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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1941, p. 7

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TRURSDAY,, DECEMBER 11, 1941 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Ha-ley Peterboro visited her. daujfPr dirs.Elgin 'Varcoe, CentreS. Pte. Gaston Dubeau and Pte. PA* Richards, Niagara, vlsitcd ai Wi. W. J. Richards%. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Roachi .~vielted her sister, Mrs. william, Qrke, Loyers. Lane. se Helen Pritchard speat the Mux~~a with ber sister, Mns Fycd Hughes. Toronto. Wlnners of the Lions hockey tickets this week were Ed. Rich- ards and Eric .Colwell. Sergt. A. H. Spicer, Midland Regt., Niagara Fanls, spent the weekend with his wife and daugh- ters.* .Petty Officer Leslie Fina, H.M.C.S. Cobalt, is spending 28 days' leave with his wife and family. Have you looked at the yellow address label ta sec if your sub- scription is paid in advancc? This is Uic month for mast renewals. Skates Sharpe Ned Be readY for the tirai skating. Urne Rotary rink or the Public School lee surface enjoy health- fui outdoor sport ta tic full on skates. RePairý to skating equlpasent SOLES iIEELS SHOE HARNESS REPAIRS We carry shoe poliah, laces and accessorles EXPERT CRAPTSMAYSfIP JOHN LENZ Shbe and Hamest Repair Klgst. at 81Sil'o 1.Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cully Jr., and daughtcr Marilyn, Sudbufy, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cully. t Mr. and Mns. 0. Fagan received a cable fromn their son, Cpl. C. P. Fagan, annauncing bhis safe amri- val la Britain. Monday. next is civlc election day. Ever>' citizen sbould appre- diate bis franchise sufiicieatly to *get out and vote. * Msses Margaret Reld.and Lor- raine Pickard, Mr. and Mns. Ray Brokeashire and Jackie, Toronto, were visitors at Mr. A. W. Pick- ard's. A car belonging ta Jim wil- liams, mail carrier, stolen in Bow- manville almost tour montbs ago, was1 recovcred by Toronto police Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Prout, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mns. Walter Manniag, Oshawa, spent Sunday with the former's daugbter, Mrs. George Hilson, Toronto. Nursing Sister Margaret H*tch- inson la ber attractive blue un:- form, who leaves sbortly, for duty in Africa, 'aad Mr. Wm. Hutchin- son, Toronto, werc home for the weekend. .Lions District Governor Gea. M. Bosnell was prescnted witb an« engraved silver relish dish by1 James Marr an bchalf of the club an the occasion of bis offi- ciai visit ta Bowmanville Mon-3 day aight. Armour Bill Weakes, R.C.O.C., Kiagston, who speat part et bis furlougb with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F. Weekes in Toronto, stopped off in Bowmanvillc over the weekend te renew boybood1 acquaintahces. Mr. Frank. Tucrk, Jr., who bas becn ia Tarante General Hospitalf for tbree ycars, *as braught2 home Sunday much improved la health. We are intoîed by bis father that Frank's was the first case of ulcerative coitis ta be successfuily trcated by surgery. At the Bradley's School Farmn Forum held at the home et Mn. and Mrs. M. J. Baker an Tues- day evening twenty gathcred ta discuss the subject "Home and Expert Markets" and expressP their opinions on bow the war bas aftected dcmand for products. Salve the gift prabîi by send-5 ing The Statesman as a gift for 1942. Rev. Dr. D. W. Best, farmcnlyq mnister of St. Paui's Chùrch, Bowmanviile, was re-electedC chairman at Uic annuai meetingb of Uic Toronto branch, Royal As- f tronomicai. Society of