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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1942, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942 Manylnterments During 1941 In Bowmanville Cemetery Eighty-eight interments were made in Bowmanvilleq Cemetery during 1941. Not ahl the deaths recorded here, of course, occurred within the municipality or the district, many being brought here for burial. Causes of death show that cancer, heart diseases and tuberculosis predominate. Deaths between the ages of one and fifty are very rare nowadays. witb sta- tistics showing there is stili con- siderable hazard in infancy. An- alysis of the figures shows that dîseases of old age predominate with the resuit that "natural causes"' of death greatly outnum- ber deaths through discase. etc.. which took such a ý;%ide toll be- fore the beginning of the century. Interments follow: January 4-Henry John Smith. 80 years 6-Ellen Thickson. -,0 14-Margaret Allen, 90 16-Samuel H. Glanville. 61 18-Keith Rundie Fouind 23-Wm. Edward Yeo 24-George Wight. 57 30-Robert M. Cotton. 53 31-Stella M. Haddy February 1-John Wonîiacott 3-Christina Trcbileock. 85 8-Edward C. Panke il-Byron Thomas Moore 1O-Alinda Eilbeck 12 Beverlv Donoghue. 18 mcs-. 23-Estella McMurtrv, March 6-Artbur W. Annîs 13-Elizabeth C. Edniond. 74 14-Elizabeth C Blackburn 20-Sarah Jane Bickell 22-Emma Pearce 23-James 'Watson 24-Agnes Christine Colville April 6-'Wm. Rossz Strike 6-Rýchard Hobbs. 83 6-Rhoa Gimblett 9-Harry Humphries . 58 12-Margaret Staples 13-Frederick J. Kersiake 1 1-Joseph Owen Edgerton 13-Jos. Liptay 14-Joseph Oscar Labelle. 100 16-Victoria Mabel Turner 19-Corbrey (Infant) 17-Naylor (Infant) 25-Wee Lee. 41 27-Rebecca Sewell. 77 30-John Hellyar. 7 May 3-Thomas McMullen 28-George Edward Stapleton EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Corner Division - Queen Sts. SPECIAL MEETINGS with the well known lady evangelist MRS. M. F. CIJJNNINGHAM SERVICES ON SUNDAY il a.m. and 7.30 P.m. each week night except Satur- day at 8 o'elock EVERYBODY WELCOME PASTOR CARMAN LYNN June r 5-William Jennings, 76 b 6-Emma Bonathan i Il-Ada Ann Taylor 13-Imwin Ross Bragg 14-Edward Joseph Silver h 18-Jane Collins Hall, 101 A 21-John H. H. Jury. 83 S 27-Annie Elizabeth Stiekie F 27-William John Bragg ý 27-Henrietta Spry. 83 July f il-John D. Stevens 19-Mary C. Penfound 22-Joan Bevely Piper. 8 August 10-Annie M. Davidson 12 Mai'y Geddes lI Martha H. Ceaies 18-Foley (Infant) 18 David Merrison. 92 23-Barrabaîl (Infant)a 24-Chamies R. Ro\\eE 25-Mary Jane Lamiberi, 84 F Septemberc 4-Morrne Brimnacombe 13-Christian Rcbder. 87 18 Jas. Herbert Cryderman, 8 19 Cifferd Brow nS 30 Mý,ary Foster Hogg October 14-Geo. Edward Soiricrscaies. 73C 18-A. Joncs Oke. 8J I 19 Aune Lyle 21 Houer Todgbam. 88 23- \Iiiiiîic Phare, 78 29-F. James Abemuethy November 2 -Frcdcrieký H. Cryderman. 49 6-Sarah Ann Sne\vden 8-Amiy .lcnes Horsey S-WHlliaîîî 5IeRcvnold'- 17 Hamold Raymond Hene December 2 Jane Hoocy. î7 3-Christien Lungas o Aniy Bassett il Elizabeth Spry ll-David 'Mutten. 82s 24-Margaret Renwiekt 20-Joseph J. Kelly 20-Howard Gco. MeIBrian 24-Ernest Lescombe 25-Arthur Cole. 51 27-Williama Hoeey Tyrone Visiters: Mm. and Mmv. Harry Hathemiy, Frank Hatherly, Leng Branch. et Mm. R. Hatherly's... Percy Hayward, Pickering, at home. . . Pte. Norman Thompsen. Niagara, at home. - . Mmv. Fleyd Dudley with Major F. Dndley and friendv at Niagara. .. Lieut. Gem- don Cewh\,iug. Woodsteck, at Mm. R. Hatherly's. Mmv. Cowling and David retumned with him to Wood- stock. .. Mr. and Mmv. E. A. Vir- tue. Mrs. Laura Virtue and Milton wvith Mrs. A. Spicer, Bewmanviile. ..Mm. and Mmv. James Alldmead. George and Lleyd, at Mr. David