THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO was received here by his brother- F in-Iaw Mr. Geo. A. Riggs. SOCAL ND ERSNAMiss Helen Cotton, lately nurse- inancial Statement Y Phone 663 pital, bas joined the C.W.A.A.F.o h in Toronto. This women's auxi o th ~iary service of the Air Force is Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leggott joy a sociable evening and help grownting beas adqbundtsinAt setthe bolidays with their dau- maintain the soldiers' rest roorn. prenlit as eadquaoroter ss in o Mtrs.MyPacWs rne Mrs. . E. RresandTandoJohn,2Mr Cotton, who is engaged as a Hos- __ ~ w Mrs My eareWet Oane, Mrs P E Irlad nd oh, r.pital Assistant, is daughter of Mrs.fl' N.J., bas been visiting Miss Flor- and Mrs. Bruce Miller, Toronto, Cotton and the late R. M. Cotton. -- RU m UN MU E ence Werry. Mr. J. H. Early, Saskatoon, and Rotary Club rink opened Sat- Mr. Alex Birks, Toronto, spent Pte. Ken Nicks, Niagara, were urday night witb a good crowdan ryIs toD cmbrI5h 19 I the holidays witb bis parents Dr. boliday visitors at Mr. R. H. attending and taking advantage Janay1s oD cm e 5h)14 and Mrs. W. H. Birks. Westaway's. of the perfect ice surface prepared daLMrs. Archie Tait spent the Yule- Cpi. Edward Sbeeban, Pte. Dan- by Caretaker Ed. Witheridge. Un- W",.e holiday witb relatives in Port iel Sheeban, Pte. Thomas Shee- der the guidance of Chairman RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES Hope. ban, of the Midland Regt., Nia- 'Tommy" Knight bis Rotary com- A. R. Baker, R.C.A.F., Montreal, gara, and John Sheeban, Toronto, mnittee bas done a real job in pre- Taxes 1933 ----------- $ 1.55 Tax Refund, 1941 ---- 20.C( visited friends in town on bis way visited their motber, Mrs. Lilian paring tbis popular recreation Taxes 1934 ------- 320.70 Unpaid Debentures anld borne to Solina for brief leave. Sheeban. centre. Dressing rooms are ready, Taxes 1935 - 226.00 Coupons, 1940------ 830.2" M.adMsJ.H presad CnrtltostRo Sctmusic is provided three nights a Taxes 1936 -- --- ---- 416.12 Accounts Payable ---- 6906 M.amidy w r To rotvies ndoer ongeratusons M R.oMScHerbweek, and season tickets are now Taxes 1937---------- 1,745.72 Cemetery Investments theil weend. o Sctrsovr ottronon as edb on sale at $1.00 per person or $2.50 Taxes 1938----------- 4,761.17 (Dominion Bonds) 300.( Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto, spent his examinations at the Gaît Air-foafaiytck. Taxes 1939 5,056.1-Pubic--coo-------. the weekend with ber mother, craft Sehool. Roy is now at Man- Reeve C. R. Carvetb, Newcastle, Taxes 1940 - - ------ 7,771.91 High Sehoul 13,887.(ý Mrs. T.' S. Holgate. ning Pool, Toronto. presented a program of motion Taxes 1941 ------- 92,603.86 County Rate 16,132.9' Mrs N S B Jme i vsiin PrtHoe uie eprt Msspictures in color in Shaw's School Taxes 1942 (Advance) 705.00 Hospitalization and bersdaug.ter . Doros t M. PMr EmmetGandetreorins Monday night. This series is of Tax Arrears Penalties-_ 2,293.64 Relief 1 2,112.4' Je asTrnto oth .at eîdete renionfthe 1941 partieular interest to floxver loy- Cemetery Accounts Unemiploymnent Relief 513.9' D.ands Mrs.rCtW. Semn and embers fthe uio frthervic1eors since Mr. Carvetb bas special- Roceivable-- ------- 1,331.17 Cernctery Maintenance ,588.'