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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1942, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. George A. Salter Honored on Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. George Salter, ronto, Mrs. W.,Hoi-bs of Bowman- Bond St. East, Oshawa, were the ville, Mrs. N. Hayes of Bowman- recipients of many gifts and tok- ville, and three brothers, William ens of congratulations when they of Oshawa, Thomas of Bowman- cele."rated the fiftieth anniversary ville, and Moses Lymer of Dar- o f their wedding day on Jan. 3rd. lington. A reception was held at their The many guests, who included homne in the afternoon and even- the senior members of the Oshawa ing and many friends and rela- Fire flepartment and representa- tives cal]ed to honor this popular tives of the City Council, were Oshawa couple. welcomed at the door by Mrs" J. 4 .Elizabeth Lymer, daughter of Scilley, who was also in charge of iMr. and Mrs. Moses Lymer, and the guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Sal- George Albert Salter, son of Mr. ter received in the living room, and Mrs. Isaac Salter, were mar- which was gay with bouquets of ried in Courtice on January 3rd, Talisman roses, yellow and bronze 1892. They lived for one year fol- mums, carnations and other flow- lowing their marriage in Courtice, ers, gifts of friends and relatives. and then moved to Pickering The living room was decorated where they lived for six years. with yellow streamers and the Comning to Oshawa in 1899, Mr. bride and groom of fifty years ago Salter immediately joined the received under çL canopy of yeflow Oshawa Fire Department, of streamers from which a white which he remained a member un- wedding bell was suspended. tii bis retirement a few years ago. The table was centred with a They became members of King wedding cake and with a bouquet Street United Church, and Mrs. of large yellow mums, which had Salter was an active member of been received from Calgary, the the Woman's Association for a gift of their son, Mr. Fred Salter. number of years. Mrs. W. Hendrie poured tea, and They have seven children and the assistants were Misses Joan, twelve grandcbildren. The chil- Joyce and Hazel Salter. dren are Roy of Oshawa, Fred of Gifts received by Mr. and Mrs. Calgary, Melville of Toronto, Al- Salter during the day included ten bert of Belleville, Lloyd of Osha- bouquets of flowers, a radio, elec- wa, Mrs. W. Doyle (May) of To- triec dock, table and lamp, from ronto, and Mrs. H. Lesy (Doris) of their cbildren, a gold cigarette Oshawa. Mr. Salter has three case from the senior members of brothers. Jim of Chicago, Wesley the Fire Department, a cheque of British Columbia and Gordon from a former member of the Salter of Oshawa, and one sister, 84th Regiment, which was station- Mrs. Russell Luke of Tyrone. Mrs. ed in Oshawa in the last war. a Salter's mother, Mrs. Lymer, who oin from Mrs. Hendrie and Mrs. is 92 years of age, is living in Bow- Wilson, and a silver cream and manville. Mrs. Salter bas three sugar set from Mrs. F. Harris, and sisters, Mrs. Robert Hill of To- many otber gifts. A Way to Serve ... and a Way to MJAKE MO NEY I N THESE DAYS we are overcrowding. That's bad ahl anxious to serve our business. But we do suggest country's b e s t interests. that you should use ahl the But we are ahl increasingly p oulIt ry equipment you conscious, too, tbat "money have, to the limit. Start al makes the mare go." So it's the good chicks you have mighty pleasing and im- accommodation for, early.. portant, too, to find a way just as soon as you can get to serve, and at the same your brooder bouse cleaned time break more than even. up, tightened up, and ready. Both the egg and broiler Here's one way, "made to markets look s0 promising order": Fill ail the brooder that you can't afford to ov- space you have with eariy erlook tbis really extra- chleks . .. the best you can special profit possibility; buy. and there's practical patriot- These huge British orders ism in it, as well as prof it. for eggs at a price ranging Naturally, when y ou 'r e between 28.79c and 32.12e choosing your good chicks, per