THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1942 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball, Toronto, was at his cottage "Harris Lodge." Miss Ma-jory Down, Ebenezer, visited at Mr. Irvin Allin's, Third Line. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb, Hampton, visited their Newcastle properties. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Campbell, Toronto, were visitors at Mr. J. T. Brown's. Vance Sutton, R.C.A.F., and his sister, Colborne, were visitors at Miss B. McIntosh's. Alfred Adair, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adair, was home from Quebec. Major H. W. Dudley visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hunter and Miss Gertrude Irish, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hunter and daughter are now settled at "Belmont." Alfred G r a h a m's farm. Miss Taylor, Upper Canada Tract Society, was guest of Mrs. H. E. Hancock while canvassing in the village. Mrs. J. A. Awde has taken a position in Oshawa. Miss Almeda Couch. R.N.. is occupying the house for the present. Mr. A. Claus, Oshawa, and Miss Hazel Trull. Oshawa General Hospital, called on Misses Patricia and Margaret Pearce, Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer Hogg (nee Doro- thy Rickard), on the bith of a son. Douglas Spencer, at St. Mary's hospital, Leaside, on April loth. The infant son is the first grandchild of Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., Newcastle. A popular event was the Red Cross dance and bridge in the community hall on Friday even- ing, when there were about 300 present. Russ Creighton's orches- tra provided the music for round dancing. Those who didn't care to dance played bridge in a sep- arate room. Ladies served light refreshments. W.M.S. Thankoffering W. M. S. Easter Thankoffering of United Church was held April 6th, with President Mrs. Norman Allin presiding. Orono and New- tonville Auxilianies were guests. Rev. Morton led in prayer; scrip- ture reading by Miss Robinson; and prayers by Mrs. Norman Rickard and Mrs. Norman Alun. A deeply devotional note was added to the meeting through a duet "Ivory Palaces" sung by Mrs. Kenneth Werry and Mrs. Armstrong, Bowmanville. T h e guest speaker, Mrs. W. Adams, Oshawa, was introduced by Mrs. Walter Rickard. Mrs. Adams gave a most sincere and inspiring ad- dress on the theme "Love," hing- ing on anti-orientalism and anti- semitism. She urged us to live the word "love" every day and all day in our lives and giving as her belief that if we had lived it as we should, we might have had a world brotherhood around the four seas, instead of the strife of today. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Adams for her ex- cellent address by Mrs. Norman Rickard and Mrs. Howard Allin. SPRINGTIME AT MEADOW- LARK FARM An Evening In April Garnet Baker Rickard works in his seed-cleaning plant at Mea. dowlark Farm, home of his pater nial ancestors, day and night, separating trash and impurities from the grain and grass and dover seeds of farmers fronm miles arbund, so that they migh have only the very best seed for thein spring sowing. Mns. Rick- ard, doing an extra bit in this wa of separation of persons fron their usual pursuits, goes to, e turns fnom and teaches eacl school day at No. 9 school in an adjoining section. So, with thE tboughtaof bringing a little morE variety into their busy way of living. and having in mind alsc that the young couole have buil and nearly completed a new house on a flat and at presen unadorned niece of ground, a sec tion of their relatives conspire 'a I *,1 t e d to visit them on Saturday evening to further promote their spring- time ambitions. In keeping with the general idea of the character of April, this visitation developed into a show- er, a Shrub Shower. The word, shrub, may be and was on this occasion interpreted to .compre- hend anything that might be planted or grown in a garden, either for ornarmental or utility purposes. This shower rained pot- ted plants, a rose bush, roots of perennials, packages of seeds, bulbs for spring planting as well as actual floweriqng shrubs. A big sparkling "drop" in the shower was a seed catalogue with some seed packages and an original treatise by A. L. Baker of The Statesman staff. Annabelle, that's Mrs. Rickard, read aloud prelimi- nary portions of this treatise for the edification of all