TH-URSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Pilip Le Gresley is again in the met jan l3th- at the home of the General Hospital, Toronto. presidenit, Betty Enwright. Scrip -________________ Mr. and Mrs. Adair Hancock,1 ture as read and readings o! Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Ch1ina7Zwere given by Jean Gray C. A. Cowan's, Mrs. Jno. Doug- C. Hncok. nd June Allin. The Study Book las', and at the community hall. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Douglas, "ae from Free China" was Francis Jose was seen among his CI Indian Head, Sask., visited his taken by Betty iEnwright. Somne father's glads. learning by prac- mother, Mrs. Jno. Douglas. of the samne stories studied in this tice liow to become a hybridist John Rickard was busy calling book are now appearing in the himself. Dr. Butler was busy on farmers in the corporation and Sunday School paper "Onward." amnongs bis irises and later, bis leaving with themn Farm Situation Througbout the meeting the knit- peonies. Mrs. Carveth and Dr. Survey forms to be f illed in and ting needles clicked as the girls and Mrs. Stanley Uglow Of Chi- - sent to Agricultural Representa- worked on their afghan for war cago were strolling in Mrs. Doug- tive. victims. las' garden of delights. Charlie - Mr. A. W. Glenney received an- Sunday School Executive met Cowan was tending his roses, and other car of oats fromn the West. Jan. l4th and elected these off i- Rev. R. E. Morton and Lance- BI They were unloaded at the C.P.R. cers: Superintendent, Edwin Hanl- Corp. Jesse Allen were meeting in station. J. H. Jose and a group of cock; Assistant, Fred Graham; front of "Roseholmn" and admir- farmers were also in receipt o! a Teachers. Mrs. A. E. Mellow, Miss ing tbe scenle. Postmnaster Jamie- car o! oats at the C.N.R. station. E. M. Blackburn. Miss Betty En- son was strolling by when a pic- This car came through the United wriglht, Charlie Glenney, Donald ture of Harry Jose's baskets of Farmers' Co-operative Company. Jose, and one still to be found; prize glads were being taken out- Newcastle's corps of war work Secretary-Treasurer., Carl Fisher; side the hall. There were several B commutors is steadily increasing. Primary Class TeachersMS. W.pitures taken in Irwin Colwill's Among the more recent Newcastle E. Bean. Ms. R. E. Mot on and orchards. and among the people folk to join the ranks o! workers Irene Rinchr Pianist. Marga ret distinguished were Irwin and at the D.I.L. plant, Pickering, are Pearce. Mýiss 0. Warren is being wife. Stan. Graham and GordonC Mr. and Mrs. Harry Couch, Mrs. asked to be the Home Department Kitchen. Councillor Fred Couch Morley Sallows, Miss Anne Dubs- Secretary. and Johnnie Watson, young and zac, Miss Margaret Brown and Junior andi senior members of active. The scene shifted to Hall- Mr. Sid Elcomnbe. the U. C. Sunday Sehool went burton and here were seen Irwin Municipal Council had the f ire- south Friday nlight and spent an Colw'ill and Stan. Graham and hall pumper out Tuesday. Pump- enjoyable two hours skating at Mrs. Colwill and Miss Marion ing water f rom the west creek and the lo-wc-r marsh. They greatly Simpson as stars of the silver refilling the community hall and appreciated the kindness of Mr. secen. Again there M'as a film of 1 east end garage underground W. VaniDusen and daughters in scenles taken at the Forestry tanks that were emptied at the allowing them to change their Branch. Orono. time o! A. W. Glenney"s f ire. The shoes and skates in their bouse. The thanks of the meeting were ram o! Sunday and Monday Put At 10 o'clock the party went to tendered Mr. Clark and Mr. Car- quite a lot