dozen, Grade A-Large, we would like to have you at Canadian seaboard, and consider Bray C h i cks. the Dominion Government They're g o od c h i cks. subsidy of 3c per dozen on They've done a real profit. Grade A-Large bought for making job for others. They export, have put a defînite ought to do the same for "floor" under Canadian egg you. Get your orders in prices. Unless we miss our early. guess by a mighty wide ___________ margin, Winter and Spring egg prices, this year, wiîî Extra Income hold at least 7c, and prob- Couid ?ou use somne extra rably 10e per dozen above Incomne ta 12 weeks tram those of a year ago. That's now? You can get it easlly enough if yau have broader a paying difference, and it roomn for soame extra Bray appears likely to continue. 1190%"1 cockerel a' Check Up on the prîce of braodera, and We don't suggest over-ex- youli 80soon,,se what.we mean, n dollars and cents. panding, overloading, or _____________ DRAY CHRICK HATCHEIRY (FRED W. BRAY, LIMITED) JACK HUDSON, Orono; WILFRED RICHARDSON, Pontypool; AGENTS or F. L. BYAM, Tyrone or John St. North, Hamilton, Ont. Llfe's swell - when you keep well wlth POST'S BRAN F1'5FLAKES pBjF-s pkgs. for 25e Good Humor Puffed Wheat 4 for 25c Good size Oranges doz. 25e Phone Us ! A cali to 596 brlngs our store to your door Hourly deIivery is our answer to your de- mand for service. Take ad- vantage of these facilities ORDER BY PHONE FRESH FISH and COLD MEATS always on hand TANGERINES, dozen.............. 25c TALLMAN SWEETS, 6 qt. basket ... 35c NEW CARROTS, bunch ............ 10c GRAPEFRUIT, each..................Se lErnie Luini Phone 596 Dellvery Service Weddings Campbel-Tamblyn A quiet wedding took place on Friday evaning, January 9th, 1942, at Trinity United Church Parson- age, Bowmanville, when Mildred Elizabeth (Betty), only daughtar of Mr. and Mrs. Morica W. Tamb- lyn, Bowmanville, becama th e brida of Mr. Gordon Ronald (Buck) Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Campbell, 0f Toronto. Rav. J. E. Griffith officiatad at the ceremony. The brida was gowned in a street-length dress of turquoise crepe, and black accassorias, witb corsage of talisman rosas. She was attanded by Mrs. Jack Ailin, Bow- manvilla, who wora a quaan's blue drass, black accassorias and cor- sage of pink rosas. The groom was supported by Mr. Jasper Smitb, Aurora. After the caramony a reception was held at the homa of the brida's parants whare about forty friands and relatives ware present. Those serving at the reception wara friands of the bride, Misses Dorothy Nichols, Betty Rica, Barnica Gay and Rata Bennett. Later tha happy coupla laft amid showars of confetti on a short honaymoon trip, the brida wear- ing a black and turquoise dress, beige coat, and black accessonias. Previous to han marriage the brida was the guest of honor at saveral showars, ona at tha homa of Miss Graca Rundle when about fifteen enjoyed a dinnar party and latar a shower of cups and saucers was givan the brida-to-be. Miss Dorothy Nichols, Mrs. J. AI- lin and Mrs. M. Oka wera joint hostesses at the formar's home to about tbirty friands of the brida, 1whan sha was the recipient of a beautiful eidarrlown. She was also entartained, with friands, to a din- nar party and handkarcbiaf show- ar at the home of Mrs. W. Cola. Ellicott-Yellowlees The first wedding to be held in Eldad Church since At was built over 85 years ago, was solamnized on the afternoon of January 3rd, when Jassia Susanna, daughtar of Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Yaiioav- lees, Enniskillen, was unitad in marriage with Ivan Randai, son 0f Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ellicott, Brougham. The church was beau- tifully dacoratad with evergneens intarsparsad with yellow and white mums, and the caremony was performed by Rav. Walter Rackham of Hampton. Miss Ileen Balson played the wedding music and Miss Kathleen Baker sang "Becausa"l during the signing 0f the ragistar. The brida, givan in marriage by ber father, looked iovely in a street lengtb frock 0f heavanly blue crepa with matcbing bat and navy accessories. Sha carried a bouquet of pink roses and carna- tions with f arn. The brîda's