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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1942, p. 3

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Mr. and Mrs. R. Snowden Honored On Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snow- home of their son, Mr. Ronald den, 115 Agnes Street, Oshawa, Snowden, 91 Wood Street, on celebnated the fiftieth anniversary Tuesday afternoon and evening, of their wedding day on Decem- when members of betb familles ber 30th. They have been resi- and a large number of friends dents of Oshawa for the past gathered to offer congratulations twenty tbree years and during 10 the popular couple. that time have made many fri- The gucsts were welcomed aI ends. Their pleasing personalilies the door by Mrs. Eber Snowden, and jovial manner have endeared who was also in charge of Ihe themn to many. white and bronze leather guest Bowmanville was the scene of book, in which ail signed their the marriage of Miss Millie names. The guesls were ushered Brimacombe, daugbter of Mr. and into the living room, which was Mrs. Richard Brimacombe. 10 Mr. lovely with bouquets of yellow Richard Snowden, son of Mr. and roses and a large number of bou- Mrs. Sam Snowden, on December quets of yellow chrysanthemums, 301h, 1891. Following Ibeir mar- received by Mr. and Mrs. Snow- niage, which united îwo prmn den from friends. The reception ent Bowmanville district prmin- u lne included Mrs. Ronald Snow- Mr. and Mrs. Snowden filesn den, the three sisters of the bride farm near Pickering for five of fifty years ago, Misses Brima- years. They then moved back to hoorbcad Mcouple batted. lbThe Bowmanville, where Mn. Snow- ooecupehatdwhte den conducted a groceny business. guests and were graciously cor- They came te Osbawa in 1918, and dial. Mrs. Snowden was charming for numer f yers r. Sow-in a gown of black crepe wilh sul- den was propnietor of a weîî- vrni edtimn n known groceny business, corsage of goid chrysanthemums and red carnations. There are lwo sons, Mn. Ronald The tea table in the dining Snowden of Oshawa and Mr. Fos- room was laid wilh a wbite ciotb ter Snowden of Maple Grove. decorated in yellow. A wedding Mrs. Snowden was one of five cake and yellow roses wcre ar- children, ail of whom are living: ranged on the table. The tea hos- Misses Hesten and Mary Brima- tesses were Mrs. O. M. Alger and combe and Mrs. T. Penfound Mrs. S. Trew. The assistants were (Laura), ail of Bowmanville, and Mrs. ID. J. Jamieson, Mrs. V. Ed- Mr. Fred Brimacombe of Toronto. mondson, Mrs. W. Langmaid and Mr. Snowden bas five brothers Miss Bessie Snowdcn. and one siser, Messrs. Charles, About seventy-five guests caîl- William, Sam, Tom and Jack cd during the aflernoon and the Snowden of Maple Grove, and members of the Brimacombe fam- Mrs. Mary Sanders of Toronto. ily were ail present. Merelyn, A reception was held aI the Dick and Ann Snowden, grand- children of the couple, made a presentation of a purse of money M1ýon behaîf of the two sons, Ronald and Foster Snowden, and the ~tZ~~» 4 members of the Brimacombe fam- * ily. In the evening, ail members * ofthIe Snowden family, witb the exc'eption of Mrs. Sanders, were e presenit and a purse of money was presented te Mr. and Mrs. Snow- Bright ". den on behaîf of the Snowden Sayings of01 G brothers and sister, wives, nieces Chlidren a and nephews. A pleasing feature of the re- ception was the presence of the grroomsman of fifty years ago, Mr. Fred Brimacombe. The brides- ~maid, who died many years ago, was the only member of the run- dal party not present. We got company at our house, Aim. If I get hurt you pick up the money and rush over and buy ma some French Pastry at Carter's Bakery. Visit Carter's Tea ROOM for a refreshing lunch in the afternoon "The Best Coffee in Town" Catering for banquets of any size Wide range of Bakery products Wedding Cakes a speeilty In The Editor's Ma il Box 161, Shaunaven, Sask., DearGeoge:December 24, 1941 Mrs. Martyn and I are feeling fine and wish to be remembered to one and al 0f our relatives and friends. I ran into Billy Cale a few weeks ago. He was in Shaunaven and we were both in a hurry so just had a few friendly words. I was talking to Freddie Weeks in Swift Current this summer and ho was well. Seasons greetings to ail. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Martyn Il Frizzell Ave., Toronto December 30, 1941 Doar Sirs: I enclose $200 t0 pay my sub- soription for the coming year. I have taken The Statesman for 48 years and couldn't do without it. It is getting better every year. As soon as the postman delivers it, al work stops until I glance through it. When I go down to Bowman- ville the people are nearly al strangers to me but being born and brought up there I love the town just the same. Wishing you and your staff a happy and prosperous New Year, 1 remain, Sincerely yours, (Mrs.) Helen Fletcher. o Ladies' RATS i0 Many smart designs 0Ifuw~, ll n winter hats at 0 amazlng reductions. -f Turbans, brimined VI feattractive SA Z/ O tlsas low as u4 -,-98c Better quality winter hats, many fur 0 Dfeits at alightly higher prices g LUXURY0 O FURRED fi COATS Stocks Must i 00 Be Reduced0 Ut Spectacular values ln 0 our annual January coat sale! Luxury furs atop beautlfully tallor- D ed coats of rlch warm0 woollens. Persian, sil- ver fox, skunk, sable- 0 blended muskrat, dyed O fox, other furs. Fitted, 0' boxy styles. Couch, Jhstn Cryderman c à hone 836 Johnston. I Weddings Thompson-Dunlop A quiet wedding took place at Bridgenorth United Parsonage, with Rev. J. R. Trumpour officiat- îng, when Myrtie Agnes, daugh-, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. Dun- lop, Omemee, became the bride of Francis Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Thompson, Tyrone.1 The bride wore a frock of blue1 crepe witb black accessories. SheJ was attendcd by ber sister, Miss Lulu Dunlap, wbo wore a frock of rose crepe, wilb black acces- sories. Pte. Norman Tbompson, groom's brother, was besl man.j The gift 10 the bride from thei groom was a gold locket; te the bidesmaid a cameo pin, and 10 the besl man a Pen. A reception was heid at the home of the bride's parents, Ome- mcc. The voung couple will live at Bowmanville. Among thoso xvho allended the reception xvero Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie C. Thompson, Miss Marie Thompson, Tyrone, Miss Mary Thempson and Mr. Bon Tbomp- son, Peterboro. Adams-Sutton On the silver wedding annivor- sary of the bride's parents, Jan. 3rd, Miss Florence Sutton, daugh- ton of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutton, Bala, was married to Mn. Douglas Beatty Adams, son of Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Adams, Bowmanville. The cenemony took place in the United Cburch. Bala, which was deconated with winten evergneens and white and pastel chrysanthe- mums. Rev. S. J. Fortner con- ducted the coromony. Mrs. S. Panting piayed the wedding mu- sic and Mrs. J. Carn was soloist. The bride, given in manniage by hon father, wore a gown etfxvhite silk jersey made with shirred bodice, short train, a long veil of white tuile. wreath of smali white roses, and white mittens. She also 'vore a string of pearis, gifl of the bridegroom, and carried a shower of white roses and babys bneath. She was attended by Miss Rose Marie Sutton, hon sister, and Miss Many Walken, both gowned in turquoise blue triple sheen. They wone tulle caps and carried bouquets of Talisman roses. The bridegnoom was altended by bis brother, Mn. Ronald Adams, and Mr.