Canada. i Dr. C. A. Chant, directer emeri-p WOMEN 'WA NTEDI MUNITION WORK Defence Industries Llmlted PICKERING, ONTARIO Women 20-40 >'eans ln A-i1(Jategor>' wlll be lntervlewed at employment office, Oshawa, Simce St. S. and Pickering, dail> 8.30-5 except Saturda>' ~?sCRR5TURS Pure Mapie Leaf LAR D i130 Aylmer ChoicesQuality JTOMATOES soz.I 2T230 JeweI Short.nlng . lb 29e Blue Rlbbon Coff.e . lb tUn 55C Blue Ribbon Tea 1/2 lb pkg. 41cl -E. D. Smlth'e Pure Jams . è lb Jar 29c E .SmIth'ap3ialvar 1 th Jar New Canadian Juut Arrlved Ch«s» ...lb3Sc C oIoned Currnts P2 Ibo25c, Lemon and Orange Peel ..-.. ..lb2»c Glaoed Red Cherrlos 49e IEaIIowl Doa .. lb 19e Soeded le oz. pkgq. Ralisns ......1C *Ieaohed RaIsIns .... lb 19o Citron hduts m Vedes Otarkla Pork àaba...ahO IR NSCalffornia Navel Dos. W48hed mien - Large taike c4rroit 3 IbosIle C.IerY..«ech 10c We reurve the rlghtlto fluit Dun&ses "ya> or aui temsto 1 nloPormallaasOy, rqulsemmet VV ÂMAVAiL LUJLy ,.JN . 1.TAIPAGE SEVI tus of the David Dunlap Observi tory, was named honorary chat mn. Mr. Harry Williams, Canninj ton, has been enjoying a visit wlt his brothers Messrs. Willian Frank and Percy Williams, an renewing aid acquaintances i town. Wonder how many citizer remember when Harry was bul cher boy for Sain Reynolds an later with Roger Cawker? Bette be careful ladies what you sa for its over 50 years since he Ici Bowmanville. We lcarned this wcek that M John C. Ellott, father of Ex Mayor M. J. Eiott, who ls in hi 87th year, le the aldest citizen fi this district to be issued wlth motor driver's license. Mr. El liott has been drivlng a car sine, 1912 and was the fifth person fi Bowmanvllle to own an autoiho bile. At that time there were nm garages in town and he had ti have his gas shlpped in tram To ronto) by the barrel, the prici being 40e a gallon. Citizens are doing their Christ mas shopping earlier than usua several merchants state. Gec Chase, manager of The Hydr< Shop, says there is already j shortage of certain electrical ap pliances which cannat be replac ed. Sa take this Uip and selec your electrical goods at once a- The Hydro Shop where ail ap pliances are of iirst quality anc dependable es they must measurf up *to a high standard and art given strict hydro inspection be fore put up for retail sale. N( 'seconds' or cheap grade electrica goods at The Hydro Shop. The Statesman makes an idea year-round Christmas present. HOSPITAIL AUXELIARY The Annual Meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary has been post- poncd tili January 9th. During the past month the Auxiliary has baught mateérial which has been made up inta the fallawing articles: 8 tray cloths, 24 baby nighties, 3 sheets. 3 doz. sheets were given out ta be hemmed. ELECTION CARDS Ladies and Gentlemen: Ahrley WG. Northcutt requests thefavur f your support in the local election Monday next. The interests of ail the people wiil be prdmoted ta the best of my abil- ty. For mators telephone 668 and 523 or 726. Arley W. G. Northcutt. To the Electors: Having beený nommnatedl as a Councillor I wish to state I have been a resident of Bowmanviile for 31 years and have taken an interest in town affairs being a property awner and taxpayer for 30 years. If you see fit ta elect me at the polls an Monday I wil] try and fulill the obligations of my office ta, the best of my ability. Y ouirs truly, John H. Glanville. ro Electors of Bownianvillc, Ladies* and Gentlemen: Having qualified as a candi- date for the office af Deputy- Reeve I wish ta state that I have had three years previaus experi- ence