many years in the contracting'isrivdbtwso,*Il .E CHOICE QUALITY TURNIPS9 each . .. . 5e business.I________ Frank of Drumbeller, Alfa., and Harry, an employee of the Osh- . I]awa Public Utilities Commissiona and by one daughter, Vera, whoc H A R R Y A LLIN ives at home. A sister, Mrs. d. Charles Langley lives af 'Ennis- i The Corner Grocery killen, and a brother, Thomas, . . Laura SecordDRGPhe7 Phns37-38We Deliver lives five miles east of Oshawa. O7. Candies We elier Phons 37 -368Interment was in Union cerne- T __________________________________________________ ery, Oshawa. - ý.1- ý .4 . ,4 *-Of THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN M Mmm. M -j ~of town, obeying traffic signs, Rotarians Se. Beauties i ai Eldad Young People was also ece f h iln parked on Silver St., and went 0faiihC lm i P R rsne -a eontdofa& blithely shopping. Soon the car 194Z f riisClu biSORN WSrsete lay artîstic en Phone063 ed istihtor one u hJhn- AL iWith Moving Pictures Albert C ucOshawa this depa eto SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Hedig riht nor one t heJohn- P PE Radonhos fBiisCo OmrrW ,.uCideavoixwa br Poe63ston& Cryédrman's store, it wsP PE adr ht fBiihC- Tmro night (Friday) B. H. (Oshaiwa Times-Gazette) manvillecmn oCahma _____________________________5!= ________________ stopped by another passing car severalrols tof filsthron otayjunorboy Coneate un team The play "Simple Simon Sim- an early g.Hsreiec a whose driver was equally amaz- iors ihn cren asth RoaryCiunthtfest f te LkesoreDis pie GnrFrd Mttn, .CA.,Cht- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Devitt have ed to find that no damage was tes e tteRtr lbtefrto h aehr itrictroniwspsetdnthshola26GadAvue at.H ham, was home. returned to Halifax, N.S. done. rono Albert Street United took an atv neetr h Mr. nd Ms. ecilBell Toon- rs. . Ptteron, estoro, LateSatrdaynîgh, Jm Re-d- luncheon on Friday noon. The of the C.O.S.S.A. junior finals Church on Frîday evenîng before ChathamLw oln lband tvisited friends in Orono. Ottawa, is visiting bier brother: nolds, Hampton storekeeper, was spakaerwas Mr.e CrnestrkHaCo- Gwame imle gis o'ok t h a large and appreciative audience. was an ahrn fS.Ade' mangeroftheCarerHal Co- owmnvilegymasim.The members of the cast are fromn church. oMr. M. Comstock.' aroused by what he thought was .1~ U~ tution Co. who directed the The locals boast a record of Eddaddlgtdteadec h Lieut. Wallie Braden, Kitchen- Ms oesae a bomb dropped in the street At Sun serction of the munition plant at four straigbt wins in league corn wt h hmru er, spent the weekend with Mrs. Mndses Dorothy 6 Smohedicoere tat isca emer ftehtio, lustw mre in story as they one daugheMs ayLri Braden. adMildred Archer, Pickering, 6am i icvrdthths 'r ikrn ndi ebro eiinpu w oewn nportrayed it. man; six:ehwSaly ae were guests with Mrs. G. Somer- parked before his store, had been Vancouver Rotary Club. Mr. exhibition games with Trinity The cast includes: Simple Sim- and HughLria fPetn Mrs. Wallace Battle, Oshawa, seilles. tbrough a battle of sorts. It was Mar.kham has made a hobby of College Schoo], Port Hope. on Simple, Harry Yellol1 ;DrFd LPfi wsSna usofM.adwrecked. Constable D y mon d, colored pbotography and judging Cobourg team won three of its S phiyowees, r. reeorlîmanh;oessor O Sudy us o Miss Anne Buttery, R.N., Supt. O.P.P., soon solved the case by fo the pictures sbown on this four games in group play and V J.Chre Mutton. First Aid Post, Ajax Industries, locating Roy Taylor, Burketon, Our new papers have attrae- fomso i a aeamre a edpne nt ieavr Stella, their daughter, Gladys Toronto, afedLriaas weîî D. J. Gibson, Town Line, is Pickering, visited Mrs. J. M. whose car bad allegedly caused tîve colors, In plain, floral ocso ebsmd akdcnb eeddo ogv eyYellowlees; Sammie, their son, »of TorontadAhodLri welon teway tarecovery fonJames. tedamage. Heis charged wthand seenle patterrns. soe sm fthe atvtisad There will be a dancfoteYelwesSayAnhe anoSrnaoeneeM. hisrecnt ndipoitin. rs.Ear Cnnigba isatcareless driving and leaving the projects sponsored by his home visitors after