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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1941, p. 9

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?URDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941 OIUVIL&O 'YYIIANVKMOE 'N ISZLV.LS NVIUVNVO SHI PAGE NMN r ~These articles were iett with New- good wishes and useful gifts. Art castie Red Cross. McKay was chairman, and after a I WFriends gathered at Mrsç*C short program and an address Brown's ta honor the recent bride read by Miss Gwen Gilmer, and' groom, Mr. and Mrs. Tam speeches were given by Mrs. Geo. Wilsmon, iyith a miscellaneous Smith, Lew Hallaweii and W. E. shower. Rev. R. E. MroNw Reid. The many presents were 5 home StephensMoon, rNe.w- s: ~~e ~e castle, was chairman. Shirley and then unwrapped and admired. ý4 ~~Arvilla Brunt favored with sever- Lunch was served and a social r e t e ai piano selections, and speeches time was spent. were made by Wellington Farrow, _________ r .Elvin Blewett and Maria Han- with the prsn atio a prize Archie Brown, Charlie Alldred okhave been sent home for two te arae okfr attendance Obtu r an LT iStpeno..r.H SOCial and PersonàilcJohn Keane, Brandon, ihe..and preserted by MrsArmstrong. a.Thma Ptewon AieonTrnran 11e FrrwAt the approacifteYltd Phoe 0r pcted hm nlaefrCrst le il.asdcandy ta teSeasonssd e wetattpause reenfromeg ourMr addally itos:MatutiesJne )stess teMcDoweli uwash Therervpasseda tacaa Mrs. J. J.Mellor was hsest paît her daugter 4,Mr AdJohnBeL hwssre n oilwa. . . Arthur Haines, Toronto, oicPatersn ws hme, the Goodwill Bible Class at their PakS.uny Schaal held it nDcmbr4hsar dln hour spent in chatting and play- recentiy returned from Egand to extend. sincere adcrilget ajor Coom. angratultins tay W. H .ar- da a iteonG i tvieoyndn-Carscadden, widow af the late ing cards. adl5yialyunigorsrvcand best of wise oalorcs FrP.LYcett was home. anp nem usa vnn.anjilWieGi evc nSnThomas: teso, nber 84th Cnrtltarcetbiead and d rs. C L ayn o e iJs.a rAlan Hall hag nwtruck. nr tuationslclete W.H.s B8rhgames being placed -at the base th e e .aned wa sep auer-OFrank Webber, rnst bridand rs. kltaRndure. C . ineMr s. kLt Cal. J.C. Gamey was home. bwrthday next Wednesday, and ta af a laveiy Christmas tree, beau- scadden af Thornbuiy. Shie was groom. wa... Miss Betty Stapleton withto esadflnsoraeaodfs- r ~Mins M. Roy vlsited iToronto. J. J. GiWîllan wwll be 71 next tif ully decarated with colored born on a farm near Peterboro on Ms Wylma Farrow, Newcastle. Masans p ut an degree wark at Monday. bails, icicles and roping and top- January 16, 1858, later moving.. Jack McLachlan, Trenton, at loned Merry Christms n tehp -their meetng Thursday evening. stPîtAi.adelspn.. ped wlth a magnificent star, taevt hrprnt aTorbr.home..r.Mrs. RaymondBrucee isnt tteNwYa llb fC0 it Lietne h sent later ta the Fred VictorOnMrh2,18,sew m- Mr. Richards has been appoint- ing his leave i Bethany and Mission, Toronto. The gifts ai the OnMrhN,18,sewsmr ewtler. . Mrs. JckHlines, aar- édied tndrat h rr. Orono. t .ried ta Thomas Pattersan ai Ken- NeoartthewihcaruselnoonFar Schol clses ec. 9th or t o . n h is ilel be cangratulated i ne5~ners were nandeduUp, uiter dal, where they liveci untilsm Visitars: Miss Alice B. Halao- ..... Mrs. Alec Barclay, Osha- o h as fDm cay Scholclse Dc.19h ortw. n ispromiotion. whlch the representatives ai eachilsm wees. ~ ... ..