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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1942, p. 10

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1942 S-- . -- -- - -------,.......r, r.,snAfltfl PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~UW1VLti±N VLLd~. ~J1N J.1WI'.J _________________ The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 T n:M UMM MMMwMý' Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey, Brook- Assistants, Edwin Hancock, Jeanlu lin, visited her sister, Mrs. Herb. Bonathan; Recreation Commîittee Brown, on Sunday.-Jh ikrGre ikd CO I E NT Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs -ndohnieRikad, HGarnSith C MNG EN S C J. E. Johnston, Emily St., on thead Eni eilbanof eein Sih ______________ bîrth o! a daughter on Jan. 6th. led wi a period o! rereto, f Miss Agnes Macphaîl will ad- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford have trwihlnhwssre. dress a meeting o! the Darlîngton returned fromn holidaying with Federation of Agriculture in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aerhart, To- NEWCASTLE RED CROSS amtn ntdChchoWe- 2 ronto. OFFICERS nesday, Jan. 2lst, at 7.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hooper, standard time. Ail interested come t Bowmnanville , spent New Year's At a largely attended and en- earîy if you expect to get a seat.1 V day with their son, Mr. M. F. thuiastic meeting of Red Cross 3-1 a Hooper, and family. workers in the Counicil Chamnber I MsJ.W Genywho has on Friday evening, these, off icers Members of Newtonville Wo- 5 been troubled with her eyes since w'ere eîected for 1942:rHo. Pres. men's Institute wiîî please note f early last f aIl, has been going to -Miss Annie Drummond; Pres. that the date o! the next meeting, f Oshawa to have them examined. Miss Beatrix McIntosh; lst Vice obhedaMr.S Lnst', Mr. R. E. CumigBSouhVA c Pres.Mrs. P~ . Hare; See'k has been changed !rom Jan. 2lst 6 ricultural Instructor at the Sot iee.Mrs. P. Haibon, re; Sec y.-s to Tuesday, Jan. 2th. 3-f Monaghan Schooi o! Agriculture, Ms .W.Gbo;Tra.M5 was a weekend guest o! his cou- Ethel Lockhart; Members of Exe- okigsl adatr sins, Mrs. W. H. Cooke and Miss cutive: United Church-Mrs. Har- Hoom ecooing St aulleendatue Ret Ioeod Tomns, Mrs. C. R. Carveth; St. no e nS.Pu' etr Reta Coupoke. haebe onsR .Cuc-r.Wn room, Jan. l7th, under auspices- The yung eoplehavebMinJshn'nR.e Chur nefMs m.o! Group 1. 3-1 enjoying a lot o! good skating at Kenefick, MisAneAeeik the Lower Marsh this winter. St. George's Church-Mrs. W. H. The annual dance of Brown's t They have presented a request to Gibson, Miss Horrocks; Chairman Home and School Association, in D the municipal counicil for somne o! Çanipaign ÇonitteeDr. J.Newcastle Hall on Frîday, Janu- electrie lighting. A. Butler. r 23rd. Tierney's Orchestra, Miss Rena Thomas bas been Reeve C. R. Carveth presided Admission 50e per person, lunch S missed fromi the Post Office this for election o! officers and Miss included. Proceeds for war work. past week. She has been kept at Wylma FaroBrwns ws1I home througb illncss, as have ection secretary. Miss B. Mcn- 31 many more in the village. Mrs. tosh presided througbout the rest Dance, cards and crokînole in t Jamnieson has been helping the of the evening at whicb splendid Tyrone Hall on Friday, Jan. 23rd. Postmaster witb. his duties. reports, coverîng aIl the past Music by Fletcber's Orchestra. Stanley Brown, R.C.A.F., To- ycar's activities, were presented. Admission 25e per person. Pro-- ronto, and Gnr. Harold Brown, More details next week. ceeds