o! water into tbem. the Suinday School where a bot veth in an appreciative speech by Mr. White on the former J. W. meal of beans, soup, bread. cook- Rev. R. E. Morton. Deep regret Glenney farm., Pontypool. bas ies arnd coffee were heartily de- was voiced for the passing of a finished demnolishing the United voured. Some of the younger former director and vice-president Church sheds and bas the material members played games in the Mrs. J. A. Butler.1 ahl trucked away. J. H. Smith's Snday Schl 1înstead o! going Miss E. M. Blackburn in ber car was garaged in a shed, form- skating acnd Mrs. Mellow and secretary's report reviewed the - erly belonging to Murray Eilbeck, 1Louise Hancock supervised in the soiety's activities. and Mrs. J. A. that butted against the north end kitchen. Awde presented the treasurer's of the east side o! the church shed.reotswigaun$2.0n When this was removed Mr. rprtsownaaond$0.0o Smith's car could be seen f romhnd the south tbrough the resultant NEWCASTLE Mr. Clark conducted election o! opening. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY officers. R. S. Graham is lst Vice They were driving to church in President and Mrs. Chris Law 2nd. their cars Sunday morning, some John F. Clark and Cecil R. Carveth Directors are: Mesdames Percy to the Anglican and some to the Present Program of Beauty Brown. Jno. Hendry, C. A. Cowan, United, the people from the south. Margaret Topli!t, Misses E. L. But they nearly all came to a stop Newcastle borticulturists and Trenwith and 0die Warren, at Arthur Ball's hill. Due to the visitors at the annual meeting in Messrs. J. H. Smith. J. H. Jose. January thaw and rains the hill comImunity hall on Monday even- E. E. Patterson and Rev. Morton. was slippery and the cars couldn't ing were treated to a double bill R. S. Graham and H. R. Pearce make the grade. When Councillor of pictoriai entertainment, a twin were named delegates to Ontario J. H. Jose came along hie sized up feature program o! some o! the Horticultural Convention in To- the situation and went to work beauties of nature depicted on the ronto on Fe',. 26th and 27th. about getting the bill sanded, but screen. John F. Clark, Toronto, A number of horticulturists in doing so missed service him- Provincial Lecturer in 'Horticul- rmOhw eepeetas self. .ture, madle "Roses" the theme ofrom Osaa go wo eersenfthaes Y. P. U. met Jan. l2th, with hsisrcieades eils Y.P.U. of the United Church. who Rev. Morton taking charge in the trated different types and varie- came in after their business meet- absence o! President Marjory Ly- ties of roses and their culture with ing. cett. After installation o! officers, coloured slides.___________ the new president, Ross Allin, Reeve Cecil R. Carveth, New- took the chair. Christian Fellow- castle's premier motion pîcture CORPORATION FINANCES 0F ship Convener, Evelyn Allun, had producer, showed coioured movies VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE charge o! devotional and program. of local gardens and flowers, or- Scripture was read by Reta Powell chards and fruit and people and Following is an abstract state- and explanation given by Louise wild life. Here in January could ment of Newcastle's 1941 finances Hancock. followed by a talk on he enjoyed agaîn some o! the as prepared by Clerk and Treas- "Pilgrimage" by Rev. R. E. Mor- manly-hued loveliness o! sumnmer. urer, H. C. Bonathan. ton. Grace Powell favored wtth There were garden scenles taken Assets a humorous reading. at President J. H. Jose's, Gen. N. Blnei ako Sr. C.G.I.T. "Thumbs Up" group Buil's. Dr. J. A. Butier's, Rosarian Comerce 1,018.42 - Tax Arrears ---------- 3,437.54 Park at