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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1942, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, .1942 Hampton Visitors: Mrs. A. J. Reynolds, Montreai, with Miss Lulu Rey- nolds. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowiing and children, London, Miss Winnie Cryderman, Toronto. at Mr. Jno. Cowling's... Mr. Jim Milîs, Peterboro, at S. Kersey's.. Miss Constance Farncomb, Toron- to, at home.. . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bulmer, Oshawa, at Mr. Will Wilbur's. . . Mr. Jimmie Brodie, ~e- Toronto, at Mr. J. R. Reynolds'.. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly and family with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Burnett, Oshawa, with relatives. . . Miss Madehine TruUl, Mrs. Myrtie Tay- loir, Toronto, Mr. Ralph Taylor, Oshawa, at home.. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb and daughter spent Christmas with relatives in Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wii- bur with Oshawa relatives...i Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and Mrs. R. Avery with Dr. and Mrs. W. Horn, Fort Hope. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cole and son Donald, town, Miss Eva Souch, Enniskil- len, at C. W. Souch's. .. Miss Jean Balson, Courtice, with bier par- ents. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wil- liams, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Feters'. .Mr. and 1%-s. W. White and sons, Orono, ,iith Mrs. C. Johns. .Private Bruce Yeo, Mrs. Yeo and baby, Cornwall, witb bier par- ents, Mr. and Mis. Clifford Col- will and sister Ruby. .. Mr. andi Mrs. S. Williams with Mr. and Mis. E. Wood, Bowmanviiie. Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackham and j family were guests of honor ata N dinmer party at the home of their son, Mr. and Mis. Douglas Rack- ham, Bowmanville, on Friday, it being the occasion of their 25tlh wedding anniversary. Sonry to lose our school prin- cipal Mr. Harry Faulkner froir our village, hie having accepteda position at Harmony sehool. rs. Jas. Burns attended the 25t wedding anniversary cele- br tion of Rev. and Mrs. W. Rack- in Bowmanville. Blacks'-.,otock Mission Band met Saturday, with Marion Hill presiding in the absence of Muriel McLean. Mar- ion gave the scripture rending. Prayers were said by Nora Ven- ning, Beryl Larmer and Mona Ferguson. Offertory prayer was given by Doris Hamilton. Roll call was answered by a Christmas verse from the bible. These offi- cers were elected: Fresident-Lu- cille Forder; Sec.-.-Beryl Larmer; Treas.-Grace Graham; Worsbiî Comm. - Mona Ferguson. Clara Marlow; Programi Comm.-Muriel McLean, Doreen VanCamp: Re- creation Comm.-Joyce Venning. Marilyn Forder. Frogram: Kath- leen Wright told a story "A Gen- tleman's Agreement"; Mrs. C. Hill spoke on "Muriel Beaton"; Billy Ferguson read "A Little Chinese Firewood." Young Feople's Union present- ed their Christmas play Dec. 25th, Phone 772 The Time of His Lifé." A fine performance xvas put on by these young people. some of whomn had neyer been in a play before. Cast of characters: Mr. Bob Grey-Roy Stinson: Mrs. Bob Grey-Janet Swainz Tom Carter-Dalton Dor- reli: Mrs. Peter Wycombe-Helen Wotten; Mr. Peter Wyconbe- Ralph Larmer; Dorothy Landon- Marion Hill; Mr. James Landon Sr.-Ernie Swaîn; Uncle Tom- Grant Ferguson; Officer Hogan- Lloyd Wright. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Bowmanville, at Mr. Roy Ferguson's. .. Mr. Roger Dor- reli, Toronto, at home. . . Law- rence Ferguson. R.C.A.F.. Regina, training at Toronto, wth rela- tives. .. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fisher. Delton and Barry, with their par- ents at Woodville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright with Rev. Newell and famîly at Fenelon Falls. . . Miss Lucille Fallis, Ot- tawa, at home. . . Mrs. Oakley Carley. Cavan. Rev. and Mrs. M. Sanderson and family. Toronto, and nearby relatives at Mr. Herb. Swain's. . . Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally and Verna. Coîborne, at Mr. Jos. Forder's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey in Windsor with Mrs. W. A. Dawson. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Downey. Buddy and Loreen. Mrs. E. Clark and Freddie and Bruce Scott. Port Hope. at Mr. W. L. Scott's. . . Mrs. Tbomson and Anne with relatives in Sun- derland and tamebridge. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp and Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low and family, at Mr. R. Heas- Slip's, Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert and Joan at Kitchen- ter. .. Miss Vivian Sadler, Clare- mont, with her parents. . . Miss Olive VanCamp, R.N., Toornto, at home. . . . Miss Aileen Devitt, Cayuga. at home. .. Gunner Stan aRahm, Hamilton, at home. .. Miss Marion Stinson, Lucknow, with eher parents. .. Mrs. Robt. Bruce, Miss Mae King, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- -don Strong and family, at Mr. R. -Curtis', Cobourg. Mr. Jolly, Toronto. who con- ducted the special services at St. John's Church on Sunday, was entertained at Mr. J. R. McLaugh- lin's. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Scott re- 7ceived a telegramn fromn their son e Donald in training R.C.N., at Es- -quimaît. B.C., on Christmas Day, stating he was well and wishing them a Merry Christmas. a Sympathy is extended to Mrs. ýs A. E. McGill and Mrs. Smith Fer- il guson on the death of Mr. McGill ýs on December 29th. Orono News p Lt. Col. J.C. Gamey at home. a Major K. Hall at J. W. Hall's. fl The Misses Winter, Toronto, -with relatives. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown Christmas Day: -Mr. and Mrs. G. Shieve. Ted. Joan, Il Bob, Johnny, Miss Marion Brown, y' Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brown eand family, Newcastle, Miss Bea- trice Bragg, Norbam. Mr. LeRoy -Brown, O.A.C., Guelph, Miss Olive iBrown. Toronto. Bowmanville = 0 = O O0 I g FURRED..........0 Q Spectacular values in U0 our annual January fl coat sale! Luxury furs 0 atop beautlfully tallor- S ed couts of rlch warni woollens. 'Persian, sul-0 ver fox, skunk, sable- blended rnuskrat, dyed o fox, other furs. Fltted, 9D boxy styles. Cohon 3 Johnston & Cryderman0 Lo=o=o==0:o=====Ocz0 Maple Grove Visitors: Miss Jean Miller, To- ronto, with Miss Mildred Snow- den. . . Howard Ormiston. R.C. AF., near Ottawa, and Charlie Wright, R.C.A.F., Gaît, with their parents. . . Mrs. Ray Snowden, Misses Helen, Mary and Donna, and Master Billie Snowden, To- ronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. . . Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Munday and son Ro- bert, Stirling, at Mr. and Mrs. Munday's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn. Haydon, Miss Bessie Blackburn, Ottawa, Mr. Walter Blackburn, Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jordan, Oshawa, Mr. Everett Hall, London, at Mr. H. R. Foley's.. Miss Aileen Ellis, Mr. Ross Trenouth, Toronto, at Mr. Roy Metcalf's. . . Miss Thelma Freeman and Miss Marion Foley with Mr. E. R. Freeman. St. Cath- arines. . . Miss Dorothy Hayes. Columbus. Mr. Clifford Johns, Kedron. at Mr. Morley Flintoff's. Several Christmas gatherings were held. Mrs. Roy VanCamp had a num- ber of young people in for tea on Sunday evening. before Sam goes away. Heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Snowden, Oshawa, who on Tuesday celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. This community and Base Line extehd congratulations to Wilbur Blackburn on his marriage. Misses Betty and Mildred Snow- den entertained a number of young people Saturday evening in honor of Sam VanCamp and Gor- don Jarvie who have joined the R.C.A.F. Gordon goes to Hamil- to nand Sam to Gaît. Everybodyj had an enjoyable time. Cadmus Relatives and intmate friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McKee on Christmas eve to honor their eldest son, Frivate Harry McKee, now train- ing -in Kingston. Harry was pre- sented with a gold watch as an evidence of the esteein in which he is held. The evening was spent in dancing with music by local musicians. Lunch was served and the good wishes of the neighbor- hood follow Harry in his volun- tary service for king and country. Visîtors: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson and sons at Mr. Chas. Gib- son's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cooke at Mr. George Marlow's, Nestie- ton. .. Mrs. R. Siemon, Miss Annie Mountjoy and Mrs. J. E. Elliott at. Mrs. Russell Gilbert's. . . Miss Helen Brown, Omemee, with Mrs. Russell Brown. Family parties on Christmas day were held at Mrs. Russell Brown's, Mrs. Edgar Gibson's, and Mrs. Marwood McKee's. A gathering of over a hundred assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Black on Friday evening to bid adieu to Private George Black.' Training Camp, at Kingston. An address was read by Miss Leah McQuade and George was presented with a gold watch as a mark of appreciation. Local musicians supplied the mu- sic for dancing. Lunch was serv- ed and the good wishes of the community will follow George un- tii he comes home again. Courtice Sunday School Concert The annual Sunday school con- cert was beld Dec. 22nd witb Rev. W. C. Smith as chairman. Littie Ruberta Saunders opened the evening with a "Welcome" recita- tion. Four of the senior girls ac- companied, in