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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1941, p. 7

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TEURSflAY, DECEM~uR 18, 1941 TUE ANAD1N STE.MN ±IVJ', BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO E OtDER .EARLY Christmas ' y.ý .POU LTRY As usual we wil have an excellent dsplay of ail kintis of beat quaUty Poultry for the Christmia ,.Seaaon. B 15 - advlsable to place 3iour order early with us so that there wIII beéno disappolntments. Just phone, tel us what you want andi when you want it dellvereti For TIi Week-End We would advlse you before placing your order for meat or poultry to see our special dsplay. You'IlIbe par- tlcularly pleasel with our, offerings CAWRER'SMeat Shop Phone 382 Bowmanville j Rlch Christmas FRUIT, CAKE .,.. plain oriled ..- lb 40e CREAN GOODS Luxurions living! Try cream puffs, cream rails, crcam dough- nuts. For a perfect dessert at the Christnmas fcaat. VARIETY 0F BREADS Fruit loaf, white bread, brown; order early-phone today SEE POOLE'S CHRISTMAS CANDIES Cookies - all bakcry nectis - cakes POOLE'S DAKERY Phone 654 King & Division) 47 DO &fi£YOL/RNOLIDAY F000_SNoppiNG Aà r j 1 i... ali S a ia.- - * MOI'S *#TOWN !ALK#" CHOCOIMATES S79F MLAIN OOR A ID OUTINu VALURI LUxLMERci TGMATOES CR0105C NO 4 SIVE AYLMER PE norn.w»ADE TYLH MINCEMEAI DOINROTEJ, PkSDzyi OHROUN» AM PTUIEIB *FRUIT DEPARTMI TOKAY Su Mon.5 p1,UMP ICOaATES . 29C eXMAS TABLE ITEMS. auter Y8>AT0JUCI 'a'~9cTABLE RAISINSe39c L ~ 29cALMOND ICING %-Ibd31 EGINGER ALE 30 oz. PUc 010*15&b aehwS'* - . 1 , tvn31:18. PLUM PUDDINGabSO .PPmECIDER a.5g $TORE HOURS 27 MONDAY ..............ô CRANBERRY Jar27 TU!ZSDAV ....... .. .9 pirn. Bits WEDNESPAY 1030Pm. SALAD DRISSING 43C 81a CeatHent acamaned y Mothers! If you are not a mem ber of this club, start Uic New Ycar rlght and join It on Uics« ond Wednesday of January. WU Sainga Tic words of thc good are like C.,lfleua staff ln a slippry p lace. In a strong position evena coward la a lion. PAGE SEVECN SOCIAL -AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holmes, shows what can be achieved b3 Wallaceburg, spent the weekend good teste and simplicity ln win. with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Doey. dow-dressing. With a few ma. Lieut. Bill Brown, Camp Bar- terials and plenty of ideas Lc den, spent the weekend with his Rammeillhas made his wlndo'tt parents. aonc of the most attractive on .Bill Corden was thc lucky win- King St. ner of the man's pullovèr raffled t Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cross, Ot- by the Girls' War Service Club. twa, Mr. and Mrs. Otho Hutt, Kingston, spent the weekend with Pte. Henry Radd, Fort Fronte- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Summers. nlac, Kingston, spent the weekend This was a family reunion for the with his wife and children. three sisters who were happy to Mrs. J. E. Griffith is in Bow- also have their mother with themn manville Hospital sUffcring from on -this occasion. a broken hip. Saturday the Boy Scouts and Don't miss thc auction sale of Cubs arc conduoting a. town-wide toys and whatnat ini Coivan Blqck canvass for old papers and maga- ta-marrow. il zincs. Thcy will danate proceeds Late shoppers will save bath from the sale ta the Evcning Tele- time and money by reading the *grain British War Victims' Fund. merchants' advts. Have thc salvage ready ta fadili- Make your inoney do double tate collection. duty at auction sale of tays, etc., A firé alarm at 2 a.m. Saturday- Friday in Cawan Block. marnlng callcd thc men ta the Look for rencwal subscritio ho me of Mrs. David Davis, Bccch blank in this paper. Mail it now Avenue. When they arrivcd the before it's last. house was filled with smoke from ForChrstms.. Bu Cobet'sa smOuldermng mattress and bcd FoumbhgstaJst..Bu on'sBook-clothes but as it had flot broken Humbgs a Jonsto's Bok-into flame the fire was quickly store. 