ý KetD r. and Mrs. Boyd. Slemon Formebeld at te FT.C.S,ri zol in photograpbing rare speci- Townsbip Scarboro, Debenture Principal -- 43,477.7 Keth Ms.BydSlmo on Jlda.thend.C. otmens in natural elors witb great debenture ------ 1,000).00 Debenture Interest -- 14,817.3 spent New Year's bolidays with Hope, o a.2d success. He also bas taken an in- Sundry Accounts Bank lnterest 1- 479.3 relatives in Ottawa. Weekr'nr driving weather was erest in recorrling every nexvs Receivable .- - 2,848.34 Grant. and Donations 6350 Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Henry and poor but witih traffie ligbt on the event on film, from the heavy MeGili Building Insîirance 456.7( family, Ebenezer, spent Cbrist- highwavs only one accident xvas snow storms of last winter to Rentals ---.- 3,104.27 Public Property, Labor mas with Mr. W. J. Henry, Peter- reportori in tbe vicinity. Damage spectacular bigbway accidents. Perpetual Upkeep andl supplies ---- 1,586.41 borougb. was small and no local people in- Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Flaxman Cemetery Plots ---- 292.00 Printinig & Stationery- 406.3: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maynard volved. bave receivcd word of tbe safe Cemnetery Investments, Sundry Accounts 1,281.6' spent New Year's witb tbeir Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards arrival in England tbe day after Twp. Scarboro Deb.- 109.37 Telephones13. daugbter Mrs. Stanley Kitcben, and son pntNwYar tw Cbristmas of tbeir daughter Provincial Government Salaries 3,830.01 Oshawa. H-. Larmer's, South Monagban, Nursing Sister Evelyn (Betty) Subsidyme(1 Milie ,29.0 oarl d f Het 8,274.5 Mrs. A. Honeyman spent Christ- where the two boys, MVaurice andi Flaxman. She was with a party ofUnmlyetRifRad.niSret820. mas bolidays at Niagara with Bobby, were cbristcned along nine doctors and twenty volunteer (Gov. Grants) ----- 325.72 Fire Department 6,706.2 Lieut. and Mrs. Bradley Honey- \ith little Doreen Larmer, by Rev. Canadian nurses wbo are dele- Pundry RlieCmfAccts. 190.50tPliceDot. 3,744.2 man. E. L. Beech of Roseneath. gated for special work in ScottishPu.Ui.CmfoDe Mr adMr. lenCare t Jh Wls s h pou wnrhospitals for the duration. Their bentures - ---- 17,787.88 County Roads 1,424.0 te. nded the En leBngCardked- oahuWelwh ite drou wn rcson Sapper Gordon C. Flaxman Advertising refund --.19 Discoun t on Taxes 178.2 tenedtheEnlih-Bngrdwed o ahug wit an bow Arti bas bee-n overseas for about a Interest Bank Account 11.13 Bank Loans --- 27,200.0 ding in Port Hope on New Year's owî which he shot while bunting ye, r eing a draftsman with No. Dog Tax 411.00 day. along the Base Lino. This is a 2 Road Construction, Royal Cana- Fines and Fees -------- 565.85 $175,411.1 Dr. and Mrs. H. M. MacDonald, rare bird to find in these parts dian Engineors. Licenses .-- - - 640.00 Bank Bal. Dec. 15, 1941 S 1,296.7 Oshawa, were Sunday visitors and it is sucb a beautiful specimen ___________ Public Property RentaIs 29.00 wtMran r.VA.Henry, John is thinking of having it Town Hall Rentals 66.00 Ebith Mr. andMrs.V. . PREDATORY JAPS Rebate Street Ligbts -- 84.59 Ebenezernd stuffed. Provincial Constable Arthur Attention! The annual meeting CAME TO POWER RoasndStrets,)----- 474 Dymond bas been called back to of the Women's War Work Com- (udyAcs)474 Kirkland Lake for another period mittee, Canadian Red Cross Soc- IN SHORT TIME Statute Labor Tax 200.00 of duty due to the miners' strike. iety, Bowmanville Branch, wilî ho Income Cemetery In- Winners of the Lions hockey held on January 12, 1942, at 8 p.m. In the year 1853, Japan was a vestments ---- 269.13 draw iast week were Mrs. W. J in the Council Room at the Town nation of little yellow men, aloof Income from Invest- Bagneli (blues) and S. Cuthbert, Hall. Ail interested women are from the world, pagan, self-con- ments -- --- 114.62 employee of the White Rose Ser- requested to attend. 