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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1941, p. 3

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TIMMSAT, DECMibia il, 1041 'rý'CAN~~AbA TT-AN OMNIL TRo -- - . .~ rI~.u~ AU.K~fjI~ 1~HE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL1~ flWPA~Tfl Relpes: CranberrY Plneapplé Cocktail 1 cup pineappié ju ice 2 cups cranbérriés 2 cups watér* 'kz cup orange juicé % cup lemon juice 1 cup water 1 cup sugar Cook bernies with 2 cues ai water and traîn cloth. Add sugar, cook 5 minutés, strata again and cool. Add fruit julces and watér. Serve on crushed ice in giassea. Roasting thé Holiday Bird e * ** I tuifand prepare for roasting. At any rate-war or no war- I R'uwlth mélted butter, put in May your Christmas be a splendid I hallow open pan in cold eiectric One--and your festive board aI oven. Do flot add water or baste. thing Of triumph and delight. 1Set température control at 275- i FRUIT CAKE Maie, trem thé tinesl et ingrédients. Filedi wth dlleous fruits anti mute Plan.....50C Decorated .. 60e Chocolates PUMPKIN PIE Big, extra upeial pies, cruat thal melta ln your mouth. O Id fashionei style 30C IL. 5& '1 , The World's'News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ,An International Daily Newspoper if Truglfu-Canatucive.-Unbia.d-Fr.. from Sensdonal- i- - - Editoriala Are Timeiy and Instructive, and lés Daily Features, Topetier witii the Weekiy Magazine Section, Mae the. Monitor an iatal Newspapr for the. Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12 .00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer. 6 Issues 25 Cents. Add. -------------- ---- SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Price contrai, with thousanda af S new gavérméent employées pAid S ta do thé controlllng, went itot effect Monday. Thé diference wii bé noted ln thé tax bilils. Vitamins Alone A R ENot Enough Athr.. eusential minerai. foi, ciso Iound ln Dr. Chase's Nerve Food hélp ta malte thiaa true tonie for blaod and nervee. -j Buylng thé large money aad statesman Office forlthefamlly. aowmimnviUc 180 pills $1.50. TU1E -- MI1XI1N G6 BOWL ~~I Christmas »làaer: Seasonts Greetings, Homémak- ers! Thé iéaat on Christmas day la nat like any ather festive meal wé prépare. Thé accasion la Christ- »mas--'nuff sail Somne home folks enter itot thé spirit of thé occasion in thé goad olti-fashioned way -othera are pracical about it. Wé ail respect thé homeiqiaker who pérpetuatea aid custém-but at thé samé timé théré are many thinga ta be sald In favaur af choosing the béat ta the aid, and adding it ta thé béat In thé new! Question Box ,Mra. G. D. asks-"Thé quanti- ties ai sluiiing (using applés) for roast goase. Answer: Apple Sluffng 1 antan chappéd 4 appies, coréd and chopped 5 tbsp. caoking fat Gibits--chopped 6 cups crumba dash ai red pépper 1 tsp. sage Va cup saur cream i tbsp. leman juice sait and peppér Mns. C. C. asks: "Suggestions for a simple hosteau tray uaing chéese. (Thé group will spréad their awn bread). Answer: Wé auggést that yau maké your awn cottage, chéese and vary il. For intérest, divide thé' spread itt thrée parts: Ta one add scraped anian and bits ai red nadiahes; ta anather add horae- nadish and bila ai pineapplé; la thé other add cocktail herba and bita af peachea. Serve with giasses C. P. IL Employees'9 $50,000 Buys T*o Fighter Plane. anadian Pacifie Railway employées throughout. theé yatem héLve, by donating old gold,ý treasured keepsakles, and cash, contrlbutêd $50,00 for thé purchase of two fighter aircraft for the Royal Canadian Air Force. Thé chèque was presented at an Impressive .ceremony heid recontly In thé