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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1941, p. 2

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PAGE TWO t', t Liftte YeIIow Men Oanada le now at war witis Japan. Only h a few heurs previeualy, our government declared war on Finland, Runaansd Bul- garin. W. have tsgged along following Britaiu'sIead until new we are aI wsr witis sxnations and, logicaily, sisould b. aI war with puppel Vichy. In Seplember 1940 Tise Blalesman, editoriaily, suggesled liaI wissl has now accurred, miglit bc expecled. Japan, at tisaI lime, had jeined tise Axis. Now, aI last, we have a world-wide war. And as predicted, tise Japs even more treaeherous tissu Mussolini, stabbed lise U. &A. lu the bsck wisile diplomate smiled "friendahip" lu Washington. No more )~audacious attack was ever lsunched tissu * that aI Hawaii wisere hier bombera slaughl- ered isundreds of U.S.A. troopa before de- aring wan. Tisey executed a "blitzkreig" long since planned, counting on confusion to caver tiseir raide inlo tise southern Pacifie. They slmuck final sud tisaI sudden blow ettled th. question cf National Unity in thse U.S.A. and tise hasis of isolationists, aI oefeU swaop. Tise lasl blow will b. slruck by ailied Anglo-Saxon troops and sis sometime in thse future-probsbly a far distant future for tise ai int-eyed savages are for an ail-eut war. Tise Statesman le netini agreement iwitis wiskful economista wiso urge tisat near- bnnknuplcy will defent Japan. Tisey won 't operate on a money economy. Neither wil we as war leuglisens to years. A question le posed by a pacudo Jap, Saka Samuro, of Ottawa: " Can Jap citizen witis $50 lick Yank citizen wilis $7001" We sisould asy ini termes of Oriental standardse tise sums *are not far apart. Il rnay lake years aud, we should figure upon that basie frer.nuow on. Already Canadian infantry. le under fire at Hong Kong. Britisis Columbia may expeet nltacks. Naval imita will roamn widely and stnike imddenly. Now tisaI Canada and tise U.S.A. are aI last, apenly, lu ties arne boat wiîis a common euemy, we siseuld icI down the bars attise'barder. pull up our»x -an& -ettie' for- ever tisis Yellow question bots aI home and abroad.1 v Radio Horrors Ou. o! tise crazicat exemplifications cf thie dizzy age le tise utcrly idiotie, commer- eially spansored, effusions tisaI peur from radie loudspèakers ail day long and weil on te midmigist. Tisere tise "Shadow" pro- graxfimes, with red-handed throttlers, and tise dead-ef-nigist, loaked gloaters, with thse * hansh gulleral laugister as lise climax te eue mnore murder. We have seen ciildren, yes and growu upa, cewer, wilis ligis out, utter- ly captured and fnigisleued by this hideous realism. Il 's peor business, eheap business, jungle *, business, sud ougisl l e b stamped out by goverrnent or Film Board. It le ou a par witis almosl everylising tisIa suns good 'books, good rnusic, and intelligent discus- < sien. It is tise anlitisesis of culture. t la peculiar te Ibis age tisat isas embraced "isot ceha" jungle music-wiicisln 'I music but mere lime keeping evolved from darkest .Afica. 0f laIe, modemn tendeucies have bornowed ranchei from, savages and tiseir descendants wýho were black-hirded across le America. 'W. have liseir primitive love of Irinkets and 'iled isair sud jungle jamborees. But in two directions w. aut-savage ail. We have de- velcped radio isorrors sud permit lise "fe- naie cf lise species" bo oulpaint tis e Bd- skins. Now tisaI wnr le upon us we sisould have a national cultural housecleaning. Wash off paint, enamel, slekuni; cul out radio isorrors sud gel seious about doing our individual part te, help win tis world van. Dlsapproves o1 Bingo ~'.Cardinal Vileneuve, Ronian Catholic biehop cf Quebec, Sas put his foot down oea, lise pastime employed by many *tiens 'sud paîriolie socielies for rWiing purposes. "Tise lime appears é oýme for us te declare affieiaily tisaI *re .expressly forbiddeu lu ail par- »d otlier wonks, lu tise mensure cf -*.x4fflon cf civil law on tise malter. tw *, manifestly. gaines cf chance. ngcenîrary tblaw lisey eau de- on f play with ail ils dangers." oeptoa ail<Jiistians," tise Cardinal * <dg-, to ýgive tise example cf tise mcmli Jîty tat public laws sud regulatieus. ~tb.