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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1942, p. 12

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THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1942 THE CANATflAN S TAT.5TIIATe TOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAE 1T WJLVE1 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Vivian Duck was home Toronto, also visited his country fromTornto.hom her onSunday. Miss Mary Clemence, Toronto, Russell Osborne, Howard Allin, visited at Mr. W. J. Clemence's. Mrs. Walter Farrow and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carscad- Mary BoWen represented Lock- den, Stayner, visited at E. E. Pat- hart's-Newcastle-Browfl's Farm terson's. Forum at Federation of Agricul- Miss Jean Holmes, Toronto ture convention inl Toronto on visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace March l7th. Holmes. A lot of driftwood has been Miss Patricia Pearce, Oshawa washed up on the Lake Ontario General Hospital, was home on beach since the March gales be- Sunday. gan and dwellers along the shore Miss Clara Caswell, Toronto, have been making use of their holidayed with her parents, Mr. spare time in salvaging it for and Mrs. Jno. Caswell. firewood. Where the cliffs are Mr. Jack Hare, Queen's Univer- high though the wood is inacces- sity, Kingston, spent the weekend sible except by boat. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Through tne kindness of Mr. P. F. Hare. Edwin Hancock, Principal of Mrs. Robert Gray bas been Courtice School, Newcastle teach- visiting ber daughters, Mrs. Mar- ers and pupils had the privilege jerrison and Mrs. Norman Pingle, of seeing a programn of education- Bowmanville. al motion pictures in the com- Two more cars of Western munity hall on Monday afternoon. grain were unioaded at the C.N.R. Pictures were presented by cour- station iast week. One was con- tesy of Reeve C. R. Carveth. signed to A. W. Glenney. Carl Selby held a iogging bee Miss Audrey Bonathan, who on Monday and sent three wagon was on the office staff of J. An- îoads of elm, cedar and hemlock derson Smith Co. for 8 years, now îogs to Orono sawmill. George bas a position with the Jobn Miller, Frank Gray and Albert Inglis Co., Toronto. Pearce drove teamns. Reeve C. R. Board of Education has en- Carveth was on hand and took gaged Mrs. H. M. McCoil as sup- moving pictures of the operations ply teacher for the second room and also assisted in the loading. of the public sehool while Miss Mr. Vance Sutton, Colborne, Hattie A. Mason is on sick leave. who came here as a relieving tell- Mr. Vance Sutton, Coiborne, er at the Bank of Commerce while son of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sutton, Miss Margaret Pearce was on is suppiying as teller at the Bank holidays, was able to remain oniy of Commerce wbiie Miss Mar- two days as he is now taking a garet Pearce is having a three few hoiidays before entering the weeks' holiday. R.C.A.F. Mr. Bell of Keswick Signs of Spring: Mr. Hudson came Tuesday to take over the Stowe and George, Toronto, visit- duties temporarily. ed their Dam'oie estate, Newcas- The double span foot bridge at tle-on-tbe-Lake; Mr. Wm. Neil, Newcastle barbour,' connecting __________________________the east and west side beaches, was washed out by the spring floods, so also was the small water conservation dam across the west creek at Toronto St. But there will be plenty of water in tbe creek up till Juiy lst, in case of R O Y A L fire in the Toronto St. area. ROY ~ Junior Group of W.MS., under THEARE -leadership of Mrs. Floyd Butler, BOWMIANVILLE March i8th. Business was trans- Sdone for the Red Cross. Commit- Sa. tee, consisting of Mesdames David Thurs., Fri., St Gray, Albert Pearce and Moriey MARCH 26, 27, 28 Sallows and Miss Helen Smith, provided a program and served HOLD THAT GHOST refreshments . R avt