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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1941, p. 6

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THE CANiADLAN STATESMA, BOWMAINVInE. ONTABIo TEURSDAY, DEIME 1.14 A. . ankr.Mar. . ~ _ arye. Rv.~é.~unio pronounceci the bene - 1181'1âlol es Vislng omm.-Mr,. H. ditio lIn and Irs Mn.. rdCodH._______ B heMsJ. Rnch -Mns. W. . Jsp oloNwate cr, M.. J.Rn, MW. l M nrnJeigCor uls Newcastle R a nd M n. J. M . Coble- in rnew n en s b c«pGn ' I M n.. J. H . Jo e P a ronage w ites: st ill consid er T h e S tate - C aaro iF m.-Mns. W. H. èookc, Mns. man Canada'. out.tanding news- «I iHare, Mns. W. J. S. Riekard, paper of Ita clase. Wc enjoy it 11<>, H. M. Allin, Mn,. J. H. Joge, vcary* mdcli and pan It on to o Wl. J. Glenney. others. ir 1 The lNewcasle Independent Phono Clarke 111 *UUM UUU UUME UUU UUUU UUU UU1 Miss Eilecn Todd, Starkvillc, NEWCASTLE PUBLIC StWOOL visited Miss Wylnaa Farrow. REPORT OF FALL TERM Mr. Huldrick Schmid went la&to Oshawa hospital for an openation. Senior BROM Mrs. Geo. Patterson, Pickering, C visited lier daugliter, Mrs. 'A. W. Course dlvided into two groups, Pearce. 1 and 2, for Grades 7 and 9, bu ail togcther ini one for Grade 6. Mars. W. J. S. Rickard enjoyed.a Standing: 75 and over-A; 65-74-c week's holiday visiting friands ln B; 55-64-C; below 55- iToronto..5 . Mrs. W. b). Souci and Mrs. R. Grade 8 Thonipson, Bowxnanville, were Standing in Group 1: A-HughE visitors at Mns. Melbourne' Hoop- Aiken, Ivynne Harris, Balfour Le- t er's. Gresley, June VanDusex. B - Another car o! western grain Buddy (Leslie) Bonathan, Norma f. arivcd at Uic C.N.R. station last Johnston, Velna VanDusen. C- week. It was for Messrs. Stewart, Viola Cotter, Yvonne Vanflusen,a horse ranchers, east o! Newton- Murray Walton. ville. Standing in Group 2: A-Hugh- Douglas VanDusen was home Aiken, Buddy (Leslie) Bonathan,- fromn Peterboro over Uic weck- Ivynne Harris, Murray Walton. end, but will not be home for B-Noima Johnston, Balfour Le- À Christmas. He isega. i a Gresley, Velma Rogerson, June indusry. ngage in anusan, Yvonne VanDusan. C Among Uic many from outside -il otr points in attendance at Frank Grade 7 Gibson's funeral on Tucsday was Standing in Group 1: A-Mary hais old boyliood friend, Mfr. Fred Déwdney, Joan Duck, Herman Treleaven, Toronto. Schrnid, Mary Toms. B-Barbara Mn. W. F. Uickard, M.P.,lias Bonathan, Neil Britton, Marie started work onc a new house for Cotter, Jane Lunt, Bobbie Purdy. huiself and Mrs. Rickard near C-Ross Bail. D-Norma Aldrcad Mr. Geo. C. Wiiglit's pnopenty, Grant Ball, Jack Perrin, Hazel farther east than "Thc Grange."' Rowc. Mr. arnby Mrti basnot Standing in Group 2: A-Bar- Mn. arnby atinhasnotbara Bonathan, Neil Britton, Mary bean vcry well and is taking a Dewdney, Joan Duck, Hcrman rest fnomin as duties as a CNR Schmid, Mary Toms. B-Ross section hand. He want te Toronto Bail, Marie Cotter, Bobbie Purdy, Satundayr for a physical examina- Hazel Rowe. C-Normna Aldread, tion and returned Sunday. Grant Bail, Jane Lunt, Jack Per- Those fromn this ncighbonliood rin. attending Uic Durham HolsteinGrd6 Club's banquet at Orono werc:Grd6 Mn. and