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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1942, p. 10

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'i T14F CANDIANSTAESMA. BOMANILLE ONTRIOTHURSDAY,. APRIL 9, 1942 PAGECAAfTM T9WT.A'JEWMNTNL.ONAT The Newcastle Independent - hn-Cake11 Miss Viola Cottem is visiting lier Sam Simpson and Miss Clama brother, M. Harmy Cotter, To- Cswell, Toonto, at M. Jno. Cas- ronto. Nvell's. .. Mm. Stanley Rickamd, Asa Clark has taken downi part Lakefield, Mr. Brenton Rickamd, o! his house and is rebuilding in a more modemn style. Pcterborough, Miss Marion Rick- Misses Patricia and Margaret ard. B.A., Cobourg, Miss Helen Pearce arc spending part o! their Rickamd, Toronto, at Mr. W. J. S. holidays in Midland this weck. Rickard's.. . Mm. and Mrs. Ewamt Miss Dummond, who spent the G. Clemence, Oshawa, at Mr. T. wintem in Toronto, eturncd to HCmence's and M. J. L. Cmy- hiem Newcastle home in time forH.Ce Easter. derman's. . . M. and Mms. Ken- M. Wilson McManus reports nethi Pearce, Midland, Miss Min- that his son, Wilson Jr., who is in nie Pearce and Master Robert the ammy, has been tobuled con- Pearce, Toronto, at H. ê. Pearce's. sideably with heumnatismn in the.. Miss Reita Cooke, Peterbomo, hospital at Ottawa. with Mms. W. H. Cooke. . . Mr. Mms. Jno. Tuf! and son Percy, and Mms. Ho!fman and Bob, Na- Mrs. Jack Tuf! Jr., and Miss Mary pance, at Mr. Jno. Glovcr's.. . . - Tuff, Toronto, wcme visitors at Mms. Marjerrison, Bowmanvillc, M. T. F. Branton's. Both Mr. and with Mrs. Robt. Gray. . . . Miss Mrs. Branton have been quite Jean Holmes, Toronto, at Mr.- poorly this winter. Wallace Hoimes'. . . iss Marionj Mm. Melrose Parker, Elmvale, McDonald, Bowmanvile, with was at M. Matt. Brown's. He is Miss Mabel Clemence. . . . Miss living with his sister, Mrs. Gco. Vivian Duck, Toronto, at Mm. Lumsden, and reports that her Robt. Duck's. . . Mr. Geo. Bona- two sons, George and Arthur than, Toronto, with Mrs. S. R. Lumsden, are both in the army. Bonathan. .. M. and Mrs. W. J.IV A. W. Glenney has remodelled Eilbeck, Toronto, and Mrs. Ida the ground floor o! the barn on Stinson and daughter, Miss Fran- his Baldwin St. Miil propei'ty, ces, at their respective summrer formerly owned by the late John cottages at Newcastle-on-the- Poole, and converted it into an Lake. . . Mm. Harold Hoar, To- open shed for !armers' teams and ronto, with Mrs. E. C. Hoar. .. wagons. Mm. Tracy Manes, St. Catharines, ' Mm. and Mms. E. W. Fisher and at his Newcastle home. . . Mrs. childrcn, and Mrs. Gordon Garrod E. S. Van Dem Veer, Gloversville, and son visited Mm. and Mrs. Wm. N .Y., and Miss Muriel Bradley, Kellar, Mountain Grove, on Ens- Toonto; with their father, Mm. ter Sunday. A soldier brother O! J. W. Bradley. . . . Mr. Maurice Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Garrod was Pedwell, Toronto, wlth Mr. and home on his last leave. Mms. H-. C. Pcdwell. . . . Miss Easter Visîtors Aresta Martin, Toronto, and Miss Marion and Master Bob Martin, Rd. Anderson, R.C.A.F., with Shaws, at Mm. J. P. Martin's.... his mother, Mrs. Stella Anderson. Sergeant P. Williams, Toronto .Thos. Brereton, R.C.A.F., with Police Force, and Mrs. Williams, M. and Mrs. H. Brereton. .. 