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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1942, p. 1

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3 With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News T~PVTTTUT A TTXTTT 1~' cKTm mY',i AJ ý7iLS V '.A1 1 ýI i' L-ith «I A VOLUME 88Bo Dangers of Inflation and 'i land ýC9ntro1 Methods Revealed quart In Canadian Club AddresRgi Mr. Victor R. Smith, MA., .______________ is sta westE Presents Lucid Exposition of Gamn Intricate Subjeot which Af- tw fects Every Canadian-Alao ta hiý Explains System of Financ- mn Colossal War Budgets. a President W. H. Carutisers hadi the double pleasure o wecmingBo the season's largest attendance at the Men's Canadian Club, at the . Dii Balmoral Htel Thunsday even- 0 ing, and o! greeting an ld Dur- ham Caunty Boy as guest speaker o! the occasion. Ater dinner andZ formalities, he cailed upan Gea. -,Th W. James to make the formal in- icul traduction. In felicitous ternms, w Mn. James pnesented Mn. Victornin R. Smith, MA., who neceived bis lc early education in Port Hope, ie graduated fromn Toronto Univer- H( sity and later became idientified U.F., with the Confedieration Li!e As- -H sociation and steadily rose until wicl today he is net only Genenai Man- ney, ager and Directan o! the comn- Victor R. Smith, M.A. Cra: pany, but bas acquined the fol- E3 lawing degrees in uine witb the many phrases ta expiain aur con- Well science and service o! Life Insun- ception o! political dcmacacy- Giffi ance: A.I.A., A.A.S., F.A.I.A. Government o! laws not o! men- Bet: Besides bis duties as head O! Magna Chanta and Bll o! Rigbts Bon, one o! Canada's great life coin- -Fneedom o! speech, o! religion, Belg panies, Mr. Smith bas taken an a! assembly-Governmnent o! the HolE outstanding part in the life o! people, for the people, by the peol 'the city o! Toronto, as weil as peope-to mention but a few. Kit, the wei!are o! the Dominion, and Summed up, it means the rigbt ta trati has occupied higis offices suchbas: change aur governors as and Hur President o! Toronto Canadian wben we wish. Fan Club, 1938-39; Member o! the Ad- Fr visory Committee, Unemployment Ecoilomie Democracy Tor Insurance Commission; President. on the other hand, what about TI American TJnstitute o! Actuanies; econamic demnocnacy?' I doubt if a! te Prsdn 'Canadian Life Insun- we knaw the answers. They are in and ance Officers' Association, and the forging, just as thase obtained narr others. He is constantly in de- aven the centuries for political ing mand in an advisory capacity in demaocracy. We can well affard ta Fed finance and bis bigh training in turn aur thaugbts !rom time ta acc( mathemnatîcs and ecanamics f its1 time ta aur conception and plan o! Bu: hlm perfectly for tise subi ect he econamic demnocracy. We must do Etlm discussed "Canada's Figbt Against this even thougis we realize that Far Inflation."1 we must first win the wan, if we Snc Requests for Copies of Address are. ta be free, and if we are ta Agi maîntaîn aur polîtîcal democracy. A. As the editor lias received We ail know that Hitler bas a Hal many complimentary references plan and purpose in economic Ca: ta Mn. Smith's most informative matters. We spurn bis ideas o! latE addness, as well as requests for regimentation, bath miiitarily and an copies af' samne fromn members o! economicaliy, o! aur daily lives, o! exe tise Canadian Club who were pre- aur tbinking and o! aur religion. I sent Friday night, we are pubiish- But what substitute bave we in gar ing the address in its entinety. the field o! ecanornics and whith- acli We would urge eveny readen o! er does aur present acceptance o! cia' The Statesman ta take the timne temponary econamic c on trn as tiai ta nead tiis masterful speech fan lead? What conceptions o! aur an( it contains net only a lucîd ex- economic 1f e wili fallaw freim cor pJ Tation about inflation, but alseoaur present thinking? A.enti information on h15w Each one o& us, even tise most CsW.icis financing its gigantic individualistic one o! us, is ready war f!ort. Tise address !oliows: and willing ta sacrifice some o! Ci Mn. President and Gentlemen:-I bis present fneedom -and ta accept amdeeply consciaus a! the bigb I, large measure o! negimentatian hooryou have paid me in ask- i rder that aur limb ta aur îng m eadesteCnda conception o! a better civilization Club a! Bowmanvilie. I deem it aI be nat stapped. Nevetheless, if pivilege ta speak ta a Canadian aur progress towards tise ideal a! Club at any tîme. Canadian Clubs a healthy, happy nation, ecanam- Wl have been doing an excellent job icaîîy secune, is ta continue, then gol in !unnishing a forum for the dis- we must make certain that, in mc cussions o! national problems. accepting the contrals temporanily in Especially is this tise case in ne- we are net farging efiains fan aur- Fr. cent years when they have piayed selves and aur childnen. Tise end ne( an important part in maintaiig o! regimentation is the loss a! th( tise morale o! the Canadian people, politicai and economic freedom. asi and in giving them encourage- It is a risk we run but, if we pro- wE ment in thein determination ta do ceed in tise knowldege o! what we tis tisein utmost ta bring this war to are doing and carry aven !ram the Cc a success!ul conclusion. pltical ta the econamic spisere en Of ail tise Canadian Clubs, thene somne o! tise fundamentai pinci- lui is none more capable a! gîving ples o! demacracy, we shahl avoid hi leadership ini the forming of a tise chains. We can, if we will, at- a well-informed public opinion tisan tain a iigiser economic civiliza- ar one sucis as yours. In these days o! tien, witis social security and wel- wi radio we miss the stnang correc- fane available tealal, witisout sac- fo tive and beneficial influence of i! icing eitisen aur political on ev discussions in the sniail gnaups in economic fneedom. Pr aur towns and haiets. One bas 1bc ne chance ta talk ta tise radio' Cost.of Living Risc ar speaker. In the days wisen I was Let us examine, thenefare, tiseo a boy tise trutis was hammnered1 econamic trend in Canada, during tr out in tise fience face-to-fËce argu- the days o! tise wan. Until a rela- b, ment anound tise cnacke-banrel tively few months aga, Canada tl, in tise corner store. I have iistened suffened but littie inconvenience ai ta many o! tbem as a boy. They !nom tise wan, indleed it qpight ai- a played a great part in tise devel- mast be said, not "Business as opinent o! this country. 'Usual" but "Business Better than And so, Mn. President, I accept- Usual". ed tise invitation you extended to Haweven, at tise beginning o! V me througis Mn. James witis will- September last it appeared as if IH ing alacrity. If I can contibute tise econamic position a! Canada anything a! interest ta a discus- was rapidly approaching a crisis. sion ananged by a Canadian Club Tise cost o! living index which in ir in my own home county, I shahl eanly months o! 1941 bad been al- feel highly honored. most stationary, began ta ise,- Tribute to Weekly Press mantis by mantis, each manthly Mr. President, I cannat let this increase being greater that that a! b oppatunity pass without paying tise previaus montis. Tise pace was ei tribute ta tise wondenful influence accelerating; tise increase for Aug- il for good a! tise weekly press o! ust 1941 was mare tisan five times a Canada, o! whicis you have such tise average manthly increase for a an outstandîng example in Bow- tise wbole o! 1940. Further,.there v manville. I know you are praud were otiser eanmarks o! an in!la-e of the great contribution made ta tionany movement-sisortages o! b tise il!e o! tise community by Mn. labour, difficulty in obtaining im-v SMidland Battalion s Now at Edmonton mor bas it that the lst Mid- Battalion now in temponary :ers at Edmonton, Alta., is n being dismembered; that men have been drafted ta the nont, Dundas and Glengarry iment which goes abroad ewhere on active service. It îted that on arrivai at their tern depat, Lieut.