with picking his way over the accumu- Bud .Abbott & Lou Costello lations of creek ice that piied up Joan Davis, Micha Auer in Mrs. Chaplin's flats after the ON THE SAME BILL first March floods be had bis movie camera with bim and took WILLIAM BOYD pictures of* the Arctie-like scen- as Hopalong Cassidy ery. To an imaginative producer in these might suggest ail kinds of possibilities when they are ready "SECRETS 0F THE to be shown on the screen. WASTELAND" Among the bridai couples pic- tured in the Toronto Star of March 21st were Flying Off icer Water N. Douglas and Mrs. Mon., Tues., Wed. Douglas h we mridn MARCH 30, 31, APRIL 1 McLeod, Aita. The bride was the former Nursing Sister Ruth Wite "WHUSTLING IN THE of the R.C.A.F., Winnipeg. Tbe groom, now serving with tbe R.C. DARK" A.F. in western Canada, is the son Red Sheldon, Conrad Veidt of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Douglas, Ami Rutherford Haileybury, Ont., and grandson of Mrs. John Douglas, Newcastle. News Shorts He bas spent many a holiday sea- ______________________ son at his grandmother's bome CONRNGSOON:here. COMINGSOON:"Thumbs Up" group of C.G.I.T. Honky Tonk held a "Shamrock Shoe Party" in Dr. Jeckell & Mr. Hyde the S. S. Hall March i7tb. There Babes on Broadway were about 40 young people in LittleFoxesattendance. and eacb person was Litte Fxesadmitted on paying the'equivalent Captain of the Clouds in money to twice tbe size of their shoes. Proceeds went to tbe Telegram British War Victims' ANNUAL MEETING 0F Durham Federation of Agriculture Newcastle County Hall THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd at 8 p.m. SPEAKER: M. M. ROBINSON,,~ Director of Food Distribution Council Ladies and Young people speclally lnvited. W. B. REYNOLDS, Secetary -p HELP WANTED! Men and Boys We can also use a few men who can do part lime work GOOD WAGES FOR COMPETENT HELP Please do NOT telephone - apply in person only Brookdale -Kingsway Nurseries ..OFFICE NEAR C.N.R. STATION STE WART'S SEED STORE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS for Clover - Timothy - Grass *eeds - BuIk Garden Seeds ALFALFA SPECIAL Alfalfa, genuine No. 1 Grimm .. bu. $19.50 (in sealed bags) We are able10 offer you the aboave pbargain trugh the 84 . S s~ p ig Grim m Alfa fa a r0ý ý t ofI n ord r Ilo . ed:W You may therefore purchase genuine Grimm e9ýý the anme price as Ont. Variegated - don't miss this speclal. - " - - 17 Bowmanville COMING EVENTS Lions Club Hobby Show, Bow- manville High Sehool, Saturday, April 251h. Divisions for both adults and school pupils. 13-t Tyrone Young People's Union will present the play 'Here Comnes Charlie" in Tyrone, Thurs- day, April 2nd, at 8 p.m. Admis- sion: Aduits 25c, children 10e. 13-1 St. Paul's Evening Auxiiiary will hold a sale o! home cooking and afternoon tea i the Lecture Room on Saturday, March 28th, from 3 10 6 p.m. Tea 15c. 13-1 Reserve Thursday, March 26th, for the Annual Hospital Birthday Party 10 be held at the Nurses' Residence from 3 10 6 p.m. Guests are cordially invited to, inspeet the hospital, if they so desire. 12-1 Dance, square and round, Bow- manville Armouries (Badminton Club), Friday, March 27th, at 9 p.m. D.S.T. Proceeds for Soldiers' Rest Room and other war work. No. 4 Platoon, 32nd Res. Coy. V. G.C. Admission 25e per person. 12-2 Final meeting of Courtice Men's Brotherhood will be at Maple Grove on Friday, Marcb 27th, at 7.30 D.S.T. An excellent progmam is in store consisting o! tbese art- ists: Mr. Webber, Whitby, and Mr. H. Stafford, Oshawa, entertain- ers; Mr. Geo. Hart, Oshawa, will speak on Prime Minister Churc- hill; solos, Bob Henry, Ebenezer; Brian *Flaherty, magician, and others. A buffet luncheon will be served. Ahl men of the neighbor- hood welcome. Admission 25c. 13-1 By kind permission of Lt. Col. R. H. Bliss, D.S.O., Camp Comn- mandant, and Major W. C. H. Pinkbam, M.C., Officer Command- ing