5cr- M. and Mrs. Norman Cossigen, geant Sam Cowan, R.C.A.F., and Toronto, at M. Larue Martin's Miss Sylvia North, Montrel, with and Mm. J. P. Mamtin's. . . Mr. Mrs. Fred Cowan. . . Mr. Norton Hubert Anderson, Toronto, Miss Cowan. Smiths Falls, with Mrs. Eleanor Anderson and Fred An- Fred Cowan and Miss Odie War- derson, R.C.A.F.. Windsor, at Mm. ren. . . Miss Ruth Honey, B.A., W.. H. Anderson's. .. Gordon Kit- Westmount. with Mr. and Mrs. chen, 48th Highlanders, Toronto, Geo. Honey. .. Mr. and Mrs. Jack at Dm. J. A. Butiem's. .. Mm. and Toms and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Farewell Blackburn and Toms and !amily. Toronto, with Grace, Salem, Mm. Walter Black- M. and Mrs. Herb. Toms.. Mr. burn, Janetville, Miss Bessie _______________________Blackburn, Ottawa, with Miss E. M. Blackburn and Mms. Omer Cole. .. Mm. George Byems. teacher in the othopaedic school, To- ronto, Mrs. Byems and daughtem, at Noray Goheen's. .. Mrs. Robt. Gray, Pontypool, with hem daugh- ter, Mrs. W. J. Mallcy. .. Misses U M Audrcy and Doothy Bonathan, Tomonto, with Mms. Gertrude Bonathan. . . Pte. Eric Douglas Gray. Portsmouth, at Mms. Robt. ftDGrays. Mm. W. P. Coulson and li son and Mm. Jas. P. Lovekin, To- ronto, at Mm. Jos. Coulson's. .. Mr. and Mms. Thos. Brown and chul- SPW Iir n, at Mm. Matt. Bown's. M.and Mms. Kenneth Pearce, Midland, and Master Robt. Pearce Toronto. at Mrs. W. H-. Peamc's. Miss Sara Moise, Oshawa, at Mr. Beni. Moise's.. Miss Char- lotte Gmy, Toronto, at Mm. Gco. Gay's. More Newcastle news on page five. Sec our wall paper styles and prices before buying ROOM ILOTS for every room at greatly reduced prices ODD ROLLS at 5C a roll 3 and 4 rolls la some lots JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanvllle We close atS' o'clock -r OSHAWA, ONT. T O-DAY FRIDAY and the flunniest musical laff feast of the year You're la for a thrilll 'cause THE FLEET'S IN DOROTHY LAMOUR WILLIAM HOLDEN .immny Dorsey & his Orchestra Betty Hutton Eddie Bracken - REVIVAL - FRIDAY Randolph Scott Robert Young WESTERN UNION Monday and Tuesday Corne on everybody . . . yes Dance! its Music & Fun KAY KYSER for everyone and his band PLAYMATES JOHN BARRYMORE LUPE VELEZ GINNY SMMS Fat»' Kelly Mae Robsoli GjarY Cooper Barbara Stanwyck BALL 0F FIRE ConfiRESoon IN MEMORIAM KING - In fond and loving me- momy o! Pte. A. F. King, 2nd Battalio'n, C.E.F. No. 745409, killed in action at Vimy Ridge on April 12, 1917, agc 21 years and 2 months; and Pte. G. L. King, C.F.C., C.E.F., No. 2498023 who dicd in Christie Street Miii- tary Hospital on August 19, 1925, age 25 ycms, 3 months. Until the day break and the shadows fIee away, We have love's geatest gif t- Remnembrance. -Fondly remnembemcd by Mo- ther, Father, Sisters, Brothers.,i 15-1*I ROGERS-In loving memory o! a dear wifc and mother, Annie E. Rogers, who passed away April 8th, 1940. God kncw that she was suffer- ing, That the his were hard to climb, So He closed hem weary cyelids And whispcmed 'Peace be thine.' Away in the beautiful hilîs o! God, By the valley o! rest so faim, Some time, somne day, we know not when, We will meet our ioved one there. -Lovingiy remembcred by husband and daughters. Feed and Seed FOR SALE- ER B AN OATS, Registered No. 2. Apply Taylor & Hall, R. R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2402. 15-3 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - A quantity o! mixcd grain suit- able for sccd. Apply to F. E. Cox, phone 2488. 