~b J ~t~de~mn With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News OLUME 87 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25th, 1941 NJBR5 MEET lview 0 News 0f 1941 As Recorded Iy Statesman Evetsiven là Tabloid March of Time Shows HONORED GUEST Much Happened In">. Past Year From The Stateeman's Columne January to December Jan. 2-First birth, Bowmanville' ...... . Hoptal, January 3rd, a son Davad Lancely, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cornish, Orono. Klledg in agction over Norway, Murray . A. Butler, Newcastle, R.A.F. .* **.*. pltlate of Bowmanvllle Hlgh . . tSchcol. Chamber ef Commerce resurrected for the year........ Statesman continues Its 1940 farm programme with a New Year's editorjal calling for a ... national wartime agricultural peicyyi Jan. 9-New council sworn In. R. 0. Jones mayor for 4th teri. War Savings Comite a- pointed gtaincontinues over butter "peg"l and demand for rise in milk price. 84 buried * in Bowmanville cemetery lest - Rt. Hon. Arthur Melgiien year. .Former Prime Minister of Can« «an. 16-Coundil borrows $50,000. ada and leader in the Senate. whc Refuses to curb siot machines., was special guest of honor at the Statesman representative broad- banquet tendered by Editor Geo. casts over C.B.C. wlth R. M. W. James te Durham'Farmers and Fowler on Sirois Report. Re- Mr. J. S. McLearn at the Balmoral news campaign for Durham Hlotel, Saturday. Mr. Meighen, as County Federation of Agricul- owner of several farine, spoke ture. Col. Gamey back frein briefly on farrn probleme. Callec overseas. 2000 farmers meet from the Senate to lead the Con- Hon. Mr. Gardiner at London. servative party in the Commons, Jan. 23-Bob Stevens voted Mas- Mr. Meighen, shortly wfi contest ter Fermer of 1940. Col. Geo. a Toronto seat. Drew speaks at Canadian Club. G. A. Edmondstone elected Warden. Conciliation B o a r SOUTH WARD S.S. hears, Goodyear dispute. Milk * goes up le at Toronto. Council HOLD PROGRAM committees struck for year. RECEIVE GUFTU Jan. 30-Two aged !iewcastle we- inen burned te death. PFirst Wth indefatigabrie T. H. Lock- Mldland Battalion leaves for hart in hie accustomed place as Ottawa. Police raid slot ma- chairmarl, the South Ward Sun- chines. Board recoiniends day School boys and girls held wage~ increase at Goodyear. their annual Christmias party and Editor James speaks at Syra- eztertanment Monday nlght. The cue, N.Y., to Press Ass'n. Coun- school room was full of younIg- ties Coundil criticises Hon. J. G. sters and their parents te enjoy & Gardiner. Premier Hepburn an excellent programe publishes full page ad. on his There were children's* choruses rejection 'of Sirote Report. led by Mr. Q. Sharrard cf Oshawa "b.6-R. M. Cotton, J.P., passes. with Mrs. Sharrard at the piano, [iSiot machine operators fined. and there was a Christinas tree Hon. -Gordon Conant speake at loaded with gifts for everyone. * Canadian Club on war effort. Prizes were also prescnted during Notwegian fliers_ speak here. the cvening te scholars for regu- Preltiinary meeting at Port. lar attendance and proficiency. Hope re Federation of Agricul-, Rev. Van Dusen cf Calvary Bap- turc. Midlands arrive Ottawa. . tist Church, Oshawa, was present Police - report presented. Good- and assisted. Miss Jean Alloway, year raiàes rates 5c as frein Jan. Oshawa, gave a splendid talk and 20th. Hon. Mr. Gardiner pub- sIlwed a series cf pictures by licly states 'improvement for way cf illustration. fermùers cean 't be expected till' Some cf those taking part were: war is