*eult would be astonisismeut f or faitisinl, sud a bad e whwa appear le justify tise io4.,au& ,disebedieuce cf lise dis- bg iii ItU iqWtifarious forma isas be- ~ .at~ <u7ms drinking te'tise i~ s allowed toecarry ~beo&ugë $pc few paliticians, a ai~~U~' -1_0 o acktise courage ýko ob bo THE CANADIAN STATESMA, BOWMANVLK- ONTARTO THUESDAY, DECZME 11. 1941 1 A Matter of IHeure ____________________ Eatablshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With whlch anc Incorponated *The Dowmanvllle News, The Neweaslle * Idependent, and The Orono News. 85à Terni Contlnucua Service To The. Town et Dowmanville and DurhainCouaty. Meabler -1canadIan \±II' Clamal' weekies of Canada * SUBSCRIPTON RATES " &aTer, stlctly ila dvance. SZM a&Tear in lb. United SUttua GRO. W. JAMES, Ritor. -l B.C's Stuffed Shirt JjfPatItjflo, head cof a Libý eral geverument lu Britlis Columbia sincu 1933, hms been geutly but firrnly lifted fron tise saddle baek le lise statue of a private meniber. Hlon. John Hart, Finance Minleler, has been cisosen by 800 Liberals in conven- tien le lake hie place. Pattullo lost hie Lib. eral rnajority aI the recent eleetion but per- si8led in remaining as premier of a Libers: regime. His conception of wsrtirne partylen aud power siply parallcled that aI Ottawa. Hie fate le tise handwriting on lise wall for ail tise. falueus partisans who rejeetthlie principles cf ce-eperatien, cohesion aud unily during wartimc. Pattlllie rjeeled ah. solutcly lise idea cf coalition sud was re- solved te plunge B.C. mbt chaos rather tissu yield parly rule. H. was oeeof tise saboteurs cf thse Rowell-Sirois recommeudations. His sartorial preseuce wou 'I bernisscd. ,* Tiser. seeme bo be but eue prime example cf a truc course within Canada during tis wsr, sud Ihat le in Manitoba'. For 20 years Premier John Bracken has headed a goveru- ment tiser. with a tendency toward lisanme situation that developed lu B.C., but Brack- en mcl il lu advsnce by adapting coopffr- atien. Anjd it works. Tiser. le no doubt n place may b. fouud aI Ottawa for partisan Mr. Pattulle. V Consider The Veterans Tisese eider nxen lu kisaki with lise ned pateis aIlise shoulder wiser we sec quietly streiling lise sîreets in tise eveninga, are memnbens of tise Velerans Guard of Canada, doiug long heurs of duly in keeping Iheir Genînan changes beild barb-wire. Tisey corne te Ioéwn for a few heurs leave frorn lie tar-paper shacks that bouse. tism aI tise camp, with. ne ateam heal. They dlimb dowu frcm uuheated towera afler a 24-isour strelcis, sud erne te lown for a change cf seenery. And Ihey walk Up and dewn, up aud down, witis but few friendly notices. They are doiug liseir duty in tisis war as lhey did in tise lait. Tiseir wivea and familles are isundrede ef miles away. We make pro. vision for eutertainmnent of youngem oldiers who yet have te Sean tise crash of rnusketry in baIlle. Why net lisen do someîising for lise "oîdîlmers" wisose tunica held honor- able deeoralions I Tise Badminton Armouries ougi to beb open every eveuing as a place cf warm.tis sud reerestien fer lise men. They fougist sud psid for ail such military depots. Tisen IcI 's gel afler officers, gcvernmenl, brasa. bats, or wiseever bas temporary autherity le open tise deors. And permit Vetemsu Jack Huupisnies whis ecaretaker of