PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAWTO 'I'T4Tm~DAY. DECEMIElI 25. 1941 Pusien Directoryj .Legal DL G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.BM. Barrister Solicitor Notary 1 - hone 351 BahIikof Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister,.Solicitor Notary Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law i al its branches Office immediately east af Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dentist. DR. J. C. DEVIT Alistaiit: Dr. E. W. inson Graduate ai Royal Dental Col- lege, Toranto. Office: Jury Juibilee RIdg., Bowmanviile. Office hours 9, a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, exoept Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funerai Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Mter Equipment, Am- bulance and Invaid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Llcensed Auctioneers ELMER WILBUR Hampton' - Ontario Specia]izing in Faimn, Livesteck, lznplements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Ternis and Date ta: Bowmanviile 2428 CLIFFORD.PETNICK Auctioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bownianville 2536 Specializung iFarim Livestack, Implements and Furniture Sales. Cansult me for ternis and dates. 50-tf Veterinery R. B. MMURAY, V.S.; B.V.Se. Church S. - Bowinanviloe ]Phone S43 29 tf from the Employees of DUDLEY'S BUTCHER SHOP MAY HEALTH, 0000 CIIESR, HAPPINESS be yours this Christnuas and through The New Year ENTERTAINER SomerRALPH 00R014, the mont. Blusratol ccular frue . Ad&rmu flb Crawford stt.t, Trn< .1 eflect credit an their tÏac-heërs, r. H. Faulkner and Miss E. Mac- [hlan. Mi. W. E. C. Warkman, owianville, teacher aifnmusic in te achool, accoanised Uic char-j and duet nunibeis, and Miss L.j rrknian contrlbuied several hrisimao selections on the bolls. Statesnian for mailing In wrap- rs-anc obtainable ai t. offiêe- 5c a ccp>'. Cowanville Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, visited at Mrs. B. Mill- son's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer, Mr. Jim Kelly, Oshawa, visited ,at Mr. Wes. Stringer's on Sunday. There was a good attendance out-Wednesday night ta the Sun- day School ta hear Cowanville pupils at their Christmnas concert. Joily Santa came along ta dis- tribute the presents. Mr. and Màrs. Ray Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow, Port Granby, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley had Saturday night tea at Mr. Wes. Stringer's.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid had Saturday tea at Mr. T. Stephens'. Enifield Visitors: Miss Grace Stark, To- ronto, is holidaying at Mr. J. Stark's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stinson and family, Hamilton, with Mrs. John Stinson. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith and fami- ly attended the 25th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormistan at Mr. Russel Ormis- ton's, Enniskillen, Saturday night. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Maxwell's, at Mrs. John McCul- loch's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and family, Bobcaygeon, at Mr. Hoskin Smith's. . . Mr. and Mis. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa, at Mr. Harold Ormiston's. Our school put on a splendid entertainment at the Christmas concert Friday night. Nestieton Christmas service ini the United Church Sunday aiternoan was well attended. Dr. R. P. Bawles will have Charge af the service next Sunday. Nestieton Young People met at Mis. Wm. Steele's Thursday eve- ning and spent a pleasant and profitable evening. Congratulations ta Miss Marian Taylor, Taranto, <farmerly af Nestietan), and Mr. Robt. Ford, Toronto, on their marriage. Visitais: Mr. Norman Malcolm, Lemnsford, Sask., with his sister Mrs. L. Joblin. .. Master Beveriy Veale is halidaying ini Toronto... Mrs. Peter Wright with Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton. . . Mr. John McGill, Janetville, *with Mrs. Jas. Williamson. .. Miss Evelyn Camp- bell, Lindsay, at home. 9 Lake Shore, Clarke Our Christmas Tree was held Dec. l6th with a goodly number in attendance. Concert, cansist- ing of recitatians, dialogues and sangs, was a credît ta the pupils, Miss Brighton and Mrs. Camp- bell. Santa was delayed for sanie tume, s0 the talented folk present wiled away the tume with music, sangs and stories. When the chul- dren's patience was aimost won out, ini came jolly ald Santa, and candy and presents were soon dis- tributed. Sorry ta repart the seriaus ifl- ness of Mrs. D. Brown wha is with Mrs. Robt. Patterson, 5th line. Bennice and Dorothy Brown, Joyce, Alec and Lloyd Martini, Doreen and Ronald Powell attend- ed the Christmas party i Bow- manville, given by their music teacher, Miss P. Challis. Mr. and Mis. M. Heard, Port Hope, visitéd with Mr. and Mis. C. Brown. Brnly Laverty, Harmony, visit- ed at S. Powell's. Cadmus Miss lIiez Hickling is vacation- Lng at her home in Allenwoad. 1 Miss Helen Fowler, Newmarket, and Miss Marjorie Galbraith, SprmngVille, are home. Mis. Hinton staged a splendid concert at Devitt's Hall on Friday1 night at which the scholars did exceptionally well and which re- î flected great credit ta their tea-C cher. ' Gardon Brown and John Taylor attended Marion Taylor's weddingC in Taranto on Saturday. 1Christmas service was enjoyed 1 >y a good congregation Sunday Znonning. The chorus by four boys, Bobbie Philp, Warren Mc- h Quade, Beverly Black and Bryce Philp, entitled "Infant H-oiy," and c LOANED TO BOARD Kenneth Wilson Special Ottawa correspondent the Financial Post, who has be loaned b>' The MacLean Publis ing Company' for an indefinte p( iod ta do special publicit>' wo in cannection wiih the Würti Prices and Trade Board new wa and puice ceiling îegulations.1 has a wonderful grasp af watii finance and has proven hiisý a capable wnitcn. 'RKen" as he familiani>' known ta a widc cirg ai friends has a warm spbt in 1 heani ion Durhami Caunt>' as visitcd considerab>' with the Hc famil>' ai Providence in his yout fui days. thc Christmas anthem. b>' t chair werc much apprcciated. S. S. Concert put on b>' mc bers ai Mahood's Schaol unc the able leadership ai their te cher Miss liiez Hickhing, assisi b>' Miss Lcah McQuade ai t piano, was a splendid succe, The chuîch was filled andi were marc than delightcd w: the piograni. The mosi laugh pr vaking scene was Uic introductiq oi Mephisto which turned oui be a horse which cauld tell pe ple's ages, etc. Sauta Claus a peared aiter messages received intervals tciling ai his mishs and Uic childncn werc al ni happy.with gifts froni Uic trcc, Salem At the Sunda>' service hec "Hail, O Main of a King," ai "Giory" werc Uic twa splen[ anthenis rcndered b>' the chao Mis. Ken Werry, iown, assisi the chair and rcndcrcd the sc "Night ai Night" ini fine voie whilc Mi. G. Buirus sang "TI Hol>' Cit>" spiendid>'. Rev. Gar( ncn's excellent sermon was also Christmas message taken irai thc stars. On Thunsday evenig Uic schog concert and Christmias tree wi hcld in Uic church when Uic chi, dren certainl>' displayed wandej fui talent in bath recitatian an sang, with Mis. Burrus ai il piano. Mi. A. Thonipson aciedi& chainman and justinii the nickc tume joil>' old Santa arrived wil a bag of sweets and gave ouit t piesents. Much credit is duc ih scholais and their teacher, Mi. 1 Blackburn, also Mis. G. Burrus. Y.P.U. meeting was withdram awing ta the school concert. Hampton Visitais: Miss Reta Kcrslak( Bownianvillc, with relatives... Miss Ruby Claiworthy, R.N, Bow manville, with Mis. Lorenzo Trul] . . Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, 1 spending Christmas holidays witi is. Elmina Johns... Miss Pear Gilbert, Whitby, ai home..-. Mr and Mis. Elmer Boyd, Toronto with Mi. and Mis. W. E. Stevens ..Misses Gladys Chapman anc Çecile Petit, Bawmanvllc, ai VW Chapman's... Dr. and Mis. W. R Hlorn, Pont Hope, ai W. W. Horn's ..Jack Cowling, Toronto, ai Mr and Mis. Jno. Cowling's. .. Mis G. Brent and daughicr Gloia E'yronc, ai L. D. Sykes... Mis. G' Adcock, Han>' and Annabelle, in Oshawa. .. Miss Dorcen Perreitt M'rs. W. T. Perreit and Mi. Gaith >errett with fnicnds ai Utica. Stuat Hogarth was home. Mrs. R. Katerson feIl injuring cir hip and la confined ta her bcd. Mis. A. Trenouth was hit b>' a ca while walking frai her home ýý theChisma-cncrtaith Theatre, Oshawa Phono 1011 Pree Parking CHIRISTMAS DAY for three days BING CROSIBY. MARY MARTIN BRIAN DONLEVY lurth of the Blus Rochester Carolyn Lee REVIVAL PRIDAY Bian Donlevy MONDAY for tbree days another gay colorful musical wlth the always famnous euat ALICE PAYE Carmen Miranda JoIbn Payne Couar Roniero Wook-E.nd in ]avaua IN TECHNICOLOR New Year's Eve GALA SHOW Ricaner Powel Ann Sothorn Robert Young "LADY DE OOOD" NEW YECAR'S DAY etut,$ut: Wait Dlsuoy's "IDUMBO'1 Orono News Horace Yorke was home. Mr. Vernon Saunders, Toro: was home. Gardon Brutan, Toronto, hvisiting his mather. Mrs. Charles Tamblyn viËs Mrs. J. Tamblyn Sr. Girl Guides are ta eiqtertain Scouts on Christmas eve. Dr. and Mrs. J. Leslie vis Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. Mrs. James Moffatt retur with Mns. G. KYaeith ta Toronti Mrs. Sanderson and son visitung Mr. and Mis. R. Fulle. Mis. Waterman returned Rochester afte* being with Power.s'. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Carruti and Jane visitcd Mr. and Mis. A. Millson. $16.00 was sent by Park Bible classes ta the Telegram 1 tish Children Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cobl dick and baby are guests af and Mrs. W. S. Cbbbledick. Mrs. D. Jeffries won the of piece buffet set donated by à «en N. Smith for War Victinis func ish- The Christmas story in w >er- and sang featured the serviceE ork Park St.. Church and Suni !me School on Sunday. The chu~ age was beautifully decarated m~ He wreaths, icicles and roping. ime the mornmng service a spler self duet was given by Mrs. C. J6 eis and Mrs. W. S. Cobbledick. dce minister's subject was "Stars." his the evening service the minii he spoke on "The Everlasting Chr [ar mas." At Sunday School ith- theme was the 'jrophecies ai coming ai Christ. Glen Tamb] -Anna Staples, Howard Woodi Stella Best read the scripture. the Kirby School and the Yoi People's Union combined ta ni- the residents o ib a splen Le-mas concert. Items includ îta- Choruses; exercises; recitations ;dJack Bryson, Valena Coppi the Marion Bayd, Raymond Lu ess Harold Copping, Gardon Lowe ail Marvîcen Boyd, Enla Chapir ith and Hamilton Boyd; two wi )r-acted dialogues, "Christmas S, tan prises" and "The Return"; sc ; by Eleanor Wright and Bob «M ýe-son, singing game by the Juni 'p- "I Knaw You"; duet by Ail( at Boyd and Gardon Lawery; aný a pageant well presented by mie aebers ai the Union. Santa disi buted gifts ta the delight ai yoi and aid. Burketon! ýre, rid Sympathy is extended ta did Breck famîly in their recentE ir. bereavement. ted Friday night, Dec. l2th, puj 010ofa Archer's School put on a vE ie, fine and entertaiing progra rd- foiiowcd by recitatians, dan( Da om ler's nexi mave through Syrla. 