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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1942, p. 7

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THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BO\VMANVILLF.~ (~NTARTO rtiLlL ~jLVLJ.N FSocial and Persona1l Phone 40r10I s.F. Lyc:tt was in Toronto. visited here. Misses Tourjee, Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. McPherson. Mrs. Allen visited hiem daugh- ter Mrs. C. Knox. Mm. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor spent Tuesday in Toronto. Glen Hancock' spoke aI New- castle Union. Audrey Tebble bas recovered fmomn an attack o! scarlet fever. Miss Margaret Flinloff bas been Mî. Oreno Masens attended a gatb- ering in Oshawa Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Camnish visited in Toronto. Miss Beverley Payne will spend Easler holidays in Toronto. Miss Rena Balil has secured a position in a hospital. Mm. and Mmi. C. B. Tyrreil visit- ed in Toronto. Elvin Blewelt visited his par- ents, Mm. and Mrs. A. Blewetî., Mrs. Bragg was guest of Mrs. L. Falick and Miss M. Davy. O. W. Scott is spending Easter in Peterboro. Miss Edna Myles, Pickering, was home. -Mr. and Mrs. McDowell and Miss McDowell, Milîbrook, visited. Miss Marjorie McDowell. Mms. Neil Smith and Mac visit- ed at Mm. Archie McDonald's, To- ronto. Mrs. G. Cobbledick enjoyed a vîsît fom hiem niece fmom the West. Orone W.M.S. will be guesîs of Newcastle W.M.S. next Wednes- day. Congratulations te Major and Mrs. K. Hall, Toronto, on the birlh of a daughtem March 251h. Scouts collected salvage Satur- day, wilh assistance of Orono Creamemy truck. Miss A. Basinett, O.C.S. staff, was off duty lasI week owing la illness. Mm. Clarence Aluin atlended Mm. and Mms. A. Pout's china wed- ding celebration. Presbytery drama festival will nettlaRe place unlil after Easter in Oshawa. Mm. and Mms. J. J. Gilfillan and Miss Viola Gilfillan Sm., visited in Toronto. Be sure le read particulars of Miss Raymnnde Gravel's (Les- kard) auction sale on last page. Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Suggîtl and Nancy and Miss J. Seymour, Toronto, Mm. and Mmi. Carl Hall and Marilyn, Newcastle, called on' Mm. and Mmi. W. Seymour and Mms. G. Seymour. Cecil Bruton is spending thmee weeks in Orono and Midiand, a!- ter which he wîll be stationed at Oshawa. Mm. and Mms. A. A. Dummond and Alec spent Sunday in To- onta, the occasion being Mm. Drummond's fathem's bithd.ay. M. H. Staples took charge of Sunday Schooi service, telling the children a stomy in keeping with Palm Sunday. A number from heme attended the Presbytery Young People's convention at Hampton. Kirby waî second in membership atten- dance contest. Scouts met Thursday evening with 20 presenî. Games weme en- jeyed and Cubs and Scouts con- tinued training in Airmanship. Mmi. W. H. Rewe visîted in Mi- mico and Tomante, and attended tbe funeral. ef Mmi. Sugden, in- lerment in Oshawa. John Gay's sale was held yes- terday. We understand he will live wilh bis daugbtem Elva and Ibat bis san will be womking in Pickering. Mm. and Mmi. Heeper, Ponty- pool, visiled aI F. B. Whyte's an Sunday. This is the finI ltime Mmi. Hooper has been out since lait fal wing 10 a seieus ilîneis. Seven Oshawa youlhs were chamged in Cobourg Thursday, 42 charges being laid againîl them. They were chamged in cennection witb Froîte's store robbery in Oreno as well as robberies in many ether places. Hydro Commission met March 251h and paid these bills: Orono Phone Ca. $9.05; A.M.E.A. fee, $2.00; W. E. Johnson, auditor, $50; H.E.P.C. $26900; B.P.U. $78.42; total $408.47. Balance in the bank is siightly over $1,000. Kicking up their heels Monday at the thought of the impending gasoline restrictions, a team o! horses created some excitement by running away from the miii. W. J. Watson and Gardon Watson caugbt them aI the garage. The team was driven by Roy Tennant and awned by Mult Cemnish.* Union met Monday evening. Program consisted of: Peem, Myr- île Tamblyn; icripture, Greta Mercer; meditation, Mymle Tam- blyn; convention report by Stella Beit; fumîher gleaningi from the convention by Kathleen Smith and Glen Hancack; vocal solo Lenora Woad. There will bie na meeting Manday as members visit Kimby on Tuesday. Cari leave the cbimch ah 7.45 sharp. Police Trustees met March 251h -"d passed these bills: George Ricbards, fixing tawn dlock, $5.00; hattemy for dlock. $6715. J. Arm- strong umged Ihat a plan be femm- ed whereby citizens could be as- sumed of getting water for cii- terni. No action. H. A. Clarke was instmucted la see that side- PIRE can "blitzkrieg" your property-sud- denly and destructively-leaving ruin when it is over. Your insurance agency is your first line of defense when you have to pay for any los or damage. Place your insurance with- J. J,.MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville Dacniger!1.Liver Trouble is Serious Are you nervous andIrtal -cnt Rs Do& For Yuars Nu Pilai SI or «t-tro ut »Il the t«Me? iNuki" re Methta àfmulty lilwo In poison- 1 w ,S ru Igyoum whole system I8 Lastlng 118 do." ad trth * Yur 81th may b. the costi irzs.yPo% 0 orliver la the largest organ in aour bo0y îtmson av1cni and most important ta your hcalth. Itsu pplies 1tpated."Erult- e ngyta muscles, tissues a d glands. Il a-tives" soon ~ yar bdy lcstis ner md made me barter nl nfeld-otful vin.sapaa.nd t h er e ls gai yo r vrpours aut bile ta diges f, otln 1u.Atfw 1~et id c wase;alwprtoper nourishmentn o reah ou boo. heu your liver gets o e n nr, After 7mrs ut of arder praper di&stion and naurishmenit or a eat Eut.*1o~ gtop-you're paisoned writh the waste that made me foot fine. decampa ses in your intestines. Nervous MrRoy Dagneau, Chat ham, Ont. troubles and rheumatic pains arise frein this iislsn. Yau become constipated, stamach and "Lng Turs of ulloriag, Now Fi kdacys can't work properly. The wbole of Lits" systenis affected and you feel "ratten," head. achy, backachy dizzy, ted eut-n ready prey For a longl tlme 1 far sickness and disease. sut fered froquent Thousands of people are neyer sick, mcd have haa chs ol won prompt relief frein these mise ries with find no relief until "Ipoved Fruit-a.tives Liver Tablets."' The 1 tried "FruIt-a- liveris taned up, the ather argans function tives". The pains no maland lasting good heaith resuits. came les& ire- norma!iyuently until Ina Today 'Improvcd Fruit-a-tives"' are Canadas 1......w weeks, they largest selling liver tablets. They must be!ogeladi opdetrî rI-a-tlvesl Try thein yaurself NOW. Let "" relymde me teed iIke a new u ou bck on the road ta, Iasting heath- woman. Feellike a new person. 25c, 50c. Mrs.A.J Schwartz, Gait, Ont. NE Obituary Edward Pinder Edward Pinder, pioneer car- niage manufacturer, died March 271h aI bis home, 153 Essex St., Tomante, in bis 951h year. Despite bis advanced age he bad until a few weeks age been in the babil of walking sevemal miles daily. Born in England, Mm. Pinder came te Canada aI the age o! 19, and first settled in Port Hope. Later he moved 10 Orono, wbere be eîtablisbed a carniage manu- facturing business, whicli he car- rýed on for forty years. He made the finIt iran harowî in Ontario. He relired in 1910 and came ta Tomante in 1919. He was a mem- ber o! the Masonic Order and the Anglican Church. Mr. Pinder was marmied twice, firmîtol Sarah Armstrong, (sister of the laIe C. G. and Wm. Arm- strong). and later le Esteila Gra- ham, also deceased. Surviving are a daughter, Mmi. Victor Brad- humn, Port Hope, and lwo sons, Harry James and William Ed- ward, Toronto. .The funeral service was held Monday, wilh inlerment in Omono. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orana News of April 8, 1926 Orchestra conç*rt Tbursday evening in the town hall was a splendid succesi. Mm. A. J. Knox, leader, hs being showered with compliments fmom ail directions. The genemal excellence o! the pro- gram, both in solo and orchestral numbens, was something o! a ne- velation. Numbers Ibat seemed ta catch and hoid the large gatb- ering were: the trombone solo by H. C. Aluin; Piccolo and ciarinet duel, "The Bulifinches", by A. J. and C. R. Knox; string quartette by four lady members o! the or- chestra; and the finely rendemed saxaphone solo by C. R. Knox. A vocal quartette given by way o! variation "When the Twilight 5'hadows Faîl"' by Wyven Reid, David South, Colin Taylor and Reg Sutan was well eceived. Omone Junior Farmers bave every eason la be pleased with the social eveniniz beld Monday. Music was furnîshed by Russell Edgerton's orchestra. Euchme win- ners weme: Mmi. James Dickion who lied Wilh Miss Lela Hancock, the former winning in a draw, and Joe Hall. Proceedi $30. Omono Women's Institute con- lnibuted $15.00 te the Childnen's ';helter, Port Hope, and $9.00 ta Bowmanville Hosoital ta be used in the Institute Wamd. - Brown's Home and Scbool Association were guests o! Lake Shore,H. & S. Ass'n. See report under Lake Shore news. Visitons: Miss Eileen Todd, Slarkville, wilh Miss Wyima Far- row. .. Mm. and Mmi. T. GimblelI, Maple Grove, aI Mm. C. Turner's. .Mrs. H. Reichrath in Tomorto. .Miss Bessie Law, Oshawa*, at Mm. Gea. Law's. .. Mmi. C. Brown wîth fiendi in Toronto. Lockhart's School War Work Commiltee held lwo quiltings, Thursday aI Mmi. Shel- don Mof!att's, and Monday at Mrs. F. W. Bowen's. This womk was done: Quilts-2 quilted, 1 lied, 3 bound, one top put la- gethen, and a, number of blocks cul and sewn; work given out in sewing and knilling for the lay- ettes and cbildren's oulfits. Mmi. H. C. Bowen, bas been in- disposed. Dm. MacKenzie. M.O.H., assisted by Mmi. Clinlon Farrow, R.N., ad- ministered the fimît diphtheria toxoid Inealment aI the No. 9 School on Friday. Order youm counter check books aI The Stalesman office. ORONO Suffering, tears and heartbreak As a real complement 10 the are the neediess price lhousands screen, Mm. Charles W. Jeffreys o! of homes pay fer accidents-need- Toronto who was associated with less, because most home accidents K. D. Harris, Government archi- can be avoided. They are the me- ledt, and Dr. C. T. Currelly, suit of indiffemence te the exis- geologist for the soul foundationa ence of hazards. She is faiiing in reading, as a research Councilr rier job as wl! e and mother if she carmying the responsibility of the shirks Ibis responsibiliy-la truth detaiied authenticity of the Res-c she may nol appreciate until il is loration for the Govemnmenl, eut-s sie some of trie airriculinci ex- walkî and cuivemhs be repaired where needed. Orono Red Cross held an en- joyable aflernoon tea Thursday at which the thought o! Easter pedominaled. Each table was decomated wilh a large pumple cross, a jolly looking ooster and several colored Easter eggs. Mis- ses Margaret Roy, Florence Gray, and Edith Truil and Mmi. Reid semved, whiie Mmi. M. Smith made the tea. Refreshments censisted of Hot cross buns and lea. Imitation Easter hules and eai pussy willows against a back- ground o! green provided an at- tractive decoration for Park St. Church on Palm Sunday. Te the lune o! "The Palmi" played by the organist, Mmi. R. H. Brown, about 60 Mission Band members marched into the choir. Under the direction of Miss M. McDowell and Mmi. Wm. Armstrong and wilh Mmi. A. A. Drummond at the piano, they sang