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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1941, p. 11

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~UaSDAy, DECEMBER il, 1941 £1kR IANALJI.U O AI LOLVAN , U WMAN VrLLLE , ONTARIO il and Personail àrace Yerke was home. lqxGreen was home on leave M Brown is in Teronto. Miss V. Gilfilldn Sr., visited iri Torento. Chaniber of Commerce mct or] Monday niglit. C. M. Bouck lias joined the PL. etEducation. Mi.Grady visited lier mother, Mrs. C. G. Armstreng. ,Dr. and Mrs. Leslie visfted W. ..Biddell. 1fr.. John lliompson le visitlng In Tyrene. 1fr. J. J. Mellor was speaker ni Bewmanvillc Rotary Club Friday. .Allan Hall's truck was burncd Saturday. Robins and kingfishers and other sumnier birds were seen here last wcek. Mis. Bobt. Wliyte, Pentypool, was guest of Mr. and Mis. F. B. Wliyte. Elvin Blewett and Marie Han- cock have left for Air Force duties. Mi. W. C. H. Mitchell was sole- ist at Brown's Home and Scliool Club Tuesday evening. Mildrcd Richards and Fred Duncan bofli picked dandeions luat weekend. Another snow sterni Mondny. Quess Santa will be able te ceme by sicigli atter aIl. Best wlshes te Mi. Walter Sher- win who celcbrated lis birtlidqy Dec. lOtli. Corporal Lloyd Myles, R.C.A. M.C., has arnived safely In Eng- land. Mi. George Buckley, Mis: Wmn. Buckley, Mi. and Mis. Wes. Glen- ney, Newcastle, spent Sunday at B. H. Wood's. Mi. and Mrn. Gordon Suggitt and Nancy, Toronto, visited Mis. George Seymour and. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Seymour. Park St. Sunday Scheel execu- tive and tendhers met at Mi. and Mis. Charles Wood's Tuesday evenmng for their annual meeting. Mn. W. C. H. Mitchell and $Mr. C. Taylor favored with a levely duet "Let Uic Lower Liglits Be Burnlng"' at Park St. Churcli on Sunday mernmng. Mr. B. Slicrwin's Sunday>Scliool clasa elected these officers: Presi- dent-Steln Best; Vice -G le n Tamblyn; Sec.-Trcs.-Bob Coop- er; Asst.-Bob Coathnm; Vislting Committee-Carol Staples, Don- ald Staples, Glen Hancock and Margaret Flintoff. On Menday, Dcc. lst, Uic wea- tIcs' was cold at.nxght and froze the falng rain on Uic pavements s0 that dhlden wcre enabled te skate. Warm wcather-but st111 rainy and foggy-followed. On Dcc. th, bildrd Richards picked two dandeions on her back lawn.. Annual meeting et Kirby Sun- day Sdhool was hcld Frîday even- Irig,with Bey. S. Littlewood pre- pl i g plendid reports of tUic ~yca's ctiities were given, and Uhia(esea new officens for 1942 were ,pointed: Supt.-S. Berry; Asst. eut-Gerald Shakieton; Sc- Ç9dred Allen; Treas-Ken Shak- iton; Pinnist-Mns. Graham; Asst.j ianst-Ruby Allen. Lunch and social chat wns enjoycd, follow-i fng Uic well-ttendcd meeting. 1 Scouts met Thursdayniglit withc 32 in attendance. Several boys1 from Leskard werc onesent. cha-k pcroncd by Harry Davcy. Thesei MGES TOUR NOSE FILl '. .SPIL SIEEP? Vatonlup mcli nsti fer ycu (1) a ink wfen mem- brans; 2> ootes Irrtation; (3> rel1v~rnin ingamore cofret, rethinf atr.invites uleep. Tr mause scifft or c-m.VI,- BOTELS MAPOe NM o 'uSw boys are starting te ,'study for Ithe&r Tenderfoot badges. Mr. Mellor lias now Sam Keane as helper. Patrol tests on tlag and Scout laws were conducted and plans ,complcted for the "Open Nigit" Dec. 18th whcn an inves- titure will be conducted and the Corners wlll be open for inspec- tion. Public are urged te come, charge bcing a quantity et sal- vage. Annual meeting cf Orono Park St. Sunday School was lield Tues- day evening at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood's, with Rev. S. Littléwood presiding. A short worship period and the monthly- study period on "The Life of Christ" were participnted in.,O!. ficers were re-elected for 1942: Supt.