~Thetrin entriht hroghclas cmeiorard wth he atyears aga when they moved ta well has returned ta the city after wa, with Miss Mary Lane. . . Pte. ,Mr. ad Mrs.ancily Newcastle Stra . S a o l tr s nanp rwapr itlate e-OrnowheMrPaesndec a holiday at home... Mr. andi Mrs. Edigar Milson was home. -vllted at Mion, Eastern Ontaria.- hall the mail was recelved in sage: Primar xre -a îew years aga.o. Falsdsna Mr. and Mrs. a osMissLna in balhaacpt Miss Mary Sammerville was oaf Orono until later. srag ai - JeanMiaJr.esA Brm- Leit ta maurnthe loss ofai al nisna r nMs oiinh saa duty with a baci coid. had fficr antdlcJeanavedmothr ar threrdaBMiHad LMrls Ge. mi ere i asitioan CinpeStrags astore, KirbY Christmas concert was L.O.T,. hdofi staed fr girls-Joyce Sutton and -P a t s y lvdmtear hedughters rldytteo.S mithewtonlle.. i s apsiean Campbel has saocet *hlilast nlght. 142 by Cartwright installation Moffatt; Jr. A girls-Beverley and a son: Mrs. H. Gal14raithai Oshawa. . . . Raymond Farrow, Port Hope. M.adMsCamnHwstearn Manday evening. Lunch andi Payne, Donna West andi Helen Blackstock (Ada); Mrs. G.. Jones Wh y a oeoe h ek W .mta r.Wli oe' Muiers. Cra wssocial hali-hour followed. Clarkce; Jr. boys-ecocrr fg iOrono, (Ethel)' Mrs. John Ber- e by.,wanys home arnt . w Wi. e Mrs. .MriiJn esir Th plug is irt Mrs. Wilbur Basicerville, Mrs. their own parcel; Intermediate ry ai Orono (Elva); adÉns Ec...annyhoe fr hutekarnd et a ihs. G. M t ainthecair.t Te snow pouhmae isfr Charles Alldred, Mrs. Robt. Hen- girls-Dawn Moffatt; Intermedi- Pattersan ai Newcastle. Suri. a homell f o he en...MLewfitmas eide ftlavthe skeJ.T ktpthrough Orano on Sunday. dry and Mrs. John Holines, Lake ate boys-Archie McLaren and îng also are five sisters an nead r i Hallowell inBw an ele . r iil eae Christmas gftatrs.eT ~f &W Mrs. C. Jones iavared with a Shore, were guests ai Mrs. J. C. Carman Corr-ish; Sr. class-Carol rteT .Crcde atadMs i aloeladHlnPac' iinae hita Ow * iJ eU cL A vocal solo at the Park St. Sunday Tamblyn. Sals odilBbeCas Saskatchewan; Mrs. Johnston aiwroifat oe eeigservice. SalsanyoneBbl lss oefrmhreatnddteeltmih se. ishig aJone a day night was a decided success. Miss Bertha Cain, president; Ad- stan, Parry Sound; Mrs. J. Hutchi- Christmas tree and concert at charge ai the pragram. Current - ~ W '~ eveingMrs HrryMerers prtyMo- Ms. . lle, vcepreidet n ortln rego; Mrs. . riJo ohn- s omefolMishere attencd te glits em ight d so.Mrs. Jnsad yA N D B I'1 Mrs. S. Payne got firat prize in ult Bible Class-W. J. Staintason, Thsrnbury Mrs. W.Nri4oLtuleolmis daFroevnswr i e yMs.gaveran 500 andi Charles Shaw the con- A collection ai money ai the lat: Avening; and Mrs. W. Neighber- teacher. Oneshawa. rprtofthganv mu. tion. ter class was sent ta the Telegram galai Parry Soundi; alsa five About a hundreci people gath- tinrsnsgaveLort cDde n DSoCr j If Tour Chi sal~~Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, Myrtle