present, but reserved the conclusion for a more leisurely perusal at some future time. Among those honoring Mr. and Mrs. Rickard on this occasion were members of the W. T. Baker, John Baker. Maurice Baker fam- ilies. Solina; Mrs. L. C. Snowden family, Maple Grove; R. C. Pearce family, Ebenezer; Mark Turner family, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Flint, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Shaw's; members of the Jno. Hendny and Robt. Hen- dry families, Lake Shore, and Mrs. W. H. Pearce and H. R. Pearce families, Newcastle. The proprietor of "Meadowlark" and its mistress, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Mr. Stanley and Mr. Brenton Rickard, Miss Jean Bona- than and Miss Marion Rickard rounded out the circle. The proceedings were not of a formal nature; but by virtue of her special qualifications Mrs. L. C. Snowden was requested to take the chair for an appropriate programme. After she had tapped the pools of inspiration and start- ed the theme waters flowing she called on others from whose lips there flowed for half an hour an exciting and refreshing stream of eulogy of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Rickard and their separate and combined attributes. Those ex- pressing their kindly thoughts in this liquid flow of words and ohrases were: Kyle Squair, Jno. Hendny. Mns. W. J. S. Rickard, John Baker, Ross Pearce, Mrs. Jno. Hendry, W. J. S. Rickard. Mrs. R. C. Pearce contributed some readings and the ladies in eeneral served ref r e s h m e n t s. There was also some lively springtimesinging with Stanley Rickard, Miss Margaret Pearce and Miss Kathleen Baker taking turns at the piano. Sunday rorn- ing was approaching and for an. nu revoir number Miss Louise Pearce caroled a vernal song with Stanley Rickand accompanying. For Rent FOR RENT - THREE UNFUR- nished rooms. Apply Box 65, Statesman Office. 16-1* TO RENT - PASTURE FOR 15 head of cattle, dehorned. Phone Bowmanville 2208. 16-1 ROOMS TO RENT - CORNER Queen and Liberty Sts., opp.1 Hospital. 16-1* FOR RENT - 1'24 ACRES COW pasture on Liberty Street north. Wili make good potato patch and vegetable garde on shares. Phone Bowmanville 538. 16-1 FOR SALE OR RENT-10 ROOM house, Kingston highway ten miles east. Apply Box 67, c o Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 16-1 FOR RENT - APARTMENT IN Victor Manor Apts., Bowman- ville. Possession May 1. Phone Oshawa, day 1062, night 1441J. 16-1 FOR RENT-4 ROOMED HEAT- ed apartment in Cowan Block. All modern conveniences. Also 3 roomed apartment. Possession May lst. Apply Mrs. P. Cowan, phone 870. 15-tf FOR RENT -5 ROOMED BUN- galow, comparatively recently built, on County Highway 1' miles north of Caesarea, good garden and well. Also 2 cot- tages on Lake Scugog, one fur- nished, one unfurnished. Apply W. G. B o w 1 e s, Blackstock, phone Port Perry 192r11. 16-1* I would like to thank all those who wrote me in answer to my "House to Rent on Duke St." It was impossible to answer all let- ters I received so many - but I am keeping your letters and you might hear from me again later on. Those who would like to rent this house and would keep same in repair (I furnish material) and would consider buying please write me again. S. H. McNeill, Smiths Falls, Ont. 16-1* Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-LOT ON LIBERTY St. North, about 100 x 200 feet. Phone 538 Bowmanville, or, write P. O. Box 271. 16-1 REAL ESTATE. - FARM FOR sale, rent, shares or will rent by the field. Also good pasture land for rent. Apply Mrs. E. Strutt Tyrone, phone 2504.1 16-1 FOR SALE - SOLID B R I C K house on Centre St., Bowman- ville. Must be sold to close an estate and will be sold cheap for cash. Apply A. E. Bellman, King St. West, phone 526. 13-tf Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap tires, any size. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Call 467. 2-1tf BIRT HS LUKE - At Bowmanville Hospi- talon Sunday, April 5th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke (nec Velma Bradley), the gift of a son, Ronald Earl. 16-1* PERFECT-On April 4th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Perfect of Trenton, a daughter, Barbara Joan. 16-1* OSBORNE-In Bowmanville Hos- pital on Monday, April 6, 1942, f0 Mn. and Mns. Everett V. Os- borne (nee Violet White) the gift of a son (William "Billy' Everett). 