PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942 FARMERS and 0u A few weeks ago The Statesman called attention to the fact that a Manitoba farmer and ex-legisiator had been elected ta the presiden- cy of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. His name is Mr. D. G. McKenzie and he has written an article in the magazine, Canadian Business, officiai organ of the Chamber, which is of such inter- est ta farmers that we reprint it, with acknowledgments. It deals with post war problems of Agri- culture as follows: Agriculture, in the minds of many, stands out as Canada's No. 1 industry-the first industry of the country. The truth of that RD' TREATEI BOWN YAUI MUAN VILLE Thurs., Fri., Sat. JANUARY 8. 9, 10 Life Begins For Andy Hardy starring Mickey Rooney. Lewvis Stone and Ami Rutherford SHORTS Mon., Tues., Wed. JANUARY 12, 13, 14 $un Valley Serenade starring Sonja Henie and John Payne News and Shorts Show begins 7.30 week nights. 7 p.m. Saturdays and holidays. If we 7install your anti You won't be calling WINTER can't be unless you let it! weather of the sei month and next. corne in to Gartor a generi Remember that ti 19 Less Than th GAIRTON' Phone 2666 fIs You Poisoni Are you sick end tlrod out evry i Ing - alway censtipated - can' without pain end dIstross,? our 8s polsoning your system-pernu IIiheaIth miay b. the m.ulti e Your liver is the largest organ in fou and most important to youir health. it su energy to muscles, tssues and glanq unnealthy, your body lacks ihis energ becomes enfebled-youthful vimi disa; Again your liver pours out bile to digesi Set rid of waste and allow proper nouris to reach your blood. When your live ont of order proper digestion and nouris stop-you're jpoisoned with tbe wast d«opoetanyour intestines. N uublie%$.nd rhemnsatic pains arise froi poison. You become constipated, stoma, kidneys cant work praperly. The aystem is affected and yota feel "rotten,' achy backachy dizzy, tircd out-a read for sckness an ~disease. Thousands of people are neyer sick, ar won prompt relief fromn these misente "Improved Fruit-a-tives Liver Ta blets.' liver is toned up, the other organs fu normallr and lasting good healthr Today 'Improved Fruit.a-tives" are Ca largest selling liver tablets. They nmust be Try thein yoursel.f NOIV. Let "Fruit.a t you back on the road to lasting ht feei like a new perbon. 25c, 50r- v -ML wrý become so accustomed ta a cost- be induced ta turn more and more took up residence on the fanr af-living bonus that it must be ta agriculture as a source of raw w'here he was living prior ta hi continued? If that becomes true, material? Can agriculture bc, death. DI~ IJ Cthe farmer is going ta have a dif- made la use more and more the He leaves ta mourn his passin, BIG BU INESS ficuit problein in securing labour. products of industry? Is it nat in his widow, one daughter (Vera Agriculture does not stand out that direction that a greater field Mrs. E. Smith Fergusan of Bow so prominent]y, however. in ternis for employrnent can be pruvided manville, one granddaughter Cal of its net incarne. The results of for the employable men and wo- lette Ferguson, two sisters, Mr! istatement is manifest if it is that fact. of the low net incarne men of Canada? Albert Heaslip of Janetvllle, an 1measured in termisaf the people of the farm people of Canada Save Our Bacon Mrs. John Kenney of Crown Hil who make their living directly during the years of depression, There is the question of w'he- Five brothers and four sister out of the industry; if it is mnea- has been emplie yth e ther or not markets for Canadian peeesdhm sured in termis of labour provided suIt clearly seen in the position of poueaqie nBianwl for the people of Canada; if iA is the niational economy during the raucoe auirdhinBran-l __ measured in consumer demands last ten î'ears. ada has produced a hog industry William S. Dever in which Canada is interested; or Whiie Canada is a yaung count- with two and a haîf times as if il is measured in ternis of the trY there is no country in the many hogs as two or three years Wm. S. Dever, 81 years aIc raw materials supplied ta the world that in the course of such ago. If we lost that market, what 658 Webb Ave., Detroit, Midh processing houses of Canada. And a very short time has shown the gi thapnotelÏ n-wskldinamorcietà though some may think that it is mneasure of progress and develop- das going A hapntastheuushinwas klled i a oto acidet a realîy revolutionary suggestion, ment that the Dominion of Can- been given the cheese markct. Dever, a clerk in the Traffi it is possible ta say that every ada has shown. What factors have also: and poultry, etc. What must Court, where he daily handled th individual farmer in Canada has cuntributed ta that fact? we do in Canada by way of agri- dockets invalving drunk and recli 1the qualifications for membership Lost Markets cultural practices and govern- less drivers, xvas killed by a colctvnsne theCA oepacking in- Canada has been able ta pro- mental palicies ta ensure that automobile driven by Irvin I- cltie emeri the cakig n- duce primary produets cheaper wheni the war is over no bad re- Hastings, 364 Marshall avenu dustry. htraeietecr- ol ut il cre esFrdla inse a neries. etc., and aIl the industries thn any country in the olsutwilacevetFrnae Wtesssa concerned wvith the processing of ai-d sell those products at a pro- Many Problems Dever darted into maving traffi agricuitural products are a part fit. That whoie situation has been There is, ta my mmnd, no per- on Second boulevard at Web of it. Agriculture is vitaiîy im- interrupted in the course of the manent solution ta the wheat avenue. Hastings was release pratin this country. last few years, and by reasan of marketing problemn in this coun- pending further questianing. potatworld trade polîcy. Agrîcuiturai try by wvay of guaranteed prices Dever, at one time an employe Ttwo Differences producers have lost their export or limiting production. These of the City Clerk and the Couni There are, however, txvo defin- markets and that has resulted in things are temporary measures. Board of Auditors, came ta DE ite differences betxveen agricul- an accumulation of food-stuffs in but no country in the world can trait from Bowmanville, Ont., an ture as an industry and industry this country. At the Head of the make itself wealthy by restricting lived in aid Corktown, where h rin the geneirally accepted sense. Lakes today one may seie the the production of weaith. became a familiar figure in Pal One big difference lies in the de- temporary annexes that have Are ail these problems in themn- tics. His wife, Frances, survive centralîzation of the agriculturai been built for the terminal ele- selves not sufficientîy important Buriai will be in Woodlawn CE industry. In the Prairies of Wes- vators, and will likely' be told ta the people of Canada ta chai- metery. ten Canada (this situation is that if these annexes were putlegthinrstfladgbu- probably different in the East)>, endi to end they would make a nesmn acalenge the interes flaigbs- there are 3.000.000 manufacturing building three miles long and 150 nes mn;of ail ng the thugtf er-l Mrs. Emma Lena Procter plants concerned ,vith the manu- feet xide. filled with wheat. of Canada? Is not the relationship Mrs. Emma Lena Procter, wil facture of food-stuffs. ani industrl' These are merelî' temporary shel- of agriculture ta industry worthy of the late J. W. Procter of Rc that is tremendousiy important in ters. builita meet the exigencies of attention? Is it not worth while land, Manitoba, passed awayi the prosecution of the w'ar effort. of the present time. ta consider the maintenance of a Carman Hospital December 27tl Farmers Need Capital Government Subsidies reasonabie standard of living on in her 83rd year. The funer I As manufactutring plants, they The loss of the markets for the farms of this country? Is not service was held in Roiand Uni face the same problems that in- foodstuffs is reflected in Canada. the determînation of saund, con- ed Church and interment in Fail diîstry doos. Thero is the prob- The people of Canada have lost, tinuing programs big enough ta view Cemetery, Roland. lim of management. of maniage- largeiy, the purchasing power challenge aur people? Mr. and Mrs. Procter went1 ment on the farm. Farm opera- they had. This has resulted in a Canada waits and hopes for alI Manitoba from Durham Count tion is just as important as the reduction of factory output. It is constructive answer. 50 years ago, first residing at Sur oporation of a manufacturing es- reflected in increased unemploy- fard and later at Roland whe: tablishmoent. A farmier needs ment in industry iin the past ton Mr. Procter died three years agi capital. just as a manufacturer years; in the generai distress of She is survived by four sa] needs it. Thero is the question of cooicndtnsadfnayuObituary and three daughters: Lithgow powor supply. Many of our far- in the commitmnents the Govern- Victoria, B.C., Iva (Mrs. W.1 moers are operating with a powermnt a a omk ntefr Hall, at Manitou, Man., Ethi suppiy not adequate ta carry the of guaranteed prices and carrying R. H. Nott, Toronto (Mrs. C. O. Kitching), at Rolanc load. Industrialists are concerned charges. On 485,000,000 bushels af Man., Pearl (Mrs. R. C. W. Su about the moisture content 0f the i wheat last year there was a carry- For many years connected with ton) at Càrman, Man., Evere air in their factories, \ith theI ing charge of close ta .12 per the printing trade, Richard Henry and Frank in Winnipeg, and Fne question of atmosphere contraI. bushel. Business men wili see Natt, 77, died December 3th. at on the home farm at Roland, Mai IThat is a xery important concern what that means. his home, 136 Glenhoime Avenue, There are twelve grandchiidre for the farmer, particularly in Food and Peace Toronto. He was formeriy with and twa great-grandchildren. these last few months. There is What of the future? There is a the W. J. Gage and Company, and tho problem af labour. No manu- generai expectation that Europe later with Beare's Limited, retir- facturer in Canada is more con- wili require Canadian food-stuffs ing five years ago. Born in Co-Wila Hoy cerned with the labour probiem on the declaration of peace. That bourg. he was the son of the lateWila oe than is the farmer. It is a difficult may be true. What of two or Rev. Henry J. and Mrs. Nott, for- On December 27th in Toroni thing. withi sixty cent wheat, ta three years beyond that? We have merly of Bowmanville. General Hospital,. where he ha compete in the securing of labour ta face the prospect af a bankrupt H1e was at one lime active in undergone a seriaus operatiai on a constantly rising market for Europe. We have ta face te fact the work of North Parkdale Me- there passed ta rest Williai labour. that the people of every country thodist Church. Surviving are Hooey, son of the late William an Labor Factor in Europe will, for a number of his widow, Nellie Dustan Nott. Isabell Hooey. Mr. Hoaey wý And what is the cost-of-iiving years at least. be doing every- an- oH .Nî fTrno born at the family home, Lot bonu gong o man n te trmsthing they can ta' re-establish The funerai service was held ai Con. 9, Darlingion, on January3 of agriculture in the years alead? their food produce, ta assist inSt hdsAgiaCurwt 16,he ersddcoin Is lbouracros Cnadagoin tothe relia ilitation of their country. interment in Prospect Cemetery. ousiy until lis death. In 18961 Islaou aros andagongtaWhat about the trade restrictions ____ was united ia marriage ta Mai -that Canada wiil have ta face Farrell, second daughter af t] then. in respect ta the expori of Albert E. McGill late William and Jessie Farrelli her food-stuf fs? These things are Tyrone. 11e was a member of t] sufficiently seriaus ta challenge On December 29t1 Albert E. LOL. No. 764, Tyrane, and R.B.' mmm.. . ..the best thouglit that can be McGill passed away very sudden- No. 398, Blackstock. 11e was ai mUbrought ta bear on these prol- iy, from a heart attack, at lis an active worker and member i freeze ~lems. home in Cartwright township, in the Long Sault United Church. Resarhlis 72nd year. 11e was the young- 11e leaves ta mourn lis ioss h r "'Tow truck, please!" Rsac est son of the iate James McGill widow and four daughters ai Shouid Canadians be content ta and Lucinda Brown. one son: (Ruby) Mrs. A. Abbc - - - -- -- - - -- smply leave the future of agri- The funeral service was held Oshawa, (Reta) Mrs. R. S. 'Mu mm ....culture ta the natural working ai Cadmus United Churdli on ray, Toronto, (Agnes) Mrs. out of these conditions? Shouid December 31st, conducted by his Prescott, Tyrone, Jessie and St they seek ta find new uses for pastor, Rev. D. M. Stinson, assisi- art at home; and one sister, (S agricultural products and seek ta ed by a former pastor, Rev. J. E. san) Mrs. William Farrell, Ne develop the necessary researchi Griffith of Bowmanville. The Toronto; and tîrce grandchildre that wili produce new craps or palibearers were six neplews, J. Donald, Helen and Joyce Murra new varieties of present craps, N. McGill, Mllbrook, N. D. Mc- Toronto. * ...making them more siitable for Gili and Gea. Heaslip, Janeiville, The funeral was held from t] raw materials for this country? Alvin McGill, Lindsay, Ray Me- family residence an Decemb If research and investigation is Gill, Burton, and Harvey Morgan, 29th, service being conducted1 good for industry it is equally Orono. his pastor Rev. A. Gardner. 1 good for agriculture, and dhemis- With the exception of five years terment took place in Bowms try and applied science should be spent in Pontypool, Mr. McGili ville Cemetery. Palibearers we put ta work for the farmer. That has always lived in the vicinity D. B. Farrell, F. G. Smith, W. is wlat clemurgy means. of Burton. In 1896 le married bur Marks, Alex McNeil, Richa The Canadian CharnIer of Com- Theresa Morgan of Pontypool and MeNeil, Leslie Graham. merce found in 1938 that they _______________ Friends attending fram a di slould direct their thoughts ta tance were Lieut. Col. Wm. ai that problem and sinco thon tley Mrs. Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Ein have jeen working on il. The Farrell, Mr. Eari Coulter, 1V. a m nae t yur ar National Cherurgi Committee Harry Hooey, Mr. Russell HoOE The really freezing ing some suggestions, and also a H ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. compilation of the utilization of stead, Eleanor Bewdley, Mrs. ason is on its way this certain larm products. Investiga- ido black Mme, Amas Nihai, Rasene Now is the time to tions are being made whicl are $* Mr. nd mrs Cifhlo r L ea i 1' fr nt-frez ad ikely tobe braught toa asuccess- r. SmLan .c, Mors.D.dar M ai check-up. time, such as the production of: The many beautiful and fIa: starcli and gluten from wheat; , tributes and large attendance sunflower seed ail for edible and the funeral expressed the esteE h. Cost of Precaution industriai purposes; utilization of of which the deceased was he wheat germ ail; utilizatian of re- also the sympathy ta the bereav e Cost of R pis fined grain screenings accumulat- aiy ed at the Head af the Lakes; pro- F . IAfmi& duction af aifalfa; delydration aof - jfruits and vegetables; distillation Net to ~~5 GARAGE I ~~of cider vinegar; variaus uses forVitosMr.J.Wiias Bus Service ment of the industrial potato; do- mestic production af nan-drying Frank and rthurJackWilimn ail; plastics; production fromt su- FakadAtu aka gar beets; improved quality of Inoldtlmes,wlenalmost.verybodybelleved Mr. Ivan Wright's, Viewlake. pou-ltry,-by-pdut;syanb- In.wlthcrft te ltchs fav..rite opainMr. andMrs. Harold hoe Is tertainod friends in lonor af Pie. Orval Greer lame lrom New Brunswick, on Saturday evening. Nesileton Young People met ai Mrs. M. Emerson's Friday night. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Thos. Williams and Miss Eva Wil- liams in île ioss af ileir home. Sympatly is extended ta île frîends af Miss Miriam Williams who passed away an Sunday in 1er 75th year. Service in the Presbyterian Church will be ai 3 o'clock during winter montîs. Social evening put on by W. A. on Monday night and Rev. W. Smith's, Part Perry, address was mucl enjoyed. Missionary Society of the Pros- byterian Clurdli met ai île lame of Mrs. Burney Hoaey. New olfi- cors are: Pres.-Mrs. S. Sander- son; lst Vice-Mrs. B. Hooey; Sec. -Mrs. W. Hoaey; Treas.-Miss M. E. Malcolm. APPEARANCES ARE DECEPTIVE A new recruit ta île Livestock Branch was sent west ta cull scrubs and inferior animaIs from the lords on some af the larger catile ranches. The abject was improved stock. He ran across cross breeds, cataloo, iong-horns and dehorns, and finaliy came across a peculiar specimen among the herds that le could not clas- sify. Sa le wired Ottawa for ins- tions, with this descri -esn. "Strange specimen, with forlorn look and lump on back, wander- ing baose. Cannai ciassify. Has'ç' white shaggy hair, goatee, and awkward gaît. Shahl I segregate or shoot?" The answer came back by wire: "For leaven's sake do not inter- fore; that's the farmer himself." Have you renewed your sub- scription ta The Statesman? I na'waa badi, run îngs tram largo numbors af far- WILIII *a'.ari vr. %aeore o whole down and terribly mers and in factories? Slould eu were: Mr. and Mrs. Reginald St head- nervous.Mydig- prico andpouto oto e4,p*04 ton and Joyce, Orano, Mr. ai ly pey ino ua oorcn. ontiued Is her anyreaon-rs. Walter Ferguson, Enlie 1 was always o-cniud s hr n esn Miss Velma and Keith, Oshaýv s whave eipad "~,Fruit' able probability lIai the situa- 5000e; Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams ai mbnade nie better lion couîd ho met in part by de- bereel veloping local industries for île . amfily, Newtonville, Ross Ada' andth ie fr * and Bud Elford, Bowmanviî tesuits. maklng y0n iel pracessing af farm products? Miss Evelyn Marlow, Nestletc nada's and giv na you Transport M.adMs rdDysa ýgond! new pe and enerey. After yeare r n r.Fe ae -tii es" of haif health 'Fruit-a-tives" Surely there is a community of WNEN IIT' S T'iS READINe tnarid Mr. Jand Mrs. Malcot ealh- muade nme feel fie. interesi between agriculture adtn and Mr. JondElfrd, Nesio Mnr Roy Dagneau. Chatham Ont. transportation and all the ather El lord and Donald, Port Perry. interests of Canada. Can industry Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey ei L w, a J, - ,,-, Depariment of National War Services Ottawa Hon ourable J. T. Thorson MIniatea' THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO