THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAENE Phone 40r16re on semth Gordon Majorur wash home. Mrs. C. Jones hasebeen ill. Mr adrs.C Sa noNw arnzpy threetischildren visitedn fom here fathernt e'neý ýýJ Orono Chamber of Commerce OOOPOEC. ATO FRDOSRA ihnnswr hnbtml met Monday and elected these Hr saohrbih etrdsusn htwudhpe ffahihs officers: Past President-O11ie N U LR P R rm th heyltl nls vrbgarriscm.I em udr w ermlsofu. Cooper; President--Harry Clarke; Th olwn sterproforraesjs o riaytm -u toe mn wr l bgts, Phone 40rlO l1st Vice--R. E. Logan; Secretary- th rn ee oeC.wih N haolagbsbgu R. A. Forrester; Treasurer-O. W. wl cgvna h nulme-t h ncutmdpiain codn aterlso odc Rolph; Directors--C. S. McLaren,ofwr hs etr ofMs ladd nta ig -hnk e-wo, J. Riddell, W. E. ArmstrongC. Mr. Carr, in Barrie. was passed that C. of C. com- Ci o eeps----- 39 ,Lse hogotteln a; t epi One of Goode's trucks slewed mnct ih W .Rca oa alBw avlebat.Iwne ftoecee al trsn fsn into a telephone pole while being MPi ead attlwre- adCak --------- 405 fiepeie.EeymrigImnee hn fta ih' a, ta r oe se h l ot trucks on Glb &Mal hemietawranocore hyaem h o uy wt o hnlf'tradsnai H. R. Rowe had a bad fall Sun- Pr t .A e usa oa ,2.8bc gi tngt vnnwi oeGad dte n ie pn day morning resulting in facial fenotemi vnsbigEpn tue sapet hlybsn s;w twtcn!iHresi eral stitches in his head as a re-incag ofMsM.Dv. is sult of a bad fall Friday. Dr. M -L li aetetesrrsre aaMc-hn ------196.1tikaotta. tlat Ityadiproa hnslk tom noeno ow'lalw The snow plough was in Orono sceaysrpr;Ms .F a-adi sasr hn htohrnw Friday evening clearing up aftertecrspnig értay e the big storm. ot qitn omte yMsCaia sesi.Idvdaiyadcugepr O Year's Day at Orono parsonage of b r.F el;adsceaysltl odps mlna William Mercer, Kendal, to Vance, tlainwscnutdb e.Pls ieec------- 870.0I th matm eornryrgts, sppsThe bridekge o wt or owore e owwher tra-ceisner ý reton freswas helds.A fr ebrsi.Mr.Loa e-Crenatet Drigte the h tles.W igfbride'sDysta aegnesen h i e home following the ceremony, a-eeigcm ite r.Lga ahaf-)1552 a Nwrdebsnihrsrn pdlaogi ido ae lse acoeyrcpso heLf' raswr ap n on a motor trip to western points.prs o mte.Hlig wt Caho ad 77cdisnra aua siean tatebatofi l.O ak mrig An paigo ak N ayofhmaeda; ing lher parents, Mr. and Mrs. M ahrn fgo sd M.n re, u o ay ihpatna uue salpoal ort, msn tr atel e We hywr rgtwt egbr hockey teams held practice games o ih te siig cutyeaigrwcros wihm odaottnpolbtuulybihet aual Clarke counicil statutory meet-Orn eL d eC t erc eev pr-adyugsapotritan ghblnns. I adiin I _w on foki th conr Nwwe f' in sjs trcie day). FullOreportcnextsweek Miss Doris Lowden, R.N, Oril- P yin o on t oilgop htdntmreeohoe ypc.Adwa oc.Teyugmnwsgt liia, euertigfishe oe-recuperatingcetinsmenaina eriemoe fromou anaboyhertn aon ioper- n itodc help put out a fire at Newcastle, okomrprea ul uleerai73 ..ESeh ek haeol agtaclan otmn oe mgtscayhr Pt.W trPrNaaat Da A which totally burned a grain shed ta feno.Blsaonig Fo h rn eso a vnn rmMna aFi yvie n o adnn ihu oiighm hsM.M.F .Ba'.aeaeo belonging to Archie Glenney andta$36 eepi.Ol$1.0Jnay1,12 a.ohr pol' aruet