Alhdread's. Bow,ýmanviihe. . . Mr. and Mmv. Bill Broeks. Toronto, at Mr. L. Brooks'. . . Mm. and Mmv. Bert Biiiett, Hampton. at Mr. G. Brooks'. Wesley Taylor bas accepted a position witbÏ the Massey-Harris Ce. in Torento. Sehool opened on Monday witb Miss Chapman, Pickering, in charge. Syrnpatby iv extended to the relativ'es cf the ate Annie Trewin cf Haydon. Congratulations te Mm. Frank Thompson and Miss Myrtle Dun- lop cf Peterbemo on their mer- riage. Courtice Maple Grove Don't forget the Sunlday school m~eeting on Friday evening, Jan. 9th, at 8.15 E.D.T. Mrs. Criebton, Oshawa, bias been engaged to teacb the junior room. Miss Dorothy McMaster bas been engaged to teach a scbool in Toronto. Visilors: Miss Rutb Armstrong, Weston Hospital, Toronto, spent holidays witb bier mother, Mrs. R. Armstrong . . . Misses Nellie Snowden, Susie Laird, Thelma F'reeman. Mr. Lawrence Wragg have aIl returned to their schools, ..miss Mildred Snowden visited friends in Toronto. Burketon New Year Visitors;: Mms. Hase- man, Peterboro. and Mrs. M. Ad- îas. Burketon. \vith friends at Yeveicrion. . . Mr-i' W. Byers with mi-s. A. Sharp. Enniskillen. .. Mr. and Mr11s. W. Cochrane ai-d famil\. Bowm\iianv\ille. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pedlar. Toronto. Mm. ond Mrs. Clarence Rahmn and Betty, Wes- ton,. -with Mr. H. Rabim... Mr. and Mrs. E. Adanis and family, with I. Cochrane. Blacks'ock.. .-Miss Stella Strutt. Tyrone. with Mrs. F. Caughill. . . Miss Ailene Rahmi, Union. lias laken a position in Weston,. . . mrs. F. Caughill at Oshawa . . . Mr. L. Glennie and miss Mac Glennie. Toronto, wîtb i\rs. T. Trick. .. Mm. ai-d Mrs. H. H. Richards and Mr. R. Harding. Tow,,ýn. wîth the Gis. .. Mrs. E. B. Barber. winnipeg. who bas heen visiting b ler sister. Mrs. T. G. Breck. bias left for home. Haydon Congratulations to Mr. and Mmv. Bert Ashton on the arrivai of a Soni. Mrs. Sulas Trewin's farm, which hias heen in the Trewin fanîily for several generations. bias been sold to Rev. Harold Stainton. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out te the family of the late Anne Trewin, wh'o passed away after a lingering illniess. Mrs. T. Cow'ling is under the doctorýs care. Miss Jean Houston bias Miss Evelyn Eaddie, Toronto Normal Sebool. with bier at our public sehool for a week. Vîsitors: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Messrs. Walter and Wilbur at Mrs. Cole's and Miss Blackburn's. Newcastle -... Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mr. Frank Westlake*s, Solina . .. Miss Laura Pbilp. Toronto. iv with ber rnoth- er . . . Mr. Lloyd Ashton and family. Mrs. Henry Werry at Mr. Russell Ormistonis. Enniskillen ...Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormnis- ton, Mr. Walter Ormiston, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ricb- ards and family, Bowmanville, ai Mr. Alymer Beecb's . . . Mr. anc Mrs. Cyrus Ashton, Mr. Roy Ash- ton, of Burketon, at Mr. L. G rab an' s Newtonville New Year Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crossley and Jacli Barnes, Cowanville, Mm. and Mrs Wmn. Henderson, Truman aod Morton, Morrisb, at Mr. GeorgE Henderson's. . . . Mr. and Mrs Brock Pethick at Mr. ClarencE Turner's, Newcastle. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane and Mary, Mm and Mrs. Cleland Lane and famnily and Mr. Melville Joncs at Mr Bruce Leuty's. Port Hope. . . Len- nox Vasey. Port MeNiebol, witl Miss Betty Stapleton. .. Mr. Berl Stapleton \vjth Starkvillc friendý for the -w-ekcuid. .. Mr. and Mrs iI\/ae Irin Morrîsh. at Mr. Frani Gilnîer's. . . Leland Millson anc Keith Burley, Peterboro, an< Floyd Mîlison. Toronto, at home Miss Bertha Thompson wt Mrs. w. S. Roy. Orono. .. MisE Marjorie Dunean and Everetl Joues, Toronto, Mrs. Dudley Joncs Miss Mary Laue. Mr. and Mrs. S R. Joncs. Mrs. A. T. Joncs. Mrv Hyatt, Mrs. G. W. Joncs and Mel- ville at Mr. Willis Joncs'. . . Mr and Mrs. Everett Bellamy anc family and Stanley Jonathan, To- monto. at Mr. Loftis Bellamy's. Mrs. George Ovens in Toronto. Miss Gwen Gilmer at Mr. Tonr Soxvden',s Elizabetbville. . . Misý Annie Wragg, Newcastle, at Mr Wm. Cohe's. . . Frank McMulheî with relatives il Toronto. . . Mis. Marion Samis, Bowmanville, ai home. Mrs. Frank Gilmer is under tb< doctor's care. Many Volumes of Fiction, Trai Biography, Added To Library ivel,ý Here is a list of new books pur- 1 Classed Books 1941 chased by Bowmanviile Public 1 Biography, History, Travel, Library during the Past year. For Science, etc.) easyrefrene i chosig rad-Bevond the Smoke that easyrefrene i cbosig rad- Thunders---------Pope ing clip it out. Wbile many of 1 Have Loved Enghand- Miller these books are flot new hast year English Saga- - - - Bryant they are ail new purchases in the Blood. Sweat & Tears- Churchill Library, Mrs. Vivian Argue, lib- England's Hour - - - Brittain rarin, sid.Ail Gaul Is Divided - Anonymous raran sad.France My Country - Maritain Fiction 1941 The Battle for Asia - - - Snow ý Reveý,ille in Washington - Leecb Mystemy of Mar Saba-- Hunter Hithe Cannot Conquer Zouya--------------Kent Russia -------Hinders White Oaks Heritage-De La Roche 'Dead Men Tell Tales - Rimmer Quic Serice odehuseChristianity and Power QuckSevce- -Wdeoue Politics - - - - Niebuler Thirty Acres - - - - Ringuet I thie Kingdom cf God The Ravens Wing - - Sprigge Rcalism------Joncs Quîetly My Captain Waits - Eaton, Fromi a Libmary Window - Stewart The Magie Bow - - - Kamroff i\lake Bright the Arows - Mallay Medical Centre - - - Baldwin i Thank Yeu, Twice - - - Bell Soine Buried Caesar - - Stout' Englishî Histomy in Englisb Case of the Silent Patner-- Literature - - - - Marriott Gardnem' A Doctor \vithout a Invitation To Live-- Douglas Country - ------iabie Lest Train Out - - - Oppenbeim. W1iîston Churchill - Kmaus Maitese Falcon - - - Hammett Out of the Nigbt - - - Valtin Random Harvest - - - Hilton Soong Sisters - - - - Wabn Cheerfiihlness Breaks To - Thimkelli I Was Chuircbill's Private No Stone Untumned- - Lawrence i Secretary---------Moir Murder Out of Tumo Lockeridge' Finandia Story cf The Norths Meet Murder - " 1Sibelius------Arnold The Patriotie Murders - Christie, Darw,ýin: Marx; Wagner - Barzun Dagger of the Mind - - Fearing Berlin Diary - - - - Shirer To Sing with the Angels - Henders Story cf J.M.B. (Barrie) - Mackaih Cousin Honore - - - Jamieson Cathýerýine'cf Aragon- Mattingly The Cutters - - - - Alldrich For the Heathen Are Private Worlds--- Bottomc Wrong------Baggeml Miss Pinkerton - - - Rinebart Strictly Pesonel- - Maughanm With Benners - - - - Loring The Reehnî of the The Own,-ily Inn - - - Lincoln Spirit - - - - Santayane Couîîterpoint Murder - - - Colc Children in the Betwc,-en Two Worhds - Sinclair* Femily - - - Powdermeker Weekend witb Death - Wentwortb The Time Is Now - Van Paassen The Tuk--- Coatsworthî R.A.F. In Action - - - Gardnem Haîig My Wreath -- Weaver Living Treesure-- Sanderson The Sun Is My Undoing- Steen Amnericen Industry in the The Venables - - - - Norris W'ar-------Baruch The Invisible Worm- - Millar Man. the Mechanical Reunion With Murder- - Fuller, Misfit - - - - Estabrooks The Keys cf the Kingdom - Cronin Springs cf Creative Living - May Blind Mans House - Walpole A Prophet at Home-- Reed Marriage Is a Privete Affair - - Looking for Trouble --Cowhes Kelly 0f Human Freedom - Barzun Mrs. Tim Carnies On - Stevenson I Wes a Nazi Flier--- Leake The Dark Heuse - - - Deeping Pattern for Conquest- Harsch The Amazing Summer - - Gibbs Out of