[yd Bnush and Mn. Eddie oryr were ushers. Wheeler-White A quiet wedding xvas soleminiz- cd in tbe United Cburch Parson- age, Canton, on December 23rd, wben Rev. P. F. Gardiner united in marriage Cianentine Berniece, youngest daugbler of Mn. and Mns. James J. White, Elizabetbvîlle, and Pte. Frederick Arthur Wbeel- or of the lst Midiand Regt., Nia- gara, son of the late Mn. and Mrs. Wbeeior. Surrey, England. The bride woro a Cubana blue street lengtb crepe dress with navy accossenies, and a corsageofe Talisman roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Lela Powell, wore a tur- quoise blue dness witb black ac- cessonies and a corsage of yellow roses. Mn. Harold Sowden, cou- sin of the bride, was best man. Later the bride and groom lefI on a trip le Ottawa. For travel- ling, the bride donned a soldier blue ceaI with red fox fur and navy accpssenies. The groom's gifl le the bride was a beautiful comh and brush set, te the bridesmaid, a siiver cream and sugan set, and te the best man a leathen biIlfoid. Blackburn-Cowling A quiet but pretty wedding toak Place on Decemben 27th, when Reta Eilien, daugbten of Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Cowling, Haydon, bocame the bride of Wilbur Ern- est, son ef Mn. and Mrs. Mark Blackhurn, Haydon. Rev. A. F. Gardner, Tyrone, perfonmed the ceremeny aI the home ef the hide's parents. The bride, given in marriage hy ber uncle, Thomas Tahb, looked iovely in a streetlienglb gown of French blue crepe marocain with Pearl necklet. Hon flowers were Amierîcan Beauty roses and maid- en tomn. She wone a goid wnist waîch, the gift et the groom. Mns. Richard Anderson, Tenan- te, altended ber sisten in a gewn of Bengaline red crepe wilh marcbing accessenies. The groom was supperted by bis brother Mn. Walter Blackburn. At the neception the hide's moîber neceived, assisted hy the groom's mothen. The former chose rose vivyclia tiannel and the lat- ter black geongette witb pink roses. Following the reception the couple loftI on a short honcymoon. the bride wearine a wine ceaI and turban with black accessonies. The Couple will neside in Haydon. OuI et tewn guests attending the wedding were from Ottawa, Toronto, Salem, Tyrone and Jan- etville. Here is the denivation et the word "editor" and theo engin et the editorial "we". We lipped il trom another paper whicb ne- pnintod il fnom a centemperary wbicb litted il from somowbere else, its original enigin heing lasti in the misty past. "The word 'editor'," says the clipping, "camnes trom the Latin cedi', meaning te give or put eut, and 'taurus'- Spanisb 'ter'-meaning the bull. As te the editonial 'we'-in the prebistoric days, wben editors carved their papers on stoe, an ediler bawled eut a citizen for nel paying bis taxes. The teilow came witb a big, knotly wan club, hammered on the lintel et the cave, peerod mIe I he darkness and howlod, 'Come eut et there, you liiy-livered se-and-sa!' The editer, doing some peering in ro- ture and sooing who il xvas, yelled hack, 'All right, you ditto, we'Il ho there in a minute!' The mrate subsoniher, nat hcing pnepared te make wan on a gang, burriedly fled, and sean torgol the incident." LOCAL MUSICIANS SCORE HIT AT JOINT RECITAL Two young weil known musi- cians from Ihis district, W. H. Wicket0f Port Hope and Edouard Batlett of Oshawa, went te Brantford recently as guesl antists for the Brantford Music Ciub's Christmas twilight necital,, and very seldom bas been heard a pro- gram of organ and violin Music 50 enjoyable and more skiifully interpreted. We clip the follow- ing from tbe Brantford Expositor: The annual Christmas recilal of the Music Club bas long heen noted fon ils artistic menit and this year's event was no exception te tbe nule. Artists have appcarcd in Brantford