for war work. 3-1 Brantford, were with their par -ingoadthe__________e ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Brown. NTDCUC .A ai rga,"i a ht" I Another son, Milton G., who en-: UNIESITE HUCio.A. Bng ad fheAKan Seler, listed as a Signaller in the R.C.A. under the directinoKeSbls T.C., is overseas. The other two As-will be held in the Armouries, 1 o! their five boys are cngaged in United Church Womnan's so rdyeei5 aur 6h n wrwr.ciation met Jan. 8th, wbcn Rev. dridha spvcesngf Janary 6t, 3un- Newcastle Horticultural Society R E Mrtn nsaledth ofiCdr .he auspices frlatoo 4,32 will hold its annual meeting and cers. In addition to the officers Co.VGC'nIteGrs a eletin ! fficers in the council elected at the Decemrber meeting, Service Club.oRefreshmnt bPo-t chamber on Monday evening, reported inafomrisetendalofh ecokg.P- January 19tb, at 8 o'clock. Mr. president, Mrs. J. H-. Jose, wascedfo awrk3- John F. Clark, Lecturer in Horti- appointed W. A. representative on culture, wili give an illustratced the Churcb's Officiai Board. AlsoMageieSSmtb v.D - address. Evcrybody invitcd. the following werc namned a Flow- RguDerite .SmtyRv. - 3-1 er and Church Decorating Comn-R.ewny Ouratenionha ben aledmittee: Mesdames C. A. Cowan, August 16-John F. Mutton and - Ou tetiomtnas be aldJ. A. Awde, Jack Glover and Dig- Leona Gertrude Hear, by Rev. D. tth nopeeeso! the list, R. Dcwdney. C in The Statesmnan of Jan. ist, of mnan. Sept. 6-Milton Percîvai Web- the Young people who joincd in Mrs. T. A. Rodger read the ster and Ethel Isobel Rodgers, by providing the flowcrs for the Mrs. scriptuýre. Reports !rom the four Rev. Roy H. Rickard. J. A. Butler memorial vase in the grnups showed that they had Sept. 6-Garnet Baker Rickard United Church on the Sundays of handed in $10165. Total receipts and Annabelle Erskine Hendry, Dec. 28th and Jan. 4th. Neil Brit- foCerwr $2.4 eort- by Rev. Roy H. Rickard. ton's namne was omittcd, also fromn the Christmas Cheer Cm Sept. il-Allen Geo. H. Smith Frank Hoar's. mîttee showcd that after spendîflg and Elsie Maude Anderson, by "Thumbs Up" group of C.G.I.T. part. of the $10.00, given to the Rcv. D. R. Dewdney. met Jan. Slth. The theme was association by Mr. James Ingram. o.1CitnRyFro, "Christianity in China." Mrs. Mc- to bring cheer to local agcdd and Ao.1cy An ownRy FR.R. Col gave a short talk about shut-in people, the balance a n c n oeb e.R China. Letters wcre read fromn donated to The Telegram's Fundi . No.9To.W.ilnad the shut-ins who rcceived boxes for British Childrcn. Association EstberJune Bo.Wn.byiRev.nR.nE o! Christmas cheer especially pre - voted $25.00 more to the Church Mothro n on. yRv.R .ti pared for thcm by the C. G. I. T. Current Fund and voted ta serve Norov. 2-adnFakSto girls. The Study Book "Tales refrcshmeflts at the Congrega- aNdoE.sieMaran retRadnkbyRevtoa from Free China" was taken by tional meeting Jan. 28th. R.d E iMrton. Ra, yRe. Mrs. McCùll. Program consisted of a reading R.eEatoton A. W. Glcnney, who had hîs by Mrs. Fred Graham; piano duet Dah chopping and rolling miii. on King by Mrs. M. Hooper and Mrs H. Jan. 14-Josepb Toms f St. destroyed by fire on Jan. th, M. McColl; reading, Christmas the Jan. 19-William Howard Cooke tl had the misfortune ta have the Wholc 'Year, by Mrs. Hl. C. Allin; Jan. 28-Aninabel Swima big Diesel engine that pravides solo, Carry On. by Mrs. C. A. Jan. 28-Sarah Ann Thompson0 the power for his Baldwin St. miii Cowan, witb aIl joining in the Fcb. 1O-Elinda Eilbcck b ptout o! commission temporari- chorus. Mrs. Percy Brown's group Mar. lO-Ida Christene