16-1*' MARRIAGE WILSON-MOLLON-In Toron- to, on April 4th, 1942, Beatrice Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mollon, Toronto, and William Ellwood Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wilson, Toronto. 16-1* DEATHS GALBRAITH - At the residence of his sister-in-law, Mrs. P. J. Goulding, 3238 Karnes Boule- vard, Kansas City, Missouri, U. S.A., April 10th, Malcolm Gal- braith of Kalamazoo, Michigan, beloved husband of Margaret Patricia Flanagan and eder son- of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Keith Galbraith of Bowman- ville, Ont. LUXON-In Clarke, on April 8th, 1942, Eber W. Luxon, in his 59th year. McGILL-In Enniskillen, on Ap- ril 14th, 1942, Sarah Maud Mc- Gill, widow of the late Thomas McGill, aged 71 years. Funeral from United Church, Ennislkillen, Friday, April 17th, at 2.30 p.m. Burial Hampton Cemetery. MORRISON-April 7th, 1942, at the residence,1116 yt Ave. W., Calgary, Aita., Mary Jane (Minnie), beloved wife of Wil- liam G. Morrison, Calgary, and sister of Mrs. C. G. McCluskey of New York City, and William F. Rogers, Calgary. Rev. E. M. Cadigan officiated at services at Scarboro Avenue United Church, Thursday afternoon. Cremation, Calgary Cremator- ium. POPE-On Good Friday, April 3, 1942, at ber home, 427 Crawford Street, Toronto, Margaret Jane, wife of the late William Pope (late of Orono), mother of Ber- tha (Mrs. George Russell), and Fred, Detroit; Mrs. Ann Camp- lin, Mrs. Greta Webb, Mrs. Dor- is Corson,-Frank, Horton and George, Toronto, in her 80th year. Inteiment Newcastle. RAGEN, Henry Joseph - At his late residence, 46 Buckingham Avenue, Toronto, on Tuesday, April, 1942, Henry Joseph Ragen, beloved husband of Al- ma Douglas, and loving father of Mrs. E. A. Wilkinson (Doro- thy) and Audrey, in his 57th yean. Resting at the above address until Friday 11 a.m., thence at the Truli Funerai Home, 2704 Yonge Street, for service in tbe chapel Friday 3 p.m. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. SIMPSON-In Whitby, on April 12th, 1942, William James Simp- son, belovedahusband ofaAnnie Jane Blair, aged 71 years. In- ferment Ebenezer Cemeteny. ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is' not paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10c per line for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. IN MEMORIAM BRUCE-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ro- bert James Bruce, who passed away April 19th, 1938. Memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, it's true, Years that come cannot sever Our remembrance of you. -Lovingly remembered by his wife and daughters, Mae and Erma. 16-1* BULLIED-In loving memory of my parents, R. E. Bullied who died April 19th, 1939, and Fran- ces Ann Bullied who died June 6th, 1922. Their memory is as dear today As inthe hour they passed away. -Daughter Gertrude. 16-1 CORY-In ever loving memory of William James Cory, beloved husband of Maude Cory, who passed to rest at Oshawa, at the Eastertide of 1927, on April 14. Deep in my heart is a picture Of a loved one laid to rest; In memory's frame I shall keep it, Because he was one of the best. -Fondly remembered by his Wife. E 16-1* KILPATRICK-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ernest Joseph (Joe) Kilpatrick, who passed away April 18th, 1936. All his toils and conflicts o'er, Lo, he dwells with Christ above, Oh, what glories he's discovered In the Saviour whom he loved. -Lovingly remembered by his wife and daughter Helen. 16-1* KILPATRICK-In loving memory of our dear !on, Ernest Joseph Kilpatrick (Joe), who. passed away April 18th, 1936. In our chest of cherished me- mories We've locked up thoughts of you, Your smiling face, your tender love, And the many things you used to do. And now and then, when we are alone, We open up this chest, And spend a while just think- ing of you, Because you were one of the best. -Sadly missed by Mum, Dad, Brothers Arthur Harry, Will, and Sisters Garland and Sylvia. 