beforo who have como higbiy recommended as did Messrs. Wickett and BartletI, but aitbough some have not lived up compietely 10 thein recommenda- tiens, such was net the case at Ibis concert. Toronto music critics have praised the work and versa- tiliiy et these youtbful musicians and now Ibis writer feels con- slrained le add bis few words 10 those wbicb bave alneady been said. W. H. Wickett opcned the dis- tinctive pnegnamn witb Mendels- soho's intniguing organ "Sonala No. 1 in F Miner, Opus 65," and the renditien was most scbolarly and conciseiy done. Tbe allegro movoments were bandled witb verve and skill whiie the andante was a gem. Bacb's "Joccata and Fugue in ID Miner," Lemaigres captivating Capriccio," and Arthur Edger- ton's Prelude-Improvisatien on Voni Emmanuel," completed Mn. Wickett's individual programi and tbis latter group was beautifully piayed. The Lemaigre item was perbaps a bighiigbt, Ibis entranc- ing littie numben received deli- cate treatment. The Bacb number, a sbow piece involving many tecb. nicalities and ahounding with hazardous obstacles fer the play- or, was accompiished with a mini- mum of errons. Mr. Wicketl, be- sides being well trained as a tech- nician, is aise an artisî and im- parts a deiigbtful fluency of tone te bis wonk. From lime to lime many excel- lent violinisîs bave played in Brantford, including some ot in- ternational repute, wbose namne: arc houseboid words in the musi- cal world s0 10 spcak. The namn of Edouard Bartit bas net yet reacbed Ibal exalted state ef cmi- nonce, but tbe predictien is here- wilh made that ail tbings beini equal Ibis namne will in a few years hecome famous. Mn. Bartlict is a very clever young instrumenlalist and his program hbrooked 11111e in the wa: of criticism. Wieniawski's "Con- certo in D Miner" opened the pro- gram and Ibis writcr was sorr Mr. Bartiett enly gave tbe finst movement. It was heautifuli: played, the artist surmounting lbe many technical difficulties with commendable case and finesse. "Larghetto" (Handel Hubay), and 'Minuet" (Porpora-Krne i sl1er), came nexl and added te tbe en- joymenl ef tbe performance. His playing is cbaraclerized bya mankahie tonal fluency, varied expression and studious attention te detail. - He bows with fervor and individualismn and bis fingen- ing is dexterous and sure. Cenlinuing, Mn. Bartletl next playcd the familian "Nocturne in E Fiat" (Cbepin-Hubay), Mo- zant's delicate "Minuel," and con- cluded witb items by Godowski- Heifetz and Nachez. Here again the artist scorcd directly. His in- lerpretalion of tbe beauliful Nec- turne was excellent. The anlistic possibilA~ies efthte piece were ad- minabiy exploited and skilfully drawn eut and the audience wbich was large quickly sbowed ils ap- preciation ofthIe talents of the artisîs. The visit le Brantford of tbcs< accomplisbed young instrumental- ists provided music levers witb fine musical treat and a rosy fu- turc can be predicted for boh of tbem. Mn. Bartlicî was accom- panied aI the piano by Reginald G. Geen, L.T.C.M., of Osbawa, well known in Brantford. Mn. Geen teamed wilh the organist and violinisl in a splendid rendi- lion of tbe familiar "Ave Maria' wbicb breugbt the pregnam 10 close. Wardenship 0f United Counties Sought By Seven Anoîber bat bas been cast int the centest for the Wardensbip et the United Counties of Northum- berland and Durham. Dunîng the past week Reeve Roy ID. Dodge, Cobourg, states that il is bis in- tention te enter the centost. AI the present time Reevo Dedge is the senior member et the Cobouîrg counicil, baving hee elocted first in 1934. With the exception et 1939 when lho xas deteated for the reeveship) by Les- lie H. Wilson, hoe bas served con- tinueusiy since that lime. Ho aise servcd as the corporation's repro- sentalive on the Counties Couincîl for four years. Il is peinted eut Ihat Cobourg bas net beld the honar et baving its neove in the chair at the Coun- lies Ceuncii since George Greer beld thal pesition in 1916. As fan as il is able to ascortain seven members et the Counties Council are in the tield foir War- don. Since Durham County bad the hanen iasl yean, ail those seek- ing the office are trom Northum- borland County. Those in the field are Reeve L. E. Koiley, Has- tings; Reeve C. M. Burrison, Ham- ilIon Township; Reeve W. J. Troep, Coihorne; Reeve Percy Gooding, Brighton Toew ns h ip; Reeve W. J. Ross, Seymour Town- ship; Reeve C. M. Calver, Camp- heilford; and Reeve R. ID. Dadgc, Cobourg. Our ideais are our botter selves. -A. Bronson Alcott. lb1 Clarance AT THE Arcade Rayon Checked Table Cloths 52"x52" Reg. 79c. On sale .............. 59c Hemstitched Cotton Pillow Cases Reg. 29c & 39c. On sale......... 25c Damask White Table Cloths 52"x52" Reg. $1.25. On sale......98c Fine quality, fancy trimmed Ouest Towels. On sale............ Sc Ladies' Cotton Lisle Hose, sand only Reg. 20c. On sale .............. 15c Ladies' Bags, reg. 79c. On sale .. . 59c Ladies' Bags, reg. $ 1.25. On sale .. . 98c Ladies' Bags, reg. $1.95. On sale. $1.35 Ladies' Bags, reg. $2.95. On sale. $1.65 Ladies' Rayon Stripped Snuggies and Vests, reg. 29c. On sale ......... 19c Large size white Flannelette Blankets white with pink border. Sale pr. $1.98 Large size best quality Wabasso Bed Sheets, reg $5 pr. On sale .. ... $3.95 Ladies' Satin Slips, pink or white. Reg. $1.25 & $1.49. On sale . .. . 98c Ladies' 511k Rayon Hose. First quality. Ail sizes. On sale........39c Ladies' showerproof Windbreakers, some with parkas, reg. $3.95 On sale, each ................ $2.98 Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats, reg $12.95 Buy now while on sale at . ... . .$6.95 Boy's heavy ail wool Blanket Cloth Windbreakers, zipper fastenings $2.98 THE ARCADE PAGE THREE SALE Store Men's Yama Cloth Pyjamas. Reg. $2.25. On sale......$1.98 Men's Fine Neckwear Reg. 49c. On sale.............. 29c Men's Fine Neckwear. Reg. 75. On sale............... 49e Men's Fine Silk Scarves. Reg. $1.50 Large assortment. On sale ... ... 98c Men's finest quality ail wool and silk rayon Scarves. Reg. $2. On sale $ 1.49 Men's Cottonade Pants. Sizes 32 to 42 On sale ..................... $1.49 Men's 1001,(. pure wool Shirts and Drawers, reg $2.25. On sale .. . $1.98 Men's Finely Tailored Winter Over- coats. Reg. $25. On sale .. ... $19.75 Men's Fine Gaberdine fly front Over- coats. Reg. $15. On sale...$10.95 Boy's lined Bedford Cord Briques. On sale.................... $1.49 Men's ai wool work Socks, About 21/,lbs to doz. On sale .... 29c Men's fleece lined Shirts and Drawers. On sale. .... Men's Fine Shirts in white only. On sale..................... 79c 59C Men's Showerproof Windbreakers. AIl suzes and colors .On sale .. . $2.98 Men's ai wool Blanket Cloth Wind- braes, with zippers ........ $3.95 - DO WMAN VILLE Ir. " INEDIM AND DISTANT PAS FrojThe jatemanFiles nTWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO -From The Canadian Saemn cJanuary 11, 1917 Mayor J. B. Mitchell and the h councillors were inaugurated by eJohn Lyle, J.P., after being elect- ed by acclamation. 