THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1942 lP1W AM1MA TArvMN.1 viWmANqvTT.T.1, fl'Tî 1V'liimT.TT'.W OR( VSocial ýnd7esial Phone 40r16 pJim Major was home. Mm. McKenna was home. Major K. Hall was la town. Wiifmed Froste writes be is still ln Ieland. Mms. Forbes was taken to the hospital. Mrs. H. Walsh visited la To- ronto. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Peter- boro, visited at W. J. Riddell's. Mm. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, was la town Suaday. Miss Margaret Milîson, Toronto, was home. Mrs. James Middleton visited in Oshawa. Mrs. M. Linton bas been on the sick iist. Be ready for the Scouts' sal- vage collection Saturday. The fiemen were called out to check a bonfire last week. Mm. and Mrs. C. Miller have returned !rom the soutb. Miss F. Dickson vlsited la To- ronto. Congratulations to T. W. Jack- son on attainiag another mile. stone on April 14th. Rev. S. Littlewood preaclicu Suaday morniag at Columbus and Sunday afteraoon at Kedron. Scouts met with 24 preseat. Ai instructive talk on "Prepared- ness" was given by Scoutmaster J. J. Mellor. I'VE GOT A LITTLE LIST YOU BET you've got a "littie list." And at the top of it, of course, are al the dairy products you need. And what 's more, you're going to be sure flot to forget any of them. MILK fBUTTER EGOS CHEESE CREAM Bowmanville Dairy PHONE 446 Banish Confusion!1 Vote Yes!- Caniadiani voters were flot even.aware that "coniscription" was an issue. Scores of Ail across the country at the moment wil -M.P. 's ijever mentioncd it as an issue. But it be fomîid politicians vieilg with cach other swung the balance of powerï in Qucbec and iii li hef " oe v"othe tolin renih ntehe mh shouing 'voe YE" u th plhiscte ias now becomie a niîllstone, a moral corpse, D N E ) NEWS wich is called for April 27, 1942, whili is 1 if you will, allegedk hampering the free- on Mondas-. Because this is the ]ast issue of dom of action of those who could îlot sec TheSttesanbefrevotng w urgejon arwfulss o the futuplre to romie thl) Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Peterboro, DIM AND DISTANT PRIVATE TO GENERAL inte Nutai h lou'i- n i- wuleso ul rouspoiewocp visited hier Parents, Mr. and Mrs. tYSvt.Oresosaettdnie- S. E. Allen. HAPPENINGS aYSvt.OrraoL r ttdiisv ucvtsadpwr o ecnsch- L. oda -eig eral paragraphs on1 this page. Now 'let 115 politicians cudanger hîunin lives a.nd the O. . mt Mndy eenigstate the fundamentals. During the last Do- state itself. Lnch was served. April 22, 1926 iiineeto ~'it sevmal isiors reset. Fom he Oono ews ! Git l)oth the 01(1 hue parties, It happeuied ail across Europe. After Diin- Several from here attended the E. J. Hamm, on the former Tory and Gitproinised an inifreteec- kirk we had the word of ouir leader that "we Stewardship meeting in Oshawa Hughson famm, is replacing the tre hre h ltb.nocosciptonfo tortethreaoud e o onsritin or are less anxious now" but ail the while Mnaten ing. la pr old homestead dwelling with a overseas. They w-ere echoed by other p011ti the present jack-pot we are now in w-as MarinLito hs urhased fine large two-storey cement ual demagogues. The simple fact is that they sol n ueydvlpn.Tetîcla the Win. Martyn house into which block residence. F. J. Hall is0 1 the Hall family moved. building the cement wall, and W. were aill gin a play for Quebec votes corne to face realities. ie government at Mms. James Eagleson spent a J. Martin the carpenter work. i-~ îid the votes