-Mrs. A. A. Drummond; Ass't.-Robert Hancock; Secy- Franklin Tamblyn; Ass't.-Roy Berry; Treasurer-W. J. Stainton; Pianlt-Audrey Billings. Junior Red Cross met Friday atternoon, members enjoying this program: Vocal solos by Joyce Sutton, Jean Moffatt and George Jones; recitations by Betty Jor- dan and Ray West; readings by Jean Wilson, Kathleen Gamsby and Elennor Hancock; vocal duet by Patsy Motfatt and Jean Wil- son; sing song and business per- iod. It was decided te have the January meeting -atter school re- A doil carniage was rnfled off, which brouglit $6.50. Mrs. Wm. Watson, Orono, lield the winning ticket. Following the meeting tlie members went to the town hall te get their fish pond ready for the Christmas baznar. NEWTON VILLE Y. P. VISIT ORONC Onono Union members went hasts ote cmembers et the New. tenville Union Monday evening Foilowing words of welcoecby Oreno President Glen Hancocli Mis. Sid Lancaster, Ncwtonvile toek charge et this worship pen- iod: Scripture by Mis. Lancaster; ncadings by- Betty Stapleton anc Ai!. Bedknap; prayer by Mary Hendenson; and twe hymns witl Jean Campbell at the piano. This program was put on by Ncwtonvile members: Current Events, Mrs. Joncs; piano solo, Jean Campbell; readlng, Mis. L. Hughes; tepic, "The U. S. Navy' by Frank McMullen; vocal duet by Jean Campbell and Mary Lane wiUi Jean playing Uic piano; and a piano solo by Bud Joncs. Games were conducted by Miss Kathleen Smith, Orono, a!ter which lunch was scrved. Mi. McMullen cxtended thanla te the Orono brandi, te whicl Glen flancock replied. I s Orono Red Cross Ehecte -Officeri Bey. S. Lit tlcwood was re clcctcd President et Orono Be Cross Tuureday cvening. Othe officcis are: Vice Prcsidcnf.-C. E Tyrreil; Scc'y.-Mie. J. J. Melloi ra.-lfrs. H. Murray. Workroom Commifte-Mie. 'W CoD, Mis. H. Mercer, Mrs. M A. Caneton, Mis James Moffaf t. Britishi Civiliar\ Scwing Coni miffee-Mrs. C. S. McLaren, Mie R. E. Logan, Mis. B. Mercer (Ken' dal), Mme. H. Murray, Mis. S Hall, Mme. Orley Chapman (Kir. by), Mis. A. Watson (Clarke Un. ion). Inspection Commiffee - Mme 'John .Armstrong, Mis. F. B Wliyfc, Mis. J. B. Cooper, Mis W. S. Boy. Wool-Mis. Hesper Dean. Packing-Mrs. N. F. P onrte r Ntre. H. Murray. Finance-Mis. S. Payne, Mis W. E. Armstrong, Mis. Xi. Mur. ray, Hl. A. Clarke, W. J. Biddcll MIiss K. Stewart, Hartwell Lew. ery.i Convener of Gifts for Soldiers-- Mrns. N. F. Porter." Punchasing Cemmlttee - Mis, WV. Coudh, Mis. C. $. McLaren, M'rs. H. Dean. Audit ens-J. J. Meller, C. B. E'yrrell. Befreelment Cemmiftee-Mis. C. B. Tymreli, Mis. Buckley, >Ira. Wm. Gîsuville, Ui. Nornan Al- len, Mie. MeKcnzie. Officers et Kendal Bcd Cross are: President-Mrs. Stoker; Vice -Mme. W. Mercer; Secc-Miss K. Stewart; Treasuren-Mis. B. El- ioff; Mcmbcr-Mrs. Boy«Mercer. President me porf cd receiving ettem et thanke froni soldiers resented wltl i gfts, and rend a etter froni George Mitchell in ngland. Gifle et money may be dt at Ponten's for anid te Uic Russians. Sceuts will collcct old notor licenses. Tneasurer's report iowed a balance et $413,23. Bills )f $123.00 wene pald. Mme. McLaren gave tl4c British ivilian Sewlng comnýttee me- nrt and Mis. Murray gave ne- arts of Wankreom sud Inspcc- Ion committees. 