as a niember af the Town Council,'besides bemng a property owner and a fairly substantial ratepaycr. With these qualifica- tions and responsibilities as a citizen I will do my best ta ad- rance and pratect the town's in- erest1 bath in town cauncil and aounties caundil, shauld you see fit ta, elect nme ta this dual office. I have the honor ta be your obedient servant, .J.Cals Ladies and Gentlemen: Aiter scrving several years in ouncil I again have been nomi- nated and offer my services. The vlartyn famnily being among the largest taxpayers in Bowmanville, we are vitally interested in the welfare of this town and there- aore look upon municipal affairs as important business. Taa many praperty owners are indifferent ao tawn affairs and who they elect ta cauncil. In fact,. a large number don't even take the trouble ta get out and vote. Such people deserve the kind of gcv- ernment they get and shouldn't criticize if the tawn business is run by a clique directed by out- ide Influences which have no interest in the progress of aur awn. Sa I issue this word of uparning ta nlook losel twho W ,-cd* -e ta rel;ate about hiniself hi. "lie' and ail his ancestars on iioth ,des, the weary townsfolk soon )randed anythlng that was re- .arkably absurd as "Hume o' Uic 3ogue"I The expression was tak- a uf by people throughouit the Jngdom and wao soan shortened, o, ereIy Hunibug. It wamn't Dng before any extravagant ac- In or saylng was scornfully Smed Humbug. 1 -faim Radio Forums -NEWCASTLE RADIO FORUM, Newcastle district Farm Radia 0Forum met Dec. 8th at O. A. a Parker's, Newcastle. The bad -weather, causing hazardous driv- -iag conditions, had a detrimeatal teffect on Uie number present. ,Thc broadcast and discussion conceraed "Haie and Expant àTrade." War bas caused a change ein Canadian marketing conditions, ebath home and abroad, and the f ar mer shauld make himiscl thor- aughly familier with the specifie jrequirements cf the new market- ing system. During December the tMonda>' evcning broadcasts will not be Forums but agicutural discussions acress Canada. The wlater Forum series wili resume Jan. l2th. PROVIDENCE FORUM REPORT Providence Farm Forum met on Monday evening at S. F. Phil- lis.Tegnea ujc for dis-. Markets.", It was feit that the war bas increased the demand for mlk, beef, poultry praductsanad hogs, but as for appies the resuit bas becn decidedi>' the reverse. The two subjects that aur Forum favared for the projects ia Janu- an>' and Februar>' were "Co-op- erative Purchaslag" and "Credit A motion was passed that a let- 3ter cf appreciation be sent ta %Editor Gea. W. James for the la- .terest be bas sbown through Tue 1Canadian Statesman in agricul- ture, and Uic efforts he is making ta imprave farming conditions. CARTWRIGHT RADIO FORUM Cartwright Township bas sbowa a keca and sustained laterest-in the Fanm Forums sponsarcd by thc Federation et Agriculture. Ever>' section of the township *bas been active. Tue largest group bas been at Biackstack Higb Schaol with an average atten- dance wel aver Uirty. Tuese groups have been under the lead- ership ai Earl Dorreil and Milton Fisher. The northern end af the town- ship bas beld Uiree good meet- ings at W. G. Bawles, ' Malcolm Emerson's and David John's. Alil bave been well attended and the discussion spirited. A thîrd graup ta Uie sauth bas1 bad interestlag meetings at Leith Byers, Russell Spinks and Norman Mountjoy's. Strnl another graup bas beca well spansored b>' Clark Williams, Donald Thompsan and Marvla Nesbitt with an average attea- dance ai twenty. A fifth group bas been holding meetings la Uic Janetville section at Oswald McGill's and Mrs. Blatbewich's. Tuese bave been under Uic excellent leadership et P. J. Rawe, ex M.P. of Alberta Ross Davidsan is Uic secretar>'. Most farmers net anly ted Uic>' bave became more familiar with their probienis as agricultural- ists but Uiat Uiey are learning how ta master those prablenis both by ladividual effort*on Uic farms theniselves and. by bring- ing pressure ta bear as a gmoup on those wbo are able ta put agri- culture an its praper footing bath as a war and a peace tme indus- tmy. In al Uiis study, Uic social end bas not been neglectcd. Wc ln Cartwright as a resuit feel we are getting ta know aur neigb- bours and understand Uiem for wc were faat degenerating la the "dcn't know my next door neigh- bour" attitude, sa common ta big cities. This Canada of ours needs aur rural ic-sa let's get ta- gether farmers f0bri e it back- with its resultant dev ôpment of aur orlgliya d resaurceiuîness ia this spoon-fedage. About twenty Goodyear Ma- sonic brethr en attended a banquet at the Old Mili, Toronto, an Sat- urda>', la honor of Mn.R. C. Berkinahaw, General Manager of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. Tucre they werc jained b>' Good- Year Masons tram Uic New To- onte plant. Mr. Harmy M. Cole was la charge et arrangements et the Bownianvillc part>'.1 Corner Division- Quein Ste. SERVICES: Smala>, Doc. l4th 10. a.m.-Sunday gohool il a.m.-Worshlp '.80 p.m.SubJeot: "Hfow te Becone the Sons of Cod" Fr1.? p.m.-.Junior Church -Wed. & Frl. S p.m. PASTOR CABMAN LYNN District Govier nor Pays 'Visit To Dowmanvilie Lions Club Sk.ieton in the Cisset An accaunt for $9.00 ques- tianed by thc Board af Edu- cation at the meeting Tues- day nlght ncedcd ,a littie cx- planation tram Principal and Science Master L. W. Dippeil. Tbat .was the ýprice of anc bull-frog skeleton, be said, and a vcry good looking skeleton, tac. Mr. . Dippel explaiacd the procesa by which Uic frôg », tpepared; how it is broug1W a boil and thcrr-exposed ta Uic ten- der mnercies of beeties wbichi pick fthc ilcsh from Uic bancsý leaving a perfect skeletcn. Wcll .pleased wlihUicecx- planation, Uic trustees paid the account wlthout further ado. Oratory Winner A.Iso- Hourd in ment whi Splendid Speech onL Democ- a philaso] raoy manity tc meant it1 Centred around the official visit Walter cdf District Governar George M. cf Uianks, Bonell of Tox'onto an excellent neil by Pi iù .orisam was prcseated at Uic C LosClub meeting Monday even- C lug. Guests were Toronto Lions Evcry Joseph Turner, Ernie Hougbton, monthly a Hgrry Sears Alan Ferguson, Bow- were ver: ,inanville ;;ho accompanled Geo. canservatii Davdgela ispreseatation ai Uic continuei Iocally-compcsed Victory Sang, boys' and Fred Sutton and Milton Carr, activities( Cavan. Young Fraser Carr, ta Uic Pu scventh grade pupil ai S.S. No. 5, public scl davan, gave bis aratorical address frec privil "Ideals cf Democracy" wbich has werc alsc won him thc Lions shicld aMd high schools fa: honors in the Durham County The fin Ratepayers Public Speakinig corn- pared byI petition. Also present was Dr. stantial bi Kenneth Rogers, Toronto, secre- rest cf the tary of the Big Brother Movement, Since Ja who introduced District Goc:çrnor arettes ha' Bosncîl. averseas,e SMr. Bosncll a charter member ported. Cu of Ddnforth :Lions Club, aptom. planningt etrist by profession and sight con- towa wh: servation chairman by avacatian, guards ma directcd part af bis remarks ta a off duty. rcview cf Lionism in the district. On attE Hle