of those whio did flot want last so recognizes just that and(lwc are pi-e- ýe few days at Mrs. F. J. Brima- DelegatEs to Cobourg Presby- ait "all-out" war effort. It w-as purely po- sne îhapcict.P1tcaî.o i combe's. terial of W.M.S. were: Mrs. Tuc- sneIwthapltict. citaias o i Did you sec O0. W. Rolph and ker, Mrs. John Green, Mrs. R. icatrkeyprisnlungTr B k' R. C. Rosborough riding bicycles Sherwin, Miss Mabel Dv n R-tricker paknieKngwartesaiulung ths«epfiîn n ' (o uîists last week? Good idea for saving Miss Dorothy Rowe. MsDavynRitHooabeMceie ig o ar tda onhesepafrî.suig MissDavyout because lis w'hole backgmouiud liad eari- "VOTE YES" and they are doing it be- gas was elected Associate Helpers' cdfrhmtetuto 1epefoncatt auei sgo oiia uies re 'i A number from here attended Secretary for the Bay o! Quinte. e and pa te rusaltho ee trtof French caseut at the nxt letion: "sies.-c support- the funemal Monday o! Mms. At the Orono Women's Insti- toast adpriual h rs fWrnh sota h'ete e i- e i e, w sppot- Quantrill o! Kendal. Interment tute meeting Mrs. D. Robb gave (anadians. He won their support and lie ed the pleh)iscite. -eae tsens tl was in Newtonville cemetery. a splendid address on Religious "-as retumned to pow'er. -The great mass of playing polities. n L.A.C. Roht. Keane and L.A.C. Instruction in the schools o! John Keane visited at home. Con- Canada. Having had ten years Sgratulations, John, on your pro- experience in teaching where hiow dpatntistrigy mo W. Sothlasces suh einyctou d andmpl emo . rwnMalcolm Galbraith among the men and women of! Mtion . Sothl ucs-suec inucio sco mpuhndelor ry _______ ken Te feeling , towr imis ful sale and expects to leave to- subject. A paper on Recreation ( Continued tram page 1) mirabThel eeligumm ard by r. 2morrow. He will be missed in the was given by Mrs. Gilfillan, and Red Cross held a quilting at who have maintained the higb admial umrzdb r écommunity. instrumental music by Misses Mrs. R. Graham's. Next meeting traditions o! service and charac- Upjohn. Girl Guides enjoyed a hike Sat- Marion Green and Edra Best. at Mrs. H. Reichrath's April 29th. ter which bias brought distinction "While Mr. Glrihla ee -urday, having dinner by Sher- We lose one o! our old business Home and Scbooi Association and honor to tbemselves anid made it a point to popularize win's. A treasure hunt, games, heads who in March last had been met Tuesday evening. Associa- their beloved native town and himself," Dm. Upjohn. said, "it is >sing-song, etc., were enjoyed. in the barbering business here for t ion accepted the invitation to county. The Gazette says: a fact not fully known to the Syptyisetnedt-len3ierss.E Rcad bssl people of the city that the growth Sympthyis xtened c, lde 35 ear. J E.Richr'sbassot Lockhamt's. Miss Wylma Sticken en Route Home of the company during the past - aw and sister Florence on the his gl iebsns oWn Farrow and Mm. B. Morley are in Mlom Glrih 6 ie 0yasadmrfo h d sudden death on Saturday in To- godld mil inusnes tMlol Wmrih 6,c-2-ersadmoe ro h ronto o! their fathier, W. S. Haw.Rdel Wl in0 edt go charge o! the progmam. Mrs C.peiet n iecov!slso standpoint o! sales and distribu- ¶ The play "A Ghostly Eveni.,; to Red Lake to make a strike, lie Turner and Miss Wylma Farrow the Upjohn Company, died at 6 lion, has been due more to bis was peetdat KryFia iMm.,gthre r ihrsweecmitetopc oe o Friday morning, April lOth, at the genius than to that of any other n msetd iry ria bougbt the residence