Windsor Station con- course ln- Montroal, when représentatives of thé services, officials af thé company, emiployeen, and représentatives af thé R.C.A.F. Joined lnas. coloriai eeremony. .Illustration shows C. B. Stockdill, assistant ta thé výièe-presidont, Western Uines, presenting the cheque ta Ali Commodore A.. dé Niverville, Air Officer Command- Ing No. 3 Traimnn Çommaaid, who in turn passed it on ta Air Vice-Marshal G. 0. Johnson, M.C., deputy chief af the. Air Staff. Thé ides. af thé Golden Airerait Fund origizated with Mies Gladys Gowliand of thé campany'a treasury departmént, and waa earried through to a y1goroua finish by an employe' cammittée. Hollandalose Sauce 4 egg yalks % cup butter 1 tb. lémon julce 1/4tap. Sait Dash ai cayenné Béat égg yolks in eléctrit mixer until thick. Meit butter on low heat, add egg yauks, stirring quick- iy until egg absbrbs butter. Blend in léman juice, saIt and cayenne. Kéeep stirring until like whipped cream. Serve imnsedlateiy. Gia4zed Sweet Potatees Préparé swèet potatoès for cook- ing. Put in greaséd baking-dish and add 1/ cup baking fat and saît. Place in aven with roaating fowl. Baké 1 % hrs. When partially baked pour % tsp. ai corn syrup over each. Tomato Cream Cheese Salad 4 médium sizé tomatoes lémon juice 2 packages créam cheeaé ½cucumber, grated 2 tsps. anian jubée 3 taps. minced parsiéy sait, pèpper and paprika Peel tamatoes. cut in threè thick silices. Sprinkié with lemon juice, sait and pepper and let stand in éléctric refrigératér unlil well chilléd. Mix crèam cheése, grated 'cucumber, onion juice minced parsîèy, sait, peppér and paprika, with tbrée tabièspoons mayon- naise, beating inta thlck créamy paste.,Spread thickiy on a slice ai tomalo, thèn place anothér sicé on top. Threé or four sices can bé usèd. Serve on béd ai water crés or lettucé. lefrigeratér Roula %a cup sugar 1 tb. sait 4 tbs. shortèning 1 cup watér (polato) 1 cup milk 2 cakes yèast dissoivèd in Y4 cup iukewarm. water 2 èggs beaten 6 cupa fiaur9 Mix sugar, sait and sharténlng and over this pour boiling poIta1 water, stir untii dissoived, then1 add coid milk. When lukewarmj add dissolvèd yeast and béatén; eggs. Stir ta thé fleur. Turn out4 o~n floured board and knead, lightiy. Return ta greaséd bowli ta rise. Then formn inta rails, let1 riué, baké ta eiectric aven at 4001 dégreés for 20 minutes. Remain- delr can bé put ta well greaaéd bowl. covered with oiled paperE and kept tal electric réfrigérator.1 Mae oe os Frozen Fruit Cake 1 2 cupu milk1 %k cup granulated sugar %4 cup ilour 2 éggs 1tsp. vaniila 1cup raisins cup brokeh pecena 2 cups crumpied macaroons c " cup chopped candiéd cherries " créam, whipped Scaid milk, add ta blended :ugar, fiaur and sait. Cookc an 10w,c tirring untii smooth. Pour over eggs beaten 1 minute. Cook on 10w until thick, stirriag conslanty Cool. Add other ingrediénts, 1ld ing in whippèd cream. lest. Freeze without stirring in tray af electic 'éfrigerator. Serves 6-8. t eeefi 4 r Take aTipr If you're iaoklng for samething 1, néw in thé salad bawl-try "Redv VelVet'-Drain liquid from a tin n of réd pimentas. Mix this with 0 boiièd salad dressing or mayon-c naise. Shrèd white cabbagé ftaeiy b and tosta salad dressing. ChiI Ib in èiectric rèfrigerator and ar-1 range in a salad bowl with cottage P cheése. Put pièces ai dlced sweet e pickie and céiéry on top. Décarate I' vith petalshaped pièces af plm-a ento and slip a frili af léttuce e leavés round thé edge ai thé bawl. tg Sprinkle pîn3éntos lightly with Il ait). t] Cranberry Sbrub U 29NO AAIML 2 cupa cranbémry juice o.g ê.