haif- over or »victory te in Lyle Trimble, Patsy Masen, Mur- sight."1 ray McKnight, Betty Spencer, Fe.13-Health officials present Mrs. P.erfect ' Gladys Rehder, Ron- reports. Board cf Edctio old Trimble, June McKnight, Bet- passes grants. Four mots ty Hughes, Marian Perfect, Bobby * trinl~g a relac 30daySpencer, Bernice Quinney, Barry "lstunt"., Col. Ralston and Gen. Mason. Crearer -return frein England; * pedit vctoy, 942-43; e Tom Dustan Jr. is in Wellesley * <ontnu.d on page 4) fHospîan oronto. cvrn Pquuçe Mlut Corne' Is Thought 0f Christmnas Rotary Message Courtice Circuit Minister and devastated because cf armament Rotahma,' -1ev. 1 i f fo r d factories."1 OSith Bringu Worthwhie '."And thirdly; -some internation- Âdresal jurisdicial system with the1 ______power of a police force should bej set up and with the United Statesq Favors. cf candy and sinokes belonging thie time. Alec we must, were given by Presldent Manse recegnize the ecenomic fact: onej *Comstock, cercle were sung, and cf Churchiil's and Roosevelt'st the beauty of a tastefully decorat- eîght* points was that every na-c ed Christmnas tree wasa feastfo tien be granted free access te the1 thce ee when Bowmanvllle Ro<. preducts of thc world. tqf It hadà tary Club- met Fridgy'around the * fot been for uneinployment In *Christmnas dinner table at the Bal- Germanv we. might neyer have moral Hotel.-------hdsrte" - One cf tl4e members, Rcv. W. Mm. Smli also quotcd tiec Clifford Smifth, Ebenezer, deliver-, ment cf tic late Lord Tweedsr cd Uic Chistmnas message in athat It le a tragedy yourigi neat tea minute taik. H. dcvelop- calneot make their way In cd thrcc thougits about Peace. world. The rulers "cf tic ft IlThre I sonethng boutthemust subecribe te Uic doctrini "ThreIs omtiingabot icPeace, hc deciared. The é coning-of Jesue to Uice erth more Icuge le te werk for a new wi reai than our very bcing; certain- our great need le for worshii i>r more rea7',.ndlu a differeat prayer. "lWc muet werk fo sens., than écVen Uic devastation vlctory wlth justice' and ing wro gt t tic woridbythe~ tins for the worsip of a true n . Jesus belonge te living God."1 1 freality te a wymater- Ending hie excellent mcmq te do net understand1"Mm. Mm. Smli sald that Jexus' lxi % ,thsald. nation Ilu iiifellow mca te IMy first thougit te that we challenge te each of us ts da: muet womk. for peace," the speaker Others particlpating te continue, "1 ealize Uiceiiecesslty meeting wcmc W. R. Strikei of throwzng evcything on. has thanked President "Manse" into *the. figit now, but wee Muet the d"timmins" after dinner; IR emember that Jesus le Uie Prince Stevens wiio tetroduced hie pi ".of Péace. CQnslder peace even as speaker; sud R. L. Mite] now.* What. dees it mean? Veoee encerely gave thanki after tmig the. Independence cf the. lit- nsplmlng addmess. tic nations will b. necsamy aid Unable te iccate "mine i the larger countries should have W. H. Flaherty, the RotaiJ their rihmlgintained as well." sumniened Mme. Flaiierty .bel **"Secoudly we siouid cousider tien to hcartiiy thank hem foe the scallzgdown of armaments In excellent Chistmnas dinner. aprogressive. way. Iu time of donation te thec waltrces pmco -W# dç.. not want 111e ta gbc alec passed aleng to hem. MEIOH iEý McLEAN CADMUS WOMAN Tu ii<u MILK SUBSIDIES ATTACKED, ROBBED As thie holdy seaàon ar>- AND. EGG BONUS proaehes, Many ýowmank- LOCKED IN GARAGE r:sg: Durwliabc :teai- GIFT TOFARMER resîdeeta wlU b.aedistan-e Hoe ! erinMuntjoy or wlilbe golnt away to ]Ral Santa Claus Stunt Do] Ransacofke