15-1* SEED FOR SALE - VICTORY Onts, 2-owed Bariey, Sweet Clover Sccd (White Blossom). W. Leask, Taunton, phone Osh- awa 1652W11. 13.4* CERTIFIED P.E.I. CO BB LE R Potatoes are now in stock. Or- dem early as a shortage o! the above variety cxists. Stcwart's Secd Store, phone 577. 15-i FOR SALE-300 OR MORE bushels o! mixed grain at 60e per bushel. Apply Austin Lar- mer, Bowmanville, phone 2153. 15-1* FOR SALE-I HAýVE NO-BARB Barley at 90c, Erban Oats 75c, and Soy beans at $2.50. Grain is plump and free from fouI weeds. T. Baker Sm., Hampton, phone 2472. 15-i FOR SALE - GLADIOLUS Bulbs, prize winning stock; mixed colors 25e per doz.; nam- cd varieties 35c per doz. J. H., Jose, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1121. 14.2*1 ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25e). Cnarge of 25c extra is made when advertisement Is flot paid same week as iser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Classlfled adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTIIS [AMIESON - At Bowmanville Hospital, on Friday, April 3rd, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson (nee Elsie Allun), a son, Allun David. VIASON-On Good Friday, April 3rd, 1942, at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason (nec Edith L. Dent, R.N.) o! Bowmanville, a daughter, Carolyn Lorraine. WELSH-At Bowmanville Hospi- tal, on Friday, April 3rd, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh (nec Bessie Simpson), the gift of twin sons, Ronald William, Donald Arthur. 15-1! MARRIAGE HAY-PARTNER - At Vancou- ver, B.C., on April 2nd, 1942, Marlon Martha, daughter o! Mm. and Mrs. Fred Partner, Tyrone, Ontario, and L.A.C. George Russell Hay, son o! Mrs. Ander- son and the late Mr. Hay, Ho- wick, Que. 15-1 DEATHS BRAGG - At Bowmanville Hos- pital, Friday, April 3rd, 1942, Charlotte A. Hoskin, widow o! the late Francis I. Bragg, in her 8th year. CORDEN - In Bowmanville, on 'April 4th, 1942, Charles Fred- erick Corden. age 68 years. RUNDLE-In Oshawa, April 8th, 1942, Margaret Ann Rundle, widow o! W. G. Rundle, aged 78 years. Funemal from the residence o! her son-in-law, Mr. Esl Oke, Ebenezer, on Saturday at 2 p.m. Burial in Bethesda Cemetemy. PROUT-At Toronto, on April 6, 1942, Laura V. Mollon, widow o! the late Mark Prout, and 10v- ing mother o! Gertrude C. Pound, and dear sister o! Ethel H. and Wilbur H. Mollon. In- temment Mount Pleasant Ceme- tery. Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith wish to extend their deep gratitude to friends and neighbors, to the - members o! the A.Y.P.A. and con- gregation o! St. John's Church, Blackstock, and to Rev. W. Stocks o! Port Perry, for their assistance, sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during theg sudden pass- ing o! the latter's uncle. 15.1* The family o! the late Mrs. Richard Green wish to thank their !riends and neighbors for their many kind expressions o! sym- pathy and condolence duing their bereavement, also for flow- ers, and appreciation to Rev. Mr. Stocks, Port Perry. 