'lney are: eReeve-F. H. Mason; Couincillors --T. S. Holgate, T. I. Knigbt. a Christian Rehder, Robt. Copeland -and Willard Sees fWe are pleased te announce -the return to Bowmanville of a ci former well known resident John J. Mason, ex mayor of the toxvn ;t Slack Time foi FARMERS Nýwv is the time for farmers to see to harness repairs. Be ready for spring by bringing us your work now! GOLOSHES m m SHOES Efficiently repaired. Th e motto, "A stitch in time saves nine" is especially true of footwear problems. SKATES SHARPENED JOHN LENZ Shoe and Harness Repair King St. at Silver who for many years carriod on business bore. He bas purcbased the insurance business of the iate Harry Cann. Mn. and Mrs. W. L. Keys were given anethon surprise an Thurs- day evening wben a number et their eider acquaintances caiied te pay their respects. Mayor Mit- chell read a bnie address. Mrs. Editb V. Scoheli bas secur- cd in ber office the assistance et Miss N. E. Neads. The tuneral ot Mrs. Thes. J. Sheridan, (Polly Trenouth), Osb- awa, took place ta Bowmanviile cometcry. She leaves two daugb- tors, and a bushand, on active service in England. W. I. met aI Mrs. Gus Beun- sali's. Preident Mrs. C. Oshorne occupied the chair. Miss Frances Wanden neciled and Mrs. Frank Williams sang a soie. The deatb et William James Collacutt, formerly of Bowman- ville, occurned aIt he home et bis daughten, Mrs. Laurence Brunt, Toronto. Ginls' Paîniotic Club entertain- cd Ibree returned soldiers, Sergî. Dan Douglas, Corp. Kersbaw, Pte. J. H. Edgenlon. About forty friends met aI the home et Mrs. John Spry, Hamp- tan, wben a miscellaneous showen was given for ber daugbter Mrs. Alfred Deweil, and a presentatian 10 Pte. Lewis Spry. Evenett Kers- iake read an addness and Hilton Petens presentod PIe. Spny witb a writing case. Orono: John Caswel bas sold bis stock tarm and intenest in Sam Joncs' tarm aI Newtonville and is going ta handle a teamn for the C.P.R. ' * . Miss Florence E. Hunter, overseas Red Cross nurse and daugbter of James Hunter, bas heen awanded the Royal Red Cross, as nursing sister. She is aI Salonika. . .. Mrs. Robent Fowler undorwent an openalion in Toron- te. . . . Miss Lena Renwick, New York, is home witb ber mother Mrs. H. W. Renwick. . . . Hugb Simpson, one-time principal et Orono Public Schooi, vîsited tri- ends bore. Ho bas been success- tuliy farming aI Winthrope, Sask. A receptien for Sergl. Dan Douglas and Corp. Ait. Kersbaw wvas helci in the Town Hall, twe et the soldions who iftt bore ini Sept. 1914 with the 2nd BaIl. ,w-iieh \vent te the front te up- hoici the pninciples ef liberty andi justice. Thos. S. Holgate pnosid- ed. Miss Rota Colo made a bit singing "Home Once More." Mayor Mitchell and membens of counicil were prosent. HOME-MADE SWEEP RAKE Wbere il is necessary te move bay a reasonahly short distance, a small sweep nake is a usetul imn- ploment on the tarm. In England and Australia small sweeps are commonly used le draw bay ta stationary halons or te stacks and are aise used te, turn cails of hay. Tbey wouid also prove useful in raking hay te tripods where Ibis method of bay cuning is used. A small tumble or dump type et swcep rake is operated by anc man and a herse. When the sw.eep is te ho loaded, the bandies of the rake are iiftorl slightly se the teeth gather up the hay. Te un- load the rake, the handies are given a quick beist se the Icetb' catch in the ground and the rake tunns upside dawn aven the load in a similan mannen 10 the dump- ing of an ordinany noad scraper. Atter this flip, the bandles of the nake catch in the soul and the rake complotes a full somensault and is ready fer the next boad. According ta the dnawings pre- paned by W. Kalbfleiscb, the widtb et the rake is nine feet and the lengtb et the teeth vany from 2'-3" le 4'-7" in lengtb. The trame- et the sweep is made et wood and the handles are made fnom two picces et pipe five foot long. The swý.eep is designed te siide along the grouind. dees net requine any wbeels and is inexpensive te con- struet. \Ve wonder if old limens heneaheuts rememben these rakes? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942 January * %r.9qi9iiiau VOÏ.&V uzîaqgi-- ý li ýfi

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