atten- dant, Miss Elizabeth Paterson, Ot- tawa, chose a Street length gown 0f rosa crepa with brown hat and brown accessories. Her nosegay was of white and pink carnations. The groom's brother, Mr. Allan Ellicott, attanded himn as best man, and the ushers wera Messrs. Nail and Donald Yellowlees, brothars of the brida. The members of the C.G.I.T. formad a guard of bonor for the bride and groom as thay laf t tha churcb, the bride baing a former membar of this organiza- tion. At the raception beld at the home of the bride's parents, the. brida's mother raceived in a gown of Airforce blue crepa with navy accassorias and corsage of yellow carnations. Sha was assistad by the groom's mothar who wore mauve crepe with black acces- sonias and corsage of yeliow car- nations. Friands of the brida and groom who assisted at the necep- tion were Mrs. WîlI Ashton, Mis- ses Giadys and Helen Yeilowlaes, and Mrs. Gao. Graham, cousins of the bride, and Misses Margaret Bnackanridge, Kathleen Baker and Muriel Langmaid. Following the reception the brida changad to ber travelling costume of raspberry Kasha wool drass, black coat with kolinsky squinrel tnim, and black acces- sonias, and they left on thair wad- ding trip to points west. Thay will rasida in Trenton. , Pnavious to ber marriaga tha bride was prasanted with a silven relish dish by bar girl friands in Oshawa at the home of Mrs. Nail Faît. Miss Ilean Balson was host- ess at a miscallaneous shower, and Mrs. Gerry Glaspeli and Miss Helen Yahiowîaas, Columbus, an- tartainad at the latter's home when the bride was guast of bonor at a kitchen sbowar. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe on the arrivaI of a baby boy at Bowmanville Hos- pital. W. A. mat at Mrs. Alf 'Ayra's on Wadnesday. The weatbar was cold and not a vary large attan- dance. Tbey quilted a quilt and had a nice social time together. Durham County Music Festival SYLLABUS FOR 1942 Festival to be held in BOWMANVILLE, MAAY 12 - 13- 14 f CLASSES AND TEST PIECES - PART 1i Open to, Province of Ontario Choral 1. Mixed Chorus (Not less than 20 or more than 50 voices)- "Star of Descending Night" - Emerson No. 4201 (Ditson). 2. Mixed Scbool Chorus for Changing Voices (any number includ- ing Grades IX and X) - "Steal Away" - a cappella - Bk. VII Singing Period (Waterloo). Vocal Quartettes 3. Male Quartette - "Sing me a Chanty with a Yo-Heave Ho", - O'Keefe _ Wellesley No. 0184 (Fox Pub. Co.) 4. Ladies' Quartette - "The Nightingale" - Tschaikowsky - No. 592 Laurel Octavo - (Birchard). 5. Mixed Quartette - "The Miller of the Dee" arr. H. A. Chambers Western Choral Series No. 201 (Western Music Co.) Band and Band Instruments 6. Band - "Twilight Overture" - Arr. F. J. St. Clair - (Waterloo Music Co.). 7. Cornet Solo - "Lîlac in June" - Arr. Chas. O'Neill (Waterloo).c 8. Trombone Solo - "Orcbids" - Arr. H. Hill (Waterloo).1 9. Clarinet Solo - "Long, Long Ago" - Ritter - W.1551S (Carl Fischer)1 10. Brass Quartette - "Village Chimes" - Arr. Paul DeVille - Im-t pariai Brass Quartette Album (Whaley Royce).1 11. Harmonica Band - Any instrumentation - A and B numbers -r Own choice.i Piano 12. Piano Solo - "Butterfly Waltz" - Ernast Seitz (Schirmer). Violin 13. Violin Solo - "Tambourin" - Rameau arr. Burmester (Harris). Reading 14. Reading - "In the Servants' Quarters" - - - Thomas Hardy (Shorter Poams) CLASSES AND TEST PIECES - PART 2 Open to Residents of Durham County Only Piano 15. Piano Solo - (9 yrs. and under) - "Talas from Vienna Woods" -1 Strauss - Grade III (T.C.M.Bk.). 16. Piano Solo - (11 yrs. and under)- "Pralude in C Minor" - H. Pachulski - Grade VI T.C.M.Bk.). 17. Piano Solo - (13 yrs. and undar)- "Cradia Song" - A. Spen-j diarow - Op. :I.No. 2 - Grade VII (T.C.M.Bk.). 18. Piano Solo - (16 yrs. and undar) - "Pas des Echarpes" - Cha- minade - Opus 37 - (Boosey and Hawkes). Vocal Solos 19, Soprano - "Comne Down Laughing Streamlet" - Spross - High Voice (John Church). 20. Mezzo-Soprano - "Comae Unto Me"- Willem Coenan -Kay F. 21. Contralto - "Consider and Hear Me" - Alfred Woolar- Key C. 22. Tenor - "Tom Bowling" - Dibdan (Boosey). (isn 23. Baritone - "Florian's Song" - B. Godard (Williams). 