PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOTHSDYMAC ,14 TuIE NIING BOW[ Dy ANNE ALLAN Hydro Home Economist Wlsh for Fish Hello Homemakers! In war- time, hoinemakers can help by buying the foods Canada provides in abundance, while restricting the use of other foods needed overseas. No other country has greater or finier supplies o! fish than Canada-and f ish is one food Canadians should eat oftener1 than they do. No other food provides more nutrition at low cost. Its protein value equals that of meat or poul- try. Fsh ofis are easily assimilat- ed. Fish is rich in minerai saits, lodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus and suiphur, so essential to good health. It also contains a good supply o! those vitamins which increase resistance to disease. With so many kinds o! !ish to choose from and different ways to cook it-baking, broiiing, steam- ing or panfrying-it is easy to have variety in your f ish dishes. Cooked carefully, so that none of its delicate flavour is lost. served with appropriate sauces and cie- verly garnished, you can be sure that everyone o! the family will wish for fish. Cooking FIsh Wipe fish with a cloth wrung out in cold, salted water. Neyer leave f ish soaking in water-! la- vour will be iost. (1) To bail fish aliow 8 - 10 minutes per pound; 10 - 15 minutes if very thick. (2) To steam fish allow 12 - 15 minutes per pound; turn once or twice. (3) To bake or brail f ish allow 8 - 10 minutes per inch thickness o! f ish at temperature of 450' for the first 10 minutes, then lower ta 3501. The high temperature used at first sets the juices and holds the flavour. (4) Parsley is the favourite garnish for f ish. Recipes Spice Scallop Slice 2 medium-sized onions (or 1 large) and cook in as littie water as possible, or saute. Place thema in the bottom of a greased bak- ing-dish. Wipe 2 pounds o! filiets or suices of any white-fleshed f ish, using a damp cloth. (Cod, had- rock, halibut, or whitefish are suggested.) Cut the f ish in serv- ings and place themn on the onions. Pour over this one can of tomato soup and bake 10 minutes, or un- DON CHRI 38-40 Simcoe St. N., OSHAWA til the fish is cooked, in an elec- trie oven at 4500. Note: The following sauce may be used in place of the soup,-2 ;bs. butter or fat, melted, 2 tbs. flour added and blended and used :a thicken the followving mixture which has been cooked together and strained: 1 cup tomatoes % cup water 4 whole cloves 1 tbs. sugar 1 tsp. sait Cook until thick. Serves 6. Pilchard Timbales 2 cups canned pilchard 2 cups bread crumbs (SOMt SaIt, pepper. parsley 1 cup tomato juice 1 egg Cooked macaroni Season the f ish. Mix together bread crumbs and tomato juice, add the f ish. and the beaten eggs. Cook the sticks of macaroni in salted boiling watcr: when done. rinse in cold water. Grease tim- bale moulds, line each mould with macaroni. Add f ish mixture, caver with waxed paper, set in a pan of boiling water and bake 20 minutes in electric oven. Unmould on hot plates and serve with egg sauce. Herring or mackerel can bc used in this recipe instead of pilchards. Fish Bails 1 cup fish - codfish, sal- mon. chicken haddie, etc. Pepper and saît to season (according to kind o! fish 1lý 2 cups mashed potatoes 1 tbs. butter, melted 1 egg. beaten 1½ tsp. onion, minced Any cooked, flaked f ish may be used. Mix the ingredients well and beat until fluf fy. Farm in balîs or cakes and roll in f inely sifted dry bread crumbs. The fish balîs may be chilled in electric refrigerator until time to cook. Saute or deep fat fry (an inch cube o! stale bread should brown in the fat in 40 seconds). Drain and serve hot, with or without a sauce. Serves 4 or 5. Fish Scallop with Vegetables 3 cups of cooked vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onion, etc.) milk, if none available) 1 cup cooked laked f ish (anya canned or left-over baked V or boiied f ish)ù 3 tbs. f at or butterN 1 cup o! milk a 1/ tsp. pepper D 3 tbs. f lour i 1 tsp. sait J Bread crumbs Make a white sauce by melting butter, blending in flour, adding i milk and vegetable water, and h cooking till smooth and thick.