MondayNIo t spefld the.Christmas orNe RanacedModa Ngh-- Year's season. Thi. States- By 'arime fesan Over $100 Taken By Young man is aîways glad te Pnb- Trade Board Thiees lIsh the. names of your visi- tors or to record thie tact The Wartime Prices and Tra( '7 w rinr ndntfe e that $,ou aire visltlnt out-of- Board has done a real Santa Clai stele mocre than a hundred dollars town. Bowmanvllle readers stunt by upping the ceiling in cash frein Merwin Mountjcy's May shnply phone' 663 or xilk. A bonus systemn goveri hcuse east cf Blackstcck Mcnday use the Statesman drop-box certain classes and ereas. SubsiÉ nigt. irs Uiy aceraind tat for their news Items. Village payments wlll be: hie wife was alone in the hcuse, and rural readers should Thirty cents on cach 100 pound slugged her on the head and lcck- gîve the Items to thefr local "ever and above the lawful price cd her te the garage at the rear. Statesman correspondent, te producers cf fluid milk soldj Lewis Stinson, a neighbor, heard 1ail areas wherc ne increasej hier cries; released her and'sum- inillc prices has taken place ste( moned aid.- last Aug. 1. Accordteg te the story told Ferty cent on each 100 pounc polie, rs.Mounjey wh livs EP,.B "ver and abeve a minimum pric at Cadmus four miles cast of E.P RRflT PJflQ 0 l7 10pudo c» Blackstock, was domng seme bak- P present price, whichcver may t mng about 8 p.m., when she heard F .T L ?I M higher," to producers cf milk sol a knock at Uic door. Answering TO GULP Tite manufacturers cf cencentrate it she was confrented by a yo ungAS àV ~ milk producte. stranger, medium build and dres- AS UZIIfU "The aincunt of the subsidy wi sed in brown. He asked for a team UJ. i Vili be addcd te Uic price paid te tfi of herses to get his car eut of a ____preducer by the milk distributo snow-bank. On bcing inforMcd Bowmanville is shertly te bace or by the manufacturer cf con that the man cf the homie was another l'ighly rcspected citizen, ccnrdsatcd mil erot si :away he left only te return five Mr* E. P. Bradt, B.S.A., for the be ars nneemeta Pi jminutes latér in an abusive and p-et 16 yeers Assistant Supcrin- I ra hr rvni ibélligerent mood. He:struck Mr5. tendent and Agricultural Birec- milk board certifies that paymen heavy blunt wcapen, teck her te tien cf milk is impracticable, th the garage and lockcd her in. board may sanction an tecreas -Then he was joined by a cern- in the retail price cf milk "no 0panion and the house wab ran- exceeding one cent per quert." e sacked. The subsidy acticn was taker Several sinail articles of value thc board said, "with a view ti 1 were taken in addition te the enceuragteg milk prcduction an LI cash. Lewis Stinson feund"her a .rectifying certain inequalitiesa shall heur later. He had seen a present cxisting, whilc, at thi ecar steop nearby and heard men's samne time, aveiding general in 1 voices b ut was unable te give a cresses in prices te censumers." -very clear description ef Uic The board has begun a spedia ivehiclé. Police think it rnay have Investigation cf milk productioi ýbeen anc stolen from Oshawa and prices acrcss the. Dcminioi earlier in the day. with a view te stimulating pro Stinson at once drove Mrs. ductien and stabilizing "the aver Meuntjoy te a neighbor, Ed. Gib- agc annual ccst cf milk and dair son, who lives a hall mile west. products te Uic Canadian con There thcy summoed County ue. Constable Henkry Thompson who Eggs Toc in turn callea Provincial Con- The announcement of a subsid, stable Arthur Dymond. Jeteed by o ikpouto aeol sain oters