the gamne.WebMr. .YeowesHaesse-nla, r.LG. or- Ms.M.Comstock, McMasterville, Quebec, visiting scene of an accident. Seorwd eeto e club which included an Ice Carni- Hawkins, Helen Baker; Thankful man of Tood Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Snell, her college mate, Mrs. Orville In sending in a report of the fore you buy. val, Preventarium, Exhibition and spent Sunday in Peterboro. S t.FburmeinofheD ha Boys' Polytechnic. Then hie show- HOCKEY Borlow, Eber Milîson; Elwood ______________ Smit. Fbrury eetig o th DuhamElkins, Francis Wooten; Dorothea Mrs. A. Bradley and son Gor- M.nSiisTrntMs County Club of Toronto, Dr. Geo. A paper for every roolh at ed the beauties of bis own flower B. H. S. Hockey League is one Duckworth, Annie Potter. don, Bond Head, are visiting bier r.MS.hilTon, Mrs. W. McGill, Public School Inspec- the right price gardien which were gorgeous in gamne fromn declaring a winner as The play was under the direc- sister, Mrs. Mina Colwell. N. B. Marr, Montclair, N.J., and tor, a fellow student of the editor color and rank in growth sa two games in the final series were tion of Mrs. R. Langmaid. Dur- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nicholson, Mr. Jack Meath, Peterboro, were when hie attended B.H.S., makes Remnants and Room Lots characteristic of the flowers and played at the Rotary rink last igteitrisos r.H King St., visited Mr in town Monday calling on friends this much appreciated comment STICK FAST PASTE shrubs on the Pacific Coast. The week. Ln tentermaiss ions, prs.nH Mort Mrdoff Lindandin n accmnanyng leter:tWhLemo enterainedwith iano aot caîlLnda.i a copayn ete:W grandeur, majesty and charn of On Wednesday Scott DensemnsectosO P A E Misses Donna Creaser and always look upon The Statesman 15e lb B. C. mounitains, lakes and rîvers team smote down the strong six ectos Pte. R. Pappin, ist Midlands, Ruth James were in Toronto as a potent factor in fostering the COncluded the travelogue which captained by Gib Mcllveen 7-4. vis Mr.LeNot Monday evening attending the esprit de corps of our Durham was s0 real and fascinating it Gilhooly and Welsh sbared six , .* Bomnvte. og oesaeGv Advanced Grades Recital at the County Club of Toronto. n .ua u made his audience feel they ac- goals of their team's seven equally Charles W. Lorriman >:é e. rGeore oeral scgales, Gov- Conservatory of Music. Graham Spry, recently appoint- L tually had been places. between them. McMullen got the N tv fPoiec enrGnrlsFogadD- The Sparling Mission Band met ed personal assistant to Sir Staf- J. .J W George Chase introduced the other goal. For the losers Brown N tv fPoiec bert, N.S., was home on leave. Monday afternoon in Trinity S. S. ford Cripps, leader in the British speaker and Bud Rolpb expressed had two, Gib Mcllveen one and Dies in Chatham Misses Mavis Garton and Joan witb an attendance of ten. A House of Commons, addressed the "BIG 20" the thanks to Mr. Markham for Stutt one. Bradbury, Toronto, spent Sunday story was told by Mrs. B. Colwell. Canadian Club here a few years BOOKSTORE giving the Rotarians such a de- In the second game of the two Older resîdents living in the with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Garton. Next meeting March 16tb. ago. He was chairman of the Ph 56i lightful baîf hour of entertain- out of three finals, played Friday vicînity of Providence will re- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bail, Stan Preston, master decorator, executive committee of the C.C.F. Phone 56KgSt ment. President Manse Comstock after scbool, Mcllveen's teamn tied member the Wm. Lorriman fami- Freddie and Ronnie, Oshawa, with able assistant Johnnie Hum- Onai etoacniae in MW eîdd up the series at one game eacb by ly wbo lived on a farmn about visited at Mr. Geo. E. Pritchard's. phries, renovated Jack Cole's ton- Toronto East by-election and was _______________ _______________- beating Densemn 2-1. Goals by where the power bouse at the Harold Prescott, Bowmanville, sorial parlours on Wednesday's most active in the C.C.F. until Stutt and Gib Mcllveen in the B.T.S. now stands on the road to was in Peterboro Saturday and baîf holiday.