a __ THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1942 PAGE SEVEN THE C(ATJADIAN 5STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mr. James Clark, Toronto, was home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Len Elliott spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs. George Spencer, Ottawa. Mrs. Fred Cryderman and Bar- bara have been visiting relatives Sin Toronto. à.Mr. Donald Mcllveen, O.A.C., Mfelph, spent the weekend with his parents. Miss Marie Jeffrey is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davey, Toronto. Read the local merchants' store news before doing your Easter shopping. Miss Molly Hynds, Goodyear staff, was with her parents in Toronto over the weekend. Mrs. Geo. P. Freeland, Toronto, has been visiting her sister Miss Martha Jarvis. For the largest selection of ladies' bags, millinery, coats and dresses, visit The Arcade. Pte. Russell J. Balson, R.C.O.C., Cornwall, spent the weekend with his wife here. Mrs. Harry Allin who under- went a serious operation in the Private Patients' Pavillon of the Toronto General Hospital on March l4th is making satisfactory progress and hopes to be home in a couple of weeks. Bei ta ne( Di de ly. ed, P. ins li- eig at war, it makes you stc invest money in a new suit oessary! We will make you: Spring. Prices are 10w but( satisfies Quality Work 4rt embedded in the fabric teriorates the cloth quick- rGet longer wear by hav- ing it cleaned often. Extra Services Lpe]s are perfectly match- 1,missing buttons are re- laced, cuffs are carefully ipected for frayed -edges. Nothing overlooked! Goods called for and delivered Phone 520 BOWMA CLEAN ERS CORNER KING Start The 02 MAKE BREAK Ste Windows For 4.igjI e h A ~jM M V rural neighbors. Aprl ist.t is essential that the I uThe foliowing members o! the re.gîistratiaýnbe completed and oh l 2nd Midland Battahion have beenlinsurance books be turned in b M I GIN teltd 2nrperomosadwthPort nd formtionnrsth to p P..ILALSI Hope, Saturday and Sunday, to registration and the issue o! i n- Two Sizes LuaScr 7cuO g£etatioan" qualify as 2nd Lieutenants: Sgt. surance books is obtainabie at ai lny3e-6e LuaSc K. H. Stevenson, Newcastle, Cor- o! the Employment and Claims I 9 9 Candies _________________________parais E. Flaxman, Bowmanville, Offices of the Unemplayment In- M. Littlewood, Orono, A. W. Hen- surance Commission. oz =c ý = = ý 0 0 - '******** X> r. and ers. Herman Larson CHURCH PEOPLE AOe Ma Wa EfotS s- Miss Helen Larson, Montreal, WO RST OFFENDER PERSONAL visited at Mr. Wm. Painton's, lg e663 Westmount. c"Every line in a newspaper ]e o d i a h rn a v g SrtStne urC.A.C costs the proprietor some e o d in G t e in a v g Hdq., Camp Borden, on his first thing," says an exchange. if We have had committees and Miss Bernice Gay has reture long furlough, is spending. some it is for the benefit of the in rvsadm -ct n.alteNtonlD yo ryer urnd imeuthoe ate viitngrel- iviua, shul bepad hoorah" that goes with com- Proclamation Is.ue from a visit with Mrs. George tives in Ottawa. for. mnt nevralwt o-Fr£maI M rh 9 11 Barlan,MSt. Cthringes ftharoenwrdakd o ernment blessing and otherwise, Mr. nd rs.Fre Huhesand Mr.andMrs A.T. letherand contribute groceries to one in this matter of waste and sal- Mr.da OliehnMronohaspntfKenn the ivis ion tftwerei abundantly able to pay for vage, but as time went on, en- Hon. Norman McLarty, secre- f Sua ndwt Mr . Geo. E. Prit- Osthawa frhe elbto of th Ble themlhe would refuse. The thusiasm waned, people turned tary of state, announces a pro- chad ad M. Harry Hughes. 49hbirdadf heTu Bu proprietor of a newspaper again to bridge and f iresides, the clamation is being issued setting- Cpl. C. W. Jackman, PeterboroLde must pay for the free adver- president and directors, ail three Sunday,,March 29th, as a national spent the weekend with his par- Miss Maude McLaughlin, who tising if the beneficiary does of them, deserted and disillusion- day of prayer.F ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackman, recently completed hier nursing not, and yet it is one of the ed, simply closed the books for a "I is hoped ... that the clergy Brown St. course ut Wellesley Hospital, To- hardest things to be