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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1942, p. 10

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THURSDAY, MARCH- 5, 1942 m - - . , . , . n , , . , c t m A ýT n U A WT V T T T ~ .P . % Tb X m A D T 1 PAGE TENTH AAINSAEMN OMNLLUTMU RE- NoticeEil D Mrs. H. S. Britton and hier mo- Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard ther, Mrs. McKenzie, have both1 were in Toronto Saturday attend -________________ been quite ill at Mr. and Mrs. ingth wedding of hier sister, Britton's home. Miss Madeleine Bennett Hay, Cotter, R.C.A.F., was home fromn Charles Bonathan, Alex In- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dauphin, Man., prior to leaving- gram and Douglas Walton went Hay of Toronto and Newcastle, for overseas. Besides the family to ornt Moda t oferthirand Mr. Robert Henry Benson, ordinarily at home, including Mr. CI- se Trvicesin a ranc off theiveso f Mr. and Mrs. M. Starr and Mrs. Cotter and three young- SericeFores.Benson, Toronto. Rev. Col. George er daughters, Grace, Viola and Servie Fores.O. Fallis officiated in Trinity Marie, and Grandpa Pat. Cotter Miss B. McIntosh being in To- United Church, Toronto. nearing his 99th birthday, there ronto, Mrs. J. C. Hancock, lst Mr. John Parker, Regina, Sask., were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cotter vice-president of Newcastle Red is visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. and son, Morganston, Ont., Mrs. D( Cross Branch, presided over the Fred Graham. Ris wife was the John Hayes and son, Sharbot meeting Feb. 26th. former Miss Olive Walton, Shaw's. Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. J. H. Jose attended the Your correspondent hailed Mr. Cotter, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Canadian Gladiolus Society con- Parker from Regina as a visitor Bruce Cotter's second youngest vention in Toronto Feb. 27th, and from the Wealthy West which son is Gnr. John Cotter of the also looked in on the losing ses- early led the way in reaching their R.C.A. He has been in EnglandG sions of the Ontario Horticultural Victory Loan goals. He replied going on two years. G Society's convention. that it wvas not by reason of the Mr. redGraam ookMr.SamWest's wealth, but rather be- Br rown tGthehome ofhir.Sasoncause of sacrifices; for the West r..Brown , ,th o ofssha ,e sees the urgent need of providing REX FROSTE PRESENTS first of tBrw, Hehawabeeninthe government with rmoney to SPLENDID MOVING PICTURES faing ofheatheer sie h ee was carry on the war. vrtohnedpplinL falnghalheersnc iews A former Newcastle girl, Miss vrtohnedppemL visited by the strangers and has Helen Frances Eddy, yoiingest the Newcastle United Church on developed a serious heart condi- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wednesday evening, Feb. 25th, tion. C. Eddy. was married in Toronto were given a more vivid concep- Newcastle Trail Ranger hockey- on February 2lst. to Mr. Harold, ino h rgde fwra ists journeyed to Courtice Feb. Scott, son of the late Mr. and they viewed Rex Froste's motion 26th, and, in an encounter with Mrs. Luther Scott, Epsom, Ont. pictures of the world girded for S( the 'Ranger hockey team of that The marriage was solemnized by battie and nations fighting against famous motor car burg, came off Rev. Geo. C. Pidgeon at Bloor St. nations. lie titled his programme, the better by 4to 2. Reeve C. R. United Church. After the cere: *-Cavalcade of Europe," and s0 it Carveth and Rev. R. E. Morton mnony a reception was held at the was in part, but hie showed pic- motored the Newcastle stick home of the bride's aunt Mrs. tures of battle scenes on nearly handlers and puck chasers to