heyinvstigtdandf ew hours after a bonus of thre managed te accuratcly reconstruct tents a dozen on ail Grade A egg what had taken Place. Constable purchased for expert te thc Unit Dymend te checking on certain E. P. Bradt cd Kingdcrn under Uic preser 1evidence found. agreement with the British Foc( tQr of Uic Beys Training School, Ministry. hohas been prornoted te Farrn The milk distributer will be re ELECTION RETURNS Superintendent of Uic 800 acre imburscd at Uic end cf eacJ farincf Uic Ontario Reforrnatory, mcnth for ail payments under tht In Uic rush cf Christinas busi- Guelph, which tecludes gardens, milk subsidy order upen comple. ness we înadvertently emîtted the grounds and abattoir.- tion of a form and prcduction el divic election returns for deputy- Mr. Bradt was born at'Cayuga, a certificat. fror the. proper Pro- reeve and councillors in' lait'Haldimand Ceunty, and gradu- vincial Milk Board that the sub- wcck's issue. We therefore offer ated in Uic science of agriculture sidy has Dcen paid tc the pro- cur apologies fer this cversight at Uic O.A.C., Guelph. For 7 years duccr. and publish the figures herewith: h. was 4Afficultural Representa- This risc will just abeut psy for Deputy-Reeve tive in Uic County uds the concentrates and special feeds W. J. Challis------------ -696 then à years Deputy Minir 0fnccdcd te niaintate production. W. Kilpatrick ,--................251 Agriculture for Uic province of On a 3 can daily shipinent, ineans -New Brunswick. For 4 ycars over $260.00 yeerly cxtra. Challis Majority 445 prier to coming to Bewrnanville Counililors he cperated a fruit farin at Vine- SANTA IN PERSON land. (First six elcctcd) Mr. Bradt and hie accemplished VISITS CHILDREN Arley Nerthcutt------__ 781 family have won a place inte cOF ST. JOHN'S Glen Mertyn-------------------- 573 affection cf Bowmranvllle because____ W. J. Martyn-------- 513 of their interest in al werthy The annual Christmas perty of W. R. Harrison ------ 431 comrnunite endeavors. Mr. Bradt St. Johin's Sunday Sciiooi was J. Glanville 365 has been President ef Durham hcld in Uic Parish Hall on Friday Owen Nicholas - -- 311--- i Musical Festival; President of Uic in charge of Mrs. R. M. Cale, Maurice Crook --------- 308 Mcn's Canadian Club; Hon. Presi- leader Of St. John's'.orchestra. Norman Allieon --- ---- 260 dent cf Uic Junior Farmers Asso- In an excellent progratn of mu- Lucas Nicholls .. ------ --- 143 ciation, and, was mhanager te 1932 sic, scngs, recîtations and dances, cf Uic Bay of Quinte Sced Fair, the following teck part as Chair- REC EATON OOM held in Bowmanville. He expects man Canon C. R. Spencer called FOCR SOLDIERSav for his new du hortlyh on each te perferin hie or her FOR OLDERS alter Uic New Year and sr- number: June Crowther, Alva u N W OPNBradt wil follow later. Green, Rhcna Evans, Iael ______ OPEN Mrs. Bradt wlth hcer daughter, Naylor, Barbara Corkc, Ruth Du- Marjorie, have taken an active mas, June Luffman, Jeanette AlI the war service' organiza- Part te church activities and local Lobb, Gary and Wallace DilIing, tiens of Bowmnanvilie are collab- wornen's eccieties. The Women's June Snewell, Doris Thompsen, crating in the cpening cf a new Canadian Club and Uic Music Jean Living, Lillian Naylor and club rocin for, local soldiers, sel- Study Club honored Mrs. Bradt Evelyn Hall. diers passteg through town and with her electien te Uic prcsi- The climax of the evening was, interninent camp guards. It te dency of cach. Mr. Oliver A. of course, when that granid aId locatcd in Uic