- 1937 when lie resigned ail offices, Soldiers' Letters COMING EVENTS first two periods built up a lead C. A. Wigbt's. The father was enlisted with the Royal Canadian Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard and and later went to England. the Densemn team was unable t leader of the Providence Band in Army Service Corps. Helen were in Toronto Saturday Repeatedly since May 1940 The ____ overcome in a strong third period the days when Alex Wight, John Ms EshrBreto th tedn th uea ofM.Statesman has urged people t0 Come t0 Trînity United Cburch rally. Tbey fell one short of a tie D. and W. H. Hoar and others Mis Etbe Brnet f te ttedig te unealof r.Somewbere in England, next Sunday, Marcb 3tb, at 2.30 as only Welsh was able ta put the were members of the band. Goodyear secretarial staff, spent Pritcbard's brother, Mr. F. S. buy seeds early and plant every February 2, 1942 p.m. to hear Rev. W. P. Rogers puck past Eric Mcllveen. Charles Lorriman, 69, a son, died Sunclay witb ber parents at Pro-. Pritchard, Toronto. square foot of gardien space inDerM.JmsdsusteLiuriuaon n__________in htam ad Mrdnc. BbMlve, .. o Mrs. Clarence Hall is visiting town fa wartime vegetable needs. Da rFred dsusth iur iutoni n Chaa orerneighbond Mr Bb cIvenD..L, o bler daugbter in Toronto. Mean- We warn again tbat, before faîl I would lîke to take thîs oppor- our country. Everyone welcome. and Cife ong rn, a ttor ened his bel, and Mr. Art Star, cbemist at time, Miss Grace Hall, Goodyear of this year, the thrifty will be tunity to thank the town of Bow- 10-f___ ,JLlanVlLiferalongTh enatm Ne s b D.I.L., Pickering, were guests staff, bas as ber guest, ber aunt, glad of tbis timely advice while manville for the useful pocket fnrl h hta espb witb Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen. Miss Grace Hall. the dilatory will be amazed to book they gave me wben I was on Eucbre and Five Hundred in _____he___wig bturyo find tbey cannot get from store my embarkation leave. I wish 1 Counicil Room on St. Patrick's Red Cross quilting was beld at Mr. Lorriman: Miss Fanny Flett, Fenelon Falls, The company staff of decora- shelves wbole lines of canned was in the old town every time I Day, Tuesday, March l7tb, at 8.30 Mrs. Ross Hallowell's on Friday. . One of Chatbam's veteran mu- aeun; r vs lt t iveto eiero of Dmno Streslocal goods. There are bad times ahead. open At and I sure would not want p.m., under auspices of St. Jos- Ross and Sid Hallowell and sîcians passed t0 the Great Be- hont mr.JE.e tb ber. Fetsitore int ae ioftinglocd Go g et your seeds early at Stew- to trade ail of England for the eph's Cburcb. Good prizes. 10-1 Wesley Benson motored f0 Peter- yond February l7tb, wben Charles I returning hmewî e toeits annualfclitn and art's Seed Store (see advt on last town if it is only a one-borse ___ boro Saturday. Wesley Lorriman succumbed toaI Misses Kitty Storey and Agatha customers are remarking its spot- page), and shine up your gardien town. Special meetings conducted at Sorry t0 learn of the deatb of an illness extending over several I Tait, St. Hilda's, Toronto, spent lessness. tools. Nazi Falstaff the Saîvation Army, Division St., W. Barkwell, Osaca, wbo was a montbs. the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Lieut. D. W. McArtbur, Ot- Mr. Hugh Blair, formerly 0 rerc eeaNz i udy ac tb ru of one time resident of this section. For fifty years Mr. Lorriman V. H. Storey. tawa, is visîting Mrs. MeArthur Trentnba sue maae Frerc eeaNzai udy ac tba ruof M.adMsAboeRbn-h enapoietrsdn f Pte. Ronald D. McGahey, R.C. on two weeks' furlough prior mf0 oftonbasasmionre manae- of nice soeCoampiat _ToeCdtromnteTraining2 Co0lege,7Mson and Mrs. mRos oellRob in-bs been aFpr omietwrsent ofr O.C., Toronto, spent bis birthdlay proceeding to the Pacific Coast. A f t he omivig saninore er. BwavleCmi d- Tooti .. .0ad7P.M.sonnd Mrs.eRoss alowel..l-tis it e or overutw ntyeas, on Feb. 25th witb bis 'parents Mr. He was on the original staff at rrciigbstann vr ada, escaped by hiding i a01 arrî. ie in rtHofera.f r. andewas aineth e tiracco bsiesina So and rs.R. cGaeyOsbwa.tbelocl Itermen Cap piora period of six years witb Do- laundry bundle. He was re- and________R.____________Oshaw f0bishpoolItrin Cap.rirminion Stores, Mr. Blair leff for captured by a lorry driver You are invited t0 view an Visitors: Lieut. Charles Henry, tive duties fifteen years ago. ta 7.30pamto. Mrh4 14,extended experience for the next and returned to the camp be- elaborate exhibition of Red CrosswCamp Bo. r on, a t a r . . H oeer, nde was ausidnea Mr .3and M ar Douglas 2 five years, part of wbich time was fore the authorities knew of work in the Town Hall, on Fn els. r oh trMs eat n on isgets e 9 drew. batntionofDoura Carter spent as C.Q.M.S., military train- teecpad h ecag. dy1ac 1tfo .9t . B. Stark and Miss Norma Hallo- ligbt in developing the artistic $ dethatetooforreporter ing centre, Peterborough. Upon tI eamelo s he a clip ngeuf f 6 pmAfcterno orn 3a 5.30Pro well were in Bowmanville. .. Mr. side of bis nature. Sweet itesi wa f0 the advent of an unusually discbarge, bis oldtime employers an Englisb paper. If sure looked ceeds f0 buy blankets for over-adMs .CoePrySud o ayyasb a h mrl o o al early visitor. A robin, af the pub- batnd ta e- bag im bwhch funny t see Bowmanville o the sa.î- with bier brother, Mr. A. Dobson. leader of the orchestra in the spring er wlfte yi . , a patii e- pase o renga iadfotpg f0 an on sha e as.. . . D. Sbutka of Toronto was Grand, and later the Brisco Op- jacketgnl lrdsit lic sboolwas pactisng Me- speks wel forbis ailifyand font pge ofan Enliomeaper.home ..and. andMrs... Dobon er Hous. Tboe wer the ays Nvythaek. thersup f . ordelssohn's "Spring Song." &Cy integrity. We welcome him ta We sure bave plenty of variety B. H. S. Literary Society will and friends visited at Mr. Ed. wben Chatham possessed such $5O Ladies, Coucb, Johnston &Cy on r a riwowsi h weather. Last Tbursday if present a programn combining Rutbven's. Zion. . . Mrs. Sid Hal- musicians as Miss Nellie Rbody,_____ derman received a new sbipment manager bere following Mr. Gil- rained aIl day, Friday nigbf if talents of all forms on Friday, lowell and Helen at Mr. H. Rusk's, Harry Guy and Roger Pbilp and of Spring dresses Wednesday bert Jones' promotion, bas re- snowed ahl nigbf jusf about 8 inch- Marcb l3tb, at 3 p.m. Further Port Hope. . . Miss Wray in Pet- other outstanding exponents of ' morning. Tbey are priced from turned f0 Toronto. es and on Saturday if was ail def ails next week. 10-1 erboro.. . M-s. Nettie Savery is instrumental barmony. As a vie- iCo onto $2.95 up. Come and see this as- Mrs. Eleanor Durno and ber gone. home from visiting friends in linist Mr. Lorriman beld a posi- sortmnent before tbey are picked well known group of Cheerio En- We get good meals over bere Dance. Leskard School. Friday, Peterboro. . . Miss Marjory Far- tion of prominence in local Music n over. tertainers presented their POPu- only I could stand a little more of Marcb l3tb. Proceeds for the War row, Port Hope, and Mr. Ray- circles, and affer bis retirement cydrlaiLU The local Red Cross benefitfed lar variety program at the Active if as my appefite bas grown along Victims' Fund. Draw on quilt. mond Farrow. Wbitby, were fromn theatre activities be formedBWMNIL to the extent of over $80.00 tbro' Service Canteen in Toronto Sun- wifh the weigbt I bave put on. Ladies with lunch free. Small home. .. Miss Helen Moore, Osh- a Chamber Music group wbicb the generosity and kindness of day evening f0 a capacity audi- Jusf received an air mail letter general admission. 10-1 awa, at Mrs. Silver's. attaîned considerable success. He Mrs. C. T. Ross putting on a spe- ence. Numbered among the audi- today fromn the good liffle wife cial show for the Red Cross. The ence were the distinguished Eng- who is now in Owen Sound, wbicb Society is exertmnely grateful t0 lisb actors Sir Cedric and Lady took 21 days fa get bere. j Mrs. Ross for this splendid con- Hardwicke wbo also enfertained We bad a very rough journey _________= o=i tribution toward war work. the boys for a few moments. Sir on the way over being in a bad foundland, spent 14 days' leave Mrs. Durno in bis very gracious Christmnas eve. UIf with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. manner coînplimented ber and Hope the, old fown will be the 0 l I 1 m ~* Gr aerHolwell, Toot.H Niiew- fýCerio being ontoducer-f0stom for hre e days; aom ed onE N D *- * W friends bere and Miss V. Larkin formance and the splendid work Yours sincerely, 0 P U E IT A returned t0 Toronto witb bim f0 they were doîng in developing C32586 Robf. H. Cale, Pte.UVbU Ao spend the remainder of bis leave talent and providing entertain- 2nd Heavy AA Reg. 10 witb bis parents. ment for the soldiers. R.C.A.S.C. (A) Sect. Meff YucntutBwavle Look af thaf liffle yellow ad- _________ Canadian Army Overseas ',~m ~ ~ - ~ - otk D i ywifhyo ab* dress label on this paper and see u VWITH T IED N E EM II .1 1 EL IL3 health! Our pasteurization ifyu uscifo 5 adi d Fair Board to Hold England O0 r a uCo ie plant is your protection vance. Mailing lists were correct Tues., Jan. 2Ï, 1942 fL OWE Your I.D.A. Store carrnes a complete lie of these weil known and nation--01 against possible impurities cd up f0 Feb. 27th. We regret Social Evening in Dear Sir: 0 PRICES ally advertlsed products and at the lowest prices avallable I the j I mlk and milk produets. some names were cut off because Orono Town Hall I wish f0 tbank you kindly for I Dominion of Canada Thats wy whn buy tbey got f00 far in arrears. Don't ____ your paper wbich I have been re- cnan Bowmanviiie Dalry mi lt haf apnf.yu ee Durham Central Agricultural ceiving regularly. Many spare PHONE__792_ANDHAVE_____OF___ -- ARTICLES you get only the purest and tdy Society is holding a social even- moments are spent in reading the POE72ADHV N FTEEATCE best. Ou standar of Purty t a 12,000o ad- ing, or sort of open bouse, in the paper, which is gone through BRINGS INSTANT SASE DELIVERED PROMPTLY AIDf is yur afeuar ofheath. ditional workers eE4ch month will basement of Orono Town Hall on thorougbly fromn front f0 back. 9oo 'gt n is yur afeuar ofheath. be required f0 keep pace with Friday evening, Marcb 13th, at No doubt you somnefimes wonder ~ ,o~D fLP Il o ih n f ___Canada's expanding war effort. 8 p.m. AIl members of the sociefy, if if is appreciated and I must say BRONCHj~ f~f IJ** Af Chesty Coughs 50C If is predicfed a growing number thei wives and lady friends are if mosf cerfainly is. 0 ~~ Ir o wmtrilesnte aou hrtwagegrosinvited f0 come and bring your Last week we badqcuite a beavy .COMPOUND tre stelbu hraegoslunch basket witb you as there is fali of snow and then ramn. How-PNE more acute and as the armed no charge. An entertaining pro- ever I am fully climatized now 50cu I NEX 32cANAK ALT IIforces draw men into the different ga a enarneafa ad o idtevr hne 2 SI CHEESE branches of the service. tgramobas een arrang te, s-a lea-sdoothmmd te ery cange 22-43c69cAND enMr. Johin Elliott, B.A., London, tation of the.Sociefy Diploma f0 Wisbing your paper all sucssiVIK SVATRNOUL - .ach 43C_ aformer principal~ of Bowman- Mr. F. W. Bowen. for 1942. 1 will clsgiigm ville High Scbool, in a leter ota________ new address below. 0Laatve ro-o the editor writes these encourag- Yours sincerely LRVQiin ait B w a v le ing and much appreciated words: Obitu r .D Lce IO ES ufieTbl 4 ,4 c I n ~ I B omanillIt is a pleasure f0 note bow ~welltuy C4135 Sgt-Major W.D. Locke, yo n orstaff are carrying UntIlDeahet5 r 0' on andI maintaining the bigh George Henry Slute R.C.A.P.C. Overseas lia____________________9_ uauijthese GergeHery lue dedun-_________ OID.A, Malt, Malt and Cod LIver an.... -mi- Phne44 Apeamultig ut cusd xpctdl a te soatonHopiflo mpun 5e - e-$.9 U K E SMIXTURE 40cI 75clIim' Phone 446 Apemrtandlafing atmaed tal, Toronto, on February 8th and L k u dL I mubmrbadna aaein the funeral took place the foi,.ow-LakeSh re,Clr eLx y twonFriday. A lady from Ouf ing day witb interment in the __________________ _______________________________________Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Ai-1Rd ros etatMr. il- -Pertussin - 59e - $1.39 "A LE B UR S " SMfDoaleRSE .