PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY. 8, 1942. The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Tracy Manes xvas home from St. Catharines during the holiday scason. Mrs. E. S. Van Der Veer. Gia- versviiie, N.Y., visited ber father, Mr. J. W. Bradley. Harold Couch was trucking oats lasi week fram a car that came by rail fromn the west. Donald Tbompson was home fromn Peterbaro where he is en- gaged in war îndustry work. Donald E. Gibsan bas accepted a position with the United Farm- ers' Co-operative Company as ser- vice man. Fred Macdonald, son of Mr. and Mms. Macdonald on the Selby farm, went ta Toronto ta enlisti n an engineers' carp. Mrs. J. C. Purdy and son Don, Toronto, spent several days with her sister-in-iaw, Mrs. Miidred Purdy, Eimburst Raidl. Miss Reita Cooke is teaching schoi for a wcek at Crookcd Creek as part of ber Normal School training, afier spending ,Christmas halidays with ber mo- ther, Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Mrs. W. J. Hockin held a family gathering New Year's day. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pepper, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Parker and Seldon and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Powell and famiiy, Newcastle, and Pie. Jas. Hockin, Midland Regiment, Nia- gara. Constable and Mrs. Jno. Gar- rod, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Garrod and Mr. and Mrs. Thas. Brown mator- ed ta Tarasito on Jan. 3rd, ta at- tend the wedding of their nephew and cousin. Lance Cpi. Gordan Tetiey ta Miss Connie Bregg, To- ronto. The ceremony took place in the Church of The Epiphany. Parkdale. The annual meeting of the Newcastle Red Cross Society wili be beld in the Council Chamber of Community Hall on Friday, Jan. 9th, 8.30 p.m. Ail members of the Red Cross, bath men and women, are cordiaily invited ta be present ta hear reports of lasi year's work and elcci officers for the ensuîng year. 2-1 .Relatives here received word of the marriage of Miss Margaret Joli, Glidden, Sask., and Mr. Nor- man Rudman. Estan, Sask., in Saskatoon on December 7th. The bride is daughier of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Joli and granddaughter of Mrs. Gea. P. Rickard and Mr. Gea. H. Joli. Newcastle. They xiii re- side in Eston, Sask. Laurence Morion played the wedding music in Aiienwoad UJnited Church on Jan. 3rd, when Miss Orpha Isobel Hickling, dau- ghter of M. and Mrs. W. C. Hick- iing, was married ta Fii.-Sergt. Stephen Lloyd Wcare, R.C.A.F., Brantford. One of the twa brides- mnaids was Miss Jean Hickling, sister of the bride. The Misses Hickling have visited in Newcas- tle with Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Mor- ton. The name of Miss Louise Han- cock was inadvertently omitied ini the repart of the United Church Chistmas irce entertainment, as one of the cast in the cantata. Louise was the grandmother of the singing Bennett children- June and Glenn Aluin. In the same way the name of Mrs. Malt. Brown was amitted as anc wha toak a leading part in the prepara- tion and presentatian of the chul- dmcn's pragram at St. George's Christmas trce. Druggist A. E. Meîiox's store was again broken mbt and rabbed in the eariy hours of Jan. 2nd. About S75.00 worth of goods, mostly fountain pens and cigar- ettes, but alsa some chocolates. cake, etc., was staien. E. W. Fisher, coming hame from Nvorki in Oshawa, saw a car leaving the vicnity of the store as he passed. Frank Miller who lives aver the store, and his father heard a noise N.7 LATEST DISCOVERY in Eyesight Comfort * Now science gives us Tillyer Lenses-the latest discovery in reducing eye-strain and fatigue. If you wear glasses, let us fit them witli Tillyer Lenses. They will bring you a new and noticeable eye coin fort. Wc will be glad Io shoiv youm how TilIyer Lenses are so diajfrrenifroin ordinarylertses. and xent doxvn ta inxvestigate. They sa-m a car minus a back license plate and t-w\o men in sol- diers uniforni. But thcy pot avy Here's an item from bbce Toron- to Star clipped frorri Over the Tea Cups- feaiurcd on