m 'TMTTD..A V T AWITTARDV O991049. SCAL AND Phone Miss M. Gray, Lindsay, is visit- Iing Miss Ella Melntyre. Miss Celia Tait has been visit- ing friends in Hamilton. Misses Betty Edger and Molly Hynds spent the weekend with ,friends and relatives in Toronto. rand Mrs. Ernie G. Brown, 'i~nto, spent the weekend with theïr parents here. A.C.2 Harold Casbourn, R.C.A.F. Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. James McDougall and Mr. and Mrs. Hough, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Balson spent Sunday at his father's, Mr. A. Balson, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Richards, town, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allun, Providence. Mrs. John M. James has return- ed from Niagara where her hus- band Lieut. J. M. James is with the lst Midland Battalion. Miss Dorothy Knox, University of Toronto, spent the weekend wth her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox. Mr. Geo. Lunney, after spend- ing a couple months in Colling- wood, is again visiting his daugh- ter Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Sgt. Stuart Hogarth, lst Mid- lands, Niagara, and Aircraftman Jîm Smales, St. Thomas, were visitors in town. Miss Esther Barnett, Provi- dence, has been in Toronto com- pleting post-graduate work n lune with government requirements. Mr. W. C. Tait has been ai Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, and is shortly to return for a test, as to reclassification. Better stock up with Roselawn linen stationery at the sale prices it is being offered this week ai Johnston's Book Store. Remem- ber paper is getting scarce. Mrs. Ethel Hockridge, Toronto, and Miss Doreen Werry, Dundalk, spent the weekend with their aunts, Mrs. W. C. Ferguson and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Miss Dorothy Richards, Toronto, Pte. Ron Richards and Pte. Gas- tone Dubeau, Niagara Military Camp, were visitors at W. J. Richards'. Pte. James Kennedy, lst Mid- land Battalion, after two days leave at home, has returned to Christie St. Hospital to undergoa serious operation. UNUS UAL OPPORTUNITY January '1Clearance! S AIl fail and winter dress- es at greatly redueed prices ALL RATS AT COST Truly an unusual oppor- tunity The Town Shop West End King St, Clark's C HOICE QUALITY Tomate JUICE IRISH STEI TOMATO & V EG ETAB LE N CHILI SAUC POIRK & BEý BoiIed Dins TOMATO SAUCE & CHEESE SPAGHETTI FRUIT SPECIALS Texas Seedless 5 for Graperuit 25c Calîfornia - 360's Lemons, doz. 27c Bananas, lb .. 10« ORANGE SALE CALIFORNIA NAVELS 288. 27e 200. 35C B. C.' Delicous Apples, doz .. 354 We reserve the rlght to Il to normal f I..... M MMMMM = William (Red) Ranstead, driver Darlington Federation for Oshawa Laundry and member ____r Xof the 2nd Mdland Batt., the man otnudfmpae1 Xwho single-har.ded captured an Cotne0ro ae1 PERSONAL esae era rsne nOh dustry, Labor and Agriculturen B663 awa, has received not a line of generally considered so far as po- 0 MMM commendation nor condemnation the order named. Ail save Agri- I Jack Barrie, Clarke, was a f rom the government, the mili- culture have long since been or -I Tuesday visitor at The Statesman tary, the police, nor civic officials. ganized and each has for years~ office, and expounded some clear- He saved, possibly, hundreds Of successfully lobbied governmentsl eut views on the present livestock dollars and gets only the Bronx. in getting legislation favorable to 0 industry. Col. Geo. W. Peacock o! the their interests. Farmers have Salvation Army who has recently proved they can organize, as wit- Misses Norma Kellet, Mary returned from England is speaker ess successful organizations such 0 Rennie, Joan Bradbury and Mavis at the Men's Canadian Club Jan. as Milk Producers, Live Stock I Garton, Toronto, were weekend 28th at 6.45 p.m. The Colonel is a Associations, Wheat Pools, etc. It f guests o! Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gar- most fascinating and entertaining is simply a matter o! "sticking", I ton, speaker and his subject "Britain and Mr. Heyland pungently ob- I Lieut. D. W. McArthur, No. 15 As 1 Saw It', is most timely. As served, If we don't "stick" we Coy., Veterans Guard o! Canada, this is the f irst meeting o! the are "stuck". And there is a lot o now stationed at Monteith, Ont., year new members will be made to that idea. fl sends regards to the editor and welcome. W. H. Carruthers is Rural Settlng 0 reports weather back yonder president and Walter Carpenter, Misjchi wsitoue down to 30 below. secretary. bMiss MH.aphail w as tue Mr. Robert Corbett o! the office Hv o ed"n oti fbeiyadtena hae and reportorial staff of The Heaven" yet or seen it dramatiz- ealnafomrvstoD - Statesman, suddenly severed the cd in the movies? The editor boan- Raling a forsmer vailsi to D assciaionSaturday and isnowed his copy o! this fascinating caingto, Miss Mcamingsad with Defence Industries Lmtd story .o! a Methodist minister's sae i ek ihsalpx makng uniion, a Pikerng.experiences, written by his stoeieeswt malpx making mutotaofriend.Picereiwas he,.-comn- She congratulated the Federation 0 Aircraftman Harold Casbourn, ment: The book is in a class b y frhligtemeiga ap R.C.A.F., Toronto, is home on itself. I suspect there is not much ton rather than Bowmanville be- f leave. The Casbourns have en- fiction about it excepting the cause getting into larger metropo- listed 100 per cent, Sidney, Harold story the minister told to, cheer litan halls -Iestroyed the rural f and sister Irene are all on active the people up a bit. I could read atmosphere. In cities, success 15 f duty ths bok a leat oce eerytwomeasured by cash. In rural areasU duty.ands prfit lathoceerey t it is moral worth and a way o! 0 Mr. Herb. McLaughlin, Oshawa, yearsanprftheby life. Her thesis was that "food is0 formerly o! Burketon, received a Another Goodyearite in the per- important", a fundamental sel- 0 cable from his son Driver Garnet son of Albert Cully has joined dmtogtaot fste McLaughlin, C.A.S.C., lst Army the armed forces. Ab. joined the tdom thoughpou t Ifsoten Tank Brigade, who went overseas R.C.A.F., and before he took his ptose w h rduceit mst eve im- last July stating he was well and departure hie was presented with ;: B aot I sth rm happy. a lovely relish dish by the em- thughtesaout. rt is the prie An airplane from the Oshawa ployees o! Departments 270A and buluiess o!ed erpai o o!Ag iSchool crashed into hydro wires 274. Cliff Samis, foreman, read culturet le nd emphas tothe on Walter Crydermans f arm the farewell letter, to which Ab. upon the way o! realizing that 0 nortb o! Solina on Saturday and very fittingly replied. A§ Ab was fulfilîment. 0 was destroyed by f ire. Thepio recently married we off er hlm our ms apalrfre ole was tbrown clear, only sligbtly congratulations and very best18yasith oeofCm hurt. Stunting over farms was wisbes and we do hope that he8i e rs in thc he rusemaf Com re!ered t in hesesomeenjoys his life in the armed monin hchserm bre reerdt nteecolumns sm not one instance, o! ail the lob- At 7.30 Saturday evening, the Verbatim from the office o! The cal pretenders, hrAgiute0 fire siren agtsopesi i-Director o! Public Information, had come to rwere Agroiculturo stream on King St., and soon Otaa'o meiterlae hti changed; the Federation crowds gathered opposite the cornes this: "Dominion govern- bas an Ottawa office and repre- Richelieu wbere a chimney ment grants