two déligbt- ful numbers and the juniors a third chorus. Stories were given by Helen Clarke, Donna West and Charles Armstrong, and Rev. Littlewood spoRe te tbe cbildnen on the triumpbal enlry o! Jesus mbt Jerusalem, empbaîizing Ibal only innocent, fergiving, trusîful and happy people could enter in- le Cbis's Kîngdom. At the even- ing service tbe minuster spoke on "Furîher Thougbls on Revival." and the choir sang "Theme Cometh a King,"~ wilh R. E. Logan lakîng the solo part. NE DURHAM CLUB (Continued from page 1) Loîîd,,ellowvs poem Evangelîne, or ws Calvary, the screen production whereby 1000 may sue it instead orws of one, is at the samne lime net only more iliuminating but is a necessary adjunct te a living past. Stark illeImagine ail there is te say as an Stark illeapproach to this program, "Amer- ica on the Verge of History"- Red Cross quilting was heid at there is ne lime. Mrs. Ross Halloweil's Wednesday John Cabot set sail from Bristel and another at Miss Norma Hal- May 2nd in his littie brig, "The iowell's on Thursday. Matthew" with a complement of Visilors: Mr. anci Mrs. Warren 18 sailors. hall of whomn were not Carson and family in Bowman- sailors but prison desperadoes ville. . . Miss Eileen Todd with Who mattered less if lhey neyer Miss Wilma Farrow, Newcastle. camne back. At 5 o'clock in the .Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gilmer with momning of June 24th, 1497 1 hear her sister, Mrs. J. Allison, at Cabot cali eut from his deck Camborne. . . Mr. Morley Robin- "Prima tierra vista". As both suni- son and his moîher at Mr. Arthur rise and he penetrate the mist McKay's. .. Mrs. Ross Hallowell overhanging the nearing land he and Helen at Mr. E. While's, realizes a high, jagged, forbidding Elizabethviile. . . Mr. and Mrs. shore and turns the prow south- Russell Lowery and family, To- ward hoping te land at a lateri rente, at Mr. A. Dobson's. .. Mr. sheivnjtg shore, the outiet of some Albert Threwer and friend, Pick- great intervale winding back thru ering, at Mr. David McMullen's. the mouritains. Pte. Jas. Duthie, Hartney, Man., No Man's Land with his aunt, Mrs. A. Dobson.. Mav I use this suspense te reach Jack Benson, Cowanville, with my icrophone and be in readi- Wesley Benson at Ross Halle- ness for the dîscovery of America. well's... Miss Helen Moore, Osh- In the pictoriai part, of the awa, with Mrs. G. Silver. .. Ray- lectUre, the opening screen picture mond Farrow. Whitby, at home. an oid lime hitching pest with à .Bill Barclay, Toronto. at Jacob herse's head, secured at (nerlh) T-Tllowell's. .. Mm. and Mrs. L. Myrtie was1 impressive, in that White and familv, Maple Grave, the Doctor signified he was net with Mrs. Ross Halloweil. hitchiug this pregram 10 a starI but te dîscovery, something newl and different . . . you won't stili Co'wa villeha%"e your nose on the grindstene Cowa vill lisenin to"Total war effort" or "Plebiscite." A rainbow in ah ils (Too late for lasI week) prismalic trappings and cemplete Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew save for the fairy pot of gold was Bandy and Harry motored with taken right at the Chignecto islh- Hector Mîlîson 10 Hermon. .. Miss mus. that nammow neck of twenty- Mildred Brown, Torento, at Mm. one miles connecting New Bruns- Wes. Slringem's. . . Mm. and Mms. wick and Nova Scella, which in Wes. Stringer at Mr. Willis Far- the early days was the cockpit of row's. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Low- No Man's Land in the titanic ery, Oshawa, at Mm. Chas. Cow- struggle between the British, an's. reaching down the New Engiand (This week's news) Coast as far as the tobacco plan- Mm. eg.Robnsonvisted attaions of Virginia and the French Mr.Reg Rbinon istedatnorîh te the fur trade fth Mr. Norman Andrews. Arclic. One would wish e e Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Burley, for long te study the vemy spot oft Mm. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan, Mis- Discevery, the red shore banks1 ses Dorothy, Kathleen and Mar- called. by The Micmacs, "Ecum1 ion and Jim Simpson, Mm. and 'Secum" and the back ground of Mms. Wes. Sîringer attended the Aspy Bay which was the dreaded dance Fiday night in Newcastle. graveyamd of sa many adventumous Cewanville ladies weme pleased saiiing ships of early days. that their Hannigan Mountaineers dance was such a success, realiz- Scottish Setting ing $3470 on the quilt, and net As a close-up flashed upon the poceeds of the dance was $228.50. scmeen of John Wilkie, a neighbor We wish te thank ail these who of this spot, Dm. Williams paid a« helped us eut se wiîîingîy. great tribule 10 Cape Breton where _________________ he said, "These people, descend- ants of the pioneer Scottish High- land stock, are sti11 as durable as Lake Shore, Clarke the elernal hilîs ta hle hi ________medeit homes. Here, hurry is for- gotten and they sth11 live in the The dance sponsemed by our H. abiding simple failh of their an- & S. Association in Newcastle on cestral days." Friday evening was a real suc- Things like the memorial Cabot ed rssmt tMr. .A-Troul, Highland National Park, Red rossmet t Mr. W.Ad-Keltic Lodge, Old Smoky, St. Ann, ams'. Next meeting at Mrs. Bob (frem where Rev. Norman Mac- Hendry' s, April 8th. Leod after bringing his flock from Roads are bad. Most cars pass- Seotland finally, later, with in al ing tbrougb get sluck in the mud. five locaily buiit ships, re-emi- Our Home & School Association gae oe100mlsaon met Mrh2twt rw' Cape Hemn te New Zealand). Old Club and Mm. E. A. Summers, fertified Louisbourg-tbese and Bowmanville, as guests. Program in charge of President Mrs. H. many others, made il as difficuit Reicbrath included: Song by si for Dr. Williams 10 restrain school children, accompanied by from enlarging upon, as il is for Miss Cain-, readings by Mrs. C* your reporter te omit s0 much Turner; piano sole by Hazel Far- that ougbt te be bold. row; vocal duet by Betty Stephen- Every picture was steeped in son and Glen Aldread; piano duel hîstory. This pregram will long by Shirley and Arvilla Brunt; recail Cape Breton's rugged scenic reading by Mrs. H. Reichrath; grandeur just as those Maritime Mm. Summers put on inîeresting f ogs and salty Atlantic spray fend sldes of "The Cavalcade of Can- off hem centuries. ada"; piano solo by Miss Cain; Evangeline Land Club Paper was ead by Editor In coasting the Maritime shore, Wyima Farrow: guitar and a number of incidentai scenes, mouthorgan selections by Mrs. T. each in ils turn, carried the aud- Wilson. Lunch, social heur and ience 10 the depths of their aid dancing was enjoyed. bistory books, weli illustrated by the beautifully, weil preserved colored shawl naw in the Lord Newto ville Haliburton museurnaî Windsor, prize of war, auctianed off when Visitors: Miss Mildmed Moise, according 10 youm old schaol reaci- Port Hope, aI Mm. Sid Lancas- er, the littie British Shannon ter's. .. Mm. and Mrs. W. C. Lane's bought the American Chesapeake at Mm. Harry Lane's, Coiborne.. mbt Halifax harbor as a prize of Miss Miidred Moise, Mm. and Mrs. war. Sid Lancaster and Mm. Carroll A complele new sentimental Nichoils with Toronto fiends.. program on "Evangeline Land" Mm. and Mms. Couiter, Midiand, was hinted at, when appeared the at Mm. Wm. Milligan's. .'. Mm. andi old Blockhouse aI Windsor where Mrs.Wm.Millganwithfrindswas matured Cal. Winslow's plans, aI Fraserville. .. Mm. and Mrs. L. repugnant te himself, for the in- T. Savery and sons and Mm. andi buman expulsion of the Acadians Mrs. Alec Barclay and family, fom 1heir Grand Pre herilage. Oshawa, with Miss Mary Lane. .