learned tinme to await resurgence of gov- of all denominations in Canada Sergt. Air-Gunner Alex Col_ ronto, is visiting Col. and Mrs. L. by many that ta newspaper ernment and public activity. That will take steps to arrange that in ville, R.C.A.F., Newfoundland, * T. McLaughlin. has space in sits columns to is a fair picture of our wartime services the day of prayer will be home on short leave prior to tak- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clemence rent, nd must rent it to be salvage drive, launched one year observed," Mr. McLarty's state- ing a course for a io' license. and Mr. and Mrs. H. asden able to stay in business. late, with ahl the zeal that apathy ment said. Dr. and Mrs. C.pi lot's Cnrsen n arscadden,. Church folks, as a group, couîd muster.. Instng arh2asadyo C. . lemn tayer sentSudaywih reate worst offenders Noisniml jstcni i pae Cnac a d atherf were in Ottawa over the week- and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and Mr. artemtn ogtfe dr- Nwasipejtceti a ryrCndace nthr- end as guests of Group Captaîn and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson. tising in a to etfeaver - ny matter of pride for us to record qeto h ig C. Roy Slemon and Mrs. Slemon. F. H. Samis, Bowmanville, en- advance niewspape.tny, the information we have îateîy qu aest y ao!pese theKig notceofmetig, reccived concerning the unherald- "Hoetanhis Majsty h s pe e, Mr. James MeDougall, Toronto, listed at the recruiting office Wed- church service or entertain- ed f! one lone mani~ ~ oe hto hsda i epe has been renewing acquaintances nesday for active service with the ment is considered as adver- materoftsalvgein th onweeerpsilwiluiei in town while guest o! Mr. John lst Midland Regiment. - Peter- tising. of Bowmanville. His story o! giving thanks to Almighty God Mclntyre who celebrated his 84th boro Examiner. To give away rent for any- achievement stands out like Mars for past blessings and in humble birthday on March 6th. Miss Helen Glanville has re- thing less than living rates 's at Perihelion, when compared prayer for strength and guidance Miss Mary Stewart, Kingston, signed fromn the Dominion Stores as fatal to a newspaper as for wjth the pubîic's sorry renuncia- in.fac ing the task that lies ahead," Miss Edythe Carter, Pilot Officer staff to f iii the -vacancy in Dr. a landlord to furnish free tien. A truck driver who coîleets said Mr. McLarty. William Carter, Trenton, and J. C. Devitt's office due to Miss rent, to a family. waste told us the tale. He was __________ friend, spent Sunday with friends Marjorie Bradt moving with hier!, collecting waste paper which ac- in Markham. parents to Guelph. cumnulates daily in our pressroom You ng People Meeting The Alice Jackson Mission Band Those who have not handed in dry, Newcastle, and Pte. M. Bres- and discussion turned upon how a cet asroom, Meeinting o penm ed Teas for the ed Cr s i lin, Bowmanville. The N.C.O.s o! much paper the public could dig To Be Held a Hampton ary quiet omu. Paerig weedas bfor te RdCosplease doChe egimental School will take up. withque mui.Pae a obfr end o! month to Mrs. their tests April l2th. Thus we learned of Bowman- The Annual Spring Convention given by Mrs. Rackham. Meeting Mcllveen or Mrs. Chartran. Pro- There is a scarcity o! merchan- villes "One Man War Effort." A for Oshawa Presbytery Young was conducted by President Mary ceeds to date $265.00. dise, but this year The Arcade veteran of the last war, quietly People's Union of the United Alldread. A story was told by SCuc fCnd ilb edi Mrs. Rackham. Meeting closed Instead of sending your lothe has been fortunate in being able working ahl alone, gathers, sortsCuco!andwilbhedn with "Taps." aéd other articles out of town to to gather together the îargestadshpbew noean toHmtnUiedCucaur be lenedtr th Bwmavilestock of ladies' wearing apparel tons o! waste paper every month day and Sunday, March 28-29. beCleane r tersanBswhtanv in hisoyoftestr. within the town of Bowmanville. The convention theme is "I Will Cleaers& Dyrs nd ee wat inthe istry f th stre. At current prices, the revenue Serve" and theme addresses will IK satisfactory job they do and at Bell and Bell-connecting tele- would amount