cost-of-livîng bonus sentations are made day by day I sfire was overcome within1three toalal civil servants receiving up by a very able secretary, Walter f tminutes. Satisfied, the throng re- to $2100 per year, or more than E. Haskins, who has an office, a newed its shopping and sigbt- that if manual. Maximum bonus very modest office on the "fi! th seeng.in f irst instance is $11.91 based on floor back" o! the Booth Building.M seingte3. er fo 91t cost of living." Since that it has Mr. Haskins was the man who 0 1941 the 31orlds heat champio been raised to $3000 income and wrote the first Marketing Act inn 1941 theworl's weat hampon-an advance has occurred in the Canada that Courts could flot dis-o rship has been won by Western index. Soldiers' wives andl mn-rutIthdethiitadwsl Canada 27 times. Montana wonl thers, alone, get not one thin red the salvation o! B. C. growers. I on four occasions. Aberta was dime as cost o! living bonus. Bennett's National Marketing Act, I -in1 times, Skantaan B1C Without fanfare or publicity, after Mr. King came back to * tibad a win pic ManitobaB.C indeed with the greatest discre- power was sabotagcd by Higher HY ha s movnpe estwadtob tion, not to say secrecy, announce- Courts which left us nothing in Hard"has ovedwestard. ment cornes from official Ottawa, its place. Such were politics. And n Friday morning the fire brigade Jan. 15, 1942, that a Dominion this, tao, is something for the Fed-0 -was called to Ted Large's house Dependent's Board o! Trustees eration . .. unified, uniform mar- 0 's on Liberty St. to remove a blaz- has been formed to "provide de- keting legislation. * ing mattress from an upstairs pendents o! Canada's armed forc- overlords i back bedroom. The bed clothes es with such supplementary finan- xere dragged out the window and cial assistance as may be nceded." She asked the audience to con- -extinguished with chemnical ap- Just read that last paragraph ail sider whose money built the chain paratus. Smoke damage was aver again . . "a may beneeded"' stores and ail the huge industrie; slight. The room is occupied by - means just what it says, not a who but the farmers created l tenant. dime more than necessary for the th 0?Te h ntonte Sgt. J. A. Fry, one o! the Tbree wives and mathers o! those who themselves? These were pertin-C Musketeers o! the Veterans Guard have gone or must go to die for ent points. Wealth became con- long at Centre Lake guarding which decides how much they or while fences fell and barns were prisoners, bas now been discharg- theirs should get.- Members o! unpainted and ail the while im- ed. Interviewed after arriving the Board are drawn fromn each plement prices rase, indeed al ' home ta join bis wife and family province. Dr. Geo. M. Weir, Van- prîces rose. Woolworths produc- after long absence, he stated that cauver, is chairman. ed the world's richest, pampered after leaving hospital, he was re- sub-deb, Barbara, who, ever since tired due to ili health. bas been employed trotting tbe Members o! the Girls' Sewing ~ globe in search o! Counts and Club which meets each Tues day New Sound Systemi Dukes . . . just as the speaker a!ternoon in St. John's Parish Hall And Vocalite Sereen might collect cups and saucers. basement, were overcome by gaso-FoTha e Farmers made ail this possible unefuestha cmefrFogso RoyalThar for "ail wealth comnes from labor uine and waterlogged drain pipes appliearnd." ht h underneath. No one suffered Mrs. C. T. Ross o! the Royal Tesekrntdta h worse than intense headaches. The Theatre wishes to announce to governmcnt had agreed, in con- baemntwa sald y upri- er patrons that, in order that nection with war contracts, to let f tendent Clarence Hall for the