éuffsVI' m duny mésers 1 cup. spicéd peach syrup For each id lemr dedred, gond a complete chili ln electrlc refrlgerator *"Croun Brand" label. witb yo u ad- %cuplemo jure. ýand the. nais. of the picure you wsnt 1 cup oemn juice mitton on the bock. i cup rangéjulceAddý UDee X . Dý * C C CThe. Canada mardi Anne Allen invités yau té wrIte CwmvanyLtd.. 49 Wei- ta her c-o Thé Statesman. Jîut 5oD sst . Totnt send ta yaun questions, on home-,II5 making probléma and waîch thia s 7 L little corner ai thé calunmnfor ne- pliles. h2. Hoilywood lovelies havé a slo- gan fan théetthýpate ada-I--Grn and Bare Thém.' Caleoge professan aya eo-çda are cave wanren. Now, now, pro- fessr, you mumn't judge the g&*la by their clohes. thanks ta thé speaker were voiced by bath thé président and John Ashton. As a ciosing numbér Miss Cronk gave a rèading in her usuel excellent manner. Aftèr the prograni an intekest- ing "Percèl Pessing" game was coniducted by Ken Cox. It waa unique in that no one was léit out. An abundant lunch was served by thé lunch comnuttee, LOCKHAXT'S H. & S. CLUB HOSTS TO CLARKE UNION L.No. 9 Home and Schoai Club had as ila guèsts on Déc. 3rd thé Clarke Union Home and Schaol Club. A good turnout from both associations was présent. No. 9 1président, Mary Bowén, wélcom- éd thé visitors and canducted thé régular club business, Thé Club vated ta again give thé Hygiène prizes which will bé présentèd at thé Christmas con- cert. If thé school board makes arrangements for thé hot lunches for thîs winter, thé Il. & S. Club wili assume 50 per cent af thé ex- penses. Président réported an thé ex- cellent réception ai thé draw on thé "V~ for Victory" fruit cake, spansored by thé war work com- mittéé. Miss Bawen thanked ail who had assisted ta sélllng tickets and thase who purchased them. Draw for iucky ticket was leit tili thé social hour aiter meeting. War Work Committée reported acknowlédgments from bath Or- ana and Newcastle Red Cross for $2.00 éach for Blanket Fund and $2.00 for Christmas Parcél Fund; aisa a létter of thanka from Bull Alia, British Colurpbia, for sox sent ta hlm, was read. Thé meeting, was thén turned over ta Ulmant Buflock, président ai Clarke Union Club, who pré- sènted this excellent program: Vocal duét by Mrs. Cantreil and Mrs. Phaséy; solo by Gwen Chat- terton; reading by Mrs. Harry Rowe; sala by Miss Stella Beat, eccompanied by Miss Audrey Billings; W. J. Riddeli, Orono, gavé an intèresting talk on thé "Rise ai the Nazi Party in Gem- many." No. 9 Président took charge following thé progmam. Mrs. Har- old Gibson moved a vote of Ihanka ta thé Clarke Union Club. A soc- il hour followed and lunch was servèd. The appréciation af Clarke Union- Club for No. 9 hospitality was voicèd by S. Souch. Thé draw on thé cake was made by littlé Diane Webbem, Bowman- ville <fcgxmerly ai No. 9). Thé lucky nuniber was heid by Mrs. Jas. Dickion, Orono. Thé twa amail, similarly iced fruit cakes awarded for sale ai tickets, werï won by Chas. Gibson, for, the-. adults, and Shirley Brunt for thé juniors. A consolation award ai twa war savings stampa was giv- en Grant Malley. Toali number af tickets sold waa 642, and thé proceeds (with coul ai cake deducted) amounted ta $51.30, which wilI be used en- tireiy for war work conductéd ta the No. 9 section. Test Pool Shows OnIyS5% Urge Help For Formner A short lime ega Thé Statesman réferred la thé fact liaI thé Cana- Eian Instituté ai Public Opinion was présènlly taklng. a test ai national opinion along thé limes af the Gallup systeni. Thé plan is to fid out whal trend ai thaughl is abroad in. regard la thé war. A preliminary lest has been announcèd showing that conacrip- tion occupies foremost place by a wride margin. Next In importance is increaséd production ai war goods. Away down thé list, anly 5% urge liaI sométhlng be dane :o 'increase farm production. That shows as cléar as cen be that people genèraiiy know that far-. miers will do their stufi tili they drop. ENTERTAINER Seure BALME <3ORON, the wonerffl7vormaîlle en t er- laier, é oyur mmxt entertaln- men, Iluarated circulas fee. -Addreu - MSb rauféud Street, Téont< 300 degréés. Turn switch to "Bake" position. Minutes per lb. Chicken-30-35 mins. per lb. Goose-30 mins. per lb. Turkey-10-12 lbo.