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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1942, p. 10

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THI3RSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1942 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mrs. W. F. Rickard and David sang, Land of Hope and Glory, have been in Orono since hier MO- and ýas an offertory, The Victory ther, Mrs. David Moffat, suffered Song, composed by Miss Lena a stroke last week. A number of friends called on Taylor, RN., and Mrs. Reta Cole Mrs. E. C. Hoar when she was in Dudley, A.T.C.M., Bowmanville. Oshawa Generai Hospital and When reading of the 6th anni-n were pieased to find her much versary of Bowmanville Higha improved. She came home last School in last week's Statesman weekend..1 i a neetn orfetht0 Mr. J. A. Allen and family are it x astretigtreflerc hat, moving this week into Mr. Fred the Newcsl Gamracol Burley's house vacated by Mr. which soon became known as the0 Arthur Bail and family. Mr. and High School was founded in 1858 Mrs. Wmn. Quigg are taking up and the Board of Education in- t their residence in the house vacat- coprtdiphtya,8 er ed by Mr. Allen. oprtdi htya,8yes0 Miss Dolly Purdy, who bas been ago. At least two of the buildingsE staying at the home of lher grand- used as public schools long before 1 mother, Mrs. Florence Farr, Whit- that time are stili standing and by, since the latter's illness, came in use as residences. down to Newcastle on Monday to Board of Directors of Newcastle9 assist in serving lunch to mem- Hrticultural Society met Thurs-L bers of the company presenting day evening with these officers s "Ritzin' the Blitz." and directors present: Miss E. M.e Miss Norma A. VanDusen, who Blackburn, secretary, Mrs. J. A. I went to Toronto last summer to Awde, treasurer, Mesdames Chris s engage in*war work with the Law, Percy Brown, C . A. Cowan,e John Inglis Co., was married on M. Toplif t, Miss 0de aren Tuesday, February 24th, to Mr. R. S. Graham, J. H. Jose, H. R. Paul Bertram Adams of Toronto Pearce. Considerabie progress f in Howard Park United Church. was made in planning the year's t Miss Betty VanDusen, Newcastle, work. A spring premium commit- s attended the wedding. tee and a summer flower showc Among the boys in uniform who prize list committee were appoint- t were home last weekend were ed. Beautification projects werea Pte. Jos. Hockin, Midiand Regt., discussed.c Allanburg, and Alden Pollard, Senior C.G.I.T. met Feb. l7ths R.C.A.F., Manning Pool, Toronto. at the parsonage. Meeting openedd Sergeant Gordon Cotter, R.C.A.F., with patriotic songs. DevotionalV is also having a visit with his par- exercises were conducted byF ents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cotter. Gwen Hooper's group. "The Pro-0 He has been on duty at Dauphin, fessor Went" was read by Gwen1 Man. Hooper. Mrs. Colwiil read ther Miss Beatrix Mclntosh has been synopsis of "The Amazing Chi- visiting in Toronto and is attend- nese," an exceedingiy interesting ing the annual meeting of the and worthwhiie book about Chinaa Canadian Red Cross. In ber ab- by Willis Lamott. After complet-t sence Mrs. J. C. Hancock, îst vice- ing the Study Book, "Taies from i president of Newcastle Red Cross, Free China," by Dr. R. B. Mc- presided at an emergency meeting Clure, the group wanted to learn last week to plan for entertaining more of this wonderful country. the "Ritzin' the Blitz" company They are fortunate in securing and the wives of the married men. Dr. W. H. Birks, Bowmanville, a With Canada's wartime needs medical missionary in China, w;ho in mind Rev. R. E. Morton gave will speak to them at an open stirring patriotic address from the meeting on March 4th at 8 p.m.t United Church pulpit Sunday Margaret Ash thanked Mrs. Mor-r monn.Under the leadership o ton for her hospitality. mrni.of Friends of Mr. and Mrs. enryr Mr -E C. Fisher the junior choir Cutler, for many years rsients ______________of Newcastle, will be sorry to learn of the death of his mother, Mrs. Broadbent, who visited here1 about three years ago. She died ~ suddeniy at hier home in England on