24. Bass - "Roadways" - John Dansmora - Key Bh - (Ditson). 25. Tenor Baritona or Bass - (Under 20) - "The Ploughboy"- Shield. (Oxford Univ. Press). Grand Challenge Class Open to Gold Medal Soloists of previous Durham County Festivals 26. Soprano - "Solveig's Song"- Edward Grieg - Key A Minor - Op. 23 No. 1. Mezzo - "Sing, Sing, Break into Song"- Mallinson - Key Bb. (Harris) Contralto - "Spirit Flower" - Campbell- Tipton - Key D. (Schirmer) 27. Tenor - "In Brittany" - Farrar - Key F or G - (Novello). Baritone or Bass - "Spanish Gold" - Howard Fisher - Keys G. Minor, A. Minor - (Boosey and Hawkes). 28. Piano Solo - "Prelude in G Minor" - Rachmaninoff - Op. 23, No. 5 - (Wood). Vocal Duets 29. Ladies' Duet - "Spring is Here" - Clifford Higgin - No. 1412 (Boosey and Hawkes) 30. Maie Duet - "Fairings' - Easthope Martin - (Boosey). 31. Mixed Dûet - Competitors' own choice. Choral Classes 32. Ruiral Church Choir - "Thou Wilt Keep Him" - C. F. Waters No. 800 York Series (Harris). 33. Village Churcb Choir - "O God our Help in Agas Past" - Mar- tin - Ambrose Ed. (Novello). 34. Urban Church Choir- (Membership of 30 or lass) - III Will Lift up Mine Eyes"- Vernon Eville - No. 1252 (Boosey and Hawkes). 35. Urban Church Choir- Open to Durham and Northumberland - "Praise" - Alec Rawley - A.24 - (Oxford Univ. Press). 36. Ladies' Choir - Home and School - "Dear Land of Home" - Jean Sibelius - No. 255 Three part - (Wood). 37. Three-part Ladies' Chorus (20 to 30 voices) - Accompanied - "Sleepers Wake! A Voica is Sounding" - J. S. Bach - Sop. I and II and Alto. - (Schirmer). Vlin 38. Violin Solo - (11 yrs. and under) - "Wide Awake"- Markham Lee - T.C.M. Grade I. 39. Violin Solo - (13 yrs. and undar) - "Gavotte in D"- Bach arr. David - (Fischer). 40. Violin Solo - (16 yrs. and under) - "Perpetual Motion" - Bohm (From the third suite) - (Lengnick). Orchestra 41. Public, High or Sunday School Orchestra - "The Olive Branch" - Hazel's Orchestra Gems - (Fillmore Music Co.) Junior Vocal 42. Boy's Solo - (9 yrs. and under) - "Susie Little Susie" - Prog. One Bk. Course, p. 67. 43. Boy's Solo (Unchanged Voice) - "Follow the Plough with Me" - Prog. One Bk. Course, p. 98. 58. Girls (7 yrs. and under) - "Mrs. Brown" Rose Fyleman - Grade IV Reader. 59. Boys (7 yrs. and under) - "My Ship and P' R. L. Stevenson (Child's Garden of Verses). 60. Girls (10 yrs. and under)- "The Gift Ring" - Isabel E. Mackay. 61. Boys (10 yrs. and undar)- "Who Told" - Isabel E. Mackay. 62. Girls (14 yrs. and under)- "Laugh and be Marry" - J. Masefield. 63. Boys (14 yrs. and under) - "Christmas at Sea" - Stevenson - Lufe and Literature. 64. Choral Speaking - "The Birds' Lullaby" - Pauline Johnson - Grade VI Reader. in this way inform bhis Bowman- villa friands of bis passing. With kindast regards to Mrs. James and yoursalf, Yours vary sincerely, 1Winifnad Smith. That is trua cultivation wich givas us sympathy with evary form of human if e, and eables, us to work most successful1yf or its advancement.-H. W. Beecher. SHAWS H. & S. VOTES SALVAGE FUNDS TO WAR VICTIMS Shaw's Home and School Club met Thursday evening with Pres- idant Garnet Rickard in the chair. $20 raised by salvage drive was voted to B. W. V. F. Card party will be held in Fabruary with a concert later. Collection 5c per aduit was quite satisfactory for expenses. A later collection was taken for war work for Rect Cross Committee to start. Under the leadership of its former con- ductor, Stanlay Rickard, now on bolidays, Newcastle S. S. orches- tra, with Margaret Pearce at piano, dahighted the audience, with savaral salections. Mn. Rickard now of "The Grova" school, Lakafieîd, apolo- gizad for the lack of balance in instruments as savenal membens have been called on war duties (one is in N.S., ona in N.B., one in B.C. and a former leader is in Halifax and the 'calloist is now at Niagara). Those prasant were: Ross and Glenn Allun, Donald and Francis Jose, Jim Patterson and Betty Allun. A plaasing piano solo was ably- given by Mrs. Otto Bragg. Two littia Ukrainian girls, Tena and Anna Hussock, racitad a passage~ English translation. They also sang very swaatly "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" in their na- tive