5aliier' wives and iiothers' Hon. Azîgus L. Macdonald gettlng onu>' $660 and $480 por speaksata Canadian Club. Mid- Ycar. land Battalion arrives St. John, Ana. 21-Preier King flics ta N.ýB. barrack dut>'. Mis. Doris England. 0. Mea of Peterboro Rauwins Insurance ut.Dr wins car gt Rptary Carnival. hani dounty Holatei hi hpments M~. H. Hanr4an addrces Week- abroad. 1>' Newspaper Association Con- Ma>' 8-Buildig boom in town;- vention ai Quebec Ciy. Royal 15 housses lanned. John Hall- Theatre gets ncw wroni. David yar dies. Jim Hunter comaes tg Morison pause, aged 92. dialogues and tableau. Mi. Argue town ta receive B.W.V. checl as chairman gave Miss Perrett, Theatre tax laid by Dominio teacher, well deservea praise for govt. Hon. J. L. Raîston sa her work in training ber pupils ""aur mast dangerous-enemyj nto, and also for her good progrcss in the thought that we have pier school work and the orderly way ty ai tume. Back concession is which the pupils presentcd the farmers commence criticismn Program. Mi. Hoskin moved a Premier Kig. Bited vote ai thanks ta Miss Perrett and My1-rp okn xeln pupils. Santa arrived and unload- conditi-os finekhAgW. cee Li th cd a well ladened trcc which de- contiHonsie. A .W. LesricG ightcd the children. Pragrami Pr oe ice ititG ited closed with "Therc's AIwysbe ennor ai Lions Club. W. Jani Englnd"and od a the in. represents The. Statesmana nE ngaddadGdSv h ig Wcekly Newspapen Conventiok med ~Hamilton; brings back Stevei are son Trophy for second consecu Dr. REVIEW OF NEWS tive time. Durham Tabace ta plantations report succesuft c. <CnIn. year. County Musical Festlvi C. .(oninedfrom page 1) opens at Port Hope.* riers npen J. S. Duncan and Harvey May' 22-Oire> and Simncoe Foirec iH. MacMilan quit Ottawa. Good- ters bivouac in BowmanviJl year workers adopt agreement ovcrnight. Service clubs disti St. 368 ta 12. . bute swhne ta junior faimersa Bni- Feb.Si-Durham County Federa.. Hampton. Seventeen court case at town hall. Mis. H. Lyons A] bl- tion ai Agriculture advanced at len critically hurt hI highwa: Mi.e Orono, -H. H. Hannam, ta bec rash. Mi. and Mis. R. G. Dick M. speaker March lOth. Hon. Sen- inson camte froma Californiat atar Careine Wilson tells Cana- sec Durham's magnificent appl dian Club ai after-war peace biossonis. Forty hcad af Short NUS plans. W. L. Patterson says haseetdbyJBkrsi rd 00 lded inWrSvns pcd ta other provinces. Tw, Certificates. Gamnet Rickard calls issued froni Ottawa; e at wins first prize on barle>' at $0,00000la n 20 1dy Toronto. Cartcr Famuy stait traops wanted--on a voluntar, aith Goodycar catcring systeni. Re- bss t gistcdegeggradig stations de- bs At ceed. Faiers ag. regiment- May 29-Harold Longworth, B.A adid cd. United States near breaku* high school teacher, joins Ai Dnes with Neutrality Act. President Force. Victer>' Torch rallya T Hannam and delegates aif ed- , high school grounds. Drumnhei t er ation are told by Prime Min- Service at Port Hope. Col. Me Itr ister King: "somcthhng must bc Laughlin takes salute. Cal rit donc for agriculture." O'Neill commands 32nd V.G.C the Peb. 27-District G o v ecrii o r a cîeotfBkrhed o ,y Lions Club guest ai local club. Platoon. Flood ai U.S.A. tale. and Dr. Banting killcd in plane hcads Canada's drive for wa crash. Wcstern grain comning funds. freight free ta local faimers. lune 5-Dugout headquarters fo gig "Pinafore"l presented b>' High boan at Balmoral Hotel. Scott did Schoal students. Rotary Inter- Cameron catches record bro'ý ist- national celebrates 36th blrth- trout at Cavan pool. Frank Mc led: day. Gardon Graydon, M.P. for Intyre, Dundalk Herald, elc ;by Peel, moves ini House for select cd President Ont.