PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAI4VflLE, OISTAEIO TflUEBr~A~, DII TUE MIXINC 1 livé BOWL &y ANNE ALLAN Fdro Houme *aenonls Festive Bakini Hello HomernakersIl ktitchen filled with Uic aroma et mincemeat, plu ding, and other goed thini ether day, a yaung friendi ed, "'You knew, it'seems that Christmus l juat aro corner!"' Doesn't that sur enthusiasm that every maker feels at the begin the holiday seasen? Your plan should be te tempting foods sud stiil ha for yaur favorite war warà the busy Christmnas season days, women can prepi ahead if thcy watch for careful storage. You cai holiday caoking an easy te anyane cen cail it a taak1 these colortuily-fruited an tuily-spiced holiday delical A new way ta*use an a)( ite la te malce Minceme Pudding. A fluffy biscuil variation la the basic ing sud it combines especial with spicy mincemeat. Tl ding has lots in ite tavor- be made quickiy, is bake ly, and it iase good! Harvest Bread la a new bread success for the testi ahead. Sliced thin and with butter, it may even as a simple dessert. Made meuffin mcthod, it la rei baliing in a few minutes. Cern Muffins are 'tops' meal, with lotset caloriesi ed during the winter mn For an inexpensive desE Christmas Bell Salad is s0 cheer- i Urfui and attractive-juat right for are pud- ieps gB? The Rcps remark- Mineemeat Roll Pudding is te me % cup brawn sugar ound the 2 tbsp. butter ml Up the 1 cup .water rhome- 2 cupaslfted fleur rning of 3 tep. baking powder i tbsp. sugar i teaspeon saIt prepare 4 tbsp. shortening kave tire 2 egga -k during V cup mflk n. Nowa- Melted butter are weil 1%V cups meist mincemeat tisOl Combine brown sugar, butter im mae and water in saucepan. Bring te Lasic - if bell and pour inte pan, 8"yx8"x2"t. te make Sift together fleur, baking paw- nd taste- der, sugar and sait. Cut in short- acies. ening. Beat eggs and add milk and add ail te dry ingredients. Ld t avor- Stir only enough te make, dough iat Holl hold together. Turn eut on light- it dough ly.floured board and knead a hall ,redient, minute. Roleut in rectangle ¾/- lly well inch thick. Brush with meited .his pud- butter and spread with mince- r-it cen meat. Roll up jelly roll fashian d quick- and cut in l-inch slices. Place slices cut ide down in syrup. Bake in eiectric oven (425*F.) 20 te 25 minutes. Yicld: 12 rails. w quick- ive days Harvest Bread 1spread 2 cups sifted fleur be used 2 tsp. baking pewder le by the 3/ cup sugar ady for 1/4tSP. Salt 2 eggs 3 tbsp. baking fat ,' t ay % cup chepped nuts 50 a ned- 4cup chopped candied itso ne-citron nths. V cup currants 2 tbsp. chepped candied sert, the cherries n - -- -- - - .a p p. M4erry Christmas ph.i Dowmaavlile Datry me 44" King Street We Wish You The Compliments of the Season Something about the spirit et Christmnas causes al of us ta turn from tae worry sud hurry et business with its attendant annoyances, te soek refreabreent in the tiree-honored custoi etglft-glvng sud good wlshing. Our wish for you la that you may partake et, sud share wth us toe c uli. the good spirit ef Yulotide. ISHEPPARD & GILLILUMBER Co. Ltd. --------- A4D A VERY, VERY ~ SAN ODOSON mi sationu 2 tbsp. chepped candied lemon peel. Sift flour, baking powder, su- gar and sait toe e er. Add the fruit and nuts. Beat eggs and com- bine with milk and melted fat. Add the combmned liquida te fleur mixture and stir just enough te moisten the fleur. Pour into Well- greased loaf pan. Bake in electric oven (375P.) i heur. Yield: 1, 1-lb. lest. Cern Mutffins 1 cup slfted fleur %ecup yellow corn meal 3 tse. bang powder % tep. salt 3 tbsp. sugar 1 egg 1 cupmc 4 tbsp. baking fat, melted. SiUt fleur, cern meal, bkn pewder, sait and sugar together. Beat egg slightly; add milk and melted shortenlng. With spoon make a hoilow in the dry ingre- dients; pour in al ef the liquid; stir just enough te moisten dry ingredients (batter sheuld be lumpy). Bake 25-30 -minutes* i hot over (400F.). Yield: 12-14 muffins. Christmasa Bell Salad 2 No. 2%h cana large canned pears , ehalves) V2 cup currant jelly 6 green cherries Red vegetable clorlng 1 small pkg. cream cheese Lettuce. R emove pears from syrup; add sufficient coloring to the syrup te make it a deep red. Place pear halves in the syrup and allow te remain until tinted a delicate pink; drain on paper serviette. Place the two cut ides together, then cut a lilce off the large end et each pear, thus formed te make it stand straight and give appear- ance of a bell. Taise A Tip: H-ow te buy a Lamp and Shade: 1. The lamp shade should be in proportion to the base, have a white lining sud be just densel enough te conceal the outlines of bulbs or reflector bowl when the lamp is lighted.. 2. The lamp base should be heavy and stable, with a non- fraying cord attached. 3. Retiecters can be put into ail lampa. They insure light with- eut glare. 4. A lump, when paced on the' table, should be %ar enough te1 g i v e a g o p e d e l i g h t . F e i't o r _trt fg inhs lasuggested as theditnefm the floor te the lower edge of the lamp shade. (This does net apply te, studY lampa). 5. The lenip should be. equip- ped te take two 60-watt bulbs or one 100 or 150-watt bulb. TWO- filament buiba, those with .several degrees of light (100-200-300 watts or 50-100-150 watts) provide vari- able light for specitic tasica. Question Box Misa M. H. suggests: Chocolate cubes for parties or 'everyday' dessert accompaniment. Recipe for Chocolate Cubes 1 cup white sugar -3 tbsp. cocos 1 tbsp. butter 3 tbsp. water Cook like candy, until sugar is dissolved. Use electrie element turned low. Cube day-eld bread inte one-inch pieces and dip into the sauce; then rail in dessicated cocoanut. Answer: Thanlc yeu, Miss H. May we suggest coloring the cocoanut for the Christmas Cubes. Mrs. R.M.W. asks: "How long should tast-frozen vegetables be thawed eut before heating?" Answer: Put frezen vegetables right on te heat. Considerabie vitamin content isl bt if they are thawed several heurs. Mrs. J.C.B. writes: "I have a large quantlty ef tea that has taken on the odeur in aur cellar. How can I remove this odeur?" Answer: Store the tea, in an- other place. Keep in a tight con- tainer. Te remâve the odeur place about' 1-3 cup of baking soda in a cup and place in the partly f lled tins cf tea. Change baking soda every other day and stir up the tea. Anne Allen invites you te write te her cie The Statesman. Just send in your questions on home- making preblems and watch this littie corner et the columnn for replies. Weddings6 Westlake-Cooke Principal in a quiet 'mariage Nevembe2Mt, at Ceylon, Sask., were Doretay M. Cooke, the dau- ghter et Mr. sud Mrs. H. W. A. Johnson, Semans, and Perey W. Wcstlake, formenly ot Sains, ont. Rev. Clayton, of Ceylon, conduct- cd tac ceremony, sud attenIants te the -couple -were -Dr- and'4,fr. A. MacDonald, alosof et cylon. The wedding reception- was held in the King's hatel ln Regina., Mn. sud Mrs. Westlake wll take up residence at Ceylon. Hilîcreat Church et Christ, To- rente, decerated with pink and, rose 'mums, was the setting on December 12th for the wedding et Esmay Doris Simpson, Helena Ave., daughter et Mrs. Sinmpson snd the late' J. Simpson, sud Al- bert Cully, san et Mr. sud Mêa. W. J. Cuily, Bowmanvllle. 'the ceremaony was soiemnizcd byg1ev. A. Lawaexr The brie, given in marriagd by her uncle, J. Scott, wore a gown et pewdcr blue sillc jersey, street lengta, shircd bodice sund flared sirit, wita matching tur- ban. She carried a colonial nase- gay o! pink roses, sweet pesansd snapdragons. The matron et honor, Mrs. Gar- don A. Paterson, were American beaut» red suck jersey, street lengta, with shirred bodîce,,and 'tlared skirt. Her colonial nosegay. was et yllow.roses, snspdragons and red asters. The groom waa supported by bis brothet, Leading AircraftmnuArthur F. Cully. At the receptien at the home et tae bride, her