Butler d ly by Jack Frost. On one o! these provided the program and menu. Ba.1-lacburnatein recent zero weather nîghts the Ap. l2-acrgaetSapa ter wsqunoethdatied off with VITAL STATISTICS May 7-Elizabeth Morton thace onseuene hat i fro ndFOR 1941 July 17-Jonathan Appleby being repaired. This was at the Ad former W. N. Bucklcy Miii which Births 1, Marriages 14, Deaths 1l Aug. 4-Anson Earl Walton M.Genybought and has been Tefc htol n it The late Ex-Councillor Frank Mpr Glnne s alTefc ta nyoebrhGibson died in Bowmanville Hos-1 W. M. S. met in the S. S. Hall was registered in Newcastle last pital and bis death is not register-r Jan. 5tb, with President Mrs. Nor- year gives no concept of the vil- cd here.1 man Aluin in the chair who an- lag's natural increase in popula-1 nounced the theme for the year tion. There were quite a number PROBATIONERS RECEIVE 1 "The Faith by which we live" and of cildren born ta Newcastle par- CAPS1 for the month "We live by' faitb ents but most o! the birtbs took ____ in God tbrougb the Holy Spirit." place in Bowmanvillc Hospital, or There are twclvc happy girls An carnest prayer for guidance elscwhere, and werc not register- among the nurses -in -training at and direction wvas given by Rev. cd here. The only irth register- thc Oshawa General Hospital ba- R. E. Morton, after wbich lie con- cd wibb Cierk H. C. Bonathan was day. Tbcy feel that they have ducted the impressive service of that o! Everet Clare Lake, son o! reacbed a difficuit and prized goal, theintalatonof ffces. pln-Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lake, born we hypse u ftepo did yearly reports were given th villae tas been anc bationary period and bave become the secretaries. Mrs. Mclowred b aei92 juniors in tbc training school. A the scripture and Miss Ferguson Marriages colorful ceremony marked the led in prayer. A duet "Another April i0-Frank Rd. Parker and event o! "the capping o! the pro- year is dawning" was sung by Florencc E. Eddy, by Rev. R. E. bics," wbich was held in bbc Nur- Mrs. H. Toms and Mrs. H. Pearce. Morton. ses' residence, Jan. 6th. Those United Cburch Y. P. U. met April 26-Trumnan H. Clark and twelve girls hiave come ta the Jan. 5tb wben these officers were Gertrude Arnold, by Rev. R. E. hospibal for their training f rom elected: President-Ross A 11i n; Morton. points as far wcst as Alberta and Vice President-Mariory Lycett; June 7-Arthur Raymond Wat- as far east as Quebec. Onc o! the Secretary-Treasurer-Wylma Far- son and Irene Thelma Salanius, nurses who reccived ber cap, Miss raw; Assistant Sccretary-Helefl by Rcv. D. R. Dewdncy. Marion Trew o! Oshawa, is a sis- Hooper; P i a n i s t-Betty Allun; June 14-John R. Lowery and ber o! a graduate o! the hospital, Christian Fellowship Convener- Velma J. Cowan, by Rcv. R. E. and who is at present a staff mcm- Evelyn Alun; Assistants, Reta Morton. ber. Miss Trew is a daughter o!f Powell. Louise Hancock; Christian June 21-Kenncth Edgar Harris a former Clarke girl, Miss Cora Citizensbip Convener-D o n a 1 d and Hazel Isobel Spence, by Rcv. Bryson o! Kendal. Miss Patricia Jase; Assistants, Kay Toms, Kay J. M. Crisali. Pearce o! Newcastle made the M i n t o; Missionary Convener- July 21-Robert J. H. Mccks bigbest average marks in tbeory Helen Smith; Assistants, Reta Gar- and Phyllis Joyce Freeman, by and practice, and Miss Hilda Pet- don, Stanley Allun; Christian Cul- 1Rcv. R. E. Morton. erson f rom Manitoba stood the ture Convener-Margaret Pearce;1 July 26-John B. Burbidge and highcst in practical nursing. I I e<JURY &LOVELL Makes 1942 Resolutions Our basic service centres around you-our patrons-and our reso- lution is to offer you extra in ail branches of our service. VITAMIN NECESSITIES GUARD AGAINST COLDS Puretest Cod Liver Oil --------- 75c - $1.25 Rum, Honey and Cod Liver 011 ----- 49e - 98e Vitamin Bi Tablets ----.