February 18th. She xvas 70 years of age when she journeyed from Yorkshire to Newcastle to spend a Canadian autumn with her son and she was greatly in-1 A Famous Player's Theatre terested in everything she saw1 around here and on trips to To-1 ronto and other points and neyer Now Showing tired of talking of the wonders TURU' SATURDAY she saw in Canada. Everything wvas far in advance of anything Bette Davis, Monty Woolley, she had dreamed of. She greatly1 Ami Sheridan ini appreciated the kindness of every-1 "The. Man Who body she met in Newcastle. Two of Newcastle's elderly citi-i Camie To Dine z'ens passed away comparatively! Dillie Burke Richard Travis suddenly last week in the persons1 _______________________ of Wm. Perrin, a lifelong resident1 of this locality, and Wmn. J. Ford1 EXTRA REVIVAL FRIDAY who took up his residence in New- I[rene Dunne castle after his retirement from Theodora Goes WiId raiiroad service. Mr. Perrin had Melvn Doglasbeen looking after Dr. W. H. Wal- Melvn Doglaston-Ball's property at Newcastle- on-the-Lake, making a trip down Next Monday fromn the village every day, usual- FOR TWO DAYS ly walking. He died at his home Feb. l9th, after an hour's illness. the big tough guy against the The funeral on Saturday was pri- Gestapo vate and the service was conduct- HUMPHREY BOGART ed by Rev. D. R. Dewdney of St. CONRAD VEIDT Georges Church. As a young man in he was in the employ of the Grand Ail Trhrough the Night Trunk Railway as a brakeman. with KAAREN VERNE He has always been a hardwork- Peter Lorre Frank MeHugh ing. industrious man and a great _______________________ many of the homes in this village and the country round about are WEDNESDAY indebted to him for bis abîlities FOR TWO DAYS in sinking wells and providing them with a hard water supply. BETTY GRABLE He is survived by his son, Herman VICTOR MATURE Perrin, and his grandson Jackie CAROLE LANDIS Perrin, of Newcastle. There are 1 Wak. Up Screaming a great many relatives through- the ottst et-p eer o bast out Canada and the United States t oes sepever . a. tbut those in closest proxîmity are Ai ur h s d ren to, Mrs. Wellington Farrow and Miss Jean Perrin, Brown's, nieces of deceased. CHICKEN HADDIE, ....... 14 oz tin 15c Oak Leaf SARDINES....... 14 oz tin 18c Brunswick SARDINES.............. 7c Gold SeaU Sockeye SALMON .... 12 lb 25e Habitant PEA SOUP ....... 28 oz tin 10c Alymer PORK &"BEANS 20 oz tins........3 tins for 27e MacLaren's PEANUT BUTTER, lb jar 25c Choice Quality PINEAPPLE 18 oz tin 18e COWANIS COCOA Tibn 25Ç Large Variety of R IS for LENT HARRY ALLIN The. Corner Grocery Phones 367 - 368 We Deliver VICTORY LOAN AIDED The Victory Loan Campaign, now in its second week, was given a tremendous impotus in this part of the county by the visit to New- castle Friday of the mechanizod army cavalcade and the lighting of the Victory Torch and again by the unprecedented favour of the prosence of the taionfed company of the musical revue, "Ritzin' thae Blitz", in the community hall on Mond ay evoning. There are many ways of mak- ing a conquest but the military gentlemen of Canada's Air Force, Land Army and Navy, who pro- sented the programme on Monday evening in aid of the 2nd Victory Loan Drive, certainly came and saw and conquered. There was everything from the wholesomely ridiculous to the genuinely lofty. The hall was packod with people fnom one end of the county to the other, a whole section of it seemingly filled with Port Hope citizens. AIl the antists and al the numbers received vigorous and sustained applause. And how could the show be other than a success when produced under the direction of such a doene and versatile genius as Pte. Mol Koay, R.C.A.S.C., and with such a prince of good fellows as the debonair Pte. Rex Doyle as master of cere- mornes. Botwoon the finst and second parts J. J. Mellor, Orono, made an eloquent appeal for support of the prosent Victory Loan, build- ing up bis address from the sub- ject mattor of the Victory Loan posters that were displayed on the walls and samplos of which ho had with him. After the show Newcastle Red Cross by arrangement with the Victory Loan Committee served