ar ooy thu annlwr Mran s GoBoksnd huadg dent and R. R. Waddell secretary. wsas ree etfrPio-Pe.W .Bret oiinhl yM.Pto n hseadnbd ae h u nwwoyuae lOýekn tle oei ikr w te Mr. Thomas McNeil spent eso-a oe.Acr fwo rdWo;W iePe.Wn i i h m Christmas at his daughter's, Mrs. a ree tab sett th - lgtsnoie nwweeyu av cmef ig.oret Mr.otof and wer Mrs.egong J. herJ.s.ByMeloreloroe roen-tal tertained rin members n ap rciton o T e s. G or e Miofl; C the eniato f rth SundaychT rot . e b o Schol eecutve nd he tachrs fort, enorsing teidnea s utini mc n ap df ParkMrtn St. hamnGe.Mr.FrW. osoem hogmetu Tuesdayer ae a te eepoe n afternoon, the main eventse pokestaledbeingg thechuch croinoe ad cinee in chrgof eMi ass . Davy. MissgeS rgo -D .bogt n adbruhti aog , secretary's report;rde neer scha r.N boy ftr l. ho ma' S Por-en1 ' Laren Thee wil bc o Un repSort, b y Mrs.R.E.Lan . In- 1t 95 hw4 irh,7mr nt oro u N.9by nlgty miclndt hn a .MCloghra h iue,1aesi S.Ltlwowopi ra ri gs n 9dah.Frtete oo rsl."tsJs c buteeio i 92 toe ee othe workb s of the5 n wn m nya o antu nro n c . r.assocu lyia- he "L t Ge r tion.ts, Canvassers eats.werepereappointed al. for i aquuead el smboyMrs.tesuersLogan rs Abetere- de ev en in g, se - com m ittee .u e t mi l , u T is i n i m t c q e a is-Mrs.a er b M s A L og anad S a es a and Mrs. Porters.J R A q ili g ash ld at M s.A t r were appointed r al ng is C a a oo l y; M reaa press committee. Helpingssues e hatit s hewithes RdCoswrwaaragda dikoMsF.Hl;Adtr-S 1 eto ebigaon gathering E . am. Te lb oedacotoftoncrnrgoodatngu hlswusedawrdntel hmclothingyon cho Nw t etr and quiltsath toia R- xhbtinsofdsbenin wleftoin lghat teblMiss ByGlnnBDavy's.e7 ws eal Orange Lodge Getsoe f ie-Oewol maiethtay e- Heew aeaai n192wthsi, n Cord ofebsies n x a gt.Ibea a aebd oal Wood in a "hn tenw o yoe col smwa Trouble *is Payent Fornt Roomarne yth rasabu htbiyl.Ohr o eymuh"-ad us icew tredsho n odrn Orono Red Cross metneedb findlesbisdprhp Thursday.en o.O e ayh w-tmbrwehvehd w tahes lsenn Areyo nrvusan Iriabe-ont % DwnFeon hand. Rev.e, potstd:"Bt Littlewood Smlean n w ireport-reposi y o u re lk e th a , a fth a t laftern oo n.on -B ill s bam o yu tin g, a d m n re l i P R n l , B w m n i l ; r a i g b g e s a h t a - ol e u c e o n . "A d h w m n i u e , Ing y ur w ole yste ni L t o $5 .60 wer1pad.O n dtly wt h od M$14.50li ; s l y M . pt e a e u . e e o e p s nt W e w r w t c bet r e i o s w You lve i te ares oga i .jo r elie.d $5 .00 a orde pre d t toa be?"Ili e t a becomes enfeebletheirtkindness dinaallowingdthe ir tae Schriolexctie ateteachalo goers work room. AfternonYeaswill on g Tuesdayer. MssWayinPevening.nNo scto o tebert msaheldantapssblastofme ureThursdaylsad f aros lof od aheach mstt nonfo skatrp ingeatyonasd held mntofh.ackoleeni 'ýutt ith- a hm rm hty Meodayeveing, writsgaes at er Chs rstmy asboes orta. going-awayhipdctl "fe hs aW a?"wihofr o wie.Ia utesr h oa-hd a eygadt omne.. otofu n dgadca theubchurchd(crokinole andn chiese o gtifs o o(of sweaterd and socks)l werevsulzd easamide-sc t tog 1a wnern ate hismshoiay mmne-mrkd3 cheks) for nomeons ates W hnre id "ofrY zo