to well on to $150 be given by Donevan E. Jones, such reasonable prices. Goods phones in Ontario and Quebec per year. This has been going on Student Minister, Oshawa, on called for and delivered. Phone passed the million-mark last year. foi several years. The man hlm- Saturday, and Rev. C. G. Park, nhamaiuair520. Of 888,348 Bell telephones in ser- self is not so young and active as Whitby, Sunday evening. WheOyu om t th slder' ice at December 31, 579,503 were hie once was but mark you this: Discussion groups Saturday af- concert in the Opera House, next in homes and 308,845 in plcso He is getting on with the war ternoon will be conducted by Rev. c m ers and yers Wednesday night, April lst, you business. Other systems connect- effort and not boasting about it; J. V. McNeely, Oshawa, Rev. J. an r n yr will see a brand new, h:rdwood, ing with Bell lines in the two he shuns publicity but gets things E. Griffith, Bowrnanville, and MAKE GARMENTS stage floor that counicil authoriz- provinces served 156,916 tele- done. dos' ai o o ern- edbyLbanut, games and vesper FRESH AND NEW! penter, constructed' and finished Magazines and other waste pa- ments, or committees, and re- service. in gleaming shellac. It's a tap- per, aluminum and other metals, fuses to be impeded or regulated Three services on Sunday, in- C 1 dancer's delight. rags, bonies and fats represent a hy women's guilds. Some days cluding installation o! officers, coal op and think whether you want Since the announcement îast household salvage effort that men lie puts in 6 or 7 solid hours sort- promise to be impressive and in- you for Easter. But that isn't at ail week that students o! B.H.S. 1910- wornen and children here can îng, besides his regular duties spiring. Large dividends are o r sitfreh nd ewagan or 1-2 ae lanin a euioninactively support. Watch your whîch bring him no great wages guaranteed to all who will invest in our cleaning is thorough and Toronto on April 7th , Ross Stutt newspapers for suggestions and or rewards n l i ok hi ieaditrs nti saîways. and other local students o! that for complete information on how timne and services in this import- convention. vintage are arranging to take in and when local salvage material ant task are given free to his this enjoyable event, renew their 's collected. Wage war on waste! country. Not the town, but the yout, swp stries comare Auctonees wh areveryob-country for which hie fought in th yout, sap torescomare Auctoners ho re eryob-the last war as one o! the "old Practisingth Golden Rule is notes, and above ail meet former servant fellows state that farm orgnaîs" is the motivation for the keynote to satisfactory ser- . ...........principal John Elliott, B.A. auction sales are particularly well hir in his important task. Every vice on party-lines. In wartime, - ..Credit ireteran Bill Tait, new attended and that furniture, stock last cent o! every dollar collce it is in the interests o! everyone's cartakrwit shnig te wn-and implements are bringn is turned over to the service o! telephone service to be brie! and dow, te candlirsthewinsquite fancy prices. Thisis quite the church o! his faith, St. John's to make no unnecessary cahîs at the woodwork, the whole shebang significant as before the war and Anglican, for use in wartime and the busy-hours. at the Town Hall so that the new even as late as hast summer all for humanity. ý stage would have a proper set- you could expect at an auction The name o! this indefatigable. - tig. Bh ha woked hous awas half-hearted bidding from a iusrospaitcytnd- ines are read might pause and - >1 day for nigh a month to get our few hundred slightly interested pendent wartime hustler is Tom profit from the tehing. If Tom Hotel de Ville back to3 a state o~farmers. Machinery and house- Cartwright, and his Padre who ever ran for Mayor it would be -respectability. He deserves a vote hold goods that were passed over can attest what we say, is Major, futile for anyone to oppose hlm. o! thanks and a bonus. as junk by auctioneers prior ta the Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer. His only son is a Sergeant-In- C( the war are now bringing sub- This simple story needs no edi- structor in small