the People- - Priestly In Tune with Wedding Belîs - Hill No Other Roed to Feedom - Stowe Let Me Have Wings- Widdemam Where Stands a Winged Capital City - - - - Sandoz Sentry - - - - Kennedy Temporary Address- - Baldwin. Planes Over Canada- Sandweli Wild Geese Calling - - - White Conquest. cf the Air- - Jerome Day of the Trumpet- - De jong Bock cf Puppets - - - Munger Shelter- --------Nichelson Action Stations - - Tbursfield Barometer Rising - - McClennan One Foot in Heaven- - Spence Harlequin Heuse - - - Sharp Meet the South Americans - Crow Evil Under the Sun-- Christie Two Ends to Our Sboe As For Mceand My Hanse - Ross String - - - - Pinkerton No Love Lest - - - - Reeves Soi-e Great Men cf Case of thie Empty Tin - Gardner Queens .. - - - - Wallace Omnibus of Great Short Stories Tomorrow Will Corne - - Bright Intervals - - - Clements Aimedingen Above Suspicion - - - Mcînnes The Menfield Deer - VanDomen Hill cf Doves - - - - Cîcete Klee Wick------Carr 2Mystery Omnibus The Post War Woman - Ridley Enniskillen Visiters: Mm. and Mmv. A. Bmunt. Moue and Cari, et Mm. R. Pros- ton's, Maple Grove. . . Mm. and Mmv. W. Rabm and famiiy et Mr. M. Griffin's, Cartwright. . . Mmv. S. Sweetrnan and baby Peter, Scugog Island, et Mm. D. Lewis'. ..Mm. and Mmv. C. Rabm and family, Union, Mm. and Mmv. R. Preston and Blanche, Meple Grove, et Mmv. Ella Srnitb'v.**' Mm. aod Mmv. L. Griffin and Jean, Pumple Hill, et Mm. W. Rahm's.. Mmv. S. Rodman, Scugog Island, Mm. and Mmv. B. Abton, Cart- wright, Mmv. I. Traveli, Beth and Bruce, Mr. H. Ashton, Oshewa, witb relatives. . . Mm. and Mr. S. Pethick et Mr. E. O. Pethick's, Tomonte. . . Mm. and Mmv. J. R. Knox, Hampton, et Mr. John Sie- mon's. .. Mm. anîd Mrs. K. Mavon with their vans Jack and Bob, Mm. and Mmv. B. Kirtley, Toronîto, et Mm. H-. McGills... H. Wr'ighit, Lakefield, et Mr. E. Wriglits. Mm. and Mmv. H. McGiil cele- brated their 131h wcddiig enîîî- \'ersery ou Dec. 291b. At thoîr Christmas gatbeming the fauuily pesented them with a buffet mirror and e camplimentemy ad- dmcss and good wisbes. Election of officers for Wemen's Association for 1942: President- Mmv. W. H. More: lst Vice-Mrs. F. Werry; 2nd Vicc-Mrs. T. Sle- mon; Sec.-Mms. Plant; Assistant -Mmv. Page: Treas.-Mmv. Hobby; Organist-Mrv. L. Lamb; Assivt- ant-Mms. M. Steinton; Comfert- ing Comm-Miss E. Souch, Mms. A. Shampe, Mmv. S. Tnewiu, Mmv. E. Ommitou, Mmv. E. A. Wery; Parvonage Com.-Mrs. J. A. Wer- my and Mms. T. Siemon; Auditors for 1942-Mns. O. Ashton, Mmv. Wright; Auditors for 1941-Mrs. J. SIemon and Mrs. T. Slemen; Representative et Cbumcb Board- Mmv. W. Moore. Ratepayers meeting was beld Dec. 3ist to eleet e uew truste r n News for No. 8 sehool to replace Clar-____ ence Peufouud wbose term of Orme Gamsby spent New Yea's office bad expined. Cccii Adamsv with the Truli family in Toronto. was eiected. Harold Muin iv secee Miss Vema Carn, Turonto, was tary and A. E. Phain bas another guest of hem sister, Mmv. Chas. year 10 serve. Shaw. The infant yen of Mm. and Mmv. Dm. and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin Gordon Barrabeii, (Donald James) etteuded the Ciements-Stevens was baptized in St. George's wedding et Sutton United Chumeh. Anglican Church, Osbawa, by Dr Clements was a classmate of Rev. D. M. Rose, Jan. 4th. Mm. Dr' Sbenwin. and Mm. Leonard Bravh, Oshawa and Mm. Luther Banrabeil, Cour- Orono Comniunity Memnorlal Park tice. weme godperentv.A Miss Giadys Reynolds, teacher Association Holds Annual et Wstmount sehool, iv uow Meeting boamding in Oshawa, neamer hem Annuel meeting of Onono Com- work, Mm. T. E. Hancoek, princi- muuîîy Memrnoial Park Associa- pal of No. 8 sehool began the nevw tien was heid Tuesdey et'eniug, yeam in the home cf Mr. and