the Wo mens Page xvhich vIii intcrest many of ouîr Newcastle readers: hoedahlia bulbs . . . hey shouid reaily be put oui of harin*s xvay. Now v hear of another maid xvho mistook them for xegc- tables and xvas astonished after much cooking ta find that her "artiehokes" did nat sofien. Mrs. Hudson Stowe tells the story. the misiake accurring at the summer home of hier father, the laie Dr. George Carveth. ai Newcastle. This was a joke on Dr. Carveth because the bulbs were prize anes. But usualiy he xvas bbc anc wha perpebrated the hart iecul1t ur a jokes in the faniiiy. He had a habit of growing an ordinary xegeiabie plant in the midst of his flowers. Often unsuspecting fri- ends wauid ask bim. "'What kind of plant is that. doctor?" painting ta the vegetabie and thinking it a rare spedimen. Dr. Carvebh en- joyed eniighbening bhem." years ago. under Rex-. Cea. R. Claies pastorale. ihat ihese sheds xýverc renmodelled and roofod over. Andrexv Pennington, Boxvmani- ville. did tbec xxork by contraci. Ncarly al bbc farmers in the neigiboihood, irrespective of de- nomninalional affiliations, sub- scrîbed ta a fund ta coxver h expense. In laie years the shed bias corne la be used less and less on Sundays and now nat a single faniiiy or any member of a fam- îly drives ta church in a buggy, aitbough a few cutters and sleighs have been iii use ai certain limes in the xinter. The sheds have been used ta some exieni by far- mers and aihers for bath shelter and starage purposes on xveck days but ibis use bias been steadiiy diminishing since farmers have been iurning mare and more ta trucks and trailers for uff-the- faim transportation. This is a case of hisiory rcpeaiing itself. The records of the Newcastle Methodisi Churcb show that in December, 1888. the trustees de- cided ta accepi Jno. Dickson's of- fer of $1200 for the Beihel Church shed ai Trickcy's Corners. BOARD 0F EDUCATION Mr. icksan paid fom tne sned in _______wood and Secretary Job Cobblc- Board of Education met on dick was insructed ta give Mr. Monday evening wibb H. J. Toms Dicksan a receipi in full for $12. in the chair and these members The foiiowing March, 1889, Rd. preseni: Vice Chairman Irwin Foster of the Trustee Board Coiwiil, Ross Dickinson, Rev. D. (grandfatber of Crown Attorney R. Dewdncy, C. S. Horrocks, Stan- AllUn F. Annis, Oshawa,) reportcd ley Graham. A repart af bis mc- bbc sale of Bethel Cburch ta Mm. cent xvisit ta the public schoai xvas Dabs for $15.00. This scems la receix'ed from Inspedtor W. H. have been vicwed as a preiiy faim Carleton. The total enrolimeni is transaction. "'After some discus- 98, with 28 in Miss Bernice sion on bbc malter il was moved Smith's room, 42 in Miss Masan's and seconded that a vote of tbanks and 28 in Principal Radgers. be gix'en the cammitice for their Average daiiy atiendance in De- manner af action in sale of said cember was 88.26. Number o! churc.-Carried." The members days losi by pupils of Principal of bbecocmmitice were Rd. Fos- Radger's raom in December un- ter, Henry Middieton and J. M. dem the head o! illegal absence Cobbîedick. Rev. Jas. Thom was was 14. 91ý2 of these were for the pasior ai Newcastle. home heip,21--, for parental ne- gleci. 12 a day truancy. and 1 1à2 days for other reasans. Sickncss accounbed for 25 îast days in NEWCASTLE HYDRO ELEC- Principal Radger' raom and for TRIC SYSTEM 47 in Miss Bemnice Smnith's; none Rfroebsbe aei last illegaliy. Most days last xerc eeec isbe aei in Miss Masan's roam, mastly recent issues ta the finances of ihraugli illness. The total was bbc Nexwcastle Hydro Electrie Sys- 5212 lasi davs. anc girl. Ex'lvn tem. Below is a condensed report Foster, being'out bbc whoie montb. presenbed ,by Chairman Gea. She xvas for part of the urne in bbc Jamiesan ai the public meeting Sic Chlden' HspialToontan Dec. 29th when there were The enforced absence of bhree officiaisebutnovilanc ofin and children in Miss Bemnice Smith's ofcasbtn n naprl raom xvas bbc main factor in low,- prîx'abe capacity. Everyooe seems erîng that roams aibendance. fully saiisfied. lb was apparent Billy Fisher