2-1 tained, self-content. For years Sale of Land and vice Station, (greens). Mr. and Mrs. Jim Devitt,Hal only the Dutch and occasionally 1 Building --- -- - 400.00 Hali th Brtis wee prmited earBoad o Helthrebtes 260.00 Mrs. W. E. Gerry spent Christ- fax, NS., are visiting Dr. and Mrs teBiihwr emttdna or 33 mas with ber sister Mrs. Reg. J. C. Devitt. Jim will be in To- to trade with them. Then Com- County Rnads -------- 33 McNichol, Toronto, and attended ronto for several weeks getting modore Perry of the U.S.A. came Bank Loans ---------- 26,000.00 the funeral of ber uncle R. H. familiar with bis new duties as with armed sbips and 2000 men Nott. district supervisor for Nova Scotia and.overawed these natives into $174,762.28 RotryRik ow ccmmdaeswith the Confederation Life As- signrng a pact of peace, friendship Bank Bal. Jan. 2, 1941 $ 1,945.59 oaryounn wbbudding sasociation. and the Open Door. Theirs was $7,0 He a onieslacithnggrtes. ho lakad odjbuandmuea potential market for manufac- $176,707.87$167À Heis akngprnes he Bak n olbueadmavtured goods. The year was 1854, ________ boys, now in the armed forces, are White and rose, were the co2l0o< just 87 years ago. missed. . 1 scbemes in the grown-up hal Between that date and today DEBENTURES OUTSTANDING, DECEMBER l5th, 1941 Boby ad ill Slgh, wthgowns as local debs triiiied tb eir tyhve emerged from frigbten- Bobb pand BiMry.aghtr, Wit swansdown, steps with junior of- ed savages to savage fighters. And By-Law Purpose Rate Year Authorized Princip; Slaght, have returned from a fort- mitry ail Nuew ea r'sEv ath the end is not yet. Within a gen- No. % and Terms Outstandir night's visit with relatives in mt Bai Nton b arm v eration they bave proved the GENERAL Western Ontario.teBdioblrm. greatest learners and apers in the 802 Sewers 5 1912-1942 $ 2,416. Mr. and Mrs. JackDio an Mr. Gordon C. Ashton, B.S.A., world. By the 1880's, stili feudal, 912 Sewers 51,/ 1916-1946 2,644. son Pter, oungsownN.,wer Macdonald College, Quebec, Mr. they bad become a modemn na-___ soe eed gsto Mr.,nd rs A. Lawrence Ashton, Pilot In- tion, with ahl the tricks and som-e $ 5,060. W. SladgtsoMr and is structor, R.C.A.F., Regina, Sask., new' ones. Tbey bad studied miii-LOA IMR EEN Mrs. W. Hawley. mte and Pte. S. Roy Ashton, Muigrave, tarism in Germany, government 893 Sewers 51/ 1915-1945 $ 7,103. MsRihrHoinsoJakNS., spent New Vears with their and sbip-building in Britain, and 91 Swr 12 11-96129 and d caugtrd Gwen, sronJ.Juckd parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ash- mass production in the U.S.A.91 Swr ½ 19614 ,9 Tonto, wgerGenoliday guess ,t ton, Shaw's. With cbeap labor and cheaper 1046 Pavement 6 1922-1942 5,353 Trno eehldyget ih Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock, goods they elbowed mbt the mar- 1069 Sidewalks 6 1923-1943 2,269. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Baker and Mr. Mr.JlaBrgBwavilkt1f h ol.lû&7 Sidewalks 5 %ý 1924-1944 645. 