arms, with the Mrs. Thomas Carter was honor- stantial prices. tonial comment. The facts speak îst Midland Battalion, latehy en- Pho: e ih ome whn 28fiensaher- His many friends are pleased for themselves and the public in trained for service in distant S ed under coeno ris grs.Cei to see Manager F. O. Mcllveen of this town and wherever these parts. Mutton, Mrs. E. Passant and Mrs. Bn !Mnra noiga I. Beaupre.Anapeitv or occasional walk these days and i wa rea Anapprciaive oembasking in the sunshine after .f tiread and the bride was showered with red and cream- spending most o! the winter in- tinted kitchen utensils. Refresh- doors with a severe attack o!fio ooo t N VI1L L E ments were served ,after fiting hematism. Next time you see f rsos ythe bride. M' vr. Mcllveen walking along take r response bynote o! the cane hie carnies as hie E U ThsEaster buy your new out- prizes it very much. It was given l- and DYERS fit ut the Arcade Store. to hlm by one o! his customers 0 E n o IL8 1 ,Weland Avenue Young Peo- who dlaims it came from the wilds I& QUEEN STS. ple's Union regular meeting took o! the Congo jungle, was grownPlc yor rdrfrE te god place last night. Mr. Fred R. by the natives in the curved posi- Paeyorflr o ate od Foley gave a talk on "the origin tion, and legend dlaims this cane o! the hymns o! the church." He "will not let you down." I1 are very limited brought out the full meaning o!f__________0 the hymns, and described the cir- Easter Novelties...... lc, 3 for 10c MLcumstances o! their being written.NE RE ITR T N LOWEST Some o! the more popular onesNE RE IT A IN ÔBnis hkRoteDcrad were sung during the service- ORDERED INSURED PRICES Bnis hcs oses eoae St. Catharines Standard. FOR EMPLOYEES ------ ___ Easter Boxed Candies.......... Right W ith About once every five years____ ay Right With. i ~the 2" galvanized pipe under Van- atrCdsnedsir stn' odbecomes cracked in A new registration o! ail work- E se adnw dsg the spring breakup. This year the ers, insured and non-insured, . il Easter Gift Sets ....... * 4t~ ~ water supply for those in West- industries which now have in-i mount ceased Thursday afternoon, sured employees is being carrîed o prPefm s ... .ýýNf ,March l9th. Experts Ai!. Bickell, on by the Unemployment Insur- I atrPru e. . . town engineer, and Len Elliott, ance Commission. It must be com- I mastr-plmbe, wee pompty lleted by March 3lst, the close of I on the job, sans diver garb, and the fiscal year, when insuranceIlPE AL B R the break was repaired and water books now in use must be turned flowing by noon the next day. in. The information gathered wiîî 15c'EPSOM SALTS, i lb The Statesman has urged "pro- be used ta bring the Commission N W L W P I E 5 ePN XC m on all eadrs now No wedirect furnishinomto fo ama-0 NL P1 w25 BO A I, 6oz atnintoth deismn in power inventory which the Gov- 5 O A I,1 z ernen ismkig TiIlvn -~~~ this issue o! the West End Garage ernmet5is akingMThisinven and Machine Shop. Read these tory is being made under the messages o! W. S. (Bill) Staples authority o! an Order-in-Councîl - 9 LUX SOAP. . . . . and expert Wes. Taylor - the passed under the War Measures - «. 2 5 c Massey-Harris specialists. W e Act.0 25Cwelcome popular Wes. back to The Unempioyment Insurance f town. Read what they say. They Commission is now distributing o mean business-and production. the new forms for this registration Er d OZe Mrs. Muriel Dunn is in receipt to employers ail over the Domin-I E doz.o! a testimonial letter signed by ion. There are more than 150,000 I Major Pinkham, MC.,O.!C., and employers with insurable emnploy- il e, 10c, 15c, 25c Eggs, etc. FRIT .25C to $2.00O1 UTS SPARKLEIUNI is Se, lOc, 25c *CONOMY 0 *25c to $5.00 MMz 25C to $6.50 98Ç GAINS_____ . ..... lc soit a38a fie ... . . .32C ... ... ...17c POUND ..87c 3rownie Writing Pads 6c, Bc do 25 inbunch 5c 25C NESIA, 16 oz btl. 23e [FEBUOY SOAF.6c .25 LACTOGEN $1.59 YSOL SOAF, 3 for 13e 9 PUE OFT Ti" CASHMERE TISSUE Two Grades 10c, 3 for 25e 15c, 2 for 25e ~~lu IPTIONS A SPECIALY McOREE DRUGS u FI1l 1TO YOUI Un 03 inea soueau 599 30,ç .eycloud! 0 12 pads 0 Razor 0 100 Phone 792 We Deliver c ==g=0=G =0O0O O o0O0o=== ,.î I"FT S s now. Supplies MODFSS E ------------- -