& Place the caoked, diced vegetables 0 in a greased casserole, add theT !laked f ish, seasan, cover withn the white sauce. sprinkle withd bread crumbs and dot with but- r ter. Bake in an electric aven un- f tii brown and hat. Serves 6. n Take a Tip 1. Store biscuits and cakes in separate boxes. Otherwise, bis- cuits lose their crispness and take1 an the flavour o! the cake. 1 2. To expedite the scaling a! f ish, dip in bailing water first. 3. Take care o! those zippers! Ta make them wark mare easiiy, simply rub a little para!! in on each side. 4. Beware o! the onion odour on a metal pan or kni!e blade. Rub aven immedîately with a slice o! raw patato. Question Box Mrs. N. L. asks: "Please tell me how small rugs mnay be prevented from curling up along the ends." Answer: Dampen the rugs and weight down for twa days. Then shellac the backs. Mrs. J. B. C. asks* "What do you add ta whipping cream ta make it whip up easily?" Answer: Two or three draps o! lemon juice or the white a! an egg will help. Mrs. M. J. J. asks: "Is the fry- ing pan toa bot or not hot enough when sausages sbrivel up?" Answer: It may be the kind o! sausage meat or the pan may be too hot. Bail sausages for a !ew minutes befare starting ta fry themn. Anne Alian invites you ta write ta ber c ýo The Statesman. Just send in your questions on home- making problems and watch this littie corner o! the column for replies. Political or prafessionai repu- tation cannot last forever, but a conscience void o! offence befone Gad and man is an inhentance for eternity.-Daniel Webster. Eveny man and woman should be to-day a iaw ta himself, her- self,a law o! layalty ta, Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.-Mary Ba- Lker Eddy. den part Th( will1 bourr a cla ssisted in receiving, and wore a ta the boys and girls in their so- di] becaming dress o! British navy cial studies. th. heer, with corsage o! pink car- At aur Saturday mornîng stary fre nations. hour we always include a bible nig Following the ceremnony a story. It was announced at the be- ani lainty buffet lunchean was serv- ginning o! the year that the îi- a1 ed by four o! the Spitfire Club brarian would give a test on the o! adies, Mrs. Harold Wakelin, Mrs. work covened by the bible stories th( L. Braund, Mrs. Montgomery and for any who wouid wish ta com- dri M'rs. Edith Black. The table was pete; the prize for the best set o! mn beautifully decorated, and the answers ta, be Egermier's Bible two-story wedding cake adorned Story Book, donated by the Ji- tai the centre o! the table. brarian. This was carried out be- ha After the receptian the bride fore Christmas and has proved o! cil changed inta a pretty navy mili- great interest ta the boys and tir tary dress, seal coat, and little girls and we feel it was work well o! rase turban. They le! t amid show- worth while.-V.A. lai ers a! confetti and good wishes th, for a honeymoan trip ta Ottawa. Bc On their return they wiil make wl their home on Church St. Rare Stories About reý Prior ta their wedding a mis- Rare People Subject atJ cellaneous shower was heid at the At The Durham Club j home %.o! Mr. and Mrs. Widdi- combe, Hampton, when the bride and groom received many beau- Durham County Club o! Toron- tiful and useful gifts. ta met at the Sherbaurne House. out f twn gest at he ed-Februray 26th with President Dr. ding included Mr. and Mns. Wid- D. D. MacDonald in the chair. Af- dicombe. Mrs. G. Niddery, Miss ter the reading o! the minutes by Mary Niddery, Mrs. Trimble, the secretary, Mr. Wallace Maas, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cale, an old favaurite o! bygane years, Newtonville, and Miss VanDusen, Mn. RuthvnMDadgeae o! his famaus impensanations, Newcastle. "The Old Soldier." Dr. G. W. McGill introduced the speaker, Rev. Lieut.