-Col. J. C. ey, O.C., was called ta Ot- afor consultation in regard s rumored move. O! the 100 ithe news is that three Bow- iville boys ha*e been selected: SBird, Jimmny Knox and Pte. ;on. irham County Lady on Ontario Executive Fed. of Agriculture se Ontario Federatian o! Ag- iture, at the canclusion o! its day annual conventian in the ig Edward Hotel, Toronto, cted the !ollowing siate o! o!- ms for 1942: on. President-H. H. Hannam, P.. Cooperative Ltd.; P.esidenl farry H. Scott, R. R. 4, Nor- ,; Vice Pres.-Alex McKin- iBrampton; 2nd V. P.-H. L. ise, St. Catharines. Piecutive: M. M. Robinson, 49 flingtan St. E., Toronto; James Iford, Ennismore; K e n n e t h tzer, R. R. 2, Waterloo; E. R. .d, Mount Bridges; R. J. Scott, Igrave; Miss Laura Mather, stein, (nepresenting the young )ple's section); Treasurer: Erle then, Sec.-Treas. Ont. Concen- ted Mîlk Producens Ass'n., 409 ton St., Toronto; Secretany: V. Milîburn, Sec.-Tneas. Dairy rmers a! Can. 409 Huron St. arnto. 'he Directors met immediately ýr the close a! the convention d asked that six wamen be rîed ta the Board as represent- ,the interests o! women in the lenation. The folawing werE ordingly chasen: Mrs. Ralpl irton, Oxford Caunty; M i s5 hel Chapman, Associate Editci tmer's Magazine; Mrs. Leslie C iwden, Durham County; Misý nes Macphail, Ceylon; Mrs. G 1Richardson, and Mrs. Franl liiday, bath o! Wellingtor :nty. Balloting will take placf ter among these six ta selec ie a! the number for the centra rcutive. Durham County Federation, or iized just a year ago, bas thu !ieved a place on the provin al directorate, without solicîta on, and bath the organizatic d its representative are ta b agratulated. >unty's Prosperity Reflected in Crowd At Community Danci (Newcastle Correspondent) Wonders wili neyer ceas( hen a few Cowanville ladiE ot up a little dance ta raise som iney for war work and held: iNewcastle cammunity hall us iday evening there was a nea cord attendance. The size( e crowd amazed everybody an tonished the promoters. Thei ;ere 693 paid admissions, makin he number present, including t. îwanville ladies and their bell rs who provided and servE uncb, away over 700. Sever indred tickets were also soldc Squilt. $80.00 was paid for tl rchestra and $20.00 for the ha vhich still le! t a fine round su ®r war work. The success a! Il ient re!iects the general rur )rosperity and the flush poci )ook. It wouid be nice now ta s in equally large number at si )ne a! the churches in the di brîct, say an Easter Sunday. ' elieve that whatever praiE tose ladies o! the Clarke Chu:ý Erea undertaok they would ma. asuccess o! it. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Honeyn visited Lieut. and Mrs. Bradl Haneyman, Niagara-on-the-Lal /Irs. Honeyman remained for week's vacatian and ber daughl( in-law returned ta Bowmanvi with ber for a visit. be most difficult o! success!ul ecution is acknowledged. Ta st. lize ail prices, wages and salar at levels current a !ew mon aga is a stupendous task but willing cooperation o! everyo even o! thase adversely affect sas already given the campalig ,'ery considerable degree o! cess. The cost a! living ind NIIMBER 13 à, 1 L -- - - --- -- - - CABORNBOTRR, N SSTRSERVE POWU ROFF Historian of Bell Phone Co. < ~Manager Geo. E. Chase has asked us to advise citizens in Bowmanville S u n d a y, March 29th, from 1.30 t& 4.30 