34 boys have mlisted in fhIs section, ah of '1cm have ,meceived gi!fts. Mis. *S. McLanen'e cemmittcc ne- *mnmended tînt convenere ot he wankreom, Br. Civilian sew- ng and wool committees fenm hc purchasing commitfee; eut- ined dufies cf tiret fwo commit- e; necemmended appointment 1a persan fa look aft c the glv- ne et a oift ta cach boy as lie nliste. Mie. Fonrester gave fi, epart of financlal cemmlttce, [aling wifh completed plans for .e bazaar. si 0: l w C( In fi te ai tn Township Council CLARKE COUNCIL (Received too late for last wcck) Clarke Township Council met Dec. 2nd with ail members pre- sent. J. Cross of the Bell Tele- phione Ce. addressed council re bylaw for construction purposes. Matter wns laid over until next meeting. .Several matters dealing with road work were discussed and satisfactorily disposed et. Matter et cleaning Leakard Ceme- tery was left to the Reeve. A re- solution was passed authorizing the treasurer to correct two tax mistakes. These bils were paid: Mrs. E. J. Randali---$ 32.00 Ont. Provincial Treasurer. .73 J. J. Mellon, salary 50.00 Incidentais and mileage- 19.82 G. Butters, Weed Inspec. tor's salary -- 50.00 Arthur Manning, contents of shop --- ------------- - 75.00 Orono Weekly Times 6.50 Geo. Richards, care et town dock: 5.00 Wm. E. Davey, taxi --- 2.25 J. J. Coirnish, supplies- 17.00 Chas. Knox, trucking 18.50 John Elmer, rcpa:iring sidewalks ---------- -- 5.25 Mrs. H. G. McDonald, sup- plies --- . --- -- -------- 5.00) Mns. H. Morris - --- --ý- 5.00 Oliver Smithi, engineer 33.--1100 Dr. A. F. McKenzie, M.O.H. salany .-- 221.00 Dr. W. HStnBOH. 3.00 Sam Smith,1 repniring Ncwtonville sidewalks 8.40 Lunn Hardware, supplies- 1.20 R. E. Logan, town hall repairs -----6.00t J. W. Bradley, Courtt attendance -------- --24.00 R. H. Wood, care et Townm Hall 15.50) R. R. Waddell, legal services ~460.14 T. A. Reid, cliairman B. O. H.- ---------- --- 18.00 J. J. Mellor, Sec'y. B.O.H.- 16.00r Cecil Robinson, member B. O. H. 20.00 Albert Stewart, 4 cords liardwood ~19.00a Rtussell Osborne, 1 dogs wrongfully taxed-- 4.15 I E. L. MacNaclitan, 50% r mtce. liospital ~23.25 1 Road Voucher 12 484.70j 'RADIO STARS AT rRED CROSS BAZAAR RAISE 5200 The sunual Bcd Cross bazaar hcld Saturday atternoon i Orono Town Hall was a decided success. Home ceoking, aprens, fancy glfts, cider, !arm produce (chickens, apples, eggs, cabbagc, etc.> ail went like liotcakes, while the girls in harge et Uic fiel pond did a ladoffice business. . Tue bazaar was efficialy open- cd by Bey. S. Littlcwood, presi- dent. ' Around five o'clock Ken Soble, Doc Lindsay and AI Savage pre- parcd a rccording for their "Did I Say That?" pnognam. Mrs. Vic- ton Hancock took lier liusband's place when lis niame was callcd, and two others, Miss Davy and Miss Gray, aIse tailcd to respond, allowing two more substitutions. Contestants wcnc therefore Mis. V. Hancock, Boy Patton, Mis. C. S. McLarcn, Bob Cooper, Elsie Bowc and Mrs. Jas. Eagleson. Bob Cooper drew Uic special but was unable to answen the ques- tien as to flic numben f et inidins 80 lost $78. Tue othen contestants fared better. The lucky tickets on a pair cf pillow cases and a Chnistmnas cake wenc drawn by Ken Soble. Mis. Frank Hall won the cake and Mis. Charles Awdc the pillow cases. Downstairs Aunt Jemima (Mis. L. Lunn) wclcomed th -guests Whio sat down to a suppen et pan- cakes, syrup, tea, and pie. on cake. Cedarý, small trees and flags were uscd cfcctively in deceration fon flic event. Around $200.00 was realizcd. Cowanville JVisitors: Miss Dordthy Hollinga- worth with lier parents. .. Misses Jean and Lillian Hale at home... Mr. and Mrs. Andrcw Bandy, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer, Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe Jr., and Mr. Sharpe 'Sr., and M r. and Mrs. Bert Strin- ger, Toronto, at Mr. j. j. W. mtiger's. Aninual meeting of Women's Association met at Mrs. Clarence Burley's Wednesday and re-elec- ted these officers: Hon. Pres.