Cowan Block east Bradt, their son, alter fellewing saint, Santa Claus Dut in an ap- cf the post office, in Uic footsteps of hie father at oearance with a wcll-loaded pack Hot ceffee will nct be one of Uic O.A.C., is now engaged at of presents for cveryene. the least attractions to draw Uicetth. Horticultural Eicperlment Sta- Duringz the evenine prizes and men tedpors during the next threc tien at Vincland. Miss Marjerie is -ivards for Sunday Sciiecl attcn- cold nionths. A chcery appearance secretary for Dr. J. C. Dcvitt and dance were distrlbuted. will be prescntcd whcn the roem rnay remain in Bowinville fer is finally ship-shape. It le now saine time. Theiryeunger daugh- ly missed by a hcst of friends but open and ail the organizations ter, Miss DoroUiy, lately .gradu- with them, goes the beet wlshcs concerned arc getting bchind this ated at Torento, te new engaged of Bowmanville generally, with much needed move te carry it on in Secretarlal work. the hope thcy will rcturn - Ire- successfully. The Bradt farnlly will b. great- quently as welccme visitors ever. inuirI men ithe !ture [e of chal- world îand or a flnd eand. 'gage hcar- sthe Who for )stor thell rthe hest"' xlans efore r an %A was TO FAITHFUL OLD FRIENDS9 CHERIStIED NEW FRIENDS, AND TIIOSE :WIIOSE FRIENDSlIIP WE STRIVE TO DESERVE, OUR IIEARTY CHRISTMAS GREETINOS ARE TENDERED. MAY THIE NEW YEAR BRINO PEACE AND BETTER UNDERSTANDING AMONG OUR FELLOW MEN THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD. EDITOR AND STAFF Me nd ade aus on nis idy 4s, in in ice ice 2he )Id du 'to ;he ,ni i-c Yî ;s t Lo t t t adt t heC al t' Dn i ae eep nt Ae , DfS( >Ni te CI Farm Porums 1utIpoeRgQat To Continue Mt povngiuay Th ar adoFou i To Heep Post War Trade making a ccast-to-coast tour cf Canadian agriculture dur- ing its Monday evening and January, and on Dec. 29, <iesH dTe sFa er Uic discussion greup will con- eider Uic prebleme of Ontarioe D[poz A = f dtr o tts e farmers in relation te the AD R S E F RM R E it r o St t s a Dominion in generai. Listen- Hosat to0 Fermers,, teg groupe will tune in at 9 Reeves a nd News- What is the Farm Forum k men - Experimeit In ahl about? The answer was Publie Relations prcvided lait winter by the ___ Old Tim er (one cf Uic regu- W it m y w l . U c b g n 1er protagoniets in the broad- cast discussions) when he ning cf a echerne of public reit- ssid: tiens dcsigned te secure our aI- "Yeu kncw, the more a f .1- ter-war bacon trade, wal in- lcw looks inte the fsrm sti- augurated at Uic Balmoral Hotel, u stion , th e m ore on . th in gS tu d y F o s rn i ne U c c - sticks eut like 'a sere thumb SitraFr e c statesm ne heas -..we fermers have neyer trothSaesahs carried take enegh ime e fiureon conversations and cerrespon- t a k e e n o g h i m e o fi u r ed e n c e w ith J . . M c L e a n , P ree l- eut juet wiiat we necd. Se dent cf Canada Packcrs Limited, wc can blame ourselves fer a lotcf or truble. Bu rvc. ~ in regard te Uiceinatter of get- a lotlng doserrtebprsducursIo! lie noticed cne Uiing lately that's igcoet pdursfil made me feel gocd . .. looks M. stock s a means of crcating con- as i a ot o fam foks avefidence and cooperation; the. asm fa o thecf lus fione heyprime object te view, te maintain corettoUfic ocu son eyutCanada's leading position te the btnter f fnd ethor e lutBritish rmarket in Uic bacon trade. thinge tatafec tIilwllwhen Uic werld gets back te sun- bhecing.. . ae"lane ity. Mr. McLean accepted with Tii. b fradcstsarple wor outalacriXtheUicides cf meeting Dur- stehlaion tpteoplework eut hanm farmers te hie native county slutis. t herow re-J Stanlcy MeLean at dinner for discussion. President Canada Packers Lirn- The difficuit Uiing was te lix ited whoaddesse a ime henailcould attend. For er ercantxte, wc adresed Durham Farmers were short of he!p and Forme Merhant County livestock men Saturday he was at Washington D..fre- Dies in London on present and future Prospects te Canada's bacon induty lU qucntiy as advisor te Uic British usty wthGoverrncnt on food require- Lt.