THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1942 PAGE EIOHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The Newcaste Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mn. and Mns. Howard Toms and family visited in Belleville. Mrs. Frank O'Neil, Toronto, spent thc weekend with friends here. Mn. Geo. Bonathan, Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother, Mns. S. R. Bonathan. Mn. Clifford Douglas, Kitchen- en, visited his gnandmother, Mrs. Jno. Douglas, on Sunday. Good Friday services will be held at il a.m. in St. George's and the United Chunches on Apnil 3rd. Palmn Sunday and the Day o! Prayen wcne obsenved in con- junction at Newcastle churches last Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Jack Higbec and daughter Mary, Ottawa, visited their cousins, Reeve C. R. and Mrs. Carvcth. Principal Hugh M. McColl o! the high school was In Toronto Friday attending a meeting called by the Depantment o! Education. Newcastle Fine Brigade held another card Party Mýarch 25th. Winners o! 500 pnizes wene Mns. Gco. A. Walton and Ai!. Graham, and o! the cuchre prizes, Mns. W. J. Mallcy and Stan. Graham. Rev. R. E. Morton o! Newcastle United Chunch and Rcv. Fred Smith o! Silventhonne United Chunch, Toronto, exchangcd pul- pits last Sunday. Five strangers visited the local church neccntly. It was aftenwands lcanned that they wene fnom the Silventhorne Church, Toronto. Mns. Fred Smith accompanied hon husband to New- castle and they werc guests o! Mn. and Mns. H. E. Hancock. Obituary Mrs. P. 0'Neil Mrs. P. 0'Neii, for some 30 years a resident o! Newcastle, died Manch 26th at hen home on Mili St., Newcastle. She had been up and anound and had been iii only since the previaus Monday. During the daytime neighbons had been in rendering littie ser- vices. On Wcdnesday manning Mns. Percy Haro, speaking ta Mrs. O'Neil thnough the wîndow, real- izod that she was much wonse. She was still in bcd with the doans lockod and neighbors wene be- caming anxious. Mns. Haro phan- ed Mr. Hane at the C.N.R. station. He summoned the dactor and a nurse was procuncd. With much di!ficulty the membens o! the family wenc contacted. The twa 'Iv:. w A PRIL Buy NOW sons arnived and their moti died on Thunsday monning. SI had suffered a stroke affectir her throat and left side o! h, face. Rev. D. R. Dewdney, with Mi Jno. Garrod at the ongan, conduc cd the funeral service in , George's Chunch on Saturdaya ternoon. Beautiful floral tribut from the family and others ban' cd the casket. Rev. Dewdney al penformed the bunial rites in' George's Cemetery. Palîbeane were Chas. A. Cowan, Jas. Mi ray, Carl Selby and Geo. A. W. ton. Mrs. O'Neil, the former Ella Deshane, is survived by txvo sor Frank, in Toronto, and Perc Belleville, and one daughter, Mi Campbell, Toronto. Two gran sons are in the Canadian Ar. oy'crseas. Her husband, Patri O'Neil. C.N.R. section forema was killed on the railway wi on duty 8 years ago next Jur Mrs. O'Neil had been active women's organizations o! George's Church and her husbai had been a member o! the Mer Club. After his death she boug and donated to the club a carp bowling trophy in memory o!h husband. This has been comp( cd for annually by the membE of St. George's Men's Club a the present possessor is Mn. Th( Spencer Jr. Among other relatives at t funeral was dcceased's sisten, lM Geo. Grass, Napanee. A gossip is a person wîth keen sense o! numor. A woman's cooking lives int heants o! hon descendants. M( people rememben favorite aut or gnandmothens in tenms o!fnr bnead, lemon pies, ginger cooki No human being believes t any other human being has right to be in bcd when hie hi self is up. If you want to forget ail yc other troubles, wean tight shoe Boarders Wanted BOARDERS WANTED - ROC and breakfast for boarders.P ply Mns. Wmn. Wade, 1 rn north o! Countice. J Drugless Practition< ROBERT COLVILLE Drugles% Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanvi Electnical Treatments - Spin - Adjustments ard Massage. her he .ng her nrs. let St. af- tes ilso St. anr- al- SB. ns, -cy, [nrs. «» Buy HERE ClassifiedAàd Rates one cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra ls made when advertisement is flot paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of lOc when replies are direeted to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. Ini Memoriams, 50c for notice plus 10e per lie for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted Up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. n ifr» I' Wu -- Save MORE! Yes indeed, if you follow our April Sales you'll save MORE on ail kinds of furniture-here are just a few of the bargains, eacb typ- ical of dozens more, ail equally wortby. This beautiful Tri- Lite Lamp mncluded FREE with any c a sh purchase o f chesterfiled s uit e over $89.00 (This offer good only until Apnîl llth.) FREE IN MEMORIAM WRIGHT-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Wright, who passed away March 31st, 1941. Deep in our hearts is a picture, Worth more than silver or gold, Tis the picture of our dear father, Whose memory will neyer grow old. -Ever remembered by wife and family. 14-1* Cards of Thanks .My 51 TMn. Robent Philp and family o! ick Bunketon wish ta express their ian, CHIVAS-At St. Joseph's Hospi- grateful appreciatian ta ail fr1- iile tai, Peterboro, on March 15th, ends, neighbons and relatives for ne. 1942, ta Mn. and Mns. Alex the many expressions o! sym- in Chivas Jr., (nec Huda Douglas), pathy, floral tnibutes, etc., receiv- St. a daughter-Patnicia Margaret cd during their rodent bereave- and Mary. ment. 14-1* .n ' s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ght Mns. C. Jacobs wishes ta take -pet DEATHS this oppontunity ta thank ail those hrie who sont flawens, cards, lettons, et- COLLACUTT-At 610 Panliament many other gifts and acts o! kind- )ens Street, Toronto, on Manch 28th, ncss, which wcne greatly appre- and 1942, Robent Henry Collacutt, ciated during hen illness, and ý1os. belovcd husband a! Gloria Ro- which will always be nememben- milly, in his 87th ycan. Inter- cd. 14.1* the ment Bethesda cemetony. vs. Mn. and Mns. William Maynard GREEN-At the home a! hon son, and family, Mn. Charles E. Rhines Mn. Norman Green, in Cart- and family, Toronto, wish ta ex- wright Township, on Manch 17, pness heant!elt gratitude ta friends .a 1942, Elizabeth Ann McKee, and neighbons for thein kind ex- wif e o! the late Richard Green, pressions of sympathy and floral the in hon 78th yean. o! ferings during the iiiness and [ast O'NEIL-In Newcastle, on March death a! a loving daughten, sister, ints 26th, 1942, Ella Beatnice O'Neil, wife and mothen. 14.1* ,esh widow o! the late Patrick _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .i05. O'Neil, aged 71 years. that epW n d sa PHILP-At Bunketon, an March -ep an d Lim- 26th,' 1942, Mary Eliza Wright, WANTED - F A RM H A ND,j deanly beloved wife a! Robent single, reliabie, $55 a month, ,oun Philp. gaod board. Write Box 60, cia OeS. RHINES-In aooto n Manch Statesman Office, Bawmanville. - 27th, 1942, Agnes Manie Rhinos, 14-1__ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ bcloved wif e of M n. Edwand HE P W N D MA FO Rhines and eldest daughten of EPWN D -MA FO Mn. and Mns. Wm. Maynand, mixed farm with madernn quîp- 0M Bowmanville, age 40 years.In- ment. Apply Fengus E. Morrîll, Ap- temetBwavlle er -ey "Willow Acres," phono Bow- naie tr e w a v e c m tr. manville 2456. 