Veterans' Guard Coy., Intern- ment Camp, a concert of "Al Soldier Talent" will be given in the Opera House, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, April lst. Proceeds for Tcelegram B. W. V. Fund and the Soldiers' Rest Room at Bow- manville. This program will take a little over 2 bours and will be of the variety type. Tickets 25e. Come and support a wortby cause and give the troops a boost. il-f Fund. Devotional exercises and a vocal quartette by Gwen Hooper, Margaret Ash, Betty Enwright and June Allin, preceded an in- teresting program which consist- cd o! "Kissing the Blamney Stone" and other amusing games com- bined with tbe singing o! Irish songs. Serving o! refresbments eompleted an entertaining even- ing. Newcastle Y. P. U. entertained the Young People of Newtonville March 23rd. Afler a word of wel- conme by President Ross Allun, the meeting was turned over 10 visi- tors with President Frank Mc- Mullen taking charge. Worsbip period eonsisted o! quiet music by Margaret Denault, cal 1 wor- sbip by Alfred Redknapp, prayer by Bemnice Milligan, seripture by Lawrence Milîson and reading by Betty Stapleton. Program was as follows: Current Events by Dean Siemon; piano solos by Bud Jones; tovic by Rev. McLaughlin who spoke on "Pleasure." Ross Allin and Margaret Pearce led in a period o! recreation afler which lunch was served. Y.P.U. was glad also 10 have as their guest, iGlenn Hancock, Orono, member of executive o! Oshawa Presby- tery, who outlined the program for Young People's Conference at Hampton and urged as many as possible to attend. HOLSTEINS CONTINUE TO BE SHIPPED TO U. S. In recent years several carloads of choice Holstein cows and calves, with a few mature bulîs, bred and raised in Ibis district, have been sold 10 C. S. Erb and Co., Middletown, Penn. The sales keepgong on, which proves that itr asations are satisfactory 10 bolh sellers and buyers. The purchases by Erb & Co. have been made through the Durhami man John Tamblyn, Orono. In several instances caIlle bave been selected from breeders' stables heyond the borders of Durham. This was s0 in tbe case o! the last car that was shipped from New- castle on March l8th. The car was made up of 28 eows and 10 young calves and the sbipmcnl was value aI about $5275.00. Those making sales and con- lributing to thîs shipmenl were: Wm. R. Wood, Ida; Jos. and Frcc Mann, Peterborough (2); J. H. Jose, Newcastle (2); A. J. Tamb- lyn, Evercît Brown, Carlos Tamb- lyn, Orono; W. J. Seymour, Ca- van (5); Leonard McFarland, Baltimore; Bertram Hoskin, Co- bourg; Neil Mutton, Bowmanvilleý C. A. Blanchard & Son and Lu- ther L. Pascoe, Hampton; A. J Runnals, Gordon Kellogg, Wallei B. Reynofds, Welcome; Fred Aus- tin Jr., 1. J. McConnel, Port Hope Bickle Bros., Canton. Il is not t1o be supposed thai these sales arc depleting the blacl and white bovine population o: the district or that they are caus. ing any lowering of quality stan dards. The annual erop of bettei and better calves more than com pensates for the exodus. As th( youngsters arrive and grow ul room must be made for tbem. Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugles% Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanville Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. ClassifiedAd Rates one cent a word cash, each insertion <minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra la made when advertlsement la not pald same week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c when replies are dlreeted to a Statesman- box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50c each. Ini Memorlams, 50e for notice plus 10e per Une for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTIIS PICKARD - To Beverley and James Pickard (nee Alma), tbe gift of a son, Michael James, on March 2Oth, 1942, at Bow- manville Hospital. 