tise armeur- ica put on hie best Scotch amile sud be a modern soeal isosl ote se. brave lads. V Premier Hepburn anueunces tisatishe six vacancies lu tise Ontario legislalure will net be fiiled before lise session. Tisere would be uetising but gain te tise province if the. rep- resenîation was permanenîly reduced by deuble tisaI number, aya tise Brampton Cou- servalor, sud we agree with tise ides. low, a vole hast oai Vichy-iÏym- H. Ëiknows furiher U*al thecocm- paîhzers, nd even more alucere petillon for labour lias reacbed nationaliste wha bave ne lave for th. critîcal point as bctween dif- Europe as sucb and who accepl forent war Industries and as b.- lb. Wheeler-Llndbergh t1h e s 1ialween war industries and erdin- that North Americanesbahuld ey busInes.Adh nw bv nevcr fight excepl for North thal i position of thouan America hi North America. of farinera Is heconilng lncre I aoee wlth some bard hcaded ingly' impossible, especlallyl Frenchi Canadians wha say Uhal Ontario sud Quebec, sud tisat an -1 JusI as lise "kiek-off " was about te t place in Libys, Mr. Churchüi said in Houe. of Commons tisat he fuIIy expectec b. able to make an important announcern "wiîhin a malter of heurs." Tise fada w, that Britain had assembled upwarde ol million men, equipped with trernend( mechanized power and backed by lise fle with lise objeet of anniiliatlug Gernu Italian resistane lu North Africa.. .9 "malter cf heurs" soon became a m ter of days and bide well to beceme a m. ter of weeks, or ci-en menthe.. After ini suceass tise British forces were stalemal and are now reformning. This ie eue inelam of overconfidence. Even here lu Cana tiser. is disappomîtment and alarm Il Churcbill's prediction waSse wide cf fi filment. Certainly there was expectatien. s quick sud conclusive victory. 1 One useful lesson has been lenrned. Th le lise rugged power cf liscse "robot" Gi man Ireaps, and the rnasteiful generalal that rudes theni. In attack and counleri lsck, lhey have proved tiesenelves déiioit 1slubborn fighters. In 1h. long man, cf courE Britlis troops wiil prevail. History tel us and we know they will die rather 1hi surrender. This Libya lessen cornes aIt t riglit lime, under equal ebudiliens and thse ight place. We eau afford te be 'eocky only if we are se streng tisat danger1 "4morale" is impossible. V 1 ýakej Lnt ere eet, an- at- da bat âù- of ,er- àUp 't- Ui, se, an li- This ides cf saving cectrlcity le swell wlth me. a- M As See ut d Br Eapt Mflor. Fldlgo ut OTTAWA AND wAiR nH i l e narly ihsae 10 bother with any gave one of these classes. if at Frorn Uic window of Ubis chaste thyare really againat us in Ibis er but streamlicd new Lord Elgin war the sooner we amoke Uiem eY te acien bose were in he eulto theUicopen where we can Ye icanintr h ous re, hi Uc dc1 with Ibem thie better. But 'e fret inle ofWorMWar , Ithe last narned clame can be shown e- found rny tiraI army billet. -thal us Ibose wbo belleve in r The Ottawa cf that faraway iighting for Canada alone. For ail sr day was so différent frorn Uic Uic arguments are on the side of Ottawa af the Present tisatItI those (like Biadier Panet) who la makes on. a wee bit sad ta-corn- show that Ca as front lin. of pare thein. People bock thinga defence actually ie in urpe-1 ]lt casier then. The great Laurier and tUal if tisat lime sliould fa!! is dozcd aI bis desk thlintlia niglit we would soon lace a worsc fight i I wcnt te look over parliarent- right here on our own sol. Sand Uic mental picture I hasi built i- up i byhood of statesmen lock- K1NG TACTICS ir cd in gredt debabc, rnaking I ol ea xgeaint le speeches 1k. Dernostisenes, was say wouldthe an exaup Pto t dead and gene forever. -Caal cast Gaup Poi The Ottawa of boday le a husI- la!cefl uinad edasna rlig, noisy, overcrowded place as lion i