Mmv. with oniy ten preseunt. R. R. Wad- No4rmnan Hiuds. deli pesented the treasumers me- New Yeam's Eve dance et Pid- port sbowiug neceipts of $314,03 duck's hall wes a great success. (including a balance fmom 1940 cf This dance yields several spieudid $4339 and net profits fom the prizes, good music witb lots of fa- street faimrof $20 1.46); expeuses cf vers and fun. $55.83; abalance of $25820. A. E. Visitors: Mmv. S. Paternoster,jWest and R . R. Waddelh w,,,re m- Mmv. Gordon Barabail and son, eiected dim ctors and Mmv. JY R. Mmv. Geerge Reynolds and Miss1 Cooper aînd O. W. Roiph auditors. Giadys Reynolds were guests of Discussion wes heid as 10 whether Mm. and Mmv. John Goyue, Osh- lime ef annuel meeting should ho awa, an Dec. 301h . . . Aimeafts- cheuged se bad weathem wouhd man George Pidduek, Hagersville, net initerfere with the atteudeuco. wes homo . .. Mm. and Mmv. Gor- The idea was dopped wheuWM. don Berraball and babe spent Armstrong pointed eut that the New Yearv with Mm. and Mmv. village was un by about 25 peo- Geo. Reynolds. pie anywey. The Park and Fores- tmy. being close together. proved assets toeaecb ether and the xvork of the caretaker Wm. Watson wav aise aeknowledged 10 be an as- set. Orme Gamvby was aIse given credit for bis work as a "free" advertivem of Orono. More tables may ho pucbased if the board secs fit. Game of Shuffle Board tvas considered. Tom Cowan bad offered $50 toward the cost and Wm. Armmstrong offercd to supphy the grevel. The work will be donc frce, vo it leoks as if we'Illbave it. Board met after and me-elected Scott, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspeli, Whitby, Mrs. W. Glaspell at F. B. Glaspell's... Mr. and Mrs. AIf. Ayre and sons at Lloyd Mctcalf s. Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Wilbur on the arrivai of a fine baby boy at Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at- tended the funeral of Miss Annie Trewin, Haydon. Miss Margaret Perkins attend- ed the wedding of Miss Jessie Yellowlees at Eldad church on Saturday. Frank Rogers has an attack of shingles. Hampton A number cf New Yeam's gath- erings were beld in the village. Quartemly Officiai Board was held Tuesday evening. At the Young People's Union meeting Friday nigbt clectien cf officerv wihl take place, and a so- cial evening with crekinehe. Al young peeple invited. Sympathy iv extended to Mrs. S. Mountjoy in the passing of hier eIder brother, Dr. J. W. Brima- combe, Marion. Indiana. Congratulations te Mm. and Mmv. Clarence Temioson. nec Bernice Regers, on their mamiage. Mrs. A. E. Billett entertained a number cf girls Dec. 29th wlien a johhy time \ves spent. Theron Meuntjoy held the iucky ticket in a dmaw on a hcvely Christmas cake made by the Christie Cc. Visitors: Mr. and Mms. George Edger, Dr. and Mmv. Davies and bildren, Oshîawa, at Mm. H. Wii- cox's. . . Miss Ruby Chatworthy, R.N., Bowimanvilie, \vitb friends. ..Mr. John Broome, R.C.A.F.. Ottawa. visited lus parents, Mm. and Mmv. David Broonie... Lewis Truil and Bud Pingle, Paterboro, at home. . . Mm. and Mrs. Elmer Wiibur with friends in Toronto.. Mm. and Mmv. Themon Mountjcy. Hayden, Mm. W. Giffler. Sunder- land, Mmv. D, Cameren, Bewman- ville, with Mmv. S. T. Mountjcy... Miss Rosellen Anthistle. Brant- ford. Mm. W. Murphy, Chathamn, Mm. Wallace Welsb, Windsor, with Mm. and Mmv. Ed. Anthistle. . . Miss Elsie MacMilan at ber bonie at Alexander. .. Mrs. Charlotte Ste- phens witb ber daugbter Mrs. R. Gibbs, Tyrene. . . Mr. and Mmv. Lamnb and farnily, Lansing, Pt Mm. Geo. Bumtt's. . . Miss Constance Farncornb, Toronto, Miss Barbara Morpby, London, at Mm. George Farncomb's. .. Mm. A. B. Crydor- man, Glen Miller, with relatives. ..Mm. and Mmv. Chas. Warren witb hem