14-1 4-1 BAIN, William A.-At the rosi- -, dence, 77 Westmaunt Ave., To- W AN T ED - MIDDLE AGED er ronto, Apnil lst, 1942, W. AI. lady as companion and for lîght - Bain, dcarly beloved husband o! housekeeping fan twa aduits in Eva Tnewin Bain, agèd 67 years. Ornon. Apply Post Office Box Resting at his home, 77 West- 28, Onono. 14-1* ille mount Ave. Funeral on Friday, -ial Apnil 3rd, at 2.30 p.m. Inter- HELP WANTED - ONE FIRST ment Oshawa Unian Cemetony. class electric and acetyleno war work will be considered. Apply Eldorado Gold Mines Ltd., Port Hope. 13-2 MEN WANTED - SINCE 1931 Familex Dealers have made a cancer of this agency. They live independently and realize a sal- ary satisfying their ambition. When sick, those who have es- tablished clienteles, continue to seIl from their homes, or by telephone. The 200 Familex Products seil by their reputa- tion of good quality. Try thcm. If you' are free, why not try selling without any risk? Fold- er in natural colors, plan, frce on request. Familex Products, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 14-1 For Rent FOR RENT-3 ROOMED APART- ment, suitable for light house- keeping. "The Rosery," Queen Street. 14-1 FOR RENT-4 .ROOMED HEAT- cd apartment in Cowan Block. Ail modemn conveniences. Pos- session May lst. Apply Mrs. P. Cowan, phone 870. 14-tf FOR RENT - SMALL APART- ment, newly decorated. Posses- sion last week in April. Garden and garage, water and lights. Rent $12 per month. Apply T. Lymer, Box 51, phone 379. 14-1 Chicks for Sale FOR QUICK SALE - 2 AND 3 weeks aid, healthy, Rock cock- erels, also started pullets. Ap- ply Alvin Clemens. 14-tf BABY CHICKS-PLACE YOUR order for Trent Electric Chicks now. Phone Barron's, Hampton, for prices and information. Phone 2420. 14-1 CHICKS FOR SALE - BABY Chicks, White Leghorns and Rocks. Blood tested flock. R.O.P. sired. Apply Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 9-tf C HI C KS! - BUY THE BEST. As booking is unusually heavy this year we suggest you order at once to avoid disappointment. Many bneeds to choose from in Tweddle High Quality Chicks. Price list on rcquest. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 9-tf CHICKS FOR SALE -BARRED Rocks and White Leghorn chicks from Government band- ed and blood-tested stock. Or- der now and get your chicks when you want them. We have on hand a limited quantity o! started rock cockerels. For dates and prices write or phone, H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville, Ont., phono 2636. 13-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - TWO STOREY frame building. 9 yd. x 6 yd., with annex. Suitable for re- modellîng as a house. Phone 789. 14-1 FOR SALE -SOLID B RICKX house on Centre St., Bowman- ville. Must be soid to close an estate and will be sold cheap for cash. Appiy A. E. Bolîman, King St. West, phone 526. 13-tf mm Sagless Cable Spring Included FREE with any cash purchase of 4 piece m ý Bedroom Suite and Mattress See the Blonde MQderne suite lllustrated here 3 peice suites in stock f rom $49.50 to $ 195.00 Due to war industries requirements of avallabie metal stocks, springs--beds--spriIig-fiiIed mattresses, etc. are now ailotted to retallers on a quota basis. Select and reserve your requirements NOW whiie stocks are stili complote. Full range of Better Bedding at Morris Co. Notice to the publie-In compliance with Government regulations one delivery daily starting April 1 st. - . 