the visiting company with refnesb- monts in the hall kitchen. Lunch was also served Friday to aIl the mon of the mechanized convoy when it halted in Newcastle for demonstrations. Obituary James Henry Scott James Henry Scott, a farmer rosiding in Taunton district, died Fobruary 2lst, in his 64th year. Born at Pontypool on Decembor 22, 1877, Mn. Scott had lived the greater part of bis if e in Taunton district, where ho farmed and was wideiy known throughout the dis- trict. Ho had been in poor health for the past two years. Bosides the boreaved wif e, for- mer Sarah Jane Aldread, ho is survived by a daughter, Miss Helen Jane Scott, and two bro- thons, George of Harmony and Norman of Newtonville. The funeral was held at Zion United Church, of which the de- ceased was a memben, Tuesday afternoon, with the service con- ducted by Rev. W. Rackham. In- termont in the Zion Cemetery. Wallace Bruce Parkln There passed suddenly to rest at Bunketon on February 14th, Wallace Bruce Parkin in his 56th year. Born in Cartwright Town-E ship, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parkin, he came to Dar- lington as a farmer 25 years agoc having previously spent a short period in Pontypool and Toronto. Ho was a member of the United Church, Burketon. Ho beaves to mourn bis passing bis widow, formerly Alice Dupuis, two daughters Mrs. D. Buniner <Blanche), Mrs. Jack Milne (Vi- ola), Bowmanvilie, and one son Jack who is an employee of the Bowmanville Foundry Co.; one brother, Albert, of Spokane, Washington, and two sisters, Mrs. AIf. Richards, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Chas. Maywood, Toronto. j The funeral service from F. F. Morris Co. Chapel on Feb. l8th was conducted by Rev. J. E. Grif- fith, Minister of Trinity United I Church, Bowmanville, assisted by Rev. J. W. Buriner. Palibearers wero four cousins William Mc- Laughlin, Herb McLaughiin, Ross McLaughlin and Wm. Martin and Walter Oke and Adam Sharp. In- terment was in Hampton cerne- tory. Floral tributes from the em- ployees of the Bowmanviile Foundry Co. and relatives and friends were many and beautiful and expressed the esteem of whîch the deceased was held. Orono News Mrs. Reg. Sutton is suffering from a badly burned hand which required medicai attention. Sympathy is extended to the relatives of Mrs. David Moffatt who passed away Wednesday morning. Mn. Alfred Shenwin, Herbent, Olive, Mrs. Aikens and daughtor Marjonie, Roseneath, visited at Walter Sherwin's. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin, Mn. Milfred Sherwin and Mrs. R. H. Brown attended the funeral of Wm. Jibb, Camborne, Tuesday. Mn. Jibb died suddenly from a heant attack and is survived by his widow, one son and two daughtens. Ex-Reevo Jibb had been choir leader for over 40 years and his death means a great loss to the church and community. Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugiess Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanvillie Electnical Troatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. Twenty-first Annual Shorthorn Sale Held Thursday, March 5th Durham County Dreeders Ciassic Sale, 'Prout Promises, Haif Mile South of Kurv Inn, Haif Way B et w e en owmanvilie and Newcastle Durham County Breedors of outstanding Shothorn breeding stock have advertised their 2lst annual sale which will be hoid at the Prout barns, (Lovokin Farms) a haîf mile south of Kurv Inn which is just haif way between Bowmanvillo and Newcastle, both of which are thniving centres of the Shorthorn Beef Cattie indus- try of Canada. President Capt. Cynil H. Mumford, togethen with officers of the local Association, take this opportunity to assure al prospective buyers that the sale of 1942, ail things considered, in- ciuding quaiity of offenings, is the greatest Durham breeders have evor offored. That is a gonuino statemont. Couplod with this, which beans the ondorsomont of ah breeders- ing Beath Farms of Ontario Coun- ty and famed contibutors of Dur- ham, is assurance that sound beof breeding stock has a great con- tribution to make in connoction with domestic sustonance of, not only Canada, but ahl North Amer- ica. Prices wili assure the fulf