mother rcceived in a gawn ef black silk crepe, jacket SAVE YOUR MOTOR corusgeno'fer:drosesTeMM ther' LICENSE PLATES Bil crepe wlth sequins. For an esenmater trip te bride vore lo41 Motor Vehile Registration a rcd woi crepe dress wlth Plates Te Be Coilected For matching hat sud deep red roses. RediCros A plan for the salvaging a! ebsolete 1941 motor vehicle regis- C.0.F. ElooftsOffCers tration plates wiil again be car- Formes Hockey Leaguu rled eut by thc Ontario Division ___ of the Canadian Red Cross Socle- ty oarly in February, 1942. Court Bowmenville No. 904, Prom tac proceeds et tac sale Canadien Order et Foresters met et these plates, tac funds ef tac December l7th, with H. Rie arde Red Crass Society wlll benefit by preslding. These officers were a substantiel sum, and motorists eleeted for 1942: P.C.R.-H. lUch- are asked te cooperate by deliver- ards; C.R.-D. Picard; V.CR.- lng their aid registration plates te J. McNabb; àChaplain-F. Black- eny gasolino service station, tcburn; Hec. S&C'y.-D. Poole; Ml. Truhthe cooperation o h Se'y. sud Treasurr-L. Barten; ail cempanies, and the Automno- S.W.R. Ormisten; J.W.-J. Lenz tive Transport Association, tac S.B.-G. Balson; J.B.-G. Aber- plates wl be collected troni tac netay; Court Physicin-Dr. H. service stations and trensported Rundle; Trustees-Bros. Barton, te tac steel mills where taey wm lPoole sud Lenz. bo used ln production tor war in- These new otticers will be dir- dustries. The collection sud trans.. ected by H. B. McCabe, D.D.H.C.R. port et the plates are being cen. and Bro. McGregor, P.C.R. ducted by tac ail companlesansd The- above officers wil ho i-. the Autemotive Transport Aseo- stalled, along with otticers et ciation witaout charge, and me- CourtOshawa, lu Osha.wa on Jan. torists who coaperate by hending 12th. The installation ceremony hitheir oldplates at the servicewllbprorebyTrote- stations are rendering a twa-way ficers. At tac conclusion et the service, et ne cent te taemnselves, corrony, whlch la an open i-. by provlding the Red Cross Socle- stallation, tac members' tamlly ty wlth tac praceeds oethtis sal- sud frieuda wlll be entertalaed vage, sud adding ta aur metal wittasa banquet sud dance. resaurces. Vstlng brethren frein Oshawa This la an effective ferre et aid were D.D.H.C.R. H. B. McCabe te the national saîvago campait sund H. Henderson, P.C.R. and R.S. sund provides tae motorlats wî P. Blackbhurn reported on the a plan for dispeaing et old regls- hockey league now being for»ed. tration Plates that l at th amrePerty player compnlislng four time useful sud practical. tesais ewlflplay elgh t schedialed ____________Ail. tose dekilng ta play 018leffle are roquested te get Have you renewed your eisbr. Ia tOU bh lMr. Blackburn-mot scnîptlon te The Statulilutoeua ç.VIh Presentatlon And luchre At Meeting 0f Spitfr. Club The Spittiro Club 'met at . Mrs. Sam McKnight's on Thursday night, Dec. 18th. The house was nicely decorated in the Christmnas spirit. After a brief meeting, Mrs. Me- Knight called tae club te erder while Mrs. Westlake read a iovely addxfess sud Mrs. Braund sud Mrs. T. Cennors presented thce i- dent, Mns. Harold Wakelin, wt a beautitul silver cake basket. I(rs.. Wakelin expressed grateful appreciatien te hon club members. Exchange et gifla look place, al receiving samething useful sud nice. Progressive cuchre was Play- cd sud Mrs. Harrison, Church St., w<on tlrst prize, a glass fruit plate, while Mrn. Msheed won consola- tion prize, a crearn sud sugar set. The next Item was tae welcore- ing sang "Fer He'a a Jolly Goed Fellow," te Rosa Strike who show- cd bis smiling face in tae living roam for the purpose et drawing thc iucky tickets for thc goose sud chicicen. Mrs. Tommy lelchards won the gosse, sud Mrs. MI, G. V Gould the chicicen. Mr. Strike congratulated the club on the splendid war work thcy had dane.. When teld what mney ea club had turned over te war work, ho said tac Spittire ~Club deserved credit and that the club was cerainiy living up'te the name "Spittire." Ho told tac his- tory ef how the Spittires camne te be built sud put inteo aqtion whlch was very interesting. Ho wlkhed tac club every succes sad a Mer- ry Christmas te ail. Jean Wooiley played the Piano whill ail joined in singngaid time war songeansd Christmnas carols. A lciveiy Christmas lunch with ail the gcod things oethtcecason was aerved b y the hostesa, Mrs. Mïcialh, whlah everyone en- joyed.