------ 79e - $1.00 Mead's Cod Liver 011-------- 50e - 75c - $1.00 Waterbury'8 Compound -- ------------- 75e Mead's lOD Cod Liver 011ý-------- 555c - $1.70 Wampoie'S Extract of Cod Liver 011 Mead's Oleum Peroomorphum Tabs. 75c-$2.50 bottie ------------ ---------------$1.00 4-Square MInerai Oli-Specili price Kepler Malt with Cod Liver 011 75c -$1.25 16 oz -------3 9 40 oz -------- 9C When we test eyes it la done properiy. poe778 M V el The Rexali Drug Store 'lassified Ad Rates one cent a word cash, each insertion (minimnum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra la rnade when advertisement is not paid same week as Iser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are dlrected ta, aStatesman box number. Dirths, deaths and marriages 50e each. in Memorlams, 50c for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Classlfied adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTIlS ASCOE-In Bawmanvilie Hospi- tai, on January l2th, 1942, ta MVr. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe (nec Eva Jobns), Hampton, the gift o! a son. 3-1* 'ENCER-In Port Hope Hospi- tai on January ltb, 1942, tc Flying Officer and Mrs. Thomas F. Spencer, thbc gi!t o! a daugh- ber. (Father now serving ir Newfoundland).- 3-1 DEATIIS MITH-On December iSth, 1941, George T. Smnitb, o! Temuco, Chule, Soutb America, aged 74 years. Native o! Durham Coun- ty, Canada. EEPHENS-In Westan, on Janu- ary lOth, 1942, Celia *Rawen: Stephens, beloved daughter af Charlotte and bbc late William G. Stephens, Hampton. IN MEMORIAM 'OOKE - In iaving memory ci William Howard Cooke, New. castle, who departed this lifE January l9th, 1941. God took him home, it was HiK wibl, But in aur hearbs he lîveth still -Sadly misscd by wif e anÉ daugbter Reita. 3.1 Cards of Thanks the Newcastle and Orono firemen nd ahl those who helped ta con- trb bbc recent f ire at tbc mibb. 31 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin and family o! Haydon wish ta express bheir appreciation for bbc many icta o! kindness and expressions if sympathy and condolence ex- cendcd by frienda and neighbors during the recent ilîneas and lcatb o! their beioved daughterl and sister Anne. 3-i* ENGAGEMENT ment o! their eldeat daugbter, Ursul Lorcen, ta Mr. Donald Wil- liamn MacKenzie, son o! Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MacKcnzie, Boissevain, Manitoba. The wedding ta take place bbc end o! January. TAKE NOTICE Ce n al grcutiag ocietyrham benta heldi lTonallSonot onl Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1942, at 1.30, p.m. standard time. Election of officers, reports of the year's busi- ness and any other matters of policy and general interest for the coming year will be considered. Neil Mutton, M. H. Staples, President. Secy.-Treas- 3-1 AUCTIrON SALE Friday, Jan. 23, 1942, Fred S. Phillips, Lot 3, Concession 3, Dar- lington, will seli by auction his farm stock and implements, in- cluding 6 cows, 2 baby beef, 10 sheep, brood sow and quantity of hay. Sale at 1 p.m. S.T. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 3-1 Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap tires, any size. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Call 467. 