the Hughi Hunter. The bride' is a all fronts, on land, in the air and V scene o! action. niece of Mr. Waldemnar Eddy, on the sea. Newcastle, and Mr. Freeman Ed- He began with a peaceful dy, Brown's S. S. Europe, a Europe of many inde- Senior C.G.I.T. met on Febru- pendent nations, each engaged in L ary 24th at Mrs. H. Tebble's with working out its own happy des- Betty Enwright presiding. Devo- tiny. It was the luIl before the Stional exercises were conducted storm. There were pictures of- by Pauline Deline's group. The Chamberlain on his pacifist mis- R O T A Cstudy book story, "The Staff sion to Munich and his return to- R O Y A L Stayed," was read by Yvonne England with the meaningless TR TRE afghan were put on dispiay and And then it wasn't long before B3OWMANVILLE counted it was estimated thatit things began to, seethe and the wasalmst alffinshe. Nxtaggressor, having once tasted metngo1Mrh tws plan- blood, was chasing in ail direc- ned. (This was the meeting at tions in ail his fury. Sa. which Dr. W. H. Birks, Bowman- He showed motion pictures of Thurs., Fni., st ville, spoke on "China.") Mar- the latest phases of the war, of garet Ash thanked Mrs. Tebble the entry of Japan and the United MARCH 5, 6, 7~ and granddaughter, Eileen Far- States in the struggle and pic- rofor s0 kindly offering their tures of the British ships, the homeforthe eetng.Prince of Wales and the Repulse, "The Big Store" oefrtemeig before they went with fiags fly- Home for the Weekend L ing to their inevitable doom. And with Miss Sara Moise, Oshawa, at pictures of Churchill and Roose- Mr. Benj. Moise's. velt and our King and Queen The Mar Bros. Miss Helen Lycett, Oshawa, at helped put heart into the people1 TheMar Brs. Mr. Thos. Moffat's. gazing at the screen and listening Miss Jean Holmes, Toronto, at to Rex Froste. Mrs. Froste was March of Time Mr. Wallace Holmes'. with hlm helping with the pro- Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, jector and after the presentation at Mr. H. R. Pearce's. they both were invited over to Miss Mary Ciemence, Toronto, Mrs. Percy Hare's to partake of SHORTS at Mr 'W . Clemence's. somne refreshment and mneet Mrs. Mlrrs . R eg. Woodham, Toronto, J. H. Jose, president of the United at Councillor Fred Couch's. Church W. A., and Mrs. Wallace Mon., Tues., Wed. MsRuh Honey, B.A., West- Hoimes, leader of the group meath, atuMr. Geo. Honey's. sponsorinlg the show. Net pro- MARCH 9, 10, 11Mr Brenton Rickard, Peter- ceeds about $35.00. brugh, at Mr. W. J. S. Rickard's. __________ Miss Reita Cooke, Peterborough ~ Ii<i< ~Normal School, with Mrs. W. H. NINETY-NINE, BUCKSAWS Look Wo's Cooke. WOOD - WAR ON, SO Pte. Lloyd Alldread, Alianburg, KEEFS WORKING and lady friend, Toronto, at Mr. ____ Laughing Matt.AIa'. On March 17th Mr. Patrick' Cotter, native son of Newcastle, starrimg will observe his 99th birthday. FOUR GENERATIONS MEET For many years hie lived in his FIRBER McGEE & MOLLY AT BRUCE COTTER'S own house on the highway, east ________of Newtonville; but since the Four generations of the Cotter death of his wife last fal he has NEWS & SHORTS famnily mingied in an informal been staying with his son, Mr. reunion at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bruce Cotter, Newcastle. One of Cotter's last weekend when their his daily occupations is buck- - youngest son, Sergeant Gordon sawing cordwood and carrying in STE WART'S SEED STORE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS FO0R CLOVERS - TIMOTHMY - GRASS SIEEDS BSUILK GARDIEN SIEEDS We offer here only Purest and Best Recleaned S eeds, Gov't. Graded for PuritY and HIgh Germin- ationi. Prices quoted are EXTRA SPECIAL and subject to change wlthout notice owlng te, the un- certainty of future values on stock replaceenlts. We strongly advlse that you purchase your re- quirements wlthout delay. ALFALFAp Ont. Variegated (Special) No. 1 Ont. Variegated, No. 1 (Local Grown) -------------- Western Grimmi, No. 1i----------- ALSIKE Special No. 1i--------------------------- RED CLOVER Local Grown No. 1 .