THURSflAY, JANUARY 15, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - - - - - - -MMM M.. Church. Shortly before the war C he made a worldi tour, visiting a1I fl<I~5ff1the mission fields of the United l F2SIOCIAL 1AID PERSONAL]Church, and making contact witDuhmC ny church leaders of ail denomina- u li mC u t Phono 663 tions. As a resuit he has a com- FTI Mis eiaTitvsie Ms Aîc acsn isinBadprehensive understanding ofa m S uheyTrir Ms ei TatvstdMs Alc Jako Miso Badtoday such as few men in Canada well Clarice Roach, Toronto. met on Monday in Trinity Sunday have. Dr. Arnup is a brilliant, Preý Rea ad tud te dvetie-School. Meeting opened with quiet witty, and forceful preacher with Pand Pouto o 1942. Fr es e men one a ge and tudy teadve..rtse- s call to worship, and a a message everyone should hea Pan rdcio o Fr es en, War Now." hymn. Prayer and scripture was and the people of Bowmanville Needing FIeIp Should Cooperate. Ques.- o given by Mrs. Rackham. Collec- are fortunate to have this oppor- tions Below to be Answered by Ail. assi Mr. F. F. Morris is almost re- tion and roll cali was taken. A tunity. as covered from a badly sprained story was told by Miss E. Pickard. Many of our older citizens will a foot suffered when he slipped onl Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Wight be interested in the following Last week The Statesman indicateci that a province-wide A icy pavements, have taken up residence in King_ news item in last week's Port survey of farms would be taken at once. Forms already have Gec ad Mrs. Gordon Wight and ston, having returned from a Perry Star: "Congratulations to benpeae y .A umrAgiutrlRprsnaie o 'Mbara have returned from a pleasant honeymoon motor trip toa Mr. John Joblin, Scugog Island, enppadbyEA.Sm rsAgiutalR rsnaiv on week's vacation with Mr. and New York City where they were on attaining his 92nd birthday on During the next week or so they must be completed. Again ard. Mrs. Wilbur Oke, Montreal. guests of Mrs. Wight's aunt. While New Year's day. He bas lived a we urge an all-out drive to this end in which the Durham pres Mrs. Otto Bragg and family, in New York they were also per- good life-one of the best." Many County Federation of Agriculture shoulci take a leading part. The Shaw's, and Mrs. L. J. Barton, sonal guests of Sammy Kaye and of our citizens who attended the Plans are under way to help those who want to help them- gent Church St., visited with Mr. and his orchestra at the Essex House. Methodist Church here (now Tri- gn Mrs. Roy Webber on Sunday. nity United Church) around the selves, especially in the matter of farmn labor. Be sure to f iii writ Ms. . . ollcut, Accidents can be avoided, turn of the century will recall in every line of the forms mailed to every farmer as accurately thoi Osraa, adeMs. S J. o llacutte sometimes only by divine provi- with grateful appreciation the ac- as possible. Let's have Durham County lead the field in wea Osaw, ae ef t ped e- dence. Tuesday, a transport thun- tive service and Christian infiu brot eral weeks in West Palm Beach, cering past the Carter Famnily Tea ence Mr. Joblin exerted on th getting in these returns. Flrd.Rooms, shed a link from a tire young people of that perioci. They Name ------------------- Address-- ---- R. R.--------- 0f t] Word bas been received that the chain. Il crashed against the plate can truly cooberate that "he Lot -----Con.---- Township ------------ Acreage in Farm ----- the cancellation of passenger train glass of Carter's, just missing Ray has lived a good life-one of the Age of f armer ----- Number in family - No. at home ----- sent service on the Port Hope-Mili- Dilling who was passing at the best" The same kindly senti- List ages: Maie ---------------------------Female - -. ----- Ail brook C.N.R. line has been post- time. The hospital missed a pa- ments apply to bis estimable wife, Sons enlisted: Active Force----------- Reserve Force --------- thoi poned from December 28 to April tient by iriches. Plate glass in- formerly Minnie Joness, who was How many sons, if any, are liable to be calleci for military thir 30. surance records now have a new also a faithful and beloved work- training in 1942?