2-itf WANTED - A MARRIED MAN would like to rent a good farn with stock and machinery on it and good land, not too f ar frorr Bowmanville. Write Box 31, co The Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 3-1* THE SOLD SAT THESE STORES Hamptn: G. A. Barron & Son. Ennikillen: T. M. Siemon & Son Burketon: Harold Gill. Biackatack: Alex. Gilbert. Nestleton: J. G. 'rhompson. Pontypool: W. hl. Hoaper. Orano: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonvilie: W. C. Lane & Ca. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jcwel, J. H. Johnstan, Jury& Laveli. Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugless Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanvllle Electricai Treatments - Spinal Adjustmcnbs and Massage. 46-7 FG FO c s I P .n OR Ap vil. al chý asl tul Ai ph~ tiRE- w i,-w-- Articles For Sale ZSALE - OLDSMOBILE '28, >tor excellent, new tires, $50. pply Leslie Darch, Bowman- le. 31 :SALE-WE HAVE SEVER- good used Washers, priced to ar while they last, rebult ad guaranteed. This is your ance. Apply Mason & Dale, sk for Mr. Lander. 3-1 RSALE-i PR. MEN'S C.C.M. ibe speed skates, size 8, $8.00. ,ply Murray Bate, Brown St., hone 613. 3-1 lent condition. Heater. Appby, J. M. or L. E. Rowe, George St., Bowmanville, phone 2659. 3-l* 'OR SALE - ONE ONLYE- gine drive Washcr, like new, big reductian in price. Don't wait tili there are no mare. Ap- ply at once ta Mr. Lauder, Ma- son & Dabe's. 3-1 INOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yaours from aver 300 patterns actually in stock. Yau are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae South, Osh- awa. 46-tf 'OR SALE - BEATTY WHITE porcelain tub, like new, moving out o! district. Will seli for balance awing. Apply Beatty Wasber Store, Oshawa, phonE 2082. 3-1 TIRES -VULCANIZED- TIRES -Put thousands o! miles int< yaur tires by having them Vul- canized. Wc have a good staci o! reconditioned tires. SaVE money. Add miles ta your tires G. F. Jamiesan Tire Shop, on( block west o! Post Office. 51-1 )SHAWA'S NEW FURNITUR] Store - Everything in mcderr cbestel-field, bedroom, dinin suites, and studios. Bedding anc floor coverings a speciabty Qualiby merchandise at coni petitive prices. Before buyinj visit Bradley's New Furnitur Store, 156 Simcac St. S., Osli awa. 46-t HeIp Wanted WANTED-A GIRL FOR GEN' eral bouscwork in Toront< gond home; good wagea. WriI Box 29, Statesman Office. 2 HELP WANTED-GIRL OR WC man for part time housewar] no cvenings. Phone 436 or 85, HELP WANTED-A WOMAN O' girl for generai housework, 1 slcep out. Write stating e:. perience and wagcs ta Box N 30, Statesman Office, Bowmar ville. 3-1 HELP WANTED-FIRST CLAS carpenter, machiniat and e trical helper. Steady empla: ment. Appiy in persan or wri îng sbating age and experien( ta Eldorado Gold Mines, Pc Hope. 2 MAN WANTED - FOR GOC Watkins Route. Sbcady custax crs. Must be boneat and re able, bave car or means O! gE bing anc. Na capital or expei ence required. Write The J. Wabkins Company, Dept. O-B. 2177 Masson Street, Montreý Que.2 QTPoWn 0FBOMAVLLE ADJOURNED SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES will take place on Friday, the 23rd day of January, 1942 Pursuant to instructions fromn the Town Council, the Corpor- ation of the Town of Bowmanville under the provisions of Section 157 of the Assessment Act, here- by gives notice o! its intention to purchase such of the lands offer- ed at the said adjourned sale as may be deemed advisable and in the interests of the Town, if the sums offered for said lands are less than the arrears due, or if no price is offered.A.J ye Treasurer Town Treasurer's Office Bowmanville, Jan. 14th, 1942 TOWN OF BOWMANVIELLE ADJOURNED SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES Notice is hereby given that the adjourned sale of lands which were offered for sale on the 6th day of January, 1942, will be held on Friday, the 23rd day of Janu- ary, 1942, at 2 .00 p.m. (D.S.T.) in the Council Chambers at the Town Hall in the Town of Bow- manville, by public auction at which time the said lands or such of thern as shaîl not have been re- deemed in the meantime will be offered for sale pursuant to the provisions of Section 157 of the Assessment Act. The warrant authorizing such sale for taxes was produced- at the sale upon the 6th day of January, 1942, and was pubiished in the Ontario Gazette, October 4th, 1941, andi in the Canadian Statesman, once a month for three months. A list of the lands to be offered for sale may be seen and further information required may be ob- tained at the office of the under- signed. A- T - Town Treasurer's Office January A4th, 1942. 3-1 Lost Business Service $500 REWARD FOR RETURN USED CLOTHE TELIEI o! tiny female bull dog, bast cleaned and pressed like new. Saturday at Newcastle, black Wc aiso carry new goods. We and white, name Buster. Had arc carrying a large stock o!f brass trimmed collar, Lindsay suits, Fali and Winter coats, tag, (Mrs. C. J. Mintz) inside pants, windbreakers, etc. A caU collar. Apply next door Ly- will convince you. Don't miss man's store for owner, Mrs. C. this place. Sami Schwartz, 21 J. Mîntz, Newcastle, Ont. 3-1* Bond St. W., Oshawa. 50-8-4* Persoiial Real Estate For Sale PERSONAL RUBBER GOODS- SMALL FARM FOR SALE-12½ Mailed postpaid, in plain, sealed acres o! choice land witb frame envelape, with price list. Adults bousc, barn, lien bouse, Hydro, only. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples water, 75 apple rees in gond $1.00. Please state age. Atex condition, 10 acres in winter Rubber Ca., Box 231, Hamniltan, wheat, close ta Newcastle, on- Ont. 2-8 gond road. Possession April lst. Apply ta owner, R. Osborne, NOTICE Newcastle. 3-1 NEWCASTLE CHOPPING MILL ivsok orSl c Ail grinding and crusbing donc LivsokfrSl now at the former Buckley Mil1. Capacity 50 bags per bour.Se FOR SALE-8 PIGS 3 MONTHS P providcd at the mili for teams. old. Apply Stcvc Rausa, R. R L Telepones: Clarke 2612, Clarke Bowmanvile. 31 - 331 A.W.Glcnc. 3l*FOR SAL.E - A BARGAIN ON three docs and a buck o! An- r Notice to Creditors gara rabbits with purebrcd pa- IN TE ESATE F Wiliam per. Writc ta Mr. Roy Hartwig, B INTHEESTAE O Wiliam Bowmanvilie Post Office. 3-1* eArthur VanCamp, late o! the _________________E Township o! Cartwright, in the For Rent County o! Durham, in the Pro -_____________ vince o! Ontario, Farmer, Deceas- FOR RENT - 3 ROOMS FOR 9ed. rent. Phone 2385. 3-1 ýr Creditars and athers having y dlaims against the above estate e are required ta send full particu- Wilson's Furniture Co. l lars o! such dlaims to the under- - signed on or before the 9tli day o! JanuaryFurniture Sale S February, 1942, after which date Ws hpeswudd elt ýo the Estate's assets will be distri- Ws hpeswudd elt 1- buted, bavîng regard only ta avail themnselves of aur low pricedr k dlaims that have been received, specials. Very large selectian from t ,e and the Executors wili be respon- aur twa stores. Wilson's valuesj ssible for no other dlaims. lead the market. Ée LAWRENCE C. MASON, Bar- Gift Suggestions _rister, Etc. King Street- West, Cedar chests, book cases, lamps, jBowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor fancy cushions, end tables, che- for the Executars. 