13-i WESTNUTT - At Bowmanvilie Hospital, on March 22nd, 1942, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Don Westnutt (nee Gene Morrison), the gift of a daugbter. 13-1 DEATH PHILP-At Burketon, Tbursday,' March 26th, 1942, Mary Eliza Wright, beloved wif e of Robert 1Philp. Interment at Nestleton 1on Saturday, March 28th. IN MEMORIAM COLWILL-In loving memory of our dear mother wbo passed away March 20tb, 1933, and our dear father, March 3tb, 1941. The evening star shines on tbe graves 0f ones we loved but could not save. Two loving parents, true and kind, Such beautiful memories they lef t behind. -Sadiy missed by their Famiiy. 13-1 REYNOLDS-In ever ioving me- mory of our mother, Elizabeth Reynolds, wbo passed away Marcb 26tb, 1927; also sister Edna February l4th, 1936. -Sadiy missed, Ellis and May. 13-l* Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. C. Mason wish 10 express sincere thanks to neigb- bors and friends for their thougbt- ful and genuine kindness during their reeent bereavement in ~~ loss of their daughter Edith .' The family of the late Mrs. M. Smith wish 10 extend their heart- feit thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings reeeived from friends and neigbbors at the lime of their recent bereavement. They espe- cially wish to thank Rev. Mr. Stocks of Port Perry. 13-1* For Rent FOR RENT-3 ROOMED APART- ment, suitable for light bouse- keeping. "The Rosery," Queen Street. 13-1* TO RENT-FIVE ROOMED beated apartment, bardwood floors and newly decorated througbout. Phone 376 or P.O. Box 280, Whitby. 13-1* HOUSE TO RENT - ON DUKE St., convenient for Goodyear workers. Rent reasonable to party who will look a! 1er it. Write S. H. McNeill, Smiths Falls. 12-2 FOR RENT -IN RESIDENTIAL section, 8 roomed brick bouse, oil burber, heated garage aI- tached, lawns and garden. Pos- session April ist. Apply P. O. Box 158, Bowmanville, or phone 609. 13-1 TO RENT - COMFORTABLE, single, fumnished room ground floor, bath, off parlor witb ra- dio, bardwood floors, Welling- ton St. near scbool. Apply Box. 58, Statesman Office. 13-1 TO RENT - 4 ROOMED COT- tage wilh good cellar, and gar- den and fruit trees, 1/ mile west, 12 mile north Enniskiilen, $3 montb. Apply Jobn SprY, Silver St., Bowmanviile. 13-1* Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-FARM, 110 ACRES. Apply Elias H. Diekinson, R. R. 1, Port Hope. 10-4 FOR SALE - SOLID BR IC K bouse on Centre St., Bowman- ville. Must be sold 10 close an estate and will be sold cheap for cash. Apply A. E. Beilman, King St. West, pbone 526. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - 9 room solid brick bouse, central- ly located, village of Newcastle, bardwood f loors throughout, modemn conveniences, bot water heating, unning water, good epair. Apply W. J. Eîlbeck, 205 Bingham Ave., Toronto. 6-8 Business Service USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We also carry new goods. We are carying a large stock of suits, Faîl and Winter coats, pants, windbreakers, etc. A eall will convince you. Don't miss Ibis place. Sam Scbwamtz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 10-tf Farm Machinery FOR SALE - GOOD 3-HORSE cultivator, steel wheeis; Erban oats grown from registered seed, Grade 1, germination 99 %, won 2nd in field crop competi- tion, price 90e per bu.; a limit- ed quantity of No-barb barley, grade 1, germination 97%, at $1.10 per bu. S. C. Allin & Son, phone 2198 or 2847. FOR SALE-15 DISC DEERING drill nearly new. Can supply Preston fertilator to fit same. Also new Preston fertilator to fit any make of drill. Apply Fred Partner, Tyrone, pbone 2328. 13-1 Hl-ep Wanted WANTED - REFINED HOUSE- keeper, capable of taking ful charge small home. Good wages. Box 56, Statesman Office. 13-1 WANTED-EXPERIENCED MAN or boy to work on farm wbere a milking machine is used. S. C. Allun & Son, pbone 2198 or HELP WANTED - ONE FIRST ciass electric and acetylene weider. No one now engaged in war work will be considered. Apply Eldorado Goid Mines Ltd., Port Hope. 13-2 HELP WANTED-YOUNG GIRL for ligbt housework for family of two. Sleep in or out. ApplyI in person or by letter to 148 Coîborne St., Oshawa. 