spoke very highly of the in- said that sp ning influence Past District have 100r Govrnar J. J. Brown bas hadl on Secretar: thec clubs. About Dr. Roger's werk seated the he said: "He is werking bard to seas mail remake civilization tbrough bis cards, ack, contribution te yeuth."1 ettes and A cemmunity caa boast cf few in acceptai fmer things than its service for enterta club," the district geverner said. Ia repîy "Whenever I enter a towa and sec the Red teservice club eniblem displayed denors it iý I know that this is a place whcre Uic oalyc a group of mea are giviag ta their tan be tak ccmmuaity witbout Uiought of practîcal & gain. They are of a group of men lections fro Who discover the universe is gev- Magazine erned by certain ininutable laws arc being c -;evcry question bas an answer, and Chas. ad every good or cvii deed its reward . Service club men soon- leara this law. You are mcn who arc net dauated by the Word MSSIONA~ 'cant'."1 TO PR] The speakcr said wc cannot bear tee much about democracy In vicw today and refcrred to Fraser tcrn situa Cars splendid address on Uic St. Joh's subject in which "I'm afraid lie Sunday ni stale mucb cf my thunder." Lion- with latex ism caai be a light ta bumaaity la Rev. Vict( POiatlag the way te democracy. been a mis -"Fcllow Lions, dictatorship bas years la Jý made Uic issue se cîcar betweea the servic civilization and barbarism that include ni we havea't an instant te wastc. preseat sit Liberty is net aow mercly Uic first The speakg word la Our appellation. ît must C. R. Spcni be the torcb that cach Lion car- ries in bis heart and for whicbh e Speaking of lite la Germany-hc tauched on a vital aspect et our Xmas C, deitageb poiating eut that "there Haydon or ddlbrty slip eut et Uic haads at 8 p.m. of those Wbo trcated it carclessly.") vided cons Ta combat sucb an occurrence Admission: here we must foster an enlighten- loc. MNISTERIAL ASSOCIATION A meeting of Uic BowmaxMille Ministerial Association was beld in the board roam of Trinity church on Monday, Dec. 8th. Ail the memmbers were present, and the arrangements for the Week 0f Prayer were made. Election cf officers for the en- suinggyear teok place. Rev. A. R.î Cragg was elected presideat and as many sharp points as a bolly wreath. I Adit. J:-Hart, secertary-treasurer. Avote of appreciatian was given ta the retirlag President Canon Spencer. If any departed spirit can cam- municate with the earth, it should be the spirit of a bigh pressure salesman. Fewer men would rest on their laurels, if their laurel wreath bas XMAS FOR EVERYONE J DRUG Duy Now for 1 U BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS 0 ZA Special Sets 0$3.50 value $1.99 D Il Addltional Thr.. Piece 1 Q Sets $2.99 te $7.50 0 I7 & 10 Plece Set ... 7.50 to $14.50 0 D Ail better grade sets are tiret grade, open stock desgn.f OExtra pleces ma>' be purchased at any tise. Cameras 69e to 14. COMPACTS $1.00to 15.00 SIIAVING SETS «P-RuE 30e ta $6.00 COLOGNS 60ota 3.00 Cashmere Bouquet GIFT SETS Palmolive -------590 ta 11.1 Colgate's ---- 59o ta 11.15 Woodbury's --29c, 55e, 11.10 WiniamIs ----eI11.15, 13.00 Lenibenie - ---- 1 - 2.00 ta 15.00 NOW SAVE 20%~ on thlis Welcome Gift I M@ewEmmy P«ckof,25so &ILLETTE BLADES 30c, Oc, SOc, $1.6 CANADA DRY GINGER ALE ln icartons of three large botties - ----- --.