-Col. Charles H. Andersoniprilarreeecst, mas fments. Fteafly Uic dinner wau ar- ).B.E., former commander f the fbeed ed cf scientific ran e ih t e u d rt nig ?irst~t dieDeerband o~ ~~f ceeperation b... age bwih lo uadcrtnding Fin, Hosaseita t i L w-Meen pro0ducers and packers. Mra. h rn aogafredo do , id ec m er1th a es - cLean 1 un a o nt o , two as gucets. Thcy were Rt. Hon. minster HsiaLcndon, follow- bhem te Cla rTwhip, und hasyArthur Meigiien and Col. 1Eugh ng fe methe ilee. Cl.b cen 45 years te Uic packteg in- arfermer legislator and Anderson was a wcll-known , fig dustry. jeurnalist. ire te military circles. H. had the Mr. McLean was born on s distinction cf beteg the first coin- fam near Kendall hence le a Dur- nanding efficer of thc Firet Hus- hmCut oafc eI sare qualified te c.emmand both PAYS OFF HYDRO BOND rn u ty, boy, aac eale. ,h. infantry and cavalry. coming amnong many who rcmcm- Col. Anderson was hem ten Lon- Newcastle Hydre Commission, ber hlmn and many who remem- don, and in 1907, enterd the. about 5 years after the. purchase ber hie father, fermer Warden of clething business in Bcwmanville. cf Uie local electrical distribution these United Counties of lNor- At that turne he began hie mili- systeni, has paid off Uic lait twe thumberland and D urham. J tamy career with the mank cf lieu- debentures ameunting to eround lthrcee Generations tenant i te 46th Durham Infàn- $3800.00 and new being free of Unique was Uic arrangement ry, whose headquarters at that ail obligations te Uic H.E.P.C. hai hhfudUrcgnrsoso imewee e PrtHoe.burned Uic indebtcdnese papere. Durham farmers represented; Ini 1914 Ccl. Anderson disposcd In the. eriginal terme of the pur- Uiose between 80-90 meet betwecni if hie business in Bowmanvillc, chas. debentures werc iseued for 40-60 and junior lammers Ine their and enlisted in the 136th Bat- a lO-year period. The Newcstle twenties, an ideal etup. Fomty- talion. H. was engaged in recruit- Hydre Commission may now b. liv. men, tecluding representa- ing duties in Bowmanvill, for in a better position toecxtcnd the tives of city and weekly papers, some tirnte, and was prcmotad to service to some cf Uic farther cut responded te rapid fir, tetrodluc- captain and then major here. H.e residents and taxpayeme. tions by hast and chairman Editor went overseas in 1916. He memain- Geo. W. J'aines prior te gour- ed abread until armistice was de.' înctizing prime baby beef sent ardin the spring of 1919. A letter fromt Mm. and Mrs.dewn by Mr McLean from Uic Upon uis return te Bowman- Alpha Pinch, Oshawa, toe eii di- pertenhouse of Lance Beath's ile, Col. Anderson reccived te r extende beet wiehes te ail old champion shorthern which sold at pe tmentufr cms andot ecffriends in Bowmanville. Wc re- 65c liv. w.ight at Uic recent stock îe 4Ui uniims t Pct Hpegret we arc unable te publîsh Mr. so uTrno fith the. rank of lieutenant- Pnet , c "Ti Crstns ho n.Torto. Mfe ,lonel.Pi S om "h Chita o.Atu egu In 1921 h. meved back te Lon- Turkcy." The host, te tetroducing Mr. Ion, snd agate became associatcd Pupile, teachers and Uic care- Mfeigiien, gave s Uiumb-nail rith the. First Hussarsiiavteg takers at B.H.S. have gone "$ac- sketch cf hie career, which thc !mmand cf "A" Squadron. In tive" tuis Christmnas giving ail former premier procecded te am.