PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1942 SPORT NEWS High School Juniors Lose Finals In C.OS.S.A. Dasketball Leaque A smaoth passing, deadly shoot- ing Junior boys' basketball team from Stamford Collegiate, Nia- gara Falls, soundly trounced a courageaus but inferior Bawman- ville High School squad at Dan- forth Technical School, Toronto, Saturday afternoon by a 37-9 score. With the win went the Central Ontario Secondary Schools Association Junior Boys' basketball titie. The evening bef are, Stamford had defeated the Meaford High School, Georgian Bay winners, 39-27 in the semi-final game. This match was much dloser than the Saturday final but nevertheless showed Stamford as an outstand- ing Junior cage squad. B.H.S. had been given a bye into the finals when Albert College of Belleville, Bay of Quinte winners, decided flot ta send its team. Flaoring a team of young giants, very adept at passing and shooting. the eventual winners gave B.H.S. no chance. Ahead 9-0 at end af first quarter due chiefly ta baskets, shat ftom almost mid- court. the Stamfard teamn forced Bowmanville boys ta loosen their tight zone defence in order ta check further out on the floor. The resuit was, the smooth pass- ing winners were then able ta weave in ta the B.H.S. basket for apparently easy lay up shots. Haîf time faund the score 18-2 with a hoop by Edger, the anly score for the local boys. Hurried on practically every chance at the Stamford basket, the B.H.S. team bounced the baîl all around the hoop but had little luck in putting it through the strings. Definitely inot downhearted the Bowmanville boys came out for the second haîf determined ta make a better showing. The first part of the third quarter saw the locals outscore their strong op- ponents as they began ta find the range. But the Collegiate team was not ta be denied and with its long range set shot attack func- tianing again, won going away with 19 points ta Bowmanville's 7 in the last haîf. Lambert, the six foot centre, was high scarer for the winners with 14 points. In addition he held Edger, the B.H.S. captain, ta one basket. Biler, a clever bal handling guard, was next in line with 6 points. Johnson, a break- away specialist, had 5, while Pluns, another six footer, had 4. For Bowmanville Don Gilhooly with 4 points, Don Ferguson with 2, Bill Edger with 2, and Eric Mclveen with one, were the scorers. The locals have now completed a very successful season, winning 8 out of 10 games played against Junior competition. They are wýorthy Lakeshore District cham- pions, displaying a strong fighting spirit and will ta win ta offset their lack of size. Another year's growth on the six boys eligible for Junior competition next sea- son, plus the experience gained in their dozen games this season, should make Bowmanville a d'e- cided threat ta the Niagara Penin- Eyesight Education And \ Efficiency By C.B. Tuck Optemetrist Speciaist Disney Bldg. (opp. P.O.) Oshawva Phone 1516 Number 208 Lecture on Sight Savmng Class- es, and individual attention no matter how well directed cannot win success unless the confidence and ca-aperation of the public is won, unless some support or ap- preciation is shawn. This is one reasan why pragress of this na- ture is slow. Even though slow a marked progress is being praved by the knowledge in the minds of the public regarding their vani- ous ilîs. The chîld who sees easily is the child who learns. Aside from the normal responsibility in the welfare of aur childhood we should become alive t6 the real menace of physical defects, of defective vision, a menace ex- panding fnomn childhood ta thase in industnial occupations. Chil- dren use their eyes constantly at their wonk as do industrial work- ers at their work. The child is in its formative stages, plastic and suspectible ta change, and so un- sula monopoly an the C.O.S.S.A. basketball. The teams: Stamford C. I.: Mason 2, Dews- bury 2, Johnson 5, Schrader 2, Lambert 14, Bassett, Pluns 4, Biller 6. Withey, Weaver, Moret- ti 2 - 37. Bowmanville H. S.: Edger 2, McIlveen 1, Brown, Gilhaoly 4, Ferguson 2, Cowan, M a f f a t t, Harnden, Sturrock, Neal, Stutt 9. Referee: Mockfard. Umpine: Lamberti. Foreoters Are Active With Banquet, Dance And Some Initiations March 26th Court Bowmanville and Court Oshawa, C.O.F. held a joint initiation at Bowmanville, when a class of candidates receiv- ed their initiatary degnee. Chief Ranger Bro. D. Pickard was in charge and welcomed D.D. H.C.R. Bro. H. B. McCabe and Oshawa Brethern. Court Bow- manville's new degree teamn put on the degree work and at the conclusion lunch was served. March 28th Fonesters from Bowmanville and Oshawa attend- ed a Foresters' Bowling Tourna. ment in Toronto. Teams fram London, Brantford and Toronto were also present and the sbield was won by a Toronto team. Speakers included Bras. W. J. Bourke, Perrin, Shorly, Cal Braun and Harry Dove. Bowmanville team was captain- ed by Kenny Hamm, and Oshawa teamn by Gardon Hurst. Ladies also accompanied the teams. Hockey dance in the Top Hat, Marcb 30th was a splendid suc- cess. An invitation was given ta all ta, attend the hockey banquet April 6th when cup will be pre- sented ta Rough Riders and in- dividual trophies and sbield to the winners. Faresters plan ta operate a rookie bard baîl league and also physical culture classes for the summen. Burketon Visitars: Mr. and Mr. A. Dean, Oshawa, at Mr. L. J. Gatchell's. ...Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatcheil, Oshawa, with Mr. J. Gatchell.. Mrs. R. Dean and Mrs. L. Dean, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Dean's ... Mn. and Mrs. W. Cochrane and Harold, Bowmanville, Mr. W. Rahm and Ron. Enniskillen, witb H. Rahm. . .. Mr. C. Hoskins witb friends in Toronto ... Mr. and Mrs. H. Bar- ber and family, Toronto, with Mrs. E. Caughill . .. Mrs. Caughill and J. Sinclair at Mr. R. Brown's, Scugog Island . .. Orland Bailey, Oshawa, at home . .. A. Aldred, Whitby, at home ... A.C.l H. E. House, R.C.A.F., Aylmer, with his family here . .. Miss Ella Hos- kmn Oshawa, with Mn. W. Hoskin 1...Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. N. Feast, Toronto, Mr. adMS. . Alldnead and Clif- fond.. and Mrs. Williams and Mr. Edward Richards, Bow.- manvilea the Gill's. Deepest sympathy is extended ta Mn. Robent Philp and relatives in the passing of Mrs. Pbilp. Hampton Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson and Douglas, Toronto, at Mn. C. E. Harn's. .. Mns. Chas. Hastings, Oshawa, witb Mr. F. J. Groat. . . Jim Milîs, Pickering, with the Kersey boys . . . . Reg. Rackham, Gaît, at home . . . Pte. Jackson Wray, R.C.O.C., and Pte. Bloyd Wilcox, Kingston, at thein homes. . . Lewis Truîl and Bud Pingle, Peterbono, with their par- ents. . . Miss Constance Farn- comb, Toronto, at home. . . Mn. Clarence Smith and daughter, Grimsby, Mrs. W. J. Smith, Mis- ses Glenna and Yvonne Thomas, Beamsville, Miss Rosellen An- thistle, Brantford, at Mn. E. An- tbistle's. .. Misses Helen an Bet- ty Knox, Toronto, at home ... Misses Gladys Chapman and Jean Rundle, Bowmanville, at W.ý Chapman's. . . Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Horn at Dr. W. R. Horn's, Port Hope. .. Miss Helen Baker, Solina, with Mrs. Percy Dewell. ..Mn. and Mrs. Anson Balson and family, Mona Milîs, at J. W. Balson.'s. . . Miss Pearl Gilbert and Miss Evelyn McDougall, Whitby, at Mn. Gea. Gilbent's. Mn. and Mns. Jno. Balson, Miss Jean Balson, Mn. and Mns. Jack Macnah, Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Balson attended the wedding of the f ormer's son, L Cpl. Harvey Balson, Woodstock, ta Miss Emily Killen, Oshawa, an Satunday af- Cadmus Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown at Russell Brown's... Miss Annie Mountjoy in Toronto and Islington . . . Pte. Jimmy Crawford. Artillery Corps, Pet- awawa, at Clarence Parr's. Mrs. Clarence Parr is under- going an aperatian in Toronto General Hospital. Cadmus W.A. met on March 24. Mrs. H. A. Galbraith presided and gave the devotional talk taking the lesson as theme of her talk. RoIl was answered by an Easter thought. Mrs. Fowler's group took charge of the pragram consisting of a reading by Mns. Galbraith. Rev. D. M. Stinson gave a talk on China. An informal presentation took place when Mrs. Galbraith expressed regret at the removal of Mrs. Fred Dayes and Mrs. Sweet ta their new homes and Mrs. Mar- waod McKee presented each lady with a beautiful plate on behaîf of the members. During the after- faon twa quilts were quilted for Red Cross and a pot luck supper was served. jMaple Grove Visitors: Miss Mildred Snowde with Miss Dorothy McMaster,vTo- ront... Mr. and Mrs. John Brick and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Plewman, Toronto, at Mr. F. Swallaw's... Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tucker, Sterling, at J. R. Metcalf's, Base Line. .. Miss Dorothy McMaster, Mr. Ed. Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. Cloakey, Miss Beverly Shea, To- ronto, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Leslie Callacutt in the passing of his father, Robt. Collacutt, To- ronto. Rev. R. C. Wright, Toronto, oc- cupied the pulpit very acceptably on Sunday in the interests of the W.M.S. when there was a large turnaut. Rev. W. C. Smith, pastor, will deliver a special Easter message an Sunday. Special music by the choir, also a receptian service. Mr. Leslie Collacutt is under the doctor's care with pleurisy. Young People visited Ebenezer Young People on March 25th and report an enjoyable time. Howard Foley's sale was well attended and things sold very well. Blackstock Thursday afternoon 38 ladies gatbened at the Community Hall and quilted 11 Red Cross quilts. Friday evening Mrs. Fred Bail- ey had a vanisbing tea. Victorian Institute meeting is withdnawn for Apnil. March 24, Young People's Union tendened Donald Scott, Boy Sea- man, stationed at Esquimaît, B.C., who was home for a leave, a fare- well panty in tbe Community Hall. John Wenry was cbainman. Orval Stinson pnesented Don with a well fitted travelling case fnom the young people. Dan responded in bis usual genial mannen and thanked bis friends for thein kindness. Lunch was served and games and dancing ta music sup- plied by Miss Evelyn Philp, George Fawlen and Roy Phayne followed. Don Ieft Wednesday fan the caast. March 25 a special meeting of Red Cross was held. A salvage When chest Colds Strike Give- - give the imortant job IVf, relleving niiseries tate IMPROVED VckStreat- nment that takes only 3 minutes and makes good old Vickcs VapoRub give BSETM U EVE RMSLT8I ACTS 2 WAVS AT ONCE ta brng relief . .. PENEMTAES ta upper br eing passages with saothing me- diina1vaor^.. .SIlMULATES chest and back surfascelike a warming poul- tice ... and WORICS FOR HOUES ta ease coughs, relieve muscular soreness or tightness, and brmng real comfort. To get this improved treatment- just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes ON BACK as well as throar and chest, For Botter Resuits then spread a thick layer on chest and ý I K caver with warmed VAPORUS cloth. Try it 1 The Improved Way drive and a Donnybrook Fair and street dance were discussed. Mr. Coleman, student of Wy- cliff e College who takes the ser- vice at St. John's, eand Mrs. Wood spent Sunday at Mr. Levi Mc- Gill's. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham and Vern , Toronto, with Mrs. Henry Mountjoy . . . Mrs. Wma. Steele with Mrs. Russell Wil- Ian, Toronto . . . Miss Florence McLaughlin, Toronto, with her parents . .. Ronald Trewin, Osh- awa, at home. Ebenezer Services on Sunday were con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Wright, for- merly of Japan, with a fair at- tendance. Miss Elsie Oke taak the solo part in the anthem. C.G.I.T. met at Muriel Found's when an interesting pragram was presented. Young People's Society enter- tained Maple Grave Society Wed- nesday evening. Program was provided by the visitors. Refresh- ments and recreatian period were looked after by aur young people. Courtice-Maple Grave Brother- hood held their final meeting for this season at Maple Grave on Friday night, with an attendance of about 140. Frayer was offered by Rev., W. P. Rogers. Brian Fla- herty, mýagician. gave a short per- formance, and Bob Henry, a vo- cal solo. G. F. Annis offered words of welcome, and vocal solos were given by Mr. Webber, Whitby, and Mr. Orville Osborne, Bowmanville. Sing song was con- ducted by Jim Hancock. Guest speaker, GeorLre Hart, Oshawa, was introduced by Norman Down. Mr. Hart gave a most apprecia- tive and forceful talk on the Lif e of Prime Minister Churchill. Vo- cal solo was contributed by Ross Metcalf; reading by Harry Staf- ford. Oshawa. During the buffet luncheon, five boys from No. 3 school gave a pleasing entertain- nient on whistles made from barn- boo. *A committee ta select new siate of officers is composed of President, Secretary, Gea. Annis, Ivisan Munday, R. R. Stevens, Ed. Pidduck, Walter Rundle, Ce cil Jeffery, Harold Muir and Blake Short. Clarence Penfaund moved the vote of thanks ta al taking part. Mr. W. C. Workman ably acted as pianist. James Hancock, Woodstack, visited his parents. Miss Wilma Marshall is home fram Bowmanville Hospital after an appendix operation. Mrs. W. G. Rundle's condition is quite favorable after under- going an operation in Oshawa Hospital. Sympathy is extended ta the family of James Balson wha pass- ed away on Sunday. Interment in Ebenezer Cemetery Wednesday. Salem "The Flowers of Gethsemnane"', xvas the subject of Rev. Gardner's splendid discourse Sunday. Y.P.U. meeting March 25th was opened by the president. Worship period was ably deait with by Mr. L. Squair. Mrs. L. Richards was in charge of this pragram: topic in discussion form by Mr. F. Blackburn; vocal solo with guitar accamp. by Mr. B. Darch; read- ings by Mrs. E. Daidge and Miss B. Thompson. Quiz cantest for recreatian. Mrs. W. G. Werry visited friends in Toronto. Several Salem friends attending the burial service at Bethesda cemetery an Manday afternoon of Mr. R. H. Collacutt, Toronto, met ta pay their respect ta one who for many years was a resident of Salem. Sympathy is extended ta relatives fram friends in this dis- trict. Haydon Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. George Avery, Little Britain, Mn. Allin Stainton, at Mr. C. Avery's . - Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beech and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards and family, Bow- manville, at Mr. Alymer Beech's ...Miss Laura Philp, Toronto, with hier mother ... Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Lau, To- ronto, at Mr. A. Read's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. Henry Ashton's ...Rev. Harold Stainton and Beverly, Guelph, at Mr. Wm. Tre- win's . . . Mrs. T. Cowling and Vivian with relatives in Toronto . .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mr. H. Rahm's, Burketon, and Mrs. G. Niddery's, Hampton. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson at Mr. Frank Osmond's and Mr. W. Bridgett's, Bowmanville . . . Lloyd Thomp- son, Pickering with his parents .. . Mrs. Henry .Werry and Miss Marie Ashton attended the funeral of Mrs. Robert Philp at Burketan ... Mrs. Paterson, Clarke, is staying witb Mrs. E. Stephenson. Earl Stephenson has work with the Massey Harris Ca. as welder. Spring is here: The wild geese have gone north; the robin bas an- rived; and the tulips are up. Have you renewed your sub- scription ta The Statesman? Nestieton Nestleton W.A. met at Mrs. Geo. Bowen's, March 