- 9 CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES Nellson's, Page & Shaw PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIJ ALEX McOfl Laure Secord DRUOS ich looks ta Uic future- Dphy whicb will lit bu- to Uic plane where God to be. Carpenter moved a vote spassed an ta Mr. Bas- ýresident Stuart James.1 ommitteeis Report conimittce reparted on activities, ian>' af whlcb ry enligbteaing. Ia sight ion Bowmanviile Lions ta do active work. Ia 1girls' wark Navember coasisted et a $50. grant 'blic Library ta enable ,hool childrca ta enjoy leges. Five dollar grants ;o made ta the local )r prizes. îaacial statement pre- Les. Langs shows a sub- alance ta carry on Uic eyear. Sa. lst, 1940, 130,000 cig- ive been sent te Uic boys chairman Je ONcili re- .irrent werk consista of te establish quarters la hich interaimeat camp La>' use for a club whilc tendance Ross Stevens 32 out et 35 members Per- cent attendance. ry A. M. Thempsoa prc- ýusuai budget et ever- il inceluding Christmas knewledgement et digar- a letter from Glasgow ane of an affer et belp àining boys on leave. y ta a communication te Cross offering blood1 is found that Toronto is centre wbere the blaod ken, se it weuld net be1 Lt prescat ta make col- om Bewmanville mea. les fer tbe Navy League collccted by Vernoa Ott Carter. ARY FROM JAPAN tEACH AT ST. JOHN'S et the critical fer cas- ation the preacher. at 3Anglican Church next norning will be heard îsified interest. He is ýor Spencer who bas ssionary for Uic past 28 Japan. Hc will conduct ce and is expected te naterial relevant ta the ituation ia bis remarks. ker is brother of Canion ncer. MING EVENT oncert will be hcld at )n Thursday, Dcc. 1odpogan.8Ui, A god prgramis pro- isisting et a short play'. .:Adulte 15c, childreri 50-1 What he bas always wanted-an electrie Shaver. C ho os e ram several lead- lug makes. Prîced as 10w as $9.9s For Brother Choose ibis flue 15 Jelvel watch wlth - mart chrome with atainless b ac k cage. Fully vian- Santeel. For Slster Daint>' and Mo- dern . .. Accur- aie and Depend- able - She'ilb. dellghted wl1tha this 15 Jewel wateh $12.75 FOR MOTHER .as e Se doliotey beaul &4111ei 'HER"VERY SPECIAL GIFT THIS b. triIId wit, hi. ceavei bu"- BRIDAL WREATH 7395 ~ O ~ 3 diemonds oF guaranteed ~ CV$ ~ pwsectioen d IIashing Ibrilience set wl in exquisite hand.cuved scftng. She 1~ wiII l 1wavm bc pmâod ofthà . ng Phn 43MARR'S JEWNELLERY Phon 463Diamonda - Watches OI1FTS AT YOUR 1. D. A. STORE lest Selections CHRISTMAS SEALS, TAGS, TWINE, TISSUE, ETC. 5c, 10e, 15e CHRISTMAS STATIONERY Cedar Chests - ------- 1.006 Special Boxes ---25c ta 12.001 MANICURE SETS Cuiex, Revlon, Peggy Sage 35C ta $5.00 CHRISTMAS HAVE - CUVE - SEND CAN DIES Eleeirlo Rasors --- $9.95 up Flashligbts 95c te $2.25 MUH Folus 35c, 59c up Sbaving Bowls - 30c, 55e, 75o Photo Albums 11.00 te 12.00 Key Cases 25e un ____ ___ g-o-o~ piÇ roi Di . 1%n4i-l Chilstmas Cigans -- 50e ta $5.001 Christmas Tobaccos 55c. 65o up Christmuas Cigarettes --60oe up Tobacco !ouehes ---O5c, $1.00 pipes ---- --50c, $1.00 ta 3.00 Cigarette Cases 50e up Llghters 49oetel $12,00 GIFTS by YARDLEY as lluùstrated $1.*10' Ldadiews ets - $1,25 te, 15.0 Lavender Perfume - 65e up Compactf $. 1.25 Up Den's Sets - - -$1.30 ta IIM Shavlng Bowl 15 Savlug Lotion - SU ta 911.4 PEN and PENCIL SETS Waterm's ---1225 te 10.e Cheaper Sets. -11.00 ta$1.5$ RENNG IN PABIS GIT SETS $1.10 te 15.00 f 'ETALTONE GIF SETS I 800 - 60oe-$1.00 and up 3 SECRET OUT SETS i $50to 85.00 f0 Mantn lu Paris BATH WDER with free Cologne IE EDhO li !- ý ýP7ho7 I / t For Your Son No glft conl gîve hlm more pnîde and Pleasure than this handsome 10k ual- ural go11 signet ring with white top ai 57.50 up For Father 'Étil Et i Ct, bl, INI 6 THE CANADIAN STATESMAM- nWmArm s

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