plitical circles in Ottawa. e unoinertble10 gl aoun i~It did show Uce very thig Ual n as a Britishs Columbia bungalow, 1h. rdnamrly tofialimoicians meant te accomniodate tbre Ped-nihe dnamcn elyel fremorc ai 8 ple, which is forced 10 she Uicanaiago tenepess werofonscip- fced, and employ witbin îtself a in ofUneeas niycf conscrip- family as big as Papa Dionnes' lo ia a idcldb e Almost evcrybody. bas a jb bales in Parliament or Uic pro- Girle who werc maide a fewtelaions of statesmen. But ne- menthe back arc now clerks in lUhng causes a sensation in 01- govcrnmenl offices-oflen te Uic tawa wherc a.sense of detachmnn consternation cf thc offie regu- la on. of Uic characleristie f ca- lm lasmuch asof the middle class tures. e inissus now forced 10 do lier own Nevertiselese lb had Uic effect of q housework. But let nobody fool apeedig up Mr. King's moves 10 e you. Riglit here i Ottawa, as al forestal Uic rclurn te parliament across Canada there is still dis-. Of Arthur Meiglien. Iress, stIl] unempîcyment, sth11 On Monday Uhfonourable Joe -povcrty and trouble. I talked Thorson wenl down te Montres] 4 yestcrday with Leg'ion men whose and inade a concilialory speech job il le le try and do soniething which strcngly stressed 1he dan- for the derelicte of Ibis war-not gers of national disunity and Uic lasI war-tliis war. More than allegcd iniquitous efficl of con- 40,000 men have been discharged scription in Uce last war, but on irom the arnicd services se far. Uic foilowing day thc Honourable r I many cases these arc turncd Jimmy Gardiner wcnt up 10 We- out penniless. And the very fact tern Ontario and bold thc people that thcy have been discharged Uher. 10 be patient-tbal theckGv- indicates Uhal Uicy arc thc type erument .liad a swceping man- hardest ta fit ile b.e civilian power sciseme up ils sleevc and *picture. Sa rigit lier. ln Ottawa thal whcn il was pulled eut Ucey arc deing whal ail Canada everyonc would be satisficd. did in the disastrous decadc be. Thais why I fgure tha the fore Ibis war-Uiey are shunling present Kig Govrnmnt--ceu- *the men an la someplace cis- trary 10 past indications -will net because they want 10 but be- neyer slow Uic conscription issue cause there is as yct no adequate to become a pilcbcd batth.. Mr. scheme te do otherwisc. King wil try th jockey Arthur Distres smong soldiers' de-; Mcigben ito bcing thc terrible pendents ie aise acute. I case of bugbear and boogyman for Que- ilinese, hospitais wiil net admit bec but h. will rncanwhile b. gel- tbem as public patients, as Uey tUng rcady bjs own solution of thc I arc in reccipt oficeme. That -aPower question whicb willl means lb. burden faIs back on b., if net conscription, somclhig organizations 1k. Uic Legion. Ise muchli k. iltishaI ibwould lake thc bat war the Palriotic fund a Phladeiphia lawycr to explain lcokcd aller ail these Uhings. tise real diffcrence. There le a serious gap in Ibis con- nection rigbt now. DECISION FORORD MUG STTJFF I writing thc above I want la make clear that 1 bave gel ne I came le Ottawa aller some inside Uip frorn any of tl4e powcl's days initUic province ai Quebec liaI be hereabouts. I arrive at couvinced Ualtishe country as a My conclusion by a irery simple whcle bas been greatly deceived procees of rcasonig. Mr. King a' eut Uic realities oaitUicocnscrip- always deeswhatever le necesaary tien question. ta obtai hie objectives. On. of In a nutsheli I could fid inobids present objectives le effLective% Special Chrielmas program. crs rcally choies meats. aI The Statesman office. F epidemic of auction sales and de- - - - - - -- - - sertions of farina is one. resuidt k TWONIGRU N WODP1H INTHE DIN AND realnigcrsini lheconscription £~Ti O woodperTCanada. The strong- est opposition to a seleclive com- pulsory service law may. really