15.1* The sisters, brothers and daugh- ter-in-law o! the late Mrs. Char- lotte Bragg wish to extend their sincere appreciation to Dr. Birks, the Hospital Staff, Mrs. Devitt, Mrs. Colmer, Mrs. Hobbs, and all who so kindly rendered assistance and comfomt during her long ill- ness. '15-1 EyeWsar Design bits a Dow lu NUMONT F U L- VU E Women wIlapreciate the ultra. saaartn nd jlnconspicuousneas of tbis conipletely CCw eycwear style. Radical construction les- turcs eliminate endpieces on lenses, reduce breakage. Temples are attached directly t0 the bridge, through gracefully curved, gold. filed armai hidden behmnd the lenses. Op the face, Numont Ful. Vue Tri-FIez combines the appear. ance features of the eyeglass with the protection of frames and rim- leus mountinga. Let us show you these modern glase today. JURY & LOVEL The Rexaîl Drug Store When We Test Eyes It la Donc Properly. 0 Phone 778 Delivery1 HeIp Walétèd WANTED-WOMAN FOR'GEN- eral housework. Apply C. B. Kent, Bowmanville. 15-1 W ANTED '- MIDDLE AGED lady as companion and for light housekeeping for two aduits in Orono. Apply Post Office Box 28, Orono. 15-1* WANTED-ABLE BODIED MAN, steady outside employment, highest wages. Write Box 61, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 15- HEL P WANTED - GIRL OR young man with army dis- charge, to clerk, experience pre!erred but not necessary; also man to deliver, must have car, or boy with bicycle. Do- minion Stores. 15-1* S AL ES M EN WANTED - NO risk in changing agencies or in undertaking the sales o! Fami- lex cosmetics, remedies, essen- ces, spices, household products, !arm products, insecticides, ton- ics for animaIs, disinfectants. Quality and quantity assure ad- vantages on competitioti. Each home a prospect. A sale made means a sale repeated. Expia- natory ABC book with illustra- tions in colour greatly helps sales. Ask for !older, free plan without obligation. Famniiex, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 15-1 Wanted To BuY WANTED TO BUY-ONE HORSE plow. Write P. O. Box 171, Bowmnanville. . 15-1*< hous-e in rsidetiaSection.L Wreite Box 62, tasnOfice, Bowmanville. 15-1* WANTED TO BUY - A' GOOD used bicycle, boy's size. J. Shackelton, Wellington St. 15-1* tractor plough in good condi- tion. Inquire at 20 Maple, Osh- awa. 15-1* WANTED TO BUY - IF YOU have any barmels or containers suitable for apples, phone 2192 and we will caîl for them and pay reasonable price. 15-1 SILO AND CATTLE WANTED- Silo in good condition; young Hereford bull, 40 stockers over 600 lbs. each, also 12 cows and day old calves. Phone 2818. 15-2 Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES. paid for scrap tires, any size. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Cail 467. 2-ltf Fqund FOUND - 2 HORSE COLLARS le! t in garage o! Pete Holuben- ko, Newcastle, iast October. Owner must dlaim same within 10 days. 15.1* Articles For Sale ELECTRIC IRONER-SIMPLEX, bargain for cash. Phone 2082, Oshawa. 15-1 FOR SALE-VENETIAN BLINUS steel or wood slat, at lowest cost. Northcutt & Smith. 13-4* $74.00 C O N N O R PORCELAIN Washer, factory rebuilt. cash. Mm. Lander, Oshawa, phone 2082. 15-1 FOR SALE-LARGE SIZE ceam separator in Ai condi- tion. Apply E. E. Jones, R. R. 1, Clarke, phone Clarke 15-04. 15-2* FOR SALE - MEDIUM SIZED broodem stove, and Hoover. Ap- ply H. N. Scott, R. R. 4, Bow- manville, phone Orono imiB. 15-1 FOR SALE -BISSELL 8 FOOT disc harrow, also steel land oller, both in good conditionf. Apply Chas. E. Osborne, R. R. 2, Bowmanvillc, phone 2285. 15.1* FOR SALE - NEW HAMPSHIRE hatching eggs; also baby chicks. in small lots o! 50, 75 or 100. Apply E. Hockaday, Hampton, phone 2182. 