- Mrs. W. C. Crossley; Pres.-Mrg. Wes. Stringeý; Vice Pre.-Mrs. Brooks Cowan; Secc-Mrs. W. E. Reid; Treas.-Mrs. Clarence Bur- ley; Planlt-Miss Dorothy Simp- son; Menu-Mrs. T. Stephens; Dev.-Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer; Pro- gram Com.-Mrs. Morton, Miss Dorotliy Simpson. Wedding Yorke-Beatty A prett weddlg was solemniz- cd at Donlands United Churcli, Toronto, Novemben 22nd, wlien Jeanne Anna Beatty, daugliter ot Mr. and Mis. George A. Beatty, Toronto, became the bride of Al- bert George Yorkc, son of Mi. and Mis. George Yorke, Orono. The churcli was beautl!ully decorated with mums for the ceremony, whicli was per!ormed by Rey. Irvine. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked cliarming in a gown et white slip- per satin witli fingertip vefi and carried a bouquet of mums. The maid of honor, Miss Ida Laflarr, was in blue silk taffeta with hat to match, and the two bridesmaids In pink silk taffeta witli lats te match. AIl had bouquets, et mums. Sydney Yorke was lis brother's bcst man. A neception was lield at the home et the bridc's parents whcre the bride rcceivcd, assisted by lier mother wlio woe wine. velvet with corsage of sunburst rosebuds and the groom's mother who chose midnight blue velvet and corsage of cream rosebuda. The bridai party went on te the Sav- arin te dance, after whidh the hiappy couple lcft on a trip te Kitchener, the bride going-away costume bcing green skirt, slip- pen satin blouse, long green cent and liat te match. Thcy will re- side In Toronto. On November 29th a hostess tea for tic sixty wedding guets was lield at the bride's home,l beautifully decornted with mums and white ribbons, with thc bride, bnidc's mether and greem's mo- then recciving. Orono fniends cx- tend best wishes te thc ncwly- weds. Brown*s Visitons: Melvin Graham lin To- ronto. . . Misses Doris and Betty Allin, Lockhart's, misses Kath- ceen Toms and Betty Enwright, N'ewcastle, Misses Edifli Hendry and Lorraine Bateman, Lake Shore, with Miss W. Farrow.... MrIs. C. Turner and Wylma Far- row with Mis. H. Reidhratli.. MIr. and Mis. Tom Wilson in Tweed... Mis. H. Beidhrath witl M'rs. C. Lane, Newtonvillc.... M~iss W. Farrow, Mis. H. Reichi- rath, Miss J. Perrin and Mi. Bull MIorley attended a social evening in Newtonville. . . Mi. W. Gra- mm. Oshaw. at Mr. lOràhnm' ir i Lake Shore, C larke School chldren arc busy prac- fising for their Christmas Tree. Bcd C'ess meeting was licld at Mme. Jno. Hcndry'a. Two quilts wcre finislicd. NXext meeting Jazy. 7th. Snow fences are now up neady for Uic winter blasts. Some of aur side roade anc quit c scantily allowanced. Mie. Gardon Martin accomp- anied by lien faflier and Enid Mc- Neil wenc ln Ottawa. Litt le Enid lias entered a liospital there whcre wc hope sIc will soon regain hen liealth. Becent Visitons: Mr. sud Mis. A. Bedwin sud Marlene in Osha- wa. .. Mi. and Mme. Les. Alldred and Doreen, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mis. L. Coudh, Mie. N. Samîs, Newcastle, and Mie. Beg. Wood- ham, Toronto, at Les. Allin's.. I Mis. Les. Aflin with Mr. sud Mis. Bobf. Paffenson, 5th line. Starkville Miss Norma Hallowell was elcct- cd president of Shiloli W. A., ail flic other offlcers being me-elected, af a meeting lield at Mis. Boss Hallowcll's. Bert Trim atfended Uic Short- hemn meeting ini Bewmanville. Art McKay and Lorne Paedcn atfended flic- Caldwell sale