16-1* SCOTT - Love's tribute of re- membrance to our dear father and mother, James Scott and Elizabeth Orr Scott, who passed away at the Eastentide of 1919 and 1922, Apil 2lst and Apil 18th. Cards of Thanks Livestock and Articles The Girl Guides wish to thank those who have sent in fat. Please keep up the good work. We have a very large container to fill, and will get 7 cents a lb. for it. If you have some for us, telephone Mrs. Percy Cowan 870, Mrs. J. H. Jury 752. any Monday morning be- tween 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., and notice will be sent the Guide for that street, to get it. 16-1* ENGAGEMENT Rev. H. W. and Mrs. Foley, Bowmanville, announce the en- gagement of their daughter Laura Lillian, R.N., to Angus MacMil- lan, M.D.C.M., son of Mrs. Angus A. MacMillan and the late A. A. MacMillan, Ottawa. The marriage to take place early in May. 16-1* Work Wanted TEAM HORSE WORK DONE - See Mr. F. Webber or phone 574. 16-1* Chicks for Sale FOR QUICK SALE - 2 AND 3 1 weeks old, healthy, Rock cock- erels, also started pullets.cAp- ply Alvin Clemens. 14-tf CHICKS FOR SAJLE - BABY Chicks, White Leghorns and Rocks. Blood tested flock. R.O.P. sired. Apply Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 9-tf CHICKS FOR SALE - BARRED Rocks and White Leghorn chicks from Government band- ed and blood-tested stock. Or- der now and get your chicks when you want them. We have on hand a limited quantity of started rock cockerels. For dates and prices write or phone, H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville, Ont., phone 2636. 13-tf FOR SALE-9 PIGS, 6 WEEKS old. Apply H. Woodhams, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 15-2* FOR SALE-2 HOLSTEIN HEIF- ers, due in Iay. Phone 2150. 16-1 FOR SALE - 2 COLLIE PUPS, excellent cattle dogs. Phone Bowmanville 2192. 16-1 FOR SALE -GOOD RELIABLE mare, about 1300 lbs. Leslie Thompson, Bowmanville R. R. 5. Phone 2302. 16-1* FOR SALE - JERSEY COW, 5 years old, calved 2 months ago. Apply F. W. Ayling, Maple Grove. 16-1 FOR SALE-ThREE HOLSTEIN bulls ready for service at Wal- ter Lawrence's, / mile west of Brooklin. 16-1* FOR SALE -PAIR OF 3 YEAR old colts or registered brood mare - or may exchange for cattle or pigs. Isaac Hardy, Solina, phone 2184. 16-1* FOR SALE - ONE GENERAL purpose filly, rising 5 years, broken single or double; also gelding Clyde rising 5 years, broken double. N. R. Andrews, Orono, phone 1513. 16-1* FOR SALE-A CHOICE YORK- shire boar, six months old, sired by Shady Lawn Quaestor 81T- 209810, a real stock geter; also some good mixed hay. Phone 2406, Bowmanville. 16-1* FOR SALE - FOUR YOUNG work horses, child's pony, reg- istered Jersey cow, and real good western stock saddle. Ap- ply at stables, Wilson Rd. and Athol St., Oshawa. 16-1* Radio Repairs RADIO REPAIR - ALL WORK guaranteed. Roy Neads, Centre Street, phone 546. 15-2*1 Help Wanted WANTED - GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework, three adults, two children. Apply Box 499, BoWvmanville. 16-2 HELP WANTED-WOMAN FOR general housework 2 half days a week. Apply Mrs. W. H. Birks, phone 837. 16-2 HELP WANTED - GOOD CAP- able girl with expérience for general housework. Housekeep- er preferred. Good salary. Ap- ply Mrs. C. T. Ross, phone 589. HELP WANTED - EXPERIENC- ed farm hand, married or sin- gle. Separate house and garden for married man. Good wages paid. Prescott Bros., Enniskil- len, phone 2151. 16-1 ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED room supplied free to refined business girl in return for her companionship to two ladies. Ready about May 1. Address Box 63, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 16-2 W A N T E D IMMEDIATELY - Clean, kind, motherlywoman to board and roomn two girls, 7 and 2 years old, in your own. home where kindness is shown. $27.00 monthly for the two. Write Box 68, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 16-1 MAN OR WOMAN WANTED - For Established Watkins Route, steady customers, must be hon- est and reliable. Have car or means of getting one. No capi- tal or experience required, no restrictions with Watkins due to millions invested in raw ma- terials to protect dealers and customers. Write, The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-B-9, Montreal, Que. 16-3 MEN WANTED-SELL 200 NEC- essities, domestic, kitchen, and farm products to a well-estab- lished clientele in the neighbor- hood where you live. Protected territory. Reputed s u p e r i o r quality and quantity. Work, ambition, knowledge of pro- ducts, honesty assure success. No risk. Try selling direct to customers and profit by free training. Products not sold re- turnable. Ask for folder illus- trating products in natural colors, plan and information without obligation. F a m i i e x Products, 570 St. Clement, Mon- treal. 