- ---------------inf Miss Marion Mutton and Miss case history. er in the church here for many bal], Ruth Brooking, Pickering, Mr. J. Ross Stutt, of Jury & Lo- years. fl Fred Mutton, R.C.A.F., Toronto, velî's Drug Store, attended a ban- Cero aity neries LABOUR SURVEY ever Mr. George Franklin, Oshawa, qutinte oalYrkHte r ti aipeadntesirit 1. How much hired belp do you regularly employ? On colok were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday sponsored by the United of good cheer under the direction monthly basis?-- On a yearly basis?-- On a daily basis? -- ovei Chas. Mutton. Drug Co., at wbich their dealers of that able and genial personali- 2. Wbat help had you in 1941? On a montbly basis? ------- and Among those home on leave from the district were present. ty, Mrs. Eleanor Durno of To- On a yearly basis? ------- On a daily basis?-------sr this weekend from the lst Mid- The gathering was addressed by ronto, (and summer resident of 3. Did your hired man enlist in 1941?------ Did your help C land Regiment, Niagara, were Messrs. Burton and Chisholmn on Bowmanville-on-the-Lake). The leave to work in a war plant?~ or other occupation? "A Ptes. Tommy Lyle, Danny Shee- the work of the Wartime Prices Toronto Telegram gave an excel- (State) ----------- ------------by han, "«Red" Purdy, Geo. Richards, and Trade Board. E. H. Waldruff, lent coiumn write-up in its Mon- 4. Have you a hired man at present? --- - Give increase in usec Corp. S. Elkins, and the Living director of Drug Administration, day issue of this popular troupe wages paid now, as compared with peace timb ---------- the brothers. was a speaker. of talented young artists who are Have you adequate hired labour for 1942?- --- ---------- supý Durham County Club of To- Mr adMr. .E oîg wr a benefit concert in the If not, state requirements ---- - ---fie--------------- rono illmet a Serbure MrNe.Yad'Ms guEs o he lateres St., ToonoTemple, 229 College 5. What help have you received from the womenfolk withA House Jan. 22nd at 8.15 p.m. Il sister, Mrs. W. C.DdgHapStTrno on Jan. 30th for the farm work in 1941? -----------.....----------- ----- ol e m - Telegram British W ar Victims' State activities --------------------------------------- will be a real Scotch nigbt with ton. In honor of ber recent mar- Fn.Hr' aarp ae Are they helping more now than in peace time? --------- selections on the bagpipes, Scotch rnagethe cast of "Look Out Liz- from there-u prefri nt 6.Cudyuaangeslexhge abrmoe hn songs and an address by Mr. John zie", 'a play presented a number fo h rt-prfrigt .Cudyuavnaeul xhnelbu oeta Ness on "Robert Burns." of times by eight Hampton female two Bowmanville boys: "Until you did in 1941? --to-maintain-yo-r-194 A blaing cimneyfire t Mr. draatist, in hitherswaridgbeganr b two, members 0fo 7.7HveHave suyou iesufficientpospbelpo inntprospect94 Wm. Spencernth SothWadsneeinti the)tokSouttiebthiWardapp f(nee er pLoctitievl? -Horn)---------ok-- an ---active---- was quickly subdued al 8 a.m. part, a presentation of a beautiful Paddy Welsb, singer of cowboy 8. By how much could the normal production of your farm Wednesday morning when a few cut glass salaci bowl was made songs, and Len Somerscales, gui- be increased, provided you were assured throughout the firme mae qickru t th t he.-shwa ims.tarist. To-day the vocalist is in year of a continuous and adequate supply of experienced siremlen meyadtequlckerun te t e.-saa ie.England with the Canadian army, farm labour? ---------------- ------ ---------------- scne Teyha te lae ndr It was with a feeling of pride and Somerscales is in the R.C.A.F. 9. Give your opinion on how to meet the labour shortage control before even neighbors we read in the Oshawa Times at Trenton." in 1942----------------------------------------- -------------------- knew anything was wrong. that Douglas Langmaid, son of ________________Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Langmaid, was LIVESTOCK chosen the most outstanding and 1 o fwr ossi 91----- -- ln o 92------ popular student at the Oshawa OFFICERS CHANGED 1 o fwr ossi 91----ln o 92 Collegiate and Vocational Inst UN 2. No. of Dairy Cows in milk, 1941.