" MU M D A Y D E C D O M l e , ~' 1 9 4 1 M C N D A T T S A . B W A V L E N A I I AsElSée utj Di' Capt. Elmore Philxott E WRD A O ththpediz n aed. hIle odwrdIS BOSS re At each new train stop we got mor te glbe. -lécarton o Iseaaeplac schatd ve But at he time0f riisng it ptuehape vat Pcic té afe sa r i zny cksrplusie t a t e we kdict att th e. an g ta f eHrsOe i a o fe tk 'On Pel haro riwm Pcif.asicwhHitermovs fr aT HE W M NOFC N D go dwi bahistoryahavtie b eciini heodwrd greatndrdchetitmat i TSe ahapoewltimaatey echade Bu m a ot the dow allof r t shthe atePafth w ie aci fieure n- hc o AoeCnD onclumeian powrt the wekdicaton knowsthe aieteran ofthe gnin gqnf th n ftherasn- Jpanse sit ofOher'ar frc I e o vdne syttosg Aves o ultmtaleoterinthnar Jo gr ie attt a p n P arcann t be o ck- to ac f fre w i e iatl and oe anfo aC i i g P i e " M s e M i t i e god outn is omparastielyfwdandsdoverttheir eemy which is mrat onth . han e:vethat twen us muhplie rneutsanny décd mh ak nockte dout ue allo riwt is tracte fthe rive ofacifa nd. anoAer icantpoeries tthe swlftnIf Bretan, sthe Unted tateshi a peal o h women of a a anhr sssces wil e a g tp nthD oto v try L* l r i s m o. h e e d o f H t e r a d J o b o f e s t r o y i n J a p a n t e s na vainrv t l p a tof orrc e e ' e df i l r o u d b TUhe Paclificgpnctureseemsu power the rs ancding parties meohvebesonue b hw avnobewipevaout whe oppor Separtat and distnct bcolcta. tu nyfordsTbesa-dtowanny Yu oenmn a lced a tceiing oetail u cantiphe alnaneoadsuce. naon th emslvsAnd scod1a utthem in flet, or man let or i f ilth g odus ld n hi c un ry Y ur wh leec nt ol of om od ty prce a e ta li he f ctnW ine gt tastotheng up f r battlethen lSastihs Woman k te wme o Caadthisr some nthapast hat ar powr ofher itiesromtic r ainr carnm.drasticaîîy curtails naal ne ithepatuoseful-reffandhicfiying fortressesaiurewoud bhaichioscanw oasr donefo. n es cfiea ,pcue st power. u the wi-oçrtefritous ans f i lates ever t e ha e e ath warran ytwo ui tan ding and defeat of Ja-eiig"on rtal o c n i t e aan e o ar s u ces nlngof at argumestnct moe than htyla wy o o r eth e- Thsiste wo kyo r ak d od Thpae ise impeé rualm. o eve anhese tamoetivChinaIo - I rcs o r h u eso ou u feeyfv olr iiyu teu draet aetesces nfaower werves.The recnd redutChinaan eewheremi ese otey ofaea litof com od iti couWrite dowprices absoieltechy a i oe ht at h aves.ivaedbwy saitlooer.fori ot lofcm dtyp ce an salsh atW w ee ndu a p he .. h e a and a nd atls er Jp neaapotver ike We w n o eto i on t oday ae cnd makelan.lIto h fter each ou itemA ndwe wan o u to twien d o n ey u an far mre haen itodd elp a-Jaaseandif armiesoeses sethns hget rcecare urn er.dSp pacin. sight ilngpfr a the dath waran te0f atosen you fr r t weekt o eekadfomm nh omo . this at your store the don FOUR FRONts a T S atai pw r m e iies if e oses icoma nd caitemsri Writ dowrfoo andclQting artiular thcuse stem erl5toantobe il,1941 If ou cnnotreme ber he pice do om o ersioffiaton an u i oudohaeotrn.thopauhe e cc unef r he bignt-ha e f ou e pe diur s. Buocared du in t atpeio , ilin yoofis w thtoalseri es Tigo f clai arou ntmkng e mh t n tha t w y o ok g p. us-O r v y s ow h t r tafr, w thfoe c ptosrr sa tatths aai oe arbt nheaer n Ebya that ite has ourfrots: waean oant youadig adto lisf -Thossarics utuyhte ugore, ke igarie s ellwthnteo do~ eel.A xcpin Ifng N owereatc-i nuding TCher, nevar w ways thI an1 . Make anoitsaout quaitye.3 rt onpie sgleeof f r or e r ee hn o onet hain 0àwerby s itiwaer ihtFoar f ore te k nc iot G r n ouuld disJ - J p ose 0f aa i n tvr ea he -U r c e t ya c r t l .w hp dt nc u ti and o n h e owinth-swar be f oe we Ng w go ve y ro ur lis to b and mrk downht nt tCe5 Makes t rc h lis y r t orend i a ted Youe FO RaryTSamisqfualitycmmndo W it typedan cotig graden atiulrflotse te be 1Keeptbe 