pantomime, the singing of "Oh Canada" by Mrs. Clarence Penfound, with Miss Kathleen Pidduck as Miss Can- ada. Supt. Clarence Penfound, pre- sented certificates of 100 percent attendance to Donald, James and Bert Lilley and Simon Penfound. Tbey ail received a clap of ap- plause for their faitbfulness. The program continued with Mr. and Mrs. Ericson singing sev- eral songs accompanying them- selves with guitars. Several of the junior boys sang individual vers- es of a star song, and at the end of each extended a band of red and green paper to one of bis friends. When al bad sung, tbe tbree in front knelt on the floor, tipped their paper bands down- ward, and thus displayed a per- fectly formed large star. Fay Tooley gave a piano solo. Bob Jobnson, Lorne Fenfound and Billy Gearing sang a story of Santa and gave advice to otber children so realistically tbat they caused mucb laughter and receiv- ed a hearty clap. A number of cbildren took part in a play "Santa Claus and Co. Unlimited." As Santa had evidently been de- layed on the way, Mrs. Cecii Adams and Mrs. George Lowe were called upon to head a con- test. Mrs. Adams' group lasted the longer, although Miss Josephine Courtice as the last one up on the opposition gave them a good fight. After Santa did arrive and the presents were distributed by him and Mr. Penfound, the ladies brought forth refresbments. The collection was in aid of the B r i t i s h Children's Christmas Cheer Fund. Jean Mackay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Mackay, feli from ber bicycle Saturday and injured ber knee. Under anesthetic, she re- ceived seven clamps to close the wound. While driving home Christmas iay, Harold Scorgie and another motorist collided head-on wben tbe driver of the other car turned out to pass traffic. Mrs. Wmn. Reid, passenger in the Scorgie car, re- ceived lacerations and bruises on the face and bead and was taken to Oshawa hospital for treatment. She is now with bier daughter Mrs. H. Scorgie. Mrs. Mereditb Byers, Orillia, another daughter, is with ber mother wbose- con- dition is improving. Women's Association installed these officers: Fresident, Mrs. Luther Barrabaîl; Treasurer, Mrs.1 OPENS PRICE OFFICE Picture shows Mr. E. G. Burton of Toronto discussing price ad- ministration with Mr. Harold McPhillips of London. Mr. McPhillips is opening a regional office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board in London as Prices and Supply Representative. He is well known as, President of the Electrical Branch of the Retail Dealers Association of Ontario. Mr. Burton is Retail«Trade Administrator for Canada. Mary Adams; Secretary, Mrs. Brown. Mr. B. G. Stevens favour- George Johnson; Group leaders: ed with a delightful recitation and Mrs.Leonrd ishe, Ms. JmesClifford Miller a piano solo. Ella Mrs.Leonrd ishe, Ms. JmesMillson led in community singing Tooley. and Pearl Leach conducted some Courtice public school boys' lively games. hockey team played the team from Adventist's College Dec. 20 at the village rink with 3-2 score in favor of local boys. Enfield Visitors: Pte. John Walter, ____ Peterboro, Norman Walter, Parry Visitors: Misses Wihlma and Sound, with their grandmother, Mrs. Robert Adams . .. Aircrafts: Helen Ashton, nurses in training, men Raymond Barber, St. Thom- Grace Hospital, Toronto, at Mr. as, and Thomas Barber, Dunn- W. Ashton's . . . Mr. and Mrs. ville, with their parents .* ee agadadBrie George Shortt, Hamilton, with ec agadadBrie his parents . .. Sgnr. Fred Adams, Oshawa, at Mr. F. Smith's...Mr. Nova Scotia, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. T. Whillier, Toronto, Mckenzie and son, Toronto, with with Mrs. H. Stinson . . . Miss their mother Mrs. Thos. Adams Verna Ormiston, Montreal, at Mr. ..Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabaîl Hoskin Smith's ... Mr. and Mrs. and family, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy and family, Miss Gordon Barrabaîl, and son, Peter- Elsie Samis, Peterboro, Miss Cor- boro, at Mr. Luther Barraball's sina Samis, Oshawa, at Mr. M. ... Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin, Samîs' . . . Misses Evelyn and Newcastle, Misses Blanche and1 Pearl Taylor, Toronto, Miss Jean Dora Taylor, Oshawa, at Mr. Taylor Blackstock, at Mr. T. Tay- Howard Taylor's ... Mr. and Mrs. lor's . .. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beat- Norman Clemens, Toronto, and on and Ian, Oshawa, at Mr. L. C. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kinsman, Pascoe's . .. Mr. Murray McCul- Oshawa, at Mr. Gordon Trevail's loch, University of Toronto, at ...Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Phair, Mr. Oliver McCulloch's. Misses Doreen and Audrey Phair________________ and Mr. George Found at Mr. Up- _____________ ton Stevens', Bowmanville... Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pidduck and Miss Kathleen Pidduck in Toron- EAGLSI to . . . Mrs. S. Paternoster andVA ELSI Miss Gladys Reynolds with Mrs. Warwick, Oshawa . .. Mrs. Gor- TABERNACfLEK don Barrabaîl with Mrs. Leonard Brash, Oshawa ... Norman Both- Corner Division - Queen Sts.1 well, Peterboro, with George ____ Reynolds . . . Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Trevail and Allan in Toronto SPCA VE0FRAE ...Mrs. Thos. Knight and Mr.SEILW KOFPA R Wilfred Knight, Toronto, with Commeneing Jan. 4th their sister, Mrs. Lloyd Courtice... Miss Edith Balson, Weston, was SERVICES- home for Christmas and is very much improved in health ... Mr. Sun. il arn. and 7.30 p.m. and Mrs. C. A. Hoy and family at Tindale . .. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Each week night except Sat. Lowe ,relatives in Toronto. at 8 p.m. Solina Christmas visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman, Hampton, Mrs. J. T. Rundie with Mrs.e R. J. Mc- Kessock. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Or- land with Mrs. Sam Bush ... Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach and Dor- is. Taunton, jean Leach, Bowman- ville, at Mr. J. R. Kivell's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and fam- ily, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Donald and Douglas, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. C. McBride, Burton and Mary, Feterboro, at Mr. G. Wbite's . . . Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Betty, Bob and Mild- red, Maple Grove, Mr. Art Baker, Bowmanville, at Mr. Thos. Bak- er's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werry, Oshawa, George Werry, Toronto at Mr. S. E. Werry's.. Mrs. Harry Waters, Highland Creek, Miss Irene Bragg, Toronto at Mr. J. Baker's . .. Mi. Robert Scott, R.C.A.F., Trenton at Mr. R. C. Scott's. . . Misses F. and C. Sbortridge at Mr. E. DeBarr's, Columbus.. . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Lorne at Mr. W. Ormis- ton's, Columbus ... Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrînder and Evelyn at Mr. Brummel's, Brooklin . .. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fascoe, Rae, Don and Lyn, Mr. Walter Cryderman and Alan, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman and family at Mr. C. Smith's, Hampton . . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert at Mr. Gordon Leask's, Taunton and Mr. Robert Holden's, Oshawa . . . Mr. Sam Dewell, Malton with friends here ...Miss Verna Milison, Western Hospital, Toronto, at home... Miss Fanny Smales, Toronto, Mr. Jim Smales, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas at home . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis and Walter, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and fam- ily, Oshawa, at Mr. Ralph Davis' ...Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allun, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allun and Robert, Bowmanville, Miss Nan Allin and Miss Dell Smitbers, To- ronto at Mr. Wes. Yellowlees'.. Miss Velma Gilbert witb relatives in Toronto . . . Misses Doris and Ella Milîson with Mrs. George Irwin, Harmony. George Werry entertained a few friends at bis home, Tuesday evening when aIl had a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink enter- tained some young people again on Fridav when an enjoyable evening was spent. Bradley's H. & S. Club held a dance, Friday evening during which a presentation of a pen and pencil set was made to Byron Nesbitt who leaves shortly for an air force course at Gait. Y.P.U. met Monday nigbt with Francis Wotten in charge of pro- gram. Those taking part in the in - spiring worship period were. Gladys Yellowlees, Harvey Yel- lowlees, Doris Milison and Be tty Smales. The topic on "New Year" was well given by Mrs. Bryce Evangelist Mabel Cunningham will speak at each service PASTOR CARMAN LYNN fR OYA .L LHEATRE - BOWMANVI LLE Wed., Dec. 3 1 st A YANK IN THE R.A.F. Tyrone Power Betty Grable Thurs., Fri., Sat. JANUARY 1, 2, 3 BARNACLE BILL starring Wallace Beery, Vlrginia Weid- 1er, Marjorie Main and Leo Carrilo Short Features Matinee at 230 p.m. NEW YEAR'S DAY Mon., Tues., Wed. JANUARY 5, 6, 7 WHEN LADIES MEET starring Joan Crawford, Robert Taylor, Greer Garson We appreciate the opportunity we have had in the past year to contribute to your entertain- ment and hope to continue serving as wvell in 1942 MIDNIGHT Theatre Party Special programn beginplng at 12 midnight, Dec. 3lst LOVE THY NEIGHBOR with Jack Benny, Fred Allen, Mary Martin and Rochester Change in Time Show beglns at 7.30 week nlghts. 