----------- Speclal N o. 1 ------------------- No. 2 Purlty NO. 1 -------- ----- ALFALFA% & RED CLOVER 50% AlflIa, 50% Red Clover - 60% AlflIa, 40% Red Clover - 75% Alflia, 25% Red Clover .. SWEET CLOVER W.B. Sweet Clover, No. 1 ----- --- W.B. Sweet Clover No. 2-------- Y.B. Sweet Clover, No. 1 - ------ Y.B. Sweet Clover, No. 2----- TIMOTHY Speclal N o. 1 ---- ---------- ------ lgh Grade No. 2, Purity No. 1 -- P'en Bus. $20.00 19.50 20.40 13.20 17.00 18.00 15.25 16.80 17.40 18.00 CLOVER & TIMOTHY MIXTURE 25% Alsike, 75% Tluxothy ------- C wV t ------ - - --- ---- -- -- - Per Lb. $ .15 14.50 GRASSES Canadian Blue Grass, No. 1 .--- -- .28 Kentucky Blue Grass, No. 1 ------- .30 Red Top, No. 1 ------------ --------- .22i,% Orchard Grass, No. 1i------------ .45 Meadow Fescue, 'No. 1------------- .35 Brome Grass, No. 1 - -------- ----- Pices Reed's Canary Grass, Nol I te Crested Wheat Grass, No. 1 -- La-er Fancy Lawn Seed, No. Xi.--------, .45 5 lbs. or over ---------- ----- .40 Fancy Shady Nook Lawn Seed --- .55 5 lbs. or over ----------- .45 RAPE SEED Dwarf Essex, No. 1i ----- ----------- .26 TIMELY WARNING- To protect yourself you would be wlse to book your requiremeilts now for later dellvery on- AMERICAN GROWN HYBRID SEED CORN ROOT SEED CERT. P.E.I. POTATOES VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS O)VERSEAS SHIPMENTS-Many kinds of vege table seeds are scarce overseas. Now ls the thue to place your order for shlpmeflts to friends and relatives. Grow your own and hel> wln this war. Our stock is just in. You get more and better seed f or your money when you buy Stewart's Bulk Garden Seeds. Tomatoes, Cabbages, Caullflowers, reppers, Ouis, etc., started in the house now wlU supply you wlth your own plants at a big Stewart's Seed Store phone 571 Bowmanville BIRTIIS 'ARKE - Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Clarke, Hampton, are happy to announce the arrivai o! a son at Bowmanville Rospital on March 3md, 1942. 10-1 DEY - Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Doey, Bowmanville, are happy to announce the arrival o! their daughter, Margeny Ruth, at Bowmanville Hospital, Febru- amy 28th, 1942. 10-1* ;AINES -In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Wednesday, February 25th, 1942, to Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Gaines (nee Grace Woodward), Newcastle, a baby sister for Carol. 10-1* ,ENZ - Born to, Mn. and Mis. John Lenz, at Bowmanville Hospital, Monday, Februany 16, 1942, a son, Raymond Joseph Lenz. 10-1 OUCR-In Oshawa Hospital on Manch 3nd, 1942, to Mr. and Mns. B. Onville Souch, (nee Phyllis Hamilton), the gi!t of a son. 10-1* VANSTONE-At the Pnivate Pa- tients' Pavilion, Toronto Gener- ai Hospital, on Satunday, Feb- ruany l4th, 1942, to Mn. and Mns. J. C. Vanstone. a son. John Angus Hume. DEATIIS MILLS-On Manch 2nd, 1942, at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Florence Adella Doncaster, wif e o! the late R. P. Milîs, beloved sisten o! Miss Bertha Doncaster o! Toronto. VIOFFAT -At Orono, Febnuary 25th, 1942, Agnes Scott Moffat, widow o! the late David Mo!! at, aged 80 years. unday, Febnuany 28, 1942, Mary- Jane Stnong, widow o! William Stnong, in hen 79th year. WEEKS-In Bowmanviile, Manch 2, 1942, Jane Nicholson Weeks, widow o! Herbent J. Weeks, aged 79 yeans. WIGHT-In Bowmanville, March 2nd, 1942, Catherine Wight, wife o! the late John Wight, aged '82 