at Pcrrytown and purcliased some cows. Mre. W. A. Hallowell entertain- cd friends ta evening dilmner. Mi. and Mrs. Jack Reid ebten- faincd friends to evcning dinner. Visifors: Mr. sud Mis. A. Dob- son sud Mary Lou wif h fricnds in Qshawa. .. Ed. Buthven, Zion. at A. Dobson's. .. Mis. F. Bennett and Miss. Bertha Hallowell, To- ronto, af Mi. Jacob Haliewell's... Mme. Sid Hallawell and Helen have netunned trom visitlng at Mn. H. Busk's, Port Hope. . . . Miss Molly Hassard lias gene ta Port Hope... Miss Helen Moore, Osh- awa, at Mrs. Silver's, . . Mi. and Mme. Chas. Yule, Oshawa, at Mr. Wm. Savcry's. Miss Alice B. Hallowell, Tarnte, at Mn. and Mrs. Richard Hallowell's. . . Mr. and Mis. Laurence Savcry and family, Oshawa, at Mi. Wm. Sav- ery's... Mns. K. Stephensen, Pert Hope, and Mi. Raymond Farrew, Whifby, at Mi. Victor Farrow's. As anc badlielor lady enys: "You can get cveyfhlnzg at .a mail or- der house but a maIe."P For 55 years now flic Statue et Liberylias, been helding that laip like a wife at Uic hcad o! the stalrs. Therc's somcthing about the checelaty flaveur of Fry's Cocona that glorifies any recipe in which it le uscd. I'm sure you'll find my dhocolate pancake suggestion for thc week le no exception. This is a recipe I'm rcally proud et. I'm sure you'll be proud, tue, and de- lighted, whcn you serve these cakes with their grand 'drcssing.' 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoons baking powdcer, 3/4 teaspoon sait, 2 table- spoons granulatcd sugar. 2 cggs, 11/ cupS milk, % cup Fry's Cocoa. 3 tablespoons melted but- ter. Sift thc flour wifh fthc dry in- greientsq. beat fthc cggs with the mI;add fthc cocoa and the mnct- cd butter; pour oven Uic fleur mixture; beat fhoroughly; cook 1 according to rules for pancake cookery and serve with sauce made as follows:-to anc cup of1 Fry's Chocolate Syrup add one cup et cnushed pincapple and Uic grated rind et anc orange. Whcn you'vc fasted 'Chocolate Pancakes' I'm sure You'll want te try more of Uic Fry Recipes. Just drop me a lime and you'll ne- ceive Fry's ncw Recipe Booklef, "Chocolate Around Uic Clock- Free. It contains necipes for mnny thrlUing desserts and beverages made wifh chocolate. Address: Jelisue Patenaude, Fry-Cadbury Ltd., Montreal. Lockhart's School Becenl six carloads cf apples have bee loadcd at fthc Town Line siding, under the supervision et Morley Webster, for expert te Great Bnitain. Fruit growers slip- ping apples ini these cars wcrc Russell Osborne, Harold Gibson, F. W. Bowen and Herbent Gibson. Mis. F. W. Bowen was flic speaker at Haydon Homne and School Association on Dcc. 8th. Tlirce more young men of thle' district have voluntcered their services te thc armed forces: Chas. Smifh in thc Army, and El- vin Blewitt sud Bil Barchard in tlic Air Force. Wc wish them. the beet of luck. Visitons: Mfr. and Mrs. Elme- Liglifle sud family, Cobourg, Mis Ruth Chambers sud Lloyd Mor- ton, Belleville, Wm. Menton, Pari Hope, at Mi. Bebt. Mrton's... Mr. sud Mis. Harry Vickers and family, Torànfo, at Mn. Lanser Millson's. . . Mr. sud Mis. Sid Hutchison ini Toronto. . . Mn. and Mis. Chas. Welsli and babe, Bow- manville, at Mr. J. W. Lancas- ter's. .. Lennox Vasey, Pont Mc- Nidhol, at Wmn. Sfaplcfon's.... Mis. Wylie and Mary, Argyll, at Cccil Bebinson's. . . Miss Betty Stapleton with 1cr aunt, Mrs. J. Morris, Orono. . . Mis. Fosfer, Mrs. Hibband and Joyce, Mns. Lunna, Rosesuad Ruth, Tarante, at Mi. Wm. Stapleton's. . . Mr. and Mie. Harvey Osborne sud Aluin, Wclcomc, at Mis. J. T. Pearcc's. Newfonvilc L.O.L. held a pro- gressive echre Fniday cvcning. Higli