andi British Children's C h r i s t m a s grandchlldren, and twa great- ered at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. tiaEctin.r . Ue avRsot talk eg adDStoCr OtneerieGu 1 1 Yo rC id Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cheer. grandchildren. W. A. Hallowell ta shower Miss o Euain"Rî al n Bawman, Mr. and Mrs. Ivison The funerai service December Meda Hallowell, bride ta be, with tlungte sti uteonba s.uhtne. Tamblyn and Grant, andi Mrs. S. 6th was canducteci by her pastar, _______________ ontoed at w a u ncMr. Jnes E. MeDonald, oronto, wereRev. S. Littlewood, assiateci bybe rsn19 guests at Mr. J. C. Tamblyn'a. NMRS. M. J. TAM BLYN Rev. R. E. Morton ai Newcastiel* e rsn 9 C t h sUnion meeting Monclay evening HEADS PARK SrT. andi a cousin aio eea , ev. Eht ducation Miss*Laing, president, apenedth w as in charge af citizenship con- W .iA C O U A be t ars adnnof To on o.m .et et ee m b p aer 9th Uu~m*M * A nff veners,, Edna Myles andi SamW.AGR U Mrs. Patterson was ai a kind Ad RvJMLclnMs .Br k * ME *I ' - Ken.Scripture was read by andi loving nature and was held rul ey a hrg fte rga r ~ ~ VIU hI~~II~ Marlo Hancock andi a reading by Park St. Wamen's Association in mnuch esteem by ail who knew LIWOl> n aicag Miss M. McDowell. Rev. S. Little- electeci these officers: ber. »Sh was a valued member gav tebankinTe tngradrng r-.Ilten ta millions of experiendeci waod took the topic, "1Citizenship PrsdntMs M. J. Tambln; ai the Unitedi Church folaowing' Br okTleai =m# mohand rLmli maurs wth th and Rhita. . E. Logan fav- s Vice-Mrs. S. Littlewood; 2nd the union with tic Presbyterians, c.ll.Tuck Mrs. J. A. Bri.Peetofcr r '1 IMOvD Vic raunet tatt c ored i wth a vocal solo, Jim POW- Vice-Mrs. W. M. Stutt; 3rd Vice befare that being a Methodist. Thisnltwl cryo fraohe er s Christi a miue n ae oc l rs with Er piano solo, andi Glen Mr..H.talsRc.S - Beautiful- floral tributes borne petrs wl cryofranhrya. VapoRub giecr mE Hancack wlth a reading. Skating Mrs. R. E. Logan; Corr. Se-Ms by members af the L.O.B.A., Eyeighli pac o Mrs. Mcahaa oitc fhULTII IT ACTS 2 WAYS party is Dec. 29th. $10.00wsN. F. Porter; Fin. Sec -isF wihlcg tedc iahd)S>.ciUflsItresrri lc iMs ae 00TwONC-MissbF. (whreh edggivenethed M. a M.d)unnd..Bobe Cebbleouckeader ELECTRICECLEANER CTOCoa rn el£gvntheM.a apoiMe. sstn t Aob lobldickTreasurer - Miss L. testified ta the high regard iDisney Hldg. chosen, Mrs. S. Lancaster. <Our NE ly5 ,z ouca . a aponedasisat lln Pianist-Mrs. W. S. Cobble- which Mrs. Patterson was held. opp.> scetceîeitasatanw__________ k,1*Wrecreatianal canvener. The meet- dick. Bearers were: Messrs. Cecil Glass, graup "The Associate Helpers," Fomamto liiig closeci with games and frienci ovnn i onte'D- Harper Carscaciden, Robt. Ard. ___ OBthIflhipOrnoC.TU etiualMs . Dv;Pnx-Rabt. Allen, James Burgess andiNee 0 ay j bre ai' les Fumvltioal-Ms .Dv;Pf-Mr impatient a rs.J.ABaretacass -SP EY UR CANG wucohn à-OooWCTU e uday, . ________ Itemet oo dligvpmopening with a worsliip peio . M. M. Smith; Parsonage-Mrs. pFre Biniacombe. Interment took _____impatento_______OU \ ~~~Raolcal followed, each responci- CaresWodu; oa-r.W.paei nn eetr.FÂ.Dnt bsLch naestUa igt hirnm ih epr Stainton and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn; Among Uic friends irom a dis- ql4ck i an attempt ta treat ti- A Lesson la L.arud Un Sv ieo orcenn oswt - aaksraesM nc ernainoerse.Th emper- F el; nprytance were: Mrs. N*gheral, ridity or fear ini chdldren and Saverrim -- nc cntet reenttin illbe-Ms. . ier;Qultng-ns PrrySond Mr. Noni, Aen c-nAirts.isimatenc b fit ____ P Ccaer.Ruan funiur ca b da. at January special service. The ,W. Couch; P r ý a s-Mrs. W. 13.îng; Mr. andi Mrs. F. Caracaciden, Onyur expression ta thcm at this gsaer wOuoe FR ostoeseoeaghreliev treasrer's rpart wa read b Hoar.Tharnbury; Mn. Albert Stewart, tine. Such expression as the fol- (By Agnqs Macphail in Globe cc.qikyan hruhyatgetrav -Fnmtc oe lM rs y andepotwsreatis- oloig lcta vcl aaCreemore; Mn. Willis Hutchison, lowing are better thought than & Mail) uci muscular sareness or tlghtness and iacrs. _5.00 aen for sthe Fwasn eecti Mr aryo a- 10Tharnbury; Mr. andi Mrs. H. Car- expressed, "Stop being ioalish. The editor ai The Canadian brhngrealhoeit-wodnmSmfi>rt. fcoy 5Ü a etfrte a edrdb r.Mr h scadden, Stayner; Mn. andi Mrs. Don't be silly. Thcrc's nothing ta Statesman, a proveci friend oai mgs. Let u eosrt h - lae Togetdhprovedtreatment. budget. Committees were ap- sey, with Mrsg. J. J. Melor at the A. Gibson, Stayner; Rev. Albert hurt yau." The child may be toc' agriculture, arrangeci for a survey for youtodyeeu hoyuoiad Just massage VanpoRub for 3 n*t pomnted ior seiMvce i January: Piano. Carscaciden, Toranto; -Mn. and young ta hclp you salve Uic rea- af f ami conditions ini Durham zj k ON BACIC as welf as Refreshments-Mrs. Rainey, Mns. Over $50 was cleareci at Uic Mrs. Wm. Patterson, Taranto; Mr. son for fear, se you must reflect County by representatives ai Uic years tae tfeo orrg. u n thrat ndchetF«r11 .,t Smith, Mrs. Couch; Entertainmient Holstein banquet. $50 was given and Mrs. W. Muttan, Caîbonne; ac onc htyucn~te he ra al aesa o -then tub% -Mrs. itlwoMns. Melon; the M. & M. tond; $15 ta the Mr. and Mns. J. <recnaway, Part by observation as a solution ai ronto. The newspaper men were ie laer svniat li owc. Ms. CWal spke .Mstanding0nte pon ffc he urc t$ onV ti c SS IvttoL-îs.Cblcik ...;$0 ap- f i u Hope; Mrs. E. Tien, Islngton. this dificulty.. accompanied by the agicultural E ER L EC RI o th r me Irvu ap y bnlief Wa sh e pe seta tfndignte.ta i huin; put-Punisbment or sharp repni- representative afitUicocunty, E. clt.Tr t ».flo sWybiuration. te epeane ethfng 10 efanic urreanst-cimands may anly increase the iault A. Sumrnes. MissaionBn udnta in ese00refn tecu Mn. uDic- C w n i rather than dlxinish or correct it. That the situation is grave, alEN ParkSt.ipioMns. Wm. Anri-esoneMisseAfin nd. Mns. DPorter vileThe remedy ih best found inma agnee. Fifty farms in that county leaerhipoflèr« mArm sn Ms lln ad rsPote pleasant manner ai turning thc have been solci ta Europeans who w'u ~-stnong and Miss Marjanie Mc- wifi plan social evcnings. ViiosmniadMs o n d ta other channels and at the aepatsn ussec am Dwell, gave a splendid Christ- Vi''r. onae ring n ubitnc am O T N W NIG which