was out ail mootb by Mm. Jamicson's report thai the tbrough illness. Seidon Parker, local electricai distribution under awing ta injuries received, wAas present management is km toaa present only anc day and Doreen gold mine for tbc village. Selby xvas away alI but 7 d ays Newcastle vobed ta purchase with chickenpax. the local Eieciric Utiliiy as from A repart was mceived from the Jan. Isi, 1937, from the H.E.P.C. School Aitendance Officer, Ms of Ontario. The Village gave de- Bealmice Allin, showing Mrs. i bentures wiih 43/4% inieresi in 1941 she had visited six homes, the faiiawing amaunt: $14,000 some of ibcm several times, in~ principal and $7,994.20 interesi, a regard ta childrcn absenting total of $21,994.20, payable semi- themseives fram iheir classes. annually for 20 years. Mrs. Allin was re-appainbed InDcc. 1939, the balance awing S.A.O. ai $15.00 a ycar. was rcfinanccd wilh Newcastle A notice was receivcd from T. Debentures ai 3%,' interesi, pay- Kennedy advising bbe Board ihai able scmi-annuaily for 5 years. lie oul shrtlybe akig Ia Naxv in December 1941 the total xisit of inspection ta the Higb adbnuedbc o mt pdne sprin- Scbool. Bis for Agricultuandtettllmutp equipment and literature for the cîpai and inieresi bias be 1, Hieh Scbaol xvcTre passed for 354.65. Therefore by paying long S 12 8.-18. befare duc and by re-financing Ithe village bas been saved S6,639.55 fram the original con- tract. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF Furîbermore bbe Street Liphi- ing rates haxve been reduced $3.00 The United Cburcb bias sold uts a larnp since the ulilitv vas ac- large shed on the narth sida o f q ured and a stieci liphi surplus Ernil,, St. ta a farmer ,,,-o lix'es of $581.13 bias been refunded ta on the former J. W. Glenncy bbc village. farm. Ponivpool. The shed is naw Ail rates for electricai services bcing taken doxvn and bbc ma- haxe been reduced considerabiy erial truckcd away. in bbc abox'e periad and as an Il xvas in 1911, a litile over 30 example, the 1939 reduction _________________________meani a saxing ta bbc consumers of appraximateiy $1200 a year. There bias been as mucb or more value addcd ta the uines and eq uipmcnt n tbc form o! ncw extensions and maintenance la Pruescriptions offset any depreciation ibat mighi hav~e occurred in the meantime. There is also an asset in tbc form When your doctor orders o! office equipment, line supplies, a remnedy You may get baols, pale yard and pales of ap- the prescription filled by praximateîy $1350.00. Jury Lovil i coni- I 1937 there were 222 consum- Jury& Lvei ii cofi- ers o! elecbricity in Newcastle dence it .%,ill bc dis- and in 1941 there were 256. 0f pensed -.vith the utmnosb bbcexvillage and farm resideoces came and accuracy by a and summer cottages only 18 e- qualfiedpharnacst. main witbaut electriciiy. The e- qualiied harmaisi. part xvas signed. George Jamieson, Chairman: C. R. Carvetb, Reex'e; JE. Rincb. WARD OFF COLOS Two facts are known about the common coid. First, it oceurs with fre- quency through the win- ber months; second, the taking of vitamin and minerai produets affords definife lprotection again- st colds. Let us advise the best rcmcdy. Youngstcrs, es- pcciaily necd bbc benclit o f "concentrabed s u n - shine". Protecb their health. JURYULOVELL When we test your eyes it is donc properly BOWMANVILLE - C.N.R. TICKETS - PHONE 778 Farm Survey Begun (Continued from page 1) - preseni hcip, acreage reduciion, boys called ta the armay, power macbinery, cusbomn work facili- tics, stabe a! implement repairs, estimate o! whai beip wiii be needed during 1942, iivesbock car- ried, cows milkcd - in faci, ihree pages of vital questions. Arising oui of ibis will came scbemes ta ide axer ail difficulties and in- crease production. The province alrcadx' bas plans undeî' way ta mobilize sorne 40,000 helpers dur- ing bbe busy season this year. There cao be no excuse for fail- ure ta fil] in these farms in great- est detail. Every farmer in Dur- ham Couiy will pet one. Ib is bis xartime DUTY ta do so. Andj it is a xarime duty for The Statesman