and every washday. Only one left. Act now as engine drive wash- f ors are very hard te get. En- ciuire about this machine at Mason & Dale Hardware, Bow- nimanville. 49-1 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD-WOMAN boarder; no objection to one child. Write Box 23, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 49.1* Notice to Creditors Ail persons having any claim against Uic Estate of Mlinnie J. Phare, Deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of Octobor, 1941, at the Town of Bowman- ville, in thc County of Durham, are required ta file the sanie with proof thereof with the undersign- cd Executors, or thoir Solicitor, not; later than January lOth, '1942, after wbich date the Estate will be distributed and al daims of wbicb the Executors bave not; re- ceived notice Will be barred as against them. Dated at Bowmanville this 2lst day of November, 1941. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Toronto, Ontario, Executors, By M. G. V. GOULD, Bownianville, Ontario, their Solicitor. 48-3 NOTICE Articles For Sale McCLELLAN AND> CoMPANY FOR SALE-VENETIAN BLINDS LIMITE! steel or wood siat, at lowest NOTICE is bereby given 1 that cost. Nortbcutt & Smith.47* McCleblan sud Company Llmited,474 incorporated under the provisions DRY WOOD FOR SALE -E. IR. of The Ontario Companies Act, Walker, Pontypool. Phono Beth- ined omake application t Hs any 10r32.49* Honour The Lleutenant-Oovernor4b of the Province of Ontario for FOR SALE -UPRIGHT PIANO leave ta surronder its charte on in good condition. Reason for anid from a date ta be fixed by selling, leaving town. Cbeap for the Lieutenant-Goveruor. quick sale. Apply J. T. Hatfield, DATED at BE6winanville, this Higb St, Bowmanville. 49.1*' 26th day of November, 1941. 120 MAGIC T R I C K S 10c; 84 MANSON W. COMSTOCIC, Card Tricks 10c; 596 Conun- Secretary-TresMrer. drumis 10c; 110 Cowboy Sangs 491i 25c: 150 Parlnv Triks and FOR SALE - 21 YORKSHIRE pigs 6 weeks old, 100% seleots. A. H. Keane, Orono,, telephone 51r3. 49-1* FOR SALE -45» LARGE ROCK pullets, $45.00 for quick sale. Nick Bonk, Lot 22, B. F., Dar- lington. 49-1* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Percheron mare colt 5 months old for sale or will excbartge for cattie or pigs. Apply Frank Orchard, Enniskillen. ph on e 2552. 48-1* For Rent FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE1 on Carlisle Ave., electricity and1 bathroom. Phone 2100. 48.1* FOR RENT - SMALL APART- ment suitablo for two adults and twa smail childron, water and lights and garage, $12,00 per month, possession at once., Apply T. Lymer, P. O. Box 51, Phone 379, Bowmanville. 49-1* TO RENT t-- THREE LARGE, dlean roms, uxiiuruished, but g with water, light and heat. Ap- ply Mrs. Lindsay, cor. Durham tand Brown Sts., Bowmanville. 49-1* HOUSE $10 MONTH - WARM, t dcean, Hooey or Malcolmn Farm, r 1 % miles from Maple Grove off r hlghway, 2!/2 miles Bowman- à ville. Apply E. M. Edgerton, 1 Box 159, Haileybury, Ont. 49-3* FOR RENT-FRONT BED SIT- ting room, furnished, on ground floor. Running water and sink. Suitable for ligbt housekceping. t Write Box 16, Statesman Office, Bowmanviilo. Please give phono t numbor when replying. 48-1 TO LET - FURNISHED ROON, hardwood floors, warmly beat- ed, abundance bot water, Well- ington, one block froni school. Apply Box 24 Statesman. 49-1 Lost LOST-FOX-HOUND, SPOTTED, male, north west of Enniskillen. Phone 2884, A. Darcb, Bow- manville. 49-1* Personal AVON PRODUCTS - P HON E Bowmanville 2160 betwoen the bours of 12 and 2 and 5 and 7 p.m. Mrs. W. H. Colo, local re- presentative. 49-2* BEAUTY CULTURE - A NEW bair stylo will pop you up. Make an appointment to-day. Phono 2245, Joan Stevens, op-ý erator. 48-2 PILES-WHY SUFFER HUMILI- ating misory? Where to get re- lief? Write Box 27, Bowman- ville. 48-3, Word from Santa ' >< We have Juit rocoivod word from that Jlly old soul la red coat and brais buttons that Bowmanvlin Win have the. irayest holiday Party msaon la - Bo lond an oui, lads and luises! D e onyour toe to mak a bit at these brilhiaut affaira, Got yonr Party drohs or "tux" shlp- ô shape uow, la readinesu. MENS SUITS, cleaned and pressed.. 75c LADIES' DRESSES, clemned & pressed 75e You Juit can't bellevo how soiled clothos eau b. rovitalizol by our now cleanlng procesi unleu you have seen ItL Agencies at Cali 520 Newcastle & Orono For Quick Service *OWMANVILLE CLEANEKS B& DYERS Opposite GMon Ra. Datry. Wmn. Nelson, propietor Help Wanted HELP WANTED - RELIABLE t girl or woiftan to take. charge of home with 2 ceiildren. Sleep in. Apply Mrs. M. Souch, Hax,- mony, (1 block north of hlgh- way No. 2). 49-1* HELP WANTED -.,4NGIE, EX- peieced f arm band, to help on dryfarm. Milklng by ma- 7 chine. Apply to Leslie Coombes, R. R. 4 Bowmanville,*'-Ph on.e 2581. 49-l LMAN WANTED - FOR GOOD: Watkins route. Steady custom- i ers. Must be honest and re- 1 liable, have car or means of getting one. No capital or ex- perience required. Write The J. R. Watklns Company, Dept. O-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Mon- treal, P.Q. 49-3 Llvestock For Sale FOR SALE-8 PIGS i WEEKS old. Phone 2590. 48-1* FOR SALE - YORICSIRE white brood sow, due to farrow in two wecks. Apply H. E. Tink, phone 2232. 48-1 FOR SALE - ONE PUREBRED: Guernsey bull, 15 mos. old. Ap- ply floward Foley, phone 2489. 49-1* FOR SALE-ý9 PIGS 5 WEEKS old next week. Apply John Llp- tay, Hampton. 49-1* FOR SALE-DUMHAM COW4 years old with caif at aide. W. L H. Moore, Enniskllen, phone . 2572. 1,49-1 AYLMER PORK & BDEANS _ 10 oz. 3Tins I fimer Asparagus Ayimer Golden Uantam Cor.i .. 2 flins 21c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~îAier Diced AYLMEi AyImer TOMATOES Jie nlt 2, 6 nz. 2 ,0Aylmerd 2 Tina Cruehed.Sliced . ubed. 250Pîneapple ,tin 17o Aylmer - Halves or Siest f AYL.ME R TOMATO Peaches 2 tins 2»C I AyJmer CATSUP Grapefruit ginIn l sotties250 FuuiIs and Vegetable. Tokay Washed Grapes .. 2 Ibo 19c Paranlps 3 Ibo 14e Wash"d Turnîpe INDIVIDUALL.V PRICED Navel Seedies Good Sixe Oranges ..doz Mc Grapefruit 5 for 25e *'>1 t t N ation*aI Defence Meeting WILL BE HELD IN BOWMANVILLE ARMOURIES WEONESDAY, DECEMBER i Oth at 8 p.m. D.S.T. Ail Men Between Ages of 18 and 50 ^me invtsd to t*le meeting to receive first hand Inf or- omtlon In reference te the government's National Defence Program your Interest te corne t. thl*s meetng end bo" nîllar with the Impoýrtance of this question. By order of OF NATIONAL DEFENCE .1 TRURSDAY, DECEMER 4, 1941 AyImer Irish AVLMER TOMATO Stew .. 2 tInB ^27c JU1CE ý AyImer Tomaté og be 3 3 Soz. 5 Ae Ti a Soup..2 tins Ml *AirneFood* tUn lOc Ayimer Wax AYLMER OMOICE.- NO. 4 Beane . 2 Unsr 23e PEAS ~ eas.2 tns 3 Tins Aylmer Pure Chiokon 3__________soup ..... n Ise i.1 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANVIILLE,* ONTARIO PAGEEIGHT UALLY