lady and gent wene Mns. Arnott and Cccil Robinson. Our Y.P.U. visited Orono Y.P.U. on Monday niglit sud put on Uic prograni. Mrs. Tuos. Sf aplefon, Mr. sud Mrs. George Stapleton and family affcnded a combincd wedding celebration sud birthday party at Mr. Arthur Bell's, Bowmanvilie, Saturday cvening. If was Dawn Bcll's tiret birthday sud fthc 31sf wedding annivensary etflier grand- parents. Mi. and Mrs L. D. Beil. Mrs. John Stapleton, who las been staying af Mr. Wm. Staple- fon's, visited at Mn. Breck Pefli- ick's. Bey. J. McLadhlan gave an in- formative sermon Sunday- even- ing on missionary wonk. Miss Leta Prouse, Osaca, sang a beau- tiful solo. J. T. Peance is working In Oshawa. Newteuvllle School News (By Keif h Sf apleton, Grade VII) Here if is Monday, snewing hard, cvcrywhere thc ground is wvhite. . .. Grades-III sud IV are ftudying about "Builders" in So- j 1942 PONTIAC OOUMEANDS SECOND DIVISION MAJOR GENERAL H. D. G. CRERAIR is here shown behind the siglit of an anti-tank gun durlng an inspec- tion tour at Petawawa training camp. General Creraç lias recently been appointed commnander of the 2nd Canadian Division overseas, succeeding Maj.-Gen. Victor W. Odlum, who becomes Canada's high commnissioner to Australia. Maj.-Gen. K. Stuart succeeded Gen. Crerar as chef cf general staff. PRODUOT 0F CANADIAN HANDO Twenty-five pounder field guns, requiring in their manufacture ini- finite skill and workmanship, are now being turned out in large 'numbers trom a Canadiau plant. Photo shows barrelis passlng through one cf the many operations betwcen the melting of the scrap iron and the completion of the tinished gun, rcady te tire. The entire pro- cess takes place under the one roof. taken what carpenters, masons, Opnedl Ohw painters and plumbers do.........*'< iiOsuw Grades V sud VI are studying CIai'al.. Florlet rJacque Carfier in Social Studies. camnes Spocali ...Grades 7 and 8 anc taking -"Tue Defence cf Britain Agginst BwavieEtrrs pn SGcrmany"' in the tirsf world war BwavleEtrrs pn Douglas Bowe, who has been RealOtt uMerCt jin Toronto hospital, is better and stated back te ehool on Monday. (From Oshawa Times) --.We only have fwo weeks eft A new flower shop las been untl Christmas holidays. We have oepned in Oshawa under Uic man- two weks' hoidays Uis yar. agershp et Mm. L. J. Ranel,1 Wc quit scal on Dec. l9th and cf Bowmnanville. Oshiawa citizeens stantbackJan.5th.are now able te buy flowers pre- - parcd by an European-trained t specialist, L. J. Bammel, who is retaining personal charge e! thc rTOM MOORE URGES LABOR greenheuses at Beo w mna n v i 1 1 c TO SUPPORT RED CROSS which will supply the local netail Organized labon le urged byeIo Tom Moore, President, Trades sd Known as fli- Clarale Flowcz Labon Congresof Canada, te Shop, flic new store le located ai. support the Canadian Rcd Cross 14 Ontario Street. Newly finlshed Society's appeal for $500.000 for inside and ouf, flic place cf busi- medical and relie! supplies for ness presents an attractive ap- Soviet Russia. pearance te flic public. AMain colon "Tue pnivileges and rîghts of scheme is creans and green. labo enoye undr dmocacy Before ceming te Oshawa, Mis. are imperifled by Nazi- aggres- amlwsi hreo ii sien," Mr. Moore declared. "Tue lar store ini Bewnanville for the Bussians have valilstly berne Uic ycars, and tnansferred te Oshawa brunt o! attack sd I know the te open up Uie ncw busines, ai- workers cf Canada are anxious though tfli Bowmsuvilie store le' te show Uic Russian people thaf Stijl carrying on a successui Uiy want te do verythng intrde their Power f0 hclp