-Que. Divisioi ýn, Committee on agriculture; a ai Can. Weekly Newspape: uing, Statesman icconime n d a t i a n. Ass'n. Provincial Gov't mobil Lnn, Nothing donc. Editonial insists izes students for faims. ian citizens remnove snow froni side- lune 12-Fine destrays ban on B cill- walks. Ignored. J. Gi faim. Goodyear 11lir ;un- March 6-Lions Club votes $500 and grand parade boosts Vie >los for tiaffic light. Shonthaîns tory Loan. R. B.- Bennett be Vil- brig fancy prices at annual . cames Lord Bennett af Calgary ers, sale. Andy Clarke ai "INeigh- Federation ai Agriculture mect cen baulyNes"joins C.B.C. staff. at Hampton. di a Senor girls' basketball teani lune 19 - Counillon Martyr em- wiis league titlc. The States- enects signs "No Parking". Ser. tri- man cails for Count>' surve>' ai vice Clubs honor Warden Ec. ung acreage gaing out ai produc- mondstonc at banquet. Donnyi tion. A ne w industry, SirnPipns brook Fair at Orono raises $2, Cabinet Ca. cames ta tewn. 000 for War Victinis Fund O.A.C. turned aven ta Dominion Hugh Templun, Fengus News. governYmcnt by Premnier,.Hep-ý, Record, commences colunnoa humn. Air Force af Canada. And3 MJarch 13-500 fanmens at Orono C 1 anr k e, "Ncighborly News' the launch Durhami Fedcration af broadcastcr guest-speaker al sad Agriculture. Goodyear work- Warden's bànquct. Iiwin Bragg crs pledge $27,000 Wàr Savings. dies at Providence. Lions Con. Pils Burketan honors Brcck faniily, vention at Toronto. Premdi ,ry ail Ina amy. Rcv. S. Davison King repeats "no conscription am, celled ta Lcamington. E. A. pledgc on Frida>', 13th." vas Summers banquettcd at Orono. lune 26-Goodyear aunual outing ces, School children plcdge $2000 at Cobourg. J. H. H. Jury bur- - War Savungs stamps. Tax rate ied Tuesday. George Hart, Osh- reduced by seven milis; lowest awa, tells Rotarians about Win. in 20 years. Governnient laun- stan Churchill. Durham County ches national saivage campaign oversubscribes Victory Loan; advocated by The Statesman a wanted $900,000; resuit $1.153,- - year ago. 000. Hitler marches agains M4arci 26--Lions Bi c y c 1 e Club Russia. J. T. Thorson appointed broadcasts aven CFRB. Local ta Cabinet by Premider King. price ai milk goes up ane cent. Jl> 3-W. J. Bragg, cx-M..P. Faim wages up 100% aver last killed in Tarante traific acci- year. Worst stanm in ycars. Ail dent. Manson Comstock induci- roads' blacked. Trainces naw cd PresidenofRtr.Lgn must do 4 nianths instead ai 30 carnival naiRatai'. Lia:d days. Statesman urges "plant Rcserve leaves for camp. Ga]- gardens on account ai shartage îoping niessengcr on mataicycle ai help in thc country. Rev. J. brngs rccruiting scial V E. Griffith af Leamihngton cani- Town Hall. Canada celebrates ing as paster ta Trinity United 74th birthday. Church. Midlands hame an lcave b>' special train. l>'10--W. Koppsa, wins car at Lions Carnival. Long March 27-Capt. W. F. Banister drauth kilils hope ai good crop. returns te open Wai Services Fced shortage certain. Red Drive. Mis. Dr. W. A.' Cross garden Part>' at Mis. dies in New York, Mach J uiy's raises $250. Junior Faim- "'Red" Foster af CFRB presents crs' field day ai Newcastle. Saiety Banner te Bicycle Club Cncito eest etr ilrkiopcerns Wai ervies lated b>' The Statesman. De- Willie pensWarServces mand that faim hcip be pro- drive in Tarante. Egg gradig vided. stations open in count>' Frank L. Mason retires froni the Ped- lui>' li-Stuart James eleciai ian People, Oshawa.j President, Lions Club. J. D. Apri3-Rv. . L Fleing Bi- 1Stevens dies. One hour sitdown Apri 3-ev.A. . Femig, is- strikc at Goodyear. Gasolune hop af the Arctic, speaks ai eus"itmtdb oen Canadian Club. W. F. Rickad, rqetutitdb oen M.P., breaks with gavernment ment. The Statesman demanda averWesern crege pan. outright ratianing ai gasoline as Women's Institute d i s c u s s c s itddi gav't administration. Premier and Mn. Hanson tour Western John Brackcn becomes States- Canada testing opinion. This man subscribcr. Policy suggest- paper forecasts food shartage cd ai pooling power machiner>' and likcly rationing within anc inm fai units as offset ta lack >'ear. af faim help. l> 24-Firsi Faim Federation April 16-Fic ini Victor Manor. picnic at Orono huge success. Mis. Jane Hall celebrates î01st Local URWA holds iirst annual binthda>'. Editai is guest ai Ed- eii at Crdam af Barlcy. Pie. ward Johnson, hcad ai Metro- =d Hughes, firai Bownian- politan Opera in New York. ville wounded reteins home. Tom Cartwright escapes unju> Cost of living bonus explained. in severe fail. Miss Machail Tim Gaiton's new bus comnmis- P» R. COWLING PHARMACiSTI It Churchill and Roosevelt mcci tr ai e Aug. 28-Goodycar employees taise strike vote. Bicycle Safet>' y' Club heads parade ai Tarante n Fair. B. H. Mortlock goes ta Barrie Examiner. Schools re- open. Womcn's Aimy Corps n fonrecast. Bob Deachnian recani- mends walking ta work. . carl>'. Sept. 4-Ahinum salvage drive starts. Orono and BlacJtstock p fairs biggcr and better. Dr. Barker Rotary guesi. Midland Battalion rcparted in near-riot ai casi coasi. Mike's Place again wins Sofibail Championchip. Sept. li---Editor reiurns froni wai-obseivance tour, te Atlantic coast as guesi ai Government. R. S. McLauglin celebrates 7th birthda>'. Board negotiates ion larger campus ai High School. Sept. 18-Ottawa inaugurates I licensing af businesses. Chris- F tian Rehdcn passes.. Women op strike ai 'Canning Factory; gai t raise froni 20c ta 22%c per 2, hour and no wartimc bonus. Dunham faimers and wives r capture prizes ai Oshawa fair. 1Sept. 25-E. P. Eaten iound mur- dered near Newtonville. Not Airionce but Nazi prisoners coming ta. B.T.S. Citizens and Civic bodies pratesita Ottawa. J. H. Crydenman passes. Stan- * ley's Lunch held up b>' ained bandits. Oct. 2-Lions Club Fete raised t $175 for Red Cross as Uic>' pre- sent glif traffic lights ta town. Bowmanvillc students re- turn ta variaus Universities. Mad Midlands leave Si. John for Niagara. Chici Draper, Ta- i ranta, charged with reckless 1 drivung nea Newcastle. Oct. 9-Stanni destroys anc third apple crap. Licuis. W. Braden, > W. Brown and W. James gradu- aie ai Officers Trainig School, Brockville. and are posied ta 1 active units. John Lyle celc- braies G3rd birthday. John At- kins commences "Food Suppi>"' articles. ln Weekly press. Oct. 16-Fart>' Midlands home on leave. Oea. Someiscales killed on highway. Thice nurses graduate ai Hospital. Orono store robbcd ai $2500 in gaods. Oct. 23 - Bowmianvile allatted anc naval gun per month as quota in War, Savings drive. Premier Kiig announces Prices and Wagc contras. L 'Garton's bus I iii enl w ple Graveaccident; Oct. 