il- ment of this prediction. B. W. V. Fund First on the list and of para- mount importance is the contribu- tion of beef mon of the high-ciass heifer caîf contributed by Chas. Fothorgill, Whitby, which wili bo auctioned to the highest bidder, the proceeds to go to the British War Victims' Fund. Ahl over Can- ada similar contributions have been made and it is oxpoctod that the pedigreed Shorthomn now of- fened wiii top ail opposition. Besides this thero are ontnios of 17 young bulis, mostiy from good milking dams, and 16 fomales, al of choice broeding stock, the whole, without doubt the classiost offonings in ail sales for years. Popular families such as Rose- woods, Augustas, Orange Biossom, Clipper, Gracoful, Brawith Bud, Blythesome, etc., appear in the catalogue, with noted bulîs such as: Roland Clipper, Larbent Templar, (Imp.), Boyndie Fame (Imp.), Drynie B o nd hol1de r (Imp.), Klaymor Ce nt ur io n (Imp.) and Browndalr, Selection as top sires. The list of contributors, as f ol- 10w, are a guarantee of integrity: E. F. R. Osborne, Newcastle; W. F. Rickard, M.P., Newcastle; Cyril H. Mumford, Hampton; Lew Rich- ardson & Son, Ash-urn; Robt. Parrott & Sons, Ashbumn; J. E. Leask, Seagrave; A. J. Howden, Columbus; S. Chas. Aluin, Bow- manvilie; John Baker, Hampton; W. L. Morrison, South Monaghan; Beath Farms, Oshawa; Rigfoot Farms, Stouffville; Chas. Fothor- gi, Whitby; Norman Earl, Miil- brook; Maurice Baker, Enniskil- len. Breeding and individuality, as set forth above should provide guarantee for breeders and farm- ers generally, to secure high class foundation stock and herd im- provers at this sale. Plan to attend and if not active bidders, you wiii be assured of a welcomo. Cata- logues may be had by applying to S. Chas. Allun, Secretary, Bow- manvilie, or to The Canadian Statesman, Drawor "B", Bowman- ville. RECRUITING TRAIN (Continued from page 1) this moment; but s0 far as Japan is concerned, at the moment, al we are assured of is that Cana- dians who have survived Hong Kong are accorded only the meagre diet of rice that Japs sub- sist on. In The Canadian Red Cross car, 2nd section, was shown opportun- ity for those who wished, to do- nate 'typed' blood which could be taken and kopt for future even- tualities, in cold storage. Beyond this was an active recruiting booth where men or girls couid sign up for the duration. After traversing the length of this train with aIl its patriotic and gruesome details, few could repel the urge to join and defend Can- ada; yet few signed on the dotted line. The greatost appeal was for funds and if the mood holds, funds will be forthcoming; at least that is the hope. Hope And it is not only the hope but the expectation of the government that this dîsplay in this special train wiil lessen the burdens and lighten the apprehensions of the great mass of the population of ahl Canada, who know so littie, de- spite the lapse of 21'/2 years of what we have been doing and why we wish to get where we want to go, whorever that may be, win, lose, or draw. In the opinion of The Statesman, this train in charge of the O-C named above, is doing and has done, within a short space of time, more than any other scheme of the govern- ment sînce 1939. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, thxe wonderfuiiy versatile enter- tainer, for your next entertai- ment. IiLlustrated circular free. - Address - 628b Crawford Street, Toronto ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion <minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is not pald same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of l0c when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. Ini Memoriams, 50e for notice plus l0c per lino for verse. Claaslfied adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTH DEWELL - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Hampton, nee Evelyn Trnk, are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Helen Marilyn, at Bowmanviile Hos- pital on February 22nd, 1942. 