26th. Meeting in charge of Mns. Bowen's gnaup. Mrs. Wm. Steele was at the argan. Ladies planned an Easten social w 'th program in charge of the Young Peaple's League. Readings were given by Mrs. Wm. Steele and Mns. W. Jackson. Miss Marie Proutt bas gane ta Lindsay for anothen x-ray of ber broken leg. Mr. A. H. Veale is in Toronto. Farm Forum met at Gea. Baw- ers' on Manday night. The raads were bad but a good meeting was enjoyed. The bridge east of Nestleton is finished and open ta traffîc again. The community extends sym- pathy ta relatives of Mrs. Rabt. Pbilp, who was buried at Nestle- tan on Saturday; also ta Mrs. John Hooey, Mns. Herman Samelîs and Cecil Wilson in the sudden pass- ing 0f their brother, Wm. Wilson in Montana. Visitors: Mn. and Mrs. Melville Henry, Oshawa, visited Mn. R. M. Hoskin . . . Mns. Peter Wright wbo spent the winten witb ber daughter, Mns. Rae Malcolm, Yel- verton, is home . . . Mn. Walter Veale, Welland, witb friends .. Mn. and' Mrs. Wm. Mollard, To- ronto, at Mn. Stanley Malcolm's ....Mn. and Mns. C. H. Ponteous with friends at Bunketon... Evelyn and Irena Manlow and Dorothy Bowers, Edgar and Frank Emerson and Bevenly Veale at- tended the Young People's Le:agu at Hampton and braught home the banner for the best attendance fnam Nestleton. Tyrone "I19LL BE DACK FOR PMORE! IT'S just surprising, how mnany poultry raisers say that ta us! On Day-OId Chucks second thaught, maybe not 50 Sexed and Non-Sexed surprising, eithen. It just stands ta ____ reason .. Started Chicks It stands ta reason that when a Sexed and Non-Sexed hatchery arganization like Bray's really bears down, year after yean, an the one job of producing the Started Caponu best chicks it knows how... studies that job the year round ... Trurkey Poults keeps on plugging away at breed-___ Ing, selecting, blood-testing, check- and-double-check-well, it ought Ask Us! ta turf aut migbty good chicks. Read What These People Say: Mrs. Wes. Campbell, Nestie- ton, Ont.-"Best chicks I have had in years. Bray's fan me from naw an!" Clare Haslam, Emerald, P. E. ][.-"For 6 years I have been raising Bray Xtna- Profit Chicks. Have always found them the best obtain- able." Mis. Wesley Nichoi, Len- noxville, P.Q.-"Bought 100 fnam you last yean, and made maney, s0 thought I would take an extra 150 this year." Bert Mclntyre, Wardsvllle, Ont.-"ýBest chicks I even had. Enclose order for 400." J. P. Derkson, Flum Coulee, Mýan.-"Fram the first day these birds have done spien- didly . .. envied by aIl my friends." Isn't that the kind' of birds you want? Better buy Bray, this year. And better sec about it ight naw, ta make sure of getting what you want when you want it. 13RAY CHICK HATCHERY JACK HUDSON, Orono; WILFRED RICHARDSON, Pontypool; F. L. BYAM, Tyrone; Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Russell or A. W. GLENNI Virtue at Mn. Thea Down's, Lke. field. .. Mrs. Wallace Miller, Baw manville, witb fniends hene... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shaw and Jimmy, Orono, Mn. and Mns. Ai- teahen, bas taught us the descant bert Lawton, Marion and Do-ea thy, Toronto, at Mn. FË. A. Vin- of a very beautiful Dutch sang... tue's. .. Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, Mur- Maurice Jebsan has completed his ray and Allyn, at Mn. Tennyson turtle neck tuck-in, and now, with Perriman's, Columbus. . . . Mn. Helen Hall, Marion Hayward and Wesley Taylor and Allyn, Mn. and Stanley Hall have stanted socks Mns. Robt. Burgess, Mn. Walter with air farce blue wool. . .. We Park and Mrs. Rase, in Toronto. are making money an aur snails. ..Mn. and Mrs. Bill Brooks, To- We had 8 baby snails but Lloyd ronto, at Mr. L. Brooks'. . . Pte. Skinner bought 2. The money is Herbent Burgess with bis family going ta Red Cross fund. . .. Miss aven the weekend. . . Mn. Harry Chapman has made a Spring Bird Hooey, Bowmanville, at Mn. R. chant on the blackboard. Already Hatherly's. it is nearly half-.filled. Charlie Mns. L. J. Goodman attended Campbell bas reported the mast. the funeral of hen uncle, R . H.