* The club took ini$60.70 on the goose sud chlcken draw. $30.00 la te be sent tg the British War Vic- time' Fund, maklng a total ef $100.00. $30.00 la te be given thel Red Cross for blankets to e h et te the Bemb Victims Shelter. ehs makes a total et $3l.00 given the Red Cress.1 Chuistmnas ProMlems Th;ere wlU ha deisys iobtain- lng long distance telephene con- nections on Christmas Day, os- peciafly on aeaute the Mpritimes and te western Canada or tac United States. Subscrlbers cen heip tac situa- tion te sanie extent by caillng over tac weekend precedlng Christmias. If t:ey do cail on Deceniber 25, they cen help dlear tac wires for essentiai war services sud for men ln camps sud- barracca who will net be able tpg get home for Christ- mas-by muklâ ng tructons te the eperater cicar sud concise, thus: "Vancouver; Seymour 1234, John Smidth," sud by making their greetlngs brie!. Subaciama iToronto who wlsh to speak to amaller uearby pointa will dial 1"Operater"lu I- stead et. calllag 1"11011 for long distance. Thousandaetof sol<iers, salors, sud airmen, teoning home, and war, serv~ices dônteuing wark despite the holl4lay, wgl'fltb* usual tlood et long distonco Pgr yog 4 *blaqds tance thon the 6uainess usera et ordiary day, Christmas callers take langer te give their instruc- tiens ta the eperater. taflk longer. Mare calls are maue over long distances and from and ta points auteide the larger cities. Such cails have te be switched at sev-' oral pointe before a comiection may be completed. When onc link is ready ta take a cail, an- ather niay become buay.- Since Christmas comes on a mici-weck day. thla year,, instead et at the weekend, the rush perlod will b. crowded into a single day. Hundreds of calla are placed slm- ultaneously wlthin a tew heurs. In this respect the telephane business la unique. Merchants, the post office, transportation cenipsuies, even the telegraph systesas cen spread the rush ta soM~e extent. Telephone cafls must ga through when they are placed. Everything poible la being dene te avoid'undu e delays Ev- ery availabie eperator wlU ibe on duty over the haliday. Engineers and equlpmnent men wlll als6 tore- go thc fanilly turkey ta arrange for the greateat nureber et chan- nela ta the pointe moat frequently cailed as these vary from heur te heur. Plana have been laid months-li advance te make the utmest use et tacilities at Christmas time. Sections et awitchboard ordinarlly used fer other purposes are belng converted ta long distance use. Circuit layouts are being scrutin- ized caretully sud changea made wherever necessary. Purpi. Nul SchooI ChrIstnias Concert On December 17th Purpie Hilll School held ite annual Christmeas concert. Lewis Swaln, aecretary cf the school board, was master et ceremenies fer the pvening's entertaiinent. Ater epening with "0 Canada," Shirley Vance gave a recit4tien., This was tolaowed by aChristmnas carol "We Three Kings.' )4ephisto, the educated reindeer, compased et Eileen Toms and lys Mhaty, pertarm- ed various tricksa te the amuse- ment o! the large audience. A dollydrama "'Under the Christrnas Tree"l was presented by Grade 8, Aleta Steele, Ella Mahaffy, Win- nie Swain. Grades 1-5 gave a ~roprecitation, "C h risatminas oils." Joy te the World was sung. This was followed by a piane duet by Jean Toms sud Mrs. Strong. Grades threc toe eght girls danced "The Virginia ReeL" A play. cailed "Criais i Christmas- land" was