1,1ingIfyo atotre eyoure !ie SovetRusiafigtse nan, er- He i ng stieadownathough mh ang ut fr uthae bgtshu il e able to copairesvalus lst rom day ngto ay a ke o it inyour ermanethey c s- * m la y ugry ann Ru m ia. t urke, th t eou i f g P er ss ody-o ag n t r he i e 3. Thme Souern plfrconheea rablia, seizethe Souez cnal and aswell as pr t ics hs rilsyubu ttedu tr, Our ster shosae ad aeailea ithf xcp icn,.es the Gerhas fhaverotest chancereNortre, rica therebyediving of br e eatele s' lonicadBrtaN froN D THE Editerranean.edteyae engqicl bougtinol bygin i N gh tancs nto 1fricaiand Orheemagt o wail otaon1an2. M eno sab u alt tdrurnae allires ns ri lonoe at nivan of wBrta i tleies , ifrent lii D.fferen Store. A Few P it to e memo ber the an oker E ut rpean Aia rt- on Ifho e ot te 10fthisw rbfr e Ndole .you itaaavn akd wnten c nter taîy. ast, amay. cou isoste Suez can a heheereas- r . Te upths ric it et y dacrt o u id 2. Tqe Eastern fronto r ci ight hope to covinceausuthatalasbteen ra derne nd ices ihn difeennt ccab eio ie la heotee s ario te. price yu p. o -Sierot, now a in the ilight her- e mt; e could or wthould sin tureenstrehsine same wloc ablTsmar endonltes Itis the ighes to riceatwhichtsorer nenatccuit W e s, H u i n y ea r f o r e t t a . t u b e y n e e r - e d i l e s i a ng da i d o e v c h t r e 0 ,y. SbS L 3a. Th eySuernfrnali'wn o radstiate seio ttheuewcanitaoperates orne etweyour ern teu raur catouvr 1hrrieinpic t e e pt n haethewestern cer on t h fh vrca me- Bt nhe wuld soef rist n e a e d li ey srie gv r dt rpr vd ech n e u h c o sl t o f b t a k i t e a l lbe w e e i i L o nk d o e i n a p o s i t o n t e g h a t N o ro h r x r e r i e .Sm a e l p s rs o b a B i n owi n ce s t he Af r i t a m O e r ýi o h t u tbe n g a tne s n - e m y so r i e t e og Asia; ut frm wprovidedthe '.evasflotf aboven lie wouidthaesbeable te ime at. ndriceth e nc Prie n the price.tore poth erafrm L o n. TAwi n a t- fheefore Ih e gardl afath ackMiilledeA tere Poistilsbe dffer-ceiin 4. Thew a s eten fron wot, o n Asci Mi o r as c etinu ty n-en eh re s lat difeena sto fre.T e nwprice n d 3rn . Th c ii pi ses o n, ofessl the r anyu d . hfe fotbeabine. t imoeli ,ter besHtie sould stae ery- dstrs ve tresi h aelclt.Ti egulaionsh Var te iahet is w hsor e s ol feru ieme frm erol n It mi gt l that thiean ornn e peat atte ptillntd of aaviweths o eitionr the whyigetoprces i tbe aeprite.Ruig o esna akeswlnb n wa cnnecesry cofnditi on of ad Teaeertsail ey he an't articuaraniher hghestprice .te xcmaj o b hat es teic r ceron t oIfhen v ra Eng i ia w udst rs f r str e mua not b r e viethan te cé i, rp o in o n e r m tm t i e b h ati e Pie n r d - 'ieîsn htessfocebetwtstreduinnhepeLooSndmeronoOoerin 1postBoard iii newsNrthpapA erh an a'd e h rio. o slsor'te an eln o Ne oooterrf extBtrhatdoeertsayhesi. th cmbtat powe m iht. eo ry.,for he me einRusatThey niay be a littie ower or a littie hîgher than the prîces i p o ugte fr s from L onther B er in o sTh er Ja s o ve I egdl a n c P ac kficUot ert es. 4. F111 o ut y o ur prîce list w ith o ut b otherin g y oh eur m erchant.ce the warn. But the nec.essary re- ont be icau se a e thoug t he uwas In maiy cases he dimaéregtastonaeciaThsacrifice to sdi under th itevet erabfortota ictorey- or suesHtlwin, bu tbeaue e thatriýn nsasnlpie o rs rit n e d efm e a n t w o u ld ilb e th ea s e t h e b e st c o u rse t e p tw l n t d a a i h o p ti i n T e h g h s ri e n n ab e r p r i te .Rop e nn.e s n a a k e s w ll b n .th maor attes hie prced toinvde nglnd.paThe prstrie st u il a o wn wiIl be ha the highest prices priuce eiling. T e war has efbt h e sh rtimfed icandtC rist- s trutheon oc pweryoiatiooAheofexpicsugg $ e tat or Uc ll eorieotrether f WiCnadasutth ow ntail hesîta- charced at testores wig he r ousoSpebr1 oOtbr1. Badi esaesado terdo