yeans. URQURART-At Maxville, Ont., on Sunday, Februany 15, 1942, in hem 78th year, Chnistena MacLeod, beioved wif e o! the late Hector Urquhant, and dean- ly loved mother o! J. A. Un- quhant, Maxville, Mns. D. G. Camenon, Montreal, and Mns. A. J. Campbell, Bowmanvilie. Interment in Dunvegan, Gien- -ganny County, Ont. 10-1*' IN MEMORIAM ARCHER-In lovîng memony o! Joseph Archer who departed this life Manch 6th, 1941. Just a year ago, dean fathen, you said goodbye on earth; With sad heants we ail miss, your sweet smile. The voice we s0 cherished no Btlonger we hean; Btour hope is to meet you in the dean land o! the free. -Sadly missed by Wife and Family. 10-1 VAN DYKE -In loving memory o! our dean fathen, Geo. H. *Van Dyke, who passed away Mamch 8th, 1939. We who loved you sadly miss you, As it dawns another yean; In oun lonely houns o! thinking Thoughts o! you are even nean. -Even nemembened by his daughtens Lela and Elva. 10-1 the sticks to keep the kitchen fire going. His two youngest grand- sons of the home are in the active forces. Ris son Bruce is kept busy helping out about haîf a dozen farmers in the near vicinity, 50 Grandpa Cotter busies himself helping to keep the homef ires burning. And for a iittle change he takes a walk up town, as smart as anybody. He was born on St. Patriek's day, 1843, in the Cotter home on the banks of Lake Ontario, a little east o! Newcastle harbour, and as a boy attended sehool in the old court house on Baldwin St. whieh was sold to Mr. A. O. Parker after the erection of the new community hall. In those days, and even when Mrs. Mary McLeod, nee Mary Parker, was a girl in her 'teens the lakeshore road, coming down from the Lake farm, ran past the Cotter home in a straight line to the harbour. It did not have to make the pre- sent turn at "Cotter's Point" be- fore iA crossed "Hanley's Creek." The change was in later time made necessary by the inroads of the lake due to the crumbling of the banks by f rosts and by the erosions of the waves at periodi- cally high levels of the lake. The house in which Pat Cotter was born was in after years burned down. The site o! it was long in evidence at "Cotter's Point," but the frost and the waves kept working away and the last trace o! the home, the cellar excava- lion oradually disappeared into the lake. The house and the very eround have disappeared but the boy o! that house is still with us. One hardly thinks of Patrick Cotter as an old man; he doesn't look it. And another thing to his credit is that when he is cutting wood with a wooden frame, thin bladed bucksaw he isn't diverting anythine from his country's war needs, no complicated machinery,_ no gas engine, no gasoline. ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, eaeh insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra is made when advertlsement 15 not pald same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c ivhen replies are dfrected to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50c each. In Memorlanis, 50c for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted Up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Carda of Thanks Mn. and Mns. Frank H. Bray, Enfield, wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the ladies o! the Columbus United Chunch, aiso the young people's Sunday school class, and ail oun kind friends, relatives and neighbons for the iovely gifts o! fruit, flowers, cards and lettens, and for the many acts o! kindness duning Mrs. Bnay's long iiiness. 