time they may enjoy more !ully, the themr on a "cost plus 5 per cent" ti being. best o! entertainment that can be basis. But when war broke, In- ti TriityUnied hurh i hod-procured in motion pictures, she dustry and Wealth went on strike ing its annual congregational ytmadViaesudsc~CT R. Son cn a s ane rdinle a meeting on Thursday, Jan. 29th, scarfsoncseee Council was nccessary and no brne at 8 p.m. Reports wîll be givenc interspersed with musical nm- Those attending Mle theatre on now knows what profits are made. bers. At the close a social hour Monday evening, Jan. 26th will Certain it is that in reading re- will be spent in the school room be the first to enjoy this new ports o! financial statements in c when the Women's Association improvement. the press these days, no one cann find evidence o! losses. Then thed will serve re!reshments. Every _____________________e of adult member and adherent o o xt higesws aigcare o ixn thi curh s nvtedtoths ure-HINTS TO PATRONS ed as at the 1926-29 level and on I iw tion. SERVED BY ROUTES top o! that came the cost-of-livingd OF RURAL MAIL save the farmer. weepde " '~~ In order that Rural Mail De- Hn.J G Grde livry ay perte f!iienly Then came the London Con!fer-t Post Office Department seeks theenwerHo.JG.arir Y copeatin ! Bxhodes b cal-came to meet 200 farmers andp ing their attention to these points' ery!itdwhnh e 00 __________(1) Keep roads paissable at ali He got an eye!ul and earful at . .. .tim...es... ....Keep..... first band and it was curious ta (2tnmmpailspine note that shortly after that, the on box. meplinyprine governiment broke out in a wholea (on epapraht boxcea. rash o! bonuses and the provincial P _________(4) Boxes should be served government took the hint too. Tbea without courier leaving bis vehi- bint was the wrath o! outragedc ci. heagriculture and the Federationa 2name7pinted o the now rapidly was becoming itst ne T nearticulate expression. Referring 2 io 1I7e 9 box should at ail times appear init h oia e !$,0a thie address. -member--ip,*Miss Macphail str- Honey, 4 lb tin 49e is sure the Japs are in for an aw- the meeting concluded witb "O fui walioping as soon as the U.S.A. Canada." [mit purchases on any or all items gets set. Mr. Rogers, in telling o! 'amîîy requirements the dry cold climate o! Dakota, Charles Carter, Alex McGregor said "I don't see what kick you and Editor Geo. W. James attend- bave down here, you get a differ- ed the Advertising and Sales Club cnt variety every few days; below dinner at the Royal York, Tues- zero anc day, ramn the next." day wbcre Dr, Donald A. Laird, couterchek bokswell known psycbologist and au- Order your onechkbos thor, dclivered the address o! the at The Statesmnan office. day. Voice of The People Bowmanville, Jan. 15tb. Editor o! The Statesman: Gentlemen: It is a well known fact that neither busy people nor :ood workmen ever waste their time telling other people bow their work should be donc, but the loafer on the street corner always knows wbat the Prime Minister and every member o! the Cabinet should be doing. What a num.ber o! this latter class there musf be in some o! the îewspaper offices in Canada ta- day, and wbat a joy the papers )ublished in such an environ- ment must be ta Hitler and bis huns as day after day from the lepths o! their easy chairs these editors pen their gibes and jeers seeking in every possible way to Undermine the confidence o! the people in the gavernment. For- tunately for Canada ber present gavernment was chosen by peo- île wbo did their own tbinking and wbo still continue to do so. Helen L. Carruthers. Editor's Note - Such comments and criticism as Miss Carruthers pours out on the 'Street loafer", as well