13-l* WANTED-GIRL WHO WOULD like 10 learn Florist Trade. Steady position for the rigbt person. Driving experience pre- ferred. Apply 10 Kingsway Greenbouses, Bowmanville. 12-2* MAN OR WOMAN WANTED - For establisbed Watkins Route. Steady customers. Must be hon- est and reliable, bave car or means o! getting one. No capi- tal or experience required. No restrictions wîtb Watkins due 10 millions invested in raw ma- teniais 10 protect dealers and customers. Write, The J. R.- Watkins Company, DepI. 0-B-9, Montreal, P.Q. 11-3 SALESWOMEN W AN T ED - With or without experience you can selI a large quantity of cosmeties, remedies, essences, spices, quality Familex bouse- bold produets already used in lhousands o! homes and aiways in demand. Ask for conditions, colourful îllustrated folder and say whetber you bave sclling experience or not. No obliga- tion. Trial witbout risk, unsoid products; returnable. Familex Company, 570 St. Clement, Mon- treal. 13-1. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-ONE MICROPHONE and stand. Caîl Fred Stannard at 894 after 5 p.m. 13-1* FOR SALE-VENETIAN BLINDS steel or wood siat, at lowest cost. Nortbcutt & Smith. 13-4* FOR SALE - 1927 CHEVROLET sedan, good running order, 5 tires, chieap for cash. Apply Ivan Brown, Tyrone. 13-i* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours fmom over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view tbese at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FRSAE-withnERtRsAaEso a 1936dodgi ew ieda, D.2 odeai wi936god te in goh od runigs.coton.asin Mr Floydcoditne. pl 13-2* WARNING - DON'T BE LATE in baving your tires vulcanized and repaired Do il now while the material lasts. We bave a large stock of econditioned tires and tubes for sale. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, one block west of Post Office. 10-tf Store - Everything in mo;demn, chesterfieid, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradlcy's New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osb- awa. 46-t! Notice NOTICE - MILLER'S BEAUTY Parlor will be closed !rom Mon- day, April 6th, to Monday, April 201h, inclusive. 12-2 DIPHTHERIA IMMUNIZATION Toxoid for immuntization against diphîheria will be given aI the Central School on the foi- lowing dates, Fridays, Marcb 27, April 24, and May 22. Il will be given aI Soutb Ward School on Thursday, April 2, and Fridays, May 1 and May 29. Parents who wish 10 have their pre-scbool eilîdren immunized mnay bring them to elîher scbool on the above dates. W. H. BIRKS, M.O.H. for Bowmnanville. 11-3 Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap tires, any size. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Cal 467. 2-lt! REAL ESTATE WANTED - About 2 acres o! land aI New- castle, south o! C.N.R., near Hydro service; for private resi- dence. Write Box 55, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 13-2* Wafted to Rent WANTED - WOMAN WISHES to rent room with board, where help is needed. Address, Wiil- ing Worker, P.O. Box 367, Bow- manvilie. 13-1* Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-FIVE YOUNG PIGS. Apply Mrs. E. Darch, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2298. 13-1 FOR SALE-THREE YEAR OLD Clyde colt. Apply Orville Os- borne, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2480. 13-2 FOR SALE -TWO JERSEY cows, fresh milking. Apply J. Fieischman, R. R. 3, Bowman- ville, phone 2175. 13-1* FOR SALE - PERCHERON horse, 7 years old, aiso car- tractor. Ceeul Beilman, Base Line. i3-1* FOR SALE-PUREBRED YORK- sbire boar, serviceable age. Phone 65r2, R. H. Brown, Or- ono. 13-i* FOR SALE-TWO PERCHERON horses, black 4-yr. old, bay 3-yr. old. Broken. to work. Apply A. Soucb, telephone 16r20, Orono. 