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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1941, p. 10

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.. ~. TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN1, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TURDAY, DECEMBfl 18, 1941 Buy CORBETT'S RUMDUGS nt JOlINSTON 'S BOOKSTORE P'hene 651 King St. WHY do we wish on a star? ln» anc nts w.r. finly cowtnc.d aliaS the stars affected luman destiny. ls It strange, Il.nftheatfluy suld appoal to thoe.heav. enly bodies te grant their h« rs desiet Why do thrlfty folk insist on RD tIUde'marked cool? e Th.y know by oxperienco that aur Famous Reading Anthracite in the cellar means money in the. bank. Try son'o. Leac'n how much extra bout you con get frein a ton of col-whon it camdes thos. RED trade mark spots. J PJUFLTT FUELS. Res.: Ontario St. Yard: C.N.R. Phone 2695 Phone 2673 BOWMANVILLE wmWIII lS lTS RENuI Card of Thanks To the Electors of the Town o! Bowmanviile Ladies and Gentlemen: Kindiy accept my sincere thanks for the support given me in the recent election. I shahl endeavor ta serve the municipality ta the best o! my ability. John H. Glanville. The Municipal Voters of Bowmanville: Ladies and Gentemen, For your kindness and support at the poils on Deceniber lSth I wish to extend my sincere thanke. I shall try to be warthy of your confidence. Wishing you the compliments of the season. Arley W. G. Northeutt. Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish to thank ail who have voted for me at the election. Also I would like to take this oppor- tunity to wish the newly elected council and people of the town of Bowmanviile, a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Yours sincerely, Norman Allison. 51-1 Ladies and Gentl emen: As one of the successful candi- dates at the recent municipal elec- tion, I wish to take this oppor- tunity ta thank ail those who supported me. I will do my ut- most to carry out my duties for the interest o! the town for the coming year. Wishing you ail a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. Owen Nicholas. Ladies and Gentlemen: 1 wish te publicly thanlc the electors of Bowmanville for the trust they have obviously placed in me by placmng me in office again as councillor. Last year I served te the best o! my ability and gined experience which I shail endeavor ta pass on in your intrei ii 192.My associations wit I~ayr-1et Edmondstone, inicmgRev Morris and the other councillors who wrn serve again next year have been bath pleasant and helpful; therefore I look forward ta a successf ai terni ini every way. W. R. Harrison. STAFF OF A. & P. SHARE UN PROFITS Additional compensation total- lling $1,500,000 to be paid before Christmas bas been voted em- playees o! the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tee Company it was an- nounced by John A. Hartford, President. L. W. Beebe, General Manager o! the Canadian Company an- nounced that ail Canadian eni- ployees with six monthe or more service. including part ture work- ers, wiil participate in the cash distribution. t Similar compensaton was voted the compeny's employees lest year. Order your counter check books at The Statesman office. r _-, - ý ý ý ýlý ., 1-11 il ý - l ý - l It --i Ir BRECK-In Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Montreal, an December l7th, 1941, LAC. Duncan Ewart Breck, R.C.A.F., beloved son o! Capt. and Mrs. T. G. Breck, Burketon, in his 28th year. Funeral from United Church, Burketon, on Saturday, Dec. 2th, at. 2.30 p.m. standard time. Intenznent Hampton Cemetery. GIBSON-In Bowmanville on De- cember 14th, 1941, Frank Gib- son, Newcastle, aged 69 years. KNOWLTON-On December 17, 1941, at Private