41LThe men o h Mrs. Norman Aluin, Miss Marion They copied Imperialism from 1097 Sidewalks 5~ 1924-1944 776. Tedfre metn ofteAllin, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Furopean nations, the U.S.A. and 1126 Pavement 5 1926-1946 22,287. ~ns Canadian Club is to be held John Campbell, Shaw's, were din- Britain . . . principally Britain. 1194 Pavement 5 1929-1949 61,259. on January 3tb when Col. G. W. ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. And they went on to an unbroken 1017 Sewer & Water 6 1920-1950 1,965. Peacock of the Salvation Army C. Asbton and their 5 sons on series of victories, yielding occa- 1031 Sewer & Water 6 1921-1951 2,197. will speak on "England As I Saw New Year's Day. sionally to diplomacy to further 1210 Sewer & Water 5%- 1929-1949 11,22'. It~~~~ ~Lieut. John M. James returned their ambitions. In 1894-95 they 123 Swr&Wtr52 1931-9157 The first skiing weather of the to camp Saturday after a brief jumped on China and won For- $2,5 year was enjoyed Sunday by holiday with Mrs. James (nee mosa and Korea. In 1900, strictly$1,57 many local people on the Burke- Dorothy Edger). He was also re- orthodox, Japan ined up witb PUBLIC SCHOOL ton bills but the snow was bardly cipient of a presentation at Ro- other powers to crush tbe Boxer 1131 Sebool Addition 5 1926-1946 $ 7,643 deep enough or of right quality tary Club on Friday when he told uprising in China. In 1904 they 1231 Heating System 5 1931-1951 4,64'. for perfect skiing. sometbing of the Midlands who beat Russia, sunk its fleet and____ Miss Anne Connors, 170 Rose- are now prisoners of the Japanese dictated a peace which was sign- $ 12,290 dale Heights, Toronto, in renew- at Hong Kong. ed at Portsmouth, New Hamp- HIGH SCHOOL ing ber subscription writes: Hap- George Simpson, former C.P.R. sbire. In 1914 the Japs ioined 1047 Heating System 6 1922-1942 $ 53. py New Year to ail my friends in station agent at Burketon, died Britain and France in war on the 1206 Sehool Addition 5% 1929-1959 77,37 9 the old home town. You bave at Claresholm, Alta., on Dec. l9th Kaisers Germany.1 some smart prisoners at the camp! in bis 75th year. He is survived With ber allies busy in Europe, $ 77,913 Don't <ýorget to buy your ticket by bis xife, Martba Riggs of En- the Japs again jumnped on China PUBLIC UTILITIES to the Dance in the Armouries, niskillen, also one son and twvo with ber 21 dcmands. Britain and Wtrok 9214 ,7 Friday night. Come ont and en- daughters. Word of bis pasn the U.S.A. stepped in and called 801 Wtrok 9214 ,7 psnga hait. This rekindled telong 874 Waterworks 5 1914-1944 6,497 held hatred uf the U.S.A. and this 1344 Waterworks 3 1939-1945 14,0()( _______________________________________________ was added to in 1921-22 at the 1363 Hydro 3 1940-1943 10,000 Washington Naval Conference which ended in a 5-5-3- ratio with $3,7 Japan forced to take the 3. Thon came California's Exclusion Act Total $254,195 n 1924 to guard against the "Yel- ci M,>- low Peril"-no more Japs to be admitted. Canada took up the INVEST31ENTS FOR FERPETUAL UPKEEP echo too and we are on their led- 0F CEMETERY PLOTS i gers for attention when they cao A l e p casget around to it. Debenture Due Interest Rate Amoui COCE Aym r pe as Finally, in 1931, the Japs open- Town of Bowmanville 1943 5 1/à% $ 215 16ed a decade of warfare, pillage Town of Bowmanville 1944 512% il1 PEAU, CORN - 2 oz 21 