p.m., in order to make neces-litM e ngSr ceCà self accordingly with your electrie cooking requirements. Local Men Enjoy Unique Ex- can distort his voice by flot hold- As for your favorite radio pragram, within these hours, perience of Hearing Their ing the transmitter close to his there's ne alternative but to Volces Reproduced-Del1ght- PlThip eaesecie n et pass them up, go ta Sunday fui Music Program byEd onstrated the mirrophone, latest school or take a prolonged o ua rd Bartlett and WM. development of Bell Telephone siesta. These occasional "shu t Wickett Labaratories in sound recarding. offs" impress one with the _____This device enables anyone ta fact of how dependent we are listen ta his voice just as would an electric juice. The roar af malecules "lning look at bis face in a mirror, be up' under the influence of a per- manent magnet was made audible cause it permîts a recarding ta be truhaloudspeaker by George made and repraduced immediate- Lawn Bowling Offcers t.hroghisoaf h Bell ly after. At the conclusion of the The Casbourn famîly of Bowmaflville is repr esented in three aie f o r eS Telephane Company of Canada, ad he umnusual epeena branches of Canada's forces in this war. The only children of Nw M m e speaking before a joint meeting haigtervie sohr o Mr. and Mrs. H. Casbaurn, King street east, IRENE has volun- Welcome N wM m e of the Rotary and Lions Clubs at eAring their voesas others do. teered for the C.W.A.C. and is now stationed at Newmarket; the Balmoral Friday evening at Ant oinorhoe a ne, li ke a ro s A.C.2 HAROLD is with the RCAF at St. Thomas, and CPL. Lawn Bowling Club met March which the Lions provided the bar 112 times its own weight, SIDNEY, a member of the Midland Regiment, did not go ta 23rd with good attendance of en- program. demonstrated the magnetic prap- Western Canada with his battalian as he is in Chorley Park thusiastic members and President This demanstratiafi was one of erties of vicalloy, the metal used Military Hospital, Toronto, where he underwent an operatian J. D. Carruthers in the chair. a series made by Mr. Long in the as a record in the mirrophone. The last week, but hopes ta join his unit later. (Photo caurtesy Simp- Committees for current season course of an address on the mirra- recordings are nat made an a son Bras., 357ý/2 Yonge St., Toronto.) were struck resulting as follows: phone, a magnetic tape recording hard rubber disc, as in the phono- t ~Publicity and Press-Rev. W. device, which permits people ta, praph, but on an endless belt of G. Blake.j study their vaices and so imprave vicalloy tape, hie explained. Grounds-W. 0. LaBelle, chair-1itheir speech. The mîrrophone is used by the -Bowmanville High School Juniors man. Frank Williams, Douglas Speech is the commadity ini telephone company ta train pr 9 ~Nichols, Fred C. Hoar and R. R. whih the telephone cmpanty atrs ta speak clearly and pleas- s, and therefore Bell Tele- antly, Mr. Long said. It has been W in LakeshoreBasketball Titie Membership-Bert Keys, chair- phone Labaratories, the telephane used ta train R.C.A.F. instructars man, E. J. Gibbs, M. H. Goslett research organizatian, have made who have ta give orders through and A M.Hrdy.ît their business ta investigate ail microphones. It is the hope af the Two very evenly matched High took the lead again, this time ta n .M.Hry its ramifications, Mr. Long point- telephane company that its use School Junior Boys' basketball stay, on Edger's fifth haop and Tournament and Games-Fred ed out. Despite the complexities will resuit in a widespread im- 9 teams fought it out for the Lake- Gilhoolys breakaway as hie went C. Hoar, chairman, Rev. W. G. ofa spee ch, anyane can improve bis provement in the tane of tele- -e shore District of the C.O.S.S.A. right in ta score. A Cobourg time