FIFY TRIS AGO centre in Quebec. But if il doos___ it is flot with the vast .njor From Tii. Caaadlaa Statesman of thc ordinarydecent Frei11 Canadian ciîtizens, who are just Domer ~16, 1891 as anxious l beat Hitler as amy- bodelse on earth. Il le far more The Br~ige Open: Big dmn ettocentre i ht=ser1s dtnadbnqe tte frno- place known as St. Jam es Sreet, smal opnain banquta i or Montrea], because tUir are i onei oen Fldy. oungte portant business and financial in- co. cltore strcro e.Coborg teresta wbich fear Uic corng o f impectUistuur. adc a conscription. law worse Lhanexok Ferguson, Reeve Of Mill- anyutng ee. plce sine brouight connUes council at ani i i rese. s owfl expelise. The bridge sI hd e fi aes ome short- crectcd over Barber's Crcck cool the conscription law might maka 1,OO il harder for thern to kecp Uic Notes about Uic bridge oPenlng: skiied elpUie bae, nd akeThe toasts were drunk i watr. he profits Uiey arc now rcapig. Owing 10 a dcrailed trah near Tey arc af course wrong in hi, Oshawa Uic visitors did fot gel Mi sefa as Uieir industries realny away until Saturday morning.iw are neear for wa purposes. Some of Uic members of t4w But ai=r thing tliey fecar s coundil were conspicuous by their Ibal no conscription of rnanpowcr absence there having been mucli coula be applied i Cand wiUi.. bickcring over Uic bridge build- out a parallel conscription of in"t.nes money. Miss Mosctba Fanson, Yugs My observation across Canada daugliter qf Albert Fanson, form- 's Uiat conscription of manpower erly of Bowmanvllle, has become miglit have a difficult lime 10 win quite a famous vocallet.À an absolule majority in a referen- Oshawa: 135,000 bushels of bar-t duin unlesathie need for s"re was ley wcrc sold ts scason... T. more lucidly explaied than il S. Henry sold hiestoWres which c bas been. But I believé a vote on wcrc scorchcd by fire 10 Johnc conscription of wealth-that *la Bale. systemnalic forced louns insbead o Blackslock: Rev. R. P. Bowles, l.rset systemi of beg-and- and lady of Gravehurt arc ex- botw, and higli pressure adver- peced10 spcnd Christmas withS guncraldpblic sixorven 10theîys.Devitt.... No change 15 like-r g e n u b li b y i x o s e v n t o l y 1 0 ta k e p la c e a m o n g o u r c o u n - E Se. Sr oantwn cilmen as thcy appear 10 be giv- 10 sel thc precedent of forced img satisfaction, c 1 lans during tbis war because St. Eiiniskfiln: Forty Preebyterian ie James Street foresees Uic advcnt friende took possession of Geo. r, in Canada aller tbe war af a Gov- Herrington's quiet home and pre- erninent which migit use th sentcd Mrs. Herrington wiUi a E mare dvic hia wy dciddlyhandsorne tea set and parlor lamp C displcaslng to St. James Street. in recognition of her services as li organist. J. T. Pollock readl an P addrcss. -Alex McLaugblin re- pý plied on behalf of his daugliter. Tyr neHampton: As Walter Cryder- bi Teone mani and Win. Cryderman werc cl fdlng a trce Il split and sudden- ti Visitors: Major 'Floyd Dudley, ly flew back pinning Walter 10 St. Catharines, aI home. .* Lieut. Uic ground. There wcrc no bones le Gordon Cowllng, Niagara Fails, broken but he wasbadly bruiscd. w at Mr. R. Halberly's. . . . Miss . . . Mr. Bowrnan bas movcd 10 ht Winnie Brooks,' Toronto, aI borne. bis Bowrnanville residence. Uce in Syrnpathy ie extended 10 Mr. R. Borland estate. . Thos. Eiliot's Hatbcrly in the sudden death of horse ran away but was cauglit lx bis sister, Mrs. Harry Hooey, Bow- by thc village constable, who was hz manville. and bis brother Mr. on duty. ... Thos. Rowe bas built ni Wl]! Halhcrly af Peterboro who an implernent shed. nM passcd away a fcw hours later. C. M. Cawker neyer allows any hé, He alec rcceived word bis brother butchers 10 exoel bis Christmas M' Sam of Hastings was scriously Mn. exhibition of choice