-"aught but tradition remains of Mm. Irwin Bolsby, Toronto, wit the beauliful village of Grand Mm. S. R. Jones. . . Mm. and Mrs. Pe"-Longfelaw. J. A. Barrie with Mm. Thos. In the appraach ta the conclud- Sharpe, Toronto, who is recover- ing feature of North America ing from a serious iîîness. reaching ils first miiestone of Sympathy is extended ta the bistory there is seen two men L perienced in such a belated impor- tanit task. Three centuries and more had added neamly three fceet of tep sou 10 eobliterate the pasl. Fertunately, he said by eason of Nova Setia stili centinuing te build wooden shipi, theme was lecally ta, be had, men who couid revial a carpenter's plane with an adze and broadaxe. Tribute was paid 10 lecal historical societies, New Englanders frem Boston and elsewhere and in particular, Mrs. F. A. Richardson and Mm. L. M. Fortier, 10 whom Canada owes more than te any one else for un- tiring successful efforts. There was an ailurement in the unravel- ling of history which became in- fectious witb the workmen. Mm. Jefferys, as Canada's eut- standing histomic artist was in a Pesition 10, furîher elucidate seme of the detail manifest in Dm. Wil- liams' photography of this unique landmark rescued from oblivion. In iighlem vein Dr. Williams showed a ceomed slide of himself in the clolbing of MacAskill, the famous Nova Scella giant. Dm. Williams, whese visit to Nova Scella produced scores of interesting pictures, was bis own narrator for the evening. He tld of his visit le the brother and sis- ter af MacAskill. The giant stood seven feet nine, weigbed 4251I pounds, wore a size l1i2 boot, and when he appeared witb ibe Baf- num and Bailey circus used le produce Tom Thumb from his evercoat peckel. About 100 were presenit, and Ex-Mayor W. D. Robbins and Mmi. Mrs. Robbins were in charge of! Macleod, Alberta, Mamcb 23, 1942. Dear George: I bave juil nead youn Manch 19 issue, whicb intereîted me. as dees, in fact every issue o! The Statesman. The article by Alpha Pinch pmompted me te write le yeu, net hecause we, 100, are gnowing aId, but because o! the sound advice be gives te younger people. There is no doubt Ibat in order te keep young in our eut- loaR on life, we must be ever look- ing fonward, and maintain aur ac- tivities as fan as pbysically pos- sible. I eflen reflect tbat I Rnow of ne other business on profession Ibat contnibutes se mucb la Ibis as editing a rural weekly news- paper, for one bas te mainlain an active interest in ail pbases o! community life if be is te publisb an intereshing newspapen. I noticed your comments on ei- tablishing a Chamber ef Com- merce in Bowmanville, wbicb wouid be a good move. We find il very useful hene, tbough aI firsl some a! bbc older timers, particu- lariy tewn councillors, feit il was uîurping some o! their duties, whicb nealiy hs not sa. Il bas a field o! activity cntinely aparl but whicb can be veny hclpful ta any cammunity, and a really live council sbouid welcome il. The wintem hs back again with snow and cold weatbcn, but laok for il clearing up and the arrivai o! Spring in reai earnest, bringing new hopes and increased activity. Yeurs sinccrcly, H. T. Halliwell. Editor's Note-Mm. Hailiwell is editar o! The Maclcad Gazette, a paî'. president a! the Canadian Weèkly Newspapers Association, a veteran o! the South African an-1 Womld Wars and a migbty fine chap. AGRICULTURE LEAVE GRANTED TO SOLDIERS Ottawa, Mamcb 31s1: Special agricultural leave, te assist in Canada's vast taîR o! pmaviding food for the Empirc's armies, wili be granted Ibis îpring ta soidiers experienced in farm work. Plans for the icheme wcre announced Ibis week fnem National Defence Headquamlers, Ottawa. This special leave is ta permit soldiers wbo are lmained in farm- ing le proceed ta their homes ta assist in sowing cropi and in other seasonal work in conneclion witb the preparation o! the soul for cropi. Six weeks hs set as the maximum lenglh a! leave and il may be cancelled aI any lime. These eligible for the sowing leave are seldiers on the Home War establishment o! depots, DRYCLEANING IS THRIFTY! MAE N'S S UITS Dear Editor: It's tee bad eur Member 0f Parliament taîRs iike thal. We ail ought te be geod Canadians and have no provincial narrowness. Juil pick up any set of figures or statistics dealing with the wealth and loaning and spending powers of the provinces and see how col- ossal are Ontario's reseurces com- pared with eiîher the Eastern or Western provinces. In relation te the other provinces Ontario is a xeservoir of înfiowîng weaitb and pmesperity. David Harum said in regard la a certain religiaus sect in the cammunily that "tbey were se narrer 14 of lhem ceuld sit side by side in one buggy seat without crowding." Yaurs fer more lolerance, Durham Former 1113,5 63rd St., Edmonton, Alto., Marcb 25, 1942. Dear George: Everytbing going fine bere. bave had one grand xvinter, very littie snow and almest centinueus sunsine, and te temperaure, only going below zero a few limes. We bave liad a greot influx 0f American seldiers with readmak- ing macbinery, and wor equîp-, ment going Nortb le build the higbway 10 Alaska, wbicb will be rushed witb ail speed I believe. These contingents are given1 good receptian at the station here1 as tbey go tbreugb, witb bands' and American musical airs. On the head 0f Ibis on Sunday there came te town most unexpectediy, the Midland Regiment from On- tarie, and were aise weil received. I hope you are ail fine and well down in old Bowmanviile, and will keep the home fires burning, until this unmitigated war is won. Manley Cryderman. M».a ia 40 PMl. Lwa mau, M*i - w:- Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solcitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches Office immediateiy east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele. phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers ELMER WILBUR Hampton - Ontario Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furnitume Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date to: Bowmanville 2428 CLIFFORD FETHICK Actioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales. Consuit me for terms and dates. 50-tf Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarian Church St. - Bowmanville Phone 843 29tf of Canada, except Ihose units on operational duty in Atlantic and Pacific Commands and surplus personnel in depols, less those awaiting despatch to basic train- ing centres or awaiting disposal after completing advanced or Irade training. Soldiers taking advantage of this special sowing leave will flot receive pay and allowances dur- ing their absence, subsistence, travelling or other allowances. ELECTED DOMINION STORES DIRECTOR The Board of Directors of Do- minion Stores Limited announced the election of Louis D. Squair to the Dimectorate of the Company at the annual meeting of the shareholders held in Toronto, March 24. Mr. Squaim has been vice-president of Dominion Stores since 1939, and has been associat- ed with the grocery business for more than 18 years. Mm. Squair is also well known as executive assistant to the Administrator of Retail Trade of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. ACHEY JOINTS? Gin Pilis, for the kidreys, help remove pain-causing toxins that are often the cause of rheumatic twinges and achey oits. Money back if fot satisfied. . .. hold their smart tailored lines and wear longer ... when cleaned and pressed