Blake, A. H. Moore, Frank Wil j diction by a littie study and prac- phone service. L Monday afternaan at Trinity Col- out found B.H.S. ahead 23-19 with liamns and Charles White. tice. The evening was truly one of lege, Part Hope. Each teami had less than twa minutes ta go. An-. While At is not expected bowl- We ail have twa basic elements friendship and good fellowship. won a game on its own floor in other successful attempt by Mc- ing will commence befare May of speech-vocal sounds and President Mansan Comstack of ythis series, Bowmanville by a 38- Ilveen finally settled the issue in 24th, ail cammittees will be pre- breath sounds. Given these two the Rotary Club, after extending 24 score and Cobourg by a 20-12 Bowmanville's favor with time paring for what is anticlpated will gounds and enough intelligence ta greetings ta the Lions, turned the caunt. The stage was set for a practically Up. prove a banner year. Under the be able ta talk, there is practic- proceedings over ta President y hiln elpae aet d- BhEgrldtewnes able supervision of caretaker Wl ally no limit ta what one can do Stuart James of the Lions Club >e cide which teami was ta have the scaring with 10 points. Eric Mc- liam Ellis players are assured of with his voice. The quality de- who expressed his club's appre- t-honar o! representing the district Ilveen was right behind with 8ý excellent greens thraughout the pends on the use hie makes of the ciation for the invitation. Le at Toronto in the C.O.S.S.A. final while Gilhooly had 4 and Brown seasan. As more local taurnamerîts tangue, teeth, lips, jaws, and re- A session of community singing eseries. 3. than usual are being arranged for sonant chambers of the throat,1 was led alternately by Alex Mc- a hiln aeitws Mieaan a h usad it is horîed that full use of the mouth, and nase. Gregar and Mel. Dale, with Dave ih And nil inn i h n oor pae locutn club's facilities will be used and Mr.'Long illustrated his point Morrison at the piano. wilathBw mnvitewnnn 25tein Cbur paera1oc9ntn that many new members wîll by mýeans o! the artificial larynx,l One of the highlights o! the r latfwmnts2 a1 . 10 points and was always dan- avail themselves a! the opportun- which enables a man wbase' evening's entertainment was the C. Cobourg boys started out ini gerous. Anderson was next in line ity of enjoying this popular pas- larynx has been removed ta speak musical program contributed by s snsaionl.formi and had the with 6 ons awlings with 2, time under such pleasant and once mare. The artificial larynx Mr. Edouard Bartlett, violinist, score 4-0 and 6-2 in their favor and Barge one. ta snx favorable conditions. Membershipisuebyaot5popenCa-OhwitMrWmH. ic kin vrfemiue.Hwvr Bowmanville ta snx fees are very reasonable: men $8,1 ada whohave had ta underga an kett, A.T.C.M., Port Hope, accamn- n B.H.S. boys fought back on three scahedfo excellent shots by Edger and one sceuled ta play Albert College, ladies $3. operatiSnfo the removal o! their panist. Encores were demanded .,t by Gilhooly ta tie the game 8-8. th1a !1unewinr a vocal mechanism, hie said. on each appearance of these cie- -l1A very cautiaus second quarter morrow (Friday) night at Dan- M r. Long described same a! the ver yaung artîsts. foundr each team good for bu t one forth Teck, Toronto. The winner Tlet prablems a! transmitting speechi Past President Gea. E. Chase basket, ta leave the match stilî of this match will play the win- alaxy of Fine Taet a ver a telephone uine. The energy presenteda Rotary pin ta Fred r- tied at the half-time rest. ner of the Georg ian Bay -Niagara For Veterans' Concert o! the average voice, be said, is C antn for baving a perfect Anectngtidqure-a District semi-finaî, also scheduîed ured in insect power. tatndnetepatyaC athe lead change hands five times