included* exercises, cher- ThiCowan's. Mn. and Mrs. Brooks ylunngter T s îln- These newcorners have stiil a long uean og;pianio sls iCwn n amily M.T. Ste- mn ntepoe way tbobfoetey master the OEméahamq WeA. f I , N i Patsy Moiiatt, Kathleen Gamsby Tow shp____ il phens'.. Mn. andi Ivrs. W~alter direction. To assist this encour- art ai farming and animal bus- ,ni. Wmu ien ofaluS, y n et itn eîain yCak etnle tM e age confidence and with educa- bandry as practised by the for- ~..hiueya ]me 't fatb odsl a n d Jayce C ornish a citonaldWhie; CLARKE COUNCIL ClrkNengc nvs. . . a Br es Totien and influence Uic fear disap-meowesthSaemnsy. A ina-t fh.moet id Ta. ,-da,nl. Joybeautriful an o eneseWhted; otwshme..Ms nrwpeans as a propen mental attitude The communities have lost 90 per Bàmh o tscm t hef* )yBeele Pye it cors Clarkce Cauncil met Manday Bandy and Harr with frienAs in developa. cent ai their expenienceci iarm mimd .~ or ta oea. m wBevclay memberwith horusry . Give Uiis some thought andi by labor, with idle acres ai good of B.1 achaclu tua. cwkdmde.tIy i'.-f girls. entitieci "Silent Night';with ai mes rcese rt Port Hope. . . Mn. and.Mr.T xml nevu'oifunefr'adrslig ~u 'II-4or ovor hm jt oegi' 'mbrella." a senies af necitatians lr a isrcei awieStephens with Mn. andi Mns. E. texgapedavou t influenefr adrslig ft.,dy for K"ih. alm*&, 107 'wr six girls; dance by four girls Smithi Transportation Ca. in Te- Farrow, Garden Hill. taEur aAna eS Yns, e ~-' ~md fur bos; ad a ecia cx-rinte ne damage donc on New- Thbaktaiso atcm ceit and impatience, etc., gaining Assistance NeededEASY TERMS Doaas Kîanoy ils ërcise with Donna West reciting, tanville aide roaci. Saturday wil maIe it se Santa Pe rb mrebldivethng. The chief tbing at Uic moment andi a chorus. Pragtam endeci Request was sent in asking will be able ta came teauai the isbmcnt onsodigs recognition by the Canadian lhV nV V I ___________________________________council tea alow an evergneen Christmas concerts in bis sleigh (tDecOtncN pol ni h eerlGvCn I ~ 13RISIU tnee ta be planteci near Uic towIi witb bis neindeers. ______________ ment ai thc fact that fanmera cani-, ___________________________________ hall. Council agrecd. . Wisbing you a Merry Christmas net salve tbeir labon shortàge un- 3- Clock on town bail was dia- and a Happy New Ycar. assisteci. If Canada wants foodl3-0Smo t .Ohw Depo iebe Lght t L W C s t cusseci and clerc instructeci to for domestlc use andi for export Open eveningu hns 48 Depe dabe Lghtat oq ost take the matter up with Police ta Great Bnitain then something Unionees constructive must be donc at once. Mattens concerning tax arrears, Cak I have heard hlghly placeci people snow fence, andi roaci fareman -' ay sevenal tiies this yea:"h were discusseci. - .î there la nothing ta wonny about; ___________________________ Bylaw was passeci ta allow con- Our Home andi School Club i18 the production of iarm praducts Clnk b Bl TlehaeCa., time. Q EUI ifl war broke out. The fermer will * under supervision ai Roaci Supt. We extenci sympathy tea rs croak about it, but he wiil in- pel These nesolutions werc passed: Jobn Berry in the death ai ber - omb -YS~ crease production ail the same."Pta ndp e-od ofla u ! Autbonizing Treasuren te put ta mother Mrs. Pattenson. » 4110 al mI.-a SY"P Ot __No, e etsrntefih thenoffb""q.iwk red W simy«u M»t.WicI,.front elndxt snin Uc flght tecredit ai Police Trustees ai Sandy Watson bas be ofmon"y. lIt b..,me, IÊSMff. . , rmUc ac a ee o ra Orono $1616.84; granting ancien on wonk with a lame back. bath ai workens anci owners. The treasurer in favon ai these per-' H. J. Soucb bas salci Uic bouse m *i go :4 h"m worm bas turneci. sons: T. A. Reici $80, W. J. Patton and barn an bis place in Darling- a In the Durham County survey $80, F. B. Lovekin $80, H. J. Low- ton, the aid James Veale plae some significant Uiings came out. eny $80, Wm. Laing $80, R. H. Recent' Visitons: Pilot Off icci' A yaung fermer wbo la county Wood, messengen, $25; authoriz- W. A. Servage, Toronto, Mrs. Ser- ________________ficîdman for Uic Sbarthorn As- î ing treasurer ta pay road accounits vage and Dorothy, at H. J. Soucb's. sociation, saici: "There useci ta be CAN DIA GE IR L EI~.uc CO. ta enci ai 1941; Treasurer be ..Mr. Gardon Power andi iamily competitian among fermerai sans LMTSL-311 authonizeci te pay the following at Oshawa. .. Mn. andcir. HarrY Ita buy land. Naw only foneigners O" school anci county rates: County Bailey, Mns. H. J. Souch anci Mns, are buying the lanci." When that ___________________________________rate $16,651.51; High andi Con- Sandy Watson at Oshawa. can be saici about a productive tinuationachools 5,9'27.1; Gen. ________________1cunt -ieDnam hnshv Meeting was openeci by Miss K. $8.25 for Uic Russian Charlty - ~lc cuitne r eev rStewart. Mns. R. Merper canduct- Funci. Mns. Invin Colville, New- cd withoutanmer laity i l cd Uic business andi short pro- castie, won Uic chicicen. At Uicufre orilty %i gram ai the W. I., followed by display af sewlng andi knlttlng' saici Uicy have been given a colci election ai officers ai thc W. A. there werc 1 pr. oi seaman s shoulder. This expression origin- if I U A~& U i aI LA cuchre and dance was belci stocicinga, 1ipn. ai two-way mitts, ateci in Uic aid English customn ai 'N U !IUIV Xv IN V i Orange Hall, Kendai, Dec. 12, 3 pr. plain nXtts, andi 5 pr. af socks servlng a colci shoulder ai muttan jFe eFe 9 IILM'N & SO N IJhvA Mrs. T. Hlldltcb andi Jean fan Uic soldera; and 7 dresses, 1 tq a wayfaner for whom no speclal gvercer i aid ai Uic Alexandra coat compîcte wlUi 3 Pr. mitta, a preparations are ever miade. Al- INSU ANC AG NTSOnphanaga la London, Zngland. bat, a muff ta match, sweater andi thougb Uic banc generally held IN UR N E G N$ 11.50 was sent ta Uic tond. Sew- pants ion a boy, sweater, akirt very littie meat, aucb a Lare wuas Phone 681-Bw asllc igCicenifeils uî i and bloomers fan a girl, 4 profn. i pohrai.,Fmi always consideneci gooci esou¶b, mare eeung hlb wse anby pyjamas, 1 Pr. socica, 1 pr. baby USk.MIN for a passln stranger wbo coud CCieteoon. s iw ralecialippers, 1 Pr. goloshes, 1 pn. rub~- <Ols1.. ÊO > nat hope tome accandeci Uic bas- R W IN ýU Y wao $14.55. bers, 1 pr. uhoes, for the refugees. ptlty ahown ta an Inviteci guest. u

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