16-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED - 100 ACRE RANCH to rent, well fenced, having good grass and plenty of water. Give full particulars to Box 64, The Canadian Statesman, Bow- inanville. 16-21 AUCTION SALES Giving up farming - Auction Sale, no reserve. Horses, renewed cows, and springers. 3 months' credit on approved joint notes at 7% per annum. Pigs, hay, calves, implements, ahl small articles cash. Will sellaany parcel of land from 10 acres to 400 acres. WilI rent or let on shares landthat is ready for crop. Ted Jackson, auctioneer; Ivan Law, clerk. F. J. Clemens, Lot 7, Con. 3, East Whitby. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp Friday, April 17th, 1942. 16-1* Public Auction for the Com- munity on Satunday, Apnil 25th, will be held in village of Ennis- lien. Here's a chance for you to ut your unneeded articles of any descriptionin this sale. You may ave something that your neigh- or needs and they may have something that you need. In other words any article that you bring you'l1 get every dollar it brings, except for a few cents commission. Anyone that has any article that they would like to sell bring it April 25th or get in touch with the committee: Theron Mountjoy, Walter Oke, Alvin Boyd. Clifford Pethick, auction- eer. A complete list of articles will appear in next week's States- man. 16-1 AUCTION SALE LIVESTOCK PROPERTY E. A.WERRY ENNISKILLEN Sat. April 18 THE FOLLOWING: 6 HORSES 100 CATTLE exceptionally well bred and In good flesh 7 PIGS 10SHOATS 10 SUCKERS 50 bags Irish Cobbler Sed Potatos Set Team nHarness Free delivery on cattle Terms Cash. Sale 1.30 p.m. TED JACKSON, AUCTIONEER Articles For Sale FOR SALE-VENETIAN BLINDS steel or wood slat, at lowest cost. Northcutt & Smith. 13-4* FOR SALE - KNITTING MA- chine, new. Apply Mrs. F. Web- ber, King St. E. Phone 574. 16-1* FOR SALE '-'1928 CHEVROLET, also 1929 Chevrolet with 1942 license plates. Phone Bowman- ville 617. 16-1 FOR SALE - MOFFAT ELEC- tric stove, in good condition. Phone 2113. 16-1* FOR SALE-1927 CHEV. SEDAN in good running order, $50 cash. Apply Ivan Brown, R. R. 1, Ty- rone. 16-1* FOR SALE -LARGE SIZE cream separator in Ai condi- tion. Apply E. E. Jones, R. R. 1, Clarke, phone Clarke 15-04. 15-2* FOR SALE - COMPLETE SET of 20 volumes Book of Know- ledge for less than one-third original cost. Phone 2240. 16-2 FOR SALE-FORD SEDAN 1932, new tires, battery and paint, clean throughout and in good running condition. Reasonable. Apply Anderson's Drug Store, Newcastle. 16-1* FOR SALE - CREAM ENAMEL! Hostess refrigerator in excel- lent condition, must be sold by Saturday. Apply Mrs. A. Mor- ton, corner Ontario and Church Streets, Bowmanville. 16-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLBY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - DRAFTED-MUST dispose of my piano, recently purchased-and clear. No rea- sonable offer refused, prefer cash or short accommodation. Private. Apply Box 66, States- man Office. 16-1* WARNING - DON'T BE LATE in having your tires vulcanized and repaired Do it now while the material lasts. We have a large stock of reconditioned tires and tubes for sale. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, one block west of Post Office. 10-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in m dern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Feed and Seed SEED GRAIN CAUTION: According to a visi- tor who claimed to be an official inspector, we are advised that no grain may be advertised as "seed" unless stating grade and number. Therefore the undernoted ads are subject to thatspecification, and sellers and buyers are so ad- vised.-Ed. FOR SALE - RECLEANED Oats. Apply T y r o n e Mills, phone 2305. 16-1 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - A quantity of tnixed grain suit- able for seed. Apply to F. E. Cox, phone 2488. 16-1 FOR SALE - ERBAN OATS, Registered No. 2. Apply Taylor & Hall, R. R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2402. 15-3 SEED FOR SALE-VANGUARD seed oats, pure and clean. Ap- ply E. E. Staples, Enniskillen, phone 2579. 16-1 SEED FOR SALE - VICTORY Oats, 2-rowed Barley, Sweet Clover Seed (White Blossom). W. Leask, Taunton, phone Osh- awa 1652W11. 13-4* FOR SALE - COBBLER POTA- toes grown from certified seed, also a few bags Warba potatoes. Phone 2467, F. W. Battle, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. 