13-tf FOR RENT-4 ROOMED HEAT- ed apartment in Cowan Block. Ail modern conveniences. Pos- session April ist. Apply Mrs. P. Cowan, phonè 870. 13-1 FOR SALE-PUREBRED YORK- shire sow for sale, due to far- row March 29th. Apply A. H. Keane, Orono, phone 51r3. 13-1* FOR SALE-i BELGIAN MARE, 10 years; 1 Jersey cow, just me- newed; 1 2-furrow walking plow. Jas. Stone, Clarke, phone 2231. 13-1 FOR SALE-TWO RED SHORT- born buils, reasonabiy priced, thirteen months and ten months. Botb tbese bulis are weil bred. Phone Osbawa 491W2, C. H. Mumford, Hampton. 13-l* FOR SALE - COLT, RISING 3 years, cross between Clyde and Percheron, partly broke. Ap- ply J. W. Abernethy, R. R. 2, Bowmanvilie, pbone 2419.12* , Feed and Seed FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F mixed grain for seed, and tur- nips. George Allin, Bowman- ville, Lake Shore. 13-l* FOR SALE -- QUANTITY O.A.C. No. 21 Barley, suitable for seed.. Apply B. G. Bennett, phone 2115, Bowmanville. 13-1 SEED FOR SALE - VICTORY Oats, 2-rowed Barley, Sweet Clover Seed (White Blossom). W. Leask, Taunton, pbone Osh- awa 1652W11. 13-4* FOR SAL!È - MIXED GRAIN, Erban oats, No-barb barley, Coronation wvheat, suitable for seed. Apply W. T. Symons, phone 2251. 13-1 Y EL L OW DUTCH SETS - A great shortage of Onions exists, buy y~our Dutch Sets now, we have some choice Ebenezer sets just in, 15e lb., 2 Ibs. 25c. Ste- wart's Seed Store, phone 577. 13-1 We are offering Government Tested, No. 1, Grimm Alfalfa, aI $19.80 per bu; Peel County Varie- gated Special No. 1 grade aI $19.20 per bu. A limited quantity only aI aboe~e prices. Also Choice Red Clover, from $16.00 up. Tim- othy, Sweet Clover, Mixed Clo- vers, etc. SEED GRAIN All leading varieties of-Oats, Cartier, Victory, Erban; Bariey, 2-rowed, O.A.C. N'o. 21, No-Barb; Spring Wheat, Coronation, Colo- rado, varieties; Gold Vine Peas, etc. Special prices for large lots. Secure our prices before buying. A. W. GLENNEY, Newcastle Telephone Clarke 33-12. 12-2 Wanted To Buy WANTED-A LADY'S USED BI- cycle, good condition, good tires. Cash price. Write Box 57, clo Statesman. Office. 13-1 Auction Sales E. A. Werry & Sons, nortb o! Enniskillen, will seli by auction, Monday, March 301h, 150 stocker catlle, excellent quality, light weight; will be sold in small lots. Temms casb. Sale 1 o'clock D.S.T. Free delivemy. Ted Jackson, aue- tioneer. 13-1 Selling out on account o! Mili- tamy Cail, the undersigned bas received instructions from How- amd Milîson (l Con. south o! En- niskillen, i1% miles west), 10 sel by public auction on Fmiday, March 27th, 1942, ail bis horses, catîle, feed and implements. Sale aI 12.30 p.m. D.S.T. Temms cash. J. Baker, clerk; Elmer Wilbum, auctioneer. 13-1 Auction sale o! farm stock, im- plements and teaming equipment aI stables, Wilson road and Athol street, Osbawa, Saturday, Mamcb 28th, 2 p.m. Four cows, ten work - horses, team and single bamness, saddle borses and saddles, race horse and racing equipment, wa- gons, sieigbs, cutter, buggies, lum- ber, wood and artiles too num- erous to mention. 13-l* On Wednesday, April 1s1, John Gay will seil by public auction at Lot 32, Con. 8, Clarke Townsbip (quarter mile west and bal! mile nortb o! Leskard), «livestock, grain and feed, barness, impie- ments, and some furnitume. Fam will be*offered for sale subject to a reserved bld. A. E. Morton, clerk; Ted Jackson, auctioneer. Seed Cleaning SEED CLEANING - WE ARE now cleaning grain ready for Spring sowing. We bave the best equipped cleaning plant in this district. We scour, dlean and grade, making a fine sam- pie for sowing. We dlean al kinds of grain and clover seeds. Deputy Minister of Agriculture W. R. Reek says in order to pro- duce ail we can we must secure the best seed obtainabie. In other words we must produce more to win the war. No in- crease in prices for cieaning. If you baven't grain suitable for seed we can supply you with any of the leading varie- ties: Cartier, Emban, Vanguard and Victory Oats; Nobamb and 2-rowed Barley; Coonation rust-resisting Wheat. You may buy cheaper seed but you can- not buy better. Prices may ise. Grain for sale is Registered or Commercial No. 1. Garnet Riekard, R. R. 4 Bowmanville, 2 miles east on Highway No. 2. Phone 2218. 