and expansion. First they took a Town of Bowmanville 1945 5 1 171 1suice of Manchuria. Tbe U.S.A. Province of Saskatchewvan 1945 412 % 2,000 CHICE served notice they wouldn't re- Township of Etobicuke 1947 5% 297 26cognize territory taken by force. City of Belleville 1947 5% 350 TOM ATOES 2 T-- - 23 Which was more fuel. But Bni- Township of Scarborougb 1951 5"0 556 tain drew back from participation Township of Scarborough 1951 41;>% 751 wit te ireracio. Twnhi 0 Sarbrogh 191 17 1170 Culture would flot be culture if McGILL BEQUEST Red Emperor it were not an acquired faste.- Sale of Building _----. -- ----- -- --- ---- $ 45,33 IRP S b,.2_JohCwpe _Poys Public Utilities Commission (Demand Loan) $ 14,00 Nurseries of character should Dominion of Canada Bonds --- 25,00 _____________________________________________be strongiy garrisoned with vir- Bank Balance December lSth, 19)41 --- 6,33 m ~ M tue. Sehool-examinat ions are oe sided; it is not so mucb academic $ 45,33 D O M IN IO N education, as a moral and spiritual ST0PES L1M1culture, wbicbhlifts one iger.- R. O. JONES, A. J. LYLE, Mary Baker Eddy. Mayor. Treasurer. unt 15.05 10.22 1.28 0.00 7.12 0.00 6.05 51.55 0. 07 87.«57 00.00 16.74 <0.00 15.00 '7.40 44.79 50.00 10.00 M7.19 )0.00, )0.00 17.19 <9.55' 36.74 331.08 )00.00 )0(.00 331.08 31.08 LOWEST below. Phone 792 and let us deliver them for you. PRICES BRINGS INSTANT EAS! BRONCHIDA Bronchial Mix ire 8 oz 5OC SV fromt FROSST'S 217's ...... 351, 75c, $1.50 "Uet4 ALPHAMETTES $1, $1.85, $3.50, $15 BAYER ASPIRN .... 22c, 39c, 59c, 9Sc BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE....... 40c, 75c WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT......... $1.0 IDASAL TABLETS 100's-300's 39c, 89e GROVES L.B.Q. TABLETS .. 24c, 44c Ayerst 10D COD LIVER OIL 67c, $1.69 GIN NEO CHEMICAL FOOD 1.15, 2.45, 4.45 Two izes Kepler Malt and Cod T o ies LiverOïlI- 75e $ 1.25 39c - 69c Cr eneDA 98 a ~ ~~~C.B.Q. Tablets ---- 25e.1 Vick's Vapo Rub ---43e HINDIS I.DA. Nose Drops ---25e Honey and Mm Ahmond I.D.A. PRESENTS SLZR~SLZR« Alod Public Opinion SEE C REAM ver station C.F.R.B. "eUIRALGIA Il oz. size Each Wed. 8.30 p.m. D. S. $1.00 value T. Listen in-Win Valu- 49 i49e able Prizes95 SOc size - 29c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Laura Secord Candies /2lbs ALEX1MlOREOO /2 bs $1.b 00 c L X M G E O =OO O------- 901= m mm CHURCH HOCKEY calîs made by members of the oMM ciety; and a total amount raised LEAGUE sTARTs e 62.0.Drngte at er Taylor's Specialti es NEX S TUR AY been read at the regular meetings SAVE TIE AND MONEY! Saturclay nexf will sec the vith suggestion that a systomatie opening of the Cburch Hockey effort ho madep to ineorporato Buy Guaranteed Products Loague xvhicb is sponsorod by the tbem info the activities of the Boys' Work Committee of the church. WONDER CEMENT-for ai Rotary Club with Morley Van- general purposes. Stands hot stone in charge assisted by Frank water Williams. AIl games will be play- m m.. ed on the Central Sebool rink ub 5 Saturday mornings commonciflg x n1 lIlY 9INE LS n HN at 9.30. The teams and sebedules "VU IBU heIJ IIMI ayUJ WEMNEGasytse.dINA follow: ay EETEs oue re Team No. 1, The Bulldogs: Don qiky Cbilds, captain, Hayes, Martin, Cox. Wolfraim, Mountjoy, Lemon, REDUCE SCHOOL AGE Bottie 25c Jim Marfyn. (Orillia Packet-Times) WONDER PATCHER-Mends 00 Team No. 2, The Red Wings: The Ontario Government bas instantly ail tYPes of fabric. Hovey, captain, Fred Cowl-i, decided to reduce the age for Stands washing and ironing. 