as those occupying "easy chairs" in the editor's sanctum are exbilarating and stimulating to any editor. It's also a-bit re- freshing, a!ter receiving 50 many bouquets on aur editorial efforts, ta receive this brick which we believe is beaved witb sincere convictions, as this is not the !irst time we have agreed ta disagree %vith this estimable lady wbom we always admire for being 50 out- spoken in lier views. But don't be disillusioned that the editar o! this paper occupies an Lasy chair witb five members o! bis staff wha valuntarily en- listeci for active service (inciud- ing bis son wba signed up as a buck private). The editor bas aiso o)een pleased,' and feit bonored, ta serve on several important gov- erniment wartime c o m m i t t e e s wbicb have takcn bim !rom bis -easy chair" days on end xvith inany trips ta Ottawa and Toronto A bis own expense (not even a dloiiar-a-year nman). Furthermore, any governmeni paid advertising we bave receiveci for the variaus war efforts The Statesman lias mai-e than match- ed theni with columns o! free news stories, editorials, and illus- trations ta back the campaign tc the limait. These are not com- plaints, but statement o! facts to enligbten any wbo, like, Miss Car- ruthers. may be laboring cinder f aise impressions or suffering from politicai bias. It might be surprising, too. tc some ta knaw that aur editorial assistant ini the past two seasons lias worked on farms in Darling- ton for a total o! 46 days (ar office time) and for wbiclî be re- fused ta accept a dime. It was th( bardest kind of work, ailla! whiel can be verified. Sa far as criticising the gavera ment goes, mast o! aur criticisms bave been since implementeci by the very government so criticised. Look up the records ta prove this statement. We are not interested in party polities, but we are vital- ly intercsted in an alI-aut effort ta do aur part ta win the war. We tbink Hitler chuekies more over Premier King's complacency and diily-daliying ta avoid nation- al selective service than be does over the gibes and jeers fromn the pen-pushers occupying the phan- tom easy chairs in an editor's of!- fice. Histary is being written, weck by week, by the government at Ottawa, in decisions and enact- ments, wbicb bave been forced by criticisms. The Statesman justly takes credit for its consistent stand because many gavernment decisions bave foiiowed precisely its 4criticisms." "The Armn Chairs"~ geiieraliy xviii be !ound at Ot- tawa. As a final footnote it may bel abserved that, yesterday in the House o! Commons, Hon. Mr. Ral- stan coii!irmed generaliy wbat The Statesmaxi said concerning the Hong Kong expedition. The Statesman. baving secured first hand knowiedge, was one o! the !irst papers in Canada ta carry exact !acts cavering some phases a! the sacri!iee o! these brave Canadian troops. And we are faremost in commending Mr. Ral- iston's manly admissions.-G.W.J. Seed Judging Contest The annuai Durham County Sced Judging Competition will be beld at South Monaghan Township Hall, Wednesday, Jan. 28, with registration fromn 9 ta 9.15 a.m. (S.T.) The place is about 6 miles nortb o! Bewdley on Highway 28. Everyone in the tCounty under 25 years o! age is elýigibie, divided into senior and junior groups, witb valuabie priz- es. Entry fee is 25c and juniors îîat w'inning xviii have the amount re- afundeci. The Statesman donates 0this space witbout charge because itheir entry wili be a member a! the staff if present plans ma- sterialize. 0 Orono News Park St. Churcb, Orono, beld Lits annuai congregatianal meeting dMonday ex-ening, wben splendid ereparts xvere gîven by the various 1departments as fallows: W.A., 1eMrs. R. E. Logan, Miss L. Aluin: W.M.S., Mrs. C. Wood: Supt. S.S., Mrs. A. A. Drummond; Treas. S. -S., W. J. Stainton; Trustees, Rev. ýS. Littiewood for N. F. Porter; -Y.P.U., Gien Hancock; Session', ýE. R. Rainey: Stewards, W. J. 