9-1 DEATI-S BENNETT - On February l9th, 1942, at the residence of his bro- ther Wm. T. Bennett, Toronto, Francis James Bennett, late re- sident King St. E., Bowman- ville, aged 74 years. Interment Bowmantille Cemetery. PERRIN-At Newcastle, on Feb- ruary 19th, 1942, William James Perrin, aged 73 years. RUTHERFORD -In Toronto, on February l8th, 1942, Ethel May Milison, beloved wif e of H. L. Rutherford and mother of Au- dry M. Rutherford, in her 5lst year. Interment Orono Ceme- tery. SOPER-On February 2th, 1942, at the Toronto General Hospi- tai, Leonard Washington Soper (formerly of Kendal, Ont.), dearly loved husband of Anna Lila Williamson, 76 Sorauren ,avenue, and dear father of Ross Soper. Interment Prospect ce- metery. VEALE -Suddenly at Nestieton, on February l4th, 1942, Sarah Mabel Pettit, beloved wife of Cecil L. Veale, in her 54th year. IN MEMORIAM BEECH-In loving memory of our father, Arthur Beech, who pass- ed away February 2th, 1941. Peace Perfect Peace. -Ever Remembered, The Family. Cards of Thanks Mrs. Parkin and famiiy wish to thank their many friends for their thoughtful interest and sympathy, aiso the kind neighbors for their assistance at the time of the re- cent loss of a loving husband and father. 9-1* Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney of Newcastle desire to thank all the friends who have sent letters, cards or any tokens of sympathy during the illness of Mrs. Glenney, both during their stay in Toronto and since their return to New- castle. 9-1* COMING EVENTS Maple Grove Young People's Union are holding an Amateur Programme on Friday evening, Feb. 27th, at 8 p.m. Special musi- cal numbers, elocution, sleight of hand and humorous skits. Come and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment. 9-1 ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Ada Morton announces the engagement of her only daughter, Margaret Amber, to Ross Charles Stonehouse,' Toronto, son of Mr. Robert Stonehouse, Unionvilie, Ontario. The marriage will take place quietly at Bowmanvilie on Wednesday, March l8th. 9-1* Shorthorn Sale Durham County Shorthorn As- sociation will hold their 2lst an- nual auction sale of pure bred Shorthorns on Thursday, March 5th, at Alex Prout's, 1/ mile south of Kurv Inn on Highway No. 2, west of Newcastle. There will be offered 17 buils, 14 heifers, 1 cow with caîf at foot. This is a very choice offering and nearly al from accredited herds. They have also ail been inoculated to prevent Shipping Fever. Sale at 1.30 D.S.T. For catalogue write S. Chas. Allun, Bowmanviile. Shaw's H. & S. Club, War Work Committee, wili serve lunch at Mr. Prout's house. Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap tires, any size. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Cali 467. 2-ltf Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM-QUEEN'S Hotel, Newcastle. Weekly board at very moderato rates. Good, warm rooms. 6-tf Boarders Wanted ROOM AND BOARD AVAIL- able for refined business or pro- fessional woman. Apply Box 42, Statosman Office, Bowmanville. 9-1* Articles For Sale 60 PARTY GAMES 10c; 50 Monologues 10c; Fortune Teller Book 10c; 596 Conundrums 10c; 120 Magic Tricks lOc; Joke Book 10c. Empire Novelties, Peter- boro, Ontario. 9-2* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actualiy in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf TIRES -VULCANIZED- TIRES -Put thousands of miles into your tires by having themn Vul- canized. We have a good stock of reconditioned tires. Save money. Add miles to your tires. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, one block west of Post Office. 51-t ROOT SEED-WEWOULD appreciate it if our regular customners would order Root Seed now for later delivery as we wish to f iii your require- ments. Our stock is complete but Root Seed is already moving out fast and we can't guarantee delivery of late orders. Stew- art's Seed Store, phone 577. 