Lake ---------- 1,100-00 King St. Park - -- ----- 1,000-00 6196%196fl 1 Lé W mI ETools and Machinery -- 300.00 Firehaîl Pumper and à % M M M 1 5 MEquipment ------------6,300.00 AUCIIN SALEI LIVESTOCK ONLY E. A. Werry wilI Bell by public auotion at his farm North of ENNISKILLEN on SAT.J JAN. 24 at 10 o'clock Standard Time 2 Hors.., 12 & 13 yrs. 2 Springer Durham Cows 1 Shorthorn Bull, wIll bred, yr. old 5 Durham Springing Heifers 10 Shorthorn & Poil Angus Steers 800 lb.. up 50 year and one half old Stockers choice quality 10 year old Calves Remember this advertisemeat as no sale bis are out. Your opportutiity ta secure repiaceeet cattie. These wlli be bard ta find as spring draws on. TERM S CASHf TED JACKSON AUCTIONEER Total $13,155-96 Less Debenture Debt ------ -$5,500.00 Less Principal paid -- - --- 479.77 -S 5,020.23 Value o! Assets over Liabilities --- ----- $ 8,135.73 Balance !rom 1940 -----$ Relief, Prov. of Ontario County Road Grants -- Tax Arrears ---------- Taxes, Current Year --- Liquor Control Board, 20% o! icense fee --- Newcastle HES., street light rebate ---------- Prav. o! Ontario, 1 mill Miscellaneous ----------- $ 1,518.01 26.70 714.97 718.83 10,597.17 222.18 49.33 283.82 54.70 Total $14,185.71' 1,110.10 1,016.04 644.77 90.96 61.09 2,132.61 738.50 385.89 514.68 199.81 275.40 343.00 5,500-00 154.44 Expenditures Ronds and Bridges -----$ Fire Protection -------- Graham & Ca., Bond Principal and Int.--- Printing and Postage -- R elie ! ----------------- Caunty Rates --------- Salaries and Allowances Sidewalks ------------ Street Lighting ------ P ark s ----------------- Insurance ------------- L ibrary --- ----------- Schools -- ------------ iMiscellaneous --------- Total $13,167.29 Balance on hand 1,018.42 $14,185.71 About 13 years aga Newcastle invested a portion o! the Thos. Mantague Community Hall En- dowment Legacy in Town o! Riv- erside bonds. This was in the boom days and then the depres- sion came and for quite a while the Riversîde bonds were nat re- garded very highly, but this past year the Montague Trust Fond was in receipt o! $1965 interest on the Riverside Bond, as the fol- lowing statement shows. .Montagne Trust Fuad Receipts Bal. in bank, Jan. 1, '41 $ 15.48 Taronta Gen. Trusts Carp.. Int.-- - ----- 943.78 Pcuv. af Ont., Dom. o! Can. Coupons -- 231.08 Town o! Riverside, Int. on Bond..-- 169.65 Bank of Commerce, Int. .76 Total $ 1,360.75 The Montague Trust Fund paid $520.00 o! Caretaker Jna. Garrod's salary and made a grant a! $30000 t0 tbe Newcastle Memorial Lib- cary. All other expenditures were for insurance on the hall and gen- eral repairs and maintenance. Balance on hand at the close a! the year was $209.42. Mr. Ralpb Je!!rey, Oshawa, visited bis aunt Mrs. Nellie Pal- mer, Temperance St. BIRTH LARKE - In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on January 8th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Clarke, Brown Street, the gift of a daughter, Marion Joan. 4-l* DEATHS BATTLE -Suddenly at Vancou- ver, B. C., December 3Oth, 1941, Frank W. Battie, aged 55 years. Brother of Robert and Fred Battie, Bowmanville, and Wal- lace Battie, Oshawa. BENNETT-Inl Bowmanville, on January l6th, 1942, Guy G. Bennett, aged 68 years. CLARKE-Onl January l6th, 1942, at her late residence, 47 Kenil- worth Avenue. Toronto, Lois Ann Clarke, beloved wife of Rex'. Wilmot G. Clarke, a for- mer pastor of Trinity United Church. Bowmaflville. Inter- ment at Smithfield Cemetery. DIXON-Suddenly, at the homne of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Gibson, 49 Tranby avenue, Toronto, on January l9th, 1942, Elizabeth Dixon, beloved sister of Mrs. W. J. Gibson and Miss