16-1 SEED BARLEY FOR SALE - Two rowed Sparton No-barb Barley $1.00 a bu. W. R. Rob- bins, Hampton, phone 1648W3 Oshawa. 16-2- FERTILIZER - FOR PROMPT delivery on fertilizers phone your Agricultural Chemical Co. agent, F. E. Morrill, Bowman- ville 2456. 16-2 FOR SALE-CHOICE GLADIO- lus bulbs, lc each; Massey mower, good condition, $10.00; mow of corn $5.00. C. J. Mit- chell, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1914. 16-1* Business Service FURS-FOR THE SAFEST AND most up-to-date fur storage, store your coat at Hudson Fur Company, Toronto. Repairing and altering at factory prices. Phone Evlyn Shop (594), Bow- manville, for pick-up. 16-4 USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We also carry new goods. We are carrying a large stock of suits, Fall and Winter coats, pants, windbreakers, etc. A call will convince you. Don't miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 10-tf Citizens are being handed slips by enumerators which qualifies holder to vote on the coming plebiscite. Wilson's Furniture Co. Floor Covering Bargains Better selection . . . Our prices are lower than catalogue prices. Congoleums, Inlaids, 4 yd. Lino- leums, Feltols, Rugs. Bring your measurements. Our experts wilI gladly help you with your floor covering problems. Several Wonderful Bargains $1.49 Borderless Rugs size 9'x6'. $2.49 Bordered Congoleum Rugs, 9 X 3. $5.95 Occasional Chairs Uphol- stered. $6.95 Baby Folding Go-carts. $5.85 Felt Mattressês, good quality. $11.95 Lovely Spring Filled Mat- tresses. $27.50 Studio Couches, spring filled. $39.50 Breakfast Suites, modern, smart. $49.50 Bedroom Suite, waterfall, new. $59.00 Chesterfield Suite, special- ly priced. Visit our large Trade-in Dept. Wilson's Furniture Co. . "Everything for the Home" 40 King St. West 20 Church St. OSHAWA 12- ST EWART'S SEED STORE Wanted To Buy WANTED - LADY'S BICYCLE. Phone 2485. 16-1 SILO AND CATTLE WANTED- Silo in good condition; young Hereford bull, 40 stockers over 600 lbs. each, also 12 cows and day old calves. Phone 2818. 15-2 Miscellaneous READINGS - MRS. BRANTON, Oshawa, will -be in Bowman- ville on Thursday, April 23rd. For appointment phone 2692. 16-1 Lost L O S T - INGERSOLL BOY'S wrist watch lost in town on Sunday, March 29th. Reward if returned to Ronald Cole, Pros- pect Street, Bowmanville. 16-1 Notice to Creditors All persons having any claim against the Estate of the late Charles Frederick Corden, who died on or about the 4th day of April, 1942, at the Town of Bow- manville, in the County of Dur- ham, are required to file the same with proof thereof wîth the un- dersigned Executors, or their Solicitor, not later than May lst, 1942, after which date the Estate will be distributed and all claims of which the Executors have not received notice will be barred as against them. Dated at Bowmanville this 9th day of April, 1942. GEORGE A. CORDEN, Bowmanville. Ont. OSWALD WRAGG, Clarke, Ont. Executors, By M. G.'V. GOULD, Bowmanville, Ontario, Thein Solicitor. 16-2 BULK GARDEN SEEDS You get more and better seed for your money when you buy Stewart's Govt. Tested Bulk Garden Seeds. VEGETABLE SEEDS (Al the best varieties to choose from.) CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES DUTCH SET ONIONS MULTIPLIERS FLOWER SEEDS GLADIOLI BULBS GARDEN FERTILIZERS Phone 577,N BOWMANVILLE Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugles,ç Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanville Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. SAVE your Elizabeth Arden Containers Elizabeth Arden, in her desire to help conserve materials urgently needed for Canada's war industries, requests that empty Arden glass containers and jars e returned. A nominal refund will be made wherever Elizabeth ArdéI preparations are sold. JURY & LOVELL BOWMANVILLE - C.N.R. TICKETS - PHONE 778 PAGE TEN W;! THEATRE BOWMANVILLE Thurs., Fri., Sat. APRIL 16. 17. 18 Double Feature SKYLARK with Claudette Colbert and Ray Milland also William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy in BORDER VIGILANTES March of Time Mon., Tues., Wed. APRIL 20, 21, 22 HONKY TONK with Clark Gable and Lana Turner News Shorts APRIL 23, 24, 25 "DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE" with Spencer Tracy Lana Turner SHORTS -if(lit tif REA Oa jý eWANTBADS Da' USE Dependable Headquarters for CLOVERS TIMOTHY GRASS SEEDS ROOTS HYBRID CORN etc., etc.