from M . Bill Clarke and Maynard, home o! his sister-in-law, Mms. one man. evening. Musical numbers, etc, Riddell formerly occupied and ,, R.C.A.S.C., England. Mm. E. A. P. J Goulding, in Kansas City. "thsbe u eln o completed a delightful evening's built by his uncle, Thos. Don- , ,Su mmers showed slides on Eu- He wlas taken lî towek aofhteaelangefrh rentertainment. caster. . rope and Sam Turner gave a read- on astaen i.l yers as a Mm ad rs H Bstan ____________ . ng. Mrs. H. Reichmatb had charge the talraih rou t o ot had few if any. superiors in the daughter have moved in with bis Mos Galbaithrom United States. He was possessed mthe are oned of contests. LCOTET aorGeerl .R.Perkvacation in Phoenix, Ariz. o! an extraordinary ability for ther. he wrntdr.os a ated by W..TU. EDL ONTST Ma or-Gnerl. R. Pesares, ý Visitors: Mrs. Tom Wilson in A suffemer from sciatica for a slsognztobsdo i Mms. C. Gay. b m n ee lre agtro m .. ... .. h tre sTweed. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Far- slsognztobsdo i Mm.andMrs W.R. oun, Dn- nMsH.A Clake, r onor a private in the last wam. rwadHzl m n number of years, Mr. Galbraith still more extraordinary gift for nie and Sylvia,.Mr. YMcnglan- and Mon. HRAClar , on o s ro ndJoan and MndMrs. J. had gone to Arizona botb to al- friendsbip and fellowshîp. PeerbordSv Ge rg eCrotberRiandonRcadsgrnd son o! C. JM.NOWMN' NTIUE Graham in Toronto. adM.lvaebscniin n sa "With tbe single possible ex-C PeerooMr.Gerg rothrRihadonan radsnofC.J OON OMN' M.ITT aid to a tbroat ailment Mms. Gal- ception o! Dr. William E. Upjohn, and Charles, Newcastle, weme Hughson, Orono, were declared_______________ braith bad contracted. Whilc in there neyer bias been another guests at Mr. Charles Wood's. winners o! silver medals at the Mms. L. J. Goodman, Tyrone, Phoenix hie suffered a mild at- man in this company wbo de- Mm. and Mrs. Russell Wilson W.C.T.U. medal contest held in District Président, was guest tako nlezad11s ti eoe s ayfinl ni and five children, Oshawa, Mm. Orono Friday evening. Mont's speaker at the Women's Institute Newtonvie btack o! inlueza cuand atii velpceds amaruy friesenyandi Wilbert Scott, West Guilford, and subject was "An Athlete's Atti- meeting on Friday, and gave an cond__beiveionduct ted a uofmulaivaces mongés s aeen and Mrs. W. K. Sloane, Peterboro, tude," while Helen spoke on interesting paper on "Our Insti- At the W.M.S. meeting Mms. j. acontion tatohersto!medialotferemoyees.ndHnead eg I visited O. W. Scott. "Alcobol.' Both contestants were tutes -Their Achievements and Lancaster presented another quilt Genius at Making Friends intimately the personalities and Several intercstcd citizens met traincd by Mrs. Howard Walsh, Possibilities." She dealt with both top. Clarence Mitchell donated Among bis friends at the Up- personal lives o! nearly ah o! the at R. C. Rosborough's Friday president o! the W.C.T.U. the gmoup and the individuals, $5.00 to the society in memomy o! john Company he was known as hundreds o! salesmen, young and evening regardîng A.R.P. work. Other contestants and their outlining !irst the achievements his mother. t was decided to hold a "prince o! good !ellowship," and old, in wbose sélection and tmaiq - Tbe police trustees will be ap- subjects were: Joyce Sutton, locally, the developing o! mem- a Tbankof!erîng Service May 3md. a genius for making and keeping ing bie had a part and wbose work proacbed and a public meeting "Write t Everywhere"; Kathleen bers' cbaacters and talents at Mrs. W. Jones had charge o! this friends as well as for expaading hie followed in the gmcatest de- oalled. Gamsby, "He Neyer Blamed the the meetings, courses and their pogram: Scriptume eading, Mrs. bis company's field o! operations. tail at ail times." Mrs. C. A. Stalaton and Kath- Booze"; Jean Turner, "That Ciga- resuits, war work accomplished C. Robinson; paper by Mms. Joncs Mm. Galbraith was bora in Bow- KindIy, Self-effacing myn, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Gar- ette"; Betty Chapman, "The by the members, etc. Next she from the study book, on "Here manvihie, Ontario, Canada, Oct. As bis fellow depatmnent heads net Towns and David, Cobourg, Dunkard's Lone Child"; Archie outlined the possibilities ln savîag Cornes the Canadians." 23rd, 1876. He completed bis for- tîe !terfinitmt Mm ad ms ome am adMcLaren, "The Boy's Mistake"; for victomy, taking an intemest in Jack McLachan, R.C.A.F., bias mal éducation with a Bachelor o! and iluminating détails o! bis Ruth, Enniskillen, visited at W. Victor Waraer, Aatiocb, "The governmental and school affairs, been trans!erred to St. Thomas. Pbarmacy degree fmom Ontario boundless interest in cvemyone bie J. Staiaton's. Beneficicat Reprobate"; Donald tmying to raise the standards O! Congratulations to Mr. and Mms. College o! Phammacy in the class met, as welî as bis sei!-effacing L.OL. degmec team exemplified White, "He Gave Up A Brewery tbe homes. Lastiy she synopsized Harold Barowclough upon the o! 1898, and then entered the drug kindness toward those wbo need- the work at Cobourg. No compe- Fortune"; Dick Wood, Aatioch, Solomon's idea o! a perfect W0- birth o! a baby son. business in that city. He had cd belp, !ollowcd one a!tcm the tition for the shield will be held "The Football Team." man, endiag with the sentence M.adMs rhrRdnpcm oteUie tts a ment teakintheveplace !terusal The judges weme Mrs. Fraser o! "and lber children ise up and rhr ek acm othienid tat bens wasother. mettin. C laeo te u lareUin .Coeadcalhmbesd" Avt fwere in Oshawa Saturday evea-nat l ,adhdbensr- "You couhd tell the minute lie compéitio. Clre.ioMrn o N andcasthe letastoMs. Gooan ofas îg. Mrs. W. Whittakem retumaed îng as manager o! the Kansas le!t bis office at the other end o! About thirty-five relatives and Rev. givi.aMotbno e cs lead givnsby Mrs. Goodmn. a ho me with them aftem spending City branch o! the H. K. Mulford the hall," said Dr. Upi*oha. "He'd friends gathemed at the home o! thelatrgvnthdéionnd ie bMs.0W.Rp. the wintem in Hamilton and To- Company o! Pfiiladelhia. start laugbing and greeting evemy- Mr. and Mms. Ephiamn White on awarding the medals to the win- 'Otber items or. the program, ronto. Came Here in 1909 one bie met with the uaassuming, April lSth to weicome back the ners. All ten contestants mecciv- which was under the direction o! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Late la 1909 he lc!t the Mul- bcarty friendlincss lie bubbled bride and groom, Mm. and Mrs. cd books. Mrs. E. J. Hamm, included two Howard Eliiott (nec Stellà Lit- ford company, and on Dec. lSt,. over witb ahi the time." John Tbompson. The eveaing was- Other items on the splendid papers, "How to Honour the tic) upon their marriage at New- 1909, lie joined the Upjobn or- "Ycs, and that tuneiess wbistlei spent in cards and social chat and programn, over which Rev. S. Lit- Flag" and "Canadianization" by tonville Parsonage Saturday by ganization. Jan. ist, 1910, the be kept up," addcd another, "bad coacludcd with a delicious lunch. tlewood presided, wcre two vocal Mrs. Hamm, and a vocal solo and Rev. J. McLachlan. new Kansas City branch o! the bal! the girls in the offices beme Owing to examinations, now solos by Mrs. E. Brown, piano several piano solos by -Mrs. Ev- SgamnLodMroMs aaao imwsoee ibcatnl odmn hti beiag ticd by most o! those ln solo by Glen Tamblyn, and vocal erett Brown. inlaLlyMotn isKlmzofr w pedwthcsaty wneigwa t the play the Orono Union was solo by Miss Stella Best. Accom- Announcemeats were made of Ruth Chambers, Belleville, Mr. Mm. Galbraith as manager. was. And you migbt look for bim getting up for the Presbytery paaists for the soloists were Mrs. the district annual at Tyrone and and Mrs. Arthur Hoskia, and Mm. Theme, according to Dr. L. N. in bis office. and then find hlm Drama contest, the idea o! com- R. H. Brown and Miss Audrey thé annuai meeting o! the local and Mrs. Allaa Morton aad fami- Upjoha, president o! the coin- sittiag on the steps out theme ueting bias been abandoned. t is Billings. society. ly, Cobourg, weme Sunday guests pany, bie introtluced tbe bigbly somewbeme witb bis amm around hoped. bowever, that after exams Whl h ugswr aig Ms .RcadoMs . H. at Mm. Robt. Morton's. personaiized and intensely bu- the shoulders of one o! the jani- 'beoly wllbegivn a Oon. he ther ifiitdge eeiskion, BMownandRicMrs .on, r eReman toucb into the sales organi- tors. isteaiag to bis troubles." wl ie, Clumbs, reac. h Mm. Lteoodgave a talkécon-,apownind aam inatiD g ommit- ezation lbe built up that bad not "We didn't know. and I doa't cd at Park St.Cmusci Suaday gra tltiag t ve .CT. on r- atene. ôint cmi-previously been an integral part believe people la tbe city kaew, eda akS.CuchSna rtltn teWCTU ncry- .1eeK o!the depatment's policy. So of the maay charitable tbiags be moring, deliveriag a very force- ing on this work for about 58 Mention was made also o! the r o e C ek sucsflw h mtdan diaohrsi.'H wsa fui sermon on the subtleness o! years, !oty o! which they have classes open to Institutes at the hscces!uls rbri mtbod wad did." aofthead ofewase the liquor interests. He aiso told had a medal coatest. He express- Oshawa Faim, but notbing was Cooked Creek Suaday Scbool so marked that lie was made sales Michirian Cbildrea's Aid Society, the cbildren a story illustrating cd the hope tbat these contests decided. bas re-opened for the temm witb manager for the Kansas City and "nd the society seat !lowers to ~enerosity. At the eveniag scr- would bave a good ef!ect on the Mms. R. C. Rosborougb and Mrs. these teachers and officers: Supt. Kalamazoo branches. bim hn Kansas City while bie was vice the pastor delivered a spien- contestants in later life. J. R. Cooper were'appointed to __Mrs. J. Ciysdale; Sec.-Treas.- Wbile la Kansas City bie mar- i11 there. Wc kaow lhe bclped out did sermon on "Can the Leopard Lunch and social baif-bour fol- designate for wbat the usuai $50 Miss Leoaa Clark; Bible Class ried Margaret Flanagan, tbe cere- witb the Salvation Army's work, Cbange bis Spots?" Mrs. Little- lowed the iateresting pogram. special prize for Durham Centrai teachem-Mms. J. W. Stringer; Jun- mony baving been per!ommed on and there are orobably a lot more "'ood and Maaley Littlewood rea- Exhibition sbould be awarded. iom Class-Mrs. G. Clark; Pimamy August 13, 1907. She, witb bis we don't kaow about. dercd a splendid duet. Lunch o! sandwiches, angel Class-Mrs. W. E. Reid; Pianists brother, Donald G. M. Galbraith,SaeGrwSady - At Sunday Scbool Sunday a!- cake with whipped ceamý and _Mrs. M. C. Kinney and Mrs. a barrister o! Toronto, are the Sles Gmucb to imstdl teraooa, Mrs. A. A. Drummond W.C.T.U. MEETING tea was served. Farrow. New pupils are gladly only close survivors. Mm. and tH t e w low c toitalkabtedi explained the artist's ideas la the M St a i welcomed any time. Mrs. Galbraith moved to Kalama- bhemstel f edo to alkbo ut o victume, "The Light o! the Wold" Mrs. M oitrehote, Visitors: g o hte o' A quartette o! Manley Littlewood, the W.C.T.U. members TuesdayLake ÏS1-.r , arke Mm.C.vFeHnhsonay-zoonec.i5, 926.La ctobroo Glen Tamblyn, Stella Best 'n afternoon on the occasion o! their ____ mond Hugbs, R.C.E., Camp Bor- 1929 hie was eiected to the board cwove' ntivronal neboumior aad ~~~~~dea, and Bob Hugbs, R.C.A.F., o! directors and named directortw b'dko evroesam Muriel Teanant*sang "Behold, He egular meeting. Mms. Littlewood Lake Shore H. & S. Association Trenton, witb Mrs. Hughs... Mm. o! sales, a new office created es- and he'd lie the friend o! every stands at tbe door and knocks" read the scrîpture. Roll caîl fol- met April 15th. t was decided to and Mms. A. Tubb and Shirley, pecially for him. He was made mnan bie met," said Dm. Upjoha. wbicb also bought out the idea lowed, and letters o! thanks were send $10.00 to Bm. War Victims' Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Sandy vice président o! the company la "Dr. W. E. Upioba was the man that onc's beart must be opened read by the secretamy. Report O! Funid and $19.00 to our local Red Moffat, Newcastle, Mm. A. Farrow May o! 1936. The Galbraith home wbo fimst recognized bis tremen- to Christ, since theme is no latch the medal contest was made by Cross. Balance o! money made at and Miss Cîysdaîe, Bowmaaville, is on Cîoveîîy drive, one o! thbe dous geaius f or organization. He on the outside. Mrs. Rainey, and floral and fruit dance is to be used for other war -witb Mrs. J. Clysdale. . . Gordon fimst o! the large homes to be visited the Kaasas City brancb, Ciien f h ilae eecommittee by Mrs. W. Seymour. work. Mrs. C. Brown had charge Clysdale witb bis mother. . . Mm. built la that section. with its record of steadily mount- Citieaso! he illge ereing sales, and found Mm. Gai- sorry to hear o! the death o! Wm.n. Next meeting at Mrs. Rainey's o! this program: Musical selec- and Mms. Turner at Mm. J. W. Abillty Wlns Praise braith sittiag at a desk piled with S. Haw, a former esident o! is election o! officers, witb nomi- tions by Mm. and Mrs. Charhie1 Stringer's. . . Reg. Falls witb bis Th esOLo a ngxcuacmltddéi.H' oot Ooao, who passed away suddea- aating committee o! Mrs. I. Win- Cowan, Cowanville; recitation by sister, Mrs. R. Farrow..-. Mm. and Tesaeo osaogeeu cuuae eal edg u ly in Toronto Satumday. Mm. Haw ter and Mms. R. Rainey.RusiPoelaoectpa MrHaod genM adMm tives o! the cumpany, as well as and seli the customer, bring the was bereaved o! bis wl!e about Ciippings on "Alcohol and was given by the youag people Of D. Ogden and Ruth, Miss Aileen ________________order ln, and then deliver it hlm- tbree-aad-a-bal! months ago. Sur- Wam" were read by Mrs. W. H. Port Granby, "A Ligltitnlatbe Ogden. Oshawa, Misses Marlon self. viving are one son Aiden o! To- Rowe, Miss F. Cobbledick, Mrs. Window." Newly elected officers and Gladys Ogden, Port Hope, at weli and family, and Miss Norma "His genius as a salesman was ronto and one daugliter Florence R. Raîney, Mrs. W. Seymour, Mrs. arc: President-Gordon Martin; Mm. Wilbur Ogden's. . . Mm. and Hallowell were in Port Hope. . . too apparent, Dr. Upjobn told (Mrs (Rv.)Simson, o Mon-r F. Kelly, Mms. R. Best and Mrs.r Vice Pes.-Mrs. C. Alldred; Sec- Mrs. Walter Clark, Dale,atM. m.ndMsL.T ae'adm,50bhidanofcma- out to tbese w o t us-be-aved m-B ob-e-dry C onve ors- W W. W or's. M . av erys. -L . M . S v and m en uro le rgn ati o f fiW ere apoi- day nght t r.) Haimypeen), ec.Emron Lnh a sreda-_ sot is-dn lakmeure"tavryad --en A Prt Hop-1 e. cbned r+liahat."1 I Harris and Elmer Fowlemr, bot-ho! » LUM. S. 'cow.-, JACK HUDSON, Orono; effect that funeral services are-to Orono. The surprised recipients R DO TTRDA H Messrs. Leland Milîson and Bud Mm. Ward hurt bis barld wben WILFRED RICHARDBONP be conductcd there at 8.30 Mon- *tbanked their friends for the love- R SO TT EDA H Caldwelh, Peterboro, visited e- putting the rack on the wagon 'otpo day morning at the Goulding ] y gifts. and !ollowing the sing- £ . L cently at Lanson Millson'st whicb requimed the service o! a Pnyol resideace, 3238 Karnes boulevard, *iag o! "Tbey are jolly good fel- ~ U I ~ E Lanson Milison and Floyd Mill- doctor. IF. L. BYAM, ÏTrne; and at 9 there will be aa obser- I low's the gathering dispersed son were in Toronto recently. Visitor: r. and Mrs.Lore or A. W. GLENNY, Newcastle vac at theî Redemptorist aaniversamy o! the happy couple. ed a position in Montreal. brook. .. Mm. and Mrs. Lew Hallo- -Kansas City cemetery. Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Publie - Etc. Law in ail its branches Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 arn. tô 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FLJNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equiprýent, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele. phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIEFFORD PETHICK Actioneer - Ennlsklllen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Fumniture Sales. Consult me for terms and dates. 50-tf ELMER WILBUR Hampton - Ontario Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date to: Bowmanville 2428 Veteriijary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarlan Church St. - Bowmanville ,Phone 843 29tf ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile enter- lainer, for your next entertalu- ment. ilustrated circular free. - Addresa - 1628b Crawford Street, Toronto> Eyesight Education- And Elfficiency C. Tuck Optemetrlst Eyesight Specsolist Disney Bldg. (opp. P-0.) Oshawa Phone 1516 Number 211 Many children may be consid- ered duil, being the very contra- diction to brightness, duil to a physical handicap, in many cases easily remedied. The value of good vision can neyer be over- estimated. Defective vision, one of the child's greatest handicaps- is often due to neglect. Memory is almost entirely a gallery of stored photographs made 1 y the eyes, therefore, much of our knowledge is gained by storing up facts made possible hy sight. It follows, therefore, that the greatest portion of the know- ledge gained by the child is through the eyes. If the eyes are defective, the child is very seri- ously handicapped both in the acquirement of knowledge and in *.gulara m, 40 Plila Laruam iR4,80 Pas (In the U.&mafor "Gao PUla") FULL STRENGTH Fr 'TREN GT T U L'... DEPENDABLEE IN THE AIRTIGHT WRAPPERRBLIGH THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE- ONTARIO PAGE NINE :0