27 Sleop, Sturrock, Moffatt, Tamb- compulsory school attendance Tube 35c 66 lyn. from sixteen to fifteen, for the Toam No. 3, The Fliers: Nip duration of the war. This is a WONDER WALLPAPER 00 Piper, captain, Tom Sellers, Joe \vis0 stop. which will releaso CLEANER-Leaves no marks. 91 Piper, Tom Bird, Ah Donahue, many youtbs now compelled to 09 Lunney, Bort Perfect, Bud Per- wvasfe their time in studios which Each 35e 93 feet. are irksomo to tbem, and there- WONDER SHOE COLORS - Teamn No. 4, The Rangers: fore profifloss, to engage in trades. Marvelous- for _ making -ohd 43 Hoopor. captain. Don Rundle, Bihl Compulsory scbool attendance up shoos, handbags, etc. look like 95 Dadson. V. Flaherty, Bill Dustan, to the age of sîxteen nover had a new. Will ot rub off-will flot 70 Don Stutf, Edmison, Ray West- sound hasis. The hoy who bas crack. Nine colors. il1 lake. complcted a Public School course, 32 Team No. .5, The Wildcafs: and bas no wish for High School, Bote 35e .7 Tighc, captain, F. Hooper, John is much botter at work. Thousands WODRSLE EA R .0 Stutf, Ward, Bill Cowle, Evans, of young fellows have been ruined WNERSL RCEA R 70 Gafebel. fur life in the lasf twenfy-five 25c Team No. 6, The Spitfires: Sam- yoars by acquiring loafing habits 45 is, captain, Paferson, Cattran, and distaste for work wbile fore- WONDER "NO-RUR" FURNI- 36 Wilcox, Bickell, Simpkin. ed to attend secondary sehools TURE POLISH 67 Schedule against their will. The remedy is 25c .35 Jan. 10 I & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 the extension of the Public Scbool .0 Jan. 17 4 & 6 2 & 5 1 & 3 course, to include some technical See thiem for yourself .48 Jan. 24 3 & 5 2 & 6 1 & 4 fraining for those wbo do flot wish ____ .51 Jan. 31 1 & 5 2 & 4 3 & 6 to qualify for white collar jobs. 22Feb7 2& 1&6 &3 Tis, \vould keep most boys a .53 schoo1 l iihey' were fiffeen. It .7 W.M.S. Officers have made their mark in the last J .J W L .22 Ae nsaed generation. and som-e who have "I 0 i.0AeOntle even hecome noted for their cul-" I 20 tutre. bad left school and gone to BOOKSTORE * 6 Trinity Woman's Missionary Su- xwuik at thaf age or younger. The 7ciety met Tuesday affornoon, wilb work shop is a gond scbool, if a Phone 556 King St. Mrs. C. G. Morris and bier group ,,îth combines witb if the ambi- in charge of the devotional ser- fion f0 make proper use of bis vice and Mrs. W. E. C. Workman loisuro hours. at the piano. Mrs. Morris announced the RMPO ES HOLIDAYS 0F 1942 thome for the year, "The faitb by A. POLM wbich we live," after whicb t ho (Fergus News-Record) New Year's Day_-------- Jan. 1 scripturo was faken by Mrs. D. George W. James, editor of the Alldread and prayer by Mrs. C. Bowmanvilie Statesman, bas been Good Friday -- ---- April 3ý W. Slemon. An interesting item gîvîng a greaf deal of thought fo Raster Monday --------- April 6 was the singing of hymn 154 by farm problemns in bis district. Victoria Day --- Monday, May 25 the audience, wvhile the leader al.- Wben George goes into anyfbing, King's Birtbday--- Tues. June 9* ternated the verses witb passagds ho nof only doos if wholebeartedly Dmno a -- e.Jl of scripfure. Mrs. C. Bartlett fol- bu.t ho uses bis brains and adds Doii oniday WeMod. July 1 lowed wifb an appropriate read- originality, of bofb of wbich h Lahor Day .