51-1 under cantrol. Mrs. E. C. Evans and daughter Vcoiafmu ,rhr o Rhona spent the weekend in Ta- un Victria, aamos d dayrhre co ronto with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie af 29, the grcatest jage ever re- Tudor and baby Linda. carded uzp Australia for a milking In Part Hope, coundil granted a cow. She was barn in Australia petition from Uic business men of shartly after the arrivai of lier the town, and ardered the closing mother fromn Scatland.- Can tis of ahl stores an Boxing Day. lbe matched in Durham Côunty? Mrs. D. R. Visser, Toronto, Joyce R~ichards and Laurie Hart newly appointed C.P.R. telegraph have been addcd ta Uic local Past operatar at their uptawn offices, Office staff during thte Christmas has taken residence at Mrs. W. E. rush. There arc several ways Gerry's.custamers can cooperate with Uic Mr. Fancis Sutton, 37 Cathl- staff these busy days. One is ta ý. art Sret, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., mail parce]s in thc morning, if i n rcnewing his subscription possible. Another is when mail- wites: Wc value thc regular visit ing a number of letters lnstead jof The -Statesnîan cach week as of drapping,thcm baose in the box it seems like a letter from home, tic an elastic or string araund Mr. John Maynard of thc staff them. Be thoughtful, be careful, af Toronto Haspital, Weston, be considerate. ispent the weckend with lis daui- The'best- stary af Uic weck: A ters, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Stauuton, local merchant was gîven an Gladys and Phyllis, in Bowman- order from a prisaner at thc in- ville. ternment camp. It was an order Winners af Christmas draw -which he had neither the time, spansored by St. John's Men's the material, for the inclination Club are: Jack Coole, goose; Alex ta f111, sa instcad of refuslng point Edmondstane, goose; Harry Pye, blank hie quoted a price many chicken; John Cowlc, chicken; ties in exceassof what it was Everett Trimble, chickcn; Pte. worth. Without aay hesitation John H. Living, chicken. the price was acccpted and he is Congratulations ta Rev. W. A. 11w struggling ta f ill the arder. Bunner on celebrating h.ts 80th _________ birthday an Dec. 13th. A dinner was held ta mark Uic occasion ENGAGEMENT when several ministers, t4ieir ____ wives and ather close friends were M.adMs .H alr amon th guets.Whitby, annaunce the engagement Norman Elliatt, Peterboro drug- of their anly daugilter Mary Bye- gist, who servcd hus apprentîce- lyn, ta Ronald Stanley AIder, son ship with Jury & Loveil in Bow- of Mr. Frank Alder, Toronto. The manville, has been elected presi- marriage ta take place quietly the dent of the Kinsmen Club in that latter part of December. 51-1 city. He is a ncphew af Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Cadmus. Douglas Bryant, representative of the Metropolitan Life Insur- U iu r ance Ca., spent the weekend in O iu r Ottawa as gucst af hus firm an the occasion of Uic prcsidcnt's 25th anniversary. He won the trip in Mrs. James Thompson return for an excellent sales re- The funeral of Mrs. James cord. Thompson, Part Hope, who pass- The current display in thc cd away suddenly December 9th, Kingsway Flower Shop windaw was heid fram lier late residence, 116 Bruton Street Friday after- ,*noan. Rcv. George Rowland