Uicm bring Hen husband lias been in Uic thc war te a succcssful conclu- flower business for 25 years. HIe sien. scrvcd his apprcntlccship in Vien- Tue Britishi workers, hie pointed na, Austnia, and attcnded Hotfi- ouf, are~ labonixfg niglit and day cultural College there. He tra- producing munitions for Bussia, velled ln Europe at one time for and at thec sanie time are helping a Dutch firm selling nursery f0 finance medical aid for thc stock, sud speaks teur languages. Soviets threugli Uic British Red 1&- Bammel studied garden ar- Cross. 1 chitecture in Swifzerland fon two "I ask al our affiliateci mcm- years, which makes hm especial- bcship throughout Uic Dominion ly qualfied te prepae more com- te bcnd cvcry effort to make Uic plicafed floWcr designs for hiii Canadian Bd Cross appal an present frade. overwhclming success in as lit tîc Pottcd plants, petteries, vasis, time as possible se thaf thc mcdi- plant food, candles, antfiiai cal nid almeady sent from the Bed wreafhs are all available Immmc- I Cross fo Rusia may be quickly diatcly at flic local retail store, inr supplemenf cd. addition to fresh flowcrs et aUl Ail the medical sud relief sup- kinds. At present dhrysanthe- plies golnq fnom Canada ta Rus- mums sud snapdnagons are repu- in. Mn. MooreYsaiçl, wlll be slip. lar tlowens, Mns. Rammel safd. ocd direct b thficRBd Cross Thie local managercss special- Avallable linflirce outstanding Series 1ined beauty, greafer icngfli and con- tif ul lUnos are powcred by tic fanous .-the Flectleader, Fleetleader Torpe4o 1 anding dlgnity. Running boards are L-head, six cylinder, 90 h.p. cconony and DeLuxe-the 1942 Pontiac models particularly wide at flic front, assurlng engie. Illustrated is thc Pontiac Ficet- mrate an impression of massive strean- casier entrance and eeit. Ail flrce beau-1 leader Torpedo Se"a Coupe. bouquets and flowers for ail soc- ial occasions. Room decorating le another of the fields ini which Mrs. Rammel lias made special studies. At the officiai opening cf the store more than 400 people cailed at the shop to view some of the flowers on sale. Oshawa, Ont Thurs. to Sat. gongs that tbrill iou Jeanette MacDONAILD Brian AHERNE Gene RAYMOND 'SMILIN' THROUGHP .ln techuleolor Revival Friday JYack Benny BUCK BENNY RIDES AGAIN Rochester Monday and Tuesday ENRY JOAN FONDA DENMET "Wild G.... CalIins" Oua Munson-Barton Maclae - -PLUS - Lupe Velez MEXCAN SPITFIE'S BABY Leon Errol Duddy Rogers Wedi, and Thurs. Jntroduong a new star -a Young star MED IKELTON Whstl#mg In Me .Daui* Conrad ,ViAdtAn utherford ADI>ED TREAT Nine Lives Are Neot Enougli Ronald Reagan Round Trip Rail TUVIL ]NARGADI (Good in Coaches *niy> December 12-12-14 BOWMANVILLE TO TORONTO -- * .30U HAMILTON $2.45 Goderieh I5.20 London -- - q;4.75 Owen Sound __-$4.»0 Sudbury $9.001 LSrelber $21.50 Welland $3.» Windslor $7.70 and many interMediéte pointe. (Oovernmoent Tax 10% Extra> Going - Afternoon and evening train. Doi. 12 AM trains Dec. 13 - Morning trains De. 14. MOT GOOD ON TRAIN 15~ For return limita and train service, constuit Agents. Procure HandbiiI. POOL TRAIN SERVICE Pacflc N.tiOnal Wt-OLESOME MILU< OMe OLEN RAR OAIRY 4. The SWEET, FULL FLAVOI& et GLEN RR PiLEmakes frendo; thi, HEALTEUL NU. !RITOUS quaities ksP obem TERT THE NEW IMPRVBD - Chocolmt DaIry Duiunk. BROKEN RESI Up time and again beause of kidsey sud bladder weakneu? Gin Pille, the key emdy, help soothe aad atiafiea& *.NlW IN, 40Fm W ý cthe US. uk J5l i...) - O)RONO) NEWS 1 . 1 i rTqZWý rqA?%TAT'ITATJ C!f"AF"VOTàXAIL'r Newtonville

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