Anne Dixon. Interment Bowmaflville Cerne- tery. HEAL-In Bowmaflville, January l8th., 1942, William Charles Heal, in bis 77th year. ROWE-Ifl Orono, on January 18, 1942, Henry Richard Rowe, age 80 years. IN MEMORIAM BENNETT - In ever loving me- mnory of a dear son and brother Jack who entered into rest Jan. 23rd, 1932. Safe in the armns of Jesus. -Sadly missed by Mother and Father, Sisters and Brother. MCKESSOCK-Treasured memio ries of a dear husband and father, Robert James McKes- sock, who passed away January 26th, 1930. -Lovingly remembered, Wif e and famnily STAPLETON - In ever loving memory of our dear mothei Jemima Elizabeth Stapleton whc er.tered into rest on Januar) 2ûth, 1937. s Safe in the arms of Jesus. -The Family 4-l' Cards of Thanks 4 The family of the late Rober Bell, Burketon, wish to, express t the many friends and neighbor their sincere appreciation for th sympathy and kindness shown I ýthem in their recent bereavemen - 4-1 )6_______ family wisb ta express thei thankýs ta the neighbors and fri ends for their many kindnessE and expressions o! sympatby dui ing the long illness and deatb c Rowena. 4- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Kerslaik Hampton. wish ta announce t] engagement o! their youngi daughter, Vera Marie, ta 1M Charles W. Downey, only soni the late Mr. and Mrs. Walla( Downey o! Bowmanville, t] marriage ta take place in Febri ary. 4-ý Milk Board Orders Economy Measures Affecting Consumer In annauneing a Board order( the Milk Control Board a! Or taria, C. M. Meek, cbairmai stated that Ontario bausewiv( will learn that a number o! wai time economy mensures are ta introduced into the milk industr: effective Feb. 1. This order hý received the approval o! the Wa: time Prices and Trade Board. "The f luid- milk industry w advised some months aga by tl Wartime Prices and Trade Bai that every effort must be ma( withun the milk industry itseif mneet its increased costs o! wagE supplies, taxes, etc., rather ti increase the cost o! miik ta coi sumers," Mr. Meek stated. "The new mensures announcf are, accordingly, the first wartin econamies a!fecting the cansur ers, and will prabably be !ollowi by other changes calculated ta duce distribution costs. "After Feb. 1, there will be n mare than two grades o! crea available ta bousewives. The are knawn as 'wbipping creai and 'cereal treat'. Heretofore, mast markets, there have be, tbree or four grades o! crea available. "Under tbe new order quart pint containers for cream will eliminated in ail markets, qui and pint in mast markets. lea in h al pint the stand. container for cream. "Anther measure o! wartii ecomy ef!ected cancernst numbe0o!delieries o! milk stor"Ce.Ater Feb. 1, there wil] only one delivery ta stores eE day, and stores will no lacj have the privilege o! returri unsold milk products ta theè tributors. "The use o! special caps A than the caps used on standf botties will be discontinued. new sizes or shapes o! cantain for milk or cream will be avx able". Classified Ad Rates IieIp Wanted Salesmen Wanted Wilson's Furniture' ___HELP WANTED - EXPERIENC- SALESMEN WANTED - MEN JnayFriueSl One cent a word cash, each ed farm hand, single. Year and Women wanted to seli 200 Wi anuary urnitoure Sa l insertion (minimum charge round job. Write Box 32, cýo different Guaranteed Products, Ws hpeswudd elt 25e. Care o 2c etr Is Sttesanoffce BomaVile. Food, Farm, Housebold, Reme- avail themselves o! our low rq. made when advertlsemnent ls 4-1 dies. Manufacturer cstablished ospecialsterore seection r flot paid same week as iaser- over 14 years bas attractive our w trkes. Wilson tion. Extra charge of 1c HELP WANTED - CAABLE proposition, especially r i g ht ad heumar e stion when replies are direeted to, woman for work in good home, now. Pleasant, pe r man e nt. Gif ugsin a Statesman box number. one elderly lady. Good salary- Write for complete free infor- Cedar chcsts, book cases, lamps, Births, deaths and marriages permanent position for right mation. Familex, 570 St. Clc fancy cushions, end tables, che- 5Oc each. In Memoriams, 50e person. Apply Apt. 4, 291 Sim- ment, Montreal. 