3OWMANVMLE Fa F. MORRIS CG. ORONO 27-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - SECOND-HAND spray outfit. Phone 805, Bow- manville. 14-1 FOR SALE-VENETIAN BLINDS steel or wood siat, at lowest cost. Northcutt & Smith. 13-4* FOR SALE-MODERN WALNUT dinette suite, 6 pieces, good condition. Reasonable. Phone Orono 48r2. 14-1 FOR SALE -1939 DODGE coupe, good tires. Apply Frank Williams, Box 156, Bowman- ville. 14-1 FOR SALE - SMALL WALNUT piano, bargain for quick_ sale. Telephone 492, Bowmanville. 14-1* FOR SALE - BUCKEYE INCU- bator, 300 egg size, as good as new, $8.00. Apply Ross Rich- ards, Queen St., or phone 2292. 14-1* FOR SALE -BOY'S BICYCLE, size 22-20, excellent condition, good tires, price $15.00. Balfour LeGresley, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1130. 14-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRAi5LEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-ti FOR SALE-WHIPPET (OVER- land) in good condition, new battery (15 plate), new tires and tubes, run only 200 miles, 1927 car, mileage 34,000. Apply J. W. Bradburn, Blackstock. 14-1* FOR SALE - 1937 PONTIAC Coach, 4 new tires and good spare; good order; will consider small trade. Cail on Friday and Saturday only. R. Selbach, for- mer Doidge farm, Hampton R. R.1, Ont. 14-1 FOR SALE-1933 TERRAPLANE Sedan with new tires, also a 1936 Dodge Sedan, D.2 model, with good tires. Both cars in good running condition. Apply Mrs. Floyd Dudlcy, Tyrene. 13.2* WARNING - DON'T BE LATE in having your tires vulcanized and rcpaircd Do it now while the material lasts. Wc have a large stock of reconditioned tires and tubes for sale. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, one block west of Post Office. 10-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in m.-dern, chesterfield, bcdroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and f loor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- pet-tive prices. Before buying visitý Bradley's Ncw Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf.- Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - COLLIE PUPS, 5 months, heclers. Apply John- son Bros., Enniskillen. 14-1 FOR SALE - YOUNG DURHAM bull, 6 months old. Apply C. W. L Fee, R. R. 3, Burketon. 14.1* FOR SALE-TWO 4-YEAR-OLD Percheron mares. Apply to H. C.' Pedwell, Newcastle, phone 38-23. 14-1* FOR SALE - TEAM BLACK Horses, drive single or double. Apply J. W. Robinson, Brown St., Bowmanville. 14-2* FOR SALE-ONE BRONZE TOM turkey; will seil or trade for hon tunkey. Mrs. Wm. Wade, Courtice. 14-1 FOR SALE - JERSEY-GUERN- sey cow, 5 years old, just renew- cd. Apply Archie Thompson, R. R. 5, Bowmanvillc. 14-1 FOR SALE - TWO HORSES, one brood mare 10 yrs. old and a filly rising 3 yrs. Apply J. C. Cook, phone 2273, Bowmanville. 14-2 FOR SALE - NEW HAMPSHIRE hatching eggs; also baby chicks in small lots of 50, 75 or 100. Apply E. Hockaday, Hampton, phone 2182. 14-1 FOR SALE-THREE YEAR OLD' Clyde colt. Apply Orville Os- borne, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2480. 13-2 FOR SALE - ELEVEN YORK- shire pigs 2 months old. W. L. Barton, Bowmanville, Box 12, south of Wilkins Gas Station. 14-1* FOR SALE-TWO PERCHERON horses, black 4-yr. old, bay 3-yn. old. Broken to work. Apply A. Souch, telephone 16n20, Orono. 13-tf FOR SALE-HOLSTEIN BULL, good type, eleven months, Dam neanly 11,000 milk test 3.88% as Jr. 2 yr. old; also 8 months bull whose dam milked 100 lbs. a day; Horse, 12 yrs., weight 1450 lbs., sound, quiet, good single or double .Noble Met- cal!, Maple Grove, phone 2259. Business Service USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We also carry new goods. Wo are canrying a large stock of suits, Faîl and Winter coats, pants, windbreakens, etc. A cail will conivince you. Don't miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 10-tf Feed and Seed FOR SALE - BAY 0F STRAW. Apply J. W. Lancaster, Lot 6, B.F., Clarke. 