--- Plans for 1942 -- ------ S tute for 1941. Likewise the grand- I MINISTERIAL 3. No. of Dairy Heifers (dry) in 1941-- Plans for 1942.----- KNITTING ~parent of this young lad, F. F. ASSOCIATIONS 4. No. Dairy Yearling heifers in 1941-- Plans for 1942 ------ Morris of this town, is justifiably____ 5. No. Dairy Calves in 1941 ------------- Plans for 1942 ------ il mi-mi ~proud that the traditions of Dur- An instructive and inspiring 6. No. Sows in 1941 --------------------------Plans for 1942.----- ham County are being maintained paper was presented by Rev. W. 7. No. Bacon Hogs marketed in 1941 --- Plans for 1942 -------- even unto the third generation. C. Smith, Courtice, when mem 8.* No. Milking Beef Cows in 1941----- Plans for 1942.------ Angus Alexander (A. A.) Mac- bers of the Bowmanville Minister- 9. No. Steers and Heifers, (Beef) Millan, Associate Chief, Live lal Association met with their marketed in 1941 ------------------- Plans for 1942 - ---- Stock and Poultry, Production brethern of the West Durham 10. No. Sheep in 1941 ------------------------Plans for 1942 ------ Service, Dominion Department of Association in St. Paul's manse 11. No. Laying Hens in 1941 ---------- Plans for 1942 ------ Agriculture, died in Ottawa on Bowmanvîlle on Monday. A good 12. No. Baby Chicks purchased, 1941 Plans for 1942 --------- January 4, 1942, after an ilîness attendance was present. of about two months. He was in Mr. Smith's remarks provoked FIELD CROFS bis 54th year. We wonder just a hearty and thorough discussion. 1. No. of acres of winter wheat We have new shipments of how many farmers in Durham In view of Rev. A. R. Cragg leav- grown in 1941 -------------- -- ------ Sown for 1942 ---- wool for service and home County will recaîl that Mr. Mac- ing town an election was held to 2. No. acres spring grains grown in 1941- Plans for 1942 ----- knittlng. New pattern books. Millan was assistant agricultural f ill bis place as president of the 3. No. acres hay grown in 1941 -- ----- Plans for 1942.--- representative in this county local association and secretary of 4. No. acres pasture grown in 1941 ------ Plans for 1942 - --- SPECIIAL around 1912-13? the West Durham body. Rev. R. E. 5. No. acres corn grown in 1941...------ Plans for 1942 ----- SOCK WOOL 1 Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. Morton, Newcastle, was voted to 6. No. acres turnips and mangels, 1941 --- Plans for 1942 ----- 66, I.O.O.F., was honored on Jan. filîl the post of secretary and Adj. 7. No. acres cash crops like fibre flax, 25e bail 7th by an official visit fromn Dis- J. D. Hart is president of the field beans, potatoes, etc. grown in (3 baîls knit 1 pair socks) trict Deputy J. Elmo Anderson Bowmanville organization with 1941. Specify ---------------------- Plans for 1942 ---- who gave an inspiring address on Rev. J. E. Griffith as Secretary- 8. Are you planning to leave more land in hay and pasture the history and growth of Odd- Treasurer. in 1942? ---------------1943? ------------ STATIONERY feîîowship. Another feature of A vote of thanks was given Mr. 9. Are you planning to produce as much of the following "Chrcil" pd ndenvloes the evening was the 2nd degree and Mrs. Cragg for their hospital- products required by Great Britain in 1942 as in 1941? "Chrchll"pa an eneloes work put on by Durham Locige ity and appreciation voiced for the Bacon ------------Milk ----------- ggs --------r-- 25e of Port Hope when seven mem- mutual fellowship which bas been 10. Give amount of commercial fertilizer used in 1941?------- il (reglar rice30c) bers received this degree. Elmer enjoyeci by all the ministers. Mrs.Q (rguarprce30) Henning, Noble Grand, welcomed Cragg was assisted at this gather- FAIM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTV the visitors who were present ing by Mrs. J. A. Plant of Ennis- 1. Have you a tractor? ---Power rating ---- Steel or rubber s VALENTINES from Oshawa, Port Hope, Orono, killen. tires?9---- Year purchaseci----- Did this tractor do any for overseas. Now ready. Cobourg, Campbellford. L un c h _________ customn work for neighbors in 1941? ---- If so, wbat.