4-1 nille bedspread%, smokers, coffee for notice plus 10c per fine coe St. S., Oshawa. 4-2 -________________ tables, occasional chairs, dol for verse. Classifled adver- WANTED - TWO GIRLS FOR Notice to Creditors prams. Hundreds of other gifts 6 p.m. enacesd. nat Wilson's loxver prices. 6isem. ensapedu ntl gneaffice work, steady em- pometif satisfactory. Applyl IN THE ESTATE 0F William Inner Spriag Mattresses _____________________ stating experience, qualification AThlir VanCamP, late o! thees i COMING EVENTS and salary expected. Write Box TOWnshio! Cartwright, in the $9.95Spngilemarsesn 34, Statesman Office, Bowman- County of Durham, in the Pro- heays pdtcknri de ville. 4-1* vince o! Ontario, Fariner, Deceas- biandles and ventilators. Ail sizes. The Victory Club o! Maple' ed. Wonderful values. Grove are holding a euchre, îost MAN WANTED - FOR GOOD Creditors and others having Floor Covering Speelals heir, and crokinole party in the Watkins Route. Steady custom- dlaims against the above estate $l.49-New borderless rugs, 6 ft. bail at Maple Grove, Tuesday, ers. Must be honest and reli- are required to send full particu- iby 9 ft. You will find at Wilson's Jan. 27th, at p.m. D.S.T. Admis- able, have car or means o! get- lars o! such dlaims to the under- everything in floor coverings. sion 25 cents8. Proceeds for war tn n.N aia or experi- signed on or before the 9th day o!f esnlatnto oalyu work. Refresbments. 4-1* ence required. Write The J. R. February, 1942, a!ter wbich date i floor covering problems. Iniaids, Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, the Estate's assets will be distri- ,ongoleums, f eltols, heavy lino- Citzen soul aviltheseles 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, buted, having regard only to leum. All widths. Wilson's prices o! thze opportundity o! etingfir Que. 2-4 dlaims that have been received, are îower. ohd annt o etig ist-d the Executors will be respon- !ad acts about Japan. This is GIRL WANTED - AS SALES- sible for no other dlaims. Jamm e ul-n dertesotgo when Rev. V. C. Spencer, (brother Previous experience not neces- LAWRENCE C. MASON, Bar- used furniture bargains. We must o! Canon C. R. Spencer), who bas sary. For a good permanent rister, Etc. King Street West, been a missionary in Japan for 28 position, write in own hand- Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor make room at once regardless of years, will give an address in writing, stating age, education, for the Executors. 2-3 price - Chesterfield Suites, Dmn- Trinity United Church, Bowmnan-' experience if any, and other- ing Suites, Kitchen C ab in ets5, ville. Proceeds are for local Red qualifications. Write Box 33, Ntc oeit o s Dressers, Beds, Rugs, Stoves, Cross work. Come and hear this Statesman Office, Bowmanville. visît our stores. informative talk and at the same 4-1 ALL persons hiaving any dlaim 9 , £ tiehelp a worthy cause. Admis- against the Estate o! ALBERT Wilson 'S Friiure Co. sion 25c. Program starts at 8 Articles For Sale EDWARD McGILL, deceased, who 40 King W. 20 Church St. o'clock D.ST. 4-1 -_______________ died on or about the 29th day o! OSHAWA. 46-tf FOR SALE - 1935 DeSOTO SE- December, 1941, at the Township AUCTION SALE dan, tires and motor in excel- o! Cartwright, County o! Durham, lent condition. Heater. Apply are required to file the same with J. M. or L. E. Rowe, George St., proof thereof with the undersign- THE STATESMAN The estate o! the late Roy Bowmanville, phone 2659. 4-1 ed Administrator, or bis Solicitor, Sampson will sell on Lot 12, Con. not later than February l2th, 1942: NOW SOLD AT -3, Hope Township, (1½ mile north FOR SALE - ROOT PULPER, after which date the estate will ro! Welcome), on Wedncsday, Jan. cheap, in excellent condition. be distributed and all dlaims o! THESE STORES 28th, !arm stock, impiements, hay Telephone 345, B r oo k dale- which the Administrator has not and grain. Above farm o!, 100 Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N. received notice wiil be barred as acres is for rent. Sale at 11.30 S.T. R. Station. 4-4* against him. Newcastle: Anderson's Drug. 1Terms cash. Lloyd G. Dunbar, SPCAL !-120 MAGIC TRICKS DATED at Bowmnanville this Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. auctioneer. 41*2th day o! January, 1942. Enniskillen: T. M. Slemon & Son 4 10 lc; 596 Conundrums l0c; Joke E. SMITH FERGUSON, Breo:Hrl il Book 10c; Fortune Teller 10c; Bowmianville, Ontario, Blacktoc:Harlx Gilbe. - Livestock For Sale Monologues 10c; P alm is t ry Administrator, Baktc:Ae.Glet i1 _______________ Chart 15c. Pocket calendar free By M. G. V. GOULD, Nestieton: J. G. 'rhompson. -FOR SALE - WHITE GANDER. with 4 books. Empire Novelties, Bowmanville, Ontario, Pontypool: W. IÏ. Hooper. Apply Russell Savery, Clarke, Peterboro, Ontario. 4-1* bis Solicitor. 4-2 Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. phone 1530. 4-1* FOR SALE-i1 ENGINE DRIVE etnil:WC.L e&Co FOR ~~~~~Washer, in perfect running or- Notice to Creditors Netnie:WC.Le&Ca FRSALE-NINE GOOD YORK- der, guaranteed. May be had____ Tyrone: F. L. Byam. sbire pigs, 6 weeks old, just on easy termis. Enquire for par- In the Estate o! SEYMOUR Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. 9 weaned. Apply A. E. Billett, ticlars at Mason & Dale's Hdwe. STREET WILMIOT, late o! the W. Jeweli. J. H. Johnston, Jury& r Ha p o , pont57 - 4-1 V illagqe o ! N ew castle in the Lo e l OUnitedi Counties o! Northumn- oel 'y FOR SALE - DURHAM COW LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM berland and Durham, Gentle- with cal! by side, 5 years old. Rugs. Select yours from over man, deceased. Phone Clarke 3623, L a n s o nl 300 patterns actually in stock. NOTICE is hereby given that 1. Milîson, Clarke. 4-l* You are invited ta view these alproshvn n am r Duls rciife ______________ at BRADLEY'S New Furnituread eansain the estate o thessPaciioe - FOR SALE - COLLIE PUFS, Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- sead symourstte et imt oROERChVLe bred heelers, about 12 weeks awa. 46-_,adeyonor abutte th dy o !oRuBEsRctOLVIe - old. Apply Johnson Bros., Lot de no bu h 6hdyo 1 16, Con. 7. 42 FOR SALE - 1 ONLY BEATTY November, A. D. 1941, at the City rgesPatior _________4-_________ Electric Washer, rebuilt and o! Guelph in the County o! Well- Liberty Street - Bowmanville o FOR SALE-ONE NICE BLACK fully guaranteed. This machine ington, or claiming any interest in Electricai Treatments - Sp.nal rs Percheron mare, 3 years old in may be had for balance o! ne- the said estate, are required ta Adjustments and Msae ,e May, a good size, will make a count. Termis may be arranged. send by post prepaid to the under- M - Eo good general purpose mare. Enquire at Mason & Dale's signed Solicitors for the Adminis -___________ t. .Apply John Greer, Burketon Hdwe. 4-1 trators witb Will Annexed o! the * R. R. 3, Ont. 4-1* IE UCAIE IE Est ate o! the said Seymour Street TIRE -VUCANIEDý IRESWilmot, on or before the lth day id -Put thousands o! miles into o! February, A. D. 1942, a state- ir Radio Service your tires by having them Vul- ment o! their interest or claim RAI'EPi- ALWR canized. We have a good stock properly verified by oath, after esRDORPI L OK o! reconditioned tires. Save which date the Administrators a r-- guaranteed. Roy Neads, Centre money. Add miles ta your tires. with Will Annexed will proceedI I o! Street, phone 546. 4-1* G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, one ta distribute the assets o! the es- block xvest o! Post Office. 51-t tate among the parties entitledIFl thereto, having regard only ta the -Wanted FOR SALE - 1934 CHEVROLET dlaims o! which notice shaîl then Coupe, new tires; Fordson Trac- have been received. Tenwimproyed Buckley Formulé la &il _WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES tor; Auto-Track Tractor; "Thor" DATED at Brantford this 8th medication -nos yrup- acts fasteon paid for scrap tires, any size. Electric Washing Machine; Cast day o! January. A. D. 1942. c0115111 end coldi-lives you more for you [e, G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Cail Iron Feed Cooker in excellent WATEROUS & WALLACE,* manoi. But b. e l'. tise enuine...4. ie 467. 2-lt! condition; Rebuilt Cultivatars 169 Coîborne Street, rer_______________ and Seed drills. W. S. Staples, Brantford, Ontario, * 1 [ Ie3~ Ir. Massey-Harris dealer. 41-1* Solicitors for the Adminis- *M of Buins Srvc trators with Will annexed e Bu nsSrie OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE 43 ýhe USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, Store - Everything in m-dern,_________________________ lu- clenned and pressed like new. chesterfieid, bedraom, dining î1* We aisa carry new gaads. We suites, and studios. Bedding and_______________________________ are carrying a large stock of floor caverings a speciaity. - suits, Fail and Wînter coats, Quahity merchandise at cam- pants, windbreakers, etc. A cail petitive prices. Befare buying L . ~ ~ V W A W~ wiii convince yau. Don't miss visit Bradley's New Furniture A ~ U A V ~ A I L this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- J LiIU tIIY V ALU ES .. M Bond St. W., Oshawa. 50-8-4* awa. 46-tf _____________- - For Rent RESOLVED-Tiiat durlng 1942 1 will buy my Drug Store of __aeeds at the Rexali Store. We are neyer undersoid, o!- FOR RENT - 3 ROOMS FOR ____________________ an, rent. Phone 2385. 4-1 FOeENes5ROMDCO- Mead's Pabium --------- 45c Pepsodent Tooth Paste be tage witb hydro. Immediate Alka-Seltzer Tablets 29e, 57c 29e - 45e ,ryI & UPpossession. Apply Blake Short, Wampole's CLO. Ext. $1.00 SR eatiCa ---o---ve- 5e ias Bowmanville, phone 2479. 4-1 KruseheCon Sait, G-----ant Theatre, Oshawa FOR RENT -2 UNFURNISHED - Size...............----------69e Anacia Tablets.-----. 22c, 43e vas rooms, suitable for light bouse- Puretest A.S.A. Tabs. Cuticura Olntment 29e, 57e he keeping, centrai. Phone 2241, 100's---------------------- 49e Bile Beans, made la rd TODÂY or write P. O. Box 364. 4-1' Dr. Lyoa's Tooth England ---------------47 ,ae FRIDAY and SATURDAY FO RENT-5 ROOMED APART- Powder ------------------ 28e Rexali Cold Tabiets ta ment, water and light. Newly Dodd's Kidney Pulis ----- 43e 24's..........-5 es DGRBEGN n decorated. Immediate posses- an CHAS. McCARTHY sion. Apply T. Lymer, P.O. Box o-FBE GE an OL 51phn37.4-1* Mum Deodorant ---- 39c, 59c ce FIBRMcE nd MOLLY 51 phae 379.Brylcreem, for the hair n-ed 1 M irtd o Rnt 2e -41 emaq WA ni tir RE Da', A- u E NT DS 1 ---.Moammb, dM&- --.àmm6, - --.M dam, m 1 - r.~...,. -