- S27 li. was appointed second in gif t menies' tote Tely British plify in humorcue detail. 941 have unmand cf the, regiment under Children's Christmas Cheer Fund. soute kncwlcdge of farming for 1 t.-Col. Fred Taylor, D.S.O., and Instsd cf the, usual exchange cf have farmed by proxy for over ater was made firet in command. presents a mutual agreemnent te 30 years te Manitoba where my Col. Andersen was recognized pool ail the meney was decidcd. broUier tries te break even on ) the Imperial arrny for hie mneri- Total ameunting te $36.00 was seme 8 or 9 ferme. I bought on Uic nrous work in France by the forwarded for tuis purpose, Pin- assurance there was money in ýstowa1 of the Order of the Bn- cpal L. W. Dippell anneuncd. farming. A former Lieut. Gaver- is Empire, and was rnentioned Thou net întinrately connected nor cf Manitoba teld me there rdispatches by Sir Douglas Haig with the doings cf teachers and muet b. moncy te It for lie had i1918. pupils the caretaker heard of Uic pourcd se muci capital itt It, Surviving arc hie wife, the fer- plan snd hastened te chip te with rer Lilla F. Garmer; a sister, Lil- a contribution. (Cofltinued on page S) [n Anderson, Lcndon; two sens, tW. Anderson, London, and G. 1And.erson, of Toronto.- Fumeral service wae conducted .an M s P e 8.L v l i âtunday, with Dr. W. E. Mac- yen, cf Metropolitan United hurcii, officiating. InternentHBonoredOn 25th Anniversary 0k -place in Mount Pleasant ýmetery, London. Celebration Hcld In Orono Hall 1cr, Reeve T. A. Reid, Mr. Home- Grve-Civie Dignitaries Present bcrg and cthers. Maple During Uic fetivities 1fr. Lang Mape G ove At Orono twn hall Wedmesday called on Murray Dunn for a pres. etation address alter which Mr. Pastor W. C. Smnith had a spe- Dec. 17Ui two hundred friende of and Mrs. Lovekin were givegi a al Christmîas message for aill o Clarke township's widcly known chesterfield suite and silver tea undsy, aise Christmnas music by cx-Reevc Fred B. Levekin and service. Two pupils of S.S. No. 9 te choir snd Rose Metcalf sang Mrs. Lovekin, gathcrcd for the~ Clark,, Helen Turner and Gilbert ;elo Mr andMrs E. wis haddua urHunter, presented Mrs. Lovekin sno. raynd rnEt Twist, ddulpupse of honcring this wlihsabeautilul bouquet of eirn RamnEretTi, couple on the occasion cf their chryeanthemum. Iand Mrs. Chas. Rundle'their 25th wedding snnivereary and Ohr algpr uUcmsc aughter Sylvia Resemary Run- Opaying tributpartelanehwhouhac », baptized. At the. white gift serve in inmportant public Offices 51 progandm Pere isorot 'vice $50.00 wsrealized and ffcre icol ad izaPttren nt te the Christmas Cheer for foreny .__________ itish Childrem. It wa5s asurprise party. The Friends of Mme. E. Panke, for- platform was tastefully decorated Chrlstmas Message erly cf tuis community, are wiUi a camopy ef plnk and white rm teMao.lc rry to hean that se.was te streamers centred wth s large rmM Mao-lf )wnanvillc Hospital wlth a bre- white weddteg bell under wluch m am, hic hapend wiletwo chairs were plgcedfoth Ladies and Gentlemen: nkimg hem car. homomcd couple. A large erving At tues close of an eventful year M re.- T. T wrist, M m. _ ind ,M me table w as pctily decorsted wlth aka th ie e p rt 4-y t FARMERS 'AT ÎUET NO, the lam.U.U.» dj,%là fret .BANQ mân MCLEAN