14.1* SEED FOR SALE - VICTORY Qats, 2-rowed Barley, Sweet Clover Seed (White Blossom). W. Leask, Taunton, phone Osh- awa 1652W11. 13-4* FOR SALE - GLADIOLUS Bulbs, prize winning stock; mixed colors 25e per doz.; nam- ed varieties 35e Der doz. J. H. Jose, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1121. 14-2* SEED GRAIN SOW REGISTERED GRAIN FOR Best Results. We have a limited quantity of fine quality grain of the best varieties of Oats and Barley, Registered and Comn- mercPal No. 1 - Erban, Van- guard, Cartier, Victory Oats; Nobarb and 2-rowed Barley; Coronation Wheat. This grain is ail graded for size. It is pure and has high germination. For maximum production you must s0W the best. We dlean ail vani- eties of grain and dloyen seeds. Apply Seed Cleaning Plant, Garnet Rickard, Shaw's. Phone Bowmanville 2218. 14-1 AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. Harry Hooey, Station Road (near C.N.R. 1 station), Bowmanville, to seli by public auction Satunday, Apnil 11, ail of his household effects, in- cluding breakfast noom set, cook stove, one large good Quebec heat- er, dining rooma table, chairs and china cabinet, chesterfield suite, oxgan, haircloth couch and chairs, 2 bedroom suites, also odd chairs, tables, lamps, curtains, mirrors, bedding, several good rugs and congoleums, chicken brooder and stove, canned fruit, garden tools, cedar poles, and numerous other articles. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. 14-2 AUCTION SALE The undcrsigned auctiancen has neceived instructions fnom Miss R. Gravel ta sdil by public auctian at Lot 30, Con. 9, Clarke Township 5 miles nanth o! Orana and 1 ½ miles north a! the Village o! Leskand. (Tolephane 62n20) an Thurs., April 16, 1942 the failowing valuable Fanm Stock, Implements, and Hause- hold Furniture: Implements: 1 McConmick binden, i McCormick double plaw, i McConmick scufflen, 1 potato plow, i ganden drill seeden, 1 gar- den cultivator, i duster for pota- tocs, i oil-burning braodcn with canopy fan 500 chicks, i coal- bunning -bnaoder with canopy for 500 chicks. (The above articles have nat long een in use). A number o! buggy wheels, 1 wheel- barrow, 1 lawn mower, chicken troughs and founts, 1 coasten wa- gon almast new, etc. Live Stock: 1 Hereford cow, aged il years, due May 18; 1 white Yorkshire sow, due ta pig May 1; 4 white Yorkshire sows, due around May 20; 1 white Yorkshire boar, i ycar aid; 100 (anc yr. aid) Rock lhens. Household Furniture: 1 lange mahair chestenfield; 1 thnce-piecc parlar suite, solid oak and ica- then; i enameiled dinette suite; i beautiful walnut Vanity with thrce mirrars; 3 individual tables, i hall trec, i china cabinet, i Vic- ton Orthophonic phanagraph with records, i arm chair, 4 hardwood chairs, 1 foatstooi mahair, 2 lange Axminsten nugs o! gaod quality, 1 small ice bax, i electric heaten, 1 clectric singie-burnen hot-plate, 3 electric iamps with shades, i bind cage, 1 iraning table, china- ware, !ancy cushions, 1 minron, a !ew paintings framcd, and many other articles. The above articles arc modern and in good condition. Sale at 1 a'clock (E.D.S.T.) Terms cash. A. E. Morton, Ted Jackson, Clerk. Auctioneen. ELIZABETH ARDEN'S HAND-O-TONIK BOX For exquisite cure of the hands-creamy June Geranium Scap from Eng- land -Hand-O-Tonik te use after washing - in ai handy Pink Box. 1. 35 9<. . if- lbI %yi . Fin en ; ~ ~ * çim! antedi WANTED - HIGHEST PRICESp paid for s cap tires, any size.G .F . Jamieson Tire Shop. Caîl4 467.2 -ltfW WANTED-LARGE IRON KETt- ile, 30" in diameter and 16"d deep.A pplyW. Luke Buttery,R .R .6 B owmanville,p ho n e2 2638.114-1*R REAL ESTATEW ANTED -A bout 2 acres of land a tNewc- castle, southo f C.N.R.,n earH ydro service; for private resid- dence.W riteBox 55, Statesm- man Office, Bowmanville. 1 32*F oundF FOUND - GOLD NECKLACE found in Bowmanville. Owner may have same by calling at Statesman Office and paying for this advt. 14-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - HOUSE, with large garden or small acreage, with the option to buy; in the vicinity of Bowmanville. Write, giving particulars, ta Box 59, The Canadian States- man. 14-1* WANTED TO RENT - GOOD pasture and hay land in Salem- Tyrone district. Apply Chas. Frank, R. R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2403. 14-1 leur, maq tirR D«'ý.iUSEaleWANTBADS.,ý Here'ls the Answer CHNIT ij7sl:ttl Wanted To Buy WANTED-TO BUY A GANDER at once. Phone 2302. 14-1 Wilson's Furniture Co. r ANNUAL METING OF Durham Federation of Agriculture Newcastle County Hall' THURSPAY, APRIL 2nd at 8 p.m. SPEAKER: M. M. ROBINSON, Director of Food Distribution Couneil Ladies and young people specially invited. W. B. REYNOLDS, Secretary STEWART'S SEED STORE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTE95 for Clovers, Timothy, Crase Seeds BULK GARDEN SEEDS à ibWa dpjyAbbp "%",w WM"qwqw-qw Soc M. Easter Noveltien .......... Se to $2.00 Filied Eggs .......... Sep 10el, 25cy Soc a 'Jury & Lovell The Rexall Drug Store When we test eyes It ls donc properly. Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticket Agency Funeral Directors & Home Furnishers THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGEEIGHT To Your selling problem whatever It inay be. You may be trying to sell a horse or a harness, an automobile or a bicycle. You maY be offering a farm for sale, trying to rent a roorn or to locate the owner of some- thing you've found. Wbat- ever you're s e 111 n 9 The Statesman want ads give you a quick, economical way to find a market by talking to 12,000 ProsPective cus- tomers. Phone 663 today to place any kind of an ad in our next Lqsue. Floor Covering Bargains Better selection . . . Our-prices are lower than catalogue prices. Congoleums, Inlaids, 4 yd. Lino- leums, Feltols, Rugs. Bring your measurements. Our experts will gladly help you with your floor covering problems. Several Wonderful Bargains $1.49 Borderless Rugs size 9'x6'. $2.49 Bordered Congoleum Rugs, 9 X 3. $5.95 Occasional Chairs Uphol- stered. $6.95 Baby Folding Go-carts. $5.85 Felt Mattresses, good quality. $11.95 Lovely Spring Filled Mat- tresses. $27.50 Studio Couches, spring filled. $39.50 Breakfast Suites, modern, smart. $49.50 Bedroom Suite, waterfall, $59.00 Chesterfield Suite, special- ly priced. Ilisit our large Trade-in Depl. Wils on's Furniture Co. "Everything for the Home",. 40 King St. West 20 Church: OSHAWA f 12_ Phone 577 Bowmanville Tolletries Make Acceptable Gifts Apple Blossom Cologne ---------------------- $1.25 Pink Clover Cologne $1.75 With atomizer -- - ------ $2.15 Heaven Sont Cologne $1.50 Blue Grass Cologne ---- $1.50 Grenville ------ 75e & $1.75 Yardley's, Adrienne, etc. Enlargements for' : Easter dd From, Your favorite negative ------------------------ 10o Studio Folder Special , --------------------- -- 79o Walnut Frame Special ------------------------------ 79o Colored ---------------------------- 99c ne 9àlaman »bW=t SUGGESTIOHS.. FOR EASTER