sister at Listowel and fiends at Ethel. .. Master Douglas Cav- emly witb bis cousin Donald Cole, 1Bowmanville. . . Mm. and Mmv. 1Momwin Crydemman and baby, 7Mmv. Chas. Hastings, Oshawa, at Mm. L. Crydemman's. .. L!Cpi. Hem- vey Balsen, Hamilton, witb his parents. Mm. and Mmv. Jno. Bal- son. .. Mm. and Mmv. Gordon HuIs, Hamnilton, at F. Rogers'. . . Mr. and Mmv. D. Rackham, Bowrnan- ville. et G. Adcock's. .. Miss Bea- trice Leach. Toronto, with hem vivIer Wilma. . . Mm. and Mmv. G. Williams, Bowmanvihle. cailed on fmiends. . . Mm. and Mmv. N. E. Deidge. Oshawa, at Mmv. W. G. Doidge's. . . Mm. Jack Cowling, Toronto. et borne. Solina cussed the Shuf fie Board ques- Visitors: Mr. and Mmv. Foster tien but as the cost had net been Snowden and farnily, Kedron, ascetained the matter ivnoct Miss Marion Johns, Bowmanville, finalîy decided. et Mm. Rey Langmaid's. . . Mr. and Mmv. Burney Hcoey and Bar- bera, Mm. Roy Heoey, Bumketen, et Mm. B. G. Stevens'. . . Mm. and Z ion Mmv. Bryce Brown with relatives in Toronto. . . Miss Mec Kozak, Visitors: Mm. and Mmv. Stanley Oshawa, with Mmv. R. J. MeKes- Covely nd Loyd Ebneze, M. sck ... Mm. and Mmv. W. H. West- Covely nd ley, EeneerMm.lake and vil et Mm. Les. Colla- and Mmv. Ivan Cochrane and cutt's, Maple Grove. . . Roscoe daughtems, Courtice, Mm. and Mmv. Baker, R.C.A.F., Ottawa, et home. Morley Flîntoff and daughters. .Mm. eand Mmv. Ceorge Bray and Perey Flinîteif, Maple Greve, Mm. daughters, Oshawva, Dr. M. J. A. 7end Mmv. Delbert Flintoff and James, New York, et Mm. S. E. tsons, Clifford Johns, Kedmen. Wery's. .. Mmv. Howard Ccuch, Misses Thelma Martin, Maphe Marjomie and Eiheen, Bowman- Grave, Rota Powell, Newcastle, ville, et Mm. Jack Baker's. .. John Demothy Hayes, Columbus, et Wes. Breomo, R.C.A.F., Ottawa, et Cememon's. . . Mm. and Mmv. W. home. .. Mm. and Mmv. H. E. Tink, Duke, Mm. and Mmv. Geerge Son- Mm. and Mmv. Bruce Tink and ley and Teddie, Toronto, et Fred Lomne, Mm. and Mmv. Perey Dewell Cameron's. .. Mm. and Mmv. Chas, et Mr. Hilton Tink's, Bave Line.. Johns and daughters, Lakefiehd, Miss Margaret Backenidge, Port et Luther Pascoe's. . . Mm. andHoeetM.NC.Yhwes' Mmv. Fred Rabbins and Isabel, Mm. Mmv. Elizabeth Hardy, Mm. and and Mmv. Russell Rabbins and Mmv. W. Glaspelh and family, Ux- Ruth et Perey Langmaid's,' Osh- bridge, Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Hem- awa. . . . Mm. and Mmv. AugustdyadfmyomnvleM. »Geissbemgem and famihy, Harrnony, and Mmv. Fred Hardy, Mm. and Mm. and Mmv. Christian Stor, To- Mmv. Bill Mander, New Toronto, route, Hemman and Huldy Schmid, Mmv. Gordon Hardy, Misses Jean Newcastle, Sam Gates and Miss and Myrtle Hardy, Peterbero, Margaret Gates, Oshawa, et Hans Mmv Gertrude Hardy, Mm. George Geivsbergem's. . . . Mm. and Mmv. WilsoLuvae*m.adMv Aif. Ayre, Boyd and Lloyd, Mm. Isac Hamdy's for New Year's... and Mmv. Lloyd Metcahf, Bowman- Miss Lais Lammer. Blackstock, Mm. ville, Miss Bemenice Stainten, Mm. and Mmv. Allen Balvon, Kingston, Adamn Hawley, Peterbomo, Mm. et Mm. A. J. Behsen's. John Stainton, Hamilton, Misses Miss Doris Milîson bas returued Eheanor and Lyla Steinton, Osha- 10 hem seheol et Kimkhend Lake. wa, Mr. and Mmv. Ross Lee, Diane Misses Margaret Goad and Mary and Brian, Kedmon. Miss Eileen Ficîdman are student teachers Staintou, Bowmanvilhe, et A. T. witb Grace Truil and May Mer- Staiuton's. .. Misses Dorothy and riem et Baker's and Solina sehools. Anea Johns, Lakefield, with their Best wivhes te Mm. and Mmv. sistem Mmv. L. Pavcoe. . . Mm. and Byron Nesbitt and Mm. and Mrs. Mmv. Ralph Ormistou, Bowman- Ivan Ellicott (nec Jessie Yellow- ville, at Russell Rebbins' . . Mm. lees) who were ecetly married. adMmv. Eugene Martin and fam- Congratulations aise to Mm. and