9-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in mcdern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverîngs a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Ilelp Wanted HELP WANTED MALE - GET INTO FOOD, to-days' Most im- portant business. If you have been selling aluminum ware, -electrical appliances, washing machines, automobiles or acces- sories and other commodities now affected by war priorities- which may have left you with- out a job, you will be nterested in learning details of a business not curtailed by present day conditions. Seli. groceries and other daily necessities. We have openings in nearby counties. For full particulars write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Mon- treal, Que. 6-4 For Rent ROOMS TO RENT-PHONE 2385, Bowmanville. 9-1* TO RENT - UPSTAIRS FRONT room avaîlable for respectable gentleman. Write P. O. Box 395, Bowmanville.- 9-1 TO RENT - T. H. KNIGHT HAS a house to rent in good location in Bowmanville. Phones: Office 565, House 768. 9-1* TO RENT-FIVE ROOMED COT- tage with hydro. Immediate possession. Apply Blake Short,, phone 2479 Bowmanville. 9-1 TO RENT - BUNGALOW, SIX roims, 3 piece bath, hydro, 1/ acre land. Immediate posses- sion. Phono 2393, Bowmanville. 9-1 FOR RENT-A 5 ROOMED COT- tage, good cellar, 10w rent, pos- session immediately. Write to Mrs. Peate, 556 Ontario St., To- ronto, Ont. Phone Ran. 3587. 9-1 TO RENT - FARM ABOUT 90 acres on No. 2 Highway between Oshawa and Bowmanviile. Pos- session April. Write Box 43, Statesman Office, Bowmanviile. 9-2* Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT -TWO OR three unfurnished heated rooms for light housekeeping, or a smail warm bouse. Appiy Box No. 45, Statesman Office, Bow- manvillo. 9-4* WANTED TO RENT - HOUSE for family of 3. Must be in town and have modemn conveniences. Write Box 44, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 91 Livestock and Articles FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Jersey heifers and cows, accre- dited herd. Apply F. E. Hutton, R. R. 2 Bowmanviile, near Ebe- nezer Church at Courtice. 8-4* FOR SALE-YOUNG PERCHER- on horses, three and four years old; 18 Yorkshire pigs 8 weeks old. Appiy H. C. Pedwell, R. R. 2 Newcastle, phone Clarke 3823. 9-1* FOR SALE-2 HOLSTEIN COWS, fresh; 2 Hoîsteins due in two weeks; Jersey cow, fresh. Ap- ply Steve Rausa, Lot 30, Con. 2, Darlington, 1 mile south of Courtice. 9-1* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Horse, and chicken pen for sale or wiii exchange for young cat- tle or milk cow. Apply Frank C. Orchard, Enniskillen, phone 2552. 9-1 FOR SALE - 10 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old; 1 Durham cow, renew in about 2 weeks (5 yrs. old). Geo. Benetin, R. R. 1 Hampton, phone 2612. 8-2* Lost LOST - DOG COLLAR WITH "Prince" stamped on it. Finder please return to Mrs. Thos. Coulter, Wellington St. 9-1* LOST - HUB CAP FROM 1936 Packard, lost last week on Base Line or Kingston Highway. Leave at Statesman Office. 9-1* Business Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - Independent merchants who take orders at home, seli Fami- lex Products in demand in each home if there is not a qualified dealer in your district. Increase considerably your volume of business and profits. No risk, merchandise always fresh and shipments each week according to orders. Corne to see us for conditions or write. Famiiex Products, 570 St. Ciement, Mon- treal. 9-1 Chicks for Sale CHICKS FOR SALE - BABY Chicks, White Leghorns and Rocks. Blood tested flock. R.O.P. sired. Apply Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 9t BABY CHICKS - FROM CANA- dian approved breeders only. 24 oz. eggs and over used for hatching. Rocks, Leghorns, New Hampshires, etc. Trent Electric Hatchery. Order from Barron's, Hampton, phone 2420. 9-1* C H IC KS! - BUY THE BEST. As booking is unusually heavy this year we suggest you order at once to avoid disappointment. Many W~eeds to choose from in Tweddle High Quality Chicks. Price list on request. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 9-tf Personal PERSONAL RUBBER GOODS- Mailed postpaid, in plain, sealed envelope, with price iist. Aduits only. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Please state age. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton. Ont. 5-6 Wiîson's Furniture Co. FEBRUARY SALE 3 Piece Dedroom Speciai Just think! A complote Bcd- room Suite (bed, chest of drawers, dresser or vanity) of ultra modern design at this low prico. Styied in rich two-tone veneers wîtb gleaming round mirrors and mod- ern hardware. These suites are one of the highlights of aur Great- est February Sale, and are priced at only-$69.00. 