Mn.. J. H. Jose, Mfr. and Grade A-no onte. B-B e t t Y Mrs. Jno. Hendry, Mn. and Mn,. Gray. C-Viola Lambert, Evelyn J. T. Brown, and Mfr. and Mrs.McManus, Dorothy Poster (ab- W. F. Rickard. sent for. four examinations, Writ- Public and biglia chools close ig Social Studies, HcaâU, and Friday for Uic Christmas liolidays Art to be marked). and will re-open Jan. 5Ui, 1942. Th6s. A. Rodger, teacher. There wcre closing exercises of a Boom 2 Christmas character in all de- A-75 %; B-65 to 74; C-55 to 65; Pantments o! Newcastle public D-59. and bigla scliools. Grade V-Claire AlUn jA, Wal- St. George's evenmng service lace Couch B, Bih HolubeUio B, being held an hour carlier Uian Ronald Hocki B, June Harris B, tic United Qliurch service, a nm- Fred Joinston C, Rodger Mellow ber o! Uic members o! Uic latter A, Mary Scimid B, Donna Smith attanded St. George's Sunday D, Arthur Price B. evening and heard Rcv. Victor E. Grade IV-Ruth Allin B, Helen Spencer speak on Japan. Asli A, Christina Alldread 'B, Mi. Percy Brown's group o! Mary M. Bonathan B, Hazel M. thie United Churci W. A. icld Fisher B, John Holubeàko B, their fourth o! series of group teas Mary Hagenman B, Evelyn Fos- Priday at Uic home o! Mn.. W. H. ter (ill), Arthur Macdonald A, Cooke. Assisting Mns. Cooke as Stanley Powell D (away), Joan joint liostesses wcre Mesdames T. Neilson B, Newton Selby B, Mar- A.. Rodger and H. M. McColl, Uic jonce Toms A, Velma Price A. school principals, wîvcs. Grade III-Donald Alldread B, Amog tosecalingon rs.Keiti Aiken C, Velna Alldread Amon thoe clli on n..B, Helen Alchenbrack B (away 2), Geo. P. Rickard on lier binthday, Betty Bail B, Catherine Dcwdney )ec. 121h, were Mn. and Mris. B, oga ryD oadGa Hcrb. Hancock, Bowmanville, amDuglas ra DRonald Gr- /Ins. Jno. Campbell and Mn.. a ,BtyHgra ,Cr C. Ashton, Sliaw's, and Mn. and Johnston D (away 1), Vivian Me- Mrs.W. P Rikard aio qu gitA, Keiti Mellow A, Jack Mc- /lar. W F.Rîcard alo qite a Manus D, Ida Rogearson B, Ernest numben o! Newcastle neighbors. SpencrC e mt ,Ja She also receivcd sevenal birth- Wanncr C TenrSmt rD,.oa ay greetings Uinough Uic mail nna .tt . Mernard Shr . and tokens o! regard in the shape H .Msn ecir :f flowens. Junior Boom There was a large attendance Names placed alpliabetically in at ic funeral o! Frank Gibson on the grade: A means Excellent; Dec. l6th. Rev. D. R. Dewdney B-Good; C-Avearagc; D-Poor. moducted tic service at thc home Grade II-Betty Ann Argue A, )f Mn. and Mns. J. Anderson Ann Cryderman A, June Neilson Smith and Uic burial rites at St. A, Doareen Sclby B, J e a n i n c :eorge's Cemetery. Mn.. SmihTh~ompon B, Betty Harris C, Roly Uich late Mn. Gibson's step- Spencer C, Jack Gray D, Marilyn laugliter. Deceased was a mcm-HalDMie Fisher absent. ' car of Cowanville Loyal Orange Grade I-Norma Allin A, Con- uid Uic menabens were present in nie Enwriglit A, Mary Holubenko large numbers. A, Jean Toms A, Earl Foster B, Helen Grahiam B, Jack Alliai C, We are sorry to report the Mar Argue C, Merle Fisher C, lath on Sunday o! Fran.Ik Gib- Rala Goheen C, Bobby Smith C, in,~~~~~ ~ yhne o !Uclt a-Carles Gray D, Joyce Pollard D, ai Frank Gibson, bigla seas and Eficen Rogerson D, Keith Rgr 1rcat lakes slip captain and mas- Rn- et SihD agerW- r mariner. Mn. Gibson lias not soIDl et nat ,Jc t *en in good licalth for quite a snD, Scîdon Parker absent. - vhile and early in the faîl su!