ihy, Lloyd Hill, Clamemout, Fred Mmv. Isaac Hardy, haviug celc- Martin, Toronto, et Thomas Mar- brated their 2th wedding anni- tin's. . . James McMaster, Miss versamy. Jean MeMaster, Toronto, et Mms. Mm. and Mmv. Maurice Baker J. W. McMastem's. .. Mm. and Mmv. cntertained a few Young people George Hilts, Mm. and Mmv. Ray Satumday nigbt. __________ _______Y.P.U. met Moudey night wben Presideut Pearl Leach and Secre- tary Harvey Yellowlees coter- - taiued the members. A livehy pro- FR IMEgram of games peceded a sîug- C song wbich led int an înspiing W ~* ~~.V Aweship service wîtb Gladys Yeh- rA L I' A C lewlees giying a New Year'v mes- Write for yours sage and Marien Halfyard a vecal The makers of Dr. Morses Indlian Root solo. Finally, paucakes, symup and Plille and Dr. McKenzie's Dead Shot coiswm evdadahat Worm Candy have distributed in your coiswr evdadahat community their new 1942 Almanac vote of tbanks tendered to Pearl lncluding War Knitting Instructions. and Harvey for a tmuly enjoyable Dreams, Weather Forecasting and many other interesting suggestions. evenîng. if you failed to get y our copy, wrîte On New Yeem's Day. Mm. and piving your namne an d a dd ress, enclos- Mmv. Isaac Hardy entertained the nrg a three cent stamp. formcr'v mother, brothers, sister The . H.ComtockC.. td.and farnilies. Everyone arriving BROCKVILLE ONTAR10O, deliciaus dinnen and enjoyed by al, aftem whicb games and music I WINTER NEEDSI CoUd Remedies Laxacold --------------- 25e Buckley's Caps -----------35e Grove's L.B.Q. -.- 24c - 44c Vick's Rub or Drops ---- 43o Thermogene Wool 49e - 98e Creophos ----------------$1.00 Masons "49"---------40e - 75c S PE CIA L Velvetta Cleansing Tissues 200 - 9c 500 - 23e Hot Water Botties Guaranteed 49-79 -98 -1.19 Pinex ----- -- -- -- 320 Yeast Tablets ----- --69e Aika Seltzer ----- 29e - 57e $1.00 Hind's Cream - ---49c Lactogen .-----69c - $1.59 Buckley's Mixture 40e - 75e 100 A.S.A. Tablets -----19é Pinkham's Compound ---87c Soft as a fleecy cloud! 12 pads 2 5c on box CASHMERE TISSUE Compteceiy w apped Soft Pure White 700 SHEETS to the rol H 3fo-r25ý____ 100 Vitamin B Tablets 59e Sal Hepatica 30c, 59c, $1.15 Grape Saîts -----50e -$10 Heinz Soups, 3 for -------25C Pablum ----- Castoria -------- Bile Beans - --- Zambuek------- Lunch Kits----- Vacuum Botties - ------- 45e -33e - 63e -------- 47e ------- 47c -- ----- 69C 98e - $1.25 I We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses PhoneliPromp 65PhoeP.R. COWLING, Phm. B.DePrompt were pleyed. It iv tbe custom of the family te celebrate their 2th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mmv. Hardy being mammîed 20 years on Feb. 15, 1942. At 3 o'cloek tbey weme cailed into the living oomn to the strains of the "Bridai Chorus," played by Mmv. William Mander cf New Toronto, and seat- cd themn near a table eentmed with e wedding cake and an addmess was read by their daughtem, Dore- thy Hardy. Sgt. Fred Hardy of New Toronto made the presenta- tien of a lovehy ti-lamp, and al jeined in singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." Mm. and Mmv. Hardy made a very suitable reply, hcpiog aIl wouhd spend the est cf the day baving a good time together. Aftem tea alI ieft for home, bappy te bave been together but sory to part. THE DOG I've neyer known a dog te wag His tail in glee be did net feel, Nom quit bis cld-time friend te tag At some more influential heel; The yellowest cur I ever knew Was, te the bey wbo owned birn, truc. I've neyer know a dog te show Helfwey devotien to bis friend, To seek e kinder man te koow Or icher, but te the end The hurnblcst dog I ever knew Was to, the manî who loved him truc. I'vc nover known e dcg 10 feke Affection for a present gain A false