meals. H. bas Mr. Harry Hatherly of Dixie, bouglit Ibis ycar the best the fi Frank of Long Brandi, and Clar- home breeders have 10 sel. H. ence af Lakeview attcndcd tUdr bas bougbt several youne animnale 14 aunt's funeral i Bowmanville. froin Samuel AUlin and Wm. Wcr- Sc Sunday Scbool wiil be hcld at ry. Uic prize breeders of the dis- 10 a.m. during Uic winlcr months. trict, and can nrornisc hie custom- 9 IDISTANT PAST' wtumn FileS TWENT-FIVE "AI»AGO From The Caiadian Statoamua, December 14, 1916 A tbrillng =tr appearing in the Torqnto G Me eords the impeluous valor and acive- mente durng the first baffec the Somme. Referrng to Bow- manville boys a paragraph sy~ Majr CareW illiams was mortaJ.- 2 lywoundcd but Lieut. Lyle talr.. ing charge of No. 5 Co., gathered hie men and rushed forwrd. Major A. E. McLaghln and Lieut. Bishop while dfrectla fire receivd wounds whlch Wvéerc 1 prove fatal. Ten yards frorn the enemy parapet Liéut. Stuart was kiiled but the Company led by Major L. T. Mcaughlin recom- menccd the advance. and the whole lime swePt forw4rd., An explosion and lire inthse Quaker Oals Factory in Peterboro Monday destroycd oneC of the largest industries of ils klnd in America. Eigisteen were lnjured, two dead and'six misaine. The band of thse 235th Bn., je giving a seriez of concerts tibo'- out the recruiting area. It is commagnded by Lieut. Col. S. B. Scobell. Thcy are coming to Bow- rianville for four days. The patriotic fund bulletin shows that in June 63 familles c.vcd assistance in and about ;owmanville and that $797.00 wue paid. Cost of administration was only $1.24. D. B. Simpson, )K.C., is president and W. E. Gerry, sec- retary. Wilfred Elson, Cavan, Arthur Bragg, Darlinglon, and W. Philip, Cartwright, were in Guelphse lected by R. S. Duncan to com- pete in judging. They won second prize. Donald McDonald, who lis ceen in Woodstock, N.B., in charge of an evaporator, has re- trned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sparling le11 for California toi spend thse winter. We trust Mr. Sparling's cealtb wll be bcncfltted by the nilder climat. Ebenezer: Blake Courlicels xoubles are flot ailin thse air. He ias abundance of water in hie iewly drllcd gas well but il is nixcd with sand and dlfficulty is ting cxpcrienccd clarifying il... ërs. Jos. Armour has been ill * Solina: Congratulations 10 AI- ced Dewell and bride. Tyrone: The Beef Ring donated 25.flf to the British Red Cross ;ciety. Order your counter check books Farm Manpower Great news for Ontario fariners came cu reîyfrein lise Minieler of Agricultur( on J.G. Gardiner wheu h. spokea Arthur on Dee. 3. This is about hie fit ap pearance lu Ontario since farmers aI Lai don aset spring had him on tise spot. Sine Ihen, isowever, lisings have gene from ba( le worse. Now, ise cornes back with assurances: "Sornething le being donc rigist now abou farn abor ... . but I ar n ot at liberty & the momnt te divulge whisaîi l.,, Aile patting tise audience lubo complaceucy bj teig wisaî a magnificieut job farmers aiN doiug sud belîlug hie shirt they wauld de lîver tise six milion pounds of bacon foi Britain, ise continued: "befere eue yeai has passed tise wisole manpower cf Canadâ will be organized." Tise are lypical Gardiner gardenias bui thse bouquets have lest tiseir lustre. There ù ne doubt wisalever tisaI public opinion ha foeed tise goverument toeconider conserip tien of msupower. But tise facta are, sa fai as farming in Ontario le cencerned,' tiey are niuch tee late lu moving le sustal produc- tien and any plan le place unskilled labor on farme wo't fil tise bill. Il'à lime we had a Minister cf Agriculture from Estern Canada afler about n score af ycars cf tis Western varieties--Motiserweil, Weir, Gar- diner. 1

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