-- - Monday, Sept. 7 ing. The chapter in the Study bas a considerable store. Ho is Tbanksgiving Day Mon. Oct. 12* Book was presenfed by Mrs. Ar- also a greaf heliever in publicity. Remembrance Day - ----Nov, il thur S. Baker in question and Recently, Mr. James invited re- Christmas Day--- Friday, Dec. 25 answer form. thereby emphasiz- porters from a orimber of daily 7.8 ing the main facts contained in paperstcoefDuamony Poaedt. the chapter. The service was and look over the situation. Ho brougbf f0 a close with a verv took fhem for a tour in bis car beautiful solo given by Miss Jean and sbowed them somte six thon- Un The Editor's Mail Stephens. sand acres of arable land not ____ Rev. J. E. Griffith conducted heing cultivafed hecause of the 54 Ellsworth Ave. )a the Installation Service for the lack of farm lahor. And thaf at a Toronto, Ont. ing new officers. following with a lime xvhen if seems that food will Dear Geo.- helpful and inspiring address, re- ho vital f0 the nations at war. The I arn sending you my renewal .20 minding the members of the pec- reporters were impressed. They f0 The Statesman, hoping this 4.38 uliar circumnstancos under whicb thougbt thoy bah found a real finds you ail weil. I bave just - the work must be carried on dur- sforv. and tbey went home f0 corne through a very busy two .58 ing the coming year and sfressing write about if for the city papers. weeks, the bardest I bave bad in the responihilitsy for sproading More recenfiy, Mr. James gave my 31 years i n the post office. I 3.5the gospel fo other pooples, 50 a luncheon for a number of re- arn enclosing you an invitation t0 94 they in furn will ho able f0 work presenfative farmers in the dis- the 7tb Annual Bail of the To- 152 out their own problems in terms tirict and invited J. S. McLean, ronto District Councîl Civil Ser- 181 of the Christian message.. president of Canada Packers Li- vice Federation of wbicb I have 5.6 The business session was in mited, f0 speak f0 tbem. George. the honor f0 ho chairman. You 66 charge of Preident Mrs. M. J. knew that many farmers had a will see I arn very busy. again 25Hutchinson. Reports for 1941 grudge againsf the packing com- for the next rnonth. M5were presented by the various panios because of several things. Yours, 5.9secretaries. There were two pub- chief of wbich is that the farmers M. G. Lord. 1.lic supper meetings and two spe- do most of the work in raising 17.31 cial speakers for thank-offering hogs, and the packers make the If you bave great talents, in- 71meetings. Mrs. C. Young, a re- monoy. Mr. McLean must have dustry wiil improve tbem; if but 2. 10 turned missionary from Persia. foîf something like Daniel going moderato abilifios, industry will -7 spoke af the Easfer meeting. and into the lions' don, but he wenf supply their deficiencies.-Samuel ý77 Mrs. J. McKiilop, a member of the ahong and apparently ho spoke Smîhes. Dominion Board, spoke at the frankly. So did some of the far- 3.00 autumo meeting. mers present. If may nof have Industry is not only the instru- 7.08 Oîîtsfanding items gleaned from done f0 solve farm prob- ment of improvement, but the -the reports were: 40 suhscribers lems but if musf bave been in- founidation of pleasure. - Hugh 0.08 f0 tho Missionary Monthly; 1666 forosting. Blair. ý4.40 .07 0O~O~O O 000 I7FIOH e 7 - 1 j