-Cal. G. O. Visitors Are Welcome Fallis, C.B.E., D.D., Senior Chap- At Annual Meeting lain o! Military District No. 2. The cb was especially pleased ta Of Ontario Red Cross have Dr. Failis as the speaker be- cause he could rightiy be cailed a Visitors, as well as delegates, "Durhamite"'. His great grand- will be welcomed at the annual father came from Ireland and meeting o! the Ontario division, settled in Durham County. His ta be held March .12th and l3th, father was barn in Durham and at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. was a Methodist minister for 44 Mns. Wallace Campbell, Ontario years. His son, George, followed Division President, urges that ail in his !ather's foatsteps and grad interested visîtors attend, and uated with the degree a! B.D. hear the stary o! Red Cross work from Columbia Callege, British thraugbout the Province. The Columbia. During the first Great morning session begins at 9.30, War he served as Senior Chap- where annual reports wili be pre- lain. His genial personality won sented. His Honon the Lieutenant the hearts o! the troops in France. Governor and Mrs. Albert Mat- A!ter the wan he received the thews wiil be hanored guests at decoration o! C.B.E. On his re- the lunchean, which wiil follow at turn ta Canada Dr. Fallis was one o'clock. Guest speaker will be pastor o! a large congregatian in the National Director o! Special Vancouver. He was instrumental Volunteer Services o! the Ameni- in having buiit that fine edifice, .can Red Cross, Mrs. Dwight Davis. The Canadian Memorial Church, .There wili be round table discus- dedicated ta the memary o! the 1sions each afternoon o! the two "Fallen Heroes". Later Col. Fallis day meeting. Conducted tours o! was called ta Trinity United *the pisoners of war packing de- Church, Bloor St., Toronto, where .pot, 229 Coilege Street, and the he is now the minister. When the 1Ontario wanehauses at 122 Pearl present war broke out he again 1Street and 68 Richmond Street, joined the Canadian farces as 1have been arranged, Toronto Senior Chaplain o! M.D. No. 2. 1branch bas issued an invitation ta Two sans are naw !ighting for the itea at Toronto bnanch headquart- Cause o! Freedom, one in the aers, 50 Bloor Street East. navy and the other in the air 1 An interesting feature a! the force. It is littie wonder that the Rannual meeting will be an inspec- members o! the Durham Club 1tion o! the Transport Section, To- were pleased ta have a speaker ronto Detachment, Canadian Red with such a fine record o! service. YCross Corps, by Mrs. J. B. Ken- The subject o! the address was nedy, Senior Commandant, Can- "Rare Staries about Rare People." Ladian Wamen's Army Corps. This These aneadotes deait with the f wili take place at the UnivensitY experiences o! Col. Fallis while in e Avenue armouries, Thursday eve- England and France during the rning, March i2tb, at 8.30 o'clock. first Great War. Interesting LFood Administration Canadian stories were told about such Red Cross corps, will serve re- weil known persanages as Lady freshments, assisted by members Astor, General Sir Arthur Cur- a! the nursing auxiliary and office - rie, The Prince a! Wales, later administration sections. King o! Engiand, David Lloyd George, Sir Julian Byng, Sir Sam Hughes and others. The stories were aIl told in a reaiistic man- lnteresting Facts ner and proved the fact that ai- About Bowmanville most aIl those in high authanity Publc Lbray have a real human viewpoint o! In the Febun su te A vote a! appreciation ta the Ontania Ti1issue,-of the. speaker was expressed by Mr. C.1 ed b the OntrevepfEuîîs-Clarke Swain and Mn. Wmn. E. ed by the OndtaniDept.o!rEduca- Austin, bath formerly from the i tin, e fnd