-25 mins. per lb. 12-15 Iba;.-20 rhina. per lb Over 15 lbs.-19 nilns.,pér lb Add 30 mina. ta total rQasting time for coid aven tari. Caullfléwer Prépare cauliflawer for cookingý Put in uténsil add %' watér, cav- er. Cook on HIGH for 5 mins. (un- til stéaming) thén, LOW for 15 mina. Serve with Hollandaise Sauce. Dy ANNE ALLAN lHydro NHe. cénémlst JiwIsh Congres* Cooperates With National Services In thé sprlng of 1942 thé Wo- men's Cominitteé af thé Canadian Jewish Congress wlll 'celebrate its, second birthday and it will be able ta look back upon a record ai achievément withiout paraliel in thé history ofi Jewish wamén's group work ta Canada. With admirable efiiciency and direction, thé Women's Committe af thé Congress has demanstratéd once more that given a warthy incentive, thé initiative and in- teiligencé af a devotéd band ai women can producé magnificent resuits. In a score af usefül ways this committee has made a splen- did contribution to thé well-being af men in ail branchés af thé arm- éd services, bath in Canada and outside thé Dominion. That work is being pushed with undimtashed zeal, and il has brought commén- 'dation from Canada's military leade,s. To itemize thé activities af thé committée would také considér- able spacé, but theré are fields ai endéavour which shoulid be men- tioned ta ordér ta praperly illus- trate thé wide scopé of thé work. One of thé first activitiès under- takén was thé furnishing af re- création rooms for thé armèd forces. To date a total af 650 huts have béén, or are being, supplied with furnituré, ai which thé On- tario Division has iurnishèd 303 huts. Ciothing is béing suppiied for thé vidtima ai bombing in Britain and thousands ai garments have been sent overseas. Entertain- ment at thé camps is naw a big projéct and 'one greatly appre- ciated by thé soidiera. More than 2,000 comfort boxes have tbeen sent across thé Atlantic and ta date 50,000 magazines have been sent ta troops in Canada. The comnittee co-operates with thé Y.W.C.A., Red Cross, Citi- zens Commnittée for Troops in Training, Auxiliary Services, C.W. V.S., Navy Léagué, War Services, Library Council and numerous othér bodies. Provincial committeés thraugh- out Ontario work in close co- opération with thé Centrai Divi- sion and thèse organizations look~ aiter thé neéda af military estab- lishments in their respective dis- tricts. In tuis way thé province is blankéted by, well organizéd bodies of women who keep in touch \yîth thé réquiréments of training schools and camps. In Windsor, Gaît, Preston, Guelph, Sault Ste. Marié, Stratiord, Brant- ford, Owen Sound, Kitchener and many other comfmunities thé wo- men's committées are functioning efficiéntiy and smoothly. CANADUAN GE? AL ELECTRI le ICoite Uleu thaon çlbet avuer '. boklngI MADgIm THE TELEPHD1NE SYSTEM WILL BE LDAUEU TIOI...'TRIS CIRISTMAS Thé stores cen spread théir Christmas rush aven séveral wééka. But thé Téléphone Compapxy hec ta handié an avalanche of Long Dis- tance calls on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day'itaelf! Thene's no way ta set up a téléphoné syatem BIG énough te kéép this tremendous traffic moving at normal spééd. Theré's ne