regularly Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, Llmlted PHONE 419 Birthday Cake The lea table was atlractively decoraled with Spring flowers, wben Mmi. McGill and Mmi. Cruicksbank poured tea and cof- feu. An added featume wai a largei birhday cake, in baonor of Mmi. McGill, moîber of Dr. Geo. Mc- Gi, a generous portion of wbich was enjoyed by all. Natwilb- standing the lateneis of the boum, friendi seemed reluctant ta say goedbye, for the season Ibat bas juil so successfuliy clesed. Annual Eiections The meeting raised $60 fer war relief, and accepted Dr. Walter Willamd's invitation te visit Wes- ton Golf Club for dinner in June. Elections resulted as follows: PasI president, Dr. L. B., Williams; president, Dr. D. D. MacDonald; secretary, Wallace Maas; treasur- er, Fred Truli; cerresponding secmelary, Mmi. Herbert Faim; city correspondent, D. W. Armstrong; auditors, Ewamt Pollard and Dr. O. O. Worden; execulive commit- tee, Dr. and Mmi. L. B. Williams, Mmi. R. J. Stuart, Mm. and Mrs. S. H. Jeffery, Mmi. Wallace Maas. Mm. and Mrs. O. J. Henderson, Mmi. Lamne Truli. Dr. and Mmi. F. Trebilcock, D. G. M. Galbraitb, Mm. and Mrs. D. W. Armstrong, Herberl Faimr, Mm. and Mmi. A. W. McLead Ms Don Linden. Doni Linden was appoinled director of music. Henorary presidenhi are: Joseph E. Atkinson, G. W. Mc- Laughlin, Frank Rickard, M.P.; C. G. Mercer, M.P.P. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 1:)An-v (ZrxrvhT .1; Obituary i oo iate. Herbert John Tmuil Herbert John TrulI, 463 Athol Street East, Oshawa, diediat the Oshawa Genenal Hospital Manch 25tb, in bis 791b year. He bas îuffered the laîl four yeans fmomn an abdominal alment. He was born in Darlingtan Township in 1863 and bas lived in Hanmony, Winnipeg and Oshawa, coming ta Oshawa a yeam ago. Mail o! bis life was spent in Ihis district except for the four years be lived in Winnipeg wherc he waî cmployed as an artisl. Paint- ing and farming wcre bis favorite occupations. Besides bis wife, the fermer Ada Abraham, he is sunvived hy twa sons, Russell and Morris, lbree daughlcns. Misses Eileen and Evelyn and Mmi. Olive Gam- ble, aIl o! Oshawa, and a brother, Edgar Truli, Toronto. The funenal was held !rom the famiiy residence on Friday, with the Rev. J. Vemner McNcely, o! King Street United Cburch, con- ducting the service. Inlerment in Hampton Cemcteny. Faim fNews In the necent report o! the Durham County Shortborn Asso- ciation sale aI tbe Prout Farm, Harry Hatcb was cmedited with being one o! tbe principal buyers. This waî in error; the purchaser was Herbent E. Hatcb, Toronto, who is impnoving bis faundation stock o! Sherîbomni and bidi well te become one o! Canada's ouI- standing breeders. Continuing The Statesman's re- ports o! and support for the wam- time resurgence o! prominent aid- lime beef caIlle men, we learn thal Tom Baker Sm., with son Jack mecentiy searched the Guelph district and puncbased 3 berd sires o! Milîhilis Ransom bmeed- ing, for the 3 generations o! Short- horn men at Baker Farm: Tom Sm., son Jack, and grandson Maurice. Mîllis Ransom was imparted by Hon. Duncan Marshall when he was Onlario's Minuster o! Ag- riculture. For Ibis aristocratic cal! he paid $10,000, and Iaday bis progeny graces the stables and pastumes o! many important herds throughout Canada. Howard Million, Enniskillen, having been called fan militany service, had an auclion sale a! bec! and dairy caIlle and genemal !arm stock thal netted $4,800.00, which shows the trend o! wan- lime prices. A woman's definition o! a bore: a mani in love witb another wo- man. Wben a boy bas a !ight, mother aiRs, "Did you gel hurt?" Father says "Did you spoil your clothes?" Brother says "Did you lick hlm?"

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