Patients' Pa- vilion,, Toronto, Thomas Ed- ward Knowlton, beloved hue- band o! Ethel Younie King. MOOR-In Brooklin, December l7th, 1941, James Moore, MD., registrar of Ontario County), beloved husband o! Priscilla Jobb, in hie 7th year. MUTTON -In Bowmanvulle, on December llth, 1941, David W. Mutten, aged 82 yearÈ.' SPRY-In Cobourg, on T)ecember llth, 1941, Elizabeth Spry. In- terment Bowmanvulle Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM BRAGG - In loving memory of William S. Bragg, who passed away December 16th, 1940. Death doth hide, But not divide; Thou art but on Christs other side! -Ever remembered by wife and family. 51-le EMMERSON-In loving memory o! Mies Hannaix Emmerson who passed away Dec. 2lst, 1939. 'Tis but two years ago today Since God called you ewey, And we who loved you most o! al Miss yau more each day. -Ever remembered by her sis- ters Sarah and Maud. 51-1* IMORRIS CO. SUGGEST .- USEFUL, HOME GIFTSI Your Christmas Joy continues for many, many years if furniture is your choice. Kere are a few hints for a happy -holiday. Something for every home at every price! Hassocks, lamps, desks, chairs, studio couches, tables and scores'of other pieces to make for happier living! See the new occasional pieces by "'GIBBARD" CHESTÈRFIELD SUITES by OktarIo's leading factorles '$S.0,J77350, 595-00 Dolivery now-psy noit y7«r #fTHE TOY DEPT. ~am s, ohldren's desks, wheel- mw, scàooters shootiy rockers SPRONG-FILLED MATTRESSES tfjprovi eh reftnhn sleep mter a strenuons day. WhlenittoMesa&=nay other Items are becoming lnoremslngly isard te get-Morris Ce. stock la stili complets - prices range tram $11.75 te $3950 CEDAR CHESTS Always the Ideal OUNT for Ham A grand selection front $15.75 to $».50 !LS2Co Jl COMINO ~Articles For Sale Seivation Arnxy, Sunday Dec. 2st, at 7 p.m: Special Candieliht CANAIES FOR SALE - HIGH Caol Singing. fllustrated Crft- quality àin g rs. E. W. Sisson, mas, message <'Newton's Taie o! 1 Bowmanville. 11 Xmas." Beautifully calored elides I 51-i1 FOR SALE - COLLIE jIHS, Clauiied Ad. Rats One eent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charte 25c). Charge et 25o extra ls made when advertlsement la notpaid sanie week as Inser- tion. Extra charge et 10e when replies are dfrected te a Statesman bex number. Blrths, deathsansd duarriages 50o each. In Memorimu, 50e for notice plus 10e per Une for verse. Classlfled adver- tisements aeeepted Up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTHS BARTLETT - At Bowmanville Hospital oo December th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bartlett, a son, John Edmond "Teddy".. 51-1 DOWNE - Born to Pte. E. W. Downey, lst blidland Battalion, and Mrs. Downey, Manvers Rd., Bowmanville, December llth, 1941, a daughter, at Oshawa General Hospital.> 51.-1* EYLES - At Grace Hospital, Ot- tawa, on Saturday, November 29th, 1941, to Pilot Officer and Mrs. Edward J. Eyles (nee Irene Petley), a daughter. 51-1 FORAN-In Bownianvllle Hospi- tai on Monday, Decernber l5th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Foran (nee Marjorje Morris), a daughter. 5i1-i* DEATIIS tFOR RENT - 2 OR 3 ROOMED f upstairs apartment, furnished or unfurnished, with ail con- veniences. Imrnediate posses- sion., Appiy 13 Carlisle Ave. 51-1* HOUSE $10 MONTH -WAÏM, dlean, Hooey or Malcolm Far, 1 % miles from Map le Grove off highway, 21/2 miles. Bowman- ville. Appiy E. Xi. Edgerton, Box 159, Haileybury, Ont. 49.-3* Rooms Wanted". W A NT E D 'O RENT TWO r heated rooms. Phone 692. 61-1* Farmers, Attieton ATTENTION FARMERS! - WE p3ay highest cash prices for told burlap bags. Brmng all burlap to office near C.N.R. station. r Brookdale-Kingsway Lindted, Bowmanville. 