displey of love tc meke Some little favour te ettain. byve neyer koown a Prince or Spot Thet veemed te be what be was not. But I bave known a dog te fight With al bis strength te shield a fiend, And whether wrcng or whethem rigbt, To stick with him until the end, And I bave knewn a dog te lick The hands of him that men wouhd kick. And I have known a dog te bear Starvation's paugs fmom day to day With bim whe bad been glad to share His bmead and meat along the way. No dog, however mean or rude, Iv guilty of ingratitude. -Anonymeus. Salem Congratulations and best wish- es te Mm. and Mmv. Haley Cowl. ing (nee Nina Damch) on their marmiage. Suuday afternoon service and Sunday sehool were withdmawn hast Sunday. Y.P.U. meeting was opened by the president and prayer by Rev. Gardner. Bible refemence, Mmv. L. Squaim. Topie, Mmv. Gardner. Then fohowed' the pmogmam and tbe folowing persons espended when eallcd on. Mrs. R. Wintcr, ecitation. Mmv. L. Squair, eading. Mmv. H. Barrie, mtading. Mmv. S. Buttemy, instrumentai. Mms. L. Squair, a stomy. Mrs. E. Dareh, New Years blessing. Rev. Gard- ner, a stunt put on witb the help of Mms. Gardner and Mmv. R. Winter. Mmv. E. Doidge, song. Miss G. Wcry, an apple treat. Mms. E. Dcidge, reading. New Ycars neye- luticu garne for rececation. New Year's gatberings weme beld et the foihowing homes: C. M. Carruther's, L. Richards', F. Bhackburu's and et A. Richards. Visitors: Family gathering in 1cluding Miss Mutton of Coîbomne, et Mr. W. G. Wemny's . .. Mmv. E. Silver and Master B. Lockhart with her brother, Mr. H. Hooper. Pontypool . . . Mrs. Moody, To- ronto, with the Gaud family... Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge with Mr. D. Hodgson, town, at a family gathering . . . Mr. and Mrs. G. Burrus and Miss Daphne with ber parents in Oshawa . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann with Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis, Toronto . .. Mr. D. Pol- lard is home after bolidaying with friends in Toronto . . . Mrs. R. Hall is taking up bis studies in Guelph after bolidaying with bis parents ... Mr. and Mrs. G. Bur- mus witb bis father at Oakwood ...Mr. and Mrs. P. Cann with Mr. and Mrs. Armour, Hampton . .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Henderson at Mr. and Mrs. G. Drew's, Oshawa ... Miss T. Stephens, town, at Squair borne.M Mrs. G. W. Werry went to & Thomas on Saturday to attend the funeral of ber aunt Mrs. George McMurtry wbo died suddeniy on New Years day. Syrnpatby is ex- tended to the relatives. The little done vanishes from the sigbt of bim wbo looks for- ward to what is stili to do.- Goethe. For WINTER GARMENTS Four ply Scotch fingerig- i various colors LEWDURA ..65c DUNKIRK ..69e GUELPH .... 75e BEEHIVE .... 85c Other Well Known YARNS MONARCH DOVE .... ..20c JUMBO ...... 40c STARGLO .... 39c IRIS ......... 20e NEW BOOKS in the Lending Library JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanville e--.- , -. - - -, - -1w Vitamins Halibut Caps ----89e - $1.25 Wampole's Ext. ------- $1.00 Adacaps --------------- 90C Ayerst 10D C.L.O. 67c, $1.69 Ext. Malt and Cod Lîver Oil 59c - 98e - $1.69 Now, In Full Swing Annual Sore Wide DLACK'S Jnur CLEARANCE OF Our entire s to ck, coats, suits, dresses and sportswear This is positively your great- est opportunity of the SEASON W -replenish -your -wardrobe with BLACK'S TOP FASH- IONS . . . at reduced prices, due to our policy of neyer to carry over merchandise from one season to another, regard- less of present conditions. A visit to our store wili coi.v~ince youl Ladies' Wear 72 Simcoe N., ~-.%- OSHAWA, ONT. Just north of FIRE HALL 9 1 t d k S. d e h li [S t. k d s ;S t 1

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