- Bernice Smith, teacher. ered a stroke. He was twice man- id, lais second wife, who sur- ives him, betng tic former Miss C.G.LT. CHRISTMAS VESPER ennietta Law and widow a! tic SERVICE- te Alfred Lake. Newcastle people were mucli Thc story o! Uic first Christmas, iterested te rcad o! the marniage o! the birth o! tic Christ-ehuld,J ELeroy Toll, World Traveller tic song o! Uic angels, Uic thnil d Lecturer, and Miss Eleanor o! Uic shepherds and the tnibutes Ildcgarde Goodfcllow, Whitby, o! tic wisc men, was licard in Whitby on Dec. l3ti. Rev. Ells. a plcasing 'and imost appcaling orili Toîl attended hai. younger way at tic Ciarisenas Vespen Ser- pi rther and tic ceremony was vice conducted by Newcastle C.G. rformed by thein fatier, Rv I.T. girls in Uic United Claurci <1 L. Toll, now o! London. Rev. Sunday evening. Most of thc girls G. Park assistcd. Tic bride o! tic junior and senior groups ýrried an olivewood testament sat in tic choir loft and led in Uic 'ugit from Jcrusalcm by tic singing o! carols. With them wene Cross, their leaders, Mn.. Irwin Colwill, Red Crs Society îaving Mns. H. M. McColl, Mns. Garnet uncied an aPpeal for $500,000 Rickard and Miss Katileen Toms. rRussian relief, Newcastle Red 9n ti rostrni iointly conduct- oss on Dec. lOti voted $50.00 mng tic service weare Betty En- rRussian relie! and opcned a wight, Senior C.G.I.T. president, "ets tof- dqarenkfo N- f. - DONT Only 1 More Week to Shl LASI MINUT SUGGESTION BlffoId a ..SOc-.I Statlonery 25c - & CHRISTMAS CARDS We still have good selection gift carda I choose from GIFT WRAPPING TREE LIGHTS from 7c up meDTYS - Some of our SPECIALSî Table Tennis "OC ul Iewlnt Sets 25e ul Binge Sets 2Mc ni Drums . .. SOc ù BOOKS 0F ALL KUNDS IOHNSTONS BOOK STORE %one 651 B3owmanvmle Osliawa, ont 'rday & Saturday GENE TIRNEY in 'lic glowlng saao! tho Bafdit Gfrl 'BELLE STARR"P Eandoliph Scott li tochulcolor REVIVAL FEIDAY MOON OVERL BURMA"I thy Lmour ob. PreSton Comig next MONDAY For tharee day. Constance Bennett Jeffry Lyn Rw Of the Troplcs"e -plu - Carole Laxdis George lWontgoïnory "CADET GIRL" Startng Christmas Day for tbaree days xCROSBY MARY MARTI?4 BRIAN DONLEVY rti of the Biues" Fu Loee ochesfter IC - LAUGIIS - te you M US for CMUIST11AS Salem Y. P. U. meeting Dec i1 opened by President G. Missionary vice Mrs. L. had charge Of the prograsi reading, Mrs. L. Richard sionary stôdry, Mrs. S. readings, Miss D. Winter, Doidge; mssionary story, Squair. A short contest creation. "T'he voice of one cryini wilderness prepare ye t] of the Lord" was the text by Rev. Gardner for his s sermon Sunday. Miss M. C vms pianist in the absence G. Burrus and Mrs. E. Dai the soloist. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gaud riends in Toronto. Hampton W. I. East gro at Mrs. H. Gaud's for sewî Salem WomenIs Associati sang very ef!oely "Whcn of Old a Heavenly Sfranger." Mn% A. R. Cragg moved a vote oi mi thanks to Mr&. W. H. Carruthers for hce, untlning -work as presi. Ail1 dent o! 