tongue. Reeva C. R. Carveth, Newcastle, entartained inhius ual welcome and versatile man- ner. His private collection of mov-o ing pictures is intersting and 0l varied with viaws of snow plow f activîties, people of the village f and summer residants, children I we know and some we don't I know. Some pictures were ofU views taken near Banff and in.TheO Peace River District where M-. Carveth and wife visited bis 0 brothers. The Carveth family are I well-known pioneers 0f the I Grand Prairie district, having trekked 250 miles beyond Edson, I 25 years ago fnom Orono. WeU were also shown what Newcastle fishermen can do. Altogether it u was a delightful form of enter- tainment.O At the conclusion of the pro- I gram some recreation prepared by I Mr. Prout and Mr. Gilkes was led, I at their request, by Miss Cronk. f This was quite amusing. Aften lunch was servad a vote of thnk1 to Mr. Carveth and ail who had halped make the evening pleasant 0 and entertaining was moved by il Russell Bragg and seconded by < K. Squair. I Native of Darlington u Dies in South America0 Older cîtizens in the Hampton-0 Enniskillan district will recaîl l Philip Smith who Iived in that I section and movad with bis fami- I ly over 50 years ago to South f Amanica. During ail these yearsU the family have kept intoc with Durham County by bïeing f subscrîbers to The Statesman. The o following latter is from Philip Smitb's granddaughtar who sands particulars of the passing of ber father George T. Smith:i Temuco (Chile), Casilla 147 Dacembar 21, 1941 Dear Mr. James, I You will be sorry, I know, tc hear that my dear father, George T. Smith, passed away Dec. iSth, in Santiago. Ha was under madi- cal treatmant, having undergona an operation last July, but neyer racovarad bis strangth. We had hoped that ha would get strong enough to enabla us to brîng him home, for ha was neyer really happy anywhera aise, but in spite of ahl of our efforts, ha got weak- ar evary day. Fortunataly bis mind ramainad quita clear, and ha anjoyed reading tha papars and articles in magazines until almost the and. Wa had a funeral service bafora iaaving Santiago conductad by a very old friand. Canon The Rev. W. Wilson, which was attended by many good friands, after which wa brought him by train to Ta- muco for burial. At Temuco many relatives and friands met us at the station, as weli as aillof the laborars and tenants of this farm, many of whom bave worked with fathar for over twenty years, who followed the hearse to the church, whera another service was held bafore procaeding to the cama- tany. The church was crowded not oniy by the membars of the British Community, but also by people of many diffarant nation- alities, ah 0of whom had known and respected father for bis many splendid qualities. The belp ha THURSDAY, JANUARY 15,1942 THE CANADUN STATÊSMAN, ]BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PLANES AI WARSIIPS ,8 On attractive B" x 10" mounts. each with a description of the War machine portrayed. &evry hrue Conaydian wii prize Ih.m ::Beaufort" Bomber * "FIllnZ Fortrels" .* "hurricae h "Hudson" Bomber . "omahak",luteTheLsade" SYruP With "-SIua" Dive Bomber . "Sunde=dr L ynd" lYflB the. Dellclous H.M.S. "R1odiney"l. O"Hood" *. "warqate, . * te9iiîo f avu *'Ark Roya". '-King Geo H .M..C.S. "Saguml lvu H.M. Submarfle *.iotor Toe4ý Boat and mnany othr. For each picture desired, gend a complete CROWN BRAD', label. with your naine and address and the namne of the picture yoU.want written on the back. Addresa Dept. X.13.13, The Cnda Starch Company, Ltd., 19 Wellington St. E., Toronto. tbAk :e____ Ceu. Ladies'BRATS Many smnart, designs lni wmter bats at amnazing reductions. Turbans, brmmed f elits, attractive 5 41 styles as low as 4 1t Better quality wlnter bats, Many fur feits at alightly higher prices LUXURY& FURRED C COATS1 PLAIN COATS f rom $8,95 up Speetacular values ln our annual January coat sale! Luxury f urs atop beautifuliy tailor- ed coats of rich warm woollens. Persian, sil- ver fox, skunk, sable- blended muskrat, dyed fox, other furs. Ftted, boxy styles. Couch, iohnston &Cryderman I 0 Phone 836 King fit.

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