-- . We have Spring observation Coîlacutt, Toronto. chants in aur science note books. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Wbenever we see a sign of spring Wesley Taylor on the bintb of a we mark it in aur chants. . .. We son in Bowmanville Hospital. have fnamed 2 colored pictunes of Leslie, Arthur, Chas. A. and aur King and Queen. . .. Velma Ernest Brooks have gane ta the Collacott and Harvey Jones have Canadian General Electric Com- stanted corkwork for the Hobby pany in Peterboro. Show. Velma is doing bers witb Tyrone Sehool News diffenent colons of wool but Han- Grads VI andVIII vey thinks he will do bis al ana We are planning a debate at clr aur Red Cross prognarm April 17, "Resolved that automobiles have done more good than harm." S ln Charlie Campbell and Donald S ln Dudley have the affirmative while Glenn Brooks and Lloyd Y. P. U. met Manday with Fel- Skinner uphold the negative. . . . owship canvenen, May Menniani, Monday thene wene only 19 pupils in charge of pnagnam. Scripture present. The few that wene in and devotional readings wene the Jr. classes had veny bad given by Donathy Hardy and coughs so Miss Chapman sent the Francis Wotten. Pearl Leacb ably children froni Grade 1 ta 4 home presented the topic "Came ye af- with the advice that they stay in ter Me." Mrs. I. Hardy favoned the house. . . . Mns. Robb, music - with a piano solo and additional Y, Newcastle -Agents. readings were given by Bruce Taylor and Harvey Yellowlees. May conducted the recreatianal period. Mr. Charles Shortridge is in To- ronto hospital for surgical treat- ment and Mr. Frank Shortridge has been removed ta Bowmanville hospital. Cangratulations t o G eo rg e Werry, University of Toronto, on passing his final year in Dentistry! To Mr. and Mrs. George White who celebrated their 46th wed- ding anniversery! And Mr. A. L. Pascoe on celebrating his 75th birthday! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert en- tertained a few friends Saturday evening. Visitors: Miss Mae Kozac, Ca- lumbus, at Bryce Brown's . .. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, Oshawa, with Mrs. R. J. Mc Kessock . . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder and Evelyn at Mr. Brummel's, Columbus... Miss Gladys Yellowlees, Colum- bus; Mrs. Ed Davis, Kedron, at Mr. Jack Yellawlees' . .. Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKenzie and Lorraine at Mr. Ralph Davis' . . . Mr. an'd Mrs. Harold Duncan and faniW Mr. Will White, Mrs. Cliffor Por ers, Mrs. Frank Law, T(knt, Mrs. Bert Williams, Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Alan White, Forest Hill, Mrs. C. Tink, Hampton, at Mr. Geo. White's .. . Ralph Davis acampanied Albert Hilîs ta Nap- anee on a business trip. j~S ...ta" - ~ ~ ~ À. I ma better man than you Our contempt for the Japanese lias got us tbey plan, produce, act, with greater de. into a lot of trouble. They have set out to termination and efficiency than Canadians? do a certain job, and Up to now they've done Their one hope of success is i a "blitz- it according to schedule. Their present drive krieg." A "blitzkrieg" means fighting a war means that every man in the field, in the as thougli it must be finished in six months. navy, in the air force, is doing his utmost- It's Up to us to beat them at their own game. arnd every civilian at home backing their men Here's the way to do it-prepare for a long to the limit. war, and work as thougli the whole thing Is a Jap a better man than you are? Can had to be finished in six months. BBRA VE M E N 8HA LL NOT 'rD 1 MRECAUSE 1I FALTEIRED This messge is isssued by thje Departmcnt o Munitions and Supp Iy for Canawda L~ PAGE SIX b. m THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO