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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1942, p. 4

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F 4; THURSDAY, JANLTARY 22, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOUP, BLANKETS, A Few Fo!Iow-ups 0f The Good Work 0f Canadians' $ $$ $$ $ $$ In Britain By C. H. J. SNIDER Associate Editor Evening Telegram Lýofdofl, December, E 1941. 11 ail tink-I dici once-of The Evening Telegram British War Victims' Fund as rusbing like az reeket wiîb a convoy of Teiy Trail- ers, laden wilb bot soup and blankets for tbe victims ef lasI nigbt's raid. Tbat's trucecneugb, wiîb tbe bless- lngs of thousands and photographie evidence to back it. But after the bat saup and biank- ets. wbat? Your dollar's goad werk bas only begun. Here are instances, securedi by persenai investigation, of bow far1 yaur dollar rails.î The actual disbursement ln each' case was made tram tbc Lord1 Mayar's National Air Raid Distress Fund, ta which tbe Britisb War Vie- tims' Fond bas so far contributed over a million and a Iird dollars. TYPIST'S TEETH Flying glass and bamb splinters tore a Iypist's face tnem bnaw te chin and knacked out mast ot ber teetb. She was disfigured, il seemed, tan life, and disabled. too, for wbaî boss weuld diclale tb ber? The Fond sent ber ta a dental sur- geon afler the plastic sungeons got their werk unden way, and to-day the lady is fit ta enter a beauty con- test, or wrestle a beefsteak as soon as ber coupons permit Ibat mucb meat And sbe is back aI wark. ILESCUED FROM WBECK An unlucky thinteen - fatber, motben. and eleven cbldren, were bombed ouI. Billets were feund fer tbem in another district. But the Fund did net stop Ibere. The father and Iwo of the beys were ili. Only one son and a dau,-"-r could work. A Fond lady witb $50 et youns and more cnsh from anothen Canac ,.'- in ber bandbag fllawed thcm up and towing five of the ebjîdren in ber wake, m-cnî shopping fer ceai, ced- liver oul, milk, bedding and ther necessilies for al. She gat the children mbt schoois and the rent reduced. Witb yeur help Iis family la new back on ils fted. ALL CLEAR, SOLDIER In another bembed lame the father was killed, the bouse wrecked. The son was in the army. The Fund gel hirni iave ta straighten out his tamily affaira and paid bis fane home and gave bim sometbîng ta gel an wibb. The Ali-Clear is sining new fer this tamily and bbe son is back in the army defending Bibain. WEARIN' ' THE GREEN Net ail efforts aI alleviatien score buflseyes. Thene was onc old dame who just camped in the air raid shel- ter, nigbt and day. afler she bad been burt in. a raid. She was not doing very well, and the sheller doctor said: "I's ber heart. Il ýviil stop beatlng, one of these times. with se much Iying dawn. She ceuld sleep in a gaîz bcd or a deck chair." Gatz beds are busy in the bespitais and deck chairs are as scarce in Lon- don as golf balls, cigarette iigbters. and exemptiens fram incarne lax. But anc was found by the Fund. a never-used, new onc. a donafion frara a lady's lawn dawn :,n Surrey. It was painted a lovely green. Alilhands were 50 rejaiced at Ibis luck that they ciubbed together fer a taxi, le take grandma eut for an air- ing and bring lier and bier deck chair back together te bcr pitch in the shelter. Grandma was in bigb gîce. Thougb she had never been in a taxi befare, she had beard that yeung girls sbould be very careful about entering them, and she was. But stie went. Wben she saw the green deck chair she put bier foot down firmly. 'DeValera and the Devil and the Wearing of the Green!" shc ex-o claimed. "None of that fer me. Brit- ish 1 was bern and British I will die." "Yes, mam," said the taxi driver. "But this here ain't green at ail. main, but a new cler tbey cali eau-de-Nil. Alil deck chairs is painted tbat new, in compliment te aur gallant lads in Egypi. mam." "Tbat's different." said the aid lady. "«Fold il up and bring it back witb me., LIIFTS SOLDIER'S LOAD "*And-Se May-God-Bless-You-AlI" is the pen name the Fond secretary has for a soldier who ends every grateful letter te the Fund that way. He writes many. Ged Bless Yeu Ali is 26. He jeined up, and his wife and baby went ta live witb her mother. Ber bouse had a direct bit in a raid. and the six witbîn were killed. His wife's body could net be identified. Il was two weeks after the raid befere they dug eut the corpse of bis dead baby. The Fond beiped the father bury bis last hope. The soldier was given six weeks' cempassienate leave. Six weeks of bell, in wbich bie smoked two tbausand cigarettes. That was ail the comfart the best wishers could offer bim, and everyone gave. At the end of the first month an- other raid killed bis sister and step- sister. God Bless Yau Ai began te, babbie ta, himself. He was cracking. iFuneral belp again meant notbing te him. But wben tbe Fundbought bim a decent civilian suit of blue serge the cleansing fauntains of tears well- ed and everfiawed and bis cure be- gan. That suit cost you $25. but it saved a man's reason and a sldier for Britain. And Se May Ged Bless YOU AIL We part more easiiy with what peet to succeed and neyer to we possess than with our expec- think you have succeeded.- tations of what we hope for: ex- Thomas Arnold. pectation always goes beyond en- joymnent.-Home. 1 That alone can be called true ___i_ refinement -%which elevates the soul of man, purifying the man- With regard to one's work the" ners by improving the intellect.- desirable feeling is always to ex-'Coleridge. . MMUMMM FMM THE FACIS 0F LONG LIFE Christmas Sho In Vogue In d Despite Wara By Margaret Butcher Reading, England.-Well, win- tcr is coming on us at lasI. Net a particularly agreeable bhought, but wc shahl pull threugh. Colds in the head are very f ash- ionable just new. and colds arc a bit of a preblern wiîh hanker- chiefs at a coupon a lime. Today il bas rained wibhoub ceasing. and one must sec Englisb nain te be- lieve il. My Ihree-milc bicycle ride bas given lb a singulanly pen- crating effect teday, and my neom is now filied wibh sîeam frem drying garments. It doesn'I have le peit in onder la gel dewn te one's bones; jusb steady going dees il, ably assisted by drippings frern the Irees. Yel every day-se I keep on Ielling mysef-bnings summer a bit nearer. (I have not mentioned sping, you may have noiced. Only pocîs rave abaut aur English spring as a rule, and I. strangly suspect Ibat ail such odes were written in Majorca or samewhere. Perhaps al Ibis steam bas made me a tnifle cynical. Because, you sec, I know that there will stili be sîearn in the spning. There ai- ways is). Yesterday I cycled back with a Londaner whe sometimes does Ibe jeurney witb me. lHe bas bbc lypi- cal Cockney turn of mind, and anc remark of bis amused me very ornuch. He was speaking of bis boss, wha is a finst class curmud- geon, by ail accounts. "I dan't think be's weil, of çaurse," said the uitIle Londonen, "but where shouid we be, if you please, if cverybody wha didn't feel well bebaved like that? Look al Ibis fellow Hiler - ail the trouble be's put bbc world le, just because he daesn't feel up ta the mark!" 1 wonder if thal is a protound refiectien? I arn înciincd la sus- pect that ib is. Wiii Break My Rule I have aise heard sornetbing cisc which arnused me, and 'm going te break rny rule. Up le new ail my stenies bave been fîrsb- band ones. I cannaI swean le tbe abselute debails and cornectness of anybbing I den't see or expeni- ence fer myseif, of course, but it is wonderful wbat a bit of cross exarninatien will do in Ihat way. There is noîbing like il for bring- ing an anecdote down ta plain facîs, and I put thern ail tbrough il. But Ibis lime, I arn ld, il cornes from the friend of a friend et mine: a wuman I have nol met. Il was bandcd ta me as trutb, and thal is ail I can say. This waman is an efficer in anc of the women's sevie, and it is said la have lv tappened in ber presence; 50 I leaveilaIthal. I wondcry why -e ail likea hurnan stary about rayai foik?I suppose il is the nice teeling which cernes of learning Ihat they are burnan. Nal long ago I was baiking ta a man wbose persenal friend was presented, on same oc- casion, te bbc King and Qucen, and he talked ta tbcr enlirel: without self- censcio usncss making thern laugh quibe heartily at sometbing he said. The rnan wbo presented hirn said te hirn after: **That did rny hearb goed, ehd chap. You know, mesl of bbc fol] who taik lu llhem aI these cere- monial affairs have faces like cof- - Bulte gel back te my story. This parlicular section of bbe wc- men's services-I don'b remernber "whicb il was-received word that " bbc King was coming 10 make an -inspection, and Ibere was a wild -burst of spi-and-poiish, for hiE Mai esty was due in a couple ci *heurs. Young wornen were dash- ing about al aven bbc place,' gel- ting things ready-when the worsi bappened. The King, thal busý man, was eariy. A breaîhiess per: son rushed inb bbceraam anc said: "He's here! He's just commn in aI Ibis moment!" Hopped Into the Cupboard For anc maiden il was calamit3 indeed. The peer dean wasn' even dnessed. Ne tunie, ne skirt and hair ail anyhow; and no timg la de anyîbing aI ail about il. "Yau bop imb Ihat cupboarx aven Ihere!" ordened the officer "And den'I you dare ta mave e: ublen a sound tlii e's gene. Il turn the key on yau, and you mus breathe as besb you can." Na soaner said Ihan donc; an( bb. ags-viierenecd lewn on oun s'r nahl isl-and -iný a r ing9 enemnies. Wc anc a focal poin and they IcI us know Ihat lbe realize il. Al the wbiie tbeF kee in touch witb us. and every lettei eveny parcel, is like a comferlin pal on the back, a wanrn band shake. Il would be so easy fan folk,s nt, lianal exercise, I arn sure there a dance at night. For breakfast ýey are fcwer fat, lcthargic people we had bacon and eggs and turkey ýep around. I have just met a man, for dinner. The eals werc really er, in fact, wha laoks about fifby good and I made sure of my share. ng pounds lighter (and a hundred Ail in ail life in here is not tea id- limes f itter) since I last set cyes bad. We aise had ristlltae which on hirn. He has just returned frorn is a good idea. Perhaps I caughit se an Auxiliary Firemen's Training the sisters under it tee oflen, but Camp, where hie has been put iti through the hoop for a fortnight. har ýpping Stii "For the first three days,"'lhe saîd, I grinning. "I thought it would kili dri me. but I seon got used to it-and m: actualiy liked it." They got thern to )ld Eng and jerks, with a huge breakfast to brE folowandthe rs of the day at at: and A That fire-practice of various sorts. He per an ntenatona mach.Obvious- s50 far away, to say to themselves: ly the A.F.S. have no time for I I really don't think I'l bother. amateur pottering. These men car They probabiy wouidn't get il, reaily know their job. I think a w:l anyway." Actually, very f e w few thousand of them have ai- oth things are lost-with one mys- ready proved that. hal terious and notable exception. I Cbarmlng Greelan Monarchs le mean the Vanishing Cigarettes. a Their disappearance is exîremeîv Another friend tells me that, a En odd, to say the least of il. One few days ago, she met King deî might almest suppose that "Mr. George of Greece and Prince Paul S." had issued special orders in at a party. She found them both of respect of them. One can aimost charrning people, and they gave all hear hirn bark: "Sink cigarettes at hier their autographs for hier littienu ail cost." And off goes the Cigar- girl. King George speaks perfect asP ette Fleet. English; hie is fair and of rnediurn Si A friend of mine in Toronto has height. Prince Paul is dark, and of tried again and again to get some though hie went 10 schoi over the through: twice to me and three here, his accent is not so perfect. an( tirnes to a soldier friend in the But this is not the first time I have f in Midlands. Neither of us has ever heard how ciosely King George as much as smeit a whiff of them, resembies us. I used to know a Do though ail the other things have man who had a deiightfui little turned up in due course. Weii, if house outside London, to which a this is coincidence I can onîy aay certain weii-known hostess used that it has an even longer arrn to bring ail sorts of folk whenever than one supposed. Weii, weîî, lhe threw a party. They were joiiy weli! parties, too, where people didn't bother mugh about names and Shopping hs Expensive ceremony. My friend had a very Shopping here is beginning ta pleasant chat with a nice man who get reaiiy expensive. Clothes, of was over in the corner tinkering course, have jumped up in price, with the radio and he said te this Vi but that does not touch one 50 lady, a few minutes after: "Who's ter deeply. If you have already used that chap over there? I like hlm." Bo your coupons you are out of the She twinkled at him and answer- cht running anyway, and it doesn't ed: "Oh, I'm giad of that. I KE affect you. But yesterday I went thought you rnight when I brought 1 into town to get a few odds and hirn aiong. That's King George of of ends such as buttons, tape and the Helienes." i1 mending-wool; and a ten-shiliing Al note had been swailowed up be- W. fore I crammed the things mbt my bag. Eightpence for things Soldier's Letter tiv which used to be sixpence; a shil- B liing for a box of pins. And no E twrapping-paper now of course' Herewith are parts of three let- Cl When I dug dlown for a handker- ters lateiy received by Mr. and th chief out came a couple of yards Mrs. Lewis Roach, Liberty Street, be bof webbing, trailing to the floor, frorn their son Sergt. Jack (Mick- Fr and I experienced ail the embar- ey) Roach of the R.A.F. in Eng- Tr rassment of a shoplifter. Inciden- land. His host of friends hope Cc ttally, the shoplifter-if they are Mickey may soon be well enough tc not now engaged on something to resume flying. ci more praiseworthy-must be hav- R.A.F. Hospital, ch. ing a whaie of a time. The alibi December 13, 1941 of the paper-bag no longer hoids Dear Mother and Dad: wî and the most astute floor-walker woud b had pt 1 itto eilan li, I arn feeling weil and fit Or )honest customer frorn a dîshonest laaîn and a .I getting ck i »one, il seems to me. I suppose the t eeksnbMonday.M.I0wasgettingoC shops, for their own protection, to tiw ere but tet. O.tseer 0 swill have to give up the practice totith ere issoethng the -of displaying goods loose in trays. malter wihmyer 5 ave od tPersonally, I think it should have report back after rny lav Kord beendonelongago.treatment.K 1 eN dotnatailsopkees hm I guess I shall be in here for Ct selve areaiaysav s uok espicin Christmas but I don't imagine it M- -ohlear, no! I asuelibeatiynwil be 100 bad. Received a parcel D. c -h ead o of a fecopers elythe other day, but don't know who si i hat oantofsa a t I wappes insent il. There wiil be an address BE ta hury. ne oo and up Iwe ntinside probably but I haven't tei ;the price. There is no means of opndi e.Svigi o hit 1verifying the right price at the mnas.SE Have been having a pretty good S.c ýi time, 50 these dîshonest f olk get ielty.Bngogt ow saway with it. But what shocking lielaftely. Ben o ig 6te ewn ebusiness it is! Nothing woul per- havey ci aftenoneromf2tilus6 They J suade me, needless te say, te go thae sose mtinees for ushand Sr back to that shep again. It strikes a therhotharen'ttbd. e have a me as a rather rash proceeding asiteu rewrnthe ets Indiei I losîng a prernising customer foriourawardan. Senlt omeutime g the sake of sevcnpence. Wel in anada.shve's a lotoffu hadi y there is one comfert; if they make T us vry tw teiI. bda Ls nice lutIle fortunes the Inceme ware tohe ro Canai.ans il Tax people will get mest of it eut in this wroefonPEI n > of them-I hope. There is seme- one frem Ottawa. I neyer kncw -thing te be said for heavy taxa- them before. Our ward is sup- ~ tin, ater il.posed te be the besî in the hospi- y tin, ater ll.tai. The Duke of Kent was around 'g Aiiotments Have Helped Greatiy the ether day and hie steppcd and In lots of ways, of course, we talked te me. He seems like a manage te be independient of eut- nice fellow and looked very in- ci side supplies - particularly of teresled in everyene. It really ,k food. Ail these alloîrnents have must have been tireseme for him. - helpcd us tremendously. There Haven't got an awful lot of let- fare stili plenty of foelk who have ters lately but they generally te buy everything, but home pro- come in bunches. I have been us- duction must have donc a huge ing these coffee capsules every amount te relieve transport andi day. They are very good and M'Il rshipping; and thal is the impor- necd some mere. I think they t tan t question, naturally. Hens and corne ever best, the way you sent ýn rabbits arc everywhere, and giv- them before. di ing their owners a high old lime, Hope everything is O.K. at ibelieve me. One is always meet- home. Hope you are getting these )f ing exhausted citizens wbo have regular. Don't forget te write. just chased one of the farnily liens Love - Jack. t-over half-a-dozen neig h b o r.i n g t gardens. It must be an inspiring R.A.F., Dec. 22, 1941 3y sight. And there are fat, content- Dear Motiwr and Dad: c- d pigs browsing on spots that id used te be lawns, in the mosî un- Had a very goed time on icave. g likely spots. Ducks waddle about Spent the first couple of days in on crazy pavements and one-time Reyston and then Ted and I went flower beds, and goals are tether- te London. He used te work dlown cd by the roadside. A lot more there, se hie knows the way y could be done-and wiil be donc, around. Saw a stage show and a 't ne doubt-but folk are becoming couple of pictures. Ted went back t, very sensible in Ihis. The one te Royston on Friday but I stayed ne trouble with the non professional dlown there until Saturday nite. bird and animal owner is that hie Saturday aflernoon I ran mbt d gets fend of the crealures. Many Paddy Welsh and Laverne Kim- ýr. a duck, I feel sure, wiil be calen bail. Had quite a littie talk with or at Christmas te an accornpani- themn at the Beaver Club. Paddy '1 ment of brotherly lears! The cal- is staying around London these Lst ing of an anonyrnous bird from days singing for an entertainmenî a shop is one thing; te put knife club. Says he's having il pretty id and fork te Susan or Biddy or sof I. He showed me a picture of as Dana s eute aothe at. TM- Ad iggrhldingc rp. IPushing a car on a stormy night Is surely a sad and sorry plight! was fun. After ail, they're flot ard on the eyes. I neyer saw such a country to rink tea. I'm getting to like it iyself. They hardly have time )wash the pot before they're rewing some more. We have reakfast at 7, Tea at 10, Dinner t12, Tea at 2.30, Lunch at 4, Sup- er at 6. No wonder I'm flot les- ig weight. In fact I'11 almost be :rry to leave here. I'm stili having trouble with the ar and I don't know exactly what iiil happen. I have to sec an- ther specialist on Monday. Per- aps he will be able to fix it. If ecan't I don't know what will appen. He's the best speciaiist in :gland. The ear isn't painful or eaf, just flot rîght for flying. On Christmas night the airmen fthe station had a dance, and Il the officers and sisters ànd irses were there. A bunch of us ked the sister if we could go. ýe let us get our uniforms out fthe cupboard and sneak down àe fire escape. I had a gooci timne id managed to get back up the ie escape without getting caught. Give my regards te ail the folks. )n't forget te write. Love - Jack. Obituary Mrs. <Rev.) W. G. Clarke Mrs. Lois Clarke, wife of Rev. 'ilmot G. Clarke, a former minis- er of Trinity United Church, lowmanville, and a great war îaplain, died January l6th at her enilworth Ave, home, Toronto. Born 67 years ago near Napanee dUnited Empire Loyaist stock, Irs. Clarke was a graduate of ibert College, Belleville. She as rnarried 46 years ago. With her husband, she was ac- ve in church work at Trenton, 3owrnanville, Belleville, P o r t :ope, Stirling and Ottawa. Mr. Marke enlisted as chapiain with ie 235th Durham and Northumn- )rland battalion and served lI France with the l2th Railway roop and the 2nd Machine-Gun orps. In 1927 Mrs. Clarke went ýToronto when her husoand be- ime pastor of Glenmount United iurch. Prier to his superannuation he 'as pastor of the thýree charges of riole, Bethesda and Dawes Road or seven years. A year ago Mrs. Marke went to California because Ef her health, returning te To- 7nto in July. Surviving are her husband, a laughter, Mrs. D. M. Wright of ingston; three bi'bthers, John N. harters, Lloydminster, Sask.; G. VI. Charters, Kelowna, B.C.. and :E. Charters, Windsor; and two sters, Mrs. H. C. Nutting of Long 3each. Calif., and Miss Lulu Char- ýrs of Boston. The funeral was held Sunday it 8.45 p.rn.. with Rev. Morrison eliar of Gienmount United of- âciating. Assisting was Rev. W. BTucker of Toronto. Interment Tas in the Clarke farniiy plot at Smithfield on Monday. The best and worst men stir within us a feeling of common hurnanity. ALL war industries need rags . .. handfuls of rag . .. pounds af rags .. . tons ai rage. And rou Without rag wipers to clean the cutting lubnicant from planes, milera, drille, lathes, Canadian war workers would b. inefficient, their output reduced, their efforts hampered. Witheut rags, explosive plants would slow up, aeropiane factories would find Iheir production cut, and wlieels of sheUlfactories would dawdle. Start an old-fashioned rag bag in youz house today. Ail kinds of aid, worn-out, too small and otiier- wise useless garments are badly needed by war industries-everytliing from Cotton underwear teoid shirts and ties-from Grandpa's red fianneis te Grandson's seatless corduroy pants. These are rean sinews af war which you can suppiy. Every rag in yaur home should go te war industries through your Salvage Committee. Clean eut and clean up on Hitieni DON'T THROW ET AWAY _ THROW ET AT HITLRI/z,ý 380 or 569 Depariment 'of National War Services Ottawa Honourabi. J. T. Thorson - ~ -~ 4- ~.'...' , PAGE FOUR - 4 EVERY foot seems like a mile when you have to push a car on a cold night. Save yourself ail sorts of winter driving troubles by coming in now to have your car completely overhauled and prepar- ed for winter with anti-freeze. Remember That the Cost of Precaution le Less Than the Cost of Repaire'. GAIRTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666 Bus Service DRYCLEANING IS THRIFTY! MAE N'S SOU IS ..hold their smart tailored ;ines and wear longer ... when cleaned and pressed regularly Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, Limited% PHONE 419

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