10-1* Mm. and Mns. Clifford Naylor wish to express their grateful appreciation and thanks to fni- ends, relatives and neighbons, aiso Miss Ral!yard and pupils o! Bradiey's School for the many aets o! kindness shown during the necent illness o! their thnee ,ittle sons. 10-1w' Hlp Wanted WANTED - BOY TO RIDE BI- cycle for delivery in town. Ap- ply Box 49, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 10-1 HELP WANTED-SINGLE, EX- perienced farm hand wanted for general work on noted Shorthorn farm. Apply Beath Farms, Oshawa, phone Brook lin 312. 10-2* FEMALýE HELP WANTED-FOR Cafeteria Department Elemen- tary Flying Training School, Oshawa. Women cooks, wait- resses, canteen workers. In re- plying please state previous ex- perience, age and education Write Box 50, Statesman Office Bowmanvilie. 10-1 MÎALE HELP WANTED - For, Cafeteria Department Elemen. tary Flying Training School Oshawa. Cooks, kitchen porter! and cleaners. In repiying pleas( state previous experience, agi and education. Write Box 51 Statesman Office, Bowmanviill 10- HELP WANTED - APPLICA tions will be received by thi undersigned for the position o caretaker for the Town Hal and Fire Hall Of the Corpora tion of Bowmanville. Apply bý letter only, stating qualifica tions. A. J. Lyle, Town ClerI 10- Articles For Siale FOR SALE-A KITCHEN CAB] net, cream and black, wif porcelain table top, ten do] lars (cash). Mrs. Thornton' Webb, Duke Street. 10-) 60 PARTY GAMES 10c;5 Monologues 10c; Fortune Tellb Book 10c; 596 Conundrums 10( 120 Magic Tricks 10c; Joke Boc 10c. Empire Novelties, Petei boro, Ontario.9- LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUI Rugs. Select yours from ov( 300 patterns actually in stoc' You are invited to view the! at BRADLEY'S New Furnitui Store, 156 Simcoe South, Os] awa. 46- definite shortage in repair ni teniais for vulcanizing tire Don't be late in having yot tires repaired. Do it now whi the material lasts. We have large stock o! reconditionE tires and tubes for sale. G.1 Jamieson Tire Shop, one bic west of Post Office. 10- OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITUE Store - Everything in m'-der chesterfield, bedroom, din:i suites, and studios. Bedding ai floor coverings a special Quality merchandise at cor petitive prices. Before buyi visit Bradley's New Furnitu Store, 156 Simc3)e St. S., Os awa. 46. Wanted WANTED - RIGHEST PRICI paid for scrap tires, any si G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Ci 467. 2-« WANTED - GO-CART WlI hood, in good condition. Wr Box 47, Statesman Office, Bu manville. 1C- Wanted to Rent WANTED-SMALL ROUSE apartment for family o! tv modern conveniences, in B< manville. Apply Box 48, Statq man Office, Bowmanville. l(- Lost LOST - FOX RUND, SI blue ticked. Happy Vall Bethesda vicinity. Phone Darch, 2884, Bowmanville. Radio Repairs RADIO REPAIR - ALL WOI guaranteed. Roy Neads, Cent Street, phone 546. 10 Whoever has destroyed a siri prejudice is a benefactor o! - human race.-Chamfort. For Rent Wanted To BuY FOR RENT-5 ROOMED APART- WANTED TO BUY - TURNIFS NO'I ment, ahl modern conveniences. or mangels. Phone Bowman- thý Fess oil burner. Garden. Mod- ville 2173. 10-1 ter erate rent. Possession April i. rel Apply Mrs. Archit Tait, Divi- AUCTION SALE P sion St., Bowmanville. 10-tf C]i The Town o! Bowmanville will - FOR RENT - 4 ROOMED COT- seil by public auction in the rear CLC tage, with godc. lr areo! Challis' Motor Sales, on Satur- D fruit trees, and hen house; ½ day, March 7th, 1942, the !oliow- hi! mile west 1/2 mile north Ennis- ing: 1 ton Ford truck, stake body; al] kilien. Apply Johnl Spmy, Silver 1 s.rin wagon. These wvill be on St., Bowmanville. 10-4* sold without reserve to the high- mi est bidder. William Chaiiis, auc-- TO RENT - FARM ABOU 90 tioneer. 