'Uic W.M.S. 1fr.. Car- or ruthers replied by Uianklng Uic lsociety for their co-operation and cxtended a welcome to Uic new president, Mrs. Robt. Hthering- ton, wlihUicewlsli o! contlnued sucçesln 1942. The meetlngwclos- I ea by s1nflng a Christmas carol, aftr W ehrefreolments were served by Mns u. 1V. at the Cann home on Dcc. lth. Mrs. L. Squair opened the meet- 4 ing. Mrs. W. Cann read the scrip- lth was turc. Mrs. Lloyd Richards had Barrie, charge of this program: Reading, *~aI Mrs. Farewell Blackburn; piano M besolo, Mrs. Sain Buttery; Mns. [s;Ms Gardner gave an intercsting talk Butey on Christmas; solo, Mrs. Burrus, Mn .accompanied by Mns. Buttery; Mns. L. readlng, Mn. Cator. Mns. Gard- for re- ner had charge of thc election of officers for 1942. A social half- ig n the hour was spent. Officers are: PresdentMrs.Sam u tt er y; chosen Vice pres.-Mrs. Will Cann;Sc splendid retary-Thelma Werry; Asst. Sec. ýollacutt -Mrs. F. Blackburn; Treas.-Mrs. of Percy Cann; Group Leaders- Sc a Devotional, Mrs. Roy Winter; Visiting, Mrs. Leslie Coombes; Flower, Mrs. E. Silver; Mission- visited ary, Mrs. Lloyd Richar;ds; Look- mtout Coin. Mrs. L. Squair; Pianist U>mt-Marie Collacott; Asat. Pianist- ng.9 Mns. Burrus; A u.di to rs-Mn. on met Welsh and Mrs. Hall. Hampton Visitors: Miss Constance Farn- comb, Toronto, with lier parents. Raymond Petit, Enniskillen, at Mr. W. Chapman's. .. Mrs. Fred Saunders and son Jack, Toronto, at Mr. Joe Chapman's. . . . Mr. Walter Cryderman, Solina, witli relatives in thc village.. . Private Frank Wilbur, Peterboro, at Mfr. G. Adcock's and other relatives. ..Mn. A. Trenoutli witli Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Base Lmne. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and Barbara, Oshawa, at S. Kersey's. . . Mfr. and Mrs. W. W. M~rni have been in Toronto for two wceks with Mns. R. Avery who lias been in T oronto General Hospital wliere E h underwent an eye operation. Tey returned home Tuesday. SM1r. and Mns. Percy Cowling, Beverley and Barry, Bowman- Is ville, Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, Mfr. and Mrs. L. Pascoe and Ruth, Zion, visited at A. L. Bianchard's. 12North group of W. I. met for $2 sewing and qullting at Mns. A. E. 12Billett's- on Wednesday, wlien there was a splendid attendance and considerabie work accomp- lishcd. Aftcrnoon tea was enjoy- 75 ed. - Mfr. Br~own, Courtice, was win- ner of the lucky ticket in thc draw on thc 3-storey fruit cakel made by Mrs. Elmina Johns, and on which tickets weresodbUi W. I. West group. A splni u was realized. Concert on Dec. 9th sponsdred by Uic West group of W. I. was a well attended. These artists were Of Burrus and daughter, Salem, in piano duets; vocal solos by Mr. to G. Davidge, Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, and Miss D. Bur- rus; readmngs by Mrs. W. Leask, - Taunton, Miss Bernice Arnott, ks Maxwell's, Mr. H. Foley, Maple SGrove. Each artist proved ta be a splendid entertainer. W. M. S. met Monday when these officers were elected: Hon U Pres.-Mrs. A. E. Billett; Presi- dent-Mrs. H. Salter; lst Vice- Mrs. H. Cole; 2nd Vice-Mrs. A. E. Billett; Rec. Sec'y. - Mrs.. A. Blanchard; Asst. Sec.