hisinfrmaioneastern part a! Durham. Mrs. O. pertaining to Bowmanville Li- 0~ Worden moved a vote o! thanks Ibrany which has been supplied by to h etraies Mrs. V. Argue, Libnanian:oth neairs Owing ta the demands made The president expressed the for Red Cross work we find aur opinion that the club shouid show circulation o! books somnewhat de- in a. tangible way its desire ta pited, though thene has been an heip in the war effort. Acconding- increased demand for books of ly it was moved by Mn. Rhys D. Ihistary, travel, biognapby and pb Fairbairn and seconded by Mn. litical science. Fred Truîl that the membens be Through the generasity a! the given. an opportunity ta make a Lian's Club o! aur town, who donation at the next negular meet- helped pay the fees o! the boys ing. and girls 15 and under, we had an The social hour was in charge increase o! same 200 juvneiîe o! group 4 under the leadership readers, with a circulation o! aven o! Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Henderson. 5,000 volumes in 6 months. Mrs. J. Sciuair and Mns. J. A. Mc- The Rotarians also geneýrously Feeters poured tea. donated a set o! the Junior En- The meeting closed with the cyclopaedia Britannîca wbich wili, singing o! Au id Lang Syne and we are sure, prove a! great value God Save the King. Mn. Don Lin- was director of the musical of the program. e last meeting of the year be held on March 26 at Sher- ne House. This will bring to ose the season's activities. Hot Fu B( ingi ity1 lishE the iF ne the thro new ing, Mili Bi the the var! in1 recE cenl by1 Cli. coir drir cha cer pra solc II par pas bot Mo stal guE hai pli wil tirr thE eing Ourselves As Others See Us A Bit Flattering LDrinks, Llght Lunches, Good 7n «Buckshee" to Army 3owmanviile has been receiv- considerable favorable public- o! late due to having estab- ied the War Services Club in Cowan Block for the conven- e and comfart o! soldiers in community and those passing -ugh town. ïere is a story sent out to the wspapers by Lieut. F. H. Wood- rPublic Relations officer of itary District No. 3 Kingston: Bowmanville, Unique a mn o n g Smany conveniences placed at adisposal o! fighting men by rious war service organizations Military District No. 3, is the cently opened soldiers' rest tre at Bowmanville. Sponsored the Bowmanville War Services Lb with the idea of dispensing mfort, companionship, a hot ink and a light lunch-free of tige-to those on leave, the ntre has already earned much aise and comment from sailors, ldiers and airmen. T'he recreation centre offers a tticular advantage to those Ising through town, home-ward ,nd from leave, with little oney in their pockets. Soldiers ationed at Bowmanville and iards from. the interniment camp ive found the room a pleasant ace to while a-way the evenings ith their wives or friends. At al res during the winter months ie room is well heated. A large sign just inside the door irects those entering the room iat they may secure light re- -shments "buckshee", day -or ight. During the daylight hours .d early evening the room has hostess to look after the wants fthe men but from the middle of ,e night on lunches and hot rinks must be prepaýred by the en themselves. A guest book at the centre con- mis the names of 400 men who ive taken advantage o! its f a- iities since its opening a short ime ago. Many of the names are ýthose who came in during the ate night to avail themselves o! .e generosity o! the citizens of lowmanville. Several o! the men vho placed their name in the egistry expressed their appreci- Iion in writing under their sig- stures." GRAPEFRUIT LEMONS CABEAGE SPINACH aIYMS- Texas Marshseedieu Califorflhl Fresh, JulcY TeAs-- Fresh. Green Texas Fresh Curiy Leat Loulsiana Belectf..I Oalitv 5 for 23e doz. 25e lb. Se lb. 6c 3 lbs. 15e Purchases Limited to Familly Weekly Requirements. Insure Your Waya! Lif e. Buy No Survival