'gRicdell ($100.62 left after aIl bills paidl; Auditors report, R. C to Rosborougb; M & M Fund, E. R I Rainey; Choir, Mrs. A. A. Drum 'S mond. Rev. and Mrs. Littiewooc - were invited ta remain for an. )n other year. Officiais were ail re. - electeci. Mrs. J. J. Meilor was apý ie pointed to the M & M committey ,h replacing Mrs. A. A. Drummond The meeting closed witb lunch n-and social chat. HockeyNews IRONMEN BEAT RUBBERMEN In Orono Arena Jan. 15th, the Foundry hockey tcamn de!eated Goodyear 11-8. Goodycars took an an early lead and were 7-3 ate the end o! first period. In the last period the Foundry men start- ed ta click and at the final bell the Score was 11-8 in favor o! the Foundry. Bill Poliey and Chic H-atcly led the way for the Foundry with Bill Poiiey scoring 4 goals and Hately 3. Sandy Colville scored 2 for Foundry and Walter Polley and Ernie Morris scored one eaeh. Harrison, Fiee and Summersford were the pick o! the Goodyear team. Founidry Irannien-Goal, Frank Burns; defence, Lou Welsb, Chic Hately; centre, Bill Poliey; wings, Walter Paliey, Sandy Colville; subs, Ernie Marris, Doug. Lemon, Ken Palmer. Goodyear-Goal, G. Virtue; de- fence, K. Hamm, G. Sellers; cen- tre, H. Fiee; wings, B. Harrison, K. summersford; subs, R. Rich- ards, Red Moses. HORNETS AND BRONKS WIN IN FORESTER HOCKEY LOOF Jan. 2Oth Fergusan's Hornets and Childerbouse's Westmount Bronks were winners in a league 1fixture at Orono Arena. Ail clubs ipiayed mucb better hockey, as the scores indicate and aniy the breaks o! the ganie praduced the winners. t ln the !irst game tbe bard bit- iting Hornets de!eated Hamm's Raugb Riders 2-0. The Riders 3produced a more bahanced team 1and Fareman in goal turneci in an -excellent gamne. Reynard on de- tfence, altbougb inclined ta roLIgb -it, stopped miany Hornet rushes sand young George Seihers sparked cthe Riders' attack. Morris did not fplay bis usual gamne aving t aa -wrist injurv. Corey and the vet- eraîî Aifie Dox-c turned in a nice garne for the Hornels xvith a goal apiece, Schuette in goai made lbiS first shut-out. In the second game Childer- 1house's Bronks defeateci Harry ,Dove's Ranger-s 2-i. In the first 1perioci Rangers broke in fast on sSellers and scored, B. Hicks from Barclay. In the second period W. Stauffer. the fleet-faoted Bronk, picked uip a baose puck and gave ïHurst no chance ta save, wbicb tied the game. In the third period Doxve agaiui found a net for the Branks. Selhers in goal turned iii Fa splendid game and was well ýsupported. Hickey Richards, Dowe and W. Stauffer starred for the tBronks. B. Hicks, Brisebois anîd iSunderlandi êarried the mail for CI the lasers. play the Rangers and the Bronks rmeet the Hornets. Llne-ups kHornets - Scbuette, Blackburn, Ferguson, Bidgood, A. Dove, Cor- my, B. Nemis, D. Nemis, Ross and H{icks. Rough Riders - Foreman, Mc- ravisb, Appeil, Burden, Sellers, Reynard, Balson, Morris, Brise- bois. Referees - F. Humphrey and Syerksay. Penalties - Reynard 4 minutes, Burden 2 minutes. Rangers - Hurst, H u t c h i n s, Rundie, Humphries, Sunderland, Brisebois, D. McKee, Valentine, B. Hicks and Barkley. Bronks - Sellers, Syerksay, W. Dowe, D. Stauffer, Clark, Rich- ards, W. Stauffer, A. McKee and Lave. Refcrces - A. Dove, Rcynard. No penalties. C.OF. Lodges Hold Joint Installation In The Motor City High Court Officers and Members Assist Iu Ceremonies At Oshawa Lodge Court Oshawa 501, and Court Bowmanville 964 a! the Canadian Order o! Foresters, installed offi- cers on January l2th at Oshawa heaciquarters. Installation w a s per!ormed by Al!. Randaîl, Dis- trict Dcputy High Chic! Ranger for Taronto Centre, acting as High Chie! Ranger, and Jack Kerr act- ing as High Marshall. Following the business period, 100 members and !riends witness- cd the joint installation. Officers installed for Court Bowmanville were: Junior Past Chie! Ranger- Herb. Richards; Chic! Ranger- Denis Piekard; Vice Chie! Ranger -John McNab; Chaplain-Fare- well Blackburn; Recording Secre- tary-Don Poole; Financial Secre- tary-Len Barton; Senior Wood- ward-John Lenz; Junior Wood- ward-Gordon Abcrnethy; Senior Beadle-Raipb Ormiston; Junior Beadle-John Balsom. Courts Compliimented Lionel Jordan, Toronto, coin- plimented the courts on their progress o! the past year. He cail- cd on Denis Pickard, newiy in- stalled Chie! Ranger o! Court IBawmanville, ta accept, on bebaif o! the court, a Bible presented ta Court Bowmanvilie by the D.D. H.C.R., H. B. MeCabe. ta adorn ithe altar at meetings. Herb. Rich- Sards, retiring Chie! Ranger o! Court Bowmanvilie, was present- ed with a past Chie! Ranger's jewel, in appreciation o! bis past iyear's work. 1 After enjoying a luncheon. the agathering was addressed hy "Pcp" iPerrin, newiy appointed Superin- 1tendent o! Organization. Mr. Per- erin stated that it was coincidental ethat lie had just !inished 35 years Jas a Forester and 17 years as an rorganizer, during which period bis work bad taken bim from ,sBan!! ta Halifax. He gave a brie! saccounit o! juvenile insurance whicb was naw availabie along with regular instîrance. Mr. Per- rin offered a shield ta the out- istanding C.OF. hockey player o! 7the year. 'rTE CANAflTAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TkIUKbVftY, JAýNUAkCY ZZ, 194Z lxir, -- BRINGS INSTANT EASE0 PRESCRIPTIONSfr i CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED LOWEST When you bring your prescriptions to us you can be assured of the fin- LOWEST est possible results. Each one is carefully studied and accurately filled PRICES with the finest and purest ingredients. We specialize in this work. Let us call for your prescription, fi it and deliver it. 0 BARGAINS- Thurs., Fri. & Sat.u ________ LIFEBUOY SOAP .................. 6cHoean la-sLUX SOAP.............c Almond AQaCOD LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 1001s, 77ceHIND'S B 11 oz. size I V aI.D.A. MALT ......... 47c - 79e - $1.39 $1.00 value ATRSAEMINERAL OIL, Heavy 40 oz ........ 63c49 PINEX, 50c size.................. 34e WILLIAMS AQUA VELVA 25e Aromatic Cascara ---19c J D.A. Cold Tablets. 18ec0 After Shave Lotion '4 c 9 cCold Cream, 16 oz.----- 54e 15e Linseed Meal ------ lic 4 c -9 cRinso ------------- c0 - 24e Tincture lodine, 1/2 oz ---3c 0 Bayer Aspirin ---------- 22e - 39C Talcum, 12 oz --------- 14e White Liniment, 8 oz.-- 33c Carter's L. L. Pis, 23e - 69e _______________________________ GNTAKE VITAMINS El SEAlia$ SE E PILILS PILN to build resistance against E ... N Two Sizes VMU LS IO &adf u49t 39 9 w=m A AYERST10 COD LIVER 0 VU, 1~ESUS"M A OIL -----------67e -$1.69 B NSttrWay ALPHAMETTES $1 to $1- ea~ IDAFER the neiv Iron to take .rI Tonie ------------------ $1.25Co Lie I.D.A. COD LIVER N fh a ~ 1 Cod Liver OIL ---------------$1.1) C - 011 NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD I Contains $1.15 - $2.45- $4.45~ Vitains NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD WlimsI Fl Do A ndD CAPSULES $1.25 - $2.25 Luxuy Sain Cea Mr , -ADO 8PRVE9CP-Double size....49e r SULES $1.15, $2.00, $3.45 Snaerse -33 g i PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY IUTS SPARKLE INTO YOUR UN 0 *CONOMY Ovule sssU* 0 9 8er 300 Laura Secord DRUGS Phone 792 . Candies We Deliver PAGE SEVEN ) 1 'i