-Miss Rey- nolds; Corr. Sec.-Mrs. Niddeny; Treas.-Mrs. T. Salter; Sec. Chris- tian Stewardship-Mrs. H. Cole; Community Fni e n d s h i p-Mrs. Rackham; Associate Helpers-Mrs. A. E. Billett; Supply Secretaries- Mrs. W. W. Horn and Miss Rey- nolds; Missionary Monthly Sec.- Mrs. Williams; Lit. Sec'y-Mrs. Stephens; Press Sec'y.-Mrs. A. ,P Blanchard; Temperance-Mrs. A. Colwil; Pianist-Mrs. Cole. Mrs. Cole liad charge o! this program: Ip "A Canadian Christmas Carol a,,". in four parts was giveni p wlien the following took part, Mrs. Billett, Mrs. H. Cole, Mrs. Burns, M s. Niddery, Mn.. Blanchard, Mrs. Burns read the lesson. se ta fig Hoisteli Breeders si (Continu.d from page 1) a subjcct, "Five Senses." These were, a Sense o! Humor, a Sense of Public Interest, of Vocation, o! Unity and of Fricndship. He de- velopcd lais thought wiUi grace, e and humor yet with a rehigious background ini conformity wiUi Ue needs ofich day. Vice Presi- dent Bruce Tink proposcd a vote I of thanks to Uic speaker, Uic an- tertainers and thc ladies, whch 01 Mbe wrousing1y prcscnted. h q musical programme, besides commiunity singing, was present- cd by Mn.. A. A. Drummond with - solos and encores, and piano duets by Mrs. M. H. Staples and Mars. 0 Rd. Brown. To those matchlessi Waterman Peu Sets $2.25 - $850 Parker Peu Sots - $5.00 6Clipse Pen Sets - 1.98 Statlonery lu Cedar Chests $1.00 - $2.25 Cerrespondence Cards 25e - SOc Cutex 85e - 05.00 Boxed Soas. - 49e - $1.10 Perfume. - 250 - 500 - $1 25 GMfette Blades - $1.00 Key Cases - 69e * $1.00 Dillolds - 3W - $2.50 Muriel Astor Sets of Cream, Powder, Rouge and Llpetick...... $1.00 - $Z.OG LADIES' SETS Yardley;s-- $1.25 - $4.,50 Woodbury', - 59e - $2.10 Cashmere Bouquet 30c-$3.0 Noxema - -- 79e Shaviug Lotion 45c - $1.45 Flashlights- 450 - $2,25 Gillette Razor Sets 98-2 50 Wilkinsou Razer $- 3.00 twennen Set - - 01.35 Bath 011 - - $1.00 Phonef hm O rop 695 r.I~.IDUVLII~LU, iiiiui. D. Delîvoey As Charistmas appreaches, tee k become depleted, oloctions limlted and tie usk of choosint more dit- ceuit. Visit thc Walker gtre and complote Vour gift loppinar eaily and plea.- antly - NOWI Loveiy New Styles . l HANDBACS Superb values lni1oach price' gnou». Black, navy, brown, greeu, wie 1.00 - 1.59.-1.98 Wo are con9lpuinir our SpecIlSý*. Offer rthese fiue breadeloth "t untl ChrhItmas ove. eare ah'oa& - short ef me ohm sand colours, no flot delay. limes 14 - 1If% Amazng Vaiele $1Ma GLOVES "It are sure to ploasol Fne Min ggloveS hiamart * PUll-on styles $200 Pair Blci th white stltohlug Natt oomfentablo glo'vos .wlth raYOn Palm. and skia m'Oie . O Fabrie aud W..î l ;ovu .te eutwntdcol- ln wlde aasortmont tin oldo là oUty p 59C to $ 1.00 ~ht odaIsore Lmîe VaUcer Store. Lfmitd 'j., I A Brush, Comb and Mirror Set Metal and Pyralin 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 pleces $2 .39 up to $15.95 Tobaccos and Cigarettes F"reihfack Choeolatà Christmma Wrapped 'Speclal Boxes, Pipes--35c, 50c, $1.25 I 12-3 -41 Llghtera -___49c te $6.OO I 5Oc te$3.00> Mone Miit.ry Brushe. .nd Fltted Caes 2 to il pleces, Zipper Cases Sec to $6.95 [FRUITS,.,.ý, V-ECETA-BLES] 3 MM

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