2-3 nille bedspreads, smokers, coffee tables, occasional chairs, doli gd No>tice to Creditors prams. Hundreds o! other gifts Y. at Wilson's lower prices. 1In the Estate o! Caroline Miranda Inner Spring Mattresses Lg Brown, deeeased. $9.95--Spring filled mattresses in re Ail persans baving dlaims heavy striped ticking, roll edge, 1-against ,the estate o! Carabine handles and ventilators. Ail sizes. tf Miranda Brown, late o! the Vil- Wonderful values. -lage o! Newcastle, in the County Floor Coverlng Speclals o! Durham, dcceased, who died - on or about the 23rd day o! No- $i.49-New borderless rugs, 6 ft. - vembcr, 1941, are hereby notifîed by 9 ft. You wîll find at Wilsan's 0; ta scnd in ta W. Ross Strike, everything in floor caverings. te oliito fr te eector' Bw-Personal attention toa ah your 2 manville, Ontaria, on or before locveigpbem.Iads the 3lst day o! January, 1942, full congoleums, feltols, heavy lino- :)_ artculrs f thir lains. leum. Ail widbhs. Wilson's prices katclaso herdis are îower. Î4 Immediateiy after the said 3ist 1- day o! January, 1942, the assets Trade-In Departmerat - a! the testatrix wili be distributed Jammed full - hundreds o! gaod )R amongst the parties entitled used furniture bargains. We must ta thereto , having regard only ta, make room at once regardless o! c- dlaims o! which the said soicitor price - Chesterfield Suites, Dmn- [o. for the executar shahl then have inag Suites, Kitchen C ab in e ts, a- notice. Dressers, Beds, Rugs, Stoves, l* Dated at Bowmanville this îsth Couches, etc. It will pay you ta -day a! January, 1942. visit aur stores. 3S W. Rosa Strike, Wilson's Furniture Co. ýc Solicitor for tbc Executor, ý_ Bawmanville, Ontario. 40 King W. 20 Chureh St. it- 3-i1 OSHAWA. 46-tf ,ce rt -2 )D g R. ý-9' ýai, Legal f.G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L.B. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Ioney to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmaflville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Publie - Etc. Law in all its branches Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. office: Jury Jùbilee 3ldg., Bowmaflville. Office hours 9a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House Phone 883 X-Ray Equîpmeflt in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F..F. Morris Co. Mlodern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers ELMENR WILBUR Hamptoni - Ontario Specializiflg in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date to: Bowmanville 2428 CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskiflen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales. Consuit me for terms and dates. 50-tf Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinariali Church St. - Bowmalvlille Phone 843 29 tf ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, wonderfuliy versatile e n t e r' taliier, for your next entertain-j ment. Illustrated circular free. - Address - I i628b Crawford Street, Toronto TIme Canàadian- Statesman - i Done By Experts AT FAIR PRICES 1 Good printing is an essential to most business- men and to many private individuals. We are equipped with fine, modern printing machihery manned by expert craftsmen, and are in a posi- tion to offer fine printing at fair market prices. You'II find printing done to the mostexacting standards when it's done by us, and you'Il fin'd also that it's done economically. I il PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIU L ------------- mmàlà r s , 0 ýf s s n it n 1 l 1 le 1 - 1 C.N.R. Tickets -..M;» ~- .~ * *-.- *,. ~ '~ YÀ WÀ ilA 74, -i

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