con- ducted Uic service. Interment was at St. John's Ccmetery.; Mrs. Thompsan was thc daugh- ter of the late John and Margaret McLaughlin af Darltngton Town- ship. She resided at Hampton for a few years following hier mar- n!ager<td then at Cold Springs. In 1919 Mr. Thompson retircd from farming and took up resi- dence in Port Hope. Mrs. Thomp- son was a strong member of St. Paul's Prcsbyterian Churcil and a life member of the Wamen's Missionary Society. She is survived by hier husband, twa daughtcrs, Mrs. M. Smith, Toronto, and Mrs. James Daws- * bu ley, Gananoque, and anc son, * Gardon, residinig at home; two * granddaughters, Adelaide and La- Iet SmiOh,-PortHope; a grand- son Daid owsey;and two bra- CHaIGE hrCl L. T. McLaughlin, Bowmnvileand Mr. B. J. Mc- Laughlin, Toronto. :As 2~.21cH. & S. Club (Contlnued from page 1) donc ta dcterniinc thc help ta an Ibo. individual of proper dental cane. 2 23 Dtist f o chidnincrased ic ~~ 4O~7 c atedance atschaal 60 per cent Wedding James.-Edger Darothy Mildred Edger, daugh ter of Mn. and Mrs. William Arthur Edgcr, Bownianville, on y December 12 became Uic bride of LLieut. John Mason James, st LBattalion, M idl a nd Regiment. *C.A., Niagara-on-the-Lake, The *groom is'a son f Mrs. James and Uich late N. S. B. James of Baw- manville. Rev. E. F. Armstrangj perfarmcd thececremanyintahUce United churci parsonage, London. SThecbride was gowncd in cm- pire blue French crepe, fashioncd long bodice and plcated skirt. Sic warc a Pompadour hat, trimmed with matching ostricil tips and a shoulder-length veil, and lier flowers wcne pink roses and pink baby , mums. Sic ware a gold wrist watch, Uic gift of Uic groom. Her only attendant was lier sis- ter; Miss Betty Eilccn Edgcr, who wore a gown of beige wool crepe with black accessories and a black hala hat. Her bouquet was of rcd rases and red baby 'munis. The best man was Stuart Ronald Jamesbrother of the groom. orler wedding trip ta western Ontario Uic bride wane a brown ensemble and a fur caat. Thc couple will reside in Bowman- ville. The bride is an associate of thc Toronto Conscrvatory of Music. Thc groom is an associate editor of Uic Canadjan Statesman. HOLSTEIN EXODUS FROM DURHAM Anather carload of bload tested and accreditcd Hoîsteins was shippcd last weck eut of this dis- trict. Tus will prabably conclude for tuis year the numerous ship- ments cf faundation dairy stock from Durham County. According ta Ficîdman R. M. Haltby, neyer in all us experience covering 25 years has he faund suci diffi- culty ia making up a siipmeat. He found it impossible ta get a single animal in his own caunty .of Ontario. That us evidence of Uic drastic depletion of pcdigrccd stock which was fonecast by The Statesman cight months ago. One breeder pledged two cows at $500, but later withdrew thern. The average price was arouad $200 . All of this is serious busi- ness sa far as this district us con- eracd. Thc particulars are fully known, ta the gavernmcnt, and Uic reasons for this exadus. The fact is that milk prices arc so un- sàtisfactory that dairymen have had ta seli tic bcst of their hcrds ta break even,_ ta buy 'faod-%fnd provide farm improvêments. Ia aur opinion, prices cf dairy cows of their quality arc bound ta go up. Now that the U.S.A. is inta a long war, their expenience wtll parallel tiat of Canada. Thcy have ta absarb into full time un- dustry, 3 or 4 million uncmPloycd -r semi-cmployed warkers. Whcn earning wartime wages, thc risc in cansumptian cf mulk: may double. Tcy wi1 take tWo quarts ~ instead of 'one for their childrt-, To fulfil this demaad, we siould be prepared ta, sec U.S.A. datry- mca