O thaw sen fo tte ale tin o e ra rd and hogo n tt h al n m n ae ei ai g afna ca a rfc osl n h ar orit iely tro r t a ni thy o wasre footin a buatas e ca ge ttcs pi h oa e e v r ef e n .Thwu l e t h e d-ur e t ema yc u s o e .T e p r c s y u i l m r d w i l e t e h g h s t h e r e .g T e w r h a e t h m h r t a f d a d t h h i t s cha n f hes o werat in t e ie- U o hc s g et h tc ar e tt eso es w eey us o a uh i n orate wfutre sishoweter one ...i m aaore P ho, w h éwitea-- ~ - - - - t m os f e u n l o g t - - - etfthi o efurius Paific art e ru ardekyasIgo eon a ta Onli estrnl hefrooft heullis feauewot gveteingked assisnt nene sfastltels. s ipasferdasagud.Ad o tth teriem oubyorepettoby s u p pr l i e t r t a n , a n t i e r t R e v e w " oe.h a i n l n t e c i t o h a e e t e Te i i f ro n s.i g or o at o n o S n d yrD c much sea and air power front work of theCanadian Broadcaat- item Sn " , t. Store Price Item <Size, QuaUity. etc.> Store Prie It la also extremey likely that -21st, at 8.30 p.m. eatéÀ standardFODC THN Xe' WmnChdens Hitler wil coerce the spineless time. r . Pwih llp ttrin l a i ar .FOD1 CLOTHJNr. <Men's. WomeCnal pac- dren'Coaj treacherous Vichy goverfiment in- ial wthwr nPaYe. Ml Cot to furthor colaboration with the___________ Butter Sweaters the French fleet and perhaps even HoeCncrIption .Shortening Suitsj mrn ilitary and air force. H o eo st EggsDrse W I N T E R I N R U S S I A S u g a r S i t _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ Al Ai ndications are. tha t Hitler Subjected to continued Inais- Ta ofeSit bas defmlitely loat Uic 1941 battle tenee 0f wîde awake reallats fromTe Cfe Blouses -_________________________ of Ruasia. It would be possible to coast to coast in Canada and re- Flour _________________________ write columns on this phase of peatodiy warned by an over- Cereais sit Ui' war. AUl that noed be said wheiming majority of the free _____________________________________ now, however, la Uiat civilization prçss of the nation, the iatest Bread Udrer___________ owes an eternal debt of gratitude 'newvs brings every indication that Ptte geefrutIlty or that ho may fi bUh mad " authorigy o H TM ICSADTA BOARD, Otagawa Canada MW~bte Into some other lineof As wer actlvlty. If uo, ho wouid ho dlrected there. Authoriti' The euthorlty whlch is to ho cxerciued, derives from the Na- wefl as Mon, d much more o The Mohilization Act whlçh tucfomtl principle. It mai' and adjustments in the fild f, young wmn le oete n tional Mobilization Act of ,Tuzo, hi' reason of e tact that war authorize. Uic complote mobiliza- wdll e'ecorxn'ein tino. labor seci likeli'. huwvos, as weil as spinsters. proper penlisfrai cii 1940, and, la effect, It wlll ho on- service wlU ho et Ive. As upc- tion of the manpower and tichee CIJdAt Uic p rosent tume, according Whiio compulsion wlU ho applied forcemnt of thet Act. But It wll cilly lndlcatd , it Winl place materlel resources of the nation IsWom & dta the sta tictis, 575,000 Canadiens if it la nceossary, I ilb h uny b~e given a great amount of ma- Uic Individualw erever ho or confinedin Its scope and opera- Unquestionable, there wll ho are omployed In wa± lInduutry. Of hast rcsort af ter people, cailed up There jeialti rueth chinery-e l i '- of 'boards-to shs its Ii bet,- whether It he -tion te aaa measurca te mauntain to thefu, these 75,000 are womon. The need for Uic bout services theyrc allts1 Thve ew plan w Illhodfeeth leufe cIIsnecîod vierel ocmuao o e-tepetsaeofts eprod Ii e i rnc c' .ea i o,,o laTheat ptawiil dfectwo entaes le a cnntedvie utIde Canada. This new tion Ievery lino, and to and hi rqurement, It la plennod indlcated, tao rone of tthey ill ' te ' Inaa twl fetwoe swt h a.lchome ao far envisions no doper- IL. Ia thia connection bgis= thet 56 per cn lIh oo-lwwlh xeL oblgfra * ~ w. -