ta devabe ibis space frcely ta caîl attention ta ibis vital survey. We haxve sbated the rea5ons over and over again; the fart is. the %vay bings bave been drifting, we shahl be short o! food, feeds and morale before Ibis world-wide fracas is over unless wc shake ourselx'es ino realitv. The completion of these forms is not made comptîlsary, since ibai prerogative is Federal. It is likely that units of the Federation of Agriculture wiil be calkd upon ta assist. This Plan Is Favored Ai ail meetings a! Farmn Forumns Obituary Arthur Cole The uniimciy passing o! Arthur Cale, 51, clever mechanic and in- spectar for the United Kiogdom Techoicai mission, came wiib addcd sadoess la friends bere since he died on Christmas day in Boxvmanxiiie Hospital. He xvas a son o! bbc late Esther and Joseph Cale and was barn in Selby, Yorkshire, England. Foi' many years he xvas employed ai J. D. Carruthers' garage and camne ta be well and favorably knawo as an expert mecbanic. He xxas a veicran o! the lasi war bax'ing served averseas bhree years xith a Royal Canadian Transport Unit. Shortly afier war brake oui in 1939 be offered bis services again and was acccpied in an important iecbnical capaciiy and warked for six manibs in Pontiac and Detroit, Mich., unlil illness avertook him. Then afier long, painful, anxious mantbs in a Toronto Hospital, he was moved back la Bowmanville ta be near bis family. During bis tweoty-three wecks o! ilincss Mr. Cale maintaincd bbc kindly and cheerful disposition whicb bad earoed him a bigh reputation. The funerai took place from F'. F. Morris Ca. Chapel on Dec. 271h and was conducied by Rev. A. R. Cragg. Surviving la bear a severe loss are: bis wife (Ediih Bell), tbree sans, Ralph, Kennetb and Bruce; four daughiers, Saiiy, Marian, Barbara and Patricia as xveil as two brothers, George and Harry, botb a! Selby, Eogland, and twa sisters Ruth and Alice, bath living in England. Palibearers were Chie! Sydney *Venion, Charles Depcw, J. D. Carruthers, Alex Annonicbuk, James Hayman and Alfred Lectouze. Intermeni took place in Bow- manvilie cemetery wherc the grave was bankcd by many floral tributes including wreaths from the Canadian Legion, Goodyear Recreation Club, Local 189 and emplayces of Depts. 270A and 274., Bowmanville Gunner To Be Heard Sun. From England Gnir. Sidney Murdoch of Bow- manville is among a graup of soldiers ,who will speak ta Canada tram Engiand on Sunday. He wiii he heard between 12.30 and i p.m. E.D.S.T. in the pragram CGreet- ings from the Beaver Club" on the CBC. Before jaining up Gnr. Murdoch worked for Goodyear. Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugless Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanville Electricai Treaiments - Spý.nal Adjusiments and Massage. 46-7 BIRTiIS ASHTON-On Sunday, December 28th, 1941, at bbc Straibcona Prixabe Hospital, Toronto, ta Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton (nec Freda Bradley), tbc birtb of a son (Bradley Carlyle). 2-1 BROWN-In Bowmanville Hospi- bal on Saturday, January 3rd, 1942, ta Mm. and Mrs. Jack Brown, Bowmanvilie, a son (stilibomn). HENDERSON - At Bowmanville Hospital. on December 29, 1941, ta Mm. and Mrs. John Hender- son, Lakefront.. a daughter. MARRIAGES in the next few weeks, as vital war services, members could strike cammibtees xvho would ar-! range with neighbors ta get al formis complebed in their respec- tive districts and forward saine to Mr. Summers. There are mnany xvho as yet have taken littie in- terest in Federation meetings. There are as well numeraus "New Canadians" xvho cannot compiete the forms. The thing simpiy MUST bc donc and the aim should bc ta get Durham Caunty's me- turns in firsi. To do so wouid en- hance the prestige of the Federa- tion and demenstrabe the leader- ship generaliy creditcd ta ibis counby. The Siabesman wili con- tinue ta carry news a! progress tli the aim is achieved. Mm. Sum- mers wiii get these forms distri- bubed just as rapidly as possible and every assistance wili be given by C. G. Mercer, M.P.P. The Statesman anly a fcw days ago received a personai