30-ix yea aId Fieddy Ab- ernethy kllled b>' auto. British Columbia Liberals lose major- it>' ai poils. Nova Scatia netuins returns Liberals Gov't. Nov. 6--Frank Williams cani- pletes 35 yeas with Bell Tele- phone. Wm. Parker, >'oung iarmhand, killed in bicycle-ca accident. J. S. Duncan, Presi- dent, Masse>' Harris Ca. and Hon. George Drcw cal for ail- oui conscription. Fred H-. Ci>'- derman passes. Nov. 18-Cal. L. T. McLaughlin officiates in remaval af Iran Second's calais te Archives, Ot- $àwa. Rt. Hon. Arthur Melghen acceeds te demand ai part>' ta lead Conservatives i House. Irene Casbounne firsi girl tfo enliai froni Bowmanvillc. Nov. 2"-. M. Macdonnell, Pres!- dent, National' Trust, - guèst speaker at Rural-Urban ban- quet, Blackstock. Civillan Com- mittees ta help recruting. Ag- nes Macphail addresses Cart- wright Federation ai Agricul- ture. Mrs. W. J. Richards cele- brates 94th bfrthday. Poppy Day nets, $146. Frst batch ai German officer prisoners ar- rive at the B.T.S. Nov. 27-N. W. Rowell dies ini To- ronto. Nazi prisoner escapes. Township Sehool Aiea plan dis- cussed at Orono meeting. Rilc built at Rotary Park. Colhng- wood Reade, back froni Britain, addiesses Canadian Club..Thoir Pungle celebrates 9lst birthday. Dec. 4-Local M.P.'s hold L114eral Rally at Hampton. High School Commencement features talent in play "June Mad." Council buys $25,000 Gov't. bonds with McGill mancy. Nominations re- veal full Labar slate. Editor called ta Ottawa on new Price- Peg policy. Durno Cheerlo En- tertainers put on programmue for Goodyear Club. Dec.* li-Mayor and Reeve get acclamations. Editor sponsôrm tour ai County by TorQnttb newsmen. Chairman Strike of,, Utilities Comnisldn announces succcss report. Empire« and U.S-A. at war with.Japan. Dec. 18-Same Nhzj. at prisqrk camp, aiter. recupcrating .frém iirst escape, cuts. wiie and is re-* captured at Mont#eal. Chaflis, ,elected .Deputy -Reeve. Noi.±h- cutt heads poil. Labor slate de-' feated. Goodyear lays off l0Q. workeis per gov't. rubbr e-,' strictions.S.M eabr - Dec. 25-J.. S.PLajresident. Canada Packers, and Ët.'-Hon. Aithur Meighen, PC. with 40 Durham County stockr breeders, entertained by editor. G. W., James at Balmoral Hotel dIi;i- ner ta discuss aiter--var plans, jY .for holding overseas markets. P.'ace on Earth absent, and busi - ness as usual has fallen froni grace. Time for new resolutions ai very -sober character. The. Statesmani wishes eveiyone the very best that can be achleved in hope and happiness. TIHIS SPÂCE 1S SMALL BUT TI-AT MOES NOT INDICATE OUR BIG GREETING FOR YOU JOHN LENZ AND STAFF a aa~a ~ - This -la Our wlsh for you et this happy time of year For waay the fortunes of war snay out a gloon ait tse holiday soa but lot us go forward with thse coati- domo.t baiW'%ailPulUing togothor" wo may ps o abi. te finish tho Job and dwfl ln Poac and boourlty once a«Mu. JOHNSTON'S BOOKSTORE I & 7 rCOP' /1 c I ni SmAS THfE ENTIRE STAFF JOINS IN IIEARTY 0000 WISH-ES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND ~CESFULNEW YEAR MORRIS CO. And, la, Uic angel ai Uic Lord came upon thein,.and Uic glory af Uic Lord shone round about theni: and Uic>' were soie afrald. Ansd thc angel said unto theni, fear not: for, be- hold, I bring you good tidings ai great Jo>', which shah be t anai people. For unto you la' bain Uiis day in Uic cii>' ai David a Savloui whlch la Christ Uic Lord. -Gospel af Si. Luke A NEW CHRISTMAS Bringing You NEW JOY la Our Wish For You This SEASON JAMES MARR Jeweller -3 TEMADAY. THE CANADIAN STATIESMAN, BOWMANVn.LE, ONTARIO