7 p.m. Sat. and holldays Zion Christmas tree and concert was a grand success. They had a good crowd and the children did their parts well. When the program was over Santa came and sent the children home happy. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, Enniskillen, Mr. Archie Keith, Miss Irene Pascoe, Osh- awa, at Frank Pascoe's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, Jack and Joyce at Delbert Flintoff's, Ked- ron . .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cam- eron and Helen at George Son- ley's, Toronto . . . Mr. and Mrs. Reford Cameron and family at Chas. Vivian's, Hampton . . . Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger and family at August Geissberger's, Harmony . .. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspel and Norma, Mrs. W. Glas- pel at George Hilt's, Oshawa.. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robbins and Ruth at Mrs. Harry Allin's Bow- manville . . . Herman Schmid, Herman and Mary, Huldy Schmid, Newcastle, at Hans Geissberger's, Herman and Mary are staying till New Years ... Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Stainton and Grace, Mrs. Jas. Stainton at Herbert Cameron's, Tyrone . . . Mr. and Mrs. Garry Glaspel, Whitby, at F. B. Glas- pel's . . . Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Bernice and Elleen at Ross Lee's, Kedron . . . Misses Bernice Stainton, Peterboro, Eil- een Stainton, Bowmanville, John Stainton, Hamilton, Lloyd Stain- ton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe, Bow- manville, at Alf Ayre's . .. Fred Wright, Tyrone, Miss Marion Mar- tin, Harmony, Miss Shirley Mar- tin, Oshawa at Thos. Martin's.. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and family at Misses Eleanor and Lyla Stainton's, Oshawa . . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and family, Mrs. Jas. Stainton at Misses Leona and Elsie Stainton's, Oshawa . .. Miss Marguerite Mar- tin, Mr. Fred Martin, Toronto, Miss Shirley Martin, Oshawa at Thos. Martin's . . . Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach and Doris at J. R. Kiv- ell's, Solina . . . Miss Jean Mc- Master, Jas. McMaster, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Naylor ana1 Janet at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's ...Alex McMaster, Mrs. J. W. McMaster at Pickering . . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret at Walter Hulatt's, Oshawa . .. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nemis, Emily and Peggy ýKillen, Oshawa,,. LICpI. Harvey Balson, Hamilton at Robt. Killen's. Salem "Luxuries a Christian cannot afford" was the subject of Rev. Gardner's splendid sermon Sun- day. The choir, assisted by Mrs. K. Werry, town, rendered very appropriate New Year music. Y. P. U. meeting opened with President G. Barr'ie in the chair. Frayer by Rev. Gardner; Bible references and topic, F. Black-« burn; readings, Mrs. L. Squair, G. Barrie and M. Marchment; vo- ,ial solo, Mrs. E. Darch. A fortune- telling recreation by recreation committee. Mr. G. Burrus received word Christmas that his father at Oak- wood had fallen and broken his shoulder. Visitors: Pte. R. G. Bishop, R.C A.F., St. Thomas, Cpl. R. G. Coombes, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Coombes, Brantford, at Mr. L. iCoombes'. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Henderson with Mr. and Mrs. O. Henderson, Toronto. They had ithe pleasure of exchanging Christ- mas greetings with Mrs. Hender- son's sister in Tenn. U.S., by i phon.... Mr. and Mrs. L. Squair, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair at Mr. W. Moffatt's, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carruthers and Mrs. Rutherford with Mr. J. Carruthers and the Misses Carruthers. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Buttery at Mr. J. Levett's, Town.. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery and family at Mr. J. W. Lancaster's, Newtonville.... Mr. and Mrs. H. Gaud, Mr. L. Gaud and Mr. R. Simpson with friends in Toronto. .. Miss Avery, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rundie and family at Mr~. P. Cann's... Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann at Mr. L. Annis', Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. Elcombe and Shirley, town, Miss N. Darch, Courtice, with Mrs. E. Darch. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and Grace with his parents at Haydon. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator and son Ralph, Larlce Corporal and Mrs. Hobbs and son Donald and daughter Sandria, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cain and sons Alan and Glen, Orono, at Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Cator's. . . Masters Elgin and James Saver-y, Newtonville, wedding at Haydon on Saturday. Mrs. G. Burrus received an- other letter of thanks from Eng- land for clothing sent to war vic- tims. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mason have returned to their home in Clin- ton after holidaying with relatives in Bowmanville and Grimsby. Fine Meats Nestieton Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey en- tertained on Christmas Day. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Blake Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Scott, Mr. Gordon Scott, So- lina, Mr. Charles Scott, Delhi, Mr. Robert Scott of the R.A.F., Tren- ton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sammelîs, Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Wilson, Gwen and Eunice, Nestleton. Caesarea School held their an- nual concert at the church Dec. l9th. The numerous dialogues, carols, and rhythm band numbers were enjoyed. Later Santa arriv- ed in his most jovial mood and helped to unload a well laden tree. Great credit is due the teacher, Miss Norma Hooey, who trained the children. Christmas Visitors: Miss Jean Campbell, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen, Marion and Beth, Lotus, Mr. John Armstrong, at Mr. Wesley Campbell's... Mr. Grant Campbell, Feterboro, with his parents. .. Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vyn Bird, Brooklin, at Mr. M. Emerson's. .. Mrs. Anson Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Taylor, Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Tre- win and Earl, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Malcolm and family, Yelverton, at Mr. Stanley Mal- colm's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler and family, Port Ferry, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry, Oshawa, at Mr. R. M. Hoskin's... Mr. George Flayfout and Mr. Larry Hardcastle, at Mr. Henry Thompson's.. . Miss Ella M. Craw- ford, Toronto, at Mr. Sam Craw- f ord's. .. Miss Marie Froutt, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Froutt and family at Mr. John Froutt's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and family at Mr. Geo. Bowers'. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cook, Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McKinstry, Misses Snowie and Marie Marlow, Osh- awa. Mr. Joe Noon, at Mr. R. W. Marlow's. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and family, at Mr. Wm. Henry's, Furple Hill. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Garry and Ross, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ewers and Ann, Miss Nora Porteous, Oshawa, with Mr. C. H. Porteous. . . Mr. and Mrs, David Johns and Hilda witb fri- ends in Bowmanville. . . . Miss Miriam Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Jean and Dora, at Mrs. Jas. Dickey's, Cadmus. . . Mrs. Susan Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns and Billy, with Mr. Percy Freston, Lifford. . . Mrs. Jas. Wil- iiamson, Mr. Arthur Jackman and Mr. Frank Jackman at Mr. Stan- ley McGill's, Janetville. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Irvin and Jessie, Toronto, at Mr. Wesley Camp- bel's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cadmus, at Mr. Geo. Mar- low's. .. Miss Ruby Veale, Toron- to, with Mr. A. H. Veale. Congratulations to Mr. John Proutt on celebrating bis 8Oth birthday, and to Mr. A. H. Veale wbo celebrated his 83rd birthday.- Service in the United Chmjrch Groceries Your EYES can have the benefit of the very best in lenses. You can enjoy clear, unobstructed vision at every anigle at a cost of less than 20 per day. Proper eye welfare is assured when you wear CORECTAL Wide-Vision Lenses Let us examine your eyes P. B, COWLING PHM. B. Phone 695. Bowmanville Statesman Offffice Bowmanville was well attended. Dr. Bowies' address was much appreciated, also Miss Jean Maicoim's solo. Congratulations to Mr. Wm. Lamb and Miss Evelyn Hinton, Caesarea, on their marriage. Service in the Fresbyterian Cburcb next Sunday will be at 3 p..m. 1JRCLEANING IS THRIFTY! MEN'S SUITS - -. hold their smart tailored ines and wear longer .. . when cleaned and pressed reàularly Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, Llrnlted PH-ONE 419 4 G, ALEX EDMONOSTONE AND STAFF To Al Dur Friends.. We offer our thanks for your faithful patronage in the past year and ask a continued opportunity to serve your needs lu flowers in 1942. KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP LEO RAMMEL, proprietor THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, -1942 PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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