Wîthaut Victory. Victory Bonds. Buy Victary Bonds. Weddings b Adams--VanDuseil On Tuesday afternoon, Febru- d ry 24th, Miss Norma Annabeli e anDusen, daughter o!f Mr. and l the late Mrs. Wm. VanDu en Newcastle, took her marriage ows with Mr. Paul Bertramn Ad-b ams, son o! Mr. and the late Mrs. t David W. Adams, Toronto. Given t in marriage by her brother, Mr. [ohn F. VanDusen, the bride woree adress o! dusty pink with match- t ing fingertip veil caught at the r head with carnations o! light rosee and dark pink. Her corsage was f of pink and white carnations.C The bridesmaids were Miss Con- nie Dixon and Miss Nina Russel dressed in light blue and wearlngc red roses. Mr. Nick Darraw, a riend a! the groom, was bestc mri-n Rev. Dr. Williams o! How-a ard Park United Church, Toronto,t performed the ceremony. Fol- lowing a reception given by Mrs. S. Dixon, Toronto, aunt o! the bride, the happy young couple le!t for Windsor on a short honey- moon. Niddery-Tkatch A pretty wedding took place February 21st, when Jannette Elvena, eldest daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Tkatch, became the bride o! Robert John Niddery, son o! Mrs. S. G. Niddery and the late Levi Niddery o! Hampton. The wedding took place at the bride's home, Church St., Bow-. manvilie. The living roomn was prettily decorated in pink and white and rose. snapdragons. The ceremany was conducted by Rev. SW. G. Blake, o! St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a gown o! brocaded rayon chiffon sheer, long ful sîceves, and full long skirt o! silk net over ivory embossed satin. Rer long finger-tip veil was caught by a halo o! orange bblassoms, and she wore white 1satin slippers and carried a bou- 1quet o! white and blue snap- 1dragons and freesia tied with white tulle ribbon. The bride was assisted by her sîster Tolly wha acted as brides- maid, and looked graceful in a .gown o! dusty rose taffeta with ;tiered. long full skirt, shirred .tight-f itting bodice caught in front with a rose velvet bow, and real fu pu!fed sleeves. She wore .a shoulder length veil and halo Lo! pink carnations and carried a bouquet o! rose snapdragons and >!reesia tied with pink tulle nib. bon. The groom was assisted by 1Mr. Richard Nimis. . The bride's mother received the 1guests in a hecoming dress of -black crepe and ware a corsage o! tea roses. The graom's mother Princess Alice Inspeets Girls' War Work OSHAWA, ONT. Friday and Saturday GEORGE BRENT ELONA MASSEY BASIL RATHBONE International Lady REVIVAL FRIDAY ARISE MY LOVE Claudette Colbert MONDAY for two big days CLAUDETTE COLBERT RAY MILLAND BRIAN AHERNE 'I'Skylark " PLUS SUPERMAN Color Cartoon Starting Wednesday JUDY GARLAND MICKEY ROONEY -in the picture you've been waiting for- "Dabes On Broadway" with an ALL STAR CAST DON CHRISTIAN LECTRIC Advise you to choose your General Electrie Refrigerator, Ilotpoint Range, Generai Electric Washer, Radio and other electrical appliances from our stock which is fairly complete now. Delay may mean disappointment as many items are being curtailed or banned from further manu- facture due to war conditions. ISTIAN ELECTRIC Phone 84 and 85 Open Evenings TI-IURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1942 1 1, P O R K a E A N Van C mpo2 i..1 7 C SPAGHETTI Camp's.218 SALMO N Fa 4 Wn15C~ 27 A flfl 24-o z. PEANUT BUTTER Pg Jr23 A4 & p High Quality Guaranteed Meats STEMKS @rROAISTS 1b. 27C PORTERBOUSElayaSIRLOIN eWING CUBE a FACE RUMV or BONELELSBOUMI BILADE 1RAST Prime Beef IL. ZOC SHnORT BMM ROAS? prime Bef lb. ZZc SHOULDECR o« CHUCIL ROST lb. 17c HANMURO S1eMK Extra Lean lb. 17c A & P COFFEE 1-lb 13K RVigorous and WirteY Bai J39c 8 O 'C L O C K M ,id M llo, B-g- 3 5S RED CIRCLE Rich& Full Bodied 31: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables of Life. Buy No Survival Without Victory. 1 Buy Victory Bonds. Insure Your Way Victory Bonds.