way te, prediet whene thre worst jama will occur. Cails nermally concentrate hetweén thé principal chies, but on this aone day théy pour in front widely scattered towns and villages, as old friénds exchangé pensonar greetinga acrosa thé miles betweén. Thia year, hundreds of teléphone people will givé tmp théir own Christmas and do théir levél béat té complete youn holiday calla. Every available circuit will hé in service. But there are houird te hé délaya and dis- < appointmenta. If your own cails gel caught in thé rush, we sure you'i underataird. Frank WiliIIms l a -- -- finside und autside the home add te thé festive gaiety with colour- fui lighting. Chaos. dependable Edison Mazda Lumps. They coa In a variéty of colaurs and sizes. L-221 MADE IN CANADA 111:. TRIN ITY PASTOR AT SHA^WPS SCHOOL Shaw's Home and Sehoal Club held. bts final meeting for titis year with Président Garnet Rick- erd in thé chair. It was decided ta tax éach acti présent 5c per meeting ta défray manthly coat'ai chairs, etc. Meet- ing will be héid one hali haur earliér during thé wtater mantha. Il was suggéstéd Shaw's have a salvagé drive with proceéds for Red Cross or other war wonk. This was done and a truck waa loanéd for a dollar and takén. through section with three young mien callécting. $20.00 was réaliz- éd for iron, paperu, rags, etc. John Ashton, canivenér af pro- gram comniitéee, presénted tl*i prograrn: Two classicai piano numbers by Laurence Morton, Newcastle; vocal solos by Orville Osborne, with Miss Gilbank at thé piano. Rev. J. E. Griffith, Trinity Cr ch, Bowmanville, in hua ta- tduciry remarks reminded hua hearers that la a cofleé friénd and companion overseas in thé athér war, Shaw's wauld always suggest Rév. Roy Rickard ta his mmnd. Hé believed Home.* and Schoai Clubs have a vital mêla- tipn ta promotion af peace and unity, especiafly amfong aur tCan- adian people who vary sa much as to raea, and creed, but are uni., versally dévoted to home and country. Taklng as thé basis of hlm . rémnarks thé religiaus need ta thé home, thé achool ançl thé church, hé led us ta sée that oniy as wé bubld on thèse foundatian stanes ai democracy will aur structure ai Canadian lii e stand or fail. When thé great Abraham lefI his native land, at èach stop- ping place hé set up his tént (his hiome) and then his .aitar ta uis God. Thé speaker impnessèd up- on hua héarers thé unchanged necessity for family worslbip and téachtag ai religion at home and in aur schoola. We sée in dictator ruled lands what happens when religion la obliterated in national life. If we educate aur people wtdth regard ta mental attain- nenla only and leave ouItétaching of spiritual truths what kind of citlzéns wbli we have? More et- tention la being paid ta religlous ;éaching in Protestant achools. The law naw permuta il. Then as patrbotic citizens ai a democratie country wheré theré, la religious freedom we should go ta church as ail fréedom, all démocracy emanates and la faunded upon the èeachtags and éxampié ai Christ. If we go ta church wé wili iearn hère true Idéals af ife and how best ta gerve our country and aur feilowinen. Ahl service clubs are but démonstrating Christ's lèach- ings ta veried forma. Appréclative nemarka an d ORDER'BAKERY ITEMS EARLY Avoid Last Minute Ditappointmentsi Mdany ef our regular euatémers caean on thé day be- fore Christmas last year andi elqtbd le buy onythlng they, wantéd. They worm dusappolmted. 14 Jusl éan't 1f11 orders Whou we do net know how many we wl! neeti --Bo It la otar ativice te yen -tiaI you erder early andi bé sure! Annie Laurie Holiday Wrap 'Da clip omà V-v-

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