15-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours fmom over 300 patterns actually in stock. You arc invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Funiture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf ENGINE WASHER BARGAIN - Rebuilt Beatty Washer, power- cd with % h.p. engine, for !ammn use, on sale at reduction o! $50 !rom original cost. Modemn washing action, porcelain tub. Easy terms. Guaranteed. One only. Phone 2082, Oshawa, Mr. Landem. 15-1 WARNING - DON'T BE LATE in having your tires vulcanized and epaired Do it now while the mateial lasts. We have a large stock o! econditioned tires and tubes for sale. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, one block west o! Post Office. 10-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in m@ demn, chesterfield, bcdroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Funiture Store, 156 Simcie St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Hambug steak is far fromn humdrum if you broil it with halved tomatoes and bananas. Livestock and Articles 1 FOR SALE-9 PIGS, 6 WEEKS old. Apply 1-. Woodhams, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 15-2* FOR SALE - PIGS, 8 WEEKS old. Apply Mrs. N. Elizuk, So- lina, phone 2162. 15-1* FOR SALE - TEAM BLACK Horses, drive single or double. Apply J. W. Robinson, Brown St., Bowmanvilie. 14-2* FOR SALE - CHOICE YOUNG megistered Jersey cow, !resh heifer cal! at foot. Joseph Todd, Millbrook. 15-1* FOR SALE-4 PUREBRED AN- gora Rabbits, bargain; also 4 mixed breed rabbits. Roy Hart- wig, Bowmanville. 15-1* FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE PIGS, six weeks old. Apply Peter Host, 1 mile east o! Hampton. 15-1* FOR SALE - TWO HORSES, one brood mare 10 y::s. old and a f illy rising 3 yrs. Apply J. C. Cook, phone 2273, Bowmanville. 14-2 FOR SALE - 1 BROWN MARE, il years old, weighing about 1300; also light horse, brown color, 6 years old. Both good to work. Apply R. H. Olesen, Burketon. 15-1 Chicks for Sale FOR QUICK SALE - 2 AND 3 weeks old, healthy, Rock cock- erels, also started pullets. Ap- ply Alvin Clemens. 14-tf jCHICKS FOR SALE - BABY Chicks, White Leghorns and Rocks. Blood tested flock. R.O.P. sired. Apply Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 9t Rocks and White Leghorn chicks from Government band- cd and biood-tested stock. Or- dem now and get your chicks when you want them. We have on hand a limited quantity o! started rock cockercls. For dates and prices write or phone, H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville, Ont., phone 2636. 13-t! Seed Grain SEEDS AND SEED GRAIN - We arc o!!cring ail varieties o! Alfalfa, Red Clover, Sweet Clo- ver, Timothy and Mixed Clover at lowest market prices. Also' the better known varieties o! secd grain, including Cartier, Victory, and Emban Oats, Colo- rado and Coronation Spring Wheat, two-rowed Barley No- bamb, Goidvine Pease, etc. Due to wam conditions there will be a shortage o! root seeds this yeam. We arc fortunate in hav- ing a good stock o! Mangel and Turnips seed, also Rape. Feed Grain: Wc have Western wheat, barlcy and oats at special prices, either whole or chop. Telephone Clarke 33-12. 15-1 Real Estate For Sale REAL ESTATE - FARM FOR sale, rent, shares or will rent by the field. Apply Mrs. E. Strutt Tyrone, phone 2504. 1- house on Centre St., Bowman- ville. Must be sold to close an estate and will be soid cheap for cash. Apply A. E. Bellman, King St. West, phone 526. 13-tf Business Service USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We aiso carry new goods. We are carrying a large stock of suits, Fali and Winter coats, pants, windbreakers, etc. A cal: wilI convince you. Don't miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. lO-tf Work Wanted 1 - "Iir Ren 1 - ing gardens. Phone J. W. Ail- dread, 496. 15-1<' SITUATION WANTED MALE- Marrieci man with small famnily wants work on farm in Ontario. Best o! references. Able to op- erate and repair tractor and al farm machinery. State wages paid in first letter. Write C. G. Chapman, R . R. 3, Coaticook, Quebec. 15-1* Riadio Repairs RADIO REPAIR - ALL WORK guaranteed. Roy Neads, Centre Street, phone 546. 15-2* AUCTION SALES Mrs. B. Parkin, Lot 22, Con. 10, Darlington (one mU1e west o! Burketon), on Saturday, April 11, will seli by auction her farmn im- plements and household furni- ture, etc. The farm o! 150 acres, more or less, will also be o!fered, for sale at this sale, subject to a reserved bid. Terms o! impie- ments and furnîture cash. Sale 1.30 p.m. Clif! Pethick, auction- eer. 15-1* The undeâpigned has received instructions Ufrom Mr. Harry Hooey, Station Road (near C.N.R. stiition), Bowmanville,t0 seli by public auction Saturday, April .11, all o! his household effects, in- cluding breakfast room set, cook stove, one large good Quebec heat- er, dining room table, chairs and china cabinet, chesterfield suite, organ, haircloth couch and chairs, 2 bedroom suites, also odd chairs, tables, lamps, curtains, mirrors. bedding, seve-ral good rugs and congoleums, chicken brooder ýnd stove, canned fruit, garden tools, cedar poles, and numerous other articles. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. 14-2 AUCTION SALE The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from Miss R. Gravel to sell by public auction at Lot 30, Con. 9, Clarke Township 5 miles north o! Orono and 11'/2 miles north o! the Village of Leskard. (Telephone 62r20) on Thurs., April 16, 1942 the following valuable Farm Stock, Implements, and House- hold Furniture: Implements: 1 McCormic< binder, 1 McCormick double plow, 1 McCormick scuff 1er, 1 potato plow, 1 garden drill seeder, 1 gar- den cultivator, 1 duster for pota- toes, 1 oil-burning brooder with canopy for 500 chicks, 1 coal- burning brooder with canopy for 500 chicks. (The above articles 1have flot long been in use).A ,number of buggy wheels, 1 wheel- barrow, 1 lawn mower, chicker troughs and founts, 1 coaster wa- gon almost new, etc. i Live Stock: 1 Hereford cow -aged il years, due May 18; 1 whitE Yorkshire sow, due to pig May 1 4 white Yorkshire sows, du( around May 20; 1 white Yorkshir( Zboar, 1 year old; 100 (one yr. old) tRock hens. Household Furniture: 1 larg( mohair chesterfield; 1 three-piec( 1parlor suite, Éolid oak and lea -ther; 1 enamelled dinette suite C1 beautiful walnut Vanity witt -three mirrors; 3 individual tables r1 hall tree, 1 china cabinet, 1 Vic. ptor Orthophonic phonograph witl Lrecords, 1 arm chair, 4 hardwooc chairs, 1 footstool mohair, 2 larg( IAxminster rugs o! good quality 1 small ice box, 1 electric heater i electric single-burner hot-plate -3 electric lamps with shades,« )bird cage, 1 ironing table, china i.ware, fancy cushions. i mirror, 1! ew paintings framed, and man, )fother articles. The above article sare modern and in good condition 11 Sale at 1 o'clock (E.D.S.T.) ;s Terms cash. UA. E. Morton, Ted Ja,pkson, LfI Clerk. Auctionee " .1 3-PIECE STUDIO SUITES A modemn design, with wai- nut flnished arms and frames, consisting o! couch and two arm chairs. The couch has spring-filled con- struction, spring-filled mat- treas and spring-filled back cushions and opens out to a comfortable double bcd. 3 pleces for ----------- $59.0 59.00 t j STUDIO LOUNGES A real bargain for the home or for the summer cottage-with walnut finlshed arms and metal back. There are two springilled mattresses, front opening, three shaped back cushions and a eorded cov-20 5 er of cotton repp. Regular value $4 7.50. April sale ........ 9 5 Oromo 27-1 480 ,FFeMORRIS O Funeral Directors & Home Furnishers* m m m a a a ig-@LM-ULOX-WLJO 1 - FOR RENT-4 ROOMED HEAT- ed apartment in Cowan Block. Ail modemn conveniences. Also 3 roomed apartmcnt. Possession May lst. Apply Mrs. P. Cowan, phone 870. 15-t! FOR RENT-3 ROOMS GROUND floor, hall, cellar, hydro, $15.00 per month. Possession May 1. Apply. Mrs. Florence Allun, 121 Alice St., Oshawa, phone 1485J Oshawa. 15-1* FOR RENT - SMALL APART- ment, newly decorated. Posses- sion last wecek in April. Garden and garage, water and lights. Rent $12 per month. Apply T. Lymer, Box 51, phone 379. 15-1* Lost LOST -CHILD'S BROWN OX- ford lost on King St., west o! Temperance. Finder please me- turn to The Statesman office. 15-1* Wilson's Furniture Co. Floor Coverlng Bargaîns Better scection . .. Our prices are lowem than catalogue prices. Congoleums, Inlaids, 4 yd. Lino- leums, Feltois, Rugs. Bring your 1measurements. Our experts will gladly help you with your floor 1covering probiems. Several Wonderful Bargains $1.49 Borderiess Rugs size 9'x6,. $2.49 Borderd Congoeum Rugs, 9 X 3. $5.95 Occasionai Chairs Uphol- stered. $6.95 Baby Folding Go-carts. $5.85 FeIt Mattresses, good quality. 1$1 1.95 Lovely Sping Fiiled Mat- tresses. .$27-50 Studio Couches, spring filed. --$39-50 Breakfast Suites, modemn, smart. $49.50 Bedroom Suite, waterfall, new. $59.00 Chesterfield Suite, special- ly priced. Visit our large Trade-in Dept. , Wilson's Furniture Co. "Everything for the Home" 40 King St. West 20 Church St. 1OSHAWA 12- STE WART'S SEED STORE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS for Clovers, Timothy, Grass Seeds U BULK GARDEN SEEDS Thurs., Fri., Sat. APRIL 9, 10, il TIGHT SHOES wlth ANNE GWYNNE and BRODERICK CRAWFORD ON SAME PROGRAM CADET GIRL wlth Carole Landis and George Montgomery Mon., Tues., Wed. APRIL 1-3, 14, 15 HoId Back The Dawn wlth Charles Boyer, Olivia de Havi- land and Paulette Goddard News and Cartoon Thurs., Fri., Sat. APRIL 16. 17. 18 SKYLARK with Collette Coldert and Ray Mllland also BORDER VIGILANTES wlth William Boyd as Hopalong Cassldy Mon., Tues., Wed. APRIL 20, 21, 22 HONKY TONK wlth Clark Gable and Lana Turner News Shorts Have you rénewed your sub- scription to The Statesman? YOUR CATTLE ARE HERE YOUR GRASS S COMING COME TO ERN WERRY'S E N N1S KIL LE N SATURDAY, APRIL llth at 1 o'clock Ted Jackson wlll seli you 100 stocker cattle, top quallty, ex- cellent condition for grass. Don't let your back filelds run to weeds-pasture them. Nýý =1 ' Phone 577 Bowmanville FREE DELIVERY TERMS CASH

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