letter fram Hon. P. M. Dewan cammending ils leadership and foresight and we shahl press on in ibis malter tili the lasi form is fîled. Depressed Agriculture Farmers are not depressed even if they operate under depressed conditions, principaily due la lack of hcip. Mr. Dewan went on ta say ibis: "ht is imperative we must cxpand production o! es- sential food products if we are ta feed the people a! Britain and the armed farces; I plead with aur farmers ta produce ta the limil of ibeir ability; Ici us get the cmops in and we shahI find some way of geiting ihem off; it may be thai people in villages, lawns and cities wili be required ta give of iheir spare boums in belping the farmers." (Which sounds precise- iy like the advicc and example of The Staiesman). Mm. Dcwan con- cluded: "An encauraging faci was the receni recognition of the Fcd- eral authorities thai farmers must have better prudes; dairy farmers are noxv getiing mare maney-re- cognition long averdue." Discussion iurned ta powcm-io the faci that hand labor, especial- îy aged hands, cannai do the job; ihat power units, cooperation, farm help mobiiized by Qucen's Park, wouid be assembled as besi can be and thai milking machines, eleciric water pumps, grain grin- ders and ahl available plant must be repaired and made ta work. In aIl of the speeches there xvas no reference whaisaever as ta what Ottawa proposcd. Indeed, ta date, il appears that farmers' only hope for adequate heip fromn Ot- tawa resis upon Hon. J. G. Gar- diner's vague reference thai '"within a year wc should havc al the help required." Let us ail pull tagether and gel Ibis bhing donc. Mrs. William Hooey and famiiy xish ta express their sincere ap- preciation of the many acts of kindness shoxvn them by friends and neighbors during iliness and death of a loving husbarid and father. 2-l* Mrs. Arthur Cale and famiiy wish ta express thanks ta Dr. Rundie. Superiniendent and nur- ses ai Bowmanvilie Hospital, and friends for their kindness during the iiiness and passing of a hus- band and father and for the floral ributes sent. 2-1* We want not time, but dili- gence, for great performances- Dr. Samuel Johnson. Theatre, Oshawa Now Playing BOB HOPE ZORINA in Louisiana Purchase in technicolor Victor Moore Doua Drake REVIVAL Madeline Carrol FRIDAY "SAFARI" at il p.m. Doug Fairbanks Jr. Monday and Tuesday Lloyd Nolan, Mary Beth Hugh- es, Sheila Ryan Dressed to KiIi also Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy in the army - ini the soup GREAT GUNS Coming next Wednesday For Four Big Days WILLIAM POWELL MYRNA LOY SHADOW 0F THE .THIN MAN Donna Reed Diekie Hall the laugh-riot of the New Year Powell's flrst Thin Man film in two vears--for laffs--don't miss "SHADOW 0F THE THIN MAN" ALDER-TAYLOR - At Whitby, on Wednesday, December 3lst, 1941, by Rev. C. G. Park, Mary Evelyn, oniy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Taylar, Whitby, ta Ronald Stanley AIder, son of Mr. Frank Alder, Toronto. BENTLEY-LYLE-On Thursday, December 25th, 1941, in Christ Baptist Church, Oshawa, Edith Lillian, daughtcr af Mr. and Mrs. George Lyle, Bawmanviile, ta Gnr. John Henry Bentley C.A.T.C. (A-2) A Battery, Peta- wawa. Ont. 2-1* DEATHS BAKER - At Bude, Cornwall, England, an Navember 3Oth, 1941, John Pearse Baker, in his 9lst year. Father of Fred O. and Arthur S. Baker, Bowmanvillc. NOTT-On December 3Oth, 1941, at his home, 136 Glenhoime Ave., Toronta, Richard Henry Natt, beiavcd husband of Nellie Dustan, father of H. W. Nott, oidest son of the late Rcvcrcnd and Mrs. Henry J. Nott, farmer- ]y of Bawmanville. TREWIN-In Hamilton, an Janu- ary lst, 1942, Annie Eveiyn Tre- win, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Trewin, Haydon. IN MEMORIAM ADAMS-In iaving memory of a dear husband and father, Char- les Frederick, wha passed away January Sth, 1938. You oft times said we wauld miss yau, Those words have proven too truc; Wc last aur best, aur dearest f riend, Dear Father, whcn we last you. --Sadiy missed, but lovingly remembercd, Wife and daugh- ters Ruby and Pearlie. 