10-1 R acres on No. 2 Highway beteen Oshawa and Bowmanville. Pos- I have been authorized to sel - session April. Write Box 43, by public auction for Mrs. Annie FOri Statesman Office, Bowmanville. Parker, Lots 1 and 2, East Whit- A] 92* by, on Thursday, March i2th, at 1, 12 o'clock E.D.S.T., all her farm - Feed and Seed stock, implements, hay, grain, FA] harness, poultry and pigs. This is ac FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F an exceptionally good lîne of g( mixed hay, alfaîf a and timnothy. stock and implemnents. See bills. nt Appiy L. M. Mountjoy, Conces- Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- nE sion St., Bowmanville, after tioneer. 10-1 A 6 p.m. 10-1 si F. B. Rundie will sell by public 6 FARMERS AND POULTRYMEN! auction at Lot 8, Broken Front, - -Why not co-operate with your Dariington, (i mile south o! Bow- REj livestock by feeding Co-op or manville cemetery), on Wednes- r( National feeds? For sale by A. day, March i8th, at 1 P.m. D.S.T., 13 O. Parker, Newcstle, phone ail his farm stock, impiements, h Clarke 37-12. 1 10-4* hay, grain, harness, poultry, and ri WESTERN GRAIN - WE ARE some household furniture. Se h offering No. 1 Grade Western bills and list in Statesman next ri Wheat, Oats and Barley. Spe- week. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 2 cial prices on large lots or at the car, also on it chopped. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE - Appiy A. W. Glenney, New- Under authomity o! a Chattel castie, phone Clarke 3312. 10-1 Mortgage there will be offered ÀU for sale ail the stock, implements Seed Cleaning an rp on the larrn o! the late SEED CLEANING - WE ARE 1, Pickering Township, Ontario now cleaning grain ready for County, on Wednesday, March 18, Spring sowing. We have the 1942, at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Ted best equipped cleaning plant in Jackson, auctioneer. Signed: The this district. We scour, dean Commissioner o! Agricultural and grade, making a fine sain- Loans, East Block, Parliament ple for sowing. We dlean ahl Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. 10-2 kinds o grain and dloen seeds. Deputy Minister o! Agriculture Wilson's Furniture Co. W. R. Reek says in order to pro- duce ahl we can we must secure MARCH SALE Sthe best seed obtainable. In other words we must produce 3 Plece Bedroorn Special more to win the war. 'No in- Just thinkl A complete Bed- crease in prices for cieaning. room Suite (bed, chest o! drawers, -If you haven't grain suitable dresser or vanity) o! ultra modemn for seed we can supply you design at this low price. Styled with any o! the leading varie- in rich two-tone veneers with ties: Cartier, Erban, Vanguard gleaming round mirrors and mod- Sand Victory Oats; Nobarb and ern hardware. These suites are 2-rowed Barley; Coronation one o! the highlights o! our Great- R rust-resisting Wheat. You may est February Sale, and are priced 1- buy cheaper seed but you can- at only-$69.00. , not buy better. Prices may rise. 2 Grand Mattress Specials 's Grain for sale is Registered or Spring-filled Mattress - Luxur- ;e Commercial No. 1. G a r n Et t ious, spring-!illed mattresses with te Rickard, R. R. 4 Bowmanville, scores o! steel coul springs encased 1, 2 miles east on Highway No. 2- in layers of cotton felt and coven- . Phone 2218. 1041*4! ed with quality ticking. Finished 1 with neat, rolled edges, ventilators - Livestock and Articles and handy straps for turning. A grand mattress at a price every- iFOR SALE-COWS AND HEIF- one can afford-$13.95. of ers due to freshen. Apply James - Rolled Edge Felt Mattress - L1 Brown, Base Line, phone Bow- Fluf! y, sterilized, blown feit, en- - manville 617. 101- cased in quaity ticking well tuft- )y ed and finished with a roll edge. a- FOR SALE - 4 JERSEY ANDAl standard sizes. February Sale . Hostein cows about to freshen. Prie-$5.95. 