10-1*-tf Chicks for Sale CHICKS FOR SALE - BABY Chicks, Wbite Leghorns and Rocks. Blood tested fiock. R.O.P. sired. Apply Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 9-tf Trent Electrie Chicks !rom us now. Special discounts for early orders. Phone for prices and information, Barron's, Hamp- ton, phone 2420. 13-l* CHICKS! - BUY THE BEST. As booking is unusually heavy Ibis year we suggest you order aI once to avoid disappointment. Many breeds to choose from in Tweddle High Quality Cbicks. Price lisI on request. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 9-t! CHICKS FOR SALE - BARRED Rocks and White Leghorn cbicks from Government band- ed and blood-tested stock. Or- der now and get your cbicks wben you want tbem. W. have on band a limited quantity of started rock cockerels. For dates and prices write or phone, H. J. Brooks, Bowmanvillc, Ont., phone 2636. 13'-tf Notice to trediltors In the Estate o! CHARLES FREDERICK RICE, deceased. Ail persons having dlaims against the estate o! Charles Frederick Rîce, late o! the T,*àn o! Bowmanville, deceased, Wio died on or about the lst day of February, 1942, are bemeby noti- f ied to send in 10 Mrs. Charles F. Rice, one o! the Executors, On- tario Street, Bowmanville, on or before the ],st day o! April, 1942, full particulars o! their dlaims. Immediately after tbe said isI day o! April, 1942, the assels of the testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, baving regard only to dlaims o! wbicb tbe said Execu- trix sball Iben bave notice. Dated aI Bowmanville, Ibis llth day o! Marcb , 1942. GLADYS RICE, HAROLD NELSON RICE, Executors. 12-2 Wilson's Furniture Co. Floor Covering Bargains Better selection . .. Our prices are lower than catalogue prices. Congoleumns, Inlaids, 4 yd. Lino- leums, Feltols, Rugs. Bring your measurements. Our experts will gladly belp you with your floor coveming problems. Several Wonderful Bargains $1.49 Borderless Rugs size 9'x6'. $2.4 Bordered Congoieum Rugs, 9 X 3. $5.95 Oceasional Chairs Uphol- stered.- $6.95 Baby Folding Go-carIs. $5.85- Feit Mattresses, good $1.5quality. $1.5Lovely Spring Filled Mat- tresses. $27.50 Studio Couches, spring filled. $39.50 Breakfast Suites, modern, smart. $49.50 Bedroom Suite, waterfall, new. $59.00 Chesterfield Suite, special- ly priced. Visit our large Trade-in Dept. iWilson's Furniture Co. "Everytbing for tbe Home". 40 King St. West 20 Church St. OSHAWA 12- SUN TESTED WALLPAPER For every room i the bouse see the new patterns No Rise in Prices A NUMBER 0F ODD-ROOM LOTS 1941 Stock at BARGAIN PRUCES Stick-fast Paste 15C lb. JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanville SUOQESTIONS FOR EASTEýR Easter Novolties.........5Se to $2.00 Fillod Eggs......... Sc, lOc, 25c, SOc Make Acceptable Gifts Apple Blossom Cologne..........-------$1.25 Pink Clover Cologne $1.75 Wlth atomizer ,.. ---$2.15 Heaven Sent Cologne $1.50 Blue Grass Cologne --- $1.50 Yardley's, Adrienne, etc. ELIZABETH ARDEN'S HAND-0-TONIK BOX For exquisite care of the hands-creamy June Geranium Saap fram Eng- land -Hand-O-Tonik to use after washing -in a handy Pink Box. 1.3 5 Phone 778 Easter From your favorite ' negative---------- .......10 Studio Folder Special --------------------- 790 Walnut Frame Specila --------------- 79o Colored--------- e w 'Jury (& Lovell When we test eyes ils done properly. C.N.R. Ticket Agency a" Pal REtir Daw, US N A E WA T D:] clrý-- 1 1 -;kmffloprý- - i " . ý- -1.1-T -ý 1 1 -,

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