presented, the follow- ing pupils taling pere Arthur Gîbspn, Helen Toms, Harvey Gra- ham iElicen Tams, Jean Grittin, Wilca Steek Roy Wetten, Joyce Graham. Wllma Toms recited "Santa's Wlte."l Two patriatic songe, "The British. Grenadiers" sud "O0ver There" were sung, ac- compsedby or. Streng. A re- citation,'OChristmas Questions" was rected by Raiph Strong snd David Swaln.. The Junior sang "Jolly Old Saint Nichalais." "«A Puzzle" waa recited. by Harvey Grahame. A pàstrlotic dril Inolud- ing a recitatien, "Carry On Can- ada" and "Rule Britannia" was giveti. Then there was a puppet show called "The Sheemaker and the Elves." The puppets were made and operated by the pupils. The Seniors, sud then the Juniors, squaTe danced te "My Darling Nellie Grey" wita Arthur Glbson' callng off. The program waa ter- minated by two ChristMas carola .and e recitation by Helen Toma. Santa Claus dashed in and gave eut the presents. Lunch was aerv- ed aud the remafinder et tac even- ing was spent In dancing. Pro- cceds $17.40. About CMO W "A Fact a- Dae AboutCanad&"' it a maoxthly bulletin Iêmued by, the governinent. A rect nt issu gives these facto*: TotAl fôoced eni- listed in Canada te dat#, 508,é00; total ovpseas, more .than lO 100 balance, Active -RPegepVe, 'Oe at home 408,00à Vast numbera of ActiveË--art acquirniavoir m~e guaring wn so )edoing. UtterlY untraàt-ed t' ' modemrn are men who two years ago. Total Canadian casualiai Total U.S.A. casttalties hl1i one day of war, neatly 4,00., Couatries Now at W.r Llned Up withi Hitler: Gérmunyi,. Italy, Japan, Bulgarla, Xuüiianla, Flnland, Slovakla, Croatia, Bn, chukuo, Hungar*Y. Lined up writh the Demdeades., Britain, United States, Canada~ Australia, New Zealand, $otut Africa, India Free French, Ch ina, Dutch East Indies, BuÀsla, Càti Rica, Cuba, Nicaragua, lý Do iea Republic, Hondur;as,, Haïti >'El - vad«, Panamaà, Guatemaa, Ed4 opia, and the follow'ing rfze governments: Polard, Holnd Beliuni, Czecho-Slovrakiaý, x embourg, Norway, Greece, Yugo-. siavia. Countries that have brok- en relations with the Axis or have declared solidarity with the Al- lies: Colombla, Mxco, Brazil~ Argentine, Bolivia Ecuador, Par- aguay, Uruguay, Venezuela.. Not at war but afraid ta' move. Turkey, Spain, Sweden, Portugal Free to move but wont: South Ireland (Eire). Clip this for Farm Forum asides. Vitanins AMont Mot Enough Trhr<se esntialmnri ais. fouiod in Dr. Chasé s- Nerve Fo.d l help te mske thaa true tonie for bieod snd nervi. money and forallthefniy 180 pilla $1.50. Dr. Chaae'a tains'vitaminB,.ME e - --- - - - I. he Every Custoimer and Friend May songs of good cheer be ln your heart this Christmas. Our sincerest hope for a joyous YuIe- tide Season for you. Froua out of the. wwamuis création of b.auty sucai as the.abo» I 'lgr sas a àtribut. te the Toronte Polilce War îtaans' Aselatlorn aaevlng peuns md symboe iplture. "Net mfi, 0 Lord, Bt sado, but i hir magnfluent donation te TThe Evanlg Telgram *British Wam Ire" ntii 9~Yt 5 fla ~lts1muhud, nad agina a ackvoud . IVlatims' Fend. This lpnabled aabliiag stili antean£10.000 te a patio death snd destiucton whuh t»eToronto pollummusan d *nord. 1tit ho.mnwm and litti. chiudren raiese fuir velum la Pryr- pitue.uubI ugti prts frta.whI i olenynbilz. I "t mSà, O I.d,net sabut f re." the spirit that lus r.on ru fmut ase$410frh a eebr19, $1>i7,226.17 lad beautfrîbuttd te The cOUTUgou wlar umersa e t theBrkitim e.This ptture la the. prfflrty E&*nia@ ToUreura.Britsh War Vittims' Fund, and the quxilarY fond- of Bendias for Brtalu la the United States sud %was -reoreducud la The Chrstmas Chu.r for'Britisi Cidrms - totalled $25,363-67- At thi, rnerry, friendly time ef veaa' we taise apeelai Plesuwe in wlshing ail oui enstomer ansd trIssai tis heartiest GÎOOD WISIIES «. for the Christmas season sud la tise oou ag70 McGRESOR'S HARO WARE, <4 s' I., k:' ----------------------- PAGE SIX WR CAIqADLA.X STAUAMAX, BOWMANV=£,- O"AMO