for Danfortb Tech Friday night, In Aid of WarVct s would take five million peaple, Mr.PLong was introduced by as bseswr ace iho Saturday afternoon at the ail talking at once, ta generate Pas tPreident E. W. Crawford onconsistent regularity. Bowman- -sime school. Sketch a! the Old Soldiers par- enough energy ta light an ordin- and Lion Wm. Carpenter ex- beville led at the end o! the third Bowmanville: Edger 10, Mc- ticipating in the "All Soldier ary incandescent lamp. In the teke- pressed the thanks o! ail present quarter 17-16, this by virtue o! a Ilveen 8, Brown 3, Gilhooly 4, Talent Concert" in the Opera phone it must be amplified, or ifta t the speaker for such an enjoy- successful foui shot by I. Brown. Ferguson, Cowan, Moffatt, Stur- House, Bowmanville, Wednesday, would flot be heard by 'the per- able and instructive address and Starting the !ourth and final rock, Harnden, Neal - 25. April lst. (See Coming Events). son at the other end of the uine. demonstration. period, Cobourg counted three Cobourg: Throap, Barge 1, Raw- This review gives an idea of the On one Transcontinental route, After the programt a number points an a successful foui shot lings 2, Maize 10, Anderson 6, galaxy a! talent and entertainers: the vaice will be ampli!ied one of the men got the thrill o! their by Barge and a basket by Maize, Craig, Erskine, Harris, Gummer, Corpi. A. C. Lankin, Pianist and trigintilhian times-or whatever if e when Mr. Long gave themn ebut this,was soan cauntered by a Wilson, Charles, Carey - 19. M.C., served with the Canadian one fallowed by 75 zeroes is caîl- the apportunity of speaking ita beautiful set shot fram well out Referee: Maloney, Toronto. Pay Corps. Cpl. Lankin bas bis ed. the mirrophone and then "hear- by Eric Mellveen. B.H.S. then. Umpire: Holmes. Cobourg. own orchestra and party in To- After outlining the precautions ing their vaice as others hear it." ronto, where lie bas made a fine taken by the telephone company It was a laughable experience as ee.reputatian for dance work. ta ensure gaod transmission, Mr. some couldn't believe it was their eLclM sclFsia eea ogsM k Corpl. R. R. Reekie bas a very Long showed how the subscriber own voice they were hearing. ist Officiais Announced War Contribuin with the famous Black Watch, ar Imperiais, and bas extensive ex- of Plans are gradually taking Mrs. Byron Dundas, London, Pe.T.cE.ihGvrauchairis Durh m C u t a m r i ,nd shape for the Durham County Ont., war work convener o! the Pt.TE.Gaagirs, aeMscFestival at Bowmanville Rebekah Ladges of Ontario, re- banjoist, and. singer, served w::M n P o nt ain r i In nMay l2tb-l4th. Mr. Francis ported that in 1941 more than l8th and 29th Battalians. He is bl n azsa Q i t e d P i the Caombs, Toronto Conservatory o! 5,000 pairs o! socks for men in the a skilled artist, formerly wt îp- Music, will be adjudicator in the armed farces were cantributed radia station CFRB in cowboy ________ red music classes and Mr. Wm. Mar- tbrough 237 lodges. Besides, two sangs. ral shall, L.R.A.M., Toronto, in the ambulances were donated, more Pte. C. Collins (Bugler), elo- On March l9th, one o! the fea- jay, Burketan; 4, Harold Swain, on elacution classes. than 1,000 sweaters were knitted cutionist and singer, Royal Field tures o! the Quinte District Seed Nestleton. te Entry forms bave been maiied and about 11,000 hospital articles Artillery, was the best trumpeter Fair at Kingston was the Junior Winter Weat-l, Harry Coul- out by Miss Helen Morris, Secre- made. Cash donations were $3,494. in bis brigade; also an expert on Farmers' Seed Judging Competi- ter, Foxboro; 2, Garnet Rickard; uni tary. Contestants are reminded Ontario Rebekah Lodges have a Robert Service's poems. to ibfryby aigpr onRcad ,Rb.Am he that April 12th is the closing date membership