SyidoNe Morganllwl a ensu-h u ruh te eeig t ;zd cak ad I ca' lm rfe aul o eshl eo y ..W aesate ca ilk e th esk ats rtu r e rom The wElgin Seym u , H ry y ettfo eeecl u i it orfot se no teboso tei prat m n o e h rymin lunc and sigou él"ngwereard Aln et Tnat lf enjo aacyed orFrzsweew n CoprrrueTn a lnt aman uhipoe.Peetyh etwrdt a ets o ehn etil uht wr eh v rm iitrhma byàBettyyLi ton a d otA rh i Mc- ennant, rs A sin TunWilfredc bo tth t.IcaBigelownsam asa or, t .Jackhe em LarescnTeelbe no Unon Stoart, LRoy Mye ad H. W.tranda afml ine nta c a xetngacnin Are ouanervffos arn iriable-an 'tv edcesad1 i0 si or eat--tired outntofscolgrl' yces 'f hea alltefortheie hetn-imesb . eIfIh you pr keptat ,a ffaul ty l i er is oion-arle uM r B w n atn e h a y ol ae t a e aon aya d m l nig noib tm rig O rliver is nd uthe o rgetor an s uciniie"nT episew ateRe r s a nourt ed d 'tt i k mu h o h i e.bodaieyh n w a e a g tin t e l n an o ti p rantam to@ your rd sizalth.irgrts.sue esl ne tomund slstissuesond lan Isut.igadgv eoto o a unh y, ur bo y lackslth sme f mdde thist.thng is vrenergyi.) I av andnjy becomes en ebb en s l w ed--youthfulor hepas vim. odisasay A g a i o u rt S i m leve ratpo u rsa o u tl e fb ia eeptof d ig e s t c aeod , gret y f w seanl ow roe r nuiaishment. ellkeanw Lele Tomsn bs enin outyof order pop.tem ilston a n no rih et on .I o p d it th tri an bo e? Bu bo en w d y re l g p ir f lg i gst go v r stop- you'ra e w po so ne w ith .M s A . the w astet t r s i g l v r se d o to : thatb n m s e t l n . x l i n d w o I r c i al y e t n c . I a t y n a r u e s; s h n e ut i h decomposes ine urd a ha e bslyourie. intestines. Nervousr v on hu. - -l Newcastle Masonic Ladies' Night, Plaster ... STARTS REUEVING is den, sharp consciousness lof fact kidn til a f 0 rndYuipuieoe mrereda h Frday, Jan. 30th, and he present- right awayl ResuLdts deliht eve which we call realization. Then arys, unorth dd' Kid-dre. rs W ed the request, from the commit- old friend of VapoRub. what will happen? I do not know; auges "ted Dod' i. a he oehngaotal hsliei n Je Je, M ASON & II SON ~~~tee in charge, that No. 9 should TO GET a"Vlap0RubMasage"- nobody knows. It is not possible, neyk Dodd' Atonce ewhhwamon'har:se-e ubi again cater for this banquet, at a wthapoRutbfrhennes-oM e in these violent times, to forecasttakeDd ou" fengic ae lf othlv goSxC slightly .higher figure, to absorb VPORANTorIB-A e onBACK human reactions. One nve lcnwasedoot" repled by i uh iesa hee f ' fodpieiceae ic at as well as throat and chest _ tell exa.ctly what angry, desperate cla headed energy ars ep. hv adAal wmnter. The club accepted the re- spread a thick layero hs, or imspired people will do. H eadahbakce lsiu eanote P hone 68 1 B ow m anville quest and arrangements are un- cover with a war mned onc tBee Al r n in&o alykdny iapard.o 112n s der way convened by the presi- SURE to use genuine, time-tested OetinsiANtl yuto g ao •lykdes iapud 1 hehgetproeofitle-Bwa dent. GVICKS VAPORUB. ap I remember, about ten year-ag, Dodd sKidney Pills aPretkoideadmseygadhl hearing agroup of levearedof ioingr helfNgvliside. hlrn