1 Apply T. Wesley Cawker, ow- - manville, phone 794. 10- 3 Plece Chesterfield Speclal Truly the "lap o! luxury!" Rich -LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -TWO quality veloun o! this season's good sized dropped celves. Ap- newest patterns in all the popular J_ ply Joe Fleischman, Courtice, shades of to-day. Graceful show- th phone 2175 Bowmanviile. 10-1 wood frames - and guaranteed J.FRdL-NEBODSW "Sagless" construction through- *. FORshiredue tofarow March out. Suites o! rare charm and 4tYokhirAeydesonaRrobbins, beauty that will make your home 14th. Aply NlsonRobbnsa comrfortable place for your fami- 50 Rampton, phone 2349. 102* ly and friends. February is a c; FOR SAEYUGTRKEYS,shr month-don't let it go by )k toms and hens; also quantity without avaiiing yourself o! this ýr- timothy hay. Write Box 4, truly great vaiue-$89.OO. 2* Statesman Office, Bowmanville. Floor Coverng Specials 10-1* Bring your floor covering prob- rM - lems to Wilson's. Our floor cover- rer FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - ing experts will gladly assist you. ýk. Jersey heifers and cows, accre- We can save you money. Special! ýse dited herd. Apply F. E. Hutton, Colorful new 1942 pattens to, ire R. R. 2 Bowmanville, near Ebe- bring new life to ail younroims, ;h- nezer Chunch at Courtice. 84* Special-29c sq. yard. - FOR SALE - HORSE, BLACK isnsFuntrÇo A Clyde, rising 3 years, nealy 16 Wlo' untr o a- hands high. Wonked some last 40 King St. West 20 Church St. es. fail. Also John Deere mnanune OSHAWA 8-2' )ur spreaden in working condition. ile Apply Wm. C. Pasons, R. R. 2, Sa Bowmanviile, phone 2315. 10-1 ied F. Chicks for Sale -t! CICKS FOR SALE - BABY.......... iîi Chicks, White Leghorns and RERocks. Blood tested flock. R.O.P. n, sired. Apply Alvin Clemens,.......... ing near Hampton, phone 2433. 9t lty. M- C HICKS! - BUY THE BEST. ing As booking is unusually heavy........ re this year we suggest you order............. )sh- at.once to avoid disappointment. 6-tf Many breeds to choose !rom in - Tweddle Righ Quality Chicks. Price iist on nequest. Stewant's -~ Seed Store, phone 577. 9-tf ES1 LATEST DISCOVERY in Eyesight Comfort 0 Now science gives us Tiilyer Lenses-the latest discovery in reducing eye-strain and fatigue. If y >war g lasses, et u i themwithTileLf8~ T ey _il 1 bring new and noticeable ye comfort We wil be glad ta show ouhow Tlyr esaare So dufferentfrmodnrle nmea JURY & LOVELI When we test eyes It ls done properly. C.N.R. Ticket Agency. DOCTOR'S ORDER! * hà evAý . PAP~JVI ~3 one's "66must", liat for that added vital- ity Mif. h their health-not when they ry preclous second of the day. ýyou? Or are you ail tlred o~ oas your doctor orders-i every day! And don't becom the pep that makes you go ouf >things. ÀMI.- - -.jml6ý - --m- -.dààý A TICE-WOULD THE PARTY iat I so willingly lent my ex- cnsion door-clamP to, please IM eturn same and oblige, A.OS lar k er, Newéastle, ph .arke 37-12. 10%.I )SED SATURDAY-DR. J. C. )evitt wishes to announce that is dental parlors will be closed Il day Saturday, March 7th, i account of redecorating pre- nises. 10-1 'eal Estate For Sale ýR SALE-FARM, 110 ACRES. pply Elias H. Dickinson, R. R. [Port Hope. 10-4 ,RM FOR RENT OR SALE-75 ires good land, ail seeded, lood buildings, large silo, creek .inning through yard. Will rnt with or without buildings. Apply L. M. Mountjoy, Conces- ion Street, Bowmanville, after 3p.m. 10-1 -AL ESTATE FOR SALE - 9 oomn solld brick house, central- ly located, village of Newcastle, hardwood floors throughout, modern conveniences, hot water heating, running water, good 'epair. Apply W. J. Eilbeck, 05 Bingham Ave.;« Toronto.6- Phone 778 BowmanviBe 1 p

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