o! 18,000 and Mrs. Pte. J. Mazurick, violinist, 159th from Hastings, Prince Edward, strong. rafor entries. Dundas said that Wamen engaged Battalion, plays with a master's Ontario, Lennox & Addington, Barley-l, Garnet Rickard; 4, ket The following donations have in war endeavars have nat limit- touch those intricate Russian and Durham Counties. ac Robt. Armstrong; 6, Chas. Aluin see been received since the last ac- ed their effort ta Red Cross wark numbers. caunty was entitied ta enter ten & Son; 7, John Rickard. Lyknowledgment: but have contributed substantially Other names o! the personnel boys with the three high scarîng lis- ------.PortHope.... $ 5.00 in clothing and articles made are ta be kept a miiitary secret boys !rom each ta be the County 4,Jhnckard.Har outr We W. F. Rickard, M.P........----- 5.00 from materials they baught themn- untîl the concert date. team. ec a.9H.& .Clb selves. Beehive Rebekah Lodge Corpi. Brady, comedy (a la Red The Warden's Trophy for the Field Peas-l, J. M. Carl; 2, rcb ocHa'.S......... .0o!Bumnibentiutdm- Newman), P.C.L.I. in the last high teami was won by Durham Rot. Armstrong. ake Women's Institute, Hampton 2.00 terîaily ta this war work. war. His Englisb accent wili take County for the twelfth consecu- Red Clover-l, Harry Redner, yau back ta the Old Country. tiv'e year. Each boy on the win- Mountain View; 5, Robt. Arm- Pte. R. W. Brown, (Scotch ning team received a cash prize strong. Mrs. R. H. Cailan bas returned Mrs. John McCauley and Mr. comedian), l3th Battalion. His as weil as twa busheis of regis- Alsike-l, Robt. Armstrong. nan taNolndaZe Scotch accent wiil make you thinktee sedTh tam ebrs AflaR.Vnerwate, ley gorlandtb er visitinglber and Mrs. Alfred Kayster, St. John, L p.RM.Obre(cnttrdse.Thtam ebr Afl-1R.V drw e, ke. gandmte Mrs. G. A. Cooke NB., are guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Cpi. het r.M.Obre(cnt were, Boyd Ayre, Hampton, Tho- Foxboro. adother relatives and friends. B. McDonaid, Manvers Road. s- o! t) heather mas Beich, Millbrook, and Nor- Sweet Clover-l, Harry Redner. ca soostsrved with 44th Regt., man Hubbard, Miilbraok.Tioy-,JM.Cr;4R.K er- - 518th Batt'n.,and Canadian Poatai ioh-,J .Cr;4 .K ille Corps. Was musical director o! The first twenty boys received Squair. EDITORIAL the , Canadian Frolics Concert cash prizes, and the high boy in Reg. Early Oats-l, Garnet Ric- Party " Fe each class, two bushels of regis- kard; 2, Robt. Armstrong. We Must WaIk And Like It Pte*.re Burgess (mouth or- tered grain. The winning. team Late Oats-l, Gardon Hancock, ex- gan band), No. 2 Divisional Am- was nat eligibie for these prizes as Peterboro; 2, Robt. Armstrong; ;ab- When Singapare feul, The Statesman outlined at once what the munition Column, bas been play- each had already been awarded a 6, Garnet Rickard. ries people a! Canada were up against, and that within a !ew months. ing mauth organ since hie could sîmilar prize. Reg. Barley-l, L. B. Watt & ntbs The compiete. loss o! tin and rubber ta Japan means that there must ,waik.C Standing o! first ten and ail Son, Foxboro; 3, Robt. Armstrong; the bepaon cagsi uracîae wya ieBu epegn- Pe .Sythe, (mouth orgafi Durham boys: 1, Bayd Ayre, Dur- 4, M. A. McHolm, Port Hope. ,one, and 2n Ella Sheiids), Royal ham; 2, Thomas Beich, Durham; Reg. Winter Wheat-1, Robt. ted, eraliy accepted the warning with little thou'ght o! what was ahead. Artillery. Charlie does a special- 3, Norman Hubbard, Durham; 4, ~~~~~n~ý1 a byra h ritdwr n imply re!used ta believe it. And ty number, Burlingtan Bertie Hastings boy; 5, Lloyd Jackson, Armstrong. dex,~~~~~~~~~~~ wa-hre.Pe.R-. arsanwone ura;7,Lod-eig u- 1, Bettny ,teari MWeatherl -0 n«XXTll/r A XTITTT T 'P nXTT TUTTRIST) A Y MARC14 Mh- 1942

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