raid Canadian markets of- fcring higher prices and prcmiums for Our prime dairy producers. Unless gavernments step ta ta stabiltzc things it would appear ta be mare profitable ta raise Hol- steins than ta milk thcm. Within tic past fifty ycars there have beca man drown- ings in Vanstonc's pond. Many of these have been yoiAng boys who went aut on Thiere la gladness i a glft or Jewellery Christmas morn. Her- are a few suggestions fromn a large stock. We wilU deliver Uic * day before Christmas Birtiitone Travel Kit $1.00 up 5.5up For thse boy in For Hlm iIAccessorles camp 1 THE STATESMAN NOW SbLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: Anerson's Drug. Hampton. G. A. Barran & Son. Enniskjllcn: T. M. Siemon & Son Burketon: Harold GuI. Blackstock: Alex. Gilbert. Nestleton: J. G. 'rhampsan. Pontypoal: W. fi. Hooper. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Co. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell. J. H. Johnston, Jury & Laveli. N EW BIst BEE THIE New lissell Môdels AT puF puMORRIS cou sign«< Ring _________A Distinctive QiIFT If you're having trouble decidlng what ho give _________ this Chrlstmnas, why flot give a watch-it h a gift sure to be appreciated andti be trcasured. set ... ~ - '~1 XMAS DFITS FOR EVERYONE AT YOUR 1. D. A. DRUG STORE luy Now for lest Selections CHRISTMAS CARDS Special boxes, 10 carda -- 19o UBRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETSU Special Sets o 53.50 value $1.99 Il ~ Addltlonal Thu'.. Place Il & 0 PeceSets 5$Z99 te 57.50 0 7 & 0 PaceSets ... $7.50 t. 514.50D ilAU better grade sets a rofrt grade, open stock designa. CHRISTMAS SEALS, TAGS, TWINE, TISSUE, ETC. Se, 10e, 15e CHRISTMAS STATIONERY Cedar Cheats $1.00 Speclal Boxes ---25e h 12.00, 1WANICURE SETS Cutex, Revion, Peggy Sage 35e h 1$5.00 CH RISTMAS HAVE * GIVE - SEND CA&NDIES Electric Essors 135up Flaahlights -- 95e h $2.25 BW PoIds 35e, 59e up Shavlng Bowls --- oc, 55c, 750 EVENING IN PAXIS GIF SETS 11.10 th *5.00 i PETALTQNE OUT SETS 30o - 60o- 11.00 and up n~ 8SECR9ET GPT SETS o Evenlng in Parle BATH PODQwt fe oon Canioras 69 to_1.4. SHAVING SETS Colgat'e's.L. 5.t î W illiam's - 1. 15 C20 Lentherte1.0 50 DRV O RUS ..39 0 up NOW SAVIE 20%/ on this Welcome Gift i IlewEeu.uyPtukf25 1h. CILLETTE BLASES COMPACTS --.11.00 ta $5.00 BAT13 8ALTS - 29ze Up PERFUMES 3Oc te 10.00 ICOLOGNES 60Oc h 13.00 Cashmere Bouquet GIFT SETS- 30c, Oc, Oc, 1.65 CANADA DRY GINGER ALE in cartns f three 69 largebotties CHRISTMAS PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX MCOREOR Laura Secord DRUOS We evr Candie& Phone 792 Christmas Cigars ---5o h $5.0O Christmas Tobaccos 55c. 65o Up Christmas Cigarettes - 0o up Tobaèco Pouches - 50c, $1.00 Pipes 50c, $1.00 th 13.00 Cigarette Cases - - Sec up Lighters ----- c- he o 12.0 GIFTS byYARDLEY as Ilhiatrated $ 1. 10 Ladies'Sets __11.25 th 15.00 Lavender Perfume - 65o uip Commacts _ * 15 UV .5en's Sets _ 1 1.30 th $7.» Shavlng flowl _ _*1.25 Shavlng Lotion -_85o th 1.4S PEN and PENCIL -SET$ mmý dommmmm&llýl, ý -ý ujàiïiRq mmumun mumm-mma r Mil TTM (4AVAnTAM QlramvclXAl lý 1 ie etwcen tne ages of five and sixteen are not eatirely ENTERTAINER nesponsible fan ernors in judg-11 ment. Therefore it -becomcs Seeure RALPH GORDON, thc the duty of aIder brothers and wondcrfufly versat!Ie e n t e r- sIsters and parents to sec that tainer, for Four nexi entertain- tliey keep off the ice and rment. flltrated circular free. exercise duc caution at all - Atidresa times. Othcrwise there will 628h Crawford Street, Toronte be another tragcdy. id $1.00 up

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