2 Grand Mattress Specls Spring-filled Mattress - Luxur- ious, spring-filled mattrosses with scores of steel coul springs encased in layers of cotton foît and cover- ed with quality ticking. Finished with noat, rollod edges, ventilators and handy straps for turning. A grand mattress at a price every- one can afford-$13.95. Rolled Edge Foît Mattross - Fluffy, steriized, blown foît, on- cased in quality ticking wohl tuft- ed and finîshed with a roll edge. Ahl standard sizes. February Sale Price-$5.95. 1 Plece Chesterfield Speclal Truly the "lap of luxury!" Rich quality velour of this season's newest patterns in ail the popular shades of to-day. Graceful show- wood frames - and guaranteed "Sagless" construction through- out. Suites of rare charm and beauty that wiii make your home a comfortable place for your fami- ly and friends. Fobruary is a short month-don't lot it go by wîthout availing yourself of this truly great vaiue-$89.00. Floor Coverlng Specls Bring your floor covening prob- lems ta Wilson's. Our floor caver- ing experts wili giadly assist you. We can save you monoy. Special! Colorful new 1942 patterns ta bring new if e ta all your rooms, Special-29c sq. yard. Wilson's Furniture Co.- 40 King St. West 20 Churh St I OSHAWA 8ý-2 20e Doric Acld, 2 for ---- 29e 3 oz Camphorated 011 -. 19c 2tz Castor 011------------ l9e 16 oz Peroxide ----------33e 25e Iron Tablets ,- --- 21e 25e Sacchrln Tabiets ... i9c 2 oz Tr. lodine ----------19e 60c Hand Lotion -------49c 60e Eau de Cologne ----- 49c Children Like REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - 9 room solid brick house, central- ly located, village of Newcastle, hardwood floors throughout, modern conveniences, hot water heating, running water, good repair. Apply W. J. Eilbeck, 205 Bingham Ave., Toronto. 6-8 ROYAL THEATRE- BOWMAN VILLE i Thurs., Fni., Sat. FEDRUARY 26, 27, 28 LADY SCARFACE wlth Dennis O'Keefe IF, Neal Double Feaure WILLIAM BOYD y as Hopaiong Casldy in HIDDEN GOLD Mon., Tues., Wed. MARCH 2, 3, 4 DOUDLE FEATURE MEXICAN SPIT- FIRES BABY DATE WITH A FALCON Rexail Cold Capsules .... 25e 28c Stork Baby 'Powder 2 for --------------------- 45o Pad and Envelopes --- - --, 25o Fruit Saline and glas-- 43o MI0S ABS&C------------- 190 20c Mlik of Magnesia Tablets ------------7---ie 40 oz Minerai 011 -------83o 0 0 0 KOLYNOS DENTAL CRE4'J,, Your Dentist Approves Their Choice Special! medium 29c large 41c JURY & LOVELL When we test your eyes lt la done properly DO WMAN VILLE - C.N.R. TICKETS - PHONE 78 *1 ____ -~ REXALL BIRTHDAY SALE Feature Values -'4 mur, fflq R SE WANTBADS. Business Service USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like riew. We also carry new goods. nie are carrying a large sto f suits, Fail and Wint~~1 pants, windbreakers, e- !1 will convince you. Don't mtiss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 50-8-4* ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. W. F. Ward, Barrister, has now resumed his legai practice in Bowmanville, following the com- pletion of some important work for the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League, in the City of London, Ontario. 8-2 AUCTION SALE A. E. Rundle, Lot 27, Con. 1, Darlington, will sell by public auction on Saturday, February 28, the following: 3 horses, 4 head cattle, 13 shoats, implements, feed, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock E.D.T. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 8-2 The undersigned has received instructions to seIl by public auc- tion for the Estate of the late Bruce Parkin, Lot 22, Con. 10, Darlington, 1 mile west of Burke- ton, on Saturday, Feb. 28th, 1942, 3 horses, 9 head cattie, pigs, hens, feed and implements. Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp E.D.S.T. Terms cash. Theron Mountjoy, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 9-1* Real Estate For Sale YM6%% . ........ .. M-19... ... THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN 'Il

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