------ i was served at the close. Oddfel Will your tractor be available for customa work for a lows are invited to Orono, Jan. C E NG M S14?- -T btetn9----------- 2lst when "Wildey Night" will be TWO C E NG M S14?------ owa xet --------------------------- I S celebrated in honor of the foun- MARK OPENING Give names of farmers doing tractor custom work in your U h b U der of Oddfeliowship. District - ---------------------------------------------- - L .JINELL C, O F. HOCKEYu Give names of non-f armers doing tractor customa work .W*An event of unusual interest Jnay'b utin rle 2.nyour District --------------------------------------- d'BIG 209# will be the visit of Rev. J. H. Jnay1t h uti old 2 r o equipped wlth tractor macbinery? -------------- BOOKSTORE Church on Sunday, January l8tb. up on the C.O.F. Hockey League, Plow ------ Cultivator ----- Disec----- One-way Disc -- --- Phn 5 lgs. Dr. Arnup, wbo will preach at the giving the fans the first picture of Row crop machinery ----- Combine ----- Phone moringseviciinon oft. the kind of hockey tbey may ex- 3. Have you a fertilizer drill? ------- or attachment --- ----- foremost leaders of the United pect. 4. Haveyou qianilking machine - Lit----------[----- __________________________________________ The league is comprised of four 6. Do you require any ewar o machinery? (List) 0 teams with these managers and 6ND oe qulsimpreantrepars forodermafornepry (sstn)-a- coaces: etmutBronks-Joe ......Childerbouse; Rough Riders-Ken chinery be placed witb your local dealer at the earliest O Hamm Rager-Harry Dove andposbedt.f Gor Hust; HoretsChalieIn your opinion, would military men witb mechanica and lf. be valuable to assist in operating tractors to I I I ~ ~~~~~~In the opening game the Bronkscaciydrnthbs eanl - defeated Rough Riders 6-3. Staff MISCELLANEOUS0 McKee sparked the Bronks, play- 1.Hwmn ra trcsps o fm?--------Bed ing a mid-season form. His clever n.Hwmn ra rcsps orfrBed f stick handling and tricky, rushes trucks?~ ------0 PARTY BRAND COHOE received a great hand from the 2. Have you hydro at prescrit? ----- - If not, would you Clark also showed up well instaîl hydro if availabie?. ------- SALM ON35 andi the stonewall defense of 3. How best can Agriculture ha geareci for maximum pro- Ziggy Syerksyay and Dow kept duction for total war effort? TASTY CREAM the Rough Riders from finding the 4. Have any farms in your School Section gone out of pro- SODA12 lb 5 net. Rough Riders could not gel duction since war was delred? --f--.----Stte Lot------ SODA 2 Bgi 5-- licing nd teirdefese as Cn. --- - Areae ofeach--------- If arerea severall weak giving Foreman in goal lit- please make a list.0 tle support. Balson, Turner andi-_______________il_______________ We reserve the rlght to limit purchases on any or ail Items Rangers - R u n d l e, B. Dove, have appeareci sa far only in part event of a national reassessment. to normal famlly requirements Poole, Barclay, Hicks, Brisebois, of the press of Canada. This same These considerations are for the ________________________________________________Hutchiqjon, D. McKee, H. Balan- story was true when the govern- personal contemplation 0f our _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t i n e a n d u n d e r l a n d . m e n t c a l l e d f o r i t s " N a t i o n a l R e - m e m b e r . M Hornets - Hicks, S c h u e t t e, dedication", some months ago. Finally, it may be stateci that Blackburn, Nemis, Ross, Bidgood, What is the inescapable conclus- there is not a single shade of 0 0 0[ .1 A. Dove, and Ferguson. ion? Through such methocis, this "politics" in this whole sym- ES LIITEDLeague Standing-Bronks, Ran- government declines to speak to posium. Facts and truth override gers, Riders and Hornets. several million Canadians, who, ail party considerations. P haracteristics of Local Firm Adds New Equipment Native Folk Songs Told at Y.P.U. bhe first meeting