2- 1* KERR-In memory of my beloved wife, Sarah Jane Kerr, who passed away January 4th, 1939. Not just ta-day, dear wife, but every day, In silence I remember. -Wes. 2-1 Cards of Thanks Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made ivhen advertisement is flot paid same iveek as inser- tion. Extra chai'ge of l0c when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e eaeh. In Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10c per line for verse. Classlfied adver- tisement% accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Livestock For Sale FOR SALE -25 YOUNG PIGS. Appiy Clarence Tink, Hampton, phone 2361. 2-1 FOR SALE - 10 YOUNG PIGS, 6 wecks aid. Brown, Base Line, phone 617. 2-1 FOR SALE - ELEVEN WHITE Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks aid. Apply C. A. Vivian, Hamptan, or phone 2520. 2-1* FOR SALE- SIXTEEN YORK- shire pigs, eight weeks aid, one hundrcd percent selects. A. H. Keane, Orono, telephane 51r3. 2-1 FOR SALE - A BARGAIN ON four does and anc buck of An- gora rabbits with purebred pa- per. Write ta Mr. Roy Hartwig, Bowmanvllle Post Office. 2-1* FOR SALE - FRESH JERSEY Heifers and Springcrs, accredit- ed herd, exchange for pigs or sheep. F. Hutton, R. R. 2 Bow- manville, (near E be ne ze r Church). 2-l* FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE SOW and fine pigs five weeks aid; Durham cow due ta freshen this month. Apply Frank Aldsworth, Courtice, phone Oshawa 491r2. 2-1* FOR SALE -TWO COWS, ONE Jersey, bath due ta freshen around Feb. 5th. Also 100 year- ling Plymouth Rock hens. Ap- ply after 6.30 p.m. ta Fred Ayling, Maple Grave, phone 2209. 2-1* .LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-REG- istered Yorkshires-Boar, long, bacon type, l1/ years aid. Sow due January 12 - 14 selects from ber last litter. Also, wean- iing pigs and shoats. Willow Acres Farm, phone F. E. Marrill, 2456. 2-1 Room and Board HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WOULD like room and board in return for light housework. Write Box 28, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 2-1* Help Wanted HELP WANTED-MAN OR BOY on poultry farm. Good wages. Alvin Clemens, phone 2433, R. R. 6 Bowmnanville. 2-1 WANTED-A GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework in Toronto; good home; good wages. Write Box 29, Statesman Office. 2 2 HELP WANTED-FIRST CLASS carpenter, machinist and elec- trical helper. Steady employ- ment. Apply in persan or writ- ing stating age and experience ta Eldorado Gold Mines, Port Hope. 2-2 MAN WANTED - FOR GOOD Watkins Route. Steady custam- ers. Must be honest and reli- able, have car or means of get- ting one. No capital or experi- ence required. Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Que. 2-4 Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap tires, any size. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Cali 467. 2-ltf For Rent FOR RENT-5 ROOMED APART- ment, water and iight. Newiy decorated. Immediate posses- sion. Apply T. Lymer, P. O. Box 51, phone 379. 2-1* Personal PERSONAL RUBBER GOODS- Mailcd postpaid, in plain, sealed envelope, with price list.* Adults only. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Please state age. Atex Rubber Ca., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 2-8 White Cooking BEANS....b 5e OXO CUBES SmaiI tin . 10elO Large tin...25e SPECIAL Large tin GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ...... 25e LALLY Articles For Sale FOR SALE - 1935 DeSOTO SE- dan, tires and maotor in excel- lent condition. Heater. Apply J. M. or L. E. Rowe, George St., Bowmanville, phone 2659. 2-1*e LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs., Select yours from over 300 patterns actuaiiy in stock. Yau are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae South, Osh- awa. 46-tf SPECIAL!-186 PARLOR GAMES 50c; Tricks With Coins 40c; Haw To Box 40c; Tap Dancing 40c; Teacup Fortune Telling 75c. Pocket calendar free with 3 books. Empire Novelties, Pet- erboro, Ontario. 2-l* TIRES -VULCANIZED- TIRES -Put thousands af miles inta your tires by having thcmn Vul- canizcd. We have a goad stock of reconditianed tires. Save money. Add miles ta your tires. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shap, anc block wcst of Post Office. 51-t OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in m,.dern, chcsterfieid, bcdroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floar coverings a speciaity. Quality merchandise at comn- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Business Service USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cieancd and pressed like new. We also carry new gaads. We are carrying a large stock of suits, Fail and Winter coats, pants, windbrcakcrs, etc. A cal will convince yau. Don't miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 50-8-4* Wilson's Furniture Co. January Furniture Sale Wise shoppers xvould do wcli ta avail themscives of aur iaw priccd specials. Vcry large selection fram aur twa stores. Wiisan's values lead the market. Gift Suggestions Cedar chcsts, book cases, lamps, fancy cushions, end tables, che- nille bedsprcads, smokers, coffee tables, occasianal chairs, dol prams. Hundreds of other gifts at Wilson's lawer prices. Inner Spring Mattresses $9.95-Spring fiiied mattresses iu heavy striped ticking, rail edge, handies and ventilators. Ail sizes. Wonderful values. Floor Covering Speclals $1 .49-New borderless rugs, 6 f t. by 9 f t. Yau wili find at Wiison's everything in floar caverings. Persanai attention toalal your floor covering prablems. Iniaids, congoleums, feltols, heavy lino- leum. Ail widths. Wîlson's prices are lower. Trade-In Department Jammed full - hundreds of good used furniture bargains. We must make raam at once regardless of price - Chesterfield Suites, Dmn- ing Suites, Kitchen C a bi nct s, Dressers, Beds, Rugs, Stoves, Cauches, etc. It xiii pay you ta visit aur stores. Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Church St. OSHAWA. 46-tf SPECIALLY PRICED at 5c ILb BULK MACARONI ROLLED OATS WHEAT FLAKES ALLIS The Corner Grocery Phones 367 - 368 We Deliver il.PEANUT BUTTER __ Tin 1a lb jar 23e ~2 5&EE~ Every day is Fish Day. EtFish for Health. a à 77 DaOWUSE &WA S.- I/Uit tir REA NTBAD PAGE ÈIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY. 8, 1942 ý Notice to Creditors IN THE ES'EATE 0F Williarm Arthur VanCamp, late of t",. Township of Cartwright, in 71w County of Durham, in the Pry-- vince of Ontario, Farmer, Deceas- cd. Creditars and others having dlaims against the above estate are required ta send full particu- lars of such dlaims ta the under- sighed an or before the 9th day of February, 1942, after which date the Estate's assets wiil be distri- buted, having regard anly ta dlaims that have been rcceived, and the Executors wili be respan- sible for no ather dlaims. LAWRENCE C. MASON, Bar- rister, Etc. King Street West, Bowmanviile, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 2-3 Business Dir ectory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L.B. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Phone 351 Bank af Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Salicitor, Notary Salicitor for Bank af Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanvilie, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Salicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches office immediateiy east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jilbilee Bidg., Bowmanvilie. Office hours 9 a.m. ta, 6 p.m. daiiy, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any haur, any day F. F. MIorris Co. Modern Motor Equipmcnt, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phane 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctionela ELMER WILBUR Hampton - Ontario Specializing in Farm, Livestock, . Impiements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date ta: Bawmanvilie 2428 CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bowmanviile 2536 Specializing in Farm Livestack, Implements and Fumniture Sales. Consuit me for terms and dates. 50-tf Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Se. Veterinarian, Church St. - Bowmanville Phone 843 29 tf