51-1 Lost LOST - ON SATURDAY, DEC. l3th, between Bowman House and Prospect St., email black purse cantaining suni o! money and registration card. Finder please phone Bowmenvulle 508. 51-1* Strayed STRAYED-ON MY PREMISES a heifer on Dec. lSth. Owner may have same by proving pro- perty and paymng expenses. Howard Gaud, phone 2437. 51-1* STRLAYED - ON TO THE PRO- perty o! Harvey Morgan, Lot 26, Con. 6, ten head of 2-year- old cattie. Owner can have same by praviwrg property and paying expenses. Tele ph on e 51r5 Orono. 50-2* Business Directoxy Legal 3 Rf G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L.B. Barrister, Solicitar Notery Phone 351 Bank o! Commnerce Bldg. Bowmianville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor Natary Solicitor for Bank of Montreel Money ta Loan - Phone 791 *Bowmanviile, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law ini ail its branches Office immediately east o! Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson. Graduate of Royal Dental Col- le'ge, Toronto. Office: Jur~y Jublle Bldg, Bowmanville. Office heurs 9 a.m. to 6 -M. iy except Ïwday& Phane 790 - House phone 883 X-Rai Equlpment In Office Fanerai Directors ored neelers. Apply Johnson Bros., Enniskiilen, Lot 16, C n. 7, Darlington. 51-2* FOR SALE-'228 CHEV. COACH in Ai condition. Winl sdi cheap for cash. Harry Couch Jr., New- castle. 50-2* FOR SALE - BOY'S WINTER Oecasize 12 or 14, in good codto,$3.00 cash. May be seen after' 6 p.m. at 22 Carlisle or phone 404. 0 50-2-1* The South Ward Bible Schaol Christmas entertainiment takes place Mvonday evening next, 7.30, at South Ward School. A delight- fui evening expected. You, are invited. 91-f Reception Mrs. John S. Rickard will be at home to her friends at The Grange, Newcastle, pn Saturday, December 27th, from, 3 to 5 and 8, to 10 p.m. 51-1 Shooting Match Shaoting Match to be held at Alex Muir's, Courtice, SatUrdaY, Dec. 20th, at 1.30 o'ciock, with geese and ducks for prizes, with shotguns and rifles, ammuriition supplied. 51-1 For Rent FOR RENT-SIX BOOM HOUSE, electricity, bath, possession Jan. lst. F. B. Rundle, phone 2100. 51-1* FOR RENT-5 ROOMED APART- ment, water and light. Newly decorated. Immediate posses- sion. Appiy T. Lymer, P. 0. Box 51, phone 379. 51-i* FOR SALE - DOUBLE FRAME house, corner Queen and On- tario Streets, Bowmanville. Ap- ply J. L. Freeman, 190 Monk Street, Oshawa. 51-2* FOR SALE-ONE ACRE, NORTHi of Highway at' Maple Gro'Ve; frame dwelling of 3 roonis, washroom and bathroom; gar- age and chickenhouse. Apply ta Mrs. E. V. Scobell, Insurance & Real Estate, Bowmanville. 51.-3* Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY-TWO GOOD used Aladdin lanips. Appy Ken Werty, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1220. .51-1w WANTED TO BUY - CHILD'S tricycle ini good condition. Phone 2256, Mrs. Wm. A. Clarke, Loy- ers Lane, Bowmanville. 51-1 Hielp Wanted HELP WANTED-YOUNG GIRL for housework and to mmnd childrepi. Phone 692. 51-1* WANTED-IC*IH SCHOOL GIRL for light housework ini exchange for wunter home. . Phone 2840. 51-1* GIRLS WýATED _-M MCHN and floor work at Bowmanville Hospital. Apply to Superinten- dént. 50-1 WANTED - CAPABLE HOUSE- keeper for family o! two; good wages; ail modemn convealiences ini home. Appiy Mrs. R. P. Bowles, Nestieton. Phone: Port Perry 192r13. 51-1* Personai PILES-WHY SUFFER HUMILI- ating mier Wer to get re- lief?Wrt Box 271, Bowman- ville. 50-2f BusigbesaService USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We aiea carry new goode. We are carrying a large stock o! suits, Faîl and Winter coats, pente, windbreakers, etc. A call will convunce you. Dont miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 50-8-4* Drugiesa Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugless Practltloaer Liberty Street - Bowmanvllle Electrical Treatments - SpJ.nal Adi ustments and Massage. 46-7 Yl~ OtYL.L-V4Ut4YOJR 9SM 2T1 -HIS PURE MILK 15 ' FULL OF P!P..- FROM * OLEN WB AI ARY -b CF COURw% ! FU?(ERAL DIRECTORS Service, anyr hour, sexy day F. F. Morris Co. fjodern Mater Equlpment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phone 48, or 734, Assistant 573. I1 Licensed Auctioneers ELMER WILBUR Hampton - Ontario Spelaizn iFarm, Livestock, irplemets and Fumniture Sales TEBMS MODERATE Phene for Terme and Date ta: Bawmanville 2428 CLIFFORD PETRICK Auctioneer - Rxnnskllen Phono Bawmanville 2536 Speclalizlng in Farm Llvestack, Implements and Fumniture Sales. Consuit me for terme and dates. 50-tf Vetelrln4ry B. D~ MI~SAZ V.8.; DV.Se. ~kUU~ g . i -i.. Drink Glen Rae MILK, sud youli sean dicover tisat Its PUR1TY ls Four atest and surest route te GOOD HEALTE TRY THE NEW IMPROVED Chcolate Dalry Drink. IjAuctiom Sales Friday, Dec. 19th, at -1.30 p.m., in vacant store ini Cowan Block, Bowmanville, wlil be held an auc- tion sale the like o! Which bas neyer been approached la town. There's toys o! every kind, dol carniages, play sets, shovels and rekes, diehes, roclcing horses - well, we juet cant begin ta liet everything. Then there'$ r9guiar chairs, tables, antique dishés, etc. Lot o! articles will be boxed in job lots. It's the time o! your life ta get Christmas gifts at elmost a sang, aitho' terme are cash. W. J. Chellis, auctioneer. 51-1 WOOD SALE Saturday, Dec. 2th, at 1.30 p.m. standard tume, Lot 17 and 18, Con. 9, Darlington, 2 miles north o! Enniekillen (half mile off high- way, gaod road for trucks), E. A. Werry will sell four acres of mix- ed standing tumber la % acre lots, more or lees. Purchasers will #have 18 monthe ta remove tumber. Terme cash. Ted Jackson, suc- tioneer. 50-2 WOOD SALE Saturday, December 2th-H. B. Foster, lot 21, con. 2, Darling- ton, 1 mile north o! Shell station, Mapie Grave, wiil senl by auction 14 acres, more or lees, o! cedar suitable for ltuifber, poste and ladders; also 6 acres, more or lese, o! eim. maple, birch and ash; to be sold in 1/ acre lots,,more or less. Purchasers wiil be given tiil April 1, 1943, to remove tumber. The !arm consisting of 90 acres, more or lese, suitable for pasture with weter, will be offered for sale. subject ta a reserve bld, im- mediately following wood sale. Terme cash for wood. Sale 1 p.m. D.S.T. J. D.- Hogarth, clerk; El- mer Wilbur, auctiofieer. 50-2 Radio Service RADIO REPAIR - ALL WORK guaranteed. Roy Neads, Centre Street, phone 546. 51-1* Wilson's Furniture Co. .Deeember Furniture Sale Wise shoppers would do well. to avail themselves of aur low priced speci4ls. Very large selection from aur two stores. Wilsonls values lead the market. Xmas Glft Suggestions Cedar chests, book cases, lamps, fancy cushions, end tables, che- nille bedspreads. emokers,' ceffee tables, occasional chairs, dail prams. Hundreds of other gifts at Wilson's lower prices. Iner Sprlng Mattresses $.95-Spring filled mattresses in, heavy striped ticking, roll edge, handies and ventilators. Ail sizes. Wonderful values. Floor Coverlng Speolals $l.49-New borderless raigs, Olt. by 9 fr. You will find at Wilson~s everythlng in floar coverings. Personal attention te ail your floor ceverlng problems. Inlalda, congoleumns, feltals, heavy lino- leuni. Ail widths. Wllson's prices are lower. Trade-In Departanent Jarnmed full - htundreds of good used furniture bargains. We must make room at once*regardiess of price - Chesterfield Suites, Dmn- ing Suites, Kitchen Cabinets, Dressers, Beds, Rugs, Stoves, Couches, etc. It will psy you ta visit our stores. Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 Ring W. 20 Chureis St. OSHAWA. 46-tf ElIzabeth Arden Blue Graus Floer Mlst $1.50 Hand-o-Tonlk 81.25 - $2.25 Bath Soap 75o Bath Sets ..75o - 82.00 Blue Grass Perfume 8 1.50 Dustlng Pewder & Soap $82.25 Chistmas Sets s- 2-6.50 EvenIng In Parle Toilet Water & Talc - . . Face Pewder & Tollet Wator $1.75 Cologne snd Atomiser 81.75 Toilet Water 60 Bath Powdor $ 1.50 Talc, 'Perfume, Tout Wmter .82.00 Christmms Sots 81.15 - $5.00 Wanted W AN TEBD - MIDDLE AGED lady as comnpanlbn*ý and for light housework for 2, adults. Apply Mac'Smlth, Grena. 51-1* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - CHICKENS FOR sae. App Mr. P. Haynal, Bowmaýveé.51-1* FOR SALE-10 SUCKING PIGS 6 weeks old. Apply Russell Short, R. R. 5 Bowmanville. FOR SALE - DORSET-HORN shearling ram; choice bronze turkeys and Ebdin geese and Pekin ducks. Apply Newton Taylor, Burketon, R. R. 3. 51-1 FOR SALE.-2 HEIFER CALvES, Jersey crossed with Durham. Aiso a few leghorn cockereis, good for breeders. F. W. Battie, R. R. 6 Bowmanville, phone 2647. 51-1 FOR SALE-PUREBRED YORK- shire pigs. Gilts 6 months old, dam quallfied in advanced re- gistry. Aiso younger boars and gilts ail sired by Yorkdale Em- peror, a well-bred boar with plent of character and type. Aiso 1 purebred Ayrshire bull caif il months old, bred by Le- Moines Point Farm, Portsmouth. Apply Garnet B. Rickard, Bow- manville, phone 2218. 51-1 POULTRY BOUCHT AND SOLD AT HARRY ALLIN'S Order now te ensure goà selection ef Turkeys, Geese, Chtek- 1eus, Fewl for the holiday feast, Good Mixers--Top Flight Beverages CANADA DRY IN CHRISTMAS CARTON 3 bottiez 69c plus deposit O'KEEFES GNER ALE 3 bottle carton 6Oc plus sinali deposit on bottles McCORMICKS 3 lb assorted chocolates $1 ROBERTSON'S assorted chocolates lb 33e 20C FRENCH CREANS .............. lb 23e 1llbtUn wax -459 IiT vi v IfHawesl Lemen 0On 1ýc -25 -5 NEW DEAL Wlth bottle ef I#awes' FI~() ~furniture ore*m, fe poM&shng cleth - ~590 IIALVYALLI N The Corner Grocery Phones 367 - 368 Helena Rubenstoîn Apple Blossons Seap ----55e Apple Bleons Cologne 75e0- $1.25 Apple Bleons Perisune $1.25 Apple Bleons Dusting Pswder $1.25 CIu'istmas Sets 81.50 - 5D Heavoa sSent Seap ... 550 Heaven Sent Colegno 850 -81.50 Heavon Sent Dusticg Powder ------ SUc - 81.35 ChristumsSets. 8.5 0 840 Bachelor for Mmn TalOUns -----me Shaving Croam -..... O Shavhîg Lotion Shaving Dowl Chriimas Sets W. Doliver .AdrleÀiie. Cologne $1.10 LADIES' TOILE£TRIES beautiffuly boxed frem 11.10 - 011.75 Yamdiey's 014 Engluis Lavender- la mebn's snd Wemen's Gift -sets are Gardeimla, Celgate's and Cutex and Revelon sets soc te $500. LOW PRICED 4 REXALI Gily Wrappcd BoxesJÛ SHOAING SETS~ Whoun we tuesys it la douesSprperlir. Phono 778 Jury' VV I The Rexail Drug Store '-"us.---- C.N.R. Ticokets 'm-e.--.- TEN don't foirget that are aIwass large variety of Potted" Plants and Cut flowmr Se. Oui Dispay & FLOWER S130P Phono, 772 Mo: LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from. over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf TiZtEs -VULCANIZED- TIRES -Put thousands of miles into your tires by having them Vul- canized. We have a good stock of reconditioned tires. Save money. Add miles to your tires. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, one block west of Post Office. 51-t OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything ini modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, andstudios. Bedding and floor coverungs a specialty. Quaiity merchandise at com- petitive prices. Befare buying visit Bradiey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcie St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Real Estiate For Sale 10 F ý1- l-, 1-17---lýl 1-ilý Er-- = el 7

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