in 1942 of -iity Young People's Union was , Il attendeci Monday night. Vice "- esident Amber Morton conduct- - the business periaci in the ab- ie of President Lou Dewell. rship service andi pragram re in charge of Evelyn Pickard, ~ steci by Ada Clarke, Jean vie and Jack Dunn. -cornet solo ably presenteci by orge Roberts was much enjoy- The tapie "Canadian Folk ngs" was taken by Evelyn Pick- 1 Scarcity of this type of song ýsenteci the major difficulty. eCanadian Folk Sangs that e heen handed down from 'eratian ta generation, were-- tten by early settlers, who -~- igh they brought no material - alth from their home lands, )ught an abundance of wealtb their sangs. A large number Cantinuing their long establisheci palicy of "the finest possible these sangs are centred arounci ambulance service at the lowest possible cast" F. F. Marris Ca. aiod home landis andi few pre- it a picture of the new homes. marked the New Year by adding the Chrysler ambulance sedan, 1folk sangs cantain anly sbown abave, ta their fleet of matar equipment. Reeve C. G. Marris .ights of ordinary people and is sbown inspecting the ambulance on delivery from the Chahls ngs. They are peculiarly simple Motor Sales. Incarporating the luxury of a 7-passenger sedan, the form. Many range fram lave [ads ta sangs of fishermen and specially designeci interior provides adequate room for patient, driv- nm spirituals. The singing 0f er anci three passengers. As can be seen fromn the interior view the ksangs seemeci ta link families patient rides centered on the wbeel base, assuring mare camfort ser tagether; loneliness was anci less jarring than in other types of ambulance cars. ercame; tasks appeareci casier d people were friendly ta angers. Equippeci witb air- condition ing, traffic- siren, first-aid kit and bamplain's sang ta bis men improveci Bomgardner adjustable stretcher, this ambulance provides la Clair Fontaine" was playeci every modemn convenience. Morris Co. staff are also fully qualifieci, Hazel Rundle. This sang Wa holding chauffers' licenses as well as First-Aid anci St. John's Arn- ci as a National Antbem until .l8th century wben it was bulance Corps certificates. Available 24 hours a day for either local ercedeci by "O Canada". or out-of-town trips Morris Ca. service equals that founci in neigh- Apiano sala by Joan Green- Ibarîng cammunities ar the largest cities. Id concludeci the pragram. i Sign This Coupon and Mail It to Your Mlember of Parliamient at Once In my house there are the I believe the most efficient and honourable way following voters who endorse for Canada to prosecute Total War is by Oom- their view and have signed puhlsory Selective Service without restrictions. their ames:The Government of Canada should introduce this measure so that men who are best on the farms will be placed on the farms; those who are most helpful in the factories -will work ini the factories, and those best fitted will serve in the arnxed forces, wherever needed. Such a plan is f air to ail the people of Canada. _____________________ I amn just an ordinary citizen who votes in your rîding and I thought you would be pleased to receive my views. May I request that you ex- press your opinion on this vital subject openly on the floor of Parliament. The Comimittee for Total War urges ail the house w-ith the opportuîiity of stating 'eaders ta clip out the above message, signl their opinion on this vital subjeet. The it and send it ta their local Federal member cornmittee suggests that this form be signed of parliament, thus impressing on him their and sent at once ta the Federal member in -îews on unrestricted compulsury selective the ireader's constituency. Address